def parsePinsField(a_string, full_pin_list, pin_group_dict): pin_list = expandToPins(re.sub("[\-\(\)]", "", a_string).split(), full_pin_list, pin_group_dict) # do we have any pins we're subtracting, i.e. -( aPin bPin....) if util.in_string(a_string, "-\("): p_string = re.sub("[\w\s]+-\(\s+", "", a_string) remove_pins = expandToPins(re.sub("\s+\)","", p_string.strip()).split(), full_pin_list, pin_group_dict) pin_list = list(set(pin_list) - set(remove_pins)) return pin_list
def getLevels(levels_file, spec_levels_groups, full_pin_list, pin_group_dict): """ Parse out levels objects, split into EQN and SPS sections for a dictionary :param levels_file: :param spec_levels_groups: :return: big levels dict, containing all info pertaining to equation sets, level sets, pins, etc.... """ f = util.FileUtils(levels_file, True) g = util.m_re(f.contents) g.grep(spec_levels_groups["topLevel"]) # with levels, the eqnset is broken down into two sets: Equation(EQN) and Spec(SPS) start_pts,stop_pts = util.find_blocks( g.m_groups, spec_levels_groups["startClause"], spec_levels_groups["stopClause"] ) ref_dict = {"EQN":{}, "SPS":{}} for start, stop in zip(start_pts, stop_pts): contents = g.allLines[int(float(g.coordinates[start])-1): int(float(g.coordinates[stop])-1)] if util.in_string(g.lines[start], "EQN"): level_key = "EQN" else: level_key = "SPS" level_dict = spec_levels_groups[level_key] b = util.m_re(contents) for remove_expr in level_dict["remove"]: b.sub(remove_expr,"") contents = util.remove_from_list(contents, "^\s*$") b = util.m_re(contents) b.grep(level_dict["topLevel"]) i_list = [int(float(a_num)-1) for a_num in b.coordinates] if len(i_list)>1: eqn_set_indices = [(a,b) for a,b in zip(i_list,i_list[1:]+[len(contents)])] else: eqn_set_indices = [(i_list[0], len(contents))] for (eq_start,eq_stop) in eqn_set_indices: eq_m ="^\s*EQNSET\s+(?P<eq_num>\d+)\s*\"?(?P<eq_name>[\w\s\-\.]+)?\"?", contents[eq_start]) eq_num, eq_name = -99, "" try: eq_dict = eq_m.groupdict() eq_num, eq_name = int(eq_dict["eq_num"]), eq_dict["eq_name"] except KeyError, e: if eq_num == -99: print "Uh Oh, we should always have an EQNSET number\n{0}".format(e) print "\n{0}".format(contents[eq_start]) raise else: pass # may not always have an equation set name ref_dict[level_key][eq_num] = {"eq_name": eq_name, "sub_sections":[]} if level_key == "EQN": _getLevelEqnSet( ref_dict[level_key][eq_num], contents, eq_start, eq_stop, level_dict, full_pin_list, pin_group_dict ) elif level_key == "SPS": _getLevelSpsSet(ref_dict[level_key][eq_num], contents, eq_start, eq_stop, level_dict)
def parsePinsField(a_string, full_pin_list, pin_group_dict): pin_list = expandToPins( re.sub("[\-\(\)]", "", a_string).split(), full_pin_list, pin_group_dict) # do we have any pins we're subtracting, i.e. -( aPin bPin....) if util.in_string(a_string, "-\("): p_string = re.sub("[\w\s]+-\(\s+", "", a_string) remove_pins = expandToPins( re.sub("\s+\)", "", p_string.strip()).split(), full_pin_list, pin_group_dict) pin_list = list(set(pin_list) - set(remove_pins)) return pin_list
def determineSetups(testflow_file): """ get levels and timing file reference(s) from setups in testflow file :param testflow_file""" # testflow section fields tfSectionFields = [ "information", "declarations", "implicit_declarations", "flags", "testmethodparameters", "testmethodlimits", "testmethods", "test_suites", "bin_disconnect", "test_flow", "binning", "context", "hardware_bin_descriptions" ] contextDirDict = { "context_config_file": "configuration", "context_levels_file": "levels", "context_timing_file": "timing", "context_vector_file": "vectors", "context_analog_control_file": "analog_control", "context_routing_file": "routing", "context_testtable_file": "testtable", "context_channel_attrib_file": "ch_attributes" } testflowPath = os.path.dirname(testflow_file) devicePath = testflowPath.rpartition(os.path.sep)[0] f = util.FileUtils(testflow_file, True) setupIndex = util.find_index(f.contents, "^\s*setup\s*:\s*[\.\\/\w]+") setupsDict = {} if setupIndex > -1: setupFn = os.path.join(testflowPath, f.contents[setupIndex].split(":")[-1].strip()) f = util.FileUtils(setupFn, True) startPt = util.find_index(f.contents, "^\s*context\\b") stopPt = startPt + util.find_index(f.contents[startPt:], "^\s*end\\b") chkList = [ ",".join([aWord.strip() for aWord in aRow.strip().split("=") ]).replace(";", "").replace('"', '') for aRow in f.contents[startPt:stopPt] if util.in_string(aRow, "=") ] setupsDict = dict([tuple(aRow.split(",")) for aRow in chkList]) for k, v in setupsDict.iteritems(): setupsDict[k] = os.path.join(devicePath, contextDirDict[k], v) return setupsDict
if m: aDict = m.groupdict() if not binMapDict.has_key(aDict["name"]): binMapDict[aDict["name"]] = {"bin": int(aDict["bin"])} # get lookup table for v93k test table and bin names f = util.FileUtils("/home/jacob/Projects/q55xx/v93kLookUpTable.csv", True) chkList = [a_row.strip().split(",") for a_row in f.contents] v93kTestSuite2BinNameDict = dict([tuple(a_row) for a_row in chkList]) # line up D10 and V93K test names v93kDlogFn = "/home/jacob/Projects/q55xx/dlogV93K_20151209.txt" f = util.FileUtils(v93kDlogFn, True) g = util.m_re(f.contents) g.grep("(?:Started Testsuite|Test Name:)") iList = [(i,int(float(a_coord)-1)) for (i,a_line), a_coord in zip(enumerate(g.lines), g.coordinates) if util.in_string(a_line, "Testsuite")] testSuites = [] testSuiteDict = {} for cStart, cStop in zip(iList[:-1], iList[1:]): iStart, m = cStart[0],"^=+\s+Started Testsuite (?P<id>\w+) =+", g.lines[cStart[0]]) iStop = cStop[0] if m: testSuite = m.groupdict()["id"] if not testSuiteDict.has_key(testSuite): testSuiteDict[testSuite] = [] else: testSuite = "UhOh:{0}:{1}".format(cStart[0],cStart[1]) testSuites.append(testSuite) for aLine in g.lines[iStart+1:iStop]: m ="^-+\s+Test Name:\s+(?P<id>\w+)(?:@\w+)?:", aLine) if m:
def getTiming(timing_file, spec_timing_groups, full_pin_list, pin_group_dict, ref_eqn_dict): """ ref_eqn_dict is a running copy of the ref_dict["EQN"] dictionary, and is treated as "read-only", with the sole purpose as a reference for the SPEC parameters that get determined in the ref_dict["SPS"] dictionary. """ ref_dict = {"EQN": {}, "SPS": {}, "WVT": {}} f = util.FileUtils(timing_file, True) g = util.m_re(f.contents) g.grep(spec_timing_groups["topLevel"]) # with timing, the eqnset is broken down into two sets: Equation(EQN) and Spec(SPS) start_pts, stop_pts = util.find_blocks(g.m_groups, spec_timing_groups["startClause"], spec_timing_groups["stopClause"]) for start, stop in zip(start_pts, stop_pts): contents = g.allLines[int(float(g.coordinates[start]) - 1):int(float(g.coordinates[stop]) - 1)] if util.in_string(g.lines[start], "EQN"): timing_key = "EQN" elif util.in_string(g.lines[start], "WVT"): timing_key = "WVT" break else: timing_key = "SPS" b = util.m_re(contents) b.grep(spec_timing_groups["SPS"]["SPECIFICATION"]) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rlogan .. 26apr2016 wrapped in try/catch to display offending code for OMAP5 FPC try: specName = re.sub("^\s*SPECIFICATION\s+\"|\"", "", b.m_groups[0]).strip() except KeyError: import sys sys.exit(contents) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ref_dict["SPS"] = {specName: {"GLOBALS": {}}} timing_dict = spec_timing_groups[timing_key] b = util.m_re(contents) for remove_expr in timing_dict["remove"]: b.sub(remove_expr, "") contents = util.remove_from_list(contents, "^\s*$") b = util.m_re(contents) b.grep(timing_dict["topLevel"]) i_list = [int(float(a_num) - 1) for a_num in b.coordinates] if len(i_list) > 1: eqn_set_indices = [ (a, b) for a, b in zip(i_list, i_list[1:] + [len(contents)]) ] else: eqn_set_indices = [(i_list[0], len(contents))] if timing_key == "SPS": # let's check for globals _getTimingGlobalSpecVars( ref_dict[timing_key][specName]["GLOBALS"], contents[util.find_index(contents, "{") + 1:i_list[0]]) for (eq_start, eq_stop) in eqn_set_indices: eq_m = "^\s*EQNSET\s+(?P<eq_num>\d+)\s*\"?(?P<eq_name>[\w\s\-\.]+)?\"?", contents[eq_start]) eq_num, eq_name = -99, "" try: eq_dict = eq_m.groupdict() eq_num, eq_name = int(eq_dict["eq_num"]), eq_dict["eq_name"] except KeyError, e: if eq_num == -99: print "Uh Oh, we should always have an EQNSET number\n{0}".format( e) print "\n{0}".format(contents[eq_start]) raise else: pass # may not always have an equation set name if timing_key == "EQN": ref_dict[timing_key][eq_num] = { "eq_name": eq_name, "sub_sections": [] } _getTimingEqnSet(ref_dict[timing_key][eq_num], contents, eq_start, eq_stop, timing_dict, full_pin_list, pin_group_dict) elif timing_key == "SPS": ref_dict[timing_key][specName][eq_num] = {"name": eq_name} _getTimingSpsSet(ref_dict[timing_key][specName][eq_num], contents[eq_start:eq_stop], timing_dict, ref_eqn_dict[eq_num]["SPECS"].keys())
def _getTimingSpsSet(t_dict, eq_contents, specs_timing_dict, spec_list): # spec_hdr_keys = ["specname", "actual", "minimum", "maximum", "units"] spec_hdr_keys = ["specname", "actual", "units"] eq_g = util.m_re(eq_contents) eq_g.grep("[{}]") #pull out {} blocks, such as SYNC { ..... } if eq_g.pattern_count >= 2: start_pts, stop_pts = util.find_blocks(eq_g.m_groups, "{", "}") i_list = [(int(float(eq_g.coordinates[s_a]) - 2), int(float(eq_g.coordinates[s_b]))) for s_a, s_b in zip(start_pts, stop_pts)] del_indices = [] for (x, y) in i_list: del_indices += range(x, y) eq_contents = [ eq_contents[i] for i in list( sorted(set(xrange(len(eq_contents))) - set(del_indices))) ] eq_g = util.m_re(eq_contents) else: eq_g.clear_cache() eq_g.grep(specs_timing_dict["subSections"] ) # get all eqnset references with SPECIFICATION block t_dict["sub_sections"] = [ a_row.split()[0].strip() for a_row in eq_g.m_groups ] if not util.in_list(t_dict["sub_sections"], "SPECNAME"): t_dict["sub_sections"].append( "SPECNAME, missing actual # SPECNAME comment") eq_g.m_groups.append("# SPECNAME") eq_g.coordinates.append("-1.1") for a_grp, i in zip(eq_g.m_groups, [int(float(a_num) - 1) for a_num in eq_g.coordinates]): if not util.in_string(a_grp, "SPECNAME"): sub_section_type = a_grp.split()[0].strip() else: sub_section_type = "SPECS" if sub_section_type == "WAVETBL": t_dict[sub_section_type] = re.sub( "\"", "", a_grp.partition(" ")[-1]).strip() elif sub_section_type == "PORT": t_dict[sub_section_type] = re.sub("^\s*PORT\s+", "", a_grp).split() elif sub_section_type == "SPECS": t_dict[sub_section_type] = {} # hdr_i = util.find_index(eq_contents, "# SPECNAME\s+\*+ACTUAL") # hdr_slices = getSpecHeaderSpan(eq_contents[hdr_i]) # spec_lines = util.remove_from_list( # [re.sub("\s*#\s*.*$", "", a_row) for a_row in eq_contents[hdr_i+1:]], # "^\s*$" # ) spec_lines = util.keep_in_list( eq_contents, "^\s*(?:{0})\s+".format("|".join(spec_list))) for a_line in spec_lines: # a_dict = dict([ # (a_key, re.sub("[\[\]]", "", a_line[a_slice]).strip()) # for a_key,a_slice in zip(spec_hdr_keys,hdr_slices) # ]) spec_name, _dummy, a_string = re.sub( "\t", " ", a_line.strip()).partition(" ") actual_value, _dummy, a_string = a_string.strip().partition( " ") units = None u_m ="\[\s*(?P<units>\w+)?\s*\]", a_string) if u_m: units = u_m.groupdict()["units"] a_dict = { "specname": spec_name, "actual": actual_value, "units": units if not units is None else "" } key_list = list(set(a_dict.iterkeys()) - {"specname"}) t_dict[sub_section_type][a_dict["specname"]] = dict([ (a_key, a_dict[a_key]) for a_key in key_list ]) pass
def getLevels(levels_file, spec_levels_groups, full_pin_list, pin_group_dict): """ Parse out levels objects, split into EQN and SPS sections for a dictionary :param levels_file: :param spec_levels_groups: :return: big levels dict, containing all info pertaining to equation sets, level sets, pins, etc.... """ f = util.FileUtils(levels_file, True) g = util.m_re(f.contents) g.grep(spec_levels_groups["topLevel"]) # with levels, the eqnset is broken down into two sets: Equation(EQN) and Spec(SPS) start_pts, stop_pts = util.find_blocks(g.m_groups, spec_levels_groups["startClause"], spec_levels_groups["stopClause"]) ref_dict = {"EQN": {}, "SPS": {}} for start, stop in zip(start_pts, stop_pts): contents = g.allLines[int(float(g.coordinates[start]) - 1):int(float(g.coordinates[stop]) - 1)] if util.in_string(g.lines[start], "EQN"): level_key = "EQN" else: level_key = "SPS" level_dict = spec_levels_groups[level_key] b = util.m_re(contents) for remove_expr in level_dict["remove"]: b.sub(remove_expr, "") contents = util.remove_from_list(contents, "^\s*$") b = util.m_re(contents) b.grep(level_dict["topLevel"]) i_list = [int(float(a_num) - 1) for a_num in b.coordinates] if len(i_list) > 1: eqn_set_indices = [ (a, b) for a, b in zip(i_list, i_list[1:] + [len(contents)]) ] else: eqn_set_indices = [(i_list[0], len(contents))] for (eq_start, eq_stop) in eqn_set_indices: eq_m = "^\s*EQNSET\s+(?P<eq_num>\d+)\s*\"?(?P<eq_name>[\w\s\-\.]+)?\"?", contents[eq_start]) eq_num, eq_name = -99, "" try: eq_dict = eq_m.groupdict() eq_num, eq_name = int(eq_dict["eq_num"]), eq_dict["eq_name"] except KeyError, e: if eq_num == -99: print "Uh Oh, we should always have an EQNSET number\n{0}".format( e) print "\n{0}".format(contents[eq_start]) raise else: pass # may not always have an equation set name ref_dict[level_key][eq_num] = { "eq_name": eq_name, "sub_sections": [] } if level_key == "EQN": _getLevelEqnSet(ref_dict[level_key][eq_num], contents, eq_start, eq_stop, level_dict, full_pin_list, pin_group_dict) elif level_key == "SPS": _getLevelSpsSet(ref_dict[level_key][eq_num], contents, eq_start, eq_stop, level_dict)
def getTiming(timing_file, spec_timing_groups, full_pin_list, pin_group_dict, ref_eqn_dict): """ ref_eqn_dict is a running copy of the ref_dict["EQN"] dictionary, and is treated as "read-only", with the sole purpose as a reference for the SPEC parameters that get determined in the ref_dict["SPS"] dictionary. """ ref_dict = {"EQN":{}, "SPS":{}, "WVT":{}} f = util.FileUtils(timing_file, True) g = util.m_re(f.contents) g.grep(spec_timing_groups["topLevel"]) # with timing, the eqnset is broken down into two sets: Equation(EQN) and Spec(SPS) start_pts,stop_pts = util.find_blocks( g.m_groups, spec_timing_groups["startClause"], spec_timing_groups["stopClause"] ) for start, stop in zip(start_pts, stop_pts): contents = g.allLines[int(float(g.coordinates[start])-1): int(float(g.coordinates[stop])-1)] if util.in_string(g.lines[start], "EQN"): timing_key = "EQN" elif util.in_string(g.lines[start], "WVT"): timing_key = "WVT" break else: timing_key = "SPS" b = util.m_re(contents) b.grep(spec_timing_groups["SPS"]["SPECIFICATION"]) specName = re.sub("^\s*SPECIFICATION\s+\"|\"", "", b.m_groups[0]).strip() ref_dict["SPS"] = {specName:{"GLOBALS":{}}} timing_dict = spec_timing_groups[timing_key] b = util.m_re(contents) for remove_expr in timing_dict["remove"]: b.sub(remove_expr,"") contents = util.remove_from_list(contents, "^\s*$") b = util.m_re(contents) b.grep(timing_dict["topLevel"]) i_list = [int(float(a_num)-1) for a_num in b.coordinates] if len(i_list)>1: eqn_set_indices = [(a,b) for a,b in zip(i_list,i_list[1:]+[len(contents)])] else: eqn_set_indices = [(i_list[0], len(contents))] if timing_key == "SPS": # let's check for globals _getTimingGlobalSpecVars(ref_dict[timing_key][specName]["GLOBALS"], contents[util.find_index(contents,"{")+1:i_list[0]]) for (eq_start,eq_stop) in eqn_set_indices: eq_m ="^\s*EQNSET\s+(?P<eq_num>\d+)\s*\"?(?P<eq_name>[\w\s\-\.]+)?\"?", contents[eq_start]) eq_num, eq_name = -99, "" try: eq_dict = eq_m.groupdict() eq_num, eq_name = int(eq_dict["eq_num"]), eq_dict["eq_name"] except KeyError, e: if eq_num == -99: print "Uh Oh, we should always have an EQNSET number\n{0}".format(e) print "\n{0}".format(contents[eq_start]) raise else: pass # may not always have an equation set name if timing_key == "EQN": ref_dict[timing_key][eq_num] = {"eq_name": eq_name, "sub_sections":[]} _getTimingEqnSet( ref_dict[timing_key][eq_num], contents, eq_start, eq_stop, timing_dict, full_pin_list, pin_group_dict ) elif timing_key == "SPS": ref_dict[timing_key][specName][eq_num] = {"name":eq_name} _getTimingSpsSet(ref_dict[timing_key][specName][eq_num], contents[eq_start:eq_stop], timing_dict, ref_eqn_dict[eq_num]["SPECS"].keys())
def _getTimingSpsSet(t_dict, eq_contents, specs_timing_dict, spec_list): # spec_hdr_keys = ["specname", "actual", "minimum", "maximum", "units"] spec_hdr_keys = ["specname", "actual", "units"] eq_g = util.m_re(eq_contents) eq_g.grep("[{}]") #pull out {} blocks, such as SYNC { ..... } if eq_g.pattern_count >= 2: start_pts,stop_pts = util.find_blocks(eq_g.m_groups, "{", "}") i_list = [ (int(float(eq_g.coordinates[s_a])-2), int(float(eq_g.coordinates[s_b]))) for s_a,s_b in zip(start_pts, stop_pts) ] del_indices=[] for (x,y) in i_list: del_indices += range(x,y) eq_contents = [ eq_contents[i] for i in list(sorted(set(xrange(len(eq_contents))) - set(del_indices))) ] eq_g = util.m_re(eq_contents) else: eq_g.clear_cache() eq_g.grep(specs_timing_dict["subSections"]) # get all eqnset references with SPECIFICATION block t_dict["sub_sections"] = [a_row.split()[0].strip() for a_row in eq_g.m_groups] if not util.in_list(t_dict["sub_sections"], "SPECNAME"): t_dict["sub_sections"].append("SPECNAME, missing actual # SPECNAME comment") eq_g.m_groups.append("# SPECNAME") eq_g.coordinates.append("-1.1") for a_grp,i in zip(eq_g.m_groups, [int(float(a_num)-1) for a_num in eq_g.coordinates]): if not util.in_string(a_grp, "SPECNAME"): sub_section_type = a_grp.split()[0].strip() else: sub_section_type = "SPECS" if sub_section_type == "WAVETBL": t_dict[sub_section_type] = re.sub("\"", "", a_grp.partition(" ")[-1]).strip() elif sub_section_type == "PORT": t_dict[sub_section_type] = re.sub("^\s*PORT\s+", "", a_grp).split() elif sub_section_type == "SPECS": t_dict[sub_section_type] = {} # hdr_i = util.find_index(eq_contents, "# SPECNAME\s+\*+ACTUAL") # hdr_slices = getSpecHeaderSpan(eq_contents[hdr_i]) # spec_lines = util.remove_from_list( # [re.sub("\s*#\s*.*$", "", a_row) for a_row in eq_contents[hdr_i+1:]], # "^\s*$" # ) spec_lines = util.keep_in_list(eq_contents, "^\s*(?:{0})\s+".format("|".join(spec_list))) for a_line in spec_lines: # a_dict = dict([ # (a_key, re.sub("[\[\]]", "", a_line[a_slice]).strip()) # for a_key,a_slice in zip(spec_hdr_keys,hdr_slices) # ]) spec_name, _dummy, a_string = re.sub("\t"," ",a_line.strip()).partition(" ") actual_value,_dummy, a_string = a_string.strip().partition(" ") units = None u_m ="\[\s*(?P<units>\w+)?\s*\]",a_string) if u_m: units = u_m.groupdict()["units"] a_dict = { "specname": spec_name, "actual": actual_value, "units": units if not units is None else "" } key_list = list(set(a_dict.iterkeys()) - {"specname"}) t_dict[sub_section_type][a_dict["specname"]] = dict([(a_key, a_dict[a_key]) for a_key in key_list]) pass