def lassoLossGradient(features, weights, true_value, tuning_parameter): """Computes the value of the training loss gradient (with respect to the weight vector) at a specific example. Training loss includes a lasso (L1) regularization term. Args: features (dict): A sparse vector of feature values. weights (dict): A sparse vector of feature weights. true_value (int): The true value of an example. tuning_parameter (double): Coefficient of the lasso regularization term. Returns: A sparse vector (dict) representing the gradient value. """ # Standard squared loss gradient = {} scale = 2 * (dotProduct(features, weights) - true_value) # Lasso term: add gradient of the lasso term to the scaling factor (i.e. # add gradient of |tuning_parameter| * (1-norm of weights) weight_signs = [np.sign(weights[w]) for w in weights] for w in weights: gradient[w] = tuning_parameter * np.sign(weights[w]) increment(gradient, scale, features) return gradient
def learnRegression(examples, numIters, stepSize, tuning_parameter): """Learns linear regression weights and generates a predictor function. Args: examples: An array of training examples. numIters (int): Number of training iterations. stepSize(double): Stochastic gradient descent step size. tuning_parameter (double): Tuning parameter for the loss function. Returns: A predictor function that outputs a price (int) given a single input tuple. """ weights = defaultdict(int) print "" for i in range(numIters): for x, y in examples: gradient = regularizationLossGradient(x, weights, y, tuning_parameter) increment(weights, -stepSize, gradient) print "Training progress: " + str(100.0 * (i + 1) / numIters) + "%" def predictor(x): return dotProduct(x, weights) return predictor
def regularizationLossGradient(features, weights, true_value, tuning_parameter): """Computes the value of the training loss gradient (with respect to the weight vector) at a specific example. Training loss includes a ridge (L2) regularization term. Args: features (dict): A sparse vector of feature values. weights (dict): A sparse vector of feature weights. true_value (int): The true value of an example. tuning_parameter (double): Coefficient of the ridge regularization term. Returns: A sparse vector (dict) representing the gradient value. """ # Standard squared loss gradient = {} scale = 2 * (dotProduct(features, weights) - true_value) # Regularization term: add gradient of the regularization term to the # scaling factor (i.e. add gradient of |tuning_parameter| * # (2-norm of weights)^2 increment(gradient, tuning_parameter, weights) increment(gradient, scale, features) return gradient
def learnPredictor(trainExamples, testExamples, featureExtractor): weights = collections.Counter() def loss(w, phi, y): return max(1 - util.dotProduct(w, phi) * y, 0) eta = 0.1 numIters = 3 def sgradLoss(w, phi, y): if loss(w, phi, y) == 0: return collections.Counter() for key, value in phi.items(): phi[key] = -1 * phi[key] * y return phi def predictor(x): if x == None: return -1 if util.dotProduct(featureExtractor(x), weights) > 0: return 1 else: return 0 for iteration in xrange(numIters): for input, output in trainExamples: if input == None: continue util.increment(weights, -1 * eta, sgradLoss(weights, featureExtractor(input), output)) if DEBUG: print util.evaluatePredictor(trainExamples, predictor) #print util.evaluatePredictor(testExamples, predictor) return weights
def POST(self): i = web.input() counter = increment("sign", 0)+1 if == "": logging.error("name field should not be empty") render = web.template.render('templates') return render.error() try: obj = Sign( count = counter, date = datetime.utcnow().date(), name =, birth = date(int(i.birthyear), int(i.birthmonth), int(i.birthdate)), addr = i.addr, phone = obj.put() except: logging.error("Error happens when write to db " + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) render = web.template.render('templates') return render.error() counter = increment("sign", 1) render = web.template.render('templates') return render.thanks(
def pegasos_sw(X_train, y_train, lambda_reg=1, max_it=1000, tol=1e-4): W = Counter() s = 1 t = 1 epoch = 1 objective = 1e5 objective2 = 10 m = len(y_train) while abs(objective - objective2) > tol and epoch <= max_it: objective2 = objective objective = 0 for j in range(m): t = t + 1 step = 1 / (t * lambda_reg) review = X_train[j] result = y_train[j] scale = -(step * lambda_reg) cond = result * s * util.dotProduct(W, review) if cond < 1: s = (1 + scale) * s util.increment(W, step * result / s, review) else: s = (1 + scale) * s objective += max(0, 1 - cond) objective = objective / m objective = objective + lambda_reg / 2 * (s**2) * util.dotProduct(W, W) epoch += 1 return s, W
def SparseGradChecker(loss_func, gradient_loss_func, x, y_val, theta, epsilon=0.01, tolerance=1e-4): """Question 3.2: Implement Generic Gradient Checker for Sparse Matrices. Check that the function gradient_loss_func returns the correct gradient for the given x, y_val, and theta. Let d be the number of features. Here we numerically estimate the gradient by approximating the directional derivative in each of the d coordinate directions: (e_1 = (1,0,0,...,0), e_2 = (0,1,0,...,0), ..., e_d = (0,...,0,1) The approximation for the directional derivative of J at the point theta in the direction e_i is given by: ( J(theta + epsilon * e_i) - J(theta - epsilon * e_i) ) / (2*epsilon). We then look at the Euclidean distance between the gradient computed using this approximation and the gradient computed by gradient_loss_func(x, y_val, theta). If the Euclidean distance exceeds tolerance, we say the gradient is incorrect. Args: loss_func - A function that computes the loss for (x, y_val, theta). gradient_loss_func - A function that computes gradient for (x, y_val, theta). x - A single row in the design matrix, represented by a dict/Counter object. (key length = num_features) y_val - the label for the corresponding x_row (-1 or 1) theta - the parameter vector, dict/Counter object. (key length = num_features) epsilon - the epsilon used in approximation tolerance - the tolerance error Return: A boolean value indicate whether the gradient is correct or not """ true_gradient = gradient_loss_func(x, y_val, theta) approx_grad = dict.fromkeys(theta.keys(), 0.0) for key in theta.iterkeys(): # Compute the approximate directional derivative in the chosen direction # Avoid copying since it's so slow. theta_key_original = theta[key] theta[key] += epsilon plus_loss = loss_func(x, y_val, theta) theta[key] = theta_key_original - epsilon minus_loss = loss_func(x, y_val, theta) theta[key] = theta_key_original # restore theta approx_grad[key] = (plus_loss - minus_loss) / (2 * epsilon) util.increment(approx_grad, -1, true_gradient) # approx_grad - true_gradient error = math.sqrt(util.dotProduct( approx_grad, approx_grad)) # np.linalg.norm(approx_grad - true_gradient) if error > tolerance: print 'gradient doesn\'t match approximation. Error:', error return (error < tolerance)
def PegasosSubgradientLoss(x, y_val, theta, lambda_reg): '''Question 3.2: The Subgradient of the Pegasos Loss function.''' margin = y_val * util.dotProduct(theta, x) subgrad = theta.copy() util.scale(subgrad, lambda_reg) if margin < 1: util.increment(subgrad, -y_val, x) return subgrad
def pegasos_grad(X,y,w,lamb): tmp = y*dotProduct(w,X) if 1-tmp > 0: an1 = increment({},lamb,w) ans = increment(an1,y,X) else: ans = increment({},lamb,w) return ans
def learnBoostedRegression(examples, num_iters, step_size, num_trees): """Learns a linear regression model using boosted trees. Args: examples: An array of training examples. num_iters (int): Number of training iterations. step_size (int): Stochastic gradient descent step size. num_trees (int): Number of gradient boosting trees. Returns: A predictor function that outputs a price (int) given a single input tuple. """ list_weights = [] objectives = [cur[1] for cur in examples] filename = "boostedtree_" + str(num_trees - 1) + "_" + str(cross_val_seg) + ".p" if num_trees > 1 and SAVE: (list_weights, num_trees_prev, num_iters_prev) = pickle.load( open(os.path.join("boostedtree_weights", filename), "rb")) for k in range(num_trees): if k >= len(list_weights): print "" print "TREE " + str(k + 1) + " OF " + str(num_trees) curWeights = defaultdict(int) for i in range(num_iters): for ind in range(len(examples)): x = examples[ind][0] gradient = regression.lassoLossGradient( x, curWeights, objectives[ind], .5) increment(curWeights, -step_size / (i + 1), gradient) if VERBOSE: print "Training progress: " + str( 100.0 * (i + 1) / num_iters) + "%" list_weights.append(curWeights) else: curWeights = list_weights[k] for j in range(len(examples)): x, y = examples[j] objectives[j] = objectives[j] - dotProduct(x, curWeights) if VERBOSE: print "COMPLETE" if SAVE: filename = "boostedtree_" + str(num_trees) + "_" + str( cross_val_seg) + ".p" pickle.dump((list_weights, num_trees, num_iters), open(os.path.join("boostedtree_weights", filename), "wb")) # Define the predictor function def predictor(x): return sum(dotProduct(x, curWeight) for curWeight in list_weights) return predictor
def update_weights_with_derivative(self, feature,weight,training_label): """ if loss function is 1/1 + e^-score then the S.G.D update courtesy of CS229 notes is w_j = w_j + eta*(label - 1/1_e^-score)*feature_vector where z is the margin. """ margin = self.calculate_margin(feature,weight,training_label) vector_weight = self.diseased_weight if training_label == 1 else self.healthy_weight update_coeff = self.logistic_func(margin)*training_label* vector_weight util.increment(weight,self.eta * update_coeff, feature)
def learn(self, trainExamples): numIters = 10 step = 0.0001 for i in range(numIters): for feature_vec, y in trainExamples: score = util.dotProduct(self.weights, feature_vec) dloss = {} if score*y > 1: continue else: util.increment(dloss, -y, feature_vec) util.increment(self.weights, -step, dloss)
def pegasos_fast(x, y, l): w = dict() temp_w = dict() t = 2 s = 1 temp_loss = 0 flag = True while flag: for j in range(len(x)): t = t + 1 n = 1/(l*t) s = (1-n*l)*s if y[j]*(dotProduct(w, x[j])) < s: temp = x[j].copy() increment(temp, (n*y[j]-1), temp) increment(w,(1/s), temp) temp_w = w.copy() increment(temp_w, s-1, temp_w) loss_real = loss(x,y,l,temp_w) if abs(temp_loss - loss_real) < 10**-2: flag = False temp_loss = loss_real increment(w, s-1, w) return w
def pegasos_SGD(X,y,lamb,num_iter): w = {} t = 1 s = 1 for i in range(num_iter): for j in range(len(X)): t += 1 alpha = 1.0/(t*lamb) tmp = y[j] * s * dotProduct(X[j], w) g = l_de(tmp) s *= (1 - alpha * lamb) w = increment(w, -(alpha*y[j]*g/s), X[j]) print "epoch "+str(i) return increment({},s,w)
def train(trainingSet, subredditLabels, args): numIterations = 20 eta = 0.05 #dictionary of dictionaries (weights) weightDict = {} for label in subredditLabels: weightDict[label] = {} def gradLoss(phiX, w, y): score = util.dotProduct(w, phiX) margin = score * y if margin < 1: for name, feature in phiX.iteritems(): phiX[name] = -1 * y * feature return phiX else: return 0 for label in subredditLabels: weightVector = weightDict[label] for i in range(numIterations): for example in trainingSet: example = json.loads(example) title = example['title'] subreddit = example['subreddit'] features = FeatureExtractor.extractFeatures(title, args) y = -1 if label == subreddit: y = 1 grad = gradLoss(features, weightVector, y) if grad != 0: util.increment(weightVector, -1 * eta, grad) weightDict[label] = weightVector else: weightDict[label] = weightVector return weightDict
def update_challenges(): """Fetch challenge list from vimgolf and update datastore."""'update_challenges()') rows = BeautifulSoup(fetch('/')).findAll('h5') count = increment('challenge_tasks', len(rows))'init challenge_tasks = %d' % count) for row in rows: handle = row.a['href'].split('/')[-1] taskqueue.add(url='/challenges/'+handle)
def pegasos(X_train, y_train, lambda_reg=1, max_it=1000, tol=1e-6): w = Counter() t = 1 epoch = 1 objective = 1e5 objective2 = 10 m = len(y_train) while abs(objective - objective2) > tol and epoch <= max_it: objective2 = objective objective = 0 for j in range(m): t = t + 1 step = 1 / (t * lambda_reg) review = X_train[j] result = y_train[j] scale = -(step * lambda_reg) cond = result * util.dotProduct(w, review) if cond < 1: util.increment(w, scale, w) util.increment(w, step * result, review) else: util.increment(w, scale, w) objective += max(0, 1 - cond) objective = objective / m objective = objective + lambda_reg / 2 * util.dotProduct(w, w) epoch += 1 return w
def train(self, dataset, featureExtractor): def hingeLoss(w, features, y): return max(0, 1 - dotProduct(w, features) * y) def lossGradient(w, features, y): if hingeLoss(w, features, y) <= 0: return {} return {feature: -y * magnitude for feature, magnitude in features.iteritems()} weights = collections.defaultdict(int) for i, step in enumerate(xrange(self.numIters)): for example in dataset: input = example[0] output = example[1] features = featureExtractor(input) gradient = lossGradient(weights, features, output) increment(weights, -1 * stepSize, gradient) return weights
def trainCorrect(self, dataset, featureExtractor): def squareLoss(answerProb, y): return (answerProb - y) ** 2 def lossGradient(answerProb, y, features): derivative = 2 * (answerProb - y) return {feature: derivative * magnitude for feature, magnitude in features.iteritems()} def getAnswerProbs(weights, questionData): proposedAnswers = questionData["proposedAnswers"] correctIndex = questionData["correctAnswerIndex"] answerScores = [] for aIndex, proposed in enumerate(proposedAnswers): score = dotProduct(weights, featureExtractor(proposed)) answerScores.append(score) return softmax(answerScores) weights = collections.defaultdict(int) for _ in xrange(self.numIters): error = 0 stepSize = 0.12 for questionData in dataset: yVector = [int(i == questionData["correctAnswerIndex"]) for i in xrange(4)] #[0, 1, 0, 0], where the 1 indicates which is correct answerProbs = getAnswerProbs(weights, questionData) #[0.2, 0.7, 0.06, 0.04] -> each indicates the likelihood # print answerProbs, yVector proposedAnswers = questionData["proposedAnswers"] for aIndex, proposed in enumerate(proposedAnswers): error += squareLoss(answerProbs[aIndex], yVector[aIndex]) features = featureExtractor(proposed) gradient = lossGradient(answerProbs[aIndex], yVector[aIndex], features) increment(weights, -1 * stepSize, gradient) print "Error:", error, weights return weights
def update_challenge(handle): """Fetch Leaderboard and active golfers of the specified challenge, and update datastore."""'update_challenge(%s)' % handle) soup = BeautifulSoup(fetch('challenges/' + handle)) title = soup.findAll('h3')[1].text golfers = [row.text.split('@')[-1] for row in soup.findAll('h5')[-1].parent.findAll('h6')] record = Challenge(key_name=handle, handle=handle, title=title, active_golfers=golfers) record.put()'updated Challenge(%s, %s) with %d golfers' % (handle, title, len(golfers))) count = increment('challenge_tasks', -1)'challenge_tasks = %d' % count) if count == 0: taskqueue.add(url='/top')
def pegasos(x, y, l): w = dict() t = 2 temp_loss = 0 cnt = 0 flag = True for i in range(2): for j in range(len(x)): t = t + 1 n = 1/(l*t) if y[j]*(dotProduct(w, x[j])) < 1: cnt = cnt +1 temp = x[j].copy() increment(temp, (n*y[j]-1), temp) increment(w,-n*l,w) increment(w,1,temp) else: increment(w,-n*l,w) return w
def fit(self, X): self.w_ = dict() t = 0 for j in range(len(X)): t += 1 step_size = 1 / (t * self.lambda_reg) w_dot_x = util.dotProduct(self.w_, X[j]) y = 1 if 1 in X[j] else -1 if y * w_dot_x < 1: util.increment(self.w_, (1 - 1 / t), self.w_) util.increment(self.w_, step_size * y, X[j]) else: util.increment(self.w_, (1 - 1 / t), self.w_) return self.w_
def Pegasos(X, y, lambda_reg, max_epochs=1000, check_gradient=False): '''Question 4.2. Finds the sparse weight vector that minimizes the SVM loss function on X and y. ''' print 'Running Pegasos with regularization parameter', lambda_reg loss_func = lambda x, y_val, theta: PegasosLoss(x, y_val, theta, lambda_reg ) gradient_loss_func = lambda x, y_val, theta: PegasosSubgradientLoss( x, y_val, theta, lambda_reg) # Initialize theta to have zero for every word mentioned in any review theta = {key: 0.0 for x in X for key in x.keys()} t = 2 # NOTE: This normally starts at zero, but that causes a divide-by-zero error. weight_scalar = 1.0 for epoch in range(max_epochs): # print '--Epoch', epoch old_theta = theta.copy() for j, x in enumerate(X): t += 1 eta = 1.0 / (t * lambda_reg) margin = y[j] * weight_scalar * util.dotProduct(theta, x) # NOTE that the gradient is not differentiable at 1.0, so we don't check it near there. if check_gradient and abs(margin - 1.0) > 0.01: if SparseGradChecker(loss_func, gradient_loss_func, x, y[j], theta): print 'Computed gradient doesn\'t match approximations.' sys.exit(1) grad = gradient_loss_func(x, y[j], theta) util.increment(theta, -eta, grad) else: weight_scalar *= 1.0 - 1.0 / t if margin < 1: util.increment(theta, eta * y[j] / weight_scalar, x) util.increment(old_theta, -1, theta) util.scale(old_theta, weight_scalar) total_change = math.sqrt(util.dotProduct(old_theta, old_theta)) # print '----Change from previous theta:', total_change if total_change < 0.01: break util.scale(theta, weight_scalar) return theta
def GET(self): count = increment("sign", 0) render = web.template.render('templates') signlist = [{'text':'1-1000','url':'url'}] return render.summary(signlist)
def hinge_no_players(train_set, val_set, test_set, calendar): # hinge loss with no player features def feature_extractor(game, calendar): fv = collections.defaultdict(float) day = game[1] home = game[3] away = game[2] fv["home" + home] = 1. fv["away" + away] = 1. fv["date"] = float(day - 105) / float(88) # check for back to back year = game[0] if calendar[year][day - 1] != 0 and home in calendar[day - 1]: fv["back_to_back_home"] = 1 if calendar[year][day - 1] != 0 and away in calendar[day - 1]: fv["back_to_back_away"] = 1 # check for three in four home_counter = 0 away_counter = 0 for new_day in [day - 1, day - 2, day - 3]: if calendar[year][new_day] != 0 and home in calendar[new_day]: home_counter += 1 if calendar[year][new_day] != 0 and away in calendar[new_day]: away_counter += 1 if home_counter > 1: fv["three_in_four_home"] = 1 if away_counter > 1: fv["three_in_four_away"] = 1 return fv # training weights = collections.defaultdict(float) eta = 0.11 # 0.1? reg_lambda = 0.11 # revisit values 0.11: 56,55,51 for game in train_set: y = game[4] fv = feature_extractor(game, calendar) hinge_loss = max(0, 1 - (util.dotProduct(weights, fv) * y)) for key in fv: if hinge_loss == 0: fv[key] = 0 else: fv[key] *= (-1 * y) #util.increment(weights, (eta * -1), fv) # now using regularization util.increment(fv, reg_lambda, weights) util.increment(weights, (eta * -1), fv) # prediction # training right_count = 0. total_count = 0. for game in train_set: y = game[4] fv = feature_extractor(game, calendar) pred = util.dotProduct(weights, fv) if pred >= 0 and y > 0 or pred < 0 and y < 0: #print y, pred, "RIGHT" right_count += 1 elif pred >= 0 and y < 0 or pred < 0 and y > 0: #print y, pred, "WRONG" pass else: print pred, y raise ("ERROR") total_count += 1 train_acc = float(right_count) / float(total_count) # validation right_count = 0. total_count = 0. for game in val_set: y = game[4] fv = feature_extractor(game, calendar) pred = util.dotProduct(weights, fv) if pred >= 0 and y > 0 or pred < 0 and y < 0: #print y, pred, "RIGHT" right_count += 1 elif pred >= 0 and y < 0 or pred < 0 and y > 0: #print y, pred, "WRONG" pass else: print pred, y raise ("ERROR") total_count += 1 val_acc = float(right_count) / float(total_count) # test right_count = 0. total_count = 0. for game in test_set: y = game[4] fv = feature_extractor(game, calendar) pred = util.dotProduct(weights, fv) if pred >= 0 and y > 0 or pred < 0 and y < 0: #print y, pred, "RIGHT" right_count += 1 elif pred >= 0 and y < 0 or pred < 0 and y > 0: #print y, pred, "WRONG" pass else: print pred, y raise ("ERROR") total_count += 1 test_acc = float(right_count) / float(total_count) #fout = open("hinge_no_player.csv", "a") #fout.write(str(train_acc)+", "+str(val_acc)+", "+str(test_acc)+", \n") #fout.close() #print "hinge no player" #print (str(train_acc)+", "+str(val_acc)+", "+str(test_acc)+", \n") return (train_acc, val_acc, test_acc)
def hinge_projected_years_players(train_set, val_set, test_set, calendar, data): # hinge loss with current years player features py_stat_map = {} py_stat_map["1718"] = get_projected_years_stats(data, "1718") py_stat_map["1617"] = get_current_years_stats(data, "1617") py_stat_map["1516"] = get_current_years_stats(data, "1516") py_stat_map["1415"] = get_current_years_stats(data, "1415") def feature_extractor(game, calendar, stat_map): fv = collections.defaultdict(float) day = game[1] home = game[3] away = game[2] fv["home" + home] = 1. fv["away" + away] = 1. fv["date"] = float(day - 105) / float(88) # check for back to back year = game[0] if calendar[year][day - 1] != 0 and home in calendar[day - 1]: fv["back_to_back_home"] = 1 if calendar[year][day - 1] != 0 and away in calendar[day - 1]: fv["back_to_back_away"] = 1 # check for three in four home_counter = 0 away_counter = 0 for new_day in [day - 1, day - 2, day - 3]: if calendar[year][new_day] != 0 and home in calendar[new_day]: home_counter += 1 if calendar[year][new_day] != 0 and away in calendar[new_day]: away_counter += 1 if home_counter > 1: fv["three_in_four_home"] = 1 if away_counter > 1: fv["three_in_four_away"] = 1 # use stat map for feat in stat_map[year][home].keys(): #if "WS" in feat or "VORP" in feat: if "VORP" in feat: fv["home_" + feat] = stat_map[year][home][feat] #fv["home_" + feat] = stat_map[year][home][feat] for feat in stat_map[year][away].keys(): #if "WS" in feat or "VORP" in feat: if "VORP" in feat: fv["away_" + feat] = stat_map[year][away][feat] #fv["away_" + feat] = stat_map[year][away][feat] return fv # training weights = collections.defaultdict(float) eta = 0.11 # 0.1? reg_lambda = 0.11 # experiment with vals for game in train_set: y = game[4] fv = feature_extractor(game, calendar, py_stat_map) hinge_loss = max(0, 1 - (util.dotProduct(weights, fv) * y)) for key in fv: if hinge_loss == 0: fv[key] = 0 else: fv[key] *= (-1 * y) #util.increment(weights, (eta * -1), fv) # now using regularization util.increment(fv, reg_lambda, weights) util.increment(weights, (eta * -1), fv) # prediction # training right_count = 0. total_count = 0. for game in train_set: y = game[4] fv = feature_extractor(game, calendar, py_stat_map) pred = util.dotProduct(weights, fv) if pred >= 0 and y > 0 or pred < 0 and y < 0: #print y, pred, "RIGHT" right_count += 1 elif pred >= 0 and y < 0 or pred < 0 and y > 0: #print y, pred, "WRONG" pass else: print pred, y raise ("ERROR") total_count += 1 training_accuracy = float(right_count) / float(total_count) # validation right_count = 0. total_count = 0. for game in val_set: y = game[4] fv = feature_extractor(game, calendar, py_stat_map) pred = util.dotProduct(weights, fv) if pred >= 0 and y > 0 or pred < 0 and y < 0: #print y, pred, "RIGHT" right_count += 1 elif pred >= 0 and y < 0 or pred < 0 and y > 0: #print y, pred, "WRONG" pass else: print pred, y raise ("ERROR") total_count += 1 validation_accuracy = float(right_count) / float(total_count) # test right_count = 0. total_count = 0. for game in test_set: y = game[4] fv = feature_extractor(game, calendar, py_stat_map) pred = util.dotProduct(weights, fv) if pred >= 0 and y > 0 or pred < 0 and y < 0: #print y, pred, "RIGHT" right_count += 1 elif pred >= 0 and y < 0 or pred < 0 and y > 0: #print y, pred, "WRONG" pass else: print pred, y raise ("ERROR") total_count += 1 test_accuracy = float(right_count) / float(total_count) #fout = open("hinge_player.csv", "a") #fout.write(str(training_accuracy)+", "+str(validation_accuracy)+", "+str(test_accuracy)+", \n") #fout.close() #print "hinge player" #print (str(training_accuracy)+", "+str(validation_accuracy)+", "+str(test_accuracy)+", \n") return (training_accuracy, validation_accuracy, test_accuracy)
def compute_oracle(): stats = ['2PAPM', '2PP', '2PPM', '3PAPM', '3PAr', '3PP', '3PPM', 'ASTP', 'ASTPM', 'BLKP', 'BLKPM', 'BPM', 'DBPM', 'DRBP', 'DRBPM', 'DWSPM', 'FGAPM', 'FGP', 'FGPM', 'FTAPM', 'FTP', 'FTPM', 'FTr', 'G', 'GS', 'GSPG', 'MP', 'MPG', 'OBPM', 'ORBP', 'ORBPM', 'OWSPM', 'PER', 'PFPM', 'PPM', 'STLP', 'STLPM', 'TOVP', 'TOVPM', 'TRBP', 'TRBPM', 'TSP', 'USGP', 'VORP', 'WSP48', 'WSPM', 'eFGP'] comparison = {} comparison["rookies"] = {} comparison["veterans"] = {} comparison["rookies"]["predicted"] = {} comparison["rookies"]["true"] = {} comparison["veterans"]["predicted"] = {} comparison["veterans"]["true"] = {} for stat in stats: comparison["rookies"]["predicted"][stat] = [] comparison["rookies"]["true"][stat] = [] comparison["veterans"]["predicted"][stat] = [] comparison["veterans"]["true"][stat] = [] fname = "data_-1to1.pkl" fin = open(os.path.dirname("/Users/dliedtka/Documents/stanford/cs221/project/files/data_generation/") + "/" + fname, "rb") data = pickle.load(fin) fin.close() # do veterans and rookies the same # build a model for each stat weights = {} for stat in stats: weights[stat] = collections.defaultdict(float) #weights[stat] = {} # eta, try 0.01? eta = 0.01 def oracle_feature_extractor(x, stat): fv = collections.defaultdict(float) #fv = {} for feature in x.keys(): if feature != stat and feature not in ["team", "position", "year"]: fv[feature] = x[feature] return fv # iterate through each player, training the model for each stat (stochastic gradient descent using least squares regression) for player in data.keys(): #print player for season in data[player]["professional"].keys(): # don't train on what oracle will predict if season != "2017-18": for stat in stats: y = data[player]["professional"][season][stat] fv = oracle_feature_extractor(data[player]["professional"][season], stat) # compute pred = util.dotProduct(fv, weights[stat]) #print pred # compute gradient scale = -eta * 2. * (pred - y) #print scale #print weights[stat] # add gradient to weights util.increment(weights[stat], scale, fv) #print weights[stat] #print weights # iterate through each player, making a prediction and storing the true value in comparison dict for player in data.keys(): #print player if "2017-18" not in data[player]["professional"].keys(): continue # veteran if len(data[player]["professional"].keys()) != 1: for value in stats: # predict based on weights fv = oracle_feature_extractor(data[player]["professional"]["2017-18"], value) pred = util.dotProduct(fv, weights[value]) comparison["veterans"]["predicted"][value].append(pred) # retrieve true value comparison["veterans"]["true"][value].append(data[player]["professional"]["2017-18"][value]) # rookie else: for value in stats: # predict based on weights fv = oracle_feature_extractor(data[player]["professional"]["2017-18"], value) pred = util.dotProduct(fv, weights[value]) comparison["rookies"]["predicted"][value].append(pred) # retrieve true value comparison["rookies"]["true"][value].append(data[player]["professional"]["2017-18"][value]) return comparison
print "Progress:", 1.0*i/maxIters * 100, "%" loss = 0 means = [{} for _ in range(K)] val_means = [0 for _ in range(K)] cluster_count = [0 for _ in range(K)] prev_centroids = centroids prev_assign = assign[:] precomputed_quantities = [util.dotProduct(centroids[i], centroids[i]) \ for i in range(K)] #loop through the examples to assign for j in range(len(examples)): assign[j] , dist = find_center(j, examples[j], precomputed_x, precomputed_quantities, centroids) util.increment(means[assign[j]], 1, examples[j]) val_means[assign[j]] += full_examples[j][1] cluster_count[assign[j]] += 1 loss_list[j] = (full_examples[j][1] - centroid_vals[assign[j]]) loss += dist print "LOSS: " + str(loss) if assign == prev_assign: print loss return centroids, assign, loss, loss_list, centroid_vals for index in range(K): divide(means[index], cluster_count[index]) val_means[index] = val_means[index]/cluster_count[index] centroids = means
def update_weights_with_derivative(self,feature,weight,training_label): util.increment(weight,self.eta * training_label, feature) util.increment(weight,-2*self.lambda_value,weight) # regularization factor
def test3b0(): ans = {'a': 1.1, 'b': 1, 'c': 1.1, 'd': 0.1} d1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c': 1} d2 = {'a': 1, 'c': 1, 'd': 1} util.increment(d1, 0.1, d2) grader.require_is_equal(ans, d1)
if abs(msg.velocity) > MAX_LINEAR_VEL or abs( > MAX_ANG_VEL: scale = max( abs(msg.velocity) / MAX_LINEAR_VEL, abs( / MAX_ANG_VEL) msg.velocity /= scale /= scale targetVel = msg rospy.init_node("base_controller") targetSub = rospy.Subscriber('/target_vel', BaseCommand, targetCB, queue_size=1) motorPub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', MotorCommand, queue_size=1) rate = rospy.Rate(RATE) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rate.sleep() t = rospy.get_rostime() if t - targetVel.header.stamp > rospy.Duration(COMMAND_TIMEOUT): targetVel.velocity = 0 = 0 targetVel.header.stamp = t l_target = targetVel.velocity - ( * WHEEL_SEP) / 2 r_target = targetVel.velocity + ( * WHEEL_SEP) / 2 command.header.stamp = t command.left, dl = increment(command.left, l_target / WHEEL_RAD, WHEEL_ACC) command.right, dr = increment(command.right, r_target / WHEEL_RAD, WHEEL_ACC) motorPub.publish(command)
def get_veteran_comparison(data_type=2): veteran_comparison = {} veteran_comparison["training"] = {} veteran_comparison["validation"] = {} veteran_comparison["test"] = {} veteran_comparison["training"]["predicted"] = {} veteran_comparison["training"]["true"] = {} veteran_comparison["validation"]["predicted"] = {} veteran_comparison["validation"]["true"] = {} veteran_comparison["test"]["predicted"] = {} veteran_comparison["test"]["true"] = {} relevant_stats = [ 'DRBPM', '2PP', 'FGPM', '3PP', 'DWSPM', 'TRBP', 'PER', 'FTPM', '3PAPM', 'DRBP', 'USGP', 'TSP', 'PFPM', 'eFGP', 'STLPM', 'DBPM', '3PPM', 'GSPG', 'FGP', 'PPM', 'FTAPM', 'OBPM', 'TOVP', 'WSP48', 'MP', 'FTP', 'GS', 'BLKPM', 'G', 'BPM', 'VORP', 'ORBPM', 'TRBPM', '3PAr', 'ASTP', '2PPM', 'MPG', 'FTr', 'ORBP', 'BLKP', '2PAPM', 'STLP', 'FGAPM', 'TOVPM', 'ASTPM', 'OWSPM', 'WSPM' ] relevant_college_stats = [ "G", "FGP", "3PP", "FTP", "MP", "FGPM", "FGAPM", "3PPM", "3PAPM", "2PPM", "2PAPM", "FTPM", "FTAPM", "TRBPM", "ASTPM", "STLPM", "BLKPM", "TOVPM", "PPM", "MPG", "2PP" ] fnames = [ "data.pkl", "data_removeoutliers.pkl", "data_-1to1.pkl", "data_-1to1_removeoutliers.pkl", "data_0to1.pkl", "data_0to1_removeoutliers.pkl" ] if data_type == 0 or data_type == 1: normalization_type = None elif data_type == 2 or data_type == 3: normalization_type = "-1to1" elif data_type == 4 or data_type == 5: normalization_type = "0to1" else: raise ("ERROR") # intialize as empty lists for value in relevant_stats: veteran_comparison["training"]["predicted"][value] = [] veteran_comparison["training"]["true"][value] = [] veteran_comparison["validation"]["predicted"][value] = [] veteran_comparison["validation"]["true"][value] = [] veteran_comparison["test"]["predicted"][value] = [] veteran_comparison["test"]["true"][value] = [] # build a model for each stat based on validation data weights = {} for stat in relevant_stats: weights[stat] = collections.defaultdict(float) #weights[stat] = {} # eta, try 0.01? eta = 0.0033 # computed by trial and error reg_lambda_mapping = {} for stat in relevant_stats: if stat in [ "BPM", "FTAPM", "FTr", "MP", "MPG", "OWSPM", "PFPM", "TOVPM", "VORP", "WSPM" ]: reg_lambda = 1. elif stat in ["GS"]: reg_lambda = 0.5 elif stat in ["3PAPM", "DWSPM", "FTPM", "G", "GSPG"]: reg_lambda = 0.333 elif stat in ["3PAr", "ASTPM"]: reg_lambda = 0.1 elif stat in ["ASTP", "DRBP"]: reg_lamba = 0.0333 elif stat in ["3PPM", "USGP"]: reg_lambda = 0.01 elif stat in ["FGAPM"]: reg_lambda = 0.000333 elif stat in [ "2PAPM", "2PP", "2PPM", "3PP", "BLKP", "BLKPM", "DBPM", "DRBPM", "FGP", "FGPM", "FTP", "OBPM", "ORBP", "ORBPM", "PER", "PPM", "STLP", "STLPM", "TOVP", "TRBP", "TRBPM", "TSP", "WSP48", "eFGP" ]: reg_lambda = 0. else: raise ("ERROR") # load validation data fin = open( os.path.dirname( "/Users/dliedtka/Documents/stanford/cs221/project/files/data_generation/" ) + "/" + fnames[data_type][:-4] + "_validation.pkl", "rb") val_data = pickle.load(fin) fin.close() # iterate through each player, training the model on 2nd to last seasons for each stat (stochastic gradient descent using least squares regression) for player in val_data.keys(): # skip rookies if len(val_data[player]["professional"].keys()) == 1: continue #print player # use previous seasons as features, current season as y for season_idx in range( 1, len(sorted(val_data[player]["professional"].keys()))): predicting_season = sorted( val_data[player]["professional"].keys())[season_idx] prior_season = sorted( val_data[player]["professional"].keys())[season_idx - 1] if predicting_season == "2016-17": continue fv = algorithm_feature_extractor(val_data, player, season_idx, relevant_stats, relevant_college_stats, normalization_type) for stat in relevant_stats: #print fv["lastDRBPM"] y = val_data[player]["professional"][predicting_season][stat] #print y # predict #pred = util.dotProduct(fv, weights[stat]) # *** try making prediction last years stats plus inference pred = val_data[player]["professional"][prior_season][ stat] + util.dotProduct(fv, weights[stat]) #print pred # gradient scale = -eta * 2. * (pred - y) #print scale #print weights[stat]["lastDRBPM"] # update # now with regularization util.increment(weights[stat], -eta * reg_lambda, weights[stat]) util.increment(weights[stat], scale, fv) #print weights[stat]["lastDRBPM"] # iterate through each player, predicting on training data (all season prior to 2016-17) for player in val_data.keys(): # skip players that only played in 2016-17 if len(val_data[player]["professional"].keys() ) == 1 and "2016-17" in val_data[player]["professional"].keys(): continue #print player season_list = sorted(val_data[player]["professional"].keys()) for season_idx in range(len(season_list)): season = season_list[season_idx] # skip rookie year if season == season_list[0]: continue prior_season = season_list[season_idx - 1] season_number = season_idx fv = algorithm_feature_extractor(val_data, player, season_number, relevant_stats, relevant_college_stats, normalization_type) for stat in relevant_stats: # predict pred_val = val_data[player]["professional"][prior_season][ stat] + util.dotProduct(fv, weights[stat]) true_val = val_data[player]["professional"][season][stat] # append veteran_comparison["training"]["predicted"][stat].append( pred_val) veteran_comparison["training"]["true"][stat].append(true_val) # iterate through each player, making predictions for 2016-17 for player in val_data.keys(): # skip rookies, players who didn't play this year if len(val_data[player]["professional"].keys( )) == 1 or "2016-17" not in val_data[player]["professional"].keys(): continue #print player # use previous seasons as features, 2016-17 as y season = "2016-17" prior_season = sorted(val_data[player]["professional"].keys())[-2] season_number = len(val_data[player]["professional"].keys() ) - 1 # 2016-17 is last season fv = algorithm_feature_extractor(val_data, player, season_number, relevant_stats, relevant_college_stats, normalization_type) for stat in relevant_stats: # predict pred_val = val_data[player]["professional"][prior_season][ stat] + util.dotProduct(fv, weights[stat]) true_val = val_data[player]["professional"][season][stat] # append veteran_comparison["validation"]["predicted"][stat].append( pred_val) veteran_comparison["validation"]["true"][stat].append(true_val) # iterate through each player, making predictions for 2017-18 # load test data fin = open( os.path.dirname( "/Users/dliedtka/Documents/stanford/cs221/project/files/data_generation/" ) + "/" + fnames[data_type], "rb") test_data = pickle.load(fin) fin.close() veteran_preds = {} for player in test_data.keys(): # skip rookies, players who didn't play this year if len(test_data[player]["professional"].keys( )) == 1 or "2017-18" not in test_data[player]["professional"].keys(): continue #print player veteran_preds[player] = {} # use previous seasons as features, 2016-17 as y season = "2017-18" prior_season = sorted(test_data[player]["professional"].keys())[-2] season_number = len(test_data[player]["professional"].keys() ) - 1 # 2016-17 is last season fv = algorithm_feature_extractor(test_data, player, season_number, relevant_stats, relevant_college_stats, normalization_type) for stat in relevant_stats: # predict pred_val = test_data[player]["professional"][prior_season][ stat] + util.dotProduct(fv, weights[stat]) true_val = test_data[player]["professional"][season][stat] # append veteran_comparison["test"]["predicted"][stat].append(pred_val) veteran_comparison["test"]["true"][stat].append(true_val) veteran_preds[player][stat] = pred_val fout = open("veteran_preds.pkl", "wb") pickle.dump(veteran_preds, fout) fout.close() return veteran_comparison
def kmeans(full_examples, K, maxIters): ''' examples: list of examples, each example is a string-to-double dict representing a sparse vector. K: number of desired clusters. Assume that 0 < K <= |examples|. maxIters: maximum number of iterations to run (you should terminate early if the algorithm converges). Return: (length K list of cluster centroids, list of assignments (i.e. if examples[i] belongs to centers[j], then assignments[i] = j) final reconstruction loss) ''' # BEGIN_YOUR_CODE (our solution is 32 lines of code, but don't worry if you deviate from this) examples = [full_examples[j][0] for j in range(len(full_examples))] def find_center(ex_index, example, precomputed_x, precomputed_quantities, centroids): assign = 0 min_dist = 1, 000 for i in range(K): cur_dist = precomputed_x[ex_index] - 2 * util.dotProduct( centroids[i], example) + precomputed_quantities[i] if cur_dist < min_dist: assign = i min_dist = cur_dist return assign, min_dist def divide(vec, scale): for k, v in vec.items(): vec[k] = 1.0 * v / scale rand_list = random.sample(xrange(len(examples)), K) centroids = [examples[i] for i in rand_list] centroid_vals = [full_examples[i][1] for i in rand_list] assign = [0 for _ in range(len(examples))] loss_list = [0 for _ in range(len(examples))] precomputed_x = [ util.dotProduct(examples[i], examples[i]) for i in range(len(examples)) ] for i in range(maxIters): print "Progress:", 1.0 * i / maxIters * 100, "%" loss = 0 means = [{} for _ in range(K)] val_means = [0 for _ in range(K)] cluster_count = [0 for _ in range(K)] prev_centroids = centroids prev_assign = assign[:] precomputed_quantities = [ util.dotProduct(centroids[i], centroids[i]) for i in range(K) ] #loop through the examples to assign for j in range(len(examples)): assign[j], dist = find_center(j, examples[j], precomputed_x, precomputed_quantities, centroids) util.increment(means[assign[j]], 1, examples[j]) val_means[assign[j]] += full_examples[j][1] cluster_count[assign[j]] += 1 loss_list[j] = (full_examples[j][1] - centroid_vals[assign[j]]) loss += dist print "LOSS: " + str(loss) if assign == prev_assign: print loss return centroids, assign, loss, loss_list, centroid_vals for index in range(K): divide(means[index], cluster_count[index]) val_means[index] = val_means[index] / cluster_count[index] centroids = means centroid_vals = val_means if centroids == prev_centroids: print loss return centroids, assign, loss, loss_list, centroid_vals print "The reconstruction loss is:", loss return centroids, assign, loss, loss_list, centroid_vals