def configureRoutedControlNetwork( self, ip='', PrefixLen=16 ): """Configure a routed control network on controller and switches. For use with the user datapath only right now.""" self.snum = ipParse( ip ) self.attachNodesToRoutedControlNetwork( nodes=self.switches , cip=ip, prefixLen=PrefixLen) self.attachNodesToRoutedControlNetwork( nodes=self.ees , cip=ip, prefixLen=PrefixLen)
def configureRoutedControlNetwork(self, ip='', PrefixLen=16): """Configure a routed control network on controller and switches. For use with the user datapath only right now.""" self.snum = ipParse(ip) self.attachNodesToRoutedControlNetwork(nodes=self.switches, cip=ip, prefixLen=PrefixLen) self.attachNodesToRoutedControlNetwork(nodes=self.ees, cip=ip, prefixLen=PrefixLen)
def configureSwitchedControlNetwork( self, ip='', PrefixLen=16 ): """Configure a switched control network on controller and switches. For use with the user datapath only right now.""" self.snum = ipParse( ip ) ctlNetctl = self.addController( 'ctlNetctl', port=6634) # ctlNetctl = self.RemoteController( 'ctlNetctl', port=6634) s0 = self.addSwitch('s0') MySwitch=s0 # self.attachNodesToSwitchedControlNetwork( nodes=self.switches , cip=ip, prefixLen=PrefixLen) self.attachNodesToSwitchedControlNetwork( nodes=self.ees , switch=MySwitch, cip=ip, prefixLen=PrefixLen) ctlNetctl.start() s0.start( [ ctlNetctl ] )
def configureSwitchedControlNetwork(self, ip='', PrefixLen=16): """Configure a switched control network on controller and switches. For use with the user datapath only right now.""" self.snum = ipParse(ip) ctlNetctl = self.addController('ctlNetctl', port=6634) # ctlNetctl = self.RemoteController( 'ctlNetctl', port=6634) s0 = self.addSwitch('s0') MySwitch = s0 # self.attachNodesToSwitchedControlNetwork( nodes=self.switches , cip=ip, prefixLen=PrefixLen) self.attachNodesToSwitchedControlNetwork(nodes=self.ees, switch=MySwitch, cip=ip, prefixLen=PrefixLen) ctlNetctl.start() s0.start([ctlNetctl])