コード例 #1
 def proxify(x):
   if util.isAtomic(x):
     return x
     fresh = envr.fresh(x.type(pm.world.symList))
     pMatches.append(x.isSuperType(fresh, pm.world.symList))
     return fresh
コード例 #2
 def exec_let(self, envr, pm):
   result = ProofResult("")
   result.source = self
   if len(self.args) != 1:
     raise ProofError("let takes one argument, found: " + str(len(self.args)))
   arg = self.args[0]
   if isinstance(arg, judge.Equality) or isinstance(arg, judge.InTest):
     if not (not arg.nt and arg.lhs == arg.rhs):
       vars = envr.getVars()
       if (arg.lhs in vars or not util.isAtomic(arg.lhs)) and (arg.rhs in vars or not util.isAtomic(arg.rhs)):
         raise ProofError("let command requires at least one variable to be free, found: " + arg.lhs.shortString() + "; " + arg.rhs.shortString())
     raise ProofError("let command expects equality or contains assertion, found: " + arg.shortString())
   self.results = [arg]
   result.verbose = pm.getIndent() + "let " + self.results[0].shortString()
   return result
コード例 #3
  def invertArg(self, arg, envr, pm):
    arg = self.resolveOrDont(arg)
    if not isinstance(arg, judge.Judge) or arg.nt:
      raise ProofError("Argument to " + self.command + " must be a positive judgement, found: " + arg.shortString())

    #if any of the parts of arg are not atomic, we will need to use proxy variables
    proxy = judge.Judge(None)
    pMatches = []
    proxy.defn = arg.defn
    proxy.nt = False
    trackFresh = set()
    def proxify(x):
      if util.isAtomic(x):
        return x
        fresh = envr.fresh(x.type(pm.world.symList))
        pMatches.append(x.isSuperType(fresh, pm.world.symList))
        return fresh
    proxy.envs = map(proxify, arg.envs)
    proxy.args = map(proxify, arg.args)

    #find the cases that match syntactically
    cases = []
    matches2 = [] #matches formals to fresh variables
    matches = [] #matches fresh variables to actuals
    for c in proxy.defn.cases:
      m2 = symbol.SeqMatch(None)
      for source in set(c.getConclusions()[0].vars()):
        for v in source.vars():
          if util.interestingRoot(v):
            m2.addIdMatch(v, envr.fresh(v))
      m = proxy.unify(c.getConclusions()[0].substMatch([m2]), pm.world.symList)
      if m:        

    #if no cases, then we have a contradiction and the result is false
    if not cases:
      return None
    #use fresh variables for fv
    for c,m in zip(cases, matches2):
      for f in c.free:
        m.addIdMatch(f, envr.fresh(f))
    #find the premises of those cases, subst variables deduced from conc
    prems = map(lambda (c,m,m2): map(lambda p: p.substMatch([m2]).substMatch([m]), c.premises), zip(cases, matches, matches2))
    for (p, m, m2) in zip(prems, matches, matches2):
      for source in set(m.dom()):
        #account for equalities between actuals and formals of the conclusion/arg
        if not util.isAtomic(source):
          pe = judge.Equality(None)
          pe.lhs = m.match(source)
          pe.rhs = source.substMatch([m2]).substMatch([m])
          pe.nt = False
          p.insert(0, pe)
        #account for where refinements of actuals would otherwise be lost
        elif not source.substMatch([m]).isSuperType(source, pm.world.symList):
          #revert the premises to using the more refined variable
          for i in range(len(p)):
            p[i] = p[i].substMatch([symbol.IdMatch(m.match(source), source.substMatch([m2]))])
          #add an equality which captures the refinement
          pe = judge.Equality(None)
          pe.lhs = m.match(source)
          pe.rhs = source.substMatch([m2])
          pe.nt = False
          p.insert(0, pe)
    return prems,cases