コード例 #1
ファイル: editor.py プロジェクト: satomi2/ScriptTest
    def add_directory(self, path, parent_baton, copyfrom_path,
                      copyfrom_revision, dir_pool=None):
        baton = self._opendir(path)

        br_path, branch = self.meta.split_branch_path(path)[:2]
        if br_path is not None:
            if not copyfrom_path and not br_path:
                # This handles the case where a branch root is
                # replaced without copy info.  It will show up as a
                # deletion and then an add.
                self.current.emptybranches[branch] = True
                self.current.emptybranches[branch] = False
        if br_path is None or not copyfrom_path:
            return baton
        if self.meta.get_path_tag(path):
            del self.current.emptybranches[branch]
            return baton
        tag = self.meta.get_path_tag(copyfrom_path)
        if tag not in self.meta.tags:
            tag = None
            if not self.meta.is_path_valid(copyfrom_path, existing=False):
                # The source path only exists at copyfrom_revision, use
                # existing=False to guess a possible branch location and
                # test it against the filemap. The actual path and
                # revision will be resolved below if necessary.
                self.addmissing(path, isdir=True)
                return baton
        if tag:
            changeid = self.meta.tags[tag]
            source_rev, source_branch = self.meta.get_source_rev(changeid)[:2]
            frompath = ''
            source_rev = copyfrom_revision
            frompath, source_branch = self.meta.split_branch_path(copyfrom_path)[:2]
        new_hash = self.meta.get_parent_revision(source_rev + 1, source_branch, True)
        if frompath is None or new_hash == node.nullid:
            self.addmissing(path, isdir=True)
            return baton
        fromctx = self._getctx(new_hash)
        if frompath != '/' and frompath != '':
            frompath = '%s/' % frompath
            frompath = ''

        copyfromparent = False
        if frompath == '' and br_path == '':
            pnode = self.meta.get_parent_revision(
                    self.current.rev.revnum, branch)
            if pnode == new_hash:
                # Data parent is topological parent and relative paths
                # are the same, not need to do anything but restore
                # files marked as deleted.
                copyfromparent = True
            # Get the parent which would have been used for this branch
            # without the replace action.
            oldpnode = self.meta.get_parent_revision(
                    self.current.rev.revnum, branch, exact=True)
            if (oldpnode != revlog.nullid
                    and util.isancestor(self._getctx(oldpnode), fromctx)):
                # Branch-wide replacement, unmark the branch as deleted

        svncopies = {}
        copies = {}
        for f in fromctx:
            if not f.startswith(frompath):
            dest = path + '/' + f[len(frompath):]
            if not self.meta.is_path_valid(dest):
            if dest in self._deleted:
            if copyfromparent:
            svncopies[dest] = CopiedFile(new_hash, f, None)
            if branch == source_branch:
                copies[dest] = f
        if copies:
            # Preserve the directory copy records if no file was changed between
            # the source and destination revisions, or discard it completely.
            parentid = self.meta.get_parent_revision(
                    self.current.rev.revnum, branch)
            if parentid != revlog.nullid:
                parentctx = self._getctx(parentid)
                for k, v in copies.iteritems():
                    if util.issamefile(parentctx, fromctx, v):
                        svncopies[k].copypath = v

        # Copy the externals definitions of copied directories
        fromext = svnexternals.parse(self.ui, fromctx)
        for p, v in fromext.iteritems():
            pp = p and (p + '/') or ''
            if pp.startswith(frompath):
                dest = (path + '/' + pp[len(frompath):]).rstrip('/')
                self.current.externals[dest] = v
        return baton
コード例 #2
ファイル: svnmeta.py プロジェクト: seewindcn/tortoisehg
    def update_branch_tag_map_for_rev(self, revision):
        """Given a revision object, determine changes to branches.

        Returns: a dict of {
            'branches': (added_branches, self.closebranches),
        } where adds are dicts where the keys are branch names and
        values are the place the branch came from. The deletions are
        sets of the deleted branches.
        paths = revision.paths
        added_branches = {}
        # Reset the tags delta before detecting the new one, and take
        # care not to fill them until done since split_branch_path()
        # use them.
        self.addedtags, self.deletedtags = {}, {}
        addedtags, deletedtags = {}, {}
        self.closebranches = set()
        for p in sorted(paths):
            t_name = self.get_path_tag(p)
            if t_name:
                src_p, src_rev = paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev
                if src_p is not None and src_rev is not None:
                    file, branch = self.split_branch_path(src_p)[:2]
                    from_tag = self.get_path_tag(src_p)
                    if file is None and not from_tag:
                    if from_tag and from_tag not in self.tags:
                        # Ignore copies from unknown tags
                    if not file:
                        # Direct branch or tag copy
                        if from_tag:
                            changeid = self.tags[from_tag]
                            src_rev, branch = self.get_source_rev(changeid)[:2]
                        if t_name not in addedtags:
                            addedtags[t_name] = branch, src_rev
                        # Subbranch or subtag copy
                        t_name = t_name[:-(len(file)+1)]
                        found = t_name in addedtags
                        if found and src_rev > addedtags[t_name][1]:
                            addedtags[t_name] = branch, src_rev
                elif (paths[p].action == 'D' and p.endswith(t_name)
                      and t_name in self.tags):
                    branch = self.get_source_rev(self.tags[t_name])[1]
                    deletedtags[t_name] = branch, None

            # At this point we know the path is not a tag. In that
            # case, we only care if it is the root of a new branch (in
            # this function). This is determined by the following
            # checks:
            # 1. Is the file located inside any currently known
            #    branch?  If yes, then we're done with it, this isn't
            #    interesting.
            # 2. Does the file have copyfrom information? If yes, and
            #    the branch is being replaced by what would be an
            #    ancestor, treat it as a regular revert. Otherwise,
            #    we're done: this is a new branch, and we record the
            #    copyfrom in added_branches if it comes from the root
            #    of another branch, or create it from scratch.
            # 3. Neither of the above. This could be a branch, but it
            #    might never work out for us. It's only ever a branch
            #    (as far as we're concerned) if it gets committed to,
            #    which we have to detect at file-write time anyway. So
            #    we do nothing here.
            # 4. It's the root of an already-known branch, with an
            #    action of 'D'. We mark the branch as deleted.
            # 5. It's the parent directory of one or more
            #    already-known branches, so we mark them as deleted.
            # 6. It's a branch being replaced by another branch or a new
            #    directory - the action will be 'R'.
            fi, br = self.split_branch_path(p)[:2]
            if fi is not None:
                if fi == '':
                    if paths[p].action == 'D':
                        self.closebranches.add(br) # case 4
                    elif paths[p].action == 'R':
                        # Check the replacing source is not an ancestor
                        # branch of the branch being replaced, this
                        # would just be a revert.
                        if paths[p].copyfrom_path:
                            cfi, cbr = self.split_branch_path(
                                paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev)[:2]
                            if cfi == '':
                                cctx = self.repo[self.get_parent_revision(
                                    paths[p].copyfrom_rev + 1, cbr)]
                                ctx = self.repo[self.get_parent_revision(
                                    revision.revnum, br)]
                                if cctx and util.isancestor(ctx, cctx):
                        parent = self._determine_parent_branch(
                            p, paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev,
                continue # case 1
            if paths[p].action == 'D':
                for known in self.branches:
                    if self.remotename(known).startswith(p):
                        self.closebranches.add(known) # case 5
            parent = self._determine_parent_branch(
                p, paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev,
            if not parent and paths[p].copyfrom_path:
                bpath, branch = self.split_branch_path(p, False)[:2]
                if (bpath is not None
                    and branch not in self.branches
                    and branch not in added_branches):
                    parent = {branch: (None, 0, revision.revnum)}
                elif bpath is None:
                    srcpath = paths[p].copyfrom_path
                    srcrev = paths[p].copyfrom_rev
                    parent = {}
                    for br in self.branches:
                        rn = self.remotename(br)
                        if rn.startswith(srcpath[1:] + '/'):
                            bname = posixpath.basename(rn)
                            newbr = posixpath.join(p, bname)
                                    newbr, rn, srcrev, revision.revnum))
        self.addedtags, self.deletedtags = addedtags, deletedtags
        return {
            'branches': (added_branches, self.closebranches),
コード例 #3
def convert_rev(ui, meta, svn, r, tbdelta, firstrun):
    if svnwrap.subversion_version >= (1, 9, 0):
        raise hgerror.Abort(
            "hgsubversion doesn't support stupid mode with Subversion 1.9."
            ' Please email [email protected] and let us know you'
            ' saw this, otherwise we may remove stupid mode entirely.')
    # this server fails at replay

    if meta.filemap:
        raise hgerror.Abort('filemaps currently unsupported with stupid replay.')

    branches = branches_in_paths(meta, tbdelta, r.paths, r.revnum,
                                 svn.checkpath, svn.list_files, firstrun)
    bad_branch_paths = {}
    for br, bp in branches.iteritems():
        bad_branch_paths[br] = []

        # This next block might be needed, but for now I'm omitting it until it
        # can be proven necessary.
        # for bad in branches.values():
        #     if bad.startswith(bp) and len(bad) > len(bp):
        #         bad_branch_paths[br].append(bad[len(bp)+1:])

        # We've go a branch that contains other branches. We have to be careful
        # to get results similar to real replay in this case.
        for existingbr in meta.branches:
            bad = meta.remotename(existingbr)
            if bad.startswith(bp) and len(bad) > len(bp):

    deleted_branches = {}
    for p in r.paths:
        tag = meta.get_path_tag(p)
        if tag and tag not in meta.tags:
        branch = meta.localname(p)
        if not (r.paths[p].action == 'R' and branch in meta.branches):
        # Check the branch is not being replaced by one of its
        # ancestors, it happens a lot with project-wide reverts.
        frompath = r.paths[p].copyfrom_path
        frompath, frombranch = meta.split_branch_path(
            frompath, existing=False)[:2]
        if frompath == '':
            fromnode = meta.get_parent_revision(
                    r.paths[p].copyfrom_rev + 1, frombranch, exact=True)
            if fromnode != node.nullid:
                fromctx = meta.repo[fromnode]
                pctx = meta.repo[meta.get_parent_revision(
                    r.revnum, branch, exact=True)]
                if util.isancestor(pctx, fromctx):
            closed = checkbranch(meta, r, branch)
            if closed is not None:
                deleted_branches[branch] = closed

    date = meta.fixdate(r.date)
    check_deleted_branches = set(tbdelta['branches'][1])
    for b in branches:

        if meta.skipbranch(b):

        parentctx = meta.repo[meta.get_parent_revision(r.revnum, b)]
        tag = meta.get_path_tag(meta.remotename(b))
        kind = svn.checkpath(branches[b], r.revnum)
        if kind != 'd':
            if not tag:
                # Branch does not exist at this revision. Get parent
                # revision and remove everything.
                deleted_branches[b] = parentctx.node()

        # The nullrev check might not be necessary in theory but svn <
        # 1.7 failed to diff branch creation so the diff_branchrev()
        # path does not support this case with svn >= 1.7. We can fix
        # it, or we can force the existing fetch_branchrev() path. Do
        # the latter for now.
        incremental = (meta.revmap.firstpulled > 0 and
                       parentctx.rev() != node.nullrev and
                       not firstrun)

        if incremental:
                files_touched, filectxfn2 = diff_branchrev(
                    ui, svn, meta, b, branches[b], r, parentctx)
            except BadPatchApply, e:
                # Either this revision or the previous one does not exist.
                ui.note("Fetching entire revision: %s.\n" % e.args[0])
                incremental = False
        if not incremental:
            files_touched, filectxfn2 = fetch_branchrev(
                svn, meta, b, branches[b], r, parentctx)

        externals = {}
        if meta.layout != 'single':
            externals = fetch_externals(ui, svn, branches[b], r, parentctx)
            externals = svnexternals.getchanges(ui, meta.repo, parentctx,

        def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
            if path in externals:
                if externals[path] is None:
                    raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'no externals')
                return compathacks.makememfilectx(repo,
            for bad in bad_branch_paths[b]:
                if path.startswith(bad):
                    raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'Path %s is bad' % path)
            return filectxfn2(repo, memctx, path)

        if '' in files_touched:
        excluded = [f for f in files_touched if f not in meta.filemap]
        for f in excluded:

        if b:
            # Regular tag without modifications, it will be committed by
            # svnmeta.committag(), we can skip the whole branch for now
            if (tag and tag not in meta.tags and
                b not in meta.branches
                and b not in meta.repo.branchmap()
                and not files_touched):

        if parentctx.node() == node.nullid and not files_touched:
            meta.repo.ui.debug('skipping commit since parent is null and no files touched.\n')

        for f in files_touched:
            if f:
                # this is a case that really shouldn't ever happen, it means
                # something is very wrong
                assert f[0] != '/'

        extra = meta.genextra(r.revnum, b)
        if tag:
            if parentctx.node() == node.nullid:
            extra.update({'branch': parentctx.extra().get('branch', None),
                          'close': 1})

        origbranch = extra.get('branch', None)
        current_ctx = context.memctx(
            [parentctx.node(), revlog.nullid],
            [util.forceutf8(f) for f in files_touched],
        ha = meta.repo.svn_commitctx(current_ctx)

        if not tag:
            if (not origbranch in meta.branches
                and not meta.get_path_tag(meta.remotename(origbranch))):
                meta.branches[origbranch] = None, 0, r.revnum
            meta.revmap[r.revnum, b] = ha
            meta.movetag(tag, ha, r, date)
            meta.addedtags.pop(tag, None)
        util.describe_commit(ui, ha, b)
コード例 #4
    def update_branch_tag_map_for_rev(self, revision):
        """Given a revision object, determine changes to branches.

        Returns: a dict of {
            'branches': (added_branches, self.closebranches),
        } where adds are dicts where the keys are branch names and
        values are the place the branch came from. The deletions are
        sets of the deleted branches.
        paths = revision.paths
        added_branches = {}
        # Reset the tags delta before detecting the new one, and take
        # care not to fill them until done since split_branch_path()
        # use them.
        self.addedtags, self.deletedtags = {}, {}
        addedtags, deletedtags = {}, {}
        self.closebranches = set()
        for p in sorted(paths):
            t_name = self.get_path_tag(p)
            if t_name:
                src_p, src_rev = paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev
                if src_p is not None and src_rev is not None:
                    file, branch = self.split_branch_path(src_p)[:2]
                    from_tag = self.get_path_tag(src_p)
                    if file is None and not from_tag:
                    if from_tag and from_tag not in self.tags:
                        # Ignore copies from unknown tags
                    if not file:
                        # Direct branch or tag copy
                        if from_tag:
                            changeid = self.tags[from_tag]
                            src_rev, branch = self.get_source_rev(changeid)[:2]
                        if t_name not in addedtags:
                            addedtags[t_name] = branch, src_rev
                        # Subbranch or subtag copy
                        t_name = t_name[:-(len(file)+1)]
                        found = t_name in addedtags
                        if found and src_rev > addedtags[t_name][1]:
                            addedtags[t_name] = branch, src_rev
                elif (paths[p].action == 'D' and p.endswith(t_name)
                      and t_name in self.tags):
                    branch = self.get_source_rev(self.tags[t_name])[1]
                    deletedtags[t_name] = branch, None

            # At this point we know the path is not a tag. In that
            # case, we only care if it is the root of a new branch (in
            # this function). This is determined by the following
            # checks:
            # 1. Is the file located inside any currently known
            #    branch?  If yes, then we're done with it, this isn't
            #    interesting.
            # 2. Does the file have copyfrom information? If yes, and
            #    the branch is being replaced by what would be an
            #    ancestor, treat it as a regular revert. Otherwise,
            #    we're done: this is a new branch, and we record the
            #    copyfrom in added_branches if it comes from the root
            #    of another branch, or create it from scratch.
            # 3. Neither of the above. This could be a branch, but it
            #    might never work out for us. It's only ever a branch
            #    (as far as we're concerned) if it gets committed to,
            #    which we have to detect at file-write time anyway. So
            #    we do nothing here.
            # 4. It's the root of an already-known branch, with an
            #    action of 'D'. We mark the branch as deleted.
            # 5. It's the parent directory of one or more
            #    already-known branches, so we mark them as deleted.
            # 6. It's a branch being replaced by another branch or a new
            #    directory - the action will be 'R'.
            fi, br = self.split_branch_path(p)[:2]
            if fi is not None:
                if fi == '':
                    if paths[p].action == 'D':
                        self.closebranches.add(br) # case 4
                    elif paths[p].action == 'R':
                        # Check the replacing source is not an ancestor
                        # branch of the branch being replaced, this
                        # would just be a revert.
                        if paths[p].copyfrom_path:
                            cfi, cbr = self.split_branch_path(
                                paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev)[:2]
                            if cfi == '':
                                cctx = self.repo[self.get_parent_revision(
                                    paths[p].copyfrom_rev + 1, cbr)]
                                ctx = self.repo[self.get_parent_revision(
                                    revision.revnum, br)]
                                if cctx and util.isancestor(ctx, cctx):
                        parent = self._determine_parent_branch(
                            p, paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev,
                continue # case 1
            if paths[p].action == 'D':
                for known in self.branches:
                    if self.remotename(known).startswith(p):
                        self.closebranches.add(known) # case 5
            parent = self._determine_parent_branch(
                p, paths[p].copyfrom_path, paths[p].copyfrom_rev,
            if not parent and paths[p].copyfrom_path:
                bpath, branch = self.split_branch_path(p, False)[:2]
                if (bpath is not None
                    and branch not in self.branches
                    and branch not in added_branches):
                    parent = {branch: (None, 0, revision.revnum)}
                elif bpath is None:
                    srcpath = paths[p].copyfrom_path
                    srcrev = paths[p].copyfrom_rev
                    parent = {}
                    for br in self.branches:
                        rn = self.remotename(br)
                        if rn.startswith(srcpath[1:] + '/'):
                            bname = posixpath.basename(rn)
                            newbr = posixpath.join(p, bname)
                                    newbr, rn, srcrev, revision.revnum))
        self.addedtags, self.deletedtags = addedtags, deletedtags
        return {
            'branches': (added_branches, self.closebranches),
コード例 #5
ファイル: stupid.py プロジェクト: fuzzball81/dotfiles
def convert_rev(ui, meta, svn, r, tbdelta, firstrun):
    # this server fails at replay

    if meta.filemap:
        raise hgutil.Abort('filemaps currently unsupported with stupid replay.')

    branches = branches_in_paths(meta, tbdelta, r.paths, r.revnum,
                                 svn.checkpath, svn.list_files, firstrun)
    brpaths = branches.values()
    bad_branch_paths = {}
    for br, bp in branches.iteritems():
        bad_branch_paths[br] = []

        # This next block might be needed, but for now I'm omitting it until it
        # can be proven necessary.
        # for bad in brpaths:
        #     if bad.startswith(bp) and len(bad) > len(bp):
        #         bad_branch_paths[br].append(bad[len(bp)+1:])

        # We've go a branch that contains other branches. We have to be careful
        # to get results similar to real replay in this case.
        for existingbr in meta.branches:
            bad = meta.remotename(existingbr)
            if bad.startswith(bp) and len(bad) > len(bp):

    deleted_branches = {}
    for p in r.paths:
        tag = meta.get_path_tag(p)
        if tag and tag not in meta.tags:
        branch = meta.localname(p)
        if not (r.paths[p].action == 'R' and branch in meta.branches):
        # Check the branch is not being replaced by one of its
        # ancestors, it happens a lot with project-wide reverts.
        frompath = r.paths[p].copyfrom_path
        frompath, frombranch = meta.split_branch_path(
            frompath, existing=False)[:2]
        if frompath == '':
            fromnode = meta.get_parent_revision(
                    r.paths[p].copyfrom_rev + 1, frombranch, exact=True)
            if fromnode != node.nullid:
                fromctx = meta.repo[fromnode]
                pctx = meta.repo[meta.get_parent_revision(
                    r.revnum, branch, exact=True)]
                if util.isancestor(pctx, fromctx):
            closed = checkbranch(meta, r, branch)
            if closed is not None:
                deleted_branches[branch] = closed

    date = meta.fixdate(r.date)
    check_deleted_branches = set(tbdelta['branches'][1])
    for b in branches:
        parentctx = meta.repo[meta.get_parent_revision(r.revnum, b)]
        tag = meta.get_path_tag(meta.remotename(b))
        kind = svn.checkpath(branches[b], r.revnum)
        if kind != 'd':
            if not tag:
                # Branch does not exist at this revision. Get parent
                # revision and remove everything.
                deleted_branches[b] = parentctx.node()

        # The nullrev check might not be necessary in theory but svn <
        # 1.7 failed to diff branch creation so the diff_branchrev()
        # path does not support this case with svn >= 1.7. We can fix
        # it, or we can force the existing fetch_branchrev() path. Do
        # the latter for now.
        incremental = (meta.firstpulled > 0 and
                       parentctx.rev() != node.nullrev and
                       not firstrun)

        if incremental:
                files_touched, filectxfn2 = diff_branchrev(
                    ui, svn, meta, b, branches[b], r, parentctx)
            except BadPatchApply, e:
                # Either this revision or the previous one does not exist.
                ui.note("Fetching entire revision: %s.\n" % e.args[0])
                incremental = False
        if not incremental:
            files_touched, filectxfn2 = fetch_branchrev(
                svn, meta, b, branches[b], r, parentctx)

        externals = {}
        if meta.layout != 'single':
            externals = fetch_externals(ui, svn, branches[b], r, parentctx)
            externals = svnexternals.getchanges(ui, meta.repo, parentctx,

        def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
            if path in externals:
                if externals[path] is None:
                    raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'no externals')
                return compathacks.makememfilectx(repo,
            for bad in bad_branch_paths[b]:
                if path.startswith(bad):
                    raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'Path %s is bad' % path)
            return filectxfn2(repo, memctx, path)

        if '' in files_touched:
        excluded = [f for f in files_touched if f not in meta.filemap]
        for f in excluded:

        if b:
            # Regular tag without modifications, it will be committed by
            # svnmeta.committag(), we can skip the whole branch for now
            if (tag and tag not in meta.tags and
                b not in meta.branches
                and b not in compathacks.branchset(meta.repo)
                and not files_touched):

        if parentctx.node() == node.nullid and not files_touched:
            meta.repo.ui.debug('skipping commit since parent is null and no files touched.\n')

        for f in files_touched:
            if f:
                # this is a case that really shouldn't ever happen, it means
                # something is very wrong
                assert f[0] != '/'

        extra = meta.genextra(r.revnum, b)
        if tag:
            if parentctx.node() == node.nullid:
            extra.update({'branch': parentctx.extra().get('branch', None),
                          'close': 1})

        origbranch = extra.get('branch', None)
        current_ctx = context.memctx(meta.repo,
                                     [parentctx.node(), revlog.nullid],
        ha = meta.repo.svn_commitctx(current_ctx)

        if not tag:
            if (not origbranch in meta.branches
                and not meta.get_path_tag(meta.remotename(origbranch))):
                meta.branches[origbranch] = None, 0, r.revnum
            meta.revmap[r.revnum, b] = ha
            meta.movetag(tag, ha, r, date)
            meta.addedtags.pop(tag, None)
        util.describe_commit(ui, ha, b)