def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convolve an image with a kernel.') p.add_argument('img', help='input image filename') p.add_argument('k', help='path to kernel ') p.add_argument( '-gamma', type=float, default=1.0, help='gamma correction to use for images (default: no correction)') p.add_argument('-out', help='output to *.png file instead of viewing') args = p.parse_args() img = util.load_image(args.img, args, gray=False) n, h, w, c = img.shape assert n == 1, n out = np.zeros((h, w, c), dtype=np.float32) step, kernel = util.load_kernel(args.k) sess = util.make_session() for i in range(c): chan = util.convolve(tf.constant(img[:, :, :, i:i + 1]), kernel)) out[:, :, i] = chan[0, :, :, 0] out = util.from_float(out, args.gamma) if args.out is not None: util.save_image(args.out, out) print('Written to', args.out) else: print('Press ESC to close window.') util.viewer(None, lambda: out)
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Given two images and some kernels, report the difference per kernel.') p.add_argument('a', help='input image filename') p.add_argument('b', help='expected image filename') p.add_argument('kernels', nargs='*', help='kernel directory') p.add_argument( '-gamma', type=float, default=1.0, help='gamma correction to use for images (default: no correction)') p.add_argument('-crop_x', type=int, default=0, help='crop X offset in pixels, range is [0..width-1]') p.add_argument( '-crop_y', type=int, default=0, help= 'crop Y offset in pixels, range is [0..height-1] where 0 is the TOP') p.add_argument('-crop_w', type=int, default=0, help='crop width in pixels') p.add_argument('-crop_h', type=int, default=0, help='crop height in pixels') args = p.parse_args() img1 = util.load_image(args.a, args) img2 = util.load_image(args.b, args) assert img1.shape == img2.shape, (img1.shape, img2.shape) print('# Loaded images. Shape is', img1.shape) img_input = tf.constant(img1) img_expected = tf.constant(img2) sess = util.make_session() for kfn in args.kernels: step, kernel = util.load_kernel(kfn) n = kernel.shape[0] border = (n + 1) // 2 # Convolve and calculate costs. img_actual = util.convolve(img_input, kernel) dcost = util.diff_cost(util.diff(img_actual, img_expected, border))) rcost = print(kfn, 'n', n, 'diffcost %.12f' % dcost, 'regcost', rcost, 'avg-px-err', util.avg_px_err(dcost, args.gamma))
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Given two images, determine the convolution kernel so that ' 'a * k = b') p.add_argument('ka', help='input kernel') p.add_argument('kb', help='output kernel directory') p.add_argument('n', type=int, help='output kernel size') p.add_argument('-mul', type=float, default=.5, help='multiplier for random fill') p.add_argument( '-norm', type=float, default=0, help='normalize sum to this amount (default: zero: no normalization)') args = p.parse_args() os.mkdir(args.kb) step, kernel = util.load_kernel(args.ka) print('input kernel size', kernel.shape) e = np.mean(np.abs(kernel)) print('input kernel mean', e) na = kernel.shape[0] nb = args.n outk = np.random.normal(size=(nb, nb, 1, 1)).astype(np.float32) oute = np.mean(np.abs(outk)) outk *= e * args.mul / oute if nb > na: h = (nb - na) // 2 print('grow: offset', h) outk[h:h + na, h:h + na, :, :] = kernel else: h = (na - nb) // 2 print('shrink: offset', h) outk = kernel[h:h + nb, h:h + nb, :, :] if args.norm != 0: outk = outk / np.sum(outk) * args.norm oute = np.mean(np.abs(outk)) print('output kernel mean', oute) util.save_kernel(args.kb, step, outk) print('resized from', kernel.shape, 'to', outk.shape)
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Display a kernel.') p.add_argument('-out', help='output to *.png file instead of viewing') p.add_argument('k', nargs='*', help='path to kernel(s)') args = p.parse_args() out = None for fn in args.k: print('Loading', fn) step, kernel = util.load_kernel(fn) print(' Step', step) print(' Kernel shape is', kernel.shape) print(' Min', np.min(kernel)) print(' Max', np.max(kernel)) print(' Mean', np.mean(kernel)) print(' Sum', np.sum(kernel)) print(' Sum of abs', np.sum(np.abs(kernel))) print(' RMS', np.sqrt(np.mean(kernel * kernel))) render = util.vis_hwoi(kernel, doubles=2) render = util.hstack([render, util.make_label(fn)], 5) if out is None: out = render else: out = util.vstack([out, render], 5) out = util.border(out, 5) if args.out is not None: util.save_image(args.out, out) print('Written to', args.out) else: print('Press ESC to close window.') def render_fn(): return out util.viewer(None, render_fn)
def main(): MAIN_T = time.time() p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Given two images, determine the convolution kernel so that ' 'a * k = b') p.add_argument('a', help='input image filename') p.add_argument('b', help='expected image filename') p.add_argument('k', help='kernel directory') p.add_argument( '-n', type=int, default=5, help='kernel size is NxN (default: 5, or automatically set to size ' 'of loaded kernel)') p.add_argument( '-sym', type=boolchoice, default=True, choices=[True, False], help='kernel will be symmetric if set to True (default: True)') p.add_argument( '-gamma', type=float, default=1.0, help='gamma correction to use for images (default: no correction)') p.add_argument( '-reg_cost', type=float, default=0., help='regularization cost: the sum of weights is multiplied by this ' 'and added to the cost (default: zero: no regularization)') p.add_argument( '-border', type=int, default=-1, help='how many pixels to remove from the border (from every edge of the ' 'image) before calculating the difference (default: auto based on ' 'kernel size)') p.add_argument('-learn_rate', type=float, default=2.**-10, help='learning rate for the optimizer') p.add_argument('-epsilon', type=float, default=.09, help='epsilon for the optimizer') p.add_argument( '-max_steps', type=int, default=0, help='stop after this many steps (default: zero: never stop)') p.add_argument('-log_every', type=int, default=100, help='log stats every N steps (0 to disable)') p.add_argument('-save_every', type=int, default=500, help='save kernel and image every N steps (0 to disable)') p.add_argument('-crop_x', type=int, default=0, help='crop X offset in pixels, range is [0..width-1]') p.add_argument( '-crop_y', type=int, default=0, help= 'crop Y offset in pixels, range is [0..height-1] where 0 is the TOP') p.add_argument('-crop_w', type=int, default=0, help='crop width in pixels') p.add_argument('-crop_h', type=int, default=0, help='crop height in pixels') p.add_argument( '-fps', type=float, default=5, help='how often to update the viewer, set to zero to disable viewer') args = p.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.k): os.mkdir(args.k) step = -1 else: step, w1 = util.load_kernel(args.k) args.n = w1.shape[0] if step >= args.max_steps and args.max_steps != 0: print('Current step %d is over max %d. Exiting.' % (step, args.max_steps)) return 0 log = util.Logger(args.k + '/log.txt') log.log('--- Start of run ---') log.log('Cmdline:', sys.argv) # Load images. img1 = util.load_image(args.a, args) img2 = util.load_image(args.b, args) assert img1.shape == img2.shape, (img1.shape, img2.shape) log.log('Loaded images. Shape is', img1.shape, '(NHWC)') vimg1 = util.vis_nhwc(img1, doubles=0, gamma=args.gamma) vimg2 = util.vis_nhwc(img2, doubles=0, gamma=args.gamma) # Load and initialize weights. if step >= 0: log.log('Loaded weights, shape is', w1.shape, '(HWIO)') else: assert step == -1, step step = 0 log.log('Starting with random weights.') w1 = np.random.normal(size=(args.n, args.n, 1, 1), scale=.2).astype(np.float32) m = args.n // 2 w1[m, m, 0, 0] = 1. # Bright middle pixel. if args.sym: w1 = util.make_symmetric(w1) else: w1 = tf.Variable(w1) if args.border == -1: args.border = (args.n + 1) // 2 log.log('Automatically set border to', args.border) log.log('Current args:', args.__dict__) log.log('Starting at step', step) # Convolution. input_img = tf.constant(img1) expected_img = tf.constant(img2) actual_img = util.convolve(input_img, w1) # <-- THIS IS THE CALCULATION. # Cost. diff = util.diff(actual_img, expected_img, args.border) diffcost = util.diff_cost(diff) # L2 cost = diffcost # Regularization. reg = util.reg_cost(w1) # L1 if args.reg_cost != 0: cost += reg * args.reg_cost # Optimizer. global_step = tf.Variable(step, dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False, name='global_step') train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( args.learn_rate, args.epsilon).minimize(cost, global_step=global_step) log.log('Starting TF session.') sess = util.make_session(outdir=args.k) # Get ready for viewer. log_last_step = [step] log_last_time = [time.time()] def periodic_log(): """Does a log.log() of stats like step number and current error.""" now = time.time() rstep, rcost, rreg, rdiffcost = [global_step, cost, reg, diffcost]) if log_last_step[0] == rstep: return # Dupe call. log.log( 'steps', rstep, 'total-cost %.9f' % rcost, 'diffcost %.9f' % rdiffcost, 'reg %.9f' % rreg, 'avg-px-err %.6f' % util.avg_px_err(rdiffcost, args.gamma), 'steps/sec %.2f' % ((rstep - log_last_step[0]) / (now - log_last_time[0])), ) log_last_step[0] = rstep log_last_time[0] = now render_time = [0.] def render(): """Returns an image showing the current weights and output.""" # TODO: vertically align labels. t0 = time.time() rout, rdiff, rw =[actual_img, diff, w1]) render_out = util.vstack([ util.hstack([ util.vstack([util.cache_label('input:'), vimg1], 5), util.vstack([ util.cache_label('actual:'), util.vis_nhwc(rout, doubles=0, gamma=args.gamma) ], 5), util.vstack([util.cache_label('expected:'), vimg2], 5), ], 5), util.cache_label('difference:'), util.vis_nhwc(rdiff, doubles=0), util.cache_label('kernel:'), util.vis_hwoi(rw, doubles=2), ], 5) render_out = util.border(render_out, 5) t1 = time.time() render_time[0] += t1 - t0 return render_out def periodic_save(): rstep, rdiffcost, rw =[global_step, diffcost, w1]) util.save_kernel(args.k, rstep, rw) rfn = args.k + '/render-step%08d-diff%.9f.png' % (rstep, rdiffcost) util.save_image(rfn, render()) calc_time = [0.] def calc_fn(): """ Run train_step. Then do every-N-steps housekeeping. """ t0 = time.time() # <--- THIS IS WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS. t1 = time.time() calc_time[0] += t1 - t0 nsteps = if args.log_every != 0: if nsteps == 1 or nsteps % args.log_every == 0: periodic_log() if args.save_every != 0: if nsteps % args.save_every == 0: periodic_save() if args.max_steps == 0: return True # Loop forever. return nsteps < args.max_steps log.log('Start optimizer.') START_T = time.time() if args.fps == 0: while True: if not calc_fn(): break else: util.viewer(calc_fn, render, fps=args.fps, hang=False) STOP_T = time.time() # Final log and save. log.log('Stop optimizer.') log.log('Render time %.3fs (%.02f%% of optimizer)' % (render_time[0], 100. * render_time[0] / (STOP_T - START_T))) periodic_log() periodic_save() nsteps = - step log.log('Steps this session %d, calc time %.3fs (%.02f%% of optimizer)' % (nsteps, calc_time[0], 100. * calc_time[0] / (STOP_T - START_T))) log.log('Calc steps/sec %.3f, with overhead steps/sec %.3f' % (nsteps / calc_time[0], nsteps / (STOP_T - START_T))) END_T = time.time() log.log('Total time spent: %.3fs' % (END_T - INIT_T)) for k, v in [ ('before main', MAIN_T - INIT_T), ('setting up', START_T - MAIN_T), ('optimizing', STOP_T - START_T), ('finishing up', END_T - STOP_T), ]: log.log(' - time spent %s: %.3fs (%.02f%% of total)' % (k, v, 100. * v / (END_T - INIT_T))) log.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import ctypes as ct import socket import weakref from ip4tc import Rule, Table, IPTCError from util import find_library, load_kernel from xtables import (XT_INV_PROTO, NFPROTO_IPV6, xt_align, xt_counters) __all__ = ["Table6", "Rule6"] load_kernel("ip6_tables") _IFNAMSIZ = 16 def is_table6_available(name): try: Table6(name) return True except IPTCError: pass return False class in6_addr(ct.Structure): """This class is a representation of the C struct in6_addr.""" _fields_ = [("s6_addr", ct.c_uint8 * 16)] # IPv6 address