コード例 #1
ファイル: gaussian.py プロジェクト: Veterun/cryoem-cvpr2015
    def evaluate_kernel(self,inds,vals,odomain,params,logspace=False):
        sqdist_mat = self.domain.get_sqdist_mat(odomain,curr_inds = None, other_inds = inds)

        sigma_scale = params.get('is_gaussian_sigmascale'+self.suffix,params.get('is_gaussian_sigmascale',1.0))

#         sigma = sigma_scale*odomain.resolution
        sigma = sigma_scale*n.reshape(odomain.get_pt_resolution(inds),(1,-1))
        if logspace:
            logK = (-0.5/sigma**2)*sqdist_mat
            ret = logsumexp(logK + vals.reshape((1,-1)),axis=1)
            ret -= logsumexp(ret)
            K = n.exp((-0.5/sigma**2)*sqdist_mat)
            ret = n.dot(K,vals)
            ret /= ret.sum()

        return ret
コード例 #2
    def record_update(self,
        do_importance_sampling = self.params.get('is_on' + self.suffix, False)
        if not do_importance_sampling or dist in self.updates:

        # IMPORTANT: Must make sure our stored memory here is distinct from the memory passed in with
        # samplevalues, otherwise it may get changed out from underneath us!!!
        samplevalues = n.require(samplevalues, dtype=n.float64)
        if not logspace:
            logsamplevalues = n.log(n.abs(samplevalues) / samplews)
            logsamplevalues = samplevalues - n.log(samplews)

        # Anneal the new values a bit
        temp = self.params.get('is_temperature' + self.suffix,
                               self.params.get('is_temperature', 1.0))
        assert n.isfinite(temp) and temp > 0
        if temp != 1.0:
            logsamplevalues *= (1.0 / temp)
        logsamplevalues[n.logical_not(n.isfinite(logsamplevalues))] = -n.inf
        lse = logsumexp(logsamplevalues)
        assert n.isfinite(lse)
        logsamplevalues -= lse

        expsamplevalues = n.exp(logsamplevalues)

        self.updates[dist] = (samples, logsamplevalues, expsamplevalues,
                              self.domain, self.params, pinlier, testImg)

        # Compute the global update here to allow it to be done in parallel
        # NOTE: there is some threading level non-determinism here due to
        # numerical precision and the fact that global_upd may get added in
        # different orders with different thread timings.
        global_prob = self.params.get('is_global_prob' + self.suffix,
                                      self.params.get('is_global_prob', 0))
        if not testImg and pinlier > 0 and global_prob > 0:
            self.global_upd += pinlier * self.evaluate_kernel(samples,
        if self.global_contrib[dist] == 1:
            psamples, _, pexpsamplevalues, pdom, pparams, ppinlier, ptestImg = self.prev_vals[
            global_prob = pparams.get('is_global_prob' + self.suffix,
                                      pparams.get('is_global_prob', 0))
            if not ptestImg and ppinlier > 0 and global_prob > 0:
                self.global_upd -= ppinlier * self.evaluate_kernel(psamples, pexpsamplevalues, \
                                                                   pdom, pparams, logspace=False)
コード例 #3
def score_seq_by_word(possible_word_indices, offset_of_chosen_word,
                      features_concat, weights):
    logprobs = []
    for indices, chosen, features in zip(possible_word_indices,
        logits = np.dot(features, weights)
        chosen_logprob = logits[chosen] - logsumexp(logits)
    return logprobs
コード例 #4
ファイル: classify.py プロジェクト: insperatum/text-patterns
def p_ratio(examples_support, examples_test):
    examples_support = tuple(sorted(examples_support))
    examples_test = tuple(sorted(examples_test))
    examples_joint = tuple(sorted(examples_support + examples_test))

    if examples_support in prob_cache:
        logp_support = prob_cache[examples_support]
        proposals_support = getProposals(M['net'],
                                         modes=("regex", ),
        logp_support = util.logsumexp(
            [proposal.final_trace.score for proposal in proposals_support])
        prob_cache[examples_support] = logp_support

    if examples_test in prob_cache:
        logp_test = prob_cache[examples_test]
        proposals_test = getProposals(M['net'],
                                      modes=("regex", ),
        logp_test = util.logsumexp(
            [proposal.final_trace.score for proposal in proposals_test])
        prob_cache[examples_test] = logp_test

    if examples_joint in prob_cache:
        logp_joint = prob_cache[examples_joint]
        proposals_joint = getProposals(M['net'],
                                       modes=("regex", ),
        logp_joint = util.logsumexp(
            [proposal.final_trace.score for proposal in proposals_joint])
        prob_cache[examples_joint] = logp_joint

    score = logp_joint - logp_test - logp_support
    return score
コード例 #5
    def store_results(self, idx, isw,
                      cphi_R, sampleinfo_R,
                      cphi_I, sampleinfo_I,
                      cphi_S, sampleinfo_S, res,
        Idx = self.minibatch['img_idxs'][idx]
        testImg = self.minibatch['test_batch']

        N_R_sampled = sampleinfo_R[0]
        N_I_sampled = sampleinfo_I[0]
        N_S_sampled = sampleinfo_S[0]
        if not self.factoredRI:
            cphi_R = cphi_R.reshape((N_R_sampled, N_I_sampled))
            if logspace_phis:
                cphi_I = logsumexp(cphi_R, axis=0)
                cphi_R = logsumexp(cphi_R, axis=1)
                cphi_I = n.sum(cphi_R, axis=0)
                cphi_R = n.sum(cphi_R, axis=1)

        self.sampler_R.record_update(Idx, sampleinfo_R[1], cphi_R, sampleinfo_R[2], isw, testImg,
        self.sampler_I.record_update(Idx, sampleinfo_I[1], cphi_I, sampleinfo_I[2], isw, testImg,
        self.sampler_S.record_update(Idx, sampleinfo_S[1], cphi_S, sampleinfo_S[2], isw, testImg,

        res['N_R_sampled'][idx] = N_R_sampled
        res['N_I_sampled'][idx] = N_I_sampled
        res['N_S_sampled'][idx] = N_S_sampled
        res['N_Total_sampled'][idx] = N_R_sampled * N_I_sampled * N_S_sampled

        res['Evar_prior'][idx] = self.imgpower[idx] / self.N ** 2

        if logspace_phis:
            res['CV2_R'][idx] = n.exp(-logsumexp(2 * cphi_R, dtype=n.float64))
            res['CV2_I'][idx] = n.exp(-logsumexp(2 * cphi_I, dtype=n.float64))
            res['CV2_S'][idx] = n.exp(-logsumexp(2 * cphi_S, dtype=n.float64))
            res['CV2_R'][idx] = (1.0 / n.sum(cphi_R ** 2, dtype=n.float64))
            res['CV2_I'][idx] = (1.0 / n.sum(cphi_I ** 2, dtype=n.float64))
            res['CV2_S'][idx] = (1.0 / n.sum(cphi_S ** 2, dtype=n.float64))
コード例 #6
    def evaluate_kernel(self, inds, vals, odomain, params, logspace=False):
        sqdist_mat = self.domain.get_sqdist_mat(odomain,

        sigma_scale = params.get('is_gaussian_sigmascale' + self.suffix,
                                 params.get('is_gaussian_sigmascale', 1.0))

        #         sigma = sigma_scale*odomain.resolution
        sigma = sigma_scale * n.reshape(odomain.get_pt_resolution(inds),
                                        (1, -1))
        if logspace:
            logK = (-0.5 / sigma**2) * sqdist_mat
            ret = logsumexp(logK + vals.reshape((1, -1)), axis=1)
            ret -= logsumexp(ret)
            K = n.exp((-0.5 / sigma**2) * sqdist_mat)
            ret = n.dot(K, vals)
            ret /= ret.sum()

        return ret
コード例 #7
    def calc_local_params(self, Data, LP, nnzPerRowLP=0, **kwargs):
        ''' Compute local parameters for each data item and component.

        Data : bnpy.data.DataObj subclass

        LP : dict
            Local parameters as key-value string/array pairs
            * E_log_soft_ev : 2D array, N x K
                E_log_soft_ev[n,k] = log p(data obs n | comp k)

        LP : dict
            Local parameters, with updated fields
            * resp : 2D array, size N x K array
                Posterior responsibility each comp has for each item
                resp[n, k] = p(z[n] = k | x[n])
        lpr = LP['E_log_soft_ev']
        K = lpr.shape[1]
        if self.inferType.count('EM') > 0:
            # Using point estimates, for EM algorithm
            lpr += np.log(self.w)
            if nnzPerRowLP and (nnzPerRowLP > 0 and nnzPerRowLP < K):
                # SPARSE Assignments
                LP['nnzPerRow'] = nnzPerRowLP
                LP['spR'] = sparsifyLogResp(lpr, nnzPerRow=nnzPerRowLP)
                assert np.all(np.isfinite(LP['spR'].data))
                lprPerItem = logsumexp(lpr, axis=1)
                lpr -= lprPerItem[:, np.newaxis]
                np.exp(lpr, out=lpr)
                LP['resp'] = lpr
                LP['evidence'] = lprPerItem.sum()
            # Full Bayesian approach, for VB or GS algorithms
            lpr += self.Elogw
            if nnzPerRowLP and (nnzPerRowLP > 0 and nnzPerRowLP < K):
                # SPARSE Assignments
                LP['nnzPerRow'] = nnzPerRowLP
                LP['spR'] = sparsifyLogResp(lpr, nnzPerRow=nnzPerRowLP)
                assert np.all(np.isfinite(LP['spR'].data))
                # DENSE Assignments
                # Calculate exp in numerically safe way,
                # in-place so no new allocations occur
                LP['resp'] = lpr
                assert np.allclose(lpr.sum(axis=1), 1)
        return LP
コード例 #8
    def store_results(self, idx, isw, \
                      cphi_R, sampleinfo_R, \
                      cphi_I, sampleinfo_I, \
                      cphi_S, sampleinfo_S, res,
                      logspace_phis = False):
        Idx = self.minibatch['img_idxs'][idx]
        testImg = self.minibatch['test_batch']

        N_R_sampled = sampleinfo_R[0]
        N_I_sampled = sampleinfo_I[0]
        N_S_sampled = sampleinfo_S[0]
        if not self.factoredRI:
            cphi_R = cphi_R.reshape((N_R_sampled,N_I_sampled))
            if logspace_phis:
                cphi_I = logsumexp(cphi_R,axis=0)
                cphi_R = logsumexp(cphi_R,axis=1)
                cphi_I = np.sum(cphi_R,axis=0)
                cphi_R = np.sum(cphi_R,axis=1)

        self.sampler_R.record_update(Idx, sampleinfo_R[1], cphi_R, sampleinfo_R[2], isw, testImg, logspace = logspace_phis)
        self.sampler_I.record_update(Idx, sampleinfo_I[1], cphi_I, sampleinfo_I[2], isw, testImg, logspace = logspace_phis)
        self.sampler_S.record_update(Idx, sampleinfo_S[1], cphi_S, sampleinfo_S[2], isw, testImg, logspace = logspace_phis)

        res['N_R_sampled'][idx] = N_R_sampled
        res['N_I_sampled'][idx] = N_I_sampled
        res['N_S_sampled'][idx] = N_S_sampled
        res['N_Total_sampled'][idx] = N_R_sampled*N_I_sampled*N_S_sampled
        res['Evar_prior'][idx] = self.imgpower[idx]/self.N**2

        if logspace_phis:
            res['CV2_R'][idx] = np.exp(-logsumexp(2*cphi_R,dtype=np.float64))
            res['CV2_I'][idx] = np.exp(-logsumexp(2*cphi_I,dtype=np.float64))
            res['CV2_S'][idx] = np.exp(-logsumexp(2*cphi_S,dtype=np.float64))
            res['CV2_R'][idx] = (1.0/np.sum(cphi_R**2,dtype=np.float64))
            res['CV2_I'][idx] = (1.0/np.sum(cphi_I**2,dtype=np.float64))
            res['CV2_S'][idx] = (1.0/np.sum(cphi_S**2,dtype=np.float64))
コード例 #9
ファイル: demo.py プロジェクト: insperatum/text-patterns
    def conditionalProbability(
            examples_test):  #p(examples_test | examples_support)
        proposals = getProposals(M['net'], M['trace'], examples_support)

        #Normalise scores
        total_logprob = util.logsumexp(
            [proposal.final_trace.score for proposal in proposals])

        for proposal in proposals:
            proposal.final_trace.score -= total_logprob

        #Observe new examples
        new_traces = []
        for proposal in proposals:
            trace, observations, counterexamples, p_valid = proposal.final_trace.observe_all(
                proposal.concept, examples_test)
            if trace is not None:

        #Conditional probability
        return util.logsumexp([trace.score for trace in new_traces])
コード例 #10
ファイル: generator.py プロジェクト: stephentu/passgen
def generate_variable(charset, policy, min_length, max_length, urandom):
    min_length, max_length inclusive
    assert min_length > 0
    assert min_length <= max_length
    n = len(charset)
    choices = np.arange(min_length, max_length + 1)
    scores = choices * np.log(n)
    scores -= logsumexp(scores)
    probs = np.exp(scores)
    assert almost_equals(probs.sum(), 1.0)

    fname = '/dev/urandom' if urandom else '/dev/random'
    with open(fname) as f:
        choice = choices[sample_discrete(probs, total=1.0, r=f)]
        return generate0(charset, policy, choice, f)
コード例 #11
ファイル: fixed.py プロジェクト: lqhuang/orientation-python
    def record_update(self, dist, samples, samplevalues, samplews, pinlier, testImg, logspace=False):
        do_importance_sampling = self.params.get('is_on'+self.suffix, False)
        if not do_importance_sampling or dist in self.updates:

        # IMPORTANT: Must make sure our stored memory here is distinct from the memory passed in with
        # samplevalues, otherwise it may get changed out from underneath us!!!
        samplevalues = np.require(samplevalues,dtype=np.float64)
        if not logspace:
            logsamplevalues = np.log(np.abs(samplevalues)/samplews)
            logsamplevalues = samplevalues - np.log(samplews)

        # Anneal the new values a bit
        temp = self.params.get('is_temperature'+self.suffix, self.params.get('is_temperature',1.0))
        assert np.isfinite(temp) and temp > 0
        if temp != 1.0:
            logsamplevalues *= (1.0/temp)
        logsamplevalues[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(logsamplevalues))] = -np.inf
        lse = logsumexp(logsamplevalues)
        assert np.isfinite(lse)
        logsamplevalues -= lse
        expsamplevalues = np.exp(logsamplevalues)

        self.updates[dist] = (samples,logsamplevalues,expsamplevalues,self.domain,self.params,pinlier,testImg)

        # Compute the global update here to allow it to be done in parallel
        # NOTE: there is some threading level non-determinism here due to
        # numerical precision and the fact that global_upd may get added in 
        # different orders with different thread timings.
        global_prob = self.params.get('is_global_prob'+self.suffix,self.params.get('is_global_prob',0))
        if not testImg and pinlier > 0 and global_prob > 0:
            self.global_upd += pinlier*self.evaluate_kernel(samples,
        if self.global_contrib[dist] == 1:
            psamples, _, pexpsamplevalues, pdom, pparams, ppinlier, ptestImg = self.prev_vals[dist]
            global_prob = pparams.get('is_global_prob'+self.suffix,pparams.get('is_global_prob',0))
            if not ptestImg and ppinlier > 0 and global_prob > 0:
                self.global_upd -= ppinlier*self.evaluate_kernel(psamples, pexpsamplevalues, \
                                                                 pdom, pparams, logspace=False)
コード例 #12
    def _build_entropy(self, weights, means, covars):
        # First build half a square matrix of normals. This avoids re-computing symmetric normals.
        log_normal_probs = util.init_list(
            0.0, [self.num_components, self.num_components])
        for i in xrange(self.num_components):
            for j in xrange(i, self.num_components):
                for k in xrange(self.num_latent):
                    if self.diag_post:
                        normal = util.DiagNormal(
                            means[i, k, :], covars[i, k, :] + covars[j, k, :])
                        if i == j:
                            # Compute chol(2S) = sqrt(2)*chol(S).
                            covars_sum = tf.sqrt(2.0) * covars[i, k, :, :]
                            # TODO(karl): Can we just stay in cholesky space somehow?
                            covars_sum = tf.cholesky(
                                util.mat_square(covars[i, k, :, :]) +
                                util.mat_square(covars[j, k, :, :]))
                        normal = util.CholNormal(means[i, k, :], covars_sum)
                    log_normal_probs[i][j] += normal.log_prob(means[j, k, :])

        # Now compute the entropy.
        entropy = 0.0
        for i in xrange(self.num_components):
            weighted_log_probs = util.init_list(0.0, [self.num_components])
            for j in xrange(self.num_components):
                if i <= j:
                    weighted_log_probs[j] = tf.log(
                        weights[j]) + log_normal_probs[i][j]
                    weighted_log_probs[j] = tf.log(
                        weights[j]) + log_normal_probs[j][i]

            entropy -= weights[i] * util.logsumexp(

        return entropy
コード例 #13
ファイル: sbs.py プロジェクト: ronalmessi/dpp
def simbased_sample(k, L):
    N = L.shape[0]
    D = np.real(np.log(1-L))

    # Sample a random element
    j = np.random.randint(N)
    Y = [j]

    for i in range(1, k):
        # Calculate distances
        p = np.sum(D[:, Y], axis=1)

        # Normalize
        p = np.exp(p - logsumexp(p))

        # Sample
        p_cdf = np.cumsum(p)
        r = np.random.rand()
        j = np.argwhere(r <= p_cdf)[0]


    return np.array(Y)
コード例 #14
ファイル: gmm.py プロジェクト: lightalchemist/ML-algorithms
    def _compute_posteriors(self, X):
        n_samples, ndim = X.shape
        for k in xrange(self.n_components):
            Cinv = np.linalg.pinv(self.cov[k])
            diff = X - self.mu[k]
            # print("Cinv")
            # print(Cinv)
            # print("diff")
            # print(diff)
            # print("-" * 20)
            # print("cov[{}]".format(self.cov[k]))
            # print("Det: {}".format(np.linalg.det(self.cov[k])))
            self.posteriors[k] = -0.5 * ndim * np.log(2*pi) - \
                0.5 * np.log(np.linalg.det(self.cov[k])) - \
                0.5 * np.diag(diff.dot(Cinv).dot(diff.T)) + \
                np.log(self.mixprobs[0, k])  # This is log P(x(i), z(i)) i.e., log of joint probability.

            # print("posterior[{}]".format(k))
            # print(self.posteriors[k])

        self.posteriors -= logsumexp(self.posteriors, axis=0)  # Compute log P(z(i) | x(i)) = log ( P(x(i), z(i)) / sum_z(i) (P(x(i), z(i))) )
        self.posteriors = np.exp(self.posteriors)
        return self.posteriors
コード例 #15
ファイル: nonlinearities.py プロジェクト: sdutheone/Kayak
 def _compute_value(self):
     X = self.X.value
     return np.exp(X - util.logsumexp(X, axis=self.axis))
コード例 #16
ファイル: nonlinearities.py プロジェクト: sdutheone/Kayak
 def _compute_value(self):        
     X = self.X.value
     A = np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0], self.ncolors, X.shape[1]//self.ncolors))
     X = A
     return np.exp(X - util.logsumexp(X, axis=1)).reshape((self.X.shape))
コード例 #17
def softmax(scores):
    return np.exp(scores - logsumexp(scores))
コード例 #18
ファイル: fixed.py プロジェクト: lqhuang/orientation-python
    def sample(self, dist):
        # sample from dist (index) using params (is_*)
        # returns sample indices and sample weights (may be smaller than
        # computed num_samples if there are overlaps)
        # the sample weights are not the inverse probabilities, but rather
        # the actual weights you need to multiply the weighted function
        # evaluations by.
        # So before we computed sum_i w_i f(x_i)
        # now we compute        sum_j sampleweight_j w_sample_j f(x_sample_j)
        # for instance, if the number of samples == domain and the importance
        # distribution is uniform then the sampleweights are all 1. 

        # 1) generate prob dist over domain
        # 2) sample from this dist
        # 3) compute weights from samples and probs (weight = 1 / prob / numsamples)
        # 4) remove dups and multiply weights by number of dups
        # 5) return final samples and weights

        if dist in self.cached_samples:
            # If we've already drawn samples since our last update, use those.
            # This ensures that multiple evaluations of the objective uses a
            # consistent set of IS samples.
            return self.cached_samples[dist][0:2]

        params = self.params
        global_prob = params.get('is_global_prob'+self.suffix,params.get('is_global_prob',0))
        num_samples = params.get('is_num_samples'+self.suffix,params.get('is_num_samples','auto'))
        ess_scale = params.get('is_ess_scale'+self.suffix,params.get('is_ess_scale',5.0))
        do_importance_sampling = params.get('is_on'+self.suffix, False) and len(self.domain) > 1

        if do_importance_sampling:
            prior_prob = self.get_image_priorprob(dist)
            if prior_prob < 1.0:
                # Use some of the prior and some of the previous distribution
                logprobs = self.get_image_logdist(dist)

                # Mix the current estimate with a prior distribution
                # probs *= (1.0 - prior_prob)
                logprobs += np.log(1.0-prior_prob)
                # probs += (1.0 - global_prob) * prior_prob / float(len(self.domain))
                logprobs = np.logaddexp(logprobs,np.log((1.0 - global_prob) * prior_prob / float(len(self.domain))))
                # Using only the prior distribution
                logprobs = np.empty(len(self.domain))
                logprobs[:] = np.log((1.0 - global_prob) / float(len(self.domain)))

            if global_prob > 0 and prior_prob > 0:
                # Part of the prior prob is the global estimate of directions
                # probs += (prior_prob * global_prob) * self.globalvals
                logprobs = np.logaddexp(logprobs, np.log(prior_prob * global_prob) + self.get_global_logdist())

            # Normalize the distribution
            # probs /= probs.sum()
            logprobs[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(logprobs))] = -np.inf
            lse = logsumexp(logprobs)
            if np.isfinite(lse):
                logprobs -= lse
                print("WARNING: lse for {1} is not finite: {0}".format(lse,self.suffix))
                print("logprobs = {0}".format(logprobs))
                logprobs[:] = -np.log(len(self.domain))

            # Compute effective sample size.
            # ess ~=~ the number of significant components in probs.
            # Note that large values of prior_prob will cause ess to be large.
            # ess = 1.0/n.sum(probs**2)
            # logess = -n.log(n.sum(n.exp(2*logprobs))
            logess = -logsumexp(2*logprobs)
            if not (np.isfinite(logess) and logess > 0):
                print("WARNING: logess is not finite and positive: {0}, {1}".format(logess,np.exp(logess)))
                ess = 1
                ess = np.exp(logess)

            # Tune the number of samples based on the effective sample size.
            if num_samples == 'auto':
                num_samples = min(np.ceil(ess_scale*ess),len(self.domain))

            # Only do sampling if it's likely to save us at least 5%
            if min(ess,num_samples)/len(self.domain) < (1 - 0.05):
                probs = np.exp(logprobs)
                samplecount = np.random.multinomial(num_samples,probs)
                # samplecount = multinomial_sample_residual(num_samples,probs)

                # only evaluate samples with nonzero counts
                samples = np.where(samplecount)[0] 
                weights = samplecount[samples] / (probs[samples] * num_samples)
                fullsampled = False
                fullsampled = True

        if (not do_importance_sampling) or fullsampled: 
            samples = None
            weights = 1.0
            fullsampled = True

        self.cached_samples[dist] = (samples, weights)
        return self.cached_samples[dist][0:2]
コード例 #19
def softmax_log(a):
    return a - logsumexp(a)
コード例 #20
ファイル: nonlinearities.py プロジェクト: davek44/Kayak
 def _compute_value(self):
     X = self.X.value
     lX = np.log(X + EPSILON)
     return np.exp(lX - 0.5*util.logsumexp(2*lX, axis=self.axis))
    def online_loglikelihood(self, logl_A_B, logl_B_A):
        n = logl_A_B.size(0)
        log_alpha, log_1_m_alpha = F.logsigmoid(self.w), F.logsigmoid(-self.w)

        return logsumexp(log_alpha + torch.sum(logl_A_B),
                         log_1_m_alpha + torch.sum(logl_B_A))  # / float(n)
コード例 #22
ファイル: classify.py プロジェクト: insperatum/text-patterns
    classes = [random.choice(test_data) for _ in range(args.way)]
    exampless = [list(np.random.choice(X, size=args.shot)) for X in classes]
    if set(classes[0]) == set(exampless[0]):
    examples_test = [
        random.choice([x for x in classes[0] if x not in exampless[0]])

    print("Support Sets:")
    for examples in exampless:


    #scores = [conditionalProbability(examples, examples_test) for examples in exampless]
    scores = [p_ratio(examples, examples_test) for examples in exampless]
    print("Scores:", scores)

    confidence = math.exp(max(scores) - util.logsumexp(scores))
    if max(scores) == scores[0]:
        print("HIT (confidence %2.2f%%)" % (confidence * 100))
        hits += 1
        print("MISS (confidence %2.2f%%)" % (confidence * 100))
        misses += 1

    print("Accuracy: %d out of %d (%2.2f%%)" %
          (hits, hits + misses, (hits / (hits + misses) * 100)))
コード例 #23
ファイル: nonlinearities.py プロジェクト: davek44/Kayak
 def _compute_value(self):
     X = self.X.value
     return np.exp(X - util.logsumexp(X, axis=self.axis))
コード例 #24
ファイル: nonlinearities.py プロジェクト: davek44/Kayak
 def _compute_value(self):        
     X = self.X.value
     A = np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0], self.ncolors, X.shape[1]//self.ncolors))
     X = A
     return np.exp(X - util.logsumexp(X, axis=1)).reshape((self.X.shape))
コード例 #25

    for examples in defaultExamples:
        proposals = list(

        proposals = [
            x for x in proposals if not (all(
                x.concept.sample(x.trace) == examples[0] for _ in range(100)))
        totalJoint = util.logsumexp([x.final_trace.score for x in proposals])
        probs = [math.exp(x.final_trace.score - totalJoint) for x in proposals]
        samples = []
        if len(proposals) > 0:
            #for p in sorted(proposals, key=lambda p: p.final_trace.score, reverse=True)[:5]:
            #	print(p.concept.str(p.trace), p.concept.sample(p.trace))
            k = 0
            for _ in range(500):
                p = proposals[np.random.choice(range(len(proposals)), p=probs)]
                s = p.concept.sample(p.trace)
                if s not in examples and s not in samples:
                    k += 1
                if k == nSamples:
コード例 #26
 def _compute_value(self):
     X = self.X.value
     lX = np.log(X + EPSILON)
     return np.exp(lX - 0.5 * util.logsumexp(2 * lX, axis=self.axis))
コード例 #27
ファイル: fixed.py プロジェクト: lqhuang/SOD-cryoem
    def sample(self, dist):
        # sample from dist (index) using params (is_*)
        # returns sample indices and sample weights (may be smaller than
        # computed num_samples if there are overlaps)
        # the sample weights are not the inverse probabilities, but rather
        # the actual weights you need to multiply the weighted function
        # evaluations by.
        # So before we computed sum_i w_i f(x_i)
        # now we compute        sum_j sampleweight_j w_sample_j f(x_sample_j)
        # for instance, if the number of samples == domain and the importance
        # distribution is uniform then the sampleweights are all 1.

        # 1) generate prob dist over domain
        # 2) sample from this dist
        # 3) compute weights from samples and probs (weight = 1 / prob / numsamples)
        # 4) remove dups and multiply weights by number of dups
        # 5) return final samples and weights

        if dist in self.cached_samples:
            # If we've already drawn samples since our last update, use those.
            # This ensures that multiple evaluations of the objective uses a
            # consistent set of IS samples.
            return self.cached_samples[dist][0:2]

        params = self.params
        global_prob = params.get('is_global_prob' + self.suffix,
                                 params.get('is_global_prob', 0))
        num_samples = params.get('is_num_samples' + self.suffix,
                                 params.get('is_num_samples', 'auto'))
        ess_scale = params.get('is_ess_scale' + self.suffix,
                               params.get('is_ess_scale', 5.0))
        do_importance_sampling = params.get('is_on' + self.suffix,
                                            False) and len(self.domain) > 1

        if do_importance_sampling:
            prior_prob = self.get_image_priorprob(dist)
            if prior_prob < 1.0:
                # Use some of the prior and some of the previous distribution
                logprobs = self.get_image_logdist(dist)

                # Mix the current estimate with a prior distribution
                # probs *= (1.0 - prior_prob)
                logprobs += np.log(1.0 - prior_prob)
                # probs += (1.0 - global_prob) * prior_prob / float(len(self.domain))
                logprobs = np.logaddexp(
                    np.log((1.0 - global_prob) * prior_prob /
                # Using only the prior distribution
                logprobs = np.empty(len(self.domain))
                logprobs[:] = np.log(
                    (1.0 - global_prob) / float(len(self.domain)))

            if global_prob > 0 and prior_prob > 0:
                # Part of the prior prob is the global estimate of directions
                # probs += (prior_prob * global_prob) * self.globalvals
                logprobs = np.logaddexp(
                    np.log(prior_prob * global_prob) +

            # Normalize the distribution
            # probs /= probs.sum()
            logprobs[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(logprobs))] = -np.inf
            lse = logsumexp(logprobs)
            if np.isfinite(lse):
                logprobs -= lse
                print("WARNING: lse for {1} is not finite: {0}".format(
                    lse, self.suffix))
                print("logprobs = {0}".format(logprobs))
                logprobs[:] = -np.log(len(self.domain))

            # Compute effective sample size.
            # ess ~=~ the number of significant components in probs.
            # Note that large values of prior_prob will cause ess to be large.
            # ess = 1.0/n.sum(probs**2)
            # logess = -n.log(n.sum(n.exp(2*logprobs))
            logess = -logsumexp(2 * logprobs)
            if not (np.isfinite(logess) and logess > 0):
                print("WARNING: logess is not finite and positive: {0}, {1}".
                      format(logess, np.exp(logess)))
                ess = 1
                ess = np.exp(logess)

            # Tune the number of samples based on the effective sample size.
            if num_samples == 'auto':
                num_samples = min(np.ceil(ess_scale * ess), len(self.domain))

            # Only do sampling if it's likely to save us at least 5%
            if min(ess, num_samples) / len(self.domain) < (1 - 0.05):
                probs = np.exp(logprobs)
                samplecount = np.random.multinomial(num_samples, probs)
                # samplecount = multinomial_sample_residual(num_samples,probs)

                # only evaluate samples with nonzero counts
                samples = np.where(samplecount)[0]
                weights = samplecount[samples] / (probs[samples] * num_samples)
                fullsampled = False
                fullsampled = True

        if (not do_importance_sampling) or fullsampled:
            samples = None
            weights = 1.0
            fullsampled = True

        self.cached_samples[dist] = (samples, weights)
        return self.cached_samples[dist][0:2]
    def online_loglikelihood(self, logl_model_1, logl_model_2):
        n = logl_model_1.size(0)
        log_alpha, log_1_m_alpha = F.logsigmoid(self.w), F.logsigmoid(-self.w)

        return logsumexp(log_alpha + torch.sum(logl_model_1),
                         log_1_m_alpha + torch.sum(logl_model_2))  # / float(n)
コード例 #29
ファイル: demo.py プロジェクト: insperatum/text-patterns
            samples = []
            for _ in range(1000):
                s = proposal.concept.sample(proposal.trace)
                if s not in examples and s not in samples:
                    if len(samples) == 3:
            if len(samples) > 0:
                print("\n%5.2f: %s" % (proposal.final_trace.score,
                print("; ".join(samples))
                j += 1
                if j == 4: break

        totalJoint = util.logsumexp([x.final_trace.score for x in proposals])
        probs = [math.exp(x.final_trace.score - totalJoint) for x in proposals]
        posteriorConceptSamples = np.random.choice(range(len(proposals)),
        print("\nPosterior predictive samples:")
        print("; ".join(proposals[i].concept.sample(proposals[i].trace)
                        for i in posteriorConceptSamples))

elif mode.lower() in ["c", "classification"]:
    raise NotImplementedError()  #which classification mode? Total correlation?

    def getExamples():
        examples = []
        nextInput = True
        while nextInput: