def angles_to_vec(ra, dec): out = util.matrix_rotate_y(-ra) * \ util.matrix_rotate_x(-dec) * \ matrix([[0., 0., 1., 0]]).T return out[:3, :]
def solve(world_points_in, image_points, annotate_images=None, initial_matrices=None, initial_bd=0., initial_ps=3000., change_ps=False, change_bd=False, change_pos=True): """ Find a camera's orientation and pixel scale given a set of world coordinates and corresponding set of camera coordinates. world_points: Map of point names to triples corresponding with world (x, y, z) coordinates. image_points: Iterable of dicts mapping point names to pairs corresponding with camera x, y coordinates. Coordinates should be translated such that 0, 0 corresponds with the centre of the image, and Y coordinates increase going top to bottom. One element per source image. annotate_images: Optional iterable of images to annotate with the fitted points. initial_matrices: Optional iterable of initial rotation matrices. initial_bd: Optional initial barrel distortion to use. initial_ps: Optional initial pixel scale to use. change_ps: If True, allow the pixel scale (zoom) to be varied. Algorithm can be unstable if initial guess is inaccurate. change_bd: If True, allow the barrel distortion to be varied. Algorithm can be unstable if initial guess is inaccurate. change_pos: If True, allow the camera position to be varied. Return: 4x4 matrix representing the camera's orientation, and a pixel pixel scale. """ assert all(set(world_points_in.keys()) >= set(p.keys()) for p in image_points) keys = [list(p.keys()) for p in image_points] world_points = [hstack([matrix(list(world_points_in[k]) + [1.0]).T for k in sub_keys]) for sub_keys in keys] image_points = hstack([hstack([matrix(p[k]).T for k in sub_keys]) for p, sub_keys in zip(image_points, keys)]) print image_points if initial_matrices: current_mat = [m for m in initial_matrices] else: current_mat = [util.matrix_trans(0.0, 0.0, 500.0)] * len(keys) current_ps = initial_ps current_bd = initial_bd def camera_to_image(m, ps, bd): def map_point(c): px, py = calculate_barrel_distortion(bd, ps * c[0, 0] / c[0, 2], ps * c[0, 1] / c[0, 2]) return [px, py] return matrix([map_point(c) for c in m.T]).T last_err_float = None while True: # Calculate the Jacobian camera_points = hstack([m * p for m, p in zip(current_mat, world_points)]) err = image_points - camera_to_image(camera_points, current_ps, current_bd) J = make_jacobian(camera_points.T[:, :3], keys, current_ps, current_bd) if not change_ps: J = hstack([J[:, :-2], J[:, -1:]]) if not change_bd: J = J[:, :-1] if not change_pos: for i in xrange(len(keys)): J[:, (6 * i):(6 * i + 3)] = zeros((J.shape[0], 3)) # Invert the Jacobian and calculate the change in parameters. # Limit angle changes to avoid chaotic behaviour. err = err.T.reshape(2 * sum(len(sub_keys) for sub_keys in keys), 1) param_delta = numpy.linalg.pinv(J) * (STEP_FRACTION * err) # Calculate the error (as sum of squares), and abort if the error has # stopped decreasing. err_float = (err.T * err)[0, 0] print "Error: %f" % err_float print err if last_err_float != None and abs(err_float - last_err_float) < ERROR_CUTOFF: break last_err_float = err_float # Apply the parameter delta. for i in xrange(len(keys)): if change_pos: current_mat[i] = util.matrix_trans(param_delta[6 * i + 0, 0], param_delta[6 * i + 1, 0], param_delta[6 * i + 2, 0]) * current_mat[i] current_mat[i] = util.matrix_rotate_x(param_delta[6 * i + 3, 0]) * current_mat[i] current_mat[i] = util.matrix_rotate_y(param_delta[6 * i + 4, 0]) * current_mat[i] current_mat[i] = util.matrix_rotate_z(param_delta[6 * i + 5, 0]) * current_mat[i] matrix_normalize(current_mat[i]) if change_ps: current_ps += param_delta[6 * len(keys), 0] if change_bd: current_bd += param_delta[6 * len(keys) + 1, 0] if annotate_images: all_keys = list(world_points_in.keys()) all_world_points = hstack([matrix(list(world_points_in[k]) + [1.0]).T for k in all_keys]) for i, annotate_image in enumerate(annotate_images): all_camera_points = current_mat[i] * all_world_points util.draw_points(annotate_image, dict(zip(all_keys, camera_to_image(all_camera_points, current_ps, current_bd).T))) return current_mat, current_ps, current_bd