コード例 #1
ファイル: line.py プロジェクト: aurule/Sociogram
def paint(edge):
    '''Draw lobj, an AggLine, as a simple line with text labels along its length.'''
    startx, starty, endx, endy, dx, dy = _adj_coords(edge)
    #construct the points
    pts = util.mkpoints([(startx, starty), (endx, endy)])
    #get style data from edge stylesheet
    sheet = edge.stylesheet
    stroke = sheet.stroke_color
    text_color = sheet.text_color
    font = sheet.text_fontdesc
    #draw the line
    GooCanvas.CanvasPolyline(end_arrow=edge.end_arrow, start_arrow=edge.start_arrow, points=pts, parent=edge, arrow_length=9, arrow_tip_length=7, arrow_width=7, line_width=edge.width/2, stroke_color_rgba=stroke)
    #draw a label above the center of the line
    center = edge.get_xyr()
    text_color = edge.stylesheet.text_color
    font = edge.stylesheet.text_fontdesc
    #the label field is a dict of three labels, each a list of [weight,text]
    label = edge.label
    origin = edge.origin.label
    dest = edge.dest.label
    cx = center['x']
    cy = center['y']
    deg = degrees(atan(dy/dx))
    #Pick which perpendicular based on dx to keep it "above" the line (bottoms
    #of letters always face the line).
    nx = -dy if dx < 0 else dy
    ny = dx if dx < 0 else -dx
    #multiply for distance from the line, and adj to eminate from the center coords
    topx = nx*3 + cx
    topy = ny*3 + cy
    botx = -nx*3 + cx
    boty = -ny*3 + cy
    #make the label
    parts = []
    if label['to']: parts.append(' '.join((origin, label['to'][1], dest)))
    if label['from']: parts.append(' '.join((dest, label['from'][1], origin)))
    toptext = "; ".join(parts)
    bottext = 'Both '+label['bidir'][1] if label['bidir'] else '';
    toplbl = GooCanvas.CanvasText(parent=edge, text=toptext, alignment="center", fill_color_rgba=text_color, font_desc=font, anchor=GooCanvas.CanvasAnchorType.SOUTH, x=topx, y=topy)
    botlbl = GooCanvas.CanvasText(parent=edge, text=bottext, alignment="center", fill_color_rgba=text_color, font_desc=font, anchor=GooCanvas.CanvasAnchorType.NORTH, x=botx, y=boty)
    #rotate the label appropriately
    toplbl.rotate(deg, topx, topy)
    botlbl.rotate(deg, botx, boty)
コード例 #2
ファイル: line.py プロジェクト: aurule/Sociogram
def show_selected(edge):
    '''Draw a highlight outline around the edge.'''
    startx, starty, endx, endy, dx, dy = _adj_coords(edge)
    #construct the points
    pts = util.mkpoints([(startx, starty), (endx, endy)])
    sheet = edge.stylesheet
    stroke = sheet.sel_color
    width = edge.width/2 + sheet.sel_width*2
    arrow_len = 10*(edge.width/2)/width
    arrow_tip_len = 7*(edge.width/2)/width
    arrow_width = 9*(edge.width/2)/width
    #draw the line
    highlight = GooCanvas.CanvasPolyline(end_arrow=edge.end_arrow, start_arrow=edge.start_arrow, arrow_length=arrow_len, arrow_tip_length=arrow_tip_len, arrow_width=arrow_width, points=pts, parent=edge, line_width=width, stroke_color_rgba=stroke)
    return highlight