コード例 #1
def crop_negative_patches_from_oct(oct_path='/nrs/mouselight/SAMPLES/2017-09-25-padded',
                                   patch_half_size=(25, 25, 25)):
    params = util.readParameterFile(parameterfile=oct_path+"/calculated_parameters.jl")
    scale = 1/1000
    with open(coord_list, 'r') as f:
        um = f.readlines()
        um = np.array([eval(x.strip()) for x in um])
    # um, edges, R, offset, scale, header = util.readSWC(swcfile=coord_list,scale=1)

    # to fix the bug in Janelia Workstation
    um = um + params['vixsize']/2
    nm =um/scale
    xyz = util.um2pix(nm,params['A']).T
    neg_patches = oct_crop(params, oct_path, xyz, patch_half_size=patch_half_size)
    return np.stack(neg_patches,axis=0)
コード例 #2
ファイル: cropper.py プロジェクト: erhanbas/navigator
def crop_from_render(data_fold,
    output_swc_file = os.path.join(output_folder, output_swc_name)
    output_h5_file = os.path.join(output_folder, output_h5_name)

    params = util.readParameterFile(parameterfile=data_fold +

    # check if input argument is file or folder
    if os.path.isfile(input_swc):
        inputfolder, swc_name_w_ext = os.path.split(input_swc)
        nm, edges, R, offset, scale, header = util.readSWC(
            swcfile=os.path.join(inputfolder, swc_name_w_ext), scale=scale)
    elif os.path.isdir(input_swc):
        inputfolder = input_swc
        nm, edges, R = util.appendSWCfolder(
            inputfolder, scale=scale)  # somewhat redundant but cleaner
        nm_, edges_, R_, filenames, header = util.readSWCfolder(inputfolder,

    if cast2vox:
        # to fix the bug in Janelia Workstation
        nm = nm + params['vixsize'] / scale / 2
        xyz_ori = util.um2pix(nm, params['A']).T
        # LVV BUG FIX: if source is JW, fix coordinates xyz_correct = xyz_LVV-[1 1 0]
        # if any([re.findall('Janelia Workstation Large Volume Viewer', lines) for lines in header]):
        #     xyz=xyz-[1,1,0]
        # upsample xyz if needed
        diff_xyz = np.diff(xyz_ori, axis=0)
        norm_xyz = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff_xyz**2, axis=1))
        if np.mean(norm_xyz) > 5:
            xyz = util.upsampleSWC(xyz_ori, edges, sp=10)
        xyz = nm

    if False:
        octpath, xres = improc.xyz2oct(xyz, params)
        depthextend = 3
        params_p1 = params.copy()
        params_p1["nlevels"] = params_p1["nlevels"] + depthextend
        params_p1["leafshape"] = params_p1["leafshape"] / (2**depthextend)
        octpath, xres = improc.xyz2oct(xyz, params_p1)

    octpath_cover = np.unique(octpath, axis=0)
    gridlist_cover = improc.oct2grid(octpath_cover)
    octpath_dilated, gridlist_dilated = improc.dilateOct(octpath_cover)
    #### second pass (somewhat heuristic, helps with cropping later on)
    octpath_dilated, gridlist_dilated = improc.dilateOct(octpath_dilated)
    # octpath_dilated,gridlist_dilated = improc.dilateOct(octpath_dilated)
    # octpath_dilated,gridlist_dilated = improc.dilateOct(octpath_dilated)

    depthBase = params["nlevels"].astype(int)
    depthFull = params_p1["nlevels"].astype(int)
    tileSize = params["leafshape"].astype(int)
    leafSize = params_p1["leafshape"].astype(int)

    tilelist = improc.chunklist(octpath_dilated, depthBase)  #1..8

    tileids = list(tilelist.keys())
    # base on bounding box (results in cropped output volume)
    # gridReference = np.min(gridlist_dilated, axis=0)
    # gridSize = np.max(gridlist_dilated, axis=0) - gridReference +1
    # base on initial image
    gridReference = np.array((0, 0, 0))
    gridSize = tileSize * (2**(depthBase)) / leafSize

    volReference = gridReference * leafSize
    outVolumeSize = np.append(gridSize * leafSize, 2)  #append color channel
    chunksize = np.append(leafSize, 2)

    setting = dict()
    setting['volSize'] = outVolumeSize
    setting['chunkSize'] = tuple(chunksize)
    setting['depthBase'] = depthBase
    setting['depthFull'] = depthFull
    setting['tileSize'] = tileSize
    setting['leafSize'] = leafSize
    setting['volReference'] = volReference

    setting['compression'] = "gzip"
    setting['compression_opts'] = 9
    setting['dtype'] = 'uint16'
    setting['type'] = 'h5'

    # save into cropped swc
    xyz_shifted = xyz_ori - volReference
    if xyz_shifted.ndim < 2:
        xyz_shifted = xyz_shifted[
            None, :]  # extend dimension to prevent r < h cases

    # TODO: fix edge upsampling before dumping swc file
    # with open(output_swc_file,'w') as fswc:
    #     for iter,txt in enumerate(xyz_shidefaultDataPlaceholderfted):
    #         fswc.write('{:.0f} {:.0f} {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.2f} {:.0f}\n'.format(edges[iter,0].__int__(),1,txt[0]-1,txt[1],txt[2],1,edges[iter,1].__int__()))

    # dump into file
    with h5py.File(output_h5_file, "w") as f:
        dset_swc = f.create_dataset("reconstruction",
                                    (xyz_shifted.shape[0], 7),
        for iter, xyz_ in enumerate(xyz_shifted):
            dset_swc[iter, :] = np.array([
                edges[iter, 0].__int__(), 1, xyz_[0], xyz_[1], xyz_[2], 1.0,
                edges[iter, 1].__int__()

    if os.path.isdir(input_swc):
        # dump into file
        with h5py.File(output_h5_file, "a") as f:
            swc_group = f.create_group("swc_files")

            f_swc_original = swc_group.create_group("original")
            for it, swcname in enumerate(filenames):
                numrows = R_[it].shape[0]
                dset_swc = f_swc_original.create_dataset(swcname, (numrows, 7),
                edges_swc = edges_[it]
                nm_swc = nm_[it]
                for iter, xyz_ in enumerate(nm_swc):
                    dset_swc[iter, :] = np.array([
                        edges_swc[iter, 0].__int__(), 1, xyz_[0], xyz_[1],
                        xyz_[2], 1.0, edges_swc[iter, 1].__int__()

            f_swc_shifted = swc_group.create_group("shifted")
            for it, swcname in enumerate(filenames):
                numrows = R_[it].shape[0]
                dset_swc = f_swc_shifted.create_dataset(swcname, (numrows, 7),
                edges_swc = edges_[it]
                nm_swc = nm_[it]
                nm_swc = nm_swc + params['vixsize'] / scale / 2
                xyz_ori = util.um2pix(nm_swc, params['A']).T
                nm_swc = xyz_ori - volReference

                for iter, xyz_ in enumerate(nm_swc):
                    dset_swc[iter, :] = np.array([
                        edges_swc[iter, 0].__int__(), 1, xyz_[0], xyz_[1],
                        xyz_[2], 1.0, edges_swc[iter, 1].__int__()

    dump = util.dumper(data_fold, output_h5_file, setting, tilelist=tilelist)
コード例 #3
def crop_from_render(render_folder_name,
    output_volume_file_path = os.path.join(output_folder_name,

    params = util.readParameterFile(parameterfile=render_folder_name +
    tile_level_count = params["nlevels"].astype(int)
    tile_shape = params["leafSize"].astype(int)
    origin_um = params["origin"]
    spacing_um = params["spacing"]
    full_volume_shape = tile_shape * 2**tile_level_count

    # check if input argument is file or folder
    if os.path.isfile(input_swc_file_or_folder_name):
        inputfolder, swc_name_w_ext = os.path.split(
        xyz_um, edges, R, offset, scale, header = util.readSWC(
            os.path.join(inputfolder, swc_name_w_ext))
    elif os.path.isdir(input_swc_file_or_folder_name):
        inputfolder = input_swc_file_or_folder_name
        xyz_um, edges, R = util.appendSWCfolder(
            inputfolder)  # somewhat redundant but cleaner
        xyz_um_, edges_, R_, filenames, header = util.readSWCfolder(
        raise RuntimeError('%s does not seem to be a file, nor a folder' %

    # Convert swc coords to voxels
    xyz_in_voxels = util.um2pix(xyz_um, origin_um, spacing_um)

    # Each tile in the rendered image will itself be 'octreed' into a set of 'leafs'
    # depthextend tells now many octree levels there will be within each tile
    extra_level_count = 3
    leaf_level_count = tile_level_count + extra_level_count
    leaf_shape = (tile_shape / (2**extra_level_count)).astype(int)
    octpath, xres = improc.ijk2oct(xyz_in_voxels, leaf_level_count, leaf_shape)

    #depthFull = params_p1["nlevels"].astype(int)
    #leaf_shape = params_p1["leafshape"].astype(int)

    swc_base_name = os.path.basename(input_swc_file_or_folder_name)
    tile_list_pickle_file_name = '%s-tile-list.pickle' % swc_base_name
    tile_list_pickle_file_path = os.path.join(output_folder_name,
        tile_hash = pickle.load(open(tile_list_pickle_file_path, 'rb'))
        print('Loaded tile list from memo file')
    except os.error:
        octpath_cover = np.unique(octpath, axis=0)
        gridlist_cover = improc.oct2grid(octpath_cover)

        print('About to start dilation...')
        #octpath_dilated = octpath_cover.copy()
        desired_carve_out_half_diagonal_as_scalar = 512  # in x,y.  z will be different
        desired_carve_out_half_diagonal = desired_carve_out_half_diagonal_as_scalar * np.array(
            [1.0, 1.0, spacing_um[0] / spacing_um[2]])
        #dilation_count = 8
        dilation_count = np.max(
                desired_carve_out_half_diagonal.astype(float) /
        # should be enough to get about a 512 vx cube around each swc centerpoint
        # (except 4x less in z, b/c axial rez is less)
        octpath_dilated, junk = improc.dilateOct(octpath_cover, dilation_count)
        #for dilation_index in range(dilation_count):
        #    print('Finished dilation iteration %d of %d' % (dilation_index+1, dilation_count))
        print('Done with dilation!')

        tile_hash = improc.chunklist(octpath_dilated, tile_level_count)  #1..8
        pickle.dump(tile_hash, open(tile_list_pickle_file_path, 'wb'))

    #tileids = list(tile_hash.keys())
    # base on bounding box (results in cropped output volume)
    # gridReference = np.min(gridlist_dilated, axis=0)
    # gridSize = np.max(gridlist_dilated, axis=0) - gridReference +1
    # base on initial image
    #gridReference = np.array((0,0,0))
    #gridSize = full_volume_shape/leaf_shape
    #   # 3-array, number of leaves in each dimension to make up the full volume

    #volReference = gridReference*leaf_shape
    #full_volume_shape_including_color_channel = np.append(full_volume_shape, 2)  # append color channel
    #chunk_shape_including_color_channel = np.append(leaf_shape, 2)
    #chunk_shape_including_color_channel = np.append(tile_shape, 2)

    # setting = dict()
    # setting['volSize'] = full_volume_shape
    # setting['chunkSize'] = chunksize
    # setting['depthBase'] = tile_level_count
    # setting['depthFull'] = leaf_level_count
    # setting['tileSize'] = tile_shape
    # setting['leaf_shape'] = leaf_shape
    # setting['dtype'] = 'uint16'

    output_file_extension = os.path.splitext(output_volume_file_name)[1]
    if output_file_extension == '.h5':
        output_file_type = 'h5'
        compression_method = "gzip"
        compression_options = 9
    elif output_file_extension == '.n5':
        output_file_type = 'n5'
        compression_method = "gzip"
        compression_options = {'level': 9}
    elif output_file_extension == '.zarr':
        output_file_type = 'zarr'
        compression_method = "blosc"
        compression_options = {}
        raise RuntimeError('Don'
                           't recognize the output file extension %s' %

    # Finally, write the voxel carved data to disk
    color_channel_count = 2
    util.dump_write(render_folder_name, full_volume_shape, 'uint16',
                    color_channel_count, output_volume_file_path, tile_hash,
                    leaf_level_count, tile_level_count, compression_method,
                    compression_options, output_file_type,
コード例 #4
#sample_point_xyz_centered = np.array([-501.96361500032071,      -1013.1980690008477,      -4455.3761980023555])   # G-040 centerpoint 33650

#n5_file_path = '/nrs/mouselight/cluster/navigator-output/2018-10-01-tile-chunks-on-cluster/consensus-neurons-with-machine-centerpoints-labelled-as-swcs-carved.n5'
#offset = np.array([0, 0 ,0])
#sample_point_xyz_centered = np.array([75148.9, 15244.3, 31761.2])   # G-040 centerpoint copied from WS

n5_file_path = '/nrs/mouselight/cluster/navigator-output/2018-10-01-tile-chunks-on-cluster/consensus-neurons-with-machine-centerpoints-labelled-as-swcs-carved.n5'
#offset = np.array([73814.192263002085,       17366.654304000425,       36205.867519004452])
#sample_point_xyz_centered = np.array([479.90134299792408,        436.8809699995727,      -1025.1585660044511])   # G-017 centerpoint 6320

voxel_center_in_swc = np.array([74447.743653, 17765.863807, 34985.740732])
# this point survives import and export unchanged, and is shown as a voxel center in x-y
# it is also s.t. (it - origin_jaws)/spacing is very nearly integral

#[origin, spacing] = load_transform_txt(fullfile(octree_path, 'transform.txt')) ;
params = util.readParameterFile(
    parameterfile=os.path.join(octree_path, 'calculated_parameters.jl'))
tile_level_count = params["nlevels"].astype(int)
tile_shape = params["leafSize"].astype(int)
#origin = params["origin"]
spacing = params["spacing"]
origin_jaws = np.array(
    [69445.01944245792, 12917.29486937314, 30198.96941474185])
origin = origin_jaws

sample_point_xyz = voxel_center_in_swc  # this is a voxel center

channel_index = 0
infinity_norm_radius = 4  # we want a cube of diameter twice this, in radial voxel units
real_sample_point_ijk = real_zero_based_ijk_from_xyz(sample_point_xyz, origin,
sample_point_ijk = zero_based_ijk_from_xyz(sample_point_xyz, origin, spacing)
コード例 #5
ファイル: evaluate.py プロジェクト: lulzzz/Sourcing_DQN
from util import writeResultsToFile

import matplotlib
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print("Passed Parameters: ", len(sys.argv))

    '___LOAD DATA___'
    test_folder_name = 'tests/'
    if (len(sys.argv) > 1): folder_name = str(sys.argv[1]) + '/'
    else: folder_name = '0/'
    path = test_folder_name + folder_name
    training_episodes = readParameterFile(path)
    cost = readTrainLoss(path)
    training_rewards = readTrainReward(path)
    testing_rewards = readTestReward(path)
    #min_rewards = readTestMinReward("tests/test_min_rewards_1.csv")
    #max_rewards = readTestMaxReward("tests/test_max_rewards_1.csv")

    #plotTestResults(testing_rewards, min_rewards, max_rewards, training_episodes)

    sumr = 0