コード例 #1
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: krux/pysecurity-groups
def aws_policy(config, args):
    Generate a report detailing your current groups/rules as reported by the
    AWS API.
    regions = util.regions(config)
    region_width = report.column_width(["REGION"] + regions)
    if not args.rules_only:
        if args.headers:
            print "REGION".ljust(region_width) + "GROUP"
        for region in regions:
            for group in aws.groups(region):
                print region.ljust(region_width) + group
    if not args.groups_only:
        headers = ["REGION", "SOURCE", "TARGET", "PROTOCOL", "PORT/TYPE"]
        rules = aws.policy(config)
        ### The inner list comprehension gives us a list of the data values
        ### from the rule dicts corresponding to the header. So, when header
        ### is 'SOURCE', the inner comprehension gives us a list of values of
        ### rule['source'] for every rule. To this list we pre-pend the header
        ### itself so the label width is accounted for in the calculation of
        ### the column width.
        ### The outer list comprehension repeats the above for each header.
        widths = report.column_widths([[header] + [rule[header.lower()] for rule in rules] for header in headers])
        if args.headers:
            print "".join([header.ljust(widths[index]) for index, header in enumerate(headers)])
        for rule in rules:
            print "".join([report.format(rule[hdr.lower()]).ljust(widths[index]) for index, hdr in enumerate(headers)])
コード例 #2
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: krux/pysecurity-groups
def policy_report(config, args):
    Generate a report detailing your desired groups/rules as parsed by this
    regions = util.regions(config)
    region_width = report.column_width(["REGION"] + regions)
    if not args.rules_only:
        if args.headers:
            print "REGION".ljust(region_width) + "GROUP"
        for region in regions:
            for group in policy.groups(config):
                print region.ljust(region_width) + group
    if not args.groups_only:
        headers = ["REGION", "SOURCE", "TARGET", "PROTOCOL", "PORT/TYPE"]
        ### Every rule in the policy, duplicated to each region we're
        ### managing, sorted by region.
        ### dict([('region', region)] + rule.items()) adds the 'region' key to
        ### the rule (which is stored as a dict) without updating it in-place.
        rules = [dict([("region", region)] + rule.items()) for rule in policy.parse(config) for region in regions]
        ### The inner list comprehension gives us a list of the data values
        ### from the rule dicts corresponding to the header. So, when header
        ### is 'SOURCE', the inner comprehension gives us a list of values of
        ### rule['source'] for every rule. To this list we pre-pend the header
        ### itself so the label width is accounted for in the calculation of
        ### the column width.
        ### The outer list comprehension repeats the above for each header.
        widths = report.column_widths([[header] + [rule[header.lower()] for rule in rules] for header in headers])
        if args.headers:
            print "".join([header.ljust(widths[index]) for index, header in enumerate(headers)])
        for rule in sorted(rules, key=itemgetter("region")):
            print "".join([report.format(rule[hdr.lower()]).ljust(widths[index]) for index, hdr in enumerate(headers)])
コード例 #3
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: krux/pysecurity-groups
def diff(config, args):
    Generate a report showing the differences between your desired
    groups/rules and your current groups/rules.
    regions = util.regions(config)
    if not args.rules_only:
        policy_groups = dict([(region, set(policy.groups(config))) for region in regions])
        aws_groups = dict([(region, set(aws.groups(region))) for region in regions])
        all_groups = reduce(
            lambda a, b: a.union(b), [policy_groups[region].union(aws_groups[region]) for region in regions]
        headers = ["ACTION", "GROUP", "REGION"]
        actions = ["CREATE", "DELETE"]
        widths = [
            report.column_width(["ACTION"] + actions),
            report.column_width(["GROUP"] + list(all_groups)),
            report.column_width(["REGION"] + regions),
        if args.headers:
            print "".join([header.ljust(widths[index]) for index, header in enumerate(headers)])
        actions = [
            ("CREATE", group, reg) for reg in regions for group in policy_groups[reg].difference(aws_groups[reg])
        actions += [
            ("DELETE", group, reg) for reg in regions for group in aws_groups[reg].difference(policy_groups[reg])
        for action, group, region in actions:
            print "%s%s%s" % (action.ljust(widths[0]), group.ljust(widths[1]), region.ljust(widths[2]))
    if not args.groups_only:
        headers = ["ACTION", "REGION", "SOURCE", "TARGET", "PROTOCOL", "PORT/TYPE"]
        actions = ["ADD", "REMOVE"]
        policy_rules = [
            dict([("region", region)] + rule.items()) for rule in policy.parse(config) for region in regions
        aws_rules = aws.policy(config)
        widths = report.column_widths(
            [[header] + [rule[header.lower()] for rule in policy_rules + aws_rules] for header in headers[1:]]
        widths = [report.column_width(["ACTION"] + actions)] + widths
        if args.headers:
            print "".join([header.ljust(widths[index]) for index, header in enumerate(headers)])
        actions = [dict([("action", "ADD")] + rule.items()) for rule in policy_rules if rule not in aws_rules]
        actions += [dict([("action", "REMOVE")] + rule.items()) for rule in aws_rules if rule not in policy_rules]
        for act in sorted(actions, key=itemgetter("region")):
            print "".join([report.format(act[hdr.lower()]).ljust(widths[index]) for index, hdr in enumerate(headers)])
コード例 #4
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: krux/pysecurity-groups
def sync(config, args):
    Synchronize groups/rules with your configured policy. Adds new
    groups/rules and REMOVES groups/rules not defined in the configuration
    regions = util.regions(config)
    account_id = aws.account_id(config)
    if not args.groups_only:
        policy_rules = [
            dict([("region", region)] + rule.items()) for rule in policy.parse(config) for region in regions
        aws_rules = aws.policy(config)
        add_rules = [rule for rule in policy_rules if rule not in aws_rules]
        for rule in add_rules:
                result = aws.authorize(rule, account_id)
                if result:
                    action = "ADDED"
                    action = "FAILED ADDING"
            except (BotoClientError, BotoServerError), exc:
                action = "FAILED ADDING"
                if args.debug:
                    print "DEBUG: %s" % exc
            template = "%s   FROM: %s TO: %s PROTOCOL: %s PORT/TYPE: %s"
            print template % (action, rule["source"], rule["target"], rule["protocol"], rule["port/type"])
        del_rules = [rule for rule in aws_rules if rule not in policy_rules]
        for rule in del_rules:
                result = aws.revoke(rule, account_id)
                if result:
                    action = "REMOVED"
                    action = "FAILED REMOVING"
            except (BotoClientError, BotoServerError), exc:
                action = "FAILED REMOVING"
                if args.debug:
                    print "DEBUG: %s" % exc
            template = "%s   FROM: %s TO: %s PROTOCOL: %s PORT/TYPE: %s"
            print template % (action, rule["source"], rule["target"], rule["protocol"], rule["port/type"])
コード例 #5
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: krux/pysecurity-groups
def update(config, args):
    Update groups/rules to match your configured policy. Adds new
    groups/rules, but does NOT remove groups/rules that are not defined in the
    configuration file.
    regions = util.regions(config)
    account_id = aws.account_id(config)
    if not args.rules_only:
        policy_groups = dict([(region, set(policy.groups(config))) for region in regions])
        aws_groups = dict([(region, set(aws.groups(region))) for region in regions])
        for region in regions:
            conn = connect_to_region(region)
            for group in policy_groups[region].difference(aws_groups[region]):
                    conn.create_security_group(group, description=".")
                    action = "CREATED"
                except (BotoClientError, BotoServerError), exc:
                    action = "FAILED CREATING"
                    if args.debug:
                        print "DEBUG: %s" % exc
                print "%s %s in %s" % (action, group, region)
コード例 #6
ファイル: view.py プロジェクト: gsvigruha/images
# to a fixed shape.
def _parse_function(filename):
    image_string = tf.read_file(filename)
    image_decoded = tf.image.decode_jpeg(image_string, channels=3)
    image_resized = tf.image.resize_images(
        image_decoded, [size, size], method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BICUBIC)
    image_resized = tf.to_float(image_resized) / 255.0
    r, g, b = tf.split(image_resized, 3, 2)
    b = tf.squeeze(b)
    g = tf.squeeze(g)
    r = tf.squeeze(r)
    return tf.stack([r, g, b], axis=2)

img = _parse_function(

with tf.Session() as sess:
    img_plt = sess.run(img)
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))
    f.add_subplot(1, 4, 1)
    f.add_subplot(1, 4, 2)
    plt.imshow(sess.run(util.regions(img, 'x'))[0])
    f.add_subplot(1, 4, 3)
    plt.imshow(sess.run(util.regions(img, 'x'))[1])
    f.add_subplot(1, 4, 4)
    plt.imshow(sess.run(util.regions(img, 'x'))[2])
