コード例 #1
    def generate(self):
        shops = 0
        hotel = 0
        taverns = util.roll(1, self.rank, -1)
        if self.rank >= 3:
            if util.coinflip():
                shops = util.roll(1, self.rank, -2)
            hotel = util.coinflip()
        #roll for number of houses. it'lee be 4-8 houses for small village
        #and 6-12 for town. and much for for large city. but that's it for now
        house_count = util.roll(self.rank, 3, self.rank)
        noble_house_count = util.roll(1, self.rank, -3)
            'Generating buildings: %d rooms, %d noble, %d tavern, %d shops, %d hotel'
            % (house_count, noble_house_count, taverns, shops, hotel))
        gen = self.create_room_generator(house_count, noble_house_count,
                                         taverns, shops, hotel)

        for x in (noble_house_count, taverns, shops, hotel):
            house_count += util.cap_lower(x, 0, 0)
        gl.logger.debug('Total number of houses: %d' % house_count)
        if self.room_placer is None:
            self.generate_rooms_random_place(house_count, gen)
            self.room_placer(self, house_count, gen)
コード例 #2
 def generate_rooms_along_road(self, house_count, room_gen, allow_crop = True):
     x = util.roll(2, 3)
     x2 = int(x)
     house_top = house_count / 2 + house_count % 2
     house_bot = house_count / 2
     for z in xrange(0, house_top):
         room = room_gen.next().materialize()
         if house_bot > 0:
             room2 = room_gen.next().materialize()
         y = self.roadminy - len(room) + (self.roadmaxy - self.roadminy)
         y2 = self.roadminy
         xw = x + len(room[0]); xh = y + len(room)
         if xw < self.width and xh < self.height:
             newxy = self.adjust_x_y_anywhere(x, y, xw, xh, -1, allow_crop)
             if newxy is None:
             x, y = newxy
             self.copy_room(room, x, y)
             x = xw
             x += util.roll(2,2)
         if house_bot > 0:
             x2w = x2 + len(room2[0])
             y2w = y2 + len(room2)
             if x2w > self.width or y2w > self.height:
             newxy2 = self.adjust_x_y_anywhere(x2, y2, x2w, y2w, 1, allow_crop)
             if newxy2 is not None:
                 x2, y2 = newxy2
                 self.copy_room(room2, x2, y2)
                 x2 += len(room2[0])
                 x2 += util.roll(2,2)
                 house_bot -= 1
コード例 #3
ファイル: character.py プロジェクト: carbongmx/survivalpy
    def update(self):
        events = []
        if roll(self.game.insanity_rate):
            self.insanity += 1

        if self.is_infected:
            self.days_infected += 1
            if self.days_infected == 3:
                self.is_alive = False
            if (roll(self.game.infection_rate) and not 
                self.is_infected = True
                self.days_infected = 0
                self.game.infected_someone_today = True

        if self.insanity == 5:
            self.is_alive = False

        if self.game.food_rations > 0:
            self.game.food_rations -= 1
            self.is_alive = False

        if self.is_alive:
            if not self.is_infected:
                self.game.turn_action_points += 1
            del self.game.skill_commands[self.skill_command]

        return events
コード例 #4
 def attack(self, whom):
     dmgs = []
     for attack in self.base_dmg:
         dmg = util.roll(*attack)
         #let's roll 1d20 + HD for now, assuming that monster
         # can hit player no lees than 30% of the time
         # (thus checking it to be > 14)
         #TODO add player's/monsters' evade to calculations
         if util.roll(1, 20, self.base_hd) >= 14:
             gl.message(self.name.capitalize() + ' misses ' + whom.name, 1)
     whom.take_damage(self, dmgs, attack)
コード例 #5
ファイル: critters.py プロジェクト: ca5h/darktower-rl
 def attack(self, whom):
     dmgs = []
     for attack in self.base_dmg:
         dmg = util.roll(*attack)
         #let's roll 1d20 + HD for now, assuming that monster
         # can hit player no lees than 30% of the time
         # (thus checking it to be > 14)
         #TODO add player's/monsters' evade to calculations
         if util.roll(1, 20, self.base_hd) >= 14:
             gl.message(self.name.capitalize() + ' misses ' + whom.name, 1)
     whom.take_damage(self, dmgs, attack)
コード例 #6
ファイル: character.py プロジェクト: carbongmx/survivalpy
 def soothe(self):
     self.game.turn_action_points -= 1
     if roll(90):
         self.insanity -= 1
         return (CharacterSoothedResult(self, True),)
         return (CharacterSoothedResult(self, False),)
コード例 #7
ファイル: character.py プロジェクト: carbongmx/survivalpy
 def bullets(self):
     self.game.turn_action_points -= 1
     added_bullets = 0
     if roll(75):
         added_bullets = randint(1, 10)
         self.game.bullets += added_bullets
     return (BulletsMade(added_bullets),)
コード例 #8
ファイル: character.py プロジェクト: carbongmx/survivalpy
 def scavenge(self):
     self.game.turn_action_points -= 1
     added_food = 0
     if roll(60):
         added_food = randint(5, 10)
         self.game.food_rations += added_food
     return (FoodHuntResult(added_food),)
コード例 #9
 def search(self) -> None:
     self.time += SEARCH_TIME
     room = self.hero.room
     check = self.hero.awareness.bonus + roll()
     for nr in room.neighbors.values():
コード例 #10
ファイル: dg.py プロジェクト: sirvaulterscoff/darktower-rl
def _choose_map(generator_type, params, player_hd, theme, size):
    """ _choose_map(...) = > MapDef (or None if theme file does not exist)
    Loads the list of available maps and chooses a random one.
    Maps gets filtered first by number of parameters. Selection is based on weight/chance of a map.
    Also map is checked against unique maps list already generated.
    file = get_map_file(theme, size=size)
    if not file:
        return None
    av_maps = parse_file(file)
    total_maps_of_theme = len(av_maps)
    if total_maps_of_theme < 1: raise RuntimeError('No maps for MapRequest with theme [%s]' % theme)
    #now let's filter them leaving maps suitable for current generator/player HD and other params
    av_maps = filter(lambda x: _check_static_params(generator_type, player_hd, x, params), av_maps)
    tmap = None
    if not av_maps:
        return None
    while True:
        if total_maps_of_theme < 1:
            #if we iterated over enough maps and can't decide on them - break unless none is selected
            if tmap: break
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot select map of theme %s - too few maps available' % theme)
        total_maps_of_theme -= 1
        # choose a random map from a weighed list
        tmap = random_from_list_weighted(av_maps)
        if tmap.chance > 0:
            if roll(1, tmap.chance) == 1:
    unique_maps_already_generated[tmap.id] = 1
    #prepare a map
    return tmap.prepare(params)
コード例 #11
def create_city(birth = False, city=False, depart = False):
    name = util.gen_name('city', world.cities_names)
    if birth:
        world.birth_place = name
        if city:
            world.birth_place_rank = util.roll(2, 3, 3)
            world.birth_place_rank = util.roll(1, 3, 1)
    if depart:
        world.depart_place = name
        world.current_city = name
        if city:
            world.depart_place_rank = util.roll(1, 3, 3)
            world.depart_place_rank = util.roll(1, 3)
    return name
コード例 #12
 def 血犹大第一可爱(self):
     skill_name = "血犹大第一可爱"
     if roll(30):
         defence_decreased = 5
         log(f"【{self.enemy.name}】的防御力降低 {defence_decreased} 点")
         self.enemy.defence = max(0, self.enemy.defence - defence_decreased)
コード例 #13
ファイル: combat.py プロジェクト: R5D4/dark_forest
    def attack(self, from_char, to_char):
        """ Perform an attack represented by self from from_char to to_char."""

        print self.messages["prep_msg"] % (from_char.desc["job"], to_char.desc["job"], self.wpn_name)

        # calculate hit
        # Hit formula:
        #   1d20 + attribute vs defender's AC
        #   roll 20 for crit
        print "Calculating hit chance:",
        attribute = from_char.effective_stats[self.attribute]
        hit_roll, crit_roll = roll(HIT_ROLL, True)
        hit_against = to_char.effective_stats["AC"]
        hit = attribute + hit_roll
        print "%d against %d" % (hit, hit_against)

        # calculate damage
        # Dmg formula:
        #   roll 20 and > enemy's AC = max dmg
        #   roll 20 and < enemy's AC = regular dmg
        #   roll 1 = 0 dmg
        #   noncrit roll and < enemy's AC = 0 dmg
        #   dmg = dmg roll + attacker's weapon attribute (dex or str)

        # critical hit roll
        if hit_roll >= self.crit_range:
            # crit and successful hit, max damage
            if hit > hit_against:
                dmg = attribute + roll(self.dmg_roll, True)[1]
                print "Critical! Max Damage!"
                print self.messages["hit_crit_msg"]
                print to_char.update_hp(-dmg)
            # crit but not enough to hit, regular damage
                dmg = attribute + roll(self.dmg_roll, False)[0]
                print "Critical!"
                print self.messages["hit_success_msg"]
                print to_char.update_hp(-dmg)
        # noncritical hit roll, but beats enemy's AC
        elif hit > hit_against and hit_roll > 1:  # miss on natural 1
            print self.messages["hit_success_msg"]
            print "Calculating damage:",
            dmg = attribute + roll(self.dmg_roll, True)[0]
            print to_char.update_hp(-dmg)
            print self.messages["hit_fail_msg"]
コード例 #14
    def place_random_monsters(self):
        #todo - maybe we should move this to mapgenerator (check for theme, etc)
        #choose random number of monsters
        #3d(dlvl) + 3d2 + 7 monsters total - at least 11 monsters on d1 and up-to 40 on d27
        num_monsters = util.roll(1, gl.__dlvl__, util.roll(3, 2, 7))
        num_monsters -= len(self.critters)
        free_squares = -2
        for x in xrange(self.width):
            for y in xrange(self.height):
                tile = self.tile_at(x, y)
                if tile.passable(): free_squares += 1

        num_monsters = util.cap(num_monsters, free_squares)
        #if it was capped - then map is too small...
        if num_monsters == free_squares:
            num_monsters = randrange(1, free_squares / 2)

        passes = num_monsters * 5
        for i in range(num_monsters):
            if passes <= 0: break
            passes -= 1
            #choose random spot for this monster
            x, y = self.find_random_square(self.has_critter_at)
            room = self._find_room(x, y)
            if room and room.src:
                if room.src.no_mon_gen:

            #determining critter level. it may vary from XL - 3 to XL + 1. To let is scale better multiply by 100
            #cap it to be no lower than 1
            crit_hd = max(randrange(gl.__xl__ - 3, gl.__xl__ + 1), 1)
            self.place_random_critter(gl.__dlvl__, crit_hd, x, y)

        #check for OOD monster. let's create OOD 10% of the time for now
        if libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 100) >= 89:
            crit_level = libtcod.random_get_int(0, gl.__dlvl__ + 2,
                                                gl.__dlvl__ + 3)
            crit_hd = max(randrange(gl.__xl__ - 3, gl.__xl__ + 3), 1)
            x, y = self.find_random_square(self.has_critter_at)

            room = self._find_room(x, y)
            if room and room.src:
                if room.src.no_mon_gen:

            self.place_random_critter(crit_level, crit_hd, x, y)
コード例 #15
ファイル: action.py プロジェクト: luchesar/4oBe4e
def roll_dice(player: int) -> int:
    """Asks player to roll dice"""
    sides = 6
    roll_again = input(
        "Player {}: Press ENTER to roll your dice...".format(player))
    num_rolled = roll(sides)
    print("You rolled {}.".format(num_rolled))
    return num_rolled
コード例 #16
ファイル: map.py プロジェクト: sirvaulterscoff/darktower-rl
    def place_random_monsters(self):
        #todo - maybe we should move this to mapgenerator (check for theme, etc)
        #choose random number of monsters
        #3d(dlvl) + 3d2 + 7 monsters total - at least 11 monsters on d1 and up-to 40 on d27
        num_monsters = util.roll(1, gl.__dlvl__, util.roll(3, 2, 7))
        num_monsters -= len(self.critters)
        free_squares = -2
        for x in xrange(self.width):
            for y in xrange(self.height):
                tile = self.tile_at(x, y)
                if tile.passable(): free_squares += 1

        num_monsters = util.cap(num_monsters, free_squares)
        #if it was capped - then map is too small...
        if num_monsters == free_squares:
            num_monsters = randrange(1 , free_squares / 2)

        passes = num_monsters * 5
        for i in range(num_monsters):
            if passes <= 0: break
            passes -= 1
            #choose random spot for this monster
            x, y = self.find_random_square(self.has_critter_at)
            room = self._find_room(x, y)
            if room and room.src:
                if room.src.no_mon_gen:

            #determining critter level. it may vary from XL - 3 to XL + 1. To let is scale better multiply by 100
            #cap it to be no lower than 1
            crit_hd = max(randrange(gl.__xl__ - 3, gl.__xl__ + 1), 1)
            self.place_random_critter(gl.__dlvl__, crit_hd, x, y)

        #check for OOD monster. let's create OOD 10% of the time for now
        if libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 100) >= 89:
            crit_level = libtcod.random_get_int(0, gl.__dlvl__ + 2, gl.__dlvl__ + 3)
            crit_hd = max(randrange(gl.__xl__ - 3, gl.__xl__ + 3), 1)
            x, y = self.find_random_square(self.has_critter_at)

            room = self._find_room(x, y)
            if room and room.src:
                if room.src.no_mon_gen:

            self.place_random_critter(crit_level, crit_hd, x, y)
コード例 #17
 def 变成星星吧(self):
     skill_name = "变成星星吧"
     if roll(50):
         damageBase = LowerBoundedInteger(233)
         damageBase = LowerBoundedInteger(50)
     damage = Damage(self.get_damage_value(damageBase), False, True)
コード例 #18
 def escape(self, bonus: int = 0) -> None:
     assert self.hero.room.monster
     monster = self.hero.room.monster
     self.time += ESCAPE_TIME
     check = self.hero.agility.bonus + roll() + bonus
     if check < monster.escape_dc:
コード例 #19
 def search_traps(self) -> None:
     """Search for traps within door"""
     self.time += SEARCH_TIME
     check = self.hero.awareness.bonus + roll()
     if self.hero.room.trap is None or self.hero.room.trap.hide_dc > 0:
         self.visit_room(title="Doesn't seem to be trapped...")
         self.visit_room(title="It's a trap!")
コード例 #20
ファイル: character.py プロジェクト: carbongmx/survivalpy
 def hunt(self):
     self.game.turn_action_points -= 1
     added_food = 0
     bullets_used = 0
     if roll(90) and self.game.bullets > 0:
         bullets_used = randint(1, min(6, self.game.bullets))
         added_food = randint(5, 10)
         self.game.food_rations += added_food
         self.game.bullets -= bullets_used
     return (FoodHuntResult(added_food), BulletsUsed(bullets_used))
コード例 #21
def roll_dice(player_num: int) -> int:
    """Asks player to roll dice"""
    sides = 6
    player_colour = eval(f"Fore.{PLAYER_COLOURS[player_num]}")
        f"{player_colour}{Player.get(player_num):s}: Press ENTER to roll your dice"
    num_rolled = roll(sides)
    print("You rolled {}.".format(num_rolled))
    return num_rolled
コード例 #22
ファイル: map.py プロジェクト: ca5h/darktower-rl
    def place_monsters(self):
        #choose random number of monsters
        #3d(dlvl) + 3d2 + 7 monsters total - at least 11 monsters on d1 and up-to 40 on d27
        num_monsters = util.roll(1, gl.__dlvl__, util.roll(3, 2, 7))
        #cap monster generation for now
        num_monsters = util.cap(num_monsters, 30)

        for i in range(num_monsters):
            #choose random spot for this monster
            x, y = self.find_random_square(self.has_critter_at)
            #determining critter level. it may vary from XL - 3 to XL + 3. To let is scale better multiply by 100
            #cap it to be no lower than 1
            crit_hd = util.cap_lower(randrange(gl.__xl__ - 3, gl.__xl__ + 3), 1, 1)
            self.place_critter(gl.__dlvl__, crit_hd, x, y)

        #check for OOD monster. let's create OOD 10% of the time for now
        if libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 100) >= 89:
            crit_level = libtcod.random_get_int(0, gl.__dlvl__ + 2, gl.__dlvl__ + 3)
            crit_hd = util.cap_lower(randrange(gl.__xl__ - 3, gl.__xl__ + 3), 1, 1)
            x, y = self.find_random_square(self.has_critter_at)
            self.place_critter(crit_level, crit_hd, x, y)
コード例 #23
ファイル: char.py プロジェクト: R5D4/dark_forest
 def init_stats(self, min_stats):
     """ Initialize character stats."""
     # zero out all stats
     init = {"str": 0, "dex": 0, "AC": 0, "max_HP": 0}
     # base stats = min stats + 2d6.
     for stat in self.base_stats.keys():
         self.base_stats[stat] += roll("2d6", False)[0]
     # update effective stats
コード例 #24
    def generate_road(self):
        ms_start = libtcod.sys_elapsed_milli()
        _h = self.height / 3
        road_y = randrange(_h - util.roll(1, 10), _h + util.roll(1, 10))
        len_no_break = randrange(self.break_road / 2, self.break_road)
        old_road_y = road_y
        delta = 0
        if self.rank > self.RANK_CITY:
            delta = 1
        for x in xrange(0, self.width):
            len_no_break -= 1
            if len_no_break <= 0:
                len_no_break = randrange(self.break_road / 2, self.break_road)
                y_delta = util.roll(1, 3)
                #nope, try another turn
                if y_delta == 1:
                    len_no_break = 1
                elif y_delta == 2:
                    old_road_y, road_y = road_y, util.cap_lower(
                        road_y - 1, 0, 0)
                    delta = -1
                    old_road_y, road_y = road_y, util.cap(
                        road_y + 1, self.height)
                    delta = 1

            self.roadminy = min(self.roadminy, road_y)
            self.roadmaxy = max(self.roadmaxy, road_y)
            if old_road_y != road_y:
                self._map[old_road_y][x] = self.road()
                self._map[road_y][x] = self.road()
                old_road_y = road_y
                self._map[road_y][x] = self.road()
                if self.rank >= self.RANK_CITY:
                    self._map[road_y + delta][x] = self.road()
        ms_end = libtcod.sys_elapsed_milli()
        print 'generated in ' + str(ms_end - ms_start) + ' ms'
コード例 #25
    def generate(self):
        shops = 0
        hotel = 0
        taverns = util.roll(1, self.rank, -1)
        if self.rank >=3:
            if util.coinflip():
                shops = util.roll(1, self.rank, -2)
            hotel = util.coinflip()
        #roll for number of houses. it'lee be 4-8 houses for small village
        #and 6-12 for town. and much for for large city. but that's it for now
        house_count = util.roll(self.rank,3, self.rank)
        noble_house_count = util.roll(1, self.rank, -3)
        gl.logger.debug('Generating buildings: %d rooms, %d noble, %d tavern, %d shops, %d hotel' % (house_count, noble_house_count, taverns, shops, hotel))
        gen = self.create_room_generator(house_count, noble_house_count, taverns, shops, hotel)

        for x in (noble_house_count, taverns, shops, hotel):
            house_count += util.cap_lower(x, 0, 0)
        gl.logger.debug('Total number of houses: %d' % house_count)
        if self.room_placer is None:
            self.generate_rooms_random_place(house_count, gen)
            self.room_placer(self, house_count, gen)
コード例 #26
 def __init__(self):
     self.first_name = rn.random_nick()
     self.last_name = rn.random_nick()
     self.stre = roll('3d6')
     self.con = roll('3d6')
     self.dex = roll('3d6')
     self.int = roll('3d6')
     self.wis = roll('3d6')
     self.cha = roll('3d6')
コード例 #27
 def generate_rooms_along_road(self,
     x = util.roll(2, 3)
     x2 = int(x)
     house_top = house_count / 2 + house_count % 2
     house_bot = house_count / 2
     for z in xrange(0, house_top):
         room = room_gen.next().materialize()
         if house_bot > 0:
             room2 = room_gen.next().materialize()
         y = self.roadminy - len(room) + (self.roadmaxy - self.roadminy)
         y2 = self.roadminy
         xw = x + len(room[0])
         xh = y + len(room)
         if xw < self.width and xh < self.height:
             newxy = self.adjust_x_y_anywhere(x, y, xw, xh, -1, allow_crop)
             if newxy is None:
             x, y = newxy
             self.copy_room(room, x, y)
             x = xw
             x += util.roll(2, 2)
         if house_bot > 0:
             x2w = x2 + len(room2[0])
             y2w = y2 + len(room2)
             if x2w > self.width or y2w > self.height:
             newxy2 = self.adjust_x_y_anywhere(x2, y2, x2w, y2w, 1,
             if newxy2 is not None:
                 x2, y2 = newxy2
                 self.copy_room(room2, x2, y2)
                 x2 += len(room2[0])
                 x2 += util.roll(2, 2)
                 house_bot -= 1
コード例 #28
 def perform(self):
     effort = []
     effort.append(roll('1d20') + self.mod(self.stre))
     effort.append(roll('1d20') + self.mod(self.con))
     effort.append(roll('1d20') + self.mod(self.dex))
     effort.append(roll('1d20') + self.mod(self.int))
     effort.append(roll('1d20') + self.mod(self.wis))
     effort.append(roll('1d20') + self.mod(self.cha))
     return effort
コード例 #29
    def generate_road(self):
        ms_start = libtcod.sys_elapsed_milli()
        _h = self.height / 3
        road_y = randrange(_h - util.roll(1, 10), _h + util.roll(1, 10))
        len_no_break = randrange(self.break_road / 2, self.break_road)
        old_road_y = road_y
        delta = 0
        if self.rank > self.RANK_CITY:
            delta = 1
        for x in xrange(0, self.width):
            len_no_break -= 1
            if len_no_break <= 0:
                len_no_break = randrange(self.break_road / 2, self.break_road)
                y_delta = util.roll(1, 3)
                #nope, try another turn
                if y_delta == 1:
                    len_no_break = 1
                elif y_delta == 2:
                    old_road_y, road_y = road_y, util.cap_lower(road_y - 1, 0, 0)
                    delta = -1
                    old_road_y, road_y = road_y, util.cap(road_y + 1, self.height)
                    delta = 1

            self.roadminy = min(self.roadminy, road_y)
            self.roadmaxy = max(self.roadmaxy, road_y)
            if old_road_y != road_y:
                self._map[old_road_y][x] = self.road()
                self._map[road_y][x] = self.road()
                old_road_y = road_y
                self._map[road_y][x] = self.road()
                if self.rank >= self.RANK_CITY:
                    self._map[road_y + delta][x] = self.road()
        ms_end = libtcod.sys_elapsed_milli()
        print 'generated in ' + str(ms_end - ms_start) + ' ms'
コード例 #30
    def disarm_trap(self) -> None:
        assert self.hero.room.trap
        assert self.hero.room.trap.hide_dc == 0

        self.time += DISARM_TIME
        trap = self.hero.room.trap
        check = self.hero.agility.bonus + roll()
        if check >= trap.disarm_dc:
            self.add_message("You disarm it!")
            self.hero.room.trap = None
        elif check >= trap.disarm_dc // 2:
            self.visit_room(title="This seems difficult to disarm...")
            self.trigger_trap("You triggered the {} trying to disarm it!")
コード例 #31
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: RoadieRich/Enquisitor
def test(stat, debug=False):
    """Take a test against a percentage stat. Pass debug=True to ouput
    roll details to stdout."""

    r = util.roll(1,100)
    if debug or util.DEBUG:
        util.debugOut("roll: %d, stat: %d\n"%(r,stat))
    result = False
    if stat > 5:
        if r <= round(stat/10.):
            result = util.crit
        elif r <= stat:
            result = True
    elif r <= 5:
        result = True    
    if debug or util.DEBUG:
        util.debugOut("result: %r\n" % result)
    return result
コード例 #32
def play_a_game():
    positions = {'player1': 1,
                 'player2': 1}
    turns = {'player1': 1,  # note this is wrong
                'player2': 1}  # note this is wrong
    ladders = {
        3: 16,
        5: 7,
        15: 25,
        18: 20,
        21: 32
    snakes = {
        12: 2,
        14: 11,
        17: 4,
        31: 19,
        35: 22
    roll_count = 0  # a double-check
    snake_count = 0  # new for question 2
    last_square = 36
    while max(positions.values()) < last_square:
        for player in sorted(positions.keys()):
            log.debug("%s plays turn %s" % (player, turns[player]))
            new_position = positions[player] + roll()
            roll_count += 1
            if new_position in ladders.keys():
                ladder_prob = randint(1,2) # new for q 3
                if ladder_prob == 1: # 50% chance you can take the ladder
                    new_position = ladders[new_position]
            if new_position in snakes.keys():
                new_position = snakes[new_position]
                snake_count += 1  # New for question 2
            positions[player] = new_position
            if new_position >= last_square:
                positions[player] = new_position
            turns[player] += 1  # note this is wrong!
    game_stats = {'positions': positions,
                    'turns': turns,
                    'snake_count': snake_count,
                    'roll_count': roll_count}
    return game_stats
コード例 #33
 def break_door(self, bonus: int = 0) -> None:
     self.time += BREAK_TIME
     check = self.hero.strength.bonus + roll() + bonus
     assert self.hero.room.door
     if check >= self.hero.room.door.break_dc:
         self.hero.room.door = None
         if self.hero.room.trap:
             self.trigger_trap("As the door breaks, a {} is triggered!")
             # The trap is destroyed with the door
             self.hero.room.trap = None
             self.add_message("Crash! the door opens!")
         if self.hero.room.trap:
             self.trigger_trap("The door was trapped! you triggered a {}!")
             self.visit_door("...and the (trapped) door resists")
             self.visit_door("WHAAAM! The door resists...")
コード例 #34
    def fight(self, bonus: int = 0) -> None:
        assert self.hero.room.monster
        monster = self.hero.room.monster

        self.time += FIGHT_TIME
        check = self.hero.strength.bonus + roll() + bonus
        if check >= monster.ac:
            if bonus == 0:  # FIXME: this shouldn't know about the boots
            if random.random() <= monster.drop_rate:
                self.hero.room.loot = treasure.Item.random()
                self.visit_treasure("The monster dies and drops a {}")
                self.add_message("You defeat the monster!")
        self.hero.room.monster = None
コード例 #35
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: carbongmx/survivalpy
    def update(self):
        self.infected_someone_today = False
        events = []
        self.days -= 1
        if self.days == 0:
            if self.radio_repair_progress >= 50:
            return events

        self.fire -= 1
        if self.fire <= 0:
            return events

        for character in self.characters:
            cevt = character.update()
            for e in cevt:

        self.characters = [c for c in self.characters if c.is_alive]
        if len(self.characters) == 0:

        if roll(30 - self.days):
            food_stolen = randint(1, min(8, self.food_rations))
            self.food_rations -= food_stolen
            if self.bullets > 0 and has_instance(self.characters, Soldier):
                bullets_used = randint(1, min(8, self.bullets))
                self.bullets -= bullets_used

        return events
コード例 #36
ファイル: dg.py プロジェクト: sirvaulterscoff/darktower-rl
def _choose_map(generator_type, params, player_hd, theme, size):
    """ _choose_map(...) = > MapDef (or None if theme file does not exist)
    Loads the list of available maps and chooses a random one.
    Maps gets filtered first by number of parameters. Selection is based on weight/chance of a map.
    Also map is checked against unique maps list already generated.
    file = get_map_file(theme, size=size)
    if not file:
        return None
    av_maps = parse_file(file)
    total_maps_of_theme = len(av_maps)
    if total_maps_of_theme < 1:
        raise RuntimeError('No maps for MapRequest with theme [%s]' % theme)
    #now let's filter them leaving maps suitable for current generator/player HD and other params
    av_maps = filter(
        lambda x: _check_static_params(generator_type, player_hd, x, params),
    tmap = None
    if not av_maps:
        return None
    while True:
        if total_maps_of_theme < 1:
            #if we iterated over enough maps and can't decide on them - break unless none is selected
            if tmap: break
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Cannot select map of theme %s - too few maps available' %
        total_maps_of_theme -= 1
        # choose a random map from a weighed list
        tmap = random_from_list_weighted(av_maps)
        if tmap.chance > 0:
            if roll(1, tmap.chance) == 1:
    unique_maps_already_generated[tmap.id] = 1
    #prepare a map
    return tmap.prepare(params)
コード例 #37
ファイル: mei.py プロジェクト: RAND1925/BH3SummerEventEmu
 def 崩坏世界的歌姬(self):
     skill_name = "崩坏世界的歌姬"
     if roll(30):
コード例 #38
 def 不是针对你(self):
     skill_name = "不是针对你"
     if self.enemy.name == "琪亚娜" or roll(25):
         self.针对你 = True
コード例 #39
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: sirvaulterscoff/darktower-rl
            if util.coinflip():
                name = choice(names)
                if debug_names:
                    npc.name = name + str(npc.__class__)
                npc.is_demon = demon
                logger.debug('Creating reference NPC ' + str(npc.__class__) +
                             ' for ' + name + ' from background')
    for npc in world.mNPC:
        if isinstance(npc, instances) and npc.name is not None:

while True:
    artefacts_count = util.roll(*ARTEFACTS_COUNT)
    logger.debug('Rolled for %d artefacts ' % (artefacts_count))
    world.artefacts = items.generate_artefacts(artefacts_count,

    from background import make_story
    story = make_story()
    print story
    #######FIRST_PHASE: (all the NPC inhabiting the world except those, generated inside quests nly)
    #first let's define our world's population: this will include
    # all the NPC's of all types we have, except those which can be placed inside quesuts only

    #now let's roll for number of quest-givers. we do want them to exist
    min_quest_givers = util.roll(*QUEST_GIVER_ROLL)
    actual_quest_givers = 0
    while actual_quest_givers < min_quest_givers:
コード例 #40
ファイル: rita.py プロジェクト: RAND1925/BH3SummerEventEmu
 def 女仆的温柔清理(self, damage):
     skill_name = "女仆的温柔清理"
     if roll(35):
         damage.value -= 3
         self.enemy.attack -= 4
コード例 #41
ファイル: items.py プロジェクト: sirvaulterscoff/darktower-rl
 def quaff(self, player):
     super(HealingPotion, self).quaff(player)
     player.hp = util.cap(player.hp + util.roll(2, 10, 1), player.base_hp)
     gl.message('You feel somewhat better')
コード例 #42
 def 音量太强(self):
     skill_name = "音量太强"
     if roll(35):
コード例 #43
ファイル: treasure.py プロジェクト: calld/dungeon_maker
def getTreasure(lvl):
    """get basic treasure"""
    r = {}
    cr = randrange(1, 101) + (lvl-2)*18
    if(cr < 31):
        r['cash'] = [roll(5, 6), 0, 0, 0, 0]
    elif(cr < 61):
        r['cash'] = [0, roll(4,6), 0, 0, 0]
    elif(cr < 71):
        r['cash'] = [0, 0, roll(3, 6), 0, 0]
    elif(cr < 96):
        r['cash'] = [0,0,0,roll(3, 6),0]
    elif(cr < 101):
        r['cash'] = [0, 0, 0, 0, roll(1, 6)]
    elif(cr < 131):
        r['cash'] = [roll(4, 6)*100, 0, roll(1, 6)*10, 0, 0]
    elif(cr < 161):
        r['cash'] = [0, roll(6, 6)*10, 0, roll(2, 6)*10, 0]
    elif(cr < 171):
        r['cash'] = [0,0, roll(3, 6)*10, roll(2, 6)*10, 0]
    elif(cr < 196):
        r['cash'] = [0, 0, 0, roll(4, 6) * 10, 0]
    elif(cr < 201):
        r['cash'] = [0,0,0,roll(2, 6)*10, roll(3, 6)]
    elif(cr < 221):
        r['cash'] = [0, roll(4, 6)*100, 0, roll(1, 6)*100, 0]
    elif(cr < 236):
        r['cash'] = [0,0,roll(1, 6)*100, roll(1, 6)*100, 0]
    elif(cr < 276):
        r['cash'] = [0,0, 0, roll(2, 6)*100, roll(1, 6)*10]
    elif(cr < 301):
        r['cash'] = [0, 0, 0, roll(2, 6)*100, roll(2, 6)*10]
    elif(cr < 316):
        r['cash'] = [0, 0, roll(2, 6)*1000, roll(8, 6)*100, 0]
    elif(cr < 356):
        r['cash'] = [0, 0, 0, roll(1, 6)*1000, roll(1, 6)*100]
        r['cash'] = [0,0,0, roll(1, 6)*1000, roll(2, 6) * 100]
    return r
コード例 #44
ファイル: treasure.py プロジェクト: calld/dungeon_maker
def getHoard(lvl):
    """get major reward"""
    r = {'cash': [],
         'loot': ''}
    cr = randrange(1, 101) + (lvl-2)*18
    if(cr < 101):
        r['cash'] = [roll(6, 6)*100, roll(3, 6)*100, 0, roll(2, 6)*10, 0]
        if(cr < 7):
        elif(cr < 17):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 6)) + ' 10 gp gems'
        elif(cr < 27):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects'
        elif(cr < 37):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems'
        elif(cr < 45):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 6)) + ' 10 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table A)'
        elif(cr < 53):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table A)'
        elif(cr < 61):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table A)'
        elif(cr < 66):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 6)) + ' 10 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 71):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 76):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 79):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 6)) + ' 10 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 81):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 86):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 93):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table F)'
        elif(cr < 98):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table F)'
        elif(cr < 100):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects and one Magic Item(table G)'
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems and one Magic Item(table G)'
    elif(cr < 201):
        r['cash'] = [roll(2, 6)*100, roll(2, 6)*1000, 0, roll(6, 6)*100, roll(3, 6)*10]
        cr = cr - 100
        if(cr < 5):
        elif(cr < 11):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects'
        elif(cr < 17):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems'
        elif(cr < 23):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 100 gp gems'
        elif(cr < 29):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects'
        elif(cr < 33):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table A)'
        elif(cr < 37):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table A)'
        elif(cr < 41):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 100 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table A)'
        elif(cr < 45):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table A)'
        elif(cr < 50):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 55):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 60):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 100 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 64):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 67):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 70):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 73):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 100 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 75):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 77):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects and 1 Magic Item(table D)'
        elif(cr < 79):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems and 1 Magic Item(table D)'
        elif(cr < 80):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 100 gp gems and 1 Magic Item(table D)'
        elif(cr < 81):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and 1 Magic Item(table D)'
        elif(cr < 85):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 25 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table F)'
        elif(cr < 89):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 50 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table F)'
        elif(cr < 92):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 100 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table F)'
        elif(cr < 95):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table F)'
        elif(cr < 97):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 100 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table G)'
        elif(cr < 99):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table G)'
        elif(cr < 100):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 100 gp gems and 1 Magic Item(table H)'
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and 1 Magic Item(table H)'
    elif(cr < 301):
        r['cash'] = [0,0,0, roll(4, 6)*1000, roll(5, 6)*100]
        cr = cr - 200
        if(cr < 4):
        elif(cr < 7):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects'
        elif(cr < 11):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 750 gp art objects'
        elif(cr < 13):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 500 gp gems'
        elif(cr < 16):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems'
        elif(cr < 20):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects, ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table A) and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 24):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 750 gp art objects, ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table A) and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 27):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 500 gp gems, ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table A) and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 30):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems, ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table A) and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table B)'
        elif(cr < 36):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Ttems(table C)'
        elif(cr < 41):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 750 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Ttems(table C)'
        elif(cr < 46):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 500 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Ttems(table C)'
        elif(cr < 51):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Ttems(table C)'
        elif(cr < 55):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table D)'
        elif(cr < 59):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 750 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Ttems(table D)'
        elif(cr < 63):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 500 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Ttems(table D)'
        elif(cr < 67):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Ttems(table D)'
        elif(cr < 69):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and 1 Magic Item(table E)'
        elif(cr < 71):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 750 gp art objects and 1 Magic Item(table E)'
        elif(cr < 73):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 500 gp gems and 1 Magic Item(table E)'
        elif(cr < 75):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and 1 Magic Item(table E)'
        elif(cr < 77):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects, 1 Magic Item(table F) and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Item(table G)'
        elif(cr < 79):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 750 gp art objects, 1 Magic Item(table F) and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Item(table G)'
        elif(cr < 81):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 500 gp gems, 1 Magic Item(table F) and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Item(table G)'
        elif(cr < 83):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems, 1 Magic Item(table F) and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Item(table G)'
        elif(cr < 86):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table H)'
        elif(cr < 89):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 750 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Ttems(table H)'
        elif(cr < 91):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 500 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Ttems(table H)'
        elif(cr < 93):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Ttems(table H)'
        elif(cr < 95):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 250 gp art objects and 1 Magic Item(table I)'
        elif(cr < 97):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(2, 4)) + ' 750 gp art objects and 1 Magic Item(table I)'
        elif(cr < 99):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 500 gp gems and 1 Magic Item(table I)'
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and 1 Magic Item(table I)'
        r['cash'] = [0, 0, 0, roll(12, 6)*1000, roll(8, 6)*1000]
        cr = cr - 300
        if(cr < 3):
        elif(cr < 6):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 8)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 9):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 10)) + ' 2500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 8)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 12):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 4)) + ' 7500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 8)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 15):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 8)) + ' 5000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 8)) + ' Magic Items(table C)'
        elif(cr < 23):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table D)'
        elif(cr < 31):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 10)) + ' 2500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table D)'
        elif(cr < 39):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 4)) + ' 7500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table D)'
        elif(cr < 47):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 8)) + ' 5000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table D)'
        elif(cr < 53):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table E)'
        elif(cr < 59):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 10)) + ' 2500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table E)'
        elif(cr < 64):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 4)) + ' 7500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table E)'
        elif(cr < 69):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 8)) + ' 5000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 6)) + ' Magic Items(table E)'
        elif(cr < 70):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table G)'
        elif(cr < 71):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 10)) + ' 2500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table G)'
        elif(cr < 72):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 4)) + ' 7500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table G)'
        elif(cr < 73):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 8)) + ' 5000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table G)'
        elif(cr < 75):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table H)'
        elif(cr < 77):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 10)) + ' 2500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table H)'
        elif(cr < 79):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 4)) + ' 7500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table H)'
        elif(cr < 81):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 8)) + ' 5000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table H)'
        elif(cr < 86):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(3, 6)) + ' 1000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table I)'
        elif(cr < 91):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 10)) + ' 2500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table I)'
        elif(cr < 96):
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 4)) + ' 7500 gp art objects and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table I)'
            r['loot'] = str(roll(1, 8)) + ' 5000 gp gems and ' + str(roll(1, 4)) + ' Magic Items(table I)'

    return r
コード例 #45
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: sirvaulterscoff/darktower-rl
        if isinstance(npc, instances) and len(names) > 0:
            if util.coinflip():
                name = choice(names)
                if debug_names:
                    npc.name = name + str(npc.__class__)
                npc.is_demon = demon
                logger.debug('Creating reference NPC ' +str(npc.__class__) +' for ' + name + ' from background')
    for npc in world.mNPC:
        if isinstance(npc, instances) and npc.name is not None:

while True:
    artefacts_count = util.roll(*ARTEFACTS_COUNT)
    logger.debug('Rolled for %d artefacts ' % (artefacts_count))
    world.artefacts = items.generate_artefacts(artefacts_count, check=world.artefact_names)

    from background import make_story
    story = make_story()
    print story
    #######FIRST_PHASE: (all the NPC inhabiting the world except those, generated inside quests nly)
    #first let's define our world's population: this will include
    # all the NPC's of all types we have, except those which can be placed inside quesuts only

    #now let's roll for number of quest-givers. we do want them to exist
    min_quest_givers = util.roll(*QUEST_GIVER_ROLL)
    actual_quest_givers = 0
    while actual_quest_givers < min_quest_givers:
        if actual_quest_givers > 0:
コード例 #46
ファイル: combat.py プロジェクト: R5D4/dark_forest
def begin_combat(characters, scene, can_run):
    Start combat.

    Start combat between the 'player' and 'boar' characters.
    Return 'death' if player dies or 'win' if boar dies.
    # characters is a dict with an entry for key 'player' and 'boar'
    player = characters["player"]
    boar = characters["boar"]

    print "*" * 10,
    print " Entering combat! ",
    print "*" * 10

    # Determine initiative
    # NOTE: for debugging
    # print "Surprised = %s" % player.conditions['surprised']

    # calculate initiative bonus
    b_bonus = 10 if player.conditions["surprised"] else 0
    p_bonus = 10 if boar.conditions["surprised"] else 0

    print "Rolling initiatives:"
    player_init = roll("1d20", True)[0] + p_bonus
    boar_init = roll("1d20", True)[0] + b_bonus
    print "Player's initiative: %d" % player_init
    print "Boar's initiative: %d" % boar_init
    if player_init > boar_init:
        turn = "player"
        turn = "boar"

    print "{} goes first.".format(turn),
    raw_input("Press any key to continue")

    # Start combat loop

    # escape flags
    escape = {"player": False, "boar": False}

    while True:
        print "-" * 20

        ### PLAYER'S TURN ###
        if turn == "player":
            print "Player's turn:"

            # escape if the player has chosen to run away
            if escape["player"]:
                print "Run away! Run away!"
                return run_away(scene)

            print "HP: %d" % player.health["HP"]
            # loop until player has taken a turn
            took_turn = False
            while not took_turn:
                action = raw_input("> ")
                if action in player.attacks:
                    player_attack = player.attacks[action]
                    player_attack.attack(player, boar)
                    took_turn = True  # an attack counts as a turn
                elif action in SUPPORTED_ACTIONS:
                    if action in ENV_ACTIONS["run"] and can_run:
                        took_turn = True
                        print "You turn to run away."
                        escape["player"] = True  # escape on next turn
                    elif action in ENV_ACTIONS["run"] and not can_run:
                        took_turn = True  # attempt to run counts as a turn
                        print "Can't run away!"
                    elif action in ENV_ACTIONS["stats"]:
                        print player.get_stats()
                    elif action in ENV_ACTIONS["inventory"]:
                        print player.get_inventory()
                    elif action in ENV_ACTIONS["help"]:
                        print combat_help(player)
                    print "You can't do that."
            turn = "boar"
            raw_input("Press any key to continue.")

        ### BOSS' TURN ###
        elif turn == "boar":
            print "Boar's turn:"

            # escape if the boar has chosen to run away
            if escape["boar"]:
                print "The boar turned and ran away!"
                return scene.name  # send the player back to same scene

            print "HP: %d" % boar.health["HP"]

            # output bloodied message if HP < 30%
            if boar.health["HP"] / float(boar.effective_stats["max_HP"]) < 0.3:
                print "The boar is bloodied!"

            # chance to run away if HP < 20%
            if boar.health["HP"] / float(boar.effective_stats["max_HP"]) < 0.2:
                if randint(1, 100) <= 75:  # 75% chance
                    print "The boar turns to run away."
                    escape["boar"] = True  # escape on next turn

            # boss makes its attack
            boar_attack = boar.attacks[choice(boar.attacks.keys())]
            boar_attack.attack(boar, player)
            turn = "player"

        ### COMBAT FINISHED ###
        if player.health["HP"] <= 0:
            return "death"
        elif boar.health["HP"] <= 0:
            return "win"
コード例 #47
 def dmg(self):
     #todo cap?
     return [(util.roll(self.skill, 4)) -
             randint(self.skill / randint(1, 2), self.skill)]
コード例 #48
ファイル: gamestate.py プロジェクト: alexpear/commander
  def shoot(self, shooter, target):
    if not shooter.can_shoot:
      print('unit is not permitted to shoot right now')
    elif target.quantity <= 0 or shooter.quantity <= 0:
      print 'error, one unit is empty / wiped out'
    elif target.allegiance == shooter.allegiance:
      print('(was gonna shoot but didnt because both units are from same army)')
    elif self.is_locked(shooter) or self.is_locked(target):
      print('was gonna shoot but shooter or target is locked in close combat.')
    # more assert eg closest-target Ld check TODO

    dist = util.distance(shooter.coord, target.coord)
    if shooter.rng < dist:
        'Tried to shoot but target is out of range ({real}sq / {realin}", ' +
        'range: {max}sq / {maxin}")').format(
          real=dist, realin=util.inches(dist),
          max=shooter.rng, maxin=util.inches(shooter.rng))

    print shooter.name_with_sprite() + ' is shooting at ' + target.name_with_sprite()

    shooter.can_shoot = False

    print ' ' + util.conjugateplural(shooter.quantity, "shooter") + "..."

    totalshotcount = shooter.shotspercreature * shooter.quantity
    attacks = []
    for i in range(totalshotcount):
      attacks.append(Attack(shooter.shootstr, shooter.ap))

    print ' ' + util.conjugateplural(len(attacks), "shot") + "..."

    # To Hit
    for attack in attacks:
      if not attack.active:
      need_to_roll = 7 - shooter.bs
      need_to_roll = util.constrain(need_to_roll, 2, 6)
      result = util.roll(
        'Shooting to-hit roll, shooter needs a {goal}+'.format(goal = need_to_roll),
        successif = (lambda n: n>=need_to_roll))
      if result < need_to_roll:
        attack.active = False

    # Attacks that do not hit, wound, etc are marked .active = False
    # And then removed. Might be clumsy.
    hits = [a for a in attacks if a.active]
    print ' ' + util.conjugateplural(len(hits), "hit") + "..."

    # To Wound
    for attack in hits:
      need_to_roll = target.t - shooter.shootstr + 4
      need_to_roll = util.constrain(need_to_roll, 2, 6)
      result = util.roll(
        'Shooting to-wound roll, shooter needs a {goal}+'.format(goal = need_to_roll), 
        successif = (lambda n: n>=need_to_roll))
      if result < need_to_roll:
        attack.active = False

    wounds = [a for a in hits if a.active]
    print ' ' + util.conjugateplural(len(wounds), "pre-saving wound") + "..."

    # Saves
    for attack in wounds:
      # TODO: invulnerable saves, cover saves
      if target.sv >= 7 or target.sv >= attack.ap:
      need_to_roll = target.sv
      result = util.roll(
        'Shooting armor save, target saves on a {goal}+'.format(goal = need_to_roll))
      if result >= need_to_roll:
        attack.active = False

    unsaved_wounds = [a for a in wounds if a.active]
    # print final results summary
    print ' {n} casualties...'.format(n=len(unsaved_wounds))
    if len(unsaved_wounds) > 0:
      # TODO bug, 1 unsaved wound led to multiple lost models. seen once 2015 aug 9.
      self.damage(target, len(unsaved_wounds))
      print ' Now target has ' + str(target.quantity) + ' creatures left in it.'
コード例 #49
 def dmg(self):
     #todo cap?
     return [(util.roll(self.skill, 4)) - randint(self.skill / randint(1, 2), self.skill)]
コード例 #50
ファイル: items.py プロジェクト: sirvaulterscoff/darktower-rl
 def quaff(self, player):
     super(HealingPotion, self).quaff(player)
     player.hp = util.cap(player.hp + util.roll(2, 10, 1), player.base_hp)
     gl.message('You feel somewhat better')
コード例 #51
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: ca5h/darktower-rl
#some of the listed NPCs are generate inside quests. First we should define those,
# who will be encountered throughtout the game (marked as +).
# Then we define quest_givers marked as *.
# Quest targets are marked as
# 1 for killable target (quest target itself), 2 for talk-only-target, 3 for guard-type (guard quest item), 4 break-down plot (change plot)
# ! denotes NPCs which are occasionaly generated during quest generation-only!
#Actualy we don't want classic quests. instead let's use the quest as some meating point for plot-oriented-NPC. i.e. if the player is sent
#to obtain amulet from and wafull demon not neccessarily he should get it. Instead he should be given some important information and be directed to the next quest

#######FIRST_PHASE: (all the NPC inhabiting the world instead of those, generated inside quesut ly)
#first let's define our world's population: this will include
# all the NPC's of all types we have, except those which can be placed inside quesuts only
#let's roll for number of NPC. let it lay from . NOTE that we will also add types denoted by ! later.
mNPC_count = util.roll(*MNPC_ROLL)
#now let's roll for number of quest-givers. we do want them to exist
min_quest_fivers = util.roll(*QUEST_GIVER_ROLL)
#now let's roll for immobile NPCs. we don't want many of them. let em be 0-3 at 50% chance for now
immobile_npc = 0
if util.coinflip():
    to_roll = util.roll(*IMMOBILE_NPC_ROLL)
    for i in range(0, to_roll):
        immobile_npc += util.coinflip()
unique_npc = util.roll(*UNIQUES_ROLL)
traders_npc = util.roll(*TRADERS_ROLL)
logger.debug("Rolled for %d main NPCs (%d NPC able to issue quests), %d immobile NPCs, %d uniques, %d traders)", mNPC_count, min_quest_fivers, immobile_npc, unique_npc, traders_npc)
logger.debug("Total of %d NPCs (%d with traders)", mNPC_count + immobile_npc + unique_npc, mNPC_count + immobile_npc + unique_npc + traders_npc)
#now toss
