def main(): args = parse_arg() tf.reset_default_graph() config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: env = gym.make('FeedingCooperation-v0') set_global_seeds(int(args['random_seed'])) robot_actor_critic_entropy = Robot_Actor_Critic( sess, float(args['actor_lr']), float(args['critic_lr']), float(args['value_lr']), float(args['reg_factor']), float(args['gamma']), float(args['tau']), float(args['value_weight']), float(args['critic_weight']), float(args['actor_weight']), float(args['all_lr']), float(args['max_steps']), float(args['minibatch_size'])) human_actor_critic_entropy = Human_Actor_Critic( sess, float(args['actor_lr']), float(args['critic_lr']), float(args['value_lr']), float(args['reg_factor']), float(args['gamma']), float(args['tau']), float(args['value_weight']), float(args['critic_weight']), float(args['actor_weight']), float(args['all_lr']), float(args['max_steps']), float(args['minibatch_size'])) train(sess, env, args, robot_actor_critic_entropy, human_actor_critic_entropy) savepath = osp.join("my_model_sac_cop/", 'final') os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True) savepath = osp.join(savepath, 'sacmodel') save_state(savepath)
def main(): # get argument tf.reset_default_graph() arg_parser = common_arg_parser() args= arg_parser.parse_args() pp.pprint(vars(args)) model, env = train(args) savepath = osp.join("my_model_cop/", 'final') os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True) savepath = osp.join(savepath, 'ppomodel') save_state(savepath) env.close() return model
def train(sess, env, args, robot_actor_critic, human_actor_critic): global_summary = tf.summary.FileWriter( 'summaries/' + 'feeding_sac_all' +'%d-%m-%y%H%M'), sess.graph) robot_actor_critic.update_target_network() human_actor_critic.update_target_network() replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(int(args['buffer_size'])) pbar = tqdm(total=int(args['max_steps']), dynamic_ncols=True) tfirststart = time.perf_counter() total_step = 0 while total_step < int(args['max_steps']): state = env.reset() episode_reward = 0 end_step = 0 while True: robot_action, robot_greedy_action = robot_actor_critic.actor_predict( [state[:24]]) human_action, human_greedy_action = human_actor_critic.actor_predict( [state[24:]]) robot_action = robot_action[0] robot_greedy_action = robot_greedy_action[0] human_action = human_action[0] human_greedy_action = human_greedy_action[0] cop_action = np.concatenate([robot_action, human_action], axis=0) state2, reward, done, info = env.step(cop_action) episode_reward += reward end_step += 1 total_step += 1 replay_buffer.add(state, robot_action, human_action, reward, state2, done) state = state2 if total_step > 100 * int(args['minibatch_size']): batch_state, batch_robot_actions, batch_human_actions, batch_rewards, batch_state2, batch_dones = replay_buffer.sample( int(args['minibatch_size'])) batch_state = np.array(batch_state) batch_state2 = np.array(batch_state2) robot_actor_loss, robot_critic_loss, robot_value_loss, robot_all_loss, _ = robot_actor_critic.all_train( batch_state[:, :24], batch_state2[:, :24], batch_robot_actions, batch_rewards, batch_dones) robot_actor_critic.update_target_network() human_actor_loss, human_critic_loss, human_value_loss, human_all_loss, _ = human_actor_critic.all_train( batch_state[:, 24:], batch_state2[:, 24:], batch_human_actions, batch_rewards, batch_dones) human_actor_critic.update_target_network() summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='robot_loss/value_loss', simple_value=robot_value_loss) summary.value.add(tag='robot_loss/critic_loss', simple_value=robot_critic_loss) summary.value.add(tag='robot_loss/actor_loss', simple_value=robot_actor_loss) summary.value.add(tag='robot_loss/total_loss', simple_value=robot_all_loss) summary.value.add(tag='human_loss/value_loss', simple_value=human_value_loss) summary.value.add(tag='human_loss/critic_loss', simple_value=human_critic_loss) summary.value.add(tag='human_loss/actor_loss', simple_value=human_actor_loss) summary.value.add(tag='human_loss/total_loss', simple_value=human_all_loss) global_summary.add_summary(summary, total_step) global_summary.flush() if total_step % 1000000 == 0 and total_step != 0: tnow = time.perf_counter() print('consume time', tnow - tfirststart) savepath = osp.join("my_model_sac_cop/", '%.5i' % total_step) os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True) savepath = osp.join(savepath, 'sacmodel') print('Saving to', savepath) save_state(savepath) if done: success_time = env.success_time() fall_time = env.fall_times() msg = 'step: {},episode reward: {},episode len: {},success_time: {},fall_time: {}' pbar.update(total_step) pbar.set_description( msg.format(total_step, episode_reward, end_step, success_time, fall_time)) summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='Perf/Reward', simple_value=episode_reward) summary.value.add(tag='Perf/episode_len', simple_value=end_step) summary.value.add(tag='Perf/success_time', simple_value=success_time) summary.value.add(tag='Perf/fall_time', simple_value=fall_time) global_summary.add_summary(summary, total_step) global_summary.flush() break
def learn(env, total_timesteps, seed=None, nsteps=1024, ent_coef=0.01, lr=0.01, vf_coef=0.5, p_coef=1.0, max_grad_norm=None, gamma=0.99, lam=0.95, nminibatches=15, noptepochs=4, cliprange=0.2, save_interval=100, copeoperation=False, human_ent_coef=0.01, human_vf_coef=0.5, human_p_coef=1.0): set_global_seeds(seed) sess = get_session() global_summary = tf.summary.FileWriter( 'summaries/' + 'feeding' +'%d-%m-%y%H%M'), sess.graph) if isinstance(lr, float): lr = constfn(lr) else: assert callable(lr) if isinstance(cliprange, float): cliprange = constfn(cliprange) else: assert callable(cliprange) # Get the nb of env nenvs = env.num_envs # Calculate the batch_size nbatch = nenvs * nsteps nbatch_train = nbatch // nminibatches if copeoperation == True: human_model = Model(env=env, nbatch_act=nenvs, nbatch_train=nbatch_train, ent_coef=human_ent_coef, vf_coef=human_vf_coef, p_coef=human_p_coef, max_grad_norm=max_grad_norm, human=True, robot=False) robot_model = Model(env=env, nbatch_act=nenvs, nbatch_train=nbatch_train, ent_coef=ent_coef, vf_coef=vf_coef, p_coef=p_coef, max_grad_norm=max_grad_norm, human=False, robot=True) if copeoperation == False: model = Model(env=env, nbatch_act=nenvs, nbatch_train=nbatch_train, ent_coef=ent_coef, vf_coef=vf_coef, p_coef=p_coef, max_grad_norm=max_grad_norm) initialize() # Instantiate the runner object if copeoperation == True: runner = Runner(env=env, model=None, nsteps=nsteps, gamma=gamma, lam=lam, human_model=human_model, robot_model=robot_model) if copeoperation == False: runner = Runner(env=env, model=model, nsteps=nsteps, gamma=gamma, lam=lam) epinfobuf = deque(maxlen=10) #recent 10 episode pbar = tqdm(total=total_timesteps, dynamic_ncols=True) tfirststart = time.perf_counter() nupdates = total_timesteps // nbatch for update in range(1, nupdates + 1): assert nbatch % nminibatches == 0 # Start timer frac = 1.0 - (update - 1.0) / nupdates # Calculate the learning rate lrnow = lr(frac) # Calculate the cliprange cliprangenow = cliprange(frac) # Get minibatch if copeoperation == False: obs, returns, masks, actions, values, neglogpacs, epinfos = ) if copeoperation == True: obs, human_returns, robot_returns, masks, human_actions, robot_actions, human_values, robot_values, human_neglogpacs, robot_neglogpacs, epinfos = runner.coop_run( ) epinfobuf.extend(epinfos) mblossvals = [] human_mblossvals = [] robot_mblossvals = [] inds = np.arange(nbatch) for _ in range(noptepochs): # Randomize the indexes np.random.shuffle(inds) for start in range(0, nbatch, nbatch_train): end = start + nbatch_train mbinds = inds[start:end] if copeoperation == True: human_slices = (arr[mbinds] for arr in (obs[:, 24:], human_returns, human_actions, human_values, human_neglogpacs)) robot_slices = (arr[mbinds] for arr in (obs[:, :24], robot_returns, robot_actions, robot_values, robot_neglogpacs)) human_mblossvals.append( human_model.train(lrnow, cliprangenow, *human_slices)) robot_mblossvals.append( robot_model.train(lrnow, cliprangenow, *robot_slices)) if copeoperation == False: slices = (arr[mbinds] for arr in (obs, returns, actions, values, neglogpacs)) mblossvals.append(model.train(lrnow, cliprangenow, *slices)) #None # Feedforward --> get losses --> update if copeoperation == True: human_lossvals = np.mean(human_mblossvals, axis=0) robot_lossvals = np.mean(robot_mblossvals, axis=0) if copeoperation == False: lossvals = np.mean(mblossvals, axis=0) summary = tf.Summary() if copeoperation == True: human_ev = explained_variance(human_values, human_returns) robot_ev = explained_variance(robot_values, robot_returns) if copeoperation == False: ev = explained_variance(values, returns) performance_r = np.mean([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]) performance_len = np.mean([epinfo['l'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]) success_time = np.mean( [epinfo['success_time'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]) fall_time = np.mean([epinfo['fall_time'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]) summary.value.add(tag='Perf/Reward', simple_value=performance_r) summary.value.add(tag='Perf/episode_len', simple_value=performance_len) summary.value.add(tag='Perf/success_time', simple_value=success_time) summary.value.add(tag='Perf/fall_time', simple_value=fall_time) if copeoperation == True: summary.value.add(tag='Perf/human_explained_variance', simple_value=float(human_ev)) summary.value.add(tag='Perf/robot_explained_variance', simple_value=float(robot_ev)) if copeoperation == False: summary.value.add(tag='Perf/explained_variance', simple_value=float(ev)) if copeoperation == True: for (human_lossval, human_lossname) in zip(human_lossvals, human_model.loss_names): if human_lossname == 'grad_norm': summary.value.add(tag='grad/' + human_lossname, simple_value=human_lossval) else: summary.value.add(tag='human_loss/' + human_lossname, simple_value=human_lossval) for (robot_lossval, robot_lossname) in zip(robot_lossvals, robot_model.loss_names): if robot_lossname == 'grad_norm': summary.value.add(tag='grad/' + robot_lossname, simple_value=robot_lossval) else: summary.value.add(tag='robot_loss/' + robot_lossname, simple_value=robot_lossval) if copeoperation == False: for (lossval, lossname) in zip(lossvals, model.loss_names): if lossname == 'grad_norm': summary.value.add(tag='grad/' + lossname, simple_value=lossval) else: summary.value.add(tag='loss/' + lossname, simple_value=lossval) global_summary.add_summary(summary, int(update * nbatch)) global_summary.flush() print('finish one update') if update % 10 == 0: msg = 'step: {},episode reward: {},episode len: {},success_time: {},fall_time: {}' pbar.update(update * nbatch) pbar.set_description( msg.format(update * nbatch, performance_r, performance_len, success_time, fall_time)) if update % save_interval == 0: tnow = time.perf_counter() print('consume time', tnow - tfirststart) if copeoperation == True: savepath = osp.join("my_model_cop/", '%.5i' % update) if copeoperation == False: savepath = osp.join("my_model/", '%.5i' % update) os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True) savepath = osp.join(savepath, 'ppomodel') print('Saving to', savepath) save_state(savepath) pbar.close() return model
def main(args): # cfg_file = os.path.join(args.example_config_path, args.primitive) + ".yaml" cfg = get_vae_defaults() # cfg.merge_from_file(cfg_file) cfg.freeze() batch_size = args.batch_size dataset_size = args.total_data_size if args.experiment_name is None: experiment_name = args.model_name else: experiment_name = args.experiment_name if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.log_dir, experiment_name)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.log_dir, experiment_name)) description_txt = raw_input('Please enter experiment notes: \n') if isinstance(description_txt, str): with open( os.path.join(args.log_dir, experiment_name, experiment_name + '_description.txt'), 'wb') as f: f.write(description_txt) writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(args.log_dir, experiment_name)) # torch_seed = np.random.randint(low=0, high=1000) # np_seed = np.random.randint(low=0, high=1000) torch_seed = 0 np_seed = 0 torch.manual_seed(torch_seed) np.random.seed(np_seed) trained_model_path = os.path.join(args.model_path, args.model_name) if not os.path.exists(trained_model_path): os.makedirs(trained_model_path) if args.task == 'contact': if args.start_rep == 'keypoints': start_dim = 24 elif args.start_rep == 'pose': start_dim = 7 if args.goal_rep == 'keypoints': goal_dim = 24 elif args.goal_rep == 'pose': goal_dim = 7 if args.skill_type == 'pull': # + 7 because single arm palm pose input_dim = start_dim + goal_dim + 7 else: # + 14 because both arms palm pose input_dim = start_dim + goal_dim + 14 output_dim = 7 decoder_input_dim = start_dim + goal_dim vae = VAE(input_dim, output_dim, args.latent_dimension, decoder_input_dim, hidden_layers=cfg.ENCODER_HIDDEN_LAYERS_MLP, lr=args.learning_rate) elif args.task == 'goal': if args.start_rep == 'keypoints': start_dim = 24 elif args.start_rep == 'pose': start_dim = 7 if args.goal_rep == 'keypoints': goal_dim = 24 elif args.goal_rep == 'pose': goal_dim = 7 input_dim = start_dim + goal_dim output_dim = goal_dim decoder_input_dim = start_dim vae = GoalVAE(input_dim, output_dim, args.latent_dimension, decoder_input_dim, hidden_layers=cfg.ENCODER_HIDDEN_LAYERS_MLP, lr=args.learning_rate) elif args.task == 'transformation': input_dim = args.input_dimension output_dim = args.output_dimension decoder_input_dim = args.input_dimension - args.output_dimension vae = GoalVAE(input_dim, output_dim, args.latent_dimension, decoder_input_dim, hidden_layers=cfg.ENCODER_HIDDEN_LAYERS_MLP, lr=args.learning_rate) else: raise ValueError('training task not recognized') if torch.cuda.is_available(): vae.encoder.cuda() vae.decoder.cuda() if args.start_epoch > 0: start_epoch = args.start_epoch num_epochs = args.num_epochs fname = os.path.join( trained_model_path, args.model_name + '' % args.start_epoch) torch_seed, np_seed = load_seed(fname) load_net_state(vae, fname) load_opt_state(vae, fname) args = load_args(fname) args.start_epoch = start_epoch args.num_epochs = num_epochs torch.manual_seed(torch_seed) np.random.seed(np_seed) data_dir = args.data_dir data_loader = DataLoader(data_dir=data_dir) data_loader.create_random_ordering(size=dataset_size) dataset = data_loader.load_dataset(start_rep=args.start_rep, goal_rep=args.goal_rep, task=args.task) total_loss = [] start_time = time.time() print('Saving models to: ' + trained_model_path) kl_weight = 1.0 print('Starting on epoch: ' + str(args.start_epoch)) for epoch in range(args.start_epoch, args.start_epoch + args.num_epochs): print('Epoch: ' + str(epoch)) epoch_total_loss = 0 epoch_kl_loss = 0 epoch_pos_loss = 0 epoch_ori_loss = 0 epoch_recon_loss = 0 kl_coeff = 1 - kl_weight kl_weight = args.kl_anneal_rate * kl_weight print('KL coeff: ' + str(kl_coeff)) for i in range(0, dataset_size, batch_size): vae.optimizer.zero_grad() input_batch, decoder_input_batch, target_batch = \ data_loader.sample_batch(dataset, i, batch_size) input_batch = to_var(torch.from_numpy(input_batch)) decoder_input_batch = to_var(torch.from_numpy(decoder_input_batch)) z, recon_mu, z_mu, z_logvar = vae.forward(input_batch, decoder_input_batch) kl_loss = vae.kl_loss(z_mu, z_logvar) if args.task == 'contact': output_r, output_l = recon_mu if args.skill_type == 'grasp': target_batch_right = to_var( torch.from_numpy(target_batch[:, 0])) target_batch_left = to_var( torch.from_numpy(target_batch[:, 1])) pos_loss_right = vae.mse(output_r[:, :3], target_batch_right[:, :3]) ori_loss_right = vae.rotation_loss( output_r[:, 3:], target_batch_right[:, 3:]) pos_loss_left = vae.mse(output_l[:, :3], target_batch_left[:, :3]) ori_loss_left = vae.rotation_loss(output_l[:, 3:], target_batch_left[:, 3:]) pos_loss = pos_loss_left + pos_loss_right ori_loss = ori_loss_left + ori_loss_right elif args.skill_type == 'pull': target_batch = to_var( torch.from_numpy(target_batch.squeeze())) #TODO add flags for when we're training both arms # output = recon_mu[0] # right arm is index [0] # output = recon_mu[1] # left arm is index [1] pos_loss_right = vae.mse(output_r[:, :3], target_batch[:, :3]) ori_loss_right = vae.rotation_loss(output_r[:, 3:], target_batch[:, 3:]) pos_loss = pos_loss_right ori_loss = ori_loss_right elif args.task == 'goal': target_batch = to_var(torch.from_numpy(target_batch.squeeze())) output = recon_mu if args.goal_rep == 'pose': pos_loss = vae.mse(output[:, :3], target_batch[:, :3]) ori_loss = vae.rotation_loss(output[:, 3:], target_batch[:, 3:]) elif args.goal_rep == 'keypoints': pos_loss = vae.mse(output, target_batch) ori_loss = torch.zeros(pos_loss.shape) elif args.task == 'transformation': target_batch = to_var(torch.from_numpy(target_batch.squeeze())) output = recon_mu pos_loss = vae.mse(output[:, :3], target_batch[:, :3]) ori_loss = vae.rotation_loss(output[:, 3:], target_batch[:, 3:]) recon_loss = pos_loss + ori_loss loss = kl_coeff * kl_loss + recon_loss loss.backward() vae.optimizer.step() epoch_total_loss = epoch_total_loss + epoch_kl_loss = epoch_kl_loss + epoch_pos_loss = epoch_pos_loss + epoch_ori_loss = epoch_ori_loss + epoch_recon_loss = epoch_recon_loss + writer.add_scalar('loss/train/ori_loss',, i) writer.add_scalar('loss/train/pos_loss',, i) writer.add_scalar('loss/train/kl_loss',, i) if (i / batch_size) % args.batch_freq == 0: if args.skill_type == 'pull' or args.task == 'goal' or args.task == 'transformation': print( 'Train Epoch: %d [%d/%d (%f)]\tLoss: %f\tKL: %f\tPos: %f\t Ori: %f' % (epoch, i, dataset_size, 100.0 * i / dataset_size / batch_size, loss.item(), kl_loss.item(), pos_loss.item(), ori_loss.item())) elif args.skill_type == 'grasp' and args.task == 'contact': print( 'Train Epoch: %d [%d/%d (%f)]\tLoss: %f\tKL: %f\tR Pos: %f\t R Ori: %f\tL Pos: %f\tL Ori: %f' % (epoch, i, dataset_size, 100.0 * i / dataset_size / batch_size, loss.item(), kl_loss.item(), pos_loss_right.item(), ori_loss_right.item(), pos_loss_left.item(), ori_loss_left.item())) print(' --avgerage loss: ') print(epoch_total_loss / (dataset_size / batch_size)) loss_dict = { 'epoch_total': epoch_total_loss / (dataset_size / batch_size), 'epoch_kl': epoch_kl_loss / (dataset_size / batch_size), 'epoch_pos': epoch_pos_loss / (dataset_size / batch_size), 'epoch_ori': epoch_ori_loss / (dataset_size / batch_size), 'epoch_recon': epoch_recon_loss / (dataset_size / batch_size) } total_loss.append(loss_dict) if epoch % args.save_freq == 0: print('\n--Saving model\n') print('time: ' + str(time.time() - start_time)) save_state(net=vae, torch_seed=torch_seed, np_seed=np_seed, args=args, fname=os.path.join( trained_model_path, args.model_name + '_epoch_' + str(epoch) + '.pt')) np.savez(os.path.join( trained_model_path, args.model_name + '_epoch_' + str(epoch) + '_loss.npz'), loss=np.asarray(total_loss)) print('Done!') save_state(net=vae, torch_seed=torch_seed, np_seed=np_seed, args=args, fname=os.path.join( trained_model_path, args.model_name + '_epoch_' + str(epoch) + '.pt'))
print("\n", "--" * 20) output = model(images) # b, t, a print("output: ") pred = output.argmax(-1).cpu().numpy() # b,t print(label_map.decode(pred, raw=False)) print("label: ") print(label_map.decode_label(labels, label_lens)) print("--" * 20) model.train() optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(images) probs = output.transpose(0, 1).contiguous().cuda() label_size = label_lens probs_size = torch.IntTensor([probs.size(0)] * probs.size(1)) probs.requires_grad_(True) loss = ctc_loss(probs, labels, probs_size, label_size) loss.backward() optimizer.step() total_loss += loss.item() if step % print_every == 0: print("step: %d, loss: %.5f" % (step, total_loss / print_every)) total_loss = 0 if step % save_state_every == 0: save_state(ckpt_dir, step, model, optimizer) accuracy = test_model(test_dataloader, label_map, model) step += 1