def run(self): while not self._check_if_available(): print("Item not available") time.sleep(self.product_polling_seconds) self.driver.refresh() send_notification('Item available for purchase!') self._find_by_id_and_click('add-to-cart-button') time.sleep(0.1) self._find_by_id_and_click('hlb-ptc-btn-native') self._login_if_required() time.sleep(0.25) self._wait_for_spinner_to_leave() delivery_options = self.driver.find_elements_by_class_name( 'a-radio-label') fastest_delivery_option = delivery_options[-1] self._wait_for_spinner_to_leave() place_order = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20).until( expected_conditions.element_to_be_clickable( (By.CLASS_NAME, "place-your-order-button"))) time.sleep(2) try: self.driver.find_elements_by_class_name('a-color-success') send_notification("Purchase successful!") except NoSuchElementException: pass
def callback(ch, method, properties, body): """ This method is called every time there is a new element in queue (var : queue) :param ch: :param method: :param properties: :param body: :return: """ try: # Logs obj_logger = MyLogger(logs_directory, category) obj_logger.msg_logger('#' * 100) obj_logger.msg_logger('Getting Data : %s' % ( # Data from Queue data = json.loads(body) notification_url = data['notification_url'] data.pop('notification_url') notification_params = data obj_logger.msg_logger('>>>>>>>>>> Sending Notification : %s || %s' % (notification_url, notification_params)) # Send Notification, data=json.dumps(notification_params), headers=headers) obj_logger.msg_logger('>>>>>>>>>> Notification Success : %s || %s' % (notification_url, notification_params)) # Insert in DB insert_sql(logger=obj_logger, table_name='notification_logs', data={ 'tx_hash': notification_params['tx_hash'], 'notification_url ': notification_url, 'params': str(notification_params), 'timestamp':, 'Status': 'Success' }) except Exception as e: # If there is an Exception , Send the Notification to Exception Queue - which will be handled manually obj_logger.error_logger( '>>>>>>>>>> Notification Failure : %s || %s || %s' % (e, notification_url, notification_params)) obj_logger.msg_logger('>>>>>>>>>> Pushing to Exception Queue : %s' % (exception_queue)) send_notification(obj_logger, notification_url, notification_params, queue=exception_queue) finally: obj_logger.msg_logger("#" * 100) # We are ACK in both the case of success or failure because if there is no error then its ok # But if there is an error then we are sending it to Exception Queue . So in both the case we can delete this from main queue ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag)
def mempool_crawler(): """ Mempool Process :return: """ obj_logger = MyLogger(logs_directory,category) obj_logger.msg_logger('#'*100) obj_logger.msg_logger('Getting Mempool Data') # Get Mempool Data mempool_transaction_data = rpc_request(obj_logger, 'eth_getBlockByNumber', ['pending', True]).get('result',{}).get('transactions',[]) obj_logger.msg_logger('Crawling Mempool Starts') for tx in mempool_transaction_data: tx_hash = tx['hash'] contract_address = tx['to'] # To address in ERC 20 Transaction is Contract Address # TODO - if tx hashes are not matching in redis, then we need to encode/decode utf-8 # Redis Check if (not redis_conn.sismember('eth_erc_zct_set',tx_hash)) and (redis_conn.sismember('eth_erc_aw_set',contract_address)): obj_logger.msg_logger('>>>>>>>> Transaction Found in Mempool : %s'%(tx_hash)) from_address = tx['from'] bid_id = -1 confirmations = 0 block_number = -1 flag = 'erc20' sys_timestamp = # Decoding Inputs input = tx['input'] with open(abi_file, 'r') as abi_definition: abi = json.load(abi_definition) contract_obj = web3.Web3().eth.contract(address=web3.Web3().toChecksumAddress(contract_address), abi=abi) params = contract_obj.decode_function_input(input) to_address = params[1].get('_to') value = params[1].get('_value') # Insert in DB result = insert_sql( logger=obj_logger, table_name= 'erc_transactions', data={ 'from_address': from_address, 'to_address': to_address, 'contract_address': contract_address, 'tx_hash': tx_hash, 'bid_id': bid_id, 'confirmations': confirmations, 'block_number': block_number, 'value': value, 'flag': flag, 'sys_timestamp': sys_timestamp, } ) if result: notif_url = find_sql_join(logger=obj_logger, table_names=['user_master', 'erc_address_master'], filters={'erc_address_master.address': to_address}, on_conditions={'user_master.user_name': 'erc_address_master.user_name'}, columns=['user_master.notification_url'] )[0]['notification_url'] notif_params = { 'from_address': from_address, 'to_address': to_address, 'contract_address': contract_address, 'tx_hash': tx_hash, 'bid_id': bid_id, 'confirmations': confirmations, 'block_number': block_number, 'value': value, 'flag': flag } send_notification(obj_logger,notif_url,notif_params,queue=hook_main) obj_logger.msg_logger('>>>>>>>> Adding to eth_erc_zct_set : %s' % (tx_hash)) redis_conn.sadd('eth_erc_zct_set', tx_hash.encode('utf-8')) # To cross check in Block Crawler and not to send multiple notification obj_logger.msg_logger('Crawling Mempool Ends') obj_logger.msg_logger('#' * 100)
try: for username in usernames: if not username in username_to_user_data.keys() and username not in suspended_users: try: username_to_user_data[username] = get_user_data_from_username(username) except tweepy.RateLimitError: dump() count_down(minutes=15) except tweepy.error.TweepError as ex: print username suspended_users.add(username) print_update() dump() except KeyboardInterrupt: print_update() dump() quit() print len(usernames) print len(suspended_users) while len(username_to_user_data) < (len(usernames) - len(suspended_users)): try: run() except KeyboardInterrupt: print_update() dump() quit() send_notification('All user data gathered.')
def block_crawler(): """ Block Crawling process :return: """ obj_logger = MyLogger(logs_directory, category) obj_logger.msg_logger('Getting Block Numbers.....') # Get Current Block from RPC current_block = int( rpc_request(obj_logger, 'eth_blockNumber', []).get('result', 0), 16) crawled_blocks = int(redis_conn.get('eth_eth_blocks_crawled') or 0) obj_logger.msg_logger('Crawled Block Number : %s' % (crawled_blocks)) obj_logger.msg_logger('Current Block Number : %s' % (current_block)) obj_logger.msg_logger('Pending : %s' % (current_block - crawled_blocks)) if current_block > crawled_blocks: for block_number in range(crawled_blocks + 1, current_block + 1): obj_logger.msg_logger('#' * 100) obj_logger.msg_logger('Crawling Block : %s || Current Block : %s' % (block_number, current_block)) obj_logger.msg_logger('Pending : %s' % (current_block - block_number)) obj_logger.msg_logger('Start :%s' % ( # Increment Confirmations for tx_id whose 1 confirmation is already sent for tx_hash in redis_conn.smembers('eth_eth_pct_set'): tx_hash = tx_hash.decode('utf-8') data = find_sql_join( logger=obj_logger, table_names=[ 'user_master', 'address_master', 'eth_transactions' ], filters={'eth_transactions.tx_hash': tx_hash}, on_conditions={ 'user_master.user_name': 'address_master.user_name', 'address_master.address': 'eth_transactions.to_address' }, ) if not data: obj_logger.error_logger( '>>>>>>>>>>> Data not found in SQL for tx_hash : %s' % (tx_hash)) continue confirmations = data[0]['confirmations'] notif_url = data[0]['notification_url'] if confirmations < confirmation_threshold: increment_sql(obj_logger, 'eth_transactions', {'tx_hash': tx_hash}, 'confirmations') notif_params = { 'from_address': data[0]['from_address'], 'to_address': data[0]['to_address'], 'tx_hash': tx_hash, 'bid_id': -1, 'confirmations': confirmations + 1, 'block_number': data[0]['block_number'], 'value': data[0]['value'], 'flag': 'eth_incoming' } obj_logger.msg_logger( '>>>>>>>> Sending Confirmation : %s || %s' % (confirmations + 1, tx_hash)) send_notification(obj_logger, notif_url, notif_params, queue=hook_queue) else: obj_logger.msg_logger( '>>>>>>>> %s Confirmation Sent : %s' % (confirmation_threshold, tx_hash)) obj_logger.msg_logger( '>>>>>>>> Removing from eth_eth_pct_set : %s' % (tx_hash)) redis_conn.srem('eth_eth_pct_set', tx_hash) # Crawling Blocks block_info = rpc_request(obj_logger, 'eth_getBlockByNumber', [hex(int(block_number)), True]) if block_info: block_transactions = block_info.get('result', {}).get( 'transactions', []) else: block_transactions = [] obj_logger.error_logger( 'Data not found for block number : %s' % str(block_number)) for tx in block_transactions: to_address = tx['to'] if (redis_conn.sismember('eth_eth_aw_set', to_address)): tx_hash = tx['hash'] obj_logger.msg_logger( '>>>>>>>> Transaction Found in Block : %s : %s' % (block_number, tx_hash)) confirmations = 1 block_number = int(tx['blockNumber'], 16) # Check if 1 Confirmation is sent from mempool crawler - Should be found in eth_eth_pct_set if not redis_conn.sismember('eth_eth_pct_set', tx_hash): from_address = tx['from'] value = int(tx['value'], 16) bid_id = -1 flag = 'eth_incoming' sys_timestamp = # Check if 0 Confirmation is sent from mempool crawler - Should be found in eth_eth_zct_set if redis_conn.sismember('eth_eth_zct_set', tx_hash): update_sql(obj_logger, 'eth_transactions', {'tx_hash': tx_hash}, updated_values={ 'confirmations': confirmations, 'block_number': block_number }) else: # Missed in Mempool - Send 1 Confirmation and add in eth_eth_pct_set obj_logger.msg_logger( '>>>>>>>> Transaction Missed from mempool. Sending %s confirmation : %s' % (confirmations, str(tx_hash))) data = { 'from_address': from_address, 'to_address': to_address, 'tx_hash': tx_hash, 'bid_id': bid_id, 'confirmations': confirmations, 'block_number': block_number, 'value': value, 'flag': flag, 'sys_timestamp': sys_timestamp, } insert_sql(obj_logger, 'eth_transactions', data) notif_url = find_sql_join( logger=obj_logger, table_names=['user_master', 'address_master'], filters={'address_master.address': to_address}, on_conditions={ 'user_master.user_name': 'address_master.user_name' }, columns=['user_master.notification_url' ])[0]['notification_url'] notif_params = { 'from_address': from_address, 'to_address': to_address, 'tx_hash': tx_hash, 'bid_id': -1, 'confirmations': confirmations, 'block_number': block_number, 'value': value, 'flag': flag } obj_logger.msg_logger( '>>>>>>>> Sending Confirmation : %s || %s' % (confirmations, tx_hash)) send_notification(obj_logger, notif_url, notif_params, queue=hook_queue) obj_logger.msg_logger( '>>>>>>>> Adding to eth_eth_pct_set : %s' % (tx_hash)) redis_conn.sadd('eth_eth_pct_set', tx_hash.encode('utf-8')) # Increment Redis Blocks Crawled redis_conn.set('eth_eth_blocks_crawled', block_number) obj_logger.msg_logger('Ends :%s' % ( obj_logger.msg_logger('#' * 100) else: obj_logger.msg_logger('#' * 100)
def mempool_crawler(): """ Mempool Process :return: """ obj_logger = MyLogger(logs_directory, category) obj_logger.msg_logger('#' * 100) obj_logger.msg_logger('Getting Mempool Data') # Get Mempool Data mempool_transaction_data = rpc_request(obj_logger, 'eth_getBlockByNumber', ['pending', True]).get( 'result', {}).get('transactions', []) obj_logger.msg_logger('Crawling Mempool Starts') for tx in mempool_transaction_data: tx_hash = tx['hash'] to_address = tx['to'] # Redis Check if (not redis_conn.sismember('eth_eth_zct_set', tx_hash)) and ( redis_conn.sismember('eth_eth_aw_set', to_address)): obj_logger.msg_logger( '>>>>>>>> Transaction Found in Mempool : %s' % (tx_hash)) from_address = tx['from'] value = int(tx['value'], 16) bid_id = -2 confirmations = 0 block_number = -1 flag = 'eth_incoming' sys_timestamp = # Insert in DB result = insert_sql(logger=obj_logger, table_name='eth_transactions', data={ 'from_address': from_address, 'to_address': to_address, 'tx_hash': tx_hash, 'bid_id': bid_id, 'confirmations': confirmations, 'block_number': block_number, 'value': value, 'flag': flag, 'sys_timestamp': sys_timestamp, }) if result: notif_url = find_sql_join( logger=obj_logger, table_names=['user_master', 'address_master'], filters={'address_master.address': to_address}, on_conditions={ 'user_master.user_name': 'address_master.user_name' }, columns=['user_master.notification_url' ])[0]['notification_url'] notif_params = { 'from_address': from_address, 'to_address': to_address, 'tx_hash': tx_hash, 'bid_id': bid_id, 'confirmations': confirmations, 'block_number': block_number, 'value': value, 'flag': flag } send_notification(obj_logger, notif_url, notif_params, queue=hook_queue) obj_logger.msg_logger( '>>>>>>>> Adding to eth_eth_zct_set : %s' % (tx_hash)) redis_conn.sadd( 'eth_eth_zct_set', tx_hash.encode('utf-8') ) # To cross check in Block Crawler and not to send multiple notification obj_logger.msg_logger('Crawling Mempool Ends') obj_logger.msg_logger('#' * 100)
sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: print_update() json.dump(users_to_followers, open(OUTPUT_FILENAME, 'w')) quit() users = [] for user in user_data: if user not in users_to_followers.keys(): users.append(user) users.sort(key=lambda uname:user_data[uname]['followers_count']) protected_users = json.load(open('data/protected_users.json')) while (len(users) > 0): try: users = [] for user in user_data: if user not in users_to_followers.keys(): users.append(user) users.sort(key=lambda uname:user_data[uname]['followers_count']) print len(users) run() except KeyboardInterrupt: dump() quit() # except: # dump() # send_notification('Error encountered. Quiting.') # quit() send_notification('\nAll followers collected.')
except KeyboardInterrupt: print_update() json.dump(users_to_friends, open(OUTPUT_FILENAME, 'w')) quit() users = [] for user in user_data: if user not in users_to_friends.keys(): users.append(user) users.sort(key=lambda uname:user_data[uname]['friends_count']) protected_users = json.load(open('data/protected_users.json')) while len(users) > 0: try: users = [] for user in user_data: if user not in users_to_friends.keys(): users.append(user) users.sort(key=lambda uname:user_data[uname]['friends_count']) print len(users) run() except KeyboardInterrupt: dump() quit() # except: # dump() # send_notification('Error encountered. Quiting.') # quit() send_notification('\nAll friends collected.')