def doStartRecording(self, event): # wxGlade: MainFrame.<event_handler> """ Button handler for starting the recording of a patient TBD """ # print "doStartRecording event handler" # self.depth_canvas.post_redraw_event() global recording self.SendSizeEvent() self.session = PreventionSession() self.session.patient_id = self.patient_id self.session.start_time = self.session.end_time = self.session.start_time self.session.depth_video_file_directory = "" (rc,msg) = self.sessionController.add(self.session) if rc != 0: self.SetStatusText(msg) return self.stop_button.Enable() self.start_button.Disable() self.director.SetSessionId( self.preventionDatabaseWriter.setSessionId( self.preventionDatabaseWriter.setExperimentId(self.experiment_id) self.session.depth_video_file_directory = self.director.GetDepthFileDirectory() try: os.makedirs(self.session.depth_video_file_directory) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(self.session.depth_video_file_directory): pass else: # raise msg = "Unable to access directory: " + str(self.session.depth_video_file_directory) + ". Please insure that the drive is attached and unlocked." rc = util.showMessageDialog(msg, "Drive unavailable") self.start_button.Enable() self.stop_button.Disable() (rc,msg) = self.sessionController.deleteRecord( if rc != 0: self.SetStatusText(msg) return freespace = util.GetFreeSpaceGB(self.director.GetDepthFileDirectory()) if freespace < int(self.system_config['PREVENTION_FILE_SIZE_GB']): msg = "Not enough space to record patient. Need " + str(self.system_config['PREVENTION_FILE_SIZE_GB']) + " GB but found " + str(freespace) + " GB." rc = util.showMessageDialog(msg, "Out of space") (rc,msg) = self.sessionController.deleteRecord( if rc != 0: self.SetStatusText(msg) return self.depth_canvas.proc_.set_database_writer(self.preventionDatabaseWriter) self.depth_canvas.proc_.start_recording(str(self.session.depth_video_file_directory)) recording = True # patientTurningController = PatientTurningController(db, PatientTurning, OlvPatientTurning, OlvPatientTurningCols) # self.results = patientTurningController.getByPatientBySessionByExperiment(patientId, sessionId, experimentId) # self.olv.SetObjects(self.results) self.CreateUpdatingList()
def onSelectRecord(self, event): """ Button handler to select a record """ selectedRow = self.resultsOlv.GetSelectedObject() if selectedRow == None: util.showMessageDialog("No row selected!", "Error") return key = selectedRow.getKey() self.selectedObject = self.controller.getRecordByKey(key) self.EndModal(0)
def onEdit(self): """ Modifies the record and shows a confirmation message dialog. """ data = self.getData() (rc, msg) = self.controller.editRecord(self.selectedRow.getKey(), data) # Check return code from above and put up appropriate message dialog if rc == 0: util.showMessageDialog("Record Edited Successfully!", "Success!", wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: util.showMessageDialog(msg, "Failure!", wx.ICON_INFORMATION) return rc
def onEditRecord(self, event): """ Button handler to edit a record """ selectedRow = self.resultsOlv.GetSelectedObject() if selectedRow == None: util.showMessageDialog("No row selected!", "Error") return dlg = AddModifyWoundDialog(self.controller, self.obj, self.db, row=selectedRow, title="Modify", addRecord=False) rc = dlg.ShowModal() if rc == 0: self.showAllRecords()
def onAddRecord(self, event): """ Button handler to add a record to the database """ selectedRow = self.resultsOlv.GetSelectedObject() if selectedRow == None: util.showMessageDialog("Need to select a patient in order to add a wound!", "Error") return dlg = AddModifyWoundDialog(self.controller, self.obj, self.db, row=selectedRow, title="Add", addRecord=True) rc = dlg.ShowModal() if rc == 0: self.showAllRecords()
def onAdd(self): """ Adds the record to the database and shows a confirmation message dialog. """ data = self.getData() (rc, msg) = self.controller.addRecord(data) # show dialog upon completion if rc == 0: util.showMessageDialog("Record Added", "Success!", wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: util.showMessageDialog(msg, "Failure!", wx.ICON_INFORMATION) return rc
def onExperiments(self, event): """ Button handler to show experiments for an algorithm """ selectedRow = self.resultsOlv.GetSelectedObject() if selectedRow == None: util.showMessageDialog("No row selected!", "Error") return algorithmId = selectedRow.getKey() olvDialog = ExperimentDialog(None, self.db, algorithmId=algorithmId) rc = olvDialog.ShowModal() olvDialog.Destroy() self.Enable() self.showAllRecords()
def onConfiguration(self, event): """ Button handler to show configuration parameters """ selectedRow = self.resultsOlv.GetSelectedObject() if selectedRow == None: util.showMessageDialog("No row selected!", "Error") return algorithmId = selectedRow.getKey() olvDialog = AlgorithmDefaultsDialog(None, self.db, algorithmId) rc = olvDialog.ShowModal() olvDialog.Destroy() self.Enable() self.showAllRecords()
def onRecord(self, event): """ Handler for the OK button. It will either call onAdd or onEdit as required. """ rc = 0 # Perform validation checks if self.descTextCtrl.GetValue() == "": util.showMessageDialog("Wound description cannot be empty!", "Failure!", wx.ICON_ERROR) return if self.addRecord: rc = self.onAdd() else: rc = self.onEdit() self.SetReturnCode(rc) if rc == 0: self.Destroy()
def onDelete(self, event): """ Button handler to delete a record """ selectedRow = self.resultsOlv.GetSelectedObject() if selectedRow == None: util.showMessageDialog("No row selected!", "Error") return (rc, msg) = self.controller.deleteRecord(selectedRow.getKey()) # Check return code from above and put up appropriate message dialog if rc == 0: util.showMessageDialog("Record Deleted Successfully!", "Success!", wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: util.showMessageDialog(msg, "Failure!", wx.ICON_INFORMATION) self.showAllRecords()
def OnInit(self): """ Initializes the GUI and displays a modal login panel. """ global db self.Init(cmd=False) # initialize the inspection tool self.ReadConfiguration() # wx.InitAllImageHandlers() self.mainframe = MainFrame(None, -1, "Prevention", (0,0)) self.SetTopWindow(self.mainframe) self.mainframe.Show(True) self.mainframe.panel_1.Disable() # Check if system is not on battery power if not util.GetPowerOnline(): rc = util.showMessageDialog("Computer is running on battery power and not AC power. Please insure unit is plugged into wall outlet and the power strip is turned on.", "Power not connected") return 1 logon = LogonDialog(None) logon.SetDb(db) rc = logon.ShowModal() # print "rc=%d" % rc if rc == 1: # get system configuration systemConfigurationController = SystemConfigurationController(db, SystemConfiguration, None, None) self.mainframe.system_config = {} config = systemConfigurationController.getAll() for conf in config: self.mainframe.system_config[conf.parameter_name] = conf.parameter_value pprint(self.mainframe.system_config) self.mainframe.InitCanvas() self.mainframe.InitMisc() self.mainframe.InitClinicalPane() self.mainframe.panel_1.Enable() self.mainframe.Show() self.mainframe.SetStatusText("Logon successful") logon.Destroy() return 1 logon.Destroy() self.mainframe.Destroy() wx.GetApp().ProcessIdle() return 0