def output_seq(name, seq, out, t=False, first=False): out.write('<tr>') out.write('<td>%s</td>\n' % name) for v in seq: if first: out.write(' <td>%s</td>\n' % (time_to_string(v[0]) if t else str(v[0]))) else: out.write(' <td>%s</td>\n' % (time_to_string(v[1]) if t else str(v[1]))) out.write('</tr>')
def GET(self, attempt_id): jobid = get_jobid_by_attempid(attempt_id) job = all.get(jobid) if not job: return web.notfound attempt = job.attempts.get(attempt_id) if not attempt: return web.notfound exes = attempt.exes fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) #内存图 ax = fig.add_subplot(211) for exe in exes.itervalues(): pn = "%s(%s)" % (exe.exe, ax.plot([time_to_string(x[0]) for x in exe.seqs['r'].vs], [x[1] for x in exe.seqs['r'].vs], 'm.-', label=pn + ' RSS', linewidth=1) # 设置y轴范围 plt.ylim(0, 1024) #坐标轴朝内 plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'in' plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'in' #设置坐标轴名称 plt.xlabel('RSS(MB)') plt.ylabel('Time') x_major_locator = MultipleLocator(10) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(x_major_locator) ax.legend() #添加图例 #CPU图 ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) for exe in exes.itervalues(): pn = "%s(%s)" % (exe.exe, ax2.plot([time_to_string(x[0]) for x in exe.seqs['c'].vs], [x[1] for x in exe.seqs['c'].vs], 'm.-', label=pn + ' CPU', linewidth=1) plt.ylim(-5, 150) plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'in' plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'in' # 设置坐标轴名称 plt.xlabel('CPU') plt.ylabel('Time') x_major_locator = MultipleLocator(10) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(x_major_locator) ax2.legend() web.header("Content-Type", "image/png") buff = StringIO.StringIO() fig.savefig(buff, format='png') return buff.getvalue()
def GET(self, job_id): out = StringIO.StringIO() out.write('<html><head><title>Job %s</title></head><body>' % job_id) out.write('<h1>JobID: %s</h1>' % job_id) job = all.get(job_id) if not job: out.write('Not Found!') else: out.write('<h2>Start Time: %s</h2>' % time_to_string(job.start_time, True)) out.write('<h2>List of task attempts:</h2>') have = False for attempt, obj in job.attempts.iteritems(): have = True out.write( '<li><a href="/%s">%s</a> Last Update: %s on %s</li>' % (attempt, attempt, time_to_string(obj.time, True), if not have: out.write('<h1>No Jobs Found</h1>') out.write('</body></html>') return out.getvalue()
def load(): with open('cal.json') as f: events = json.load(f) for data in events: if 'RRULE' in data: # Recurring event continue start = utc_to_central(data['DTSTART']) end = utc_to_central(data['DTEND']) date = "%d%02d%02d" % (start.year, start.month, start_time = time_to_string(start) end_time = time_to_string(end) event = Event( summary = data['SUMMARY'].strip(), description = data['DESCRIPTION'].strip(), date = date, start = start_time, end = end_time, location = data['LOCATION'].strip(), uid = data['UID']) event.put() return 'OK'
def GET(self): out = StringIO.StringIO() out.write('<html><head><title>Jobs</title></head><body>') out.write('<h2>List of all monitoring jobs:</h2>') have = False for jobid, job in all.iteritems(): have = True out.write( '<li><a href="/job_%s">job %s</a> Last Update: %s <a href="/job_info_%s">about job info</a></li>' % (jobid, jobid, time_to_string(job.time, True), jobid)) if not have: out.write('<h1>No Jobs Found</h1>') out.write('</body></html>') return out.getvalue()
def GET(self, job_id): out = StringIO.StringIO() out.write('<html><head><title>Job %s</title></head><body>' % job_id) job = all.get(job_id) if not job: out.write('Not Found!') else: out.write('<h1>Job %s last update: %s</h1>' % (job_id, time_to_string(job.time))) out.write('<h3><a href="/text/%s" >Text Detail</a></h3>' % (job_id)) out.write('<image src="/fig/%s.png" />' % (job_id)) out.write('</body></html>\n') return out.getvalue()
def GET(self, job_id): out = StringIO.StringIO() out.write('<html><head><title>Job %s</title></head><body>\n' % job_id) job = all.get(job_id) if not job: out.write('Not Found!') else: out.write('<h1>Job %s last update: %s</h1>\n' % (job_id, time_to_string(job.time))) out.write('<table>') output_seq("Time:", job.seqs['c'].vs, out, True, True) output_seq("CPU:", job.seqs['c'].vs, out) output_seq("RSS(MB):", job.seqs['r'].vs, out) output_seq("VM(MB):", job.seqs['v'].vs, out) out.write('</table>') out.write('</body></html>\n') return out.getvalue()
def GET(self, attempt_id): out = StringIO.StringIO() out.write('<html><head><title>Job Attempt %s</title></head><body>\n' % attempt_id) jobid = get_jobid_by_attempid(attempt_id) job = all.get(jobid) if not job: out.write('Not Found!') else: attempt = job.attempts.get(attempt_id) if not attempt: out.write('Not Found!') else: out.write('<h1>%s last update: %s</h1>\n' % (attempt_id, time_to_string(attempt.time))) for exe in attempt.exes.itervalues(): output_exeinfo(exe, out) out.write('</body></html>\n') return out.getvalue()
def GET(self, attempt_id): out = StringIO.StringIO() out.write('<html><head><title>Job Attempt %s</title></head><body>' % attempt_id) jobid = get_jobid_by_attempid(attempt_id) job = all.get(jobid) if not job: out.write('Not Found!') else: attempt = job.attempts.get(attempt_id) if not attempt: out.write('Not Found!') else: out.write( '<h1>Attempt run on %s, %s last update: %s</h1>' % (, attempt_id, time_to_string(attempt.time))) out.write('<h3><a href="/text/%s" >Text Detail</a></h3>' % (attempt_id)) out.write('<image src="/fig/%s.png" />' % (attempt_id)) out.write('</body></html>\n') return out.getvalue()
def pairwise_comparison(args): """ Compare the controls and samples. Support replicates. Input as lists. """ output_folder = "data/{}/analysis/{}".format(args.experiment, args.output) if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) command = "python3 " + " ".join(sys.argv) command_filename = "{}/run_command.txt".format(output_folder) with open(command_filename, "w") as f: f.write(command) # Supports biological replicates print("Controls :", args.controls) print("Samples :", args.samples) # Append "_"+args.strand to match the column names in the TAmap and Genehits controls = [c + "_" + str(args.strand) for c in args.controls] samples = [c + "_" + str(args.strand) for c in args.samples] test_columns = controls + samples # Load the tamap tamap_filename = "data/{}/maps/{}_TAmaps.csv".format( args.experiment, args.index) print(" * Loading TAmap : {}".format(tamap_filename)) tamap = pd.read_csv(tamap_filename, delimiter=",") print(" * Normalizing...") if args.debug: print("\nStats before norm:") column_stats(tamap, columns=test_columns) if args.length_norm: tamap = gene_length_norm(tamap, columns=test_columns, debug=args.debug) norms = { "total": partial(total_count_norm, tamap, columns=test_columns, debug=args.debug), "quantile": partial(quantile_norm, tamap, q=args.quantile, columns=test_columns, debug=args.debug), "ttr": partial(ttr_norm, tamap, trim=args.ttr, columns=test_columns, debug=args.debug), "nzmean": partial(nzmean_norm, tamap, columns=test_columns, debug=args.debug), } tamap = norms[args.norm]() if args.debug: print("\nStats after norm:") column_stats(tamap, columns=test_columns) print(" * Compressing TAmap into Genehits table...") fasta_filename = "data/{}/references/{}.fasta".format( args.experiment, args.index) if args.gc else None if args.debug: print(f"GC content fasta filename : {fasta_filename}") # Removes sites that are in the first or last percentage of a gene tamap = exclude_sites_tamap(tamap, exclude_first=args.exclude_first, exclude_last=args.exclude_last) print(" * Merging into genehits table...") # NOTE : This function removes intergenic regions # This might mess up the normalization totals, but this is likely fine # since the normalization above accounts for sequencing depth of the entire # library and not just for the gene regions. genehits = tamap_to_genehits(tamap, fasta_filename=fasta_filename, pooling=args.pooling) # Combine the replicates, average the counts print(" * Combining replicates...") tamap["Control_Hits"] = tamap[controls].mean(axis=1) tamap["Sample_Hits"] = tamap[samples].mean(axis=1) genehits["Control_Hits"] = genehits[controls].mean(axis=1) genehits["Sample_Hits"] = genehits[samples].mean(axis=1) column_stats(genehits, columns=["Control_Hits", "Sample_Hits"]) # NOTE : Pairwise analysis below # TODO : can this be moved into tamap_to_genehits print(" * Calculating insertion density per gene...") # Need remove intergenic and group by gene temp = tamap[tamap['Gene_ID'].notna()].copy() # Remove intergenic temp["Control"] = temp[controls].mean(axis=1).astype( bool) # Combine control replicates temp["Sample"] = temp[samples].mean(axis=1).astype( bool) # Combine sample replicates grouped = temp.groupby("Gene_ID", as_index=False).sum() # Unique_Insertions : Unique TA hits / TA Sites # Diversity = Unique_Insertions / TA_Counts genehits["Control_Unique_Insertions"] = grouped["Control"] genehits["Sample_Unique_Insertions"] = grouped["Sample"] genehits["Control_Diversity"] = genehits[ "Control_Unique_Insertions"] / genehits["TA_Count"] genehits["Sample_Diversity"] = genehits[ "Sample_Unique_Insertions"] / genehits["TA_Count"] # Don't need these anymore del temp del grouped column_stats(genehits, columns=["Control_Diversity", "Sample_Diversity"]) # TSAS Weighting if args.insert_weighting: """ """ print( " * Calculating insertion weighting (Idea from : TSAS by Saheed Imam)..." ) if args.debug: print("\nStats before insertion weighting:") column_stats(genehits, columns=["Control_Hits", "Sample_Hits"]) avg_unique = (genehits["Control_Unique_Insertions"].mean() + genehits["Sample_Unique_Insertions"].mean()) / 2.0 genehits["Control_Hits"] = genehits["Control_Hits"] * ( genehits["Control_Unique_Insertions"] / avg_unique) genehits["Sample_Hits"] = genehits["Sample_Hits"] * ( genehits["Sample_Unique_Insertions"] / avg_unique) if args.debug: print("\nStats after insertion weighting:") column_stats(genehits, columns=["Control_Hits", "Sample_Hits"]) # NOTE : Below starts the actual statistical analysis, everything above was just building the table print(" * Calculating differential statistics...") # Reads differences genehits["Ratio_Reads"] = (genehits["Sample_Hits"] + args.smoothing) / ( genehits["Control_Hits"] + args.smoothing) genehits["Log2FC_Reads"] = np.log2(genehits["Ratio_Reads"]) genehits["LinearDiff_Reads"] = genehits["Sample_Hits"] - genehits[ "Control_Hits"] # Inserts differences genehits["Ratio_Inserts"] = ( genehits["Sample_Unique_Insertions"] + args.smoothing) / ( genehits["Control_Unique_Insertions"] + args.smoothing) genehits["Log2FC_Inserts"] = np.log2(genehits["Ratio_Inserts"]) genehits["LinearDiff_Inserts"] = genehits[ "Sample_Unique_Insertions"] - genehits["Control_Unique_Insertions"] print(" * Calculating fitness...") genehits["Sample_Fitness"] = calc_sample_fitness(genehits, control="Control_Hits", sample="Sample_Hits", expansion=args.expansion) if args.debug: column_stats(genehits, columns="Sample_Fitness") # Survival Index print(" * Calculating survival index...") si = calc_survival_index(genehits, control="Control_Hits", sample="Sample_Hits") genehits["Survival_Index"] = si genehits["Log2SI"] = np.log2(si, out=np.zeros_like(si), where=(si != 0)) if args.debug: column_stats(genehits, columns=["Survival_Index", "Log2SI"]) # First, save the whole table, just in case you need to look something up genehits_filename = "{}/genehits.csv".format(output_folder) print(" * Saved genehits table to {}".format(genehits_filename)) genehits.to_csv(genehits_filename, header=True, index=False) # Find "possibly essential" genes print(" * Finding possibly essential genes...") # Idea from: "Tn-seq; high-throughput parallel sequencing for fitness and genetic interaction studies in microorganisms" possibly = (genehits[["Sample_Unique_Insertions"]] < 3).any( axis=1) & (genehits["Gene_Length"] >= 400) print("{}/{}({:.2f}%) possibly essential genes.".format( possibly.sum(), len(genehits), 100 * possibly.sum() / len(genehits))) # Save the possibly essential genes possibly_filename = "{}/possibly_essential.csv".format(output_folder) print(" * Saved possibly essential genes to {}".format(possibly_filename)) genehits[possibly].to_csv(possibly_filename, header=True, index=False) # Count and Insertion thresholding print(" * Trimming to use only genes that had hits...") # This bool saves whether the gene has counts in all groups hit_bool = ~(genehits[[ "Control_Unique_Insertions", "Sample_Unique_Insertions" ]] == 0).any(axis=1) num_hit = hit_bool.sum() print("{}/{}({:.2f}%) had no insertions".format( len(genehits) - num_hit, len(genehits), 100 * (len(genehits) - num_hit) / len(genehits))) print("{}/{}({:.2f}%) had at least one insertion.".format( num_hit, len(genehits), 100 * num_hit / len(genehits))) # Save genes that had no insertions in at least one group no_hit_filename = "{}/no_hits.csv".format(output_folder) print(" * Saved genes with no hits to {}".format(no_hit_filename)) genehits[~hit_bool].to_csv(no_hit_filename, header=True, index=False) # Create boolean columns for user defined thresholds keep_count = (genehits[["Control_Hits", "Sample_Hits"]] >= args.min_count).all(axis=1) keep_inserts = (genehits[[ "Control_Unique_Insertions", "Sample_Unique_Insertions" ]] >= args.min_inserts).all(axis=1) keep_sites = (genehits["TA_Count"] >= args.min_sites) keep = keep_count & keep_inserts & keep_sites # Separate the genes that will be tested from the rest trimmed = genehits[keep & hit_bool].copy() removed = genehits[~keep & hit_bool].copy() print(" * Thresholds: min_count={}. min_inserts={}. min_sites={}.".format( args.min_count, args.min_inserts, args.min_sites)) print("{}/{}({:.2f}%) genes removed by threshold.".format( len(removed), len(genehits), 100 * len(removed) / len(genehits))) print("{}/{}({:.2f}%) genes remaining.".format( len(trimmed), len(genehits), 100 * len(trimmed) / len(genehits))) if args.debug: print("Trimmed Stats") column_stats(trimmed, columns=[ "Control_Hits", "Sample_Hits", "Control_Unique_Insertions", "Sample_Unique_Insertions", "Control_Diversity", "Sample_Diversity" ]) # Save genes that are removed removed_filename = "{}/removed.csv".format(output_folder) print(" * Saved removed genes to {}".format(removed_filename)) removed.to_csv(removed_filename, header=True, index=False) # Values per column for ZINB-GLM offsets nzmean = np.array(genehits[test_columns].replace(0, np.NaN).mean()) diversity = np.array(tamap[test_columns].astype(bool).sum() / len(tamap)) trimmed["P_Value"] = np.nan trimmed["P_Sig"] = False if args.stat: print(" * Calculating statistical significance...") print("Stop early by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal.") t0 = time.time() # Start time c = 0 # genes counter, this is different than the index value for i in trimmed.index: try: # Helpful time estimate c += 1 if c % 10 == 0: duration = time.time() - t0 remaining = duration / c * (len(trimmed) - c) print( "gene {}/{}. {:.1f} genes/second. elapsed={}. remaining={}." .format(c, len(trimmed), c / duration, time_to_string(duration), time_to_string(remaining)), end="\r") # # gene_name is used to index the full TAmap # # size is used to get the length of the condition array gene_name, size = trimmed.loc[i][["Gene_ID", "TA_Count"]] df = tamap[tamap["Gene_ID"] == gene_name] if args.stat == "zinb": gene_data = np.array(df[test_columns]).T.reshape(-1) conditions = np.array([0] * size * len(controls) + [1] * size * len(samples)) pvalue = zinb_glm_llr(gene_data, conditions, nzmean, diversity, dist="nb", rescale=0, debug=args.debug) else: data1 = np.array(df[controls].mean( axis=1)) # Combine control replicates data2 = np.array( df[samples].mean(axis=1)) # Combine sample replicates if args.stat == "mannu": u_stat, pvalue = mannwhitneyu(data1, data2) elif args.stat == "ttest": t_stat, pvalue = ttest_ind(data1, data2) elif args.stat == "wilcoxon": t_stat, pvalue = wilcoxon(data1, data2) if pvalue == 0: print(f"\n{gene_name} failed.") print(trimmed.loc[i]) trimmed.loc[i, "P_Value"] = pvalue if args.debug and c > 5: break except KeyboardInterrupt: break # ^time estimate ended with return character so this prints a newline duration = time.time() - t0 remaining = duration / c * (len(trimmed) - c) print("gene {}/{}. {:.1f} genes/second. elapsed={}. remaining={}.". format(c, len(trimmed), c / duration, time_to_string(duration), time_to_string(remaining))) # Make a boolean column for the P-value and a negative log10 for the volcano plot trimmed["P_Sig"] = np.logical_and(trimmed["P_Value"] < args.alpha, trimmed["P_Value"] != 0) pv = trimmed["P_Value"] trimmed["Log10P"] = -np.log10(pv, out=np.zeros_like(pv), where=(pv != 0)) sig_genes = trimmed["P_Sig"].sum() print("Significant p-values : {} ({:.2f}%)".format( sig_genes, 100 * sig_genes / len(trimmed))) print("Genes not tested : {}".format(np.sum(np.isnan(trimmed["P_Value"])))) fails = np.sum(trimmed["P_Value"] == 0) print("Test failures : {} ({:.2f}%)".format(fails, 100 * fails / len(trimmed))) # The same as above but for adjusted Q-values print(" * Adjusting p-values for multiple test...") qvalues, new_alpha = bh_procedure(np.nan_to_num(trimmed["P_Value"])) print("New Alpha :", new_alpha) qvalues[qvalues == 0] = np.nan trimmed["Q_Value"] = qvalues trimmed["Q_Sig"] = np.logical_and(trimmed["Q_Value"] < args.alpha, trimmed["Q_Value"] != 0) trimmed["Log10Q"] = -np.log10( qvalues, out=np.zeros_like(qvalues), where=(qvalues != 0)) sig_genes = trimmed["Q_Sig"].sum() print("Significant q-values : {} ({:.2f}%)".format( sig_genes, 100 * sig_genes / len(trimmed))) # Save the comparison pairwise_filename = "{}/pairwise.csv".format(output_folder) print(" * Saved pairwise analysis to {}".format(pairwise_filename)) trimmed.to_csv(pairwise_filename, header=True, index=False) if args.plot: print(" * Generating plots...") pairwise_plots(trimmed, output_folder, args.alpha) print("Plotting Boxplots") fig = plt.figure(figsize=[3 * len(test_columns), 6]) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) np.log10(tamap[test_columns].copy().replace(0, np.NaN)).boxplot( column=test_columns, ax=ax, showfliers=True) plt.title("Hits per TA site") ax.set_xlabel("Condition") ax.set_ylabel("log10(Hits)") plt.savefig(f"{output_folder}/boxplots.png") plt.close(fig)