def unrealistic_pose_loss(ske_fs): ske_fs = U.unscale_features(ske_fs, ske_scales) Rs = batch_rodrigues(ske_fs.reshape(-1, 9)[:, :3]).reshape(-1, pnum, 3, 3) loss = 0 rR = Rs[:, 13, :].matmul(Rs[:, 11, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(rR[:, 2, 0]) rR = Rs[:, 14, :].matmul(Rs[:, 12, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(-rR[:, 2, 0]) rR = Rs[:, 4, :].matmul(Rs[:, 1, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(-rR[:, 2, 1]) loss += unreal_loss(rR[:, 0, 1] - math.sin(3. / 180. * np.pi)) # loss+=unreal_loss(-(rR[:,0,1]+math.sin(3./180.*np.pi))) rR = Rs[:, 5, :].matmul(Rs[:, 2, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(-rR[:, 2, 1]) # loss+=unreal_loss(rR[:,0,1]-math.sin(3./180.*np.pi)) loss += unreal_loss(-(rR[:, 0, 1] + math.sin(3. / 180. * np.pi))) rR = Rs[:, 11, :].matmul(Rs[:, 6, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(rR[:, 2, 0] - 0.1) loss += unreal_loss(-(rR[:, 0, 0] + math.sin(10. / 180. * np.pi))) rR = Rs[:, 12, :].matmul(Rs[:, 7, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(-(rR[:, 2, 0] + 0.1)) loss += unreal_loss(-(rR[:, 0, 0] + math.sin(10. / 180. * np.pi))) rR = Rs[:, 1, :].matmul(Rs[:, 0, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(rR[:, 2, 0] - 0.7) loss += unreal_loss(rR[:, 2, 1] - math.sin(8. / 180. * np.pi)) loss += unreal_loss(-(rR[:, 0, 2] + math.sin(65. / 180. * np.pi))) rR = Rs[:, 2, :].matmul(Rs[:, 0, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(-(rR[:, 2, 0] + 0.7)) loss += unreal_loss(rR[:, 2, 1] - math.sin(8. / 180. * np.pi)) loss += unreal_loss(rR[:, 0, 2] - math.sin(65. / 180. * np.pi)) rR = Rs[:, 0, :].matmul(Rs[:, 3, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(rR[:, 2, 1] - math.sin(8. / 180. * np.pi)) return loss
def unrealistic_pose_loss(ske_fs): ske_fs = U.unscale_features(ske_fs, ske_scales) data_size = ske_fs.shape[0] Rs = batch_rodrigues(ske_fs.reshape(-1, 9)[:, :3]).reshape(-1, pnum, 3, 3) loss = 0 rR = Rs[:, 9, :].matmul(Rs[:, 13, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(rR, 0, 1, 1, -10, 'maxer') rR = Rs[:, 10, :].matmul(Rs[:, 14, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(rR, 0, 1, 1, -10, 'maxer') rR = Rs[:, 2, :].matmul(Rs[:, 4, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(rR, 0, 1, 1, 0, 'miner') rR = Rs[:, 3, :].matmul(Rs[:, 5, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) loss += unreal_loss(rR, 0, 1, 1, 0, 'miner') return loss
def opt_rep_to_points(iss, ips, tarps, Rs, Ts, initRs, initTs, r_ps_w, r_ss_w, unreal_pose_w): ss = iss.new_zeros(iss.shape) ps = ips.new_zeros(ips.shape) tarps = tarps.detach() Rs = Rs.detach() Ts = Ts.detach().clone() ss = ss.copy_(iss.detach()) ps = ps.copy_(ips.detach()) ss.requires_grad = True ps.requires_grad = True Ts.requires_grad = True data_size = Ts.shape[0] optimizer = optim.Adam([ss, ps, Ts], lr=0.004) time = 0 while time < 1000: regular_shape_loss = torch.pow(ss, 2).sum() regular_pose_loss = pose_prior(ps).sum() loss = r_ps_w * regular_pose_loss + r_ss_w * regular_shape_loss (ske_pfs, pfs) = bodyrep(ss, ps) if unreal_pose_w > 0.: unreal_pose_loss = unrealistic_pose_loss(ske_pfs).sum() loss += unreal_pose_w * unreal_pose_loss rec_points = convert_f_points(U.unscale_features(pfs, scales)).permute( 0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 12500) rec_points = RT_points_Tensor(rec_points, Rs, initRs, Ts + initTs) corre_loss = (rec_points - tarps).reshape(-1, 3, 12500).norm(2, 1).mean(1).sum() loss += corre_loss * 1000. optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if time % 100 == 0: out_info = 'inner %d opt %.4f, p2p:%.4f, regu shape:%.4f, regu pose:%.4f' % ( time, loss.item() / data_size, corre_loss.item() / data_size, regular_shape_loss.item() / data_size, regular_pose_loss.item() / data_size) if unreal_pose_w > 0.: out_info += ', unreal:{:.6f}'.format(unreal_pose_loss.item() / data_size) out_info += ', Rangle:{:.4f}, Ts:{:.4f}'.format( Rs.norm(2, 1).mean().item() / 3.1415926 * 180.0, Ts.norm(2, 1).mean().item()) print(out_info) time += 1 return ss, ps, Ts
Ts = torch.zeros((data_size, 3)).to(device) ss.requires_grad = True ps.requires_grad = True Rs.requires_grad = True Ts.requires_grad = True optimizer = optim.Adam([ss, ps, Rs, Ts], lr=0.04) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optimizer, milestones=[800, 1600, 2100], gamma=0.4) rec_loss = (torch.ones((1)) * 100.0).to(device) times = 0 print('start optimize {} to {} meshes...'.format(start_id, end_id)) while rec_loss.item() > thred and times < max_iters: (r_ps_w, r_ss_w) = get_weight(times) (ske_pfs, pfs) = bodyrep(ss, ps) rec_points = convert_f_points(U.unscale_features( pfs, bodyrep.vs_scale)).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, vnum) rec_points = U.RT_points_Tensor(rec_points, Rs, Ts) rec_loss = U.GeometryEqualLoss(rec_points, tar_points) regular_shape_loss = torch.pow(ss, 2).mean() regular_pose_loss = torch.pow(ps, 2).mean() loss = rec_weight * rec_loss + r_ss_w * regular_shape_loss + r_ps_w * regular_pose_loss optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() scheduler.step() if times % log_internal == 0: print('{}th total mean loss:{:.6f}'.format(times, loss.item())) print('rec_loss mean:{:.6f}'.format(rec_loss.item())) print('regular_shape_loss:{:.6f}, regular_pose_loss:{:.6f}'.format( regular_shape_loss.item(), regular_pose_loss.item())) print('Rangle mean:{:.6f}, Ts mean:{:.6f}'.format(
def opt_rep_to_surface(ss, ps, tar_pt_points, tar_pt_norms, tar_pt_vnums, Rs, Ts, initRs, initTs, data_size, r_ps_w, r_ss_w, unreal_pose_w, icp_thread, icp_angle_thread): global tri_fs, vertex_index, face_index, checks_not_hands ss = ss.detach().clone() ps = ps.detach().clone() Rs = Rs.detach().clone() Ts = Ts.detach().clone() ss.requires_grad = True ps.requires_grad = True Ts.requires_grad = True Rs.requires_grad = True optimizer = optim.Adam([ss, ps, Rs, Ts], lr=0.001) time = 0 while time < 600: regular_shape_loss = torch.pow(ss, 2).sum() regular_pose_loss = pose_prior(ps).sum() loss = r_ps_w * regular_pose_loss + r_ss_w * regular_shape_loss (ske_pfs, pfs) = bodyrep(ss, ps) if unreal_pose_w > 0.: unreal_pose_loss = unrealistic_pose_loss(ske_pfs).sum() loss += unreal_pose_w * unreal_pose_loss rec_points = convert_f_points(U.unscale_features(pfs, scales)).permute( 0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 12500) rec_points = RT_points_Tensor(rec_points, Rs, initRs, Ts + initTs) _, knn_indexs = batch_knn_gpu_pytorch( tar_pt_points.reshape(data_size, 3, tar_pt_points.shape[-1]), rec_points.reshape(data_size, 3, 12500).permute(1, 0, 2).reshape(3, -1), tar_pt_vnums, np.array([12500] * data_size, np.int32), 1) knn_indexs = knn_indexs.reshape(data_size, 12500) knn_vecs = torch.zeros(data_size * 3, 12500, device=device) knn_vecs[ 0::3, :] = rec_points[0::3, :] - tar_pt_points[0::3, :].gather( 1, knn_indexs) knn_vecs[ 1::3, :] = rec_points[1::3, :] - tar_pt_points[1::3, :].gather( 1, knn_indexs) knn_vecs[ 2::3, :] = rec_points[2::3, :] - tar_pt_points[2::3, :].gather( 1, knn_indexs) knn_dists = knn_vecs.reshape(data_size, 3, 12500).norm(p=None, dim=1) rec_norms = U.compute_vnorms( rec_points.reshape(data_size, 3, 12500).permute(0, 2, 1), tri_fs, vertex_index, face_index).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(3 * data_size, 12500) tar_corre_norms = torch.zeros(data_size * 3, 12500, device=device) check1 = (knn_dists < icp_thread).to( torch.float) * checks_not_hands.reshape(1, -1) tar_corre_norms[0::3, :] = tar_pt_norms[0::3, :].gather(1, knn_indexs) tar_corre_norms[1::3, :] = tar_pt_norms[1::3, :].gather(1, knn_indexs) tar_corre_norms[2::3, :] = tar_pt_norms[2::3, :].gather(1, knn_indexs) check2 = ((rec_norms * tar_corre_norms).reshape( data_size, 3, 12500).sum(1) > math.cos( icp_angle_thread * np.pi / 180.)).to(torch.float) valid_pair_index = check1 * check2 #p2n dists knn_dists = torch.abs( (knn_vecs * tar_corre_norms).reshape(data_size, 3, 12500).sum(1)) #can modify knn_dists as Geman_McClure_Loss if valid_pair_index.sum() > 0: rec_p2p_loss = ((knn_dists * valid_pair_index).sum(1) / valid_pair_index.sum(1)).sum() else: rec_p2p_loss = (knn_dists * valid_pair_index).sum() loss = loss + 1000. * rec_p2p_loss optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if time % 50 == 0: out_info = 'final %d opt %.4f, p2n:%.4f, regu shape:%.4f, regu pose:%.4f' % ( time, loss.item() / data_size, rec_p2p_loss.item() / data_size, regular_shape_loss.item() / data_size, regular_pose_loss.item() / data_size) if unreal_pose_w > 0.: out_info += ', unreal:{:.6f}'.format(unreal_pose_loss.item() / data_size) out_info += ', Rangle:{:.4f}, Ts:{:.4f}'.format( Rs.norm(2, 1).mean().item() / 3.1415926 * 180.0, Ts.norm(2, 1).mean().item()) print(out_info) time += 1 return ss, ps, Rs, Ts
om.read_trimesh('../../models/bodyTem/template.obj'), device) #FARM arap landmarks select_landmarks = torch.from_numpy( np.array([11556, 8792, 6265, 8437, 5732, 4727, 2687, 739, 2645, 753], np.int64)).to(device) obj_files = [ os.path.join('Faust_test_scan', f + '.ply') for f in ['test_scan_050', 'test_scan_103'] ] save_root = 'bodyrep_rec' if not os.path.isdir(save_root): os.system('mkdir ' + save_root) ref_pos = convert_f_points( U.unscale_features( bodyrep(torch.zeros(1, shapenum, device=device), torch.zeros(1, posenum, device=device))[1], scales)).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(3, -1) ref_mean_pos = ref_pos.mean(1) ref_mean_pos = ref_mean_pos.cpu().numpy() with open('body_finger_ear_vids.txt', 'r') as ff: body_hids = np.array([int(v) for v in], np.int32) checks_not_hands = np.ones((12500), np.float32) checks_not_hands[body_hids] = 0. assert (checks_not_hands.sum() == 12500 - body_hids.size) checks_not_hands = torch.from_numpy(checks_not_hands).to(device) weights = list( zip([20, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0], [20, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1000, 2000, 400, 100., 10., 0.], [200, 200, 600, 700, 800, 850], [0.15, 0.18, 0.18, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20], [-1, -1, 40, 15, 5, 2.],
def optimize_for_deepcut_j2ds(folder, js, log_internal, max_iters): fsave_root = os.path.join(save_root, folder + '_ms') # fsave_root=save_root if not os.path.isdir(fsave_root): os.makedirs(fsave_root) batch_size = 350 start_id = 0 fnum = js.shape[0] RTs = np.zeros((0, 6), dtype=np.float32) rec_shapes = np.zeros((0, shapenum), dtype=np.float32) rec_poses = np.zeros((0, posenum), dtype=np.float32) rec_apts = np.zeros((0, 6890), dtype=np.float32) print('start optimize ' + folder + ' data, with interval %d...' % INTERVAL) while start_id < fnum: end_id = start_id + batch_size if end_id > fnum: end_id = fnum print('{} to {} frames...'.format(start_id, end_id)) tar_js = torch.from_numpy(js[start_id:end_id, :, :]).to(device) data_size = end_id - start_id ss = torch.zeros((data_size, shapenum)).to(device) # ps=torch.from_numpy(init_p.reshape(1,-1).repeat(data_size,axis=0)).to(device) ps = torch.zeros((data_size, posenum)).to(device) # Rs=torch.zeros((data_size,3)).to(device) #,0.01) # make initial stand in front of camera Rs = torch.zeros((data_size, 3)) Rs = Rs.copy_( torch.from_numpy(np.array([np.pi, 0, 0], np.float32)).reshape(1, 3)).to(device) Ts = torch.zeros((data_size, 3)).to(device) initial_depths = init_trans(tar_js) Ts[:, 2] = initial_depths Rs.requires_grad = True Ts.requires_grad = True optimizerInitial = optim.Adam([Rs, Ts], lr=0.04) schedulerInitial = optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optimizerInitial, milestones=[200], gamma=0.4) times = 0 print('start initial 0th cam external params...') (_, pfs) = bodyExtRep(ss, ps) initial_points = convert_f_points(U.unscale_features( pfs, scales)).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 6890) while times < 400: rec_points = U.RT_points_Tensor(initial_points, Rs, Ts) body_joints = rec_points.matmul(j_regressor) extract_bjoints = body_joints[:, [9, 3, 8, 2]] projs = ProjectPointRadial( extract_bjoints.reshape(data_size, 3, 4).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 3), cam_fs, cam_cs, cam_ks, cam_ps) k2d_loss = (projs.reshape(data_size, 4, 2) - tar_js[:, [9, 3, 8, 2], :2]).norm( p=2, dim=-1).mean(1).sum() depth_regu_loss = torch.pow(Ts[:, 2] - initial_depths, 2).sum() loss = k2d_loss + 100. * depth_regu_loss optimizerInitial.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizerInitial.step() schedulerInitial.step() if times % log_internal == 0: print( '{}th total mean loss:{:.6f}\nk2d_loss mean:{:.6f},depth_regu_loss:{:.6f}' .format(times, loss.item() / data_size, k2d_loss.item() / data_size, depth_regu_loss.item() / data_size)) print('Rangle mean:{:.6f}, Ts mean:{:.6f}'.format( Rs.norm(2, 1).mean().item() / 3.1415926 * 180.0, Ts.norm(2, 1).mean().item())) times += 1 final_k2d_loss = torch.ones((data_size, ), device=device) * 10000. final_Ts = torch.zeros_like(Ts, device=device) final_Rs = torch.zeros_like(Rs, device=device) final_oriRs = torch.zeros_like(Rs, device=device) final_ss = torch.zeros_like(ss, device=device) final_ps = torch.zeros_like(ps, device=device) # offset_axisangle=[np.array([0.,0.,0.]),np.array([0.,np.pi,0.]),np.array([np.pi,0.,0.])] offset_axisangle = [np.array([0., 0., 0.]), np.array([0., np.pi, 0.])] for i, offset in enumerate(offset_axisangle): ori_rRs = reverse_rotation( Rs.detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.float64), offset) ori_rRs = torch.from_numpy(ori_rRs.astype(np.float32)).to(device) ori_Ts = torch.zeros((data_size, 3)).to(device) ori_Ts = ori_Ts.copy_(Ts.detach()) if i > 0: ori_rRs.requires_grad = True ori_Ts.requires_grad = True optimizerInitial = optim.Adam([ori_rRs, ori_Ts], lr=0.04) schedulerInitial = optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR( optimizerInitial, milestones=[200], gamma=0.4) times = 0 print('start initial %dth cam external params...' % i) while times < 400: rec_points = U.RT_points_Tensor(initial_points, ori_rRs, ori_Ts) body_joints = rec_points.matmul(j_regressor) extract_bjoints = body_joints[:, [9, 3, 8, 2]] projs = ProjectPointRadial( extract_bjoints.reshape(data_size, 3, 4).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 3), cam_fs, cam_cs, cam_ks, cam_ps) k2d_loss = (projs.reshape(data_size, 4, 2) - tar_js[:, [9, 3, 8, 2], :2]).norm( p=2, dim=-1).mean(1).sum() depth_regu_loss = torch.pow(ori_Ts[:, 2] - Ts[:, 2], 2).sum() loss = k2d_loss + 100. * depth_regu_loss optimizerInitial.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizerInitial.step() schedulerInitial.step() if times % log_internal == 0: print( '{}th total mean loss:{:.6f}\nk2d_loss mean:{:.6f},depth_regu_loss:{:.6f}' .format(times, loss.item() / data_size, k2d_loss.item() / data_size, depth_regu_loss.item() / data_size)) print('Rangle mean:{:.6f}, Ts mean:{:.6f}'.format( ori_rRs.norm(2, 1).mean().item() / 3.1415926 * 180.0, ori_Ts.norm(2, 1).mean().item())) times += 1 ori_rRs = ori_rRs.detach() ori_Ts = ori_Ts.detach() # for pose_ind,initp in enumerate([init_p0,init_p1]): for pose_ind, initp in enumerate([init_p0, init_p1]): print( 'start optimize with pose {:d} {:d}th initial rotation...'. format(pose_ind, i)) rRs, rTs, rss, rps, record_loss = optimize_with_initp( ori_rRs, ori_Ts, initp, ss, tar_js, data_size, max_iters, log_internal) # re_k2d_loss=100.*re_k2d_loss+re_pose_loss temp_check = (final_k2d_loss > record_loss) final_Rs[temp_check, :] = rRs[temp_check, :] final_oriRs[temp_check, :] = ori_rRs[temp_check, :] final_Ts[temp_check, :] = rTs[temp_check, :] final_ss[temp_check, :] = rss[temp_check, :] final_ps[temp_check, :] = rps[temp_check, :] final_k2d_loss[temp_check] = record_loss[temp_check] # (ske_sfs,sfs),(ske_pfs,pfs)=sp_vae.decoder(rss,rps) # rec_points=convert_f_points(U.unscale_features(pfs,scales)).permute(0,2,1).reshape(-1,6890) # rec_points=RT_points_Tensor(rec_points,rRs,ori_rRs,rTs) # temp_save_root=os.path.join(save_root,folder+'_ms{:d}_{:d}'.format(pose_ind,i)) # if not os.path.isdir(temp_save_root): # os.mkdir(temp_save_root) # snames=[str(name) for name in np.arange(start_id,end_id)*INTERVAL] # D.save_obj_files(rec_points.detach().cpu().numpy().T,ref_tris,temp_save_root,[name+'.obj' for name in snames]) (ske_pfs, pfs) = bodyExtRep(final_ss, final_ps) rec_points = convert_f_points(U.unscale_features(pfs, scales)).permute( 0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 6890) rec_points = RT_points_Tensor(rec_points, final_Rs, final_oriRs, final_Ts) RTs = np.concatenate((RTs, (final_Rs, final_Ts), 1).detach().cpu().numpy()), 0) rec_shapes = np.concatenate( (rec_shapes, final_ss.detach().cpu().numpy()), 0) rec_poses = np.concatenate( (rec_poses, final_ps.detach().cpu().numpy()), 0) rec_apts = np.concatenate( (rec_apts, rec_points.detach().cpu().numpy()), 0) snames = [str(name) for name in np.arange(start_id, end_id) * INTERVAL] U.save_obj_files(rec_points.detach().cpu().numpy().T, convert_f_points.face_index.cpu().numpy(), fsave_root, [name + '.obj' for name in snames]) start_id = end_id with open(os.path.join(fsave_root, 'rec_data.pkl'), 'wb') as ff: pickle.dump( { 'RTs': RTs, 'rec_shapes': rec_shapes, 'rec_poses': rec_poses, 'rec_points': rec_apts, 'folder': folder, 'frames': np.arange(fnum) * INTERVAL }, ff)
def optimize_with_initp(ori_rRs, ori_Ts, initp, ss, tar_js, data_size, max_iters, log_internal): rTs = torch.zeros((data_size, 3)).to(device) rTs = rTs.copy_(ori_Ts.detach()) rRs = torch.zeros((data_size, 3)).to(device) rRs.requires_grad = True rTs.requires_grad = True rss = torch.zeros((data_size, shapenum)).to(device) rps = torch.from_numpy(initp.reshape(1, -1).repeat(data_size, axis=0)).to(device) # rps=torch.zeros((data_size,posenum)).to(device) rss.copy_(ss.detach()) # rps.copy_(ps.detach()) rss.requires_grad = True rps.requires_grad = True re_optimizer = optim.Adam([rss, rps, rRs, rTs], lr=0.01) re_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(re_optimizer, milestones=[400, 600, 800], gamma=0.4) times = 0 while times < max_iters: (js_w, r_ps_w, r_ss_w, r_rot_w, gmc) = get_weight(times) # record_pose_loss=torch.pow(rps,2).mean(1) record_pose_loss = pose_prior(rps) regular_pose_loss = record_pose_loss.sum() record_shape_loss = torch.pow(rss, 2).mean(1) regular_shape_loss = record_shape_loss.sum() record_rot_loss = rRs.norm(2, 1) regular_rot_loss = record_rot_loss.sum() loss = max(r_ps_w, 0) * regular_pose_loss + r_ss_w * regular_shape_loss # record_loss=max(r_ps_w,0)*record_pose_loss+r_ss_w*record_shape_loss if r_rot_w > 0.: loss = loss + r_rot_w * regular_rot_loss # record_loss=record_loss+r_rot_w*record_rot_loss (ske_pfs, pfs) = bodyExtRep(rss, rps) if unreal_pose_w > 0.: record_unreal_loss = unrealistic_pose_loss(ske_pfs) record_loss = unreal_pose_w * record_unreal_loss unreal_loss = record_unreal_loss.sum() loss = loss + unreal_pose_w * unreal_loss else: unreal_loss = torch.zeros(1, device=device) rec_points = convert_f_points(U.unscale_features(pfs, scales)).permute( 0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 6890) rec_points = RT_points_Tensor(rec_points, rRs, ori_rRs, rTs) extract_bjoints = rec_points.matmul(j_regressor) projs = ProjectPointRadial( extract_bjoints.reshape(data_size, 3, 14).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 3), cam_fs, cam_cs, cam_ks, cam_ps) projs = projs.reshape(data_size, 14, 2) record_k2d_loss0 = (projs - tar_js[:, :, :2]).norm(p=2, dim=-1) if gmc > 0.: record_k2d_loss = (U.Geman_McClure_Loss(record_k2d_loss0, gmc) * tar_js[:, :, 2]).mean(1) else: record_k2d_loss = record_k2d_loss0.mean(1) # record_k2d_loss=(record_k2d_loss0*tar_js[:,:,2]).mean(1) k2d_loss = record_k2d_loss.sum() loss = js_w * k2d_loss + loss # record_loss=record_loss+js_w*record_k2d_loss record_loss = record_k2d_loss re_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() if r_rot_w < 0.: rRs.grad.zero_() if r_ps_w < 0.: rps.grad.zero_() re_optimizer.step() re_scheduler.step() # print('{:.6f}'.format(rec_loss.item())) if times % log_internal == 0: print( '{}th total mean loss:{:.6f}\nk2d_loss mean:{:.6f},regular_shape_loss:{:.6f}, regular_pose_loss:{:.6f}, unreal loss:{:.6f}' .format(times, loss.item() / data_size, k2d_loss.item() / data_size, regular_shape_loss.item() / data_size, regular_pose_loss.item() / data_size, unreal_loss.item() / data_size)) print('Rangle mean:{:.6f}, Ts mean:{:.6f}'.format( regular_rot_loss.item() / 3.1415926 * 180.0 / data_size, rTs.norm(2, 1).mean().item())) times += 1 return rRs, rTs, rss, rps, record_loss