コード例 #1
    def __getArchives7z(self, filepath, archiveList, directory_to):
            import py7zlib
        except ImportError:
            # 32039 = Error launching .7z file.
            # 32129 = Please check kodi.log for details.
            message = "%s[CR]%s" % (util.localize(32039), util.localize(32129))
            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(util.SCRIPTNAME, message)
            msg = (
                "You have tried to launch a .7z file but you are missing required libraries to extract the file. "
                "You can download the latest RCB version from RCBs project page. It contains all required libraries."
            return None

        fp = open(str(filepath), 'rb')
        archive = py7zlib.Archive7z(fp)
        archivesDecompressed = [(name, archive.getmember(name).read())
                                for name in archiveList]

        if archivesDecompressed is None:
            log.warn("Error handling compressed file")
            return []
        for archive in archivesDecompressed:
            newPath = os.path.join(directory_to, archive[0])
            log.info("Putting extracted file in %s" % newPath)
            fo = open(str(newPath), 'wb')

        return archivesDecompressed
コード例 #2
    def __copyLauncherScriptsToUserdata(self):

        oldBasePath = os.path.join(util.getAddonInstallPath(), 'resources',
        newBasePath = os.path.join(util.getAddonDataPath(), 'scriptfiles')

        files = []
        # Copy applaunch shell script/batch file
        if self.env == 'win32':

        # Copy VBS files
        if self.env == 'win32' and __addon__.getSetting(
                util.SETTING_RCB_USEVBINSOLOMODE).lower() == 'true':
            files += ['applaunch-vbs.bat', 'LaunchKodi.vbs', 'Sleep.vbs']

        for f in files:
            if not xbmcvfs.exists(os.path.join(newBasePath, f)):
                log.debug("Copying file {0} from {1} to {2}".format(
                    f, oldBasePath, newBasePath))
                if not xbmcvfs.copy(os.path.join(oldBasePath, f),
                                    os.path.join(newBasePath, f)):
                    log.warn("Error copying file")
コード例 #3
    def insertFile(self, fileName, gameId, fileType, romCollectionId, publisherId, developerId):
        log.debug("Begin Insert file: %s" % fileName)

        parentId = None

        # TODO console and romcollection could be done only once per RomCollection
        # fileTypeRow[3] = parent
        if fileType.parent == 'game':
            parentId = gameId
        elif fileType.parent == 'romcollection':
            parentId = romCollectionId
        elif fileType.parent == 'publisher':
            parentId = publisherId
        elif fileType.parent == 'developer':
            parentId = developerId

        log.info("Inserting file with parent {0} (type {1})".format(parentId, fileType.parent))

        fileRow = File(self.gdb).getFileByNameAndTypeAndParent(fileName, fileType.id, parentId)
        if fileRow is None:
            log.info("File does not exist in database. Insert file: %s" % fileName)
            f = File(self.gdb)
                f.insert((fileName, fileType.id, parentId))
            except Exception:
                log.warn("Error inserting into database: %s" % fileName)
            log.info("File already exists in database: %s" % fileName)
コード例 #4
    def insertFile(self, fileName, gameId, fileType, romCollectionId, publisherId, developerId):
        log.debug("Begin Insert file: %s" % fileName)

        parentId = None

        # TODO console and romcollection could be done only once per RomCollection
        # fileTypeRow[3] = parent
        if fileType.parent == 'game':
            parentId = gameId
        elif fileType.parent == 'romcollection':
            parentId = romCollectionId
        elif fileType.parent == 'publisher':
            parentId = publisherId
        elif fileType.parent == 'developer':
            parentId = developerId

        log.info("Inserting file with parent {0} (type {1})".format(parentId, fileType.parent))

        fileRow = File(self.gdb).getFileByNameAndTypeAndParent(fileName, fileType.id, parentId)
        if fileRow is None:
            log.info("File does not exist in database. Insert file: %s" % fileName)
            f = File(self.gdb)
                f.insert((fileName, fileType.id, parentId))
            except Exception, (exc):
                log.warn("Error inserting into database: %s" % fileName)
コード例 #5
	def _parse_game_result(self, response):
		""" response is expected to be a JSON object """
		result = {}

		# Standard fields
		for k, v in self._game_mapping.items():
				# HACK - for compatibility we need to put each result in an array
				#result[k] = response[v]
				result[k] = [response[v]]
			except KeyError as k:
				log.warn("Unable to find key: {0}".format(k))
			except Exception as e:
				log.warn("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(e))

		# Custom fields (i.e. ones that require special handling
		# HACK - for compatibility we need to put each result in an array
		result['ReleaseYear'] = [self._parse_date(response['original_release_date'])]
		result['Developer'] = self._parse_developers(response['developers'])
		result['Publisher'] = self._parse_publishers(response['publishers'])
		result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(response['genres'])

		# FIXME TODO Artwork and images are quite cumbersome to get from giantbomb search results

		return result
コード例 #6
    def insertGameFromDesc(self, gamedescription, gamename, romCollection,
                           filenamelist, foldername, isUpdate, gameId):


        if gamedescription is not None:
            game = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Game')
            game = ''

        # if no game name has been scraped we expect that no results have been found
        if game == '':

            if __addon__.getSetting(
                    util.SETTING_RCB_IGNOREGAMEWITHOUTDESC).upper() == 'TRUE':
                    "No description found for game '%s'. Game will not be imported."
                    % gamename)
                return None
            gamedescription = {}

        gameId = self.insertData(gamedescription, gamename, romCollection,
                                 filenamelist, foldername, isUpdate, gameId)
        return gameId
コード例 #7
    def _parse_game_result(self, response):
        """ response is expected to be a JSON object """
        result = {}

        # Standard fields
        for k, v in self._game_mapping.items():
                # HACK - for compatibility we need to put each result in an array
                #result[k] = response[v]
                result[k] = [response[v]]
            except KeyError as k:
                log.warn("Unable to find key: {0}".format(k))
            except Exception as e:
                log.warn("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(e))

        # Custom fields (i.e. ones that require special handling
        # HACK - for compatibility we need to put each result in an array
        result['ReleaseYear'] = [
        result['Developer'] = self._parse_developers(response['developers'])
        result['Publisher'] = self._parse_publishers(response['publishers'])
        result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(response['genres'])

        # FIXME TODO Artwork and images are quite cumbersome to get from giantbomb search results

        return result
コード例 #8
    def resolvePath(self, paths, gamename, gamenameFromFile, foldername, romCollectionName, publisher, developer):
        resolvedFiles = []

        for path in paths:
            files = []
            log.info("resolve path: %s" % path)

            if path.find("%GAME%") > -1:

                pathnameFromFile = path.replace("%GAME%", gamenameFromFile)
                log.info("resolved path from rom file name: %s" % pathnameFromFile)
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromFile)
                if len(files) == 0:
                    files = self.getFilesByGameNameIgnoreCase(pathnameFromFile)

                if gamename != gamenameFromFile and len(files) == 0:
                    pathnameFromGameName = path.replace("%GAME%", gamename)
                    log.info("resolved path from game name: %s" % pathnameFromGameName)
                    files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromGameName)
                    if len(files) == 0:
                        files = self.getFilesByGameNameIgnoreCase(pathnameFromGameName)

                if gamename != foldername and len(files) == 0:
                    pathnameFromFolder = path.replace("%GAME%", foldername)
                    log.info("resolved path from rom folder name: %s" % pathnameFromFolder)
                    files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromFolder)
                    if len(files) == 0:
                        files = self.getFilesByGameNameIgnoreCase(pathnameFromFolder)

            # ODO could be done only once per RomCollection
            if path.find("%ROMCOLLECTION%") > -1 and romCollectionName is not None and len(files) == 0:
                pathnameFromRomCollection = path.replace("%ROMCOLLECTION%", romCollectionName)
                log.info("resolved path from rom collection name: {0}".format(pathnameFromRomCollection))
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromRomCollection)

            if path.find("%PUBLISHER%") > -1 and publisher is not None and len(files) == 0:
                pathnameFromPublisher = path.replace("%PUBLISHER%", publisher)
                log.info("resolved path from publisher name: %s" % pathnameFromPublisher)
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromPublisher)

            if path.find("%DEVELOPER%") > -1 and developer is not None and len(files) == 0:
                pathnameFromDeveloper = path.replace("%DEVELOPER%", developer)
                log.info("resolved path from developer name: %s" % pathnameFromDeveloper)
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromDeveloper)

            if path.find("%GAME%") == -1 & path.find("%ROMCOLLECTION%") == -1 & path.find(
                    "%PUBLISHER%") == -1 & path.find("%DEVELOPER%") == -1:
                pathnameFromStaticFile = path
                log.info("using static defined media file from path: %s" % pathnameFromStaticFile)
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromStaticFile)

            if len(files) == 0:
                log.warn("No files found for game '%s' at path '%s'. Make sure that file names are matching." % (
                gamename, path))
            for f in files:
                if xbmcvfs.exists(f):

        return resolvedFiles
コード例 #9
    def resolvePath(self, paths, gamename, gamenameFromFile, foldername, romCollectionName, publisher, developer):
        resolvedFiles = []

        for path in paths:
            files = []
            log.info("resolve path: %s" % path)

            if path.find("%GAME%") > -1:

                pathnameFromFile = path.replace("%GAME%", gamenameFromFile)
                log.info("resolved path from rom file name: %s" % pathnameFromFile)
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromFile)
                if len(files) == 0:
                    files = self.getFilesByGameNameIgnoreCase(pathnameFromFile)

                if gamename != gamenameFromFile and len(files) == 0:
                    pathnameFromGameName = path.replace("%GAME%", gamename)
                    log.info("resolved path from game name: %s" % pathnameFromGameName)
                    files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromGameName)
                    if len(files) == 0:
                        files = self.getFilesByGameNameIgnoreCase(pathnameFromGameName)

                if gamename != foldername and len(files) == 0:
                    pathnameFromFolder = path.replace("%GAME%", foldername)
                    log.info("resolved path from rom folder name: %s" % pathnameFromFolder)
                    files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromFolder)
                    if len(files) == 0:
                        files = self.getFilesByGameNameIgnoreCase(pathnameFromFolder)

            # ODO could be done only once per RomCollection
            if path.find("%ROMCOLLECTION%") > -1 and romCollectionName is not None and len(files) == 0:
                pathnameFromRomCollection = path.replace("%ROMCOLLECTION%", romCollectionName)
                log.info("resolved path from rom collection name: {0}".format(pathnameFromRomCollection))
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromRomCollection)

            if path.find("%PUBLISHER%") > -1 and publisher is not None and len(files) == 0:
                pathnameFromPublisher = path.replace("%PUBLISHER%", publisher)
                log.info("resolved path from publisher name: %s" % pathnameFromPublisher)
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromPublisher)

            if path.find("%DEVELOPER%") > -1 and developer is not None and len(files) == 0:
                pathnameFromDeveloper = path.replace("%DEVELOPER%", developer)
                log.info("resolved path from developer name: %s" % pathnameFromDeveloper)
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromDeveloper)

            if path.find("%GAME%") == -1 & path.find("%ROMCOLLECTION%") == -1 & path.find(
                    "%PUBLISHER%") == -1 & path.find("%DEVELOPER%") == -1:
                pathnameFromStaticFile = path
                log.info("using static defined media file from path: %s" % pathnameFromStaticFile)
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(pathnameFromStaticFile)

            if len(files) == 0:
                log.warn("No files found for game '%s' at path '%s'. Make sure that file names are matching." % (
                    gamename, path))
            for f in files:
                if xbmcvfs.exists(f):

        return resolvedFiles
コード例 #10
    def __getEncoding(self):
        # HACK: sys.getfilesystemencoding() is not supported on all systems (e.g. Android)
            encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
        except Exception as e:
            log.warn("Unable to get filesystem encoding, defaulting to UTF-8")
            encoding = 'utf-8'

        return encoding
コード例 #11
	def __getEncoding(self):
		# HACK: sys.getfilesystemencoding() is not supported on all systems (e.g. Android)
			encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
		except Exception as e:
			log.warn("Unable to get filesystem encoding, defaulting to UTF-8")
			encoding = 'utf-8'

		return encoding
コード例 #12
    def getThumbFromOnlineSource(self, gamedescription, fileType, fileName, artworkurls):
        log.info("Get thumb from online source")

            # maybe we got a thumb url from desc parser
            thumbKey = 'Filetype' + fileType
            log.info("using key: %s" % thumbKey)
            thumbUrl = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, thumbKey)
            if thumbUrl == '':
                return True, artworkurls

            artworkurls[fileType] = thumbUrl

            log.info("Get thumb from url: %s" % thumbUrl)

            rootExtFile = os.path.splitext(fileName)
            rootExtUrl = os.path.splitext(thumbUrl)

            files = []
            if len(rootExtUrl) == 2 and len(rootExtFile) != 0:
                fileName = rootExtFile[0] + rootExtUrl[1]
                gameName = rootExtFile[0] + ".*"
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(gameName)
            del rootExtFile, rootExtUrl

            if len(files) > 0:
                log.info("File already exists. Won't download again.")
                return True, artworkurls

            log.info("File %s does not exist, starting download" % fileName)
            # Dialog Status Art Download

            # Update progress dialog to state we are downloading art
                #32123 = Importing Game
                #32210 = downloading artwork
                msg = "%s: %s[CR]%s: %s" % (util.localize(32123), self._guiDict["gameNameKey"],
                                            self._guiDict["scraperSiteKey"][thumbKey], util.localize(32210))
                self._gui.writeMsg(msg, self._guiDict["fileCountKey"])
            except KeyError:
                log.warn("Unable to retrieve key from GUI dict")

                self.download_thumb(thumbUrl, fileName)

            except Exception as exc:
                log.error("Could not create file: '%s'. Error message: '%s'" % (fileName, exc))
                # xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(util.localize(32012), util.localize(32011))
                return False, artworkurls

            log.info("Download finished.")

        except Exception as exc:
            log.warn("Error in getThumbFromOnlineSource: %s" % exc)

        return True, artworkurls
コード例 #13
    def insertGameFromDesc(self, gamedescription, gamename_from_file, romCollection, romfiles, foldername, isUpdate, gameId):


        if gamedescription is not None:
            game = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Game')
            game = ''

        # if no game name has been scraped we expect that no results have been found
        if game == '':

            if __addon__.getSetting(util.SETTING_RCB_IGNOREGAMEWITHOUTDESC).upper() == 'TRUE':
                log.warn("No description found for game '%s'. Game will not be imported." % gamename_from_file)
                return None
            gamedescription = {}

        game_row = self.convert_parseresult_to_gamerow(gamedescription, gamename_from_file)
        game_row[Game.COL_romCollectionId] = romCollection.id
        gamename = game_row[Game.COL_NAME]
        publisher = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Publisher')
        developer = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Developer')

        artWorkFound, artworkfiles, artworkurls = self.getArtworkForGame(romCollection, gamename, gamename_from_file,
                                                                gamedescription, foldername, publisher, developer)

        #add artwork filenames to game_row
        for filetype, filenames in list(artworkfiles.items()):
            for filename in filenames:
                prop = 'COL_fileType%s' % filetype.id
                index = getattr(Game, prop)
                game_row[index] = filename

        gameId = self.insertGame(game_row, isUpdate, gameId, romCollection.allowUpdate, )

        if gameId is None:
            return None

        genreIds = self.insertForeignKeyItemList(gamedescription, 'Genre', Genre(self.gdb))
        self.add_genres_to_db(genreIds, gameId)

        self.add_romfiles_to_db(romfiles, gameId)


        # Create Nfo file with game properties
            # Read game from db as nfowriter expects GameView db row
            gamerow = GameView(self.gdb).getGameById(gameId)
            writer = NfoWriter()
            writer.createNfoFromDesc(gamerow, romCollection.name, romfiles[0], gamename_from_file, artworkfiles, artworkurls)
        except Exception as e:
            log.warn(u"Unable to write NFO file for game %s: %s" % (gamename, e))

        return gameId
コード例 #14
 def insert(self, args):
     paramsString = ("?, " * len(args))
     paramsString = paramsString[0:len(paramsString) - 2]
     insertString = "Insert INTO %(tablename)s VALUES (NULL, %(args)s)" % {'tablename': self.tableName,
                                                                           'args': paramsString}
     self.gdb.cursor.execute(insertString, args)
     if self.gdb.cursor.rowcount == 1:
         log.debug("inserted values " + str(args) + self.tableName)
         log.warn("failed to insert values " + str(args) + self.tableName)
コード例 #15
    def _update_artwork_cache_for_romcollection(self, rom_collection,
                                                file_type_id, media_dict):
        log.info('Begin _update_artwork_cache_for_romcollection')
        log.info('Update artwork cache for Rom Collection %s' %

        continue_update = True
        media_paths_dict = {}
            media_paths_dict = media_dict[rom_collection.id]
        except KeyError:
            log.warn('No media paths dict found for rom collection %s' %
            return continue_update

        games = GameView(self.gdb).getFilteredGames(rom_collection.id, 0, 0, 0,
                                                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '0 = 0', '',
        gamecount = 1
        for game in games:
            self.progress_dialog.itemCount = len(games)
            #32955 = Scan artwork for Game
            update_message = "%s[CR]%s: %i/%i" % (
                self.dialogheader, util.localize(32955), gamecount, len(games))
            continue_update = self.progress_dialog.writeMsg(
                update_message, gamecount)
            if not continue_update:
                log.info('Update canceled')
            gamecount = gamecount + 1
            for media_path in rom_collection.mediaPaths:
                #check if we should handle this file type
                if str(file_type_id
                       ) != media_path.fileType.id and file_type_id != 0:

                roms = File(self.gdb).getRomsByGameId(game[GameView.COL_ID])
                gamename_from_file = rom_collection.getGamenameFromFilename(
                #check if artwork is available for this type
                file = self._find_file_in_mediadict(media_path.fileType.id,
                #check if filename has changed
                if game[getattr(GameView, "COL_fileType%s" %
                                media_path.fileType.id)] != file:
                    #write result to db
                    # get column name from FIELDNAMES - index is the same as db column index (COL_fileTypeX)
                    column = Game.FIELDNAMES[getattr(
                        Game, "COL_fileType%s" % media_path.fileType.id)]
                    Game(self.gdb).update((column, ), (file, ),
                                          game[Game.COL_ID], True)

        return continue_update
コード例 #16
    def matchGamename(self, results, gamenameFromFile):
        for idx, result in enumerate(results):
                # Check if the result has the correct platform (if needed)
                found_platform = self.resolveParseResult(
                    result, 'PlatformSearchKey')
                if found_platform != '' and self.expected_platform != found_platform:
                        "Platform mismatch. %s != %s. Result will be skipped."
                        % (self.expected_platform, found_platform))

                searchKey = self.resolveParseResult(result, 'SearchKey')
                # keep it for later reference
                searchkey_orig = searchKey
                gamename_orig = gamenameFromFile

                # if no searchkey is specified first result is valid (1 file per game scenario)
                if searchkey_orig == '':
                    log.info("No searchKey found. Using first result")
                    return result

                log.info("Comparing %s with %s" %
                         (gamename_orig, searchkey_orig))
                if gamename_orig == searchkey_orig:
                    # perfect match
                    return result

                # normalize name and searchkey before comparison
                gnu = GameNameUtil()
                gamename_normalized = gnu.normalize_name(gamename_orig)
                searchkey_normalized = gnu.normalize_name(searchkey_orig)
                log.info("Try normalized names. Comparing %s with %s" %
                         (gamename_normalized, searchkey_normalized))
                if gamename_normalized == searchkey_normalized:
                    # perfect match
                    return result

                #strip additional info from gamename
                gamename_stripped = gnu.strip_addinfo_from_name(gamename_orig)
                gamename_stripped = gnu.normalize_name(gamename_stripped)
                    "Try with stripped additional info. Comparing %s with %s" %
                    (gamename_stripped, searchkey_normalized))
                if gamename_stripped == searchkey_normalized:
                    # perfect match
                    return result

            except Exception as exc:
                log.warn("An error occured while matching the best result: " +

        log.info("No result found for gamename %s" % gamenameFromFile)
        return None
コード例 #17
    def resolveParseResult(self, result, itemName):

        resultValue = u''

            resultValue = result[itemName][0].strip()

            if type(resultValue) == str:
                resultValue = resultValue.decode('utf-8')

        except Exception, (exc):
            log.warn(u"Error while resolving item: %s: %s" % (itemName, exc))
コード例 #18
    def resolveParseResult(self, result, itemName):

        resultValue = u''

            resultValue = result[itemName][0].strip()

            if type(resultValue) == str:
                resultValue = resultValue.decode('utf-8')

        except Exception, (exc):
            log.warn(u"Error while resolving item: %s: %s" % (itemName, exc))
コード例 #19
	def _parse_screenshots_result(self, response):
		result = {}
		screenshots = response['screenshots']

		if len(screenshots) == 0:
			log.warn("No screenshots found in mobygames response")
			return result
		#HACK: always return the first screenshot. We could add support for multiple screenshots or screenshot selection.
		screenshot = screenshots[0]
		result['Filetypescreenshot'] = [screenshot['image']] 
		return result
コード例 #20
    def _parseGameResult(self, response):
        # FIXME TODO This currently is not fully implemented
        result = {}

        if sys.version_info >= (2, 7):
            parser = ET.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
            parser = ET.XMLParser()

        tree = ET.fromstring(response, parser)

        game = tree.find('Game')
        # FIXME TODO others

        # Standard fields
        for k, v in self._game_mapping.items():
            # HACK - This is only used to retain backwards compatibility with existing scraper, where each key value was a
            # list, even if only one value is in that list
                result[k] = [game.find(v).text]
            # FIXME TODO When we remove the hack, this will be the code to use:
            # result[k] = game.find(v).text
            except Exception:
                # Typically this result doesn't have this field
                log.debug("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(k))

        # Custom fields
        result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(game.find("Genres"))

        # Adjust the date
        releaseDate = game.find("ReleaseDate")
        if releaseDate is not None:
            result['ReleaseYear'] = [self._parse_date(releaseDate.text)]

        # Prefix images with base url
        for image in [
                'fanart', 'boxfront', 'boxback', 'screenshot', 'clearlogo'
                result['Filetype' + image] = [
                    "http://legacy.thegamesdb.net/banners/" +
                    result['Filetype' + image][0]
            except KeyError:
                    "Image type {0} not present in retrieve results".format(

        print u"Found game using ElementTree parser: {0}".format(result)
        return result
コード例 #21
    def _parse_date(self, datestr):
        """Extract the year from a given date string using a given format. This function is used to cater for
        an edge case identified in https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=112916&pid=1214507#pid1214507.

        	datestr: Input date

            Year as a %Y format string
        if datestr is None:
            return '1970'

        x = None
        for fmt2 in ["%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m", "%Y", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%d/%m/%Y", "%m/%d/%Y"]:
                x = datetime.strptime(datestr, fmt2).strftime("%Y")
            except ValueError as e:
                # Skip to the next format
                log.warn("ValueError in parseDate: %s" %e)
            except TypeError as e:
                log.warn("Unable to parse date using strptime, falling back to time function")
                    x = datetime(*(time.strptime(datestr, fmt2)[0:6])).strftime("%Y")
                except ValueError as ve:
                    log.warn("Unable to parse date %s using %s, try next format. %s" %(datestr, fmt2, ve))

        if x is not None:
            return x
            log.warn(u"Unexpected date format: {0}".format(datestr))
            return u"1970"
コード例 #22
    def _parse_screenshots_result(self, response):

        result = {}

        screenshots = response['screenshots']

        if len(screenshots) == 0:
            log.warn("No screenshots found in mobygames response")
            return result

        #HACK: always return the first screenshot. We could add support for multiple screenshots or screenshot selection.
        screenshot = screenshots[0]
        result['Filetypescreenshot'] = [screenshot['image']]
        return result
コード例 #23
	def __executeCommand(self, cmd):
		# change working directory
		path = os.path.dirname(self.romCollection.emulatorCmd)
		if os.path.isdir(path):
			except OSError:
				log.warn("Unable to chdir to {0}".format(path))

		if self.romCollection.usePopen:
			import subprocess
			process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.encode(self.__getEncoding()), shell=True)
コード例 #24
    def extract_archive(self, rom_collection, rom, emu_params):

        temp_dir = self.__get_temp_dir_path(rom_collection.name)


            files_in_archive = self.__get_rom_names_from_archive(rom)
        except Exception as exc:
            log.error("Error handling compressed file: " + str(exc))
            return []

        if files_in_archive is None or len(files_in_archive) == 0:
            log.error("Error handling compressed file")
            return []

        roms = self.__handle_indexed_roms(rom_collection.diskPrefix,
                                          files_in_archive, emu_params, rom,
        if roms:
            return roms

            # Extract all files to %TMP%
            extracted_files = self.__extract_files(rom, files_in_archive,
        except Exception as exc:
            log.error("Error handling compressed file: " + str(exc))
            return []

        if extracted_files is None:
            log.warn("Error handling compressed file")
            return []

        chosen_rom = 0
        if len(files_in_archive) > 1:
            log.info("The Archive has %d files" % len(files_in_archive))
            chosen_rom = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Choose a ROM',
        # Point file name to the chosen file and continue as usual
        roms = [os.path.join(temp_dir, files_in_archive[chosen_rom])]

        log.debug("roms decompressed = " + str(roms))
        if len(roms) == 0:
            return []

        return roms
コード例 #25
ファイル: config.py プロジェクト: bruny/romcollectionbrowser
	def getRomCollectionById(self, id):
		Find the matching Rom Collection by ID

		    id: the ID of the Rom Collection to be found (as a str)

		    The Rom Collection with the matching ID, or None if not found

			return self.romCollections.get(id)
		except KeyError as e:
			log.warn("Unable to find rom collection with ID {0}".format(id))
			return None
コード例 #26
    def getRomCollectionById(self, id):
		Find the matching Rom Collection by ID

		    id: the ID of the Rom Collection to be found (as a str)

		    The Rom Collection with the matching ID, or None if not found

            return self.romCollections.get(id)
        except KeyError as e:
            log.warn("Unable to find rom collection with ID {0}".format(id))
            return None
コード例 #27
    def __executeCommand(self, cmd):
        # change working directory
        path = os.path.dirname(self.romCollection.emulatorCmd)
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            except OSError:
                log.warn("Unable to chdir to {0}".format(path))

        if self.romCollection.usePopen:
            import subprocess
            process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.encode(self.__getEncoding()),
コード例 #28
    def getBestResults(self, results, gamenameFromFile):
        Compare a game name against each item in a result set to work out which is the likely match
            results: A list of dicts with the SearchKey key being the game title in the result set
            gamenameFromFile: The title of the game we are trying to match

            Either None if no match was found, or the title of the matching game (SearchKey key in the dict)


        if results is None or len(results) == 0:
            log.info("No results found with current scraper")
            return None

        log.info("Searching for game: " + gamenameFromFile)
        log.info("%s results found. Try to find best match." %

        result = self.matchGamename(results, gamenameFromFile)

        if result:
            # get name of found result
            foundgame = self.resolveParseResult(result, 'SearchKey')
            log.info("Using result %s" % foundgame)
            return result

        # stop searching in accurate mode
        if self.update_option == util.SCRAPING_OPTION_AUTO_ACCURATE:
                "No game found with scraping option 'Accurate'. Game will be skipped"
            return None

        # Ask for correct result in Interactive mode
        if self.update_option == util.SCRAPING_OPTION_INTERACTIVE:
            res = self.ask_user_for_result(gamenameFromFile, results)
            if res == 0:  # Skip Game
                log.info("No result chosen by user")
                return None
                selectedGame = self.resolveParseResult(results[res - 1],
                log.info("Result chosen by user: " + str(selectedGame))
                return results[res - 1]
コード例 #29
    def get_platform_for_scraper(self, platformname):
        """Get the platform identifier used on the corresponding website.

        	platformname: The RCB platform name

        	String that is the identifier for the platform on the corresponding website.

            ix = self.pmaps.index(self._name)
        except ValueError as e:
            # Did not find a mapping
            log.warn("Did not find a platform mapping for {0}".format(self._name))
            ix = 0

        return self.consoleDict[platformname][ix]
コード例 #30
    def __executeCommand(self, romCollection, cmd):
        # change working directory
        path = os.path.dirname(romCollection.emulatorCmd)
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            except OSError:
                log.warn("Unable to chdir to {0}".format(path))

        if romCollection.usePopen:
            log.info('execute command with popen')
            import subprocess
            process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
            log.info('execute command with os.system')
コード例 #31
    def resolveParseResult(self, result, itemName):

        resultValue = u''

            resultValue = result[itemName][0]
            if (isinstance(resultValue, str)):
                resultValue = resultValue.strip()
                resultValue = util.convertToUnicodeString(resultValue)
        except Exception as exc:
            log.warn(u"Error while resolving item: %s: %s" % (itemName, exc))

            log.debug(u"Result %s = %s" % (itemName, resultValue))

        return resultValue
コード例 #32
ファイル: matcher.py プロジェクト: bruny/romcollectionbrowser
	def getBestResults(self, results, gamenameFromFile):

		Compare a game name against each item in a result set to work out which is the likely match
			results: A list of dicts with the SearchKey key being the game title in the result set
			gamenameFromFile: The title of the game we are trying to match

			Either None if no match was found, or the title of the matching game (SearchKey key in the dict)


		if results is None or len(results) == 0:
			log.info("No results found with current scraper")
			return None

		log.info("Searching for game: " + gamenameFromFile)
		log.info("%s results found. Try to find best match." % str(len(results)))

		result = self.matchGamename(results, gamenameFromFile, False)

		if result:
			# get name of found result
			foundgame = self.resolveParseResult(result, 'SearchKey')
			log.info("Using result %s" % foundgame)
			return result

		# stop searching in accurate mode
		if self.update_option == util.SCRAPING_OPTION_AUTO_ACCURATE:
			log.warn("No game found with scraping option 'Accurate'. Game will be skipped")
			return None

		# Ask for correct result in Interactive mode
		if self.update_option == util.SCRAPING_OPTION_INTERACTIVE:
			res = self.ask_user_for_result(gamenameFromFile, results)
			if res == 0:  # Skip Game
				log.info("No result chosen by user")
				return None
				selectedGame = self.resolveParseResult(results[res - 1], 'Game')
				log.info("Result chosen by user: " + str(selectedGame))
				return results[res - 1]
コード例 #33
ファイル: matcher.py プロジェクト: bruny/romcollectionbrowser
	def matchGamename(self, results, gamenameFromFile, checkSubtitle):
		for idx, result in enumerate(results):
				# Check if the result has the correct platform (if needed)
				found_platform = self.resolveParseResult(result, 'PlatformSearchKey')
				if found_platform != '' and self.expected_platform != found_platform:
					log.info("Platform mismatch. %s != %s. Result will be skipped." % (
					self.expected_platform, found_platform))

				searchKey = self.resolveParseResult(result, 'SearchKey')
				# keep it for later reference
				searchkey_orig = searchKey
				gamename_orig = gamenameFromFile

				# if no searchkey is specified first result is valid (1 file per game scenario)
				if searchkey_orig == '':
					log.info("No searchKey found. Using first result")
					return result

				log.info("Comparing %s with %s" % (gamename_orig, searchkey_orig))
				if gamename_orig == searchkey_orig:
					# perfect match
					return result

				# normalize name and searchkey before comparison
				gnu = GameNameUtil()
				gamename_normalized = gnu.normalize_name(gamename_orig)
				searchkey_normalized = gnu.normalize_name(searchkey_orig)
				log.info("Try normalized names. Comparing %s with %s" % (gamename_normalized, searchkey_normalized))
				if gamename_normalized == searchkey_normalized:
					# perfect match
					return result

				#strip additional info from gamename
				gamename_stripped = gnu.strip_addinfo_from_name(gamename_orig)
				gamename_stripped = gnu.normalize_name(gamename_stripped)
				log.info("Try with stripped additional info. Comparing %s with %s" % (gamename_stripped, searchkey_normalized))
				if gamename_stripped == searchkey_normalized:
					# perfect match
					return result

			except Exception, (exc):
				log.warn("An error occured while matching the best result: " + str(exc))
コード例 #34
    def get_platform_for_scraper(self, platformname):
        """Get the platform identifier used on the corresponding website.

        	platformname: The RCB platform name

        	String that is the identifier for the platform on the corresponding website.

            ix = self.pmaps.index(self._name)
        except ValueError as e:
            # Did not find a mapping
            log.warn("Did not find a platform mapping for {0}".format(
            ix = 0

        return self.consoleDict[platformname][ix]
コード例 #35
	def _parse_search_results(self, response):
		results = []

		""" response is expected to be a JSON object """
		log.debug("Parsing response for search results: {0}".format(response))

		if len(response["games"]) == 0:
			log.warn("No results found")
			return results

		for result in response['games']:
			results.append({'id': result['game_id'],
							'title': result['title'],
							'releaseDate': "",    # MobyGames search doesn't return a year in brief mode
							'SearchKey': [result['title']]})

		log.debug("Found {0} results using requests JSON parser: {1}".format(len(results), results))

		return results
コード例 #36
    def getFilesByGameNameIgnoreCase(self, pathname):

        files = []

        dirname = os.path.dirname(pathname)
        basename = os.path.basename(pathname)

        # search all Files that start with the first character of game name
        newpath = util.joinPath(dirname, basename[0].upper() + '*')
        filesUpper = glob.glob(newpath)
        newpath = util.joinPath(dirname, basename[0].lower() + '*')
        filesLower = glob.glob(newpath)

        allFiles = filesUpper + filesLower
        for f in allFiles:
            if pathname.lower() == f.lower():
                log.warn("Found path '%s' by search with ignore case." % pathname)

        return files
コード例 #37
    def getFilesByGameNameIgnoreCase(self, pathname):

        files = []

        dirname = os.path.dirname(pathname)
        basename = os.path.basename(pathname)

        # search all Files that start with the first character of game name
        newpath = util.joinPath(dirname, basename[0].upper() + '*')
        filesUpper = glob.glob(newpath)
        newpath = util.joinPath(dirname, basename[0].lower() + '*')
        filesLower = glob.glob(newpath)

        allFiles = filesUpper + filesLower
        for file in allFiles:
            if pathname.lower() == file.lower():
                log.warn("Found path '%s' by search with ignore case." % pathname)

        return files
コード例 #38
    def insertGameFromDesc(self, gamedescription, gamename, romCollection, filenamelist, foldername, isUpdate, gameId):


        if gamedescription is not None:
            game = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Game')
            game = ''

        # if no game name has been scraped we expect that no results have been found
        if game == '':

            if __addon__.getSetting(util.SETTING_RCB_IGNOREGAMEWITHOUTDESC).upper() == 'TRUE':
                log.warn("No description found for game '%s'. Game will not be imported." % gamename)
                return None
            gamedescription = {}

        gameId = self.insertData(gamedescription, gamename, romCollection, filenamelist, foldername, isUpdate, gameId)
        return gameId
コード例 #39
    def addNewElements(self, results, newResults):
        """ Add fields from the results to the existing set of results, adding if new, replacing if empty. This allows
		us to add fields from subsequent site scrapes that were missing or not available in previous sites.

			results: Existing results dict from previous scrapes
			newResults: Result dict from most recent scrape

			Updated dict of result fields
            log.debug("Before merging results: %s vs %s" % (results.items(), newResults.items()))
            # Retain any existing key values that aren't an empty list, overwrite all others
            z = dict(newResults.items() + dict((k, v) for k, v in results.iteritems() if len(v) > 0).items())
            log.debug("After merging results: %s" % z.items())
            return z
        except Exception as e:
            # Return original results without doing anything
            log.warn("Error when merging results: %s" % e)
            return results
コード例 #40
    def insertForeignKeyItemList(self, result, itemName, gdbObject):
        idList = []

            itemList = result[itemName]
            log.info("Result %s = %s" % (itemName, itemList))
        except KeyError:
            log.warn("Error while resolving item: %s" % itemName)
            return idList

        for item in itemList:
            itemRow = gdbObject.getOneByName(item)
            if itemRow is None:
                log.info("%s does not exist in database. Insert: %s" % (itemName, item.encode('utf-8')))


        return idList
コード例 #41
    def addNewElements(self, results, newResults):
        """ Add fields from the results to the existing set of results, adding if new, replacing if empty. This allows
        us to add fields from subsequent site scrapes that were missing or not available in previous sites.

            results: Existing results dict from previous scrapes
            newResults: Result dict from most recent scrape

            Updated dict of result fields
            log.debug("Before merging results: %s vs %s" % (list(results.items()), list(newResults.items())))
            # Retain any existing key values that aren't an empty list, overwrite all others
            z = dict(list(newResults.items()) + list(dict((k, v) for k, v in list(results.items()) if len(v) > 0).items()))
            log.debug("After merging results: %s" % list(z.items()))
            return z
        except Exception as e:
            # Return original results without doing anything
            log.warn("Error when merging results: %s" % e)
            return results
コード例 #42
    def get_platform_for_scraper(self, platformname):
        """Get the platform identifier used on the corresponding website.

            platformname: The RCB platform name

            String that is the identifier for the platform on the corresponding website.

            #HACK: use same platform mapping for thegamesdb and legacy.thegamesdb
            #remove, when thegamesdbs update process is finished
            ix = self.pmaps.index(self._name)
        except ValueError:
            # Did not find a mapping
            log.warn("Did not find a platform mapping for {0}".format(
            ix = 0

        return self.consoleDict[platformname][ix]
コード例 #43
ファイル: matcher.py プロジェクト: bruny/romcollectionbrowser
	def resolveParseResult(self, result, itemName):

		resultValue = ""

			resultValue = result[itemName][0]
			resultValue = util.html_unescape(resultValue)
			resultValue = resultValue.strip()
			# unescape ugly html encoding from websites
			resultValue = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(resultValue)

		except Exception as e:
			# log.warn("Error while resolving item: " + itemName + " : " + str(exc))
			log.warn("Error while resolving item: {0} : {1} {2}".format(itemName, type(e), str(e)))

			log.debug("Result " + itemName + " = " + resultValue)

		return resultValue
コード例 #44
	def _parse_covers_result(self, response):
		result = {}
		covergroups = response['cover_groups']

		if len(covergroups) == 0:
			log.warn("No covers found in mobygames response")
			return result
		#HACK: always use the first covergroup. We could add an option to search for specific region covers
		covergroup = covergroups[0]
		for cover in covergroup['covers']:
			if cover['scan_of'] == 'Front Cover':
				result['Filetypeboxfront'] = [cover['image']]
			elif cover['scan_of'] == 'Back Cover':
				result['Filetypeboxback'] = [cover['image']]
			elif cover['scan_of'] == 'Media':
				result['Filetypecartridge'] = [cover['image']]
		return result
コード例 #45
    def insertForeignKeyItemList(self, result, itemName, gdbObject):
        idList = []

            itemList = result[itemName]
            log.info("Result %s = %s" % (itemName, itemList))
        except KeyError:
            log.warn("Error while resolving item: %s" % itemName)
            return idList

        for item in itemList:
            itemRow = gdbObject.getOneByName(item)
            if itemRow is None:
                log.info("%s does not exist in database. Insert: %s" % (itemName, item.encode('utf-8')))


        return idList
コード例 #46
	def _parse_game_result(self, response):
		""" response is expected to be a JSON object """
		result = {}

		# Standard fields
		for k, v in self._game_mapping.items():
				# HACK - for compatibility we need to put each result in an array
				# result[k] = response[v]
				result[k] = [response[v]]
			except KeyError as k:
				log.warn("Unable to find key: {0}".format(k))
			except Exception as e:
				log.warn("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(e))

		# Custom fields (i.e. ones that require special handling)
		result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(response['genres'])

		# FIXME TODO Publisher is in releases.companies.@role="Published by"?

		return result
コード例 #47
    def _parse_covers_result(self, response):

        result = {}

        covergroups = response['cover_groups']

        if len(covergroups) == 0:
            log.warn("No covers found in mobygames response")
            return result

        #HACK: always use the first covergroup. We could add an option to search for specific region covers
        covergroup = covergroups[0]
        for cover in covergroup['covers']:
            if cover['scan_of'] == 'Front Cover':
                result['Filetypeboxfront'] = [cover['image']]
            elif cover['scan_of'] == 'Back Cover':
                result['Filetypeboxback'] = [cover['image']]
            elif cover['scan_of'] == 'Media':
                result['Filetypecartridge'] = [cover['image']]

        return result
コード例 #48
    def _parse_game_result(self, response):
        """ response is expected to be a JSON object """
        result = {}

        # Standard fields
        for k, v in self._game_mapping.items():
                # HACK - for compatibility we need to put each result in an array
                # result[k] = response[v]
                result[k] = [response[v]]
            except KeyError:
                log.warn("Unable to find key: {0}".format(k))
            except Exception as e:
                log.warn("Unable to extract data from key {0}".format(e))

        # Custom fields (i.e. ones that require special handling)
        result['Genre'] = self._parse_genres(response['genres'])

        # FIXME TODO Publisher is in releases.companies.@role="Published by"?

        return result
コード例 #49
    def _parse_search_results(self, response):
        """ response is expected to be a JSON object """
        log.debug("Parsing response for search results: {0}".format(response))
        results = []

        if response['number_of_total_results'] == 0:
            log.warn("No results found")
            return results

        for result in response['results']:
                year = self._parse_date(result['release_date'])
                    'id': result['guid'],
                    'title': result['name'],
                    'releaseDate': year,
                    'SearchKey': [result['name']]
            except KeyError:
                log.warn("Unable to find expected field in response")
            except Exception as e:
                log.warn("Error parsing field: {0}".format(e))

        log.debug("Found {0} results using requests JSON parser: {1}".format(
            len(results), results))
        return results
コード例 #50
	def __copyLauncherScriptsToUserdata(self):

		oldBasePath = os.path.join(util.getAddonInstallPath(), 'resources', 'scriptfiles')
		newBasePath = os.path.join(util.getAddonDataPath(), 'scriptfiles')

		files = []
		# Copy applaunch shell script/batch file
		if self.env == 'win32':

		# Copy VBS files
		if self.env == 'win32' and __addon__.getSetting(util.SETTING_RCB_USEVBINSOLOMODE).lower() == 'true':
			files += ['applaunch-vbs.bat', 'LaunchKodi.vbs', 'Sleep.vbs']

		for f in files:
			if not xbmcvfs.exists(os.path.join(newBasePath, f)):
				log.debug("Copying file {0} from {1} to {2}".format(f, oldBasePath, newBasePath))
				if not xbmcvfs.copy(os.path.join(oldBasePath, f), os.path.join(newBasePath, f)):
					log.warn("Error copying file")
コード例 #51
    def update(self, columns, argsOrig, obj_id, updateWithNullValues):

        if len(columns) != len(argsOrig):
            log.warn("len columns != len args in gdb.update()")

        args = []
        updateString = "Update %s SET " % self.tableName
        for i in range(0, len(columns)):

            #don't update with empty values
            if not updateWithNullValues and (argsOrig[i] == '' or argsOrig[i] == None):

            if i > 0:
                updateString += ", "

            updateString += columns[i] + " = ?"

        updateString += " WHERE id = " + str(obj_id)
        self.gdb.cursor.execute(updateString, args)
コード例 #52
	def _parse_search_results(self, response):
		""" response is expected to be a JSON object """
		log.debug("Parsing response for search results: {0}".format(response))
		results = []

		if response['number_of_total_results'] == 0:
			log.warn("No results found")
			return results

		for result in response['results']:
				year = self._parse_date(result['release_date'])
				results.append({'id': result['guid'],
								'title': result['name'],
								'releaseDate': year,
								'SearchKey': [result['name']]})
			except KeyError as k:
				log.warn("Unable to find expected field in response")
			except Exception as e:
				log.warn("Error parsing field: {0}".format(e))

		log.debug("Found {0} results using requests JSON parser: {1}".format(len(results), results))
		return results
コード例 #53
                        log.error("Could not create artwork directory: '%s'" % dirname)
                        xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(util.localize(32010), util.localize(32011))
                        del dirname
                        return False, artworkurls

            log.info("File %s does not exist, starting download" % fileName)
            # Dialog Status Art Download

            # Update progress dialog to state we are downloading art
                msg = "%s: %s" % (util.localize(32123), self._guiDict["gameNameKey"])
                submsg = "%s - downloading art" % self._guiDict["scraperSiteKey"][thumbKey]
                self._gui.writeMsg(self._guiDict["dialogHeaderKey"], msg, submsg, self._guiDict["fileCountKey"])
            except KeyError:
                log.warn("Unable to retrieve key from GUI dict")

                self.download_thumb(thumbUrl, fileName)

            except Exception, (exc):
                log.error("Could not create file: '%s'. Error message: '%s'" % (fileName, exc))
                # xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(util.localize(32012), util.localize(32011))
                return False, artworkurls

            Logutil.log("Download finished.", util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)

        except Exception, (exc):
            log.warn("Error in getThumbFromOnlineSource: %s" % exc)

        return True, artworkurls
コード例 #54
    def getThumbFromOnlineSource(self, gamedescription, fileType, fileName, artworkurls):
        log.info("Get thumb from online source")

            # maybe we got a thumb url from desc parser
            thumbKey = 'Filetype' + fileType
            log.info("using key: %s" % thumbKey)
            thumbUrl = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, thumbKey)
            if thumbUrl == '':
                return True, artworkurls

            artworkurls[fileType] = thumbUrl

            log.info("Get thumb from url: %s" % thumbUrl)

            rootExtFile = os.path.splitext(fileName)
            rootExtUrl = os.path.splitext(thumbUrl)

            files = []
            if len(rootExtUrl) == 2 and len(rootExtFile) != 0:
                fileName = rootExtFile[0] + rootExtUrl[1]
                gameName = rootExtFile[0] + ".*"
                files = self.getFilesByWildcard(gameName)
            del rootExtFile, rootExtUrl

            if len(files) > 0:
                log.info("File already exists. Won't download again.")
                return True, artworkurls

            # Create folder if it doesn't already exist
            dirname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fileName), '')  # Add the trailing slash that xbmcvfs.exists expects
            log.debug("Checking for artwork directory %s" % dirname)
            if KodiVersions.getKodiVersion() >= KodiVersions.KRYPTON:
                exists = xbmcvfs.exists(dirname)
                exists = os.path.exists(dirname)
            if not exists:
                log.info("Artwork directory %s doesn't exist, creating it" % dirname)
                success = xbmcvfs.mkdirs(dirname)
                log.info("Directory successfully created: %s" %success)
                if not success:
                    #HACK: check if directory was really not created.
                    directoryExists = xbmcvfs.exists(dirname)
                    log.info("Directory exists: %s" %directoryExists)
                    if not directoryExists:
                        log.error("Could not create artwork directory: '%s'" % dirname)
                        xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(util.localize(32010), util.localize(32011))
                        del dirname
                        return False, artworkurls

            log.info("File %s does not exist, starting download" % fileName)
            # Dialog Status Art Download

            # Update progress dialog to state we are downloading art
                msg = "%s: %s" % (util.localize(32123), self._guiDict["gameNameKey"])
                submsg = "%s - downloading art" % self._guiDict["scraperSiteKey"][thumbKey]
                self._gui.writeMsg(self._guiDict["dialogHeaderKey"], msg, submsg, self._guiDict["fileCountKey"])
            except KeyError:
                log.warn("Unable to retrieve key from GUI dict")

                self.download_thumb(thumbUrl, fileName)

            except Exception, (exc):
                log.error("Could not create file: '%s'. Error message: '%s'" % (fileName, exc))
                # xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(util.localize(32012), util.localize(32011))
                return False, artworkurls

            Logutil.log("Download finished.", util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
コード例 #55
		elif len(names) > 1:
			log.info("The Archive has %d files" % len(names))
			chosenROM = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Choose a ROM', names)
		elif len(names) == 1:
			log.info("Archive only has one file inside; picking that one")
			chosenROM = 0
			log.error("Archive had no files inside!")
			return []

		if chosenROM != -1:
			# Extract all files to %TMP%
			archives = self.__getArchives(filext, rom, names)
			if archives is None:
				log.warn("Error handling compressed file")
				return []
			for archive in archives:
				newPath = os.path.join(tempDir, archive[0])
				log.info("Putting extracted file in %s" % newPath)
				fo = open(str(newPath), 'wb')

			# Point file name to the chosen file and continue as usual
			roms = [os.path.join(tempDir, names[chosenROM])]

		return roms

	def __replacePlaceholdersInParams(self, emuParams, rom, gameRow):
コード例 #56
    def updateDB(self, gdb, gui, romCollections, isRescrape):
        self.gdb = gdb
        self._gui = gui

        log.info("Start Update DB")

        log.info("Iterating Rom Collections")
        rccount = 1

        # always do full reimports when in rescrape-mode
        enableFullReimport = isRescrape or __addon__.getSetting(util.SETTING_RCB_ENABLEFULLREIMPORT).upper() == 'TRUE'
        log.info("enableFullReimport: {0}".format(enableFullReimport))

        continueUpdate = True
        # Added variable to allow user to continue on errors
        ignoreErrors = False

        for romCollection in romCollections.values():

            # timestamp1 = time.clock()

            # check if import was canceled
            if not continueUpdate:
                log.info("Game import canceled")

            # prepare Header for ProgressDialog
            progDialogRCHeader = util.localize(32122) + " (%i / %i): %s" % (
            rccount, len(romCollections), romCollection.name)
            rccount += 1

            log.info("current Rom Collection: {0}".format(romCollection.name))

            # Read settings for current Rom Collection
            log.info("ignoreOnScan: {0}".format(romCollection.ignoreOnScan))
            if romCollection.ignoreOnScan:
                log.info("current Rom Collection will be ignored.")
                # self.scrapeResultsFile.write('Rom Collection will be ignored.\n')

            log.info("update is allowed for current rom collection: {0}".format(romCollection.allowUpdate))
            log.info("max folder depth: {0}".format(romCollection.maxFolderDepth))

            files = self.getRomFilesByRomCollection(romCollection, enableFullReimport)
            if len(files) == 0:
                log.info(u"No files found for rom collection {0}, skipping".format(romCollection.name))

            log.info(u"Found {0} game files for rom collection {1}".format(len(files), romCollection.name))

            # itemCount is used for percentage in ProgressDialogGUI
            self._gui.itemCount = len(files) + 1

            successfulFiles = 0
            lastgamename = ''
            lastGameId = None

            for fileidx, filename in enumerate(files):

                    #Give kodi a chance to interrupt the process
                    #HACK: we should use monitor.abortRequested() or monitor.waitForAbort()
                    #but for some reason only xbmc.abortRequested returns True
                    if monitor.abortRequested() or xbmc.abortRequested:
                        log.info("Kodi requests abort. Cancel Update.")

                    log.info("Scraping for %s" % filename)
                    gamenameFromFile = romCollection.getGamenameFromFilename(filename)

                    # check if we are handling one of the additional disks of a multi rom game
                    isMultiRomGame = (gamenameFromFile == lastgamename)
                    lastgamename = gamenameFromFile

                    if isMultiRomGame:
                        # Add this entry as a file under the game ID and move on
                        log.info("Detected %s as a multirom game (previous game was %s)" % (filename, lastgamename))
                        if lastGameId is None:
                            log.error("Game detected as multi rom game, but lastGameId is None.")
                        fileType = FileType()
                        fileType.id, fileType.name, fileType.parent = 0, "rcb_rom", "game"
                        self.insertFile(filename, lastGameId, fileType, None, None, None)
                        del fileType

                    log.info("Start scraping info for game: %s" % gamenameFromFile)

                    continueUpdate = self._gui.writeMsg(progDialogRCHeader,
                                                        util.localize(32123) + ": " + gamenameFromFile, "", fileidx + 1)
                    if not continueUpdate:
                        log.info("Game import canceled by user")

                    # check if this file already exists in DB
                    continueUpdate, isUpdate, gameId = self.checkRomfileAlreadyExists(filename, enableFullReimport)
                    if not continueUpdate:

                    results = {}
                    foldername = self.getFoldernameFromRomFilename(filename)

                    artScrapers = {}
                    results, artScrapers = self.useSingleScrapers(romCollection, filename, gamenameFromFile,
                                                                      progDialogRCHeader, fileidx + 1)

                    if len(results) == 0:
                        # lastgamename = ""
                        results = None

                    # Variables to process Art Download Info
                    self._guiDict.update({'dialogHeaderKey': progDialogRCHeader, 'gameNameKey': gamenameFromFile,
                                          'scraperSiteKey': artScrapers, 'fileCountKey': (fileidx + 1)})
                    del artScrapers

                    #Give kodi a chance to interrupt the process
                    #HACK: we should use monitor.abortRequested() or monitor.waitForAbort()
                    #but for some reason only xbmc.abortRequested returns True
                    if monitor.abortRequested() or xbmc.abortRequested:
                        log.info("Kodi requests abort. Cancel Update.")

                    # Add 'gui' and 'dialogDict' parameters to function
                    lastGameId = self.insertGameFromDesc(results, gamenameFromFile, romCollection, [filename],
                                                         foldername, isUpdate, gameId)
                    del results, foldername

                    if lastGameId is not None:
                        log.info("Successfully added %s" % gamenameFromFile)
                        successfulFiles += 1

                    # Check if all first 10 games have errors - Modified to allow user to continue on errors
                    if fileidx > 9 and successfulFiles == 0 and not ignoreErrors:
                        options = [util.localize(32124), util.localize(32125), util.localize(32126)]
                        answer = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(util.localize(32127), options)
                        if answer == 1:
                            # Continue and ignore errors
                            ignoreErrors = True
                        elif answer == 2:
                            # Cancel
                            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(util.SCRIPTNAME, util.localize(32128), util.localize(32129))
                            continueUpdate = False

                except ScraperExceededAPIQuoteException as ke:
                    xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(util.localize(32128), "The API key for a scraper was exceeded")
                    # Abort the scraping entirely
                except Exception as exc:
                    log.warn(u"An error occurred while adding game %s: %s" % (gamenameFromFile, exc))


        # timestamp2 = time.clock()
        # diff = (timestamp2 - timestamp1) * 1000
        # print "load %i games in %d ms" % (self.getListSize(), diff)

        self._gui.writeMsg("Done.", "", "", self._gui.itemCount)
        log.info("Update finished")
        return True, ''
コード例 #57
    def insertData(self, gamedescription, gamenameFromFile, romCollection, romFiles, foldername, isUpdate, gameId):
        log.info("Insert data")

        publisher = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Publisher')
        developer = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Developer')
        year = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'ReleaseYear')

        yearId = self.insertForeignKeyItem(gamedescription, 'ReleaseYear', Year(self.gdb))
        genreIds = self.insertForeignKeyItemList(gamedescription, 'Genre', Genre(self.gdb))
        reviewerId = self.insertForeignKeyItem(gamedescription, 'Reviewer', Reviewer(self.gdb))
        publisherId = self.insertForeignKeyItem(gamedescription, 'Publisher', Publisher(self.gdb))
        developerId = self.insertForeignKeyItem(gamedescription, 'Developer', Developer(self.gdb))

        region = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Region')
        media = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Media')
        controller = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Controller')
        players = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Players')
        rating = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Rating')
        votes = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Votes')
        url = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'URL')
        perspective = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Perspective')
        originalTitle = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'OriginalTitle')
        alternateTitle = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'AlternateTitle')
        translatedBy = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'TranslatedBy')
        version = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Version')
        plot = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Description')
        isFavorite = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'IsFavorite')
        if isFavorite == '':
            isFavorite = '0'
        launchCount = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'LaunchCount')
        if launchCount == '':
            launchCount = '0'

        if gamedescription is not None:
            gamename = self.resolveParseResult(gamedescription, 'Game')
            if gamename != gamenameFromFile:
                self.possibleMismatchFile.add_entry(gamename, gamenameFromFile)

            if gamename == "":
                gamename = gamenameFromFile
            gamename = gamenameFromFile

        artWorkFound, artworkfiles, artworkurls = self.getArtworkForGame(romCollection, gamename, gamenameFromFile,
                                                                         gamedescription, foldername, publisher,

        # Create Nfo file with game properties
            genreList = gamedescription.get('Genre', [])
            writer = NfoWriter()
            writer.createNfoFromDesc(gamename, plot, romCollection.name, publisher, developer, year,
                                     players, rating, votes, url, region, media, perspective, controller,
                                     originalTitle, alternateTitle, version, genreList, isFavorite, launchCount,
                                     romFiles[0], gamenameFromFile, artworkfiles, artworkurls)
        except Exception as e:
            log.warn(u"Unable to write NFO file for game %s: %s" % (gamename, e))

        del publisher, developer, year

        gameId = self.insertGame(gamename, plot, romCollection.id, publisherId, developerId, reviewerId, yearId,
                                 players, rating, votes, url, region, media, perspective, controller, originalTitle,
                                 alternateTitle, translatedBy, version, isFavorite, launchCount, isUpdate, gameId,
                                 romCollection.allowUpdate, )

        del plot, players, rating, votes, url, region, media, perspective, controller, originalTitle, alternateTitle, translatedBy, version

        if gameId is None:
            return None

        self.add_genres_to_db(genreIds, gameId)

        self.add_romfiles_to_db(romFiles, gameId)

        for fileType, fileNames in artworkfiles.iteritems():
            for filename in fileNames:
                log.info("Importing artwork file %s = %s" % (fileType.type, filename))
                self.insertFile(filename, gameId, fileType, romCollection.id, publisherId, developerId)

        return gameId
コード例 #58
    def useSingleScrapers(self, romCollection, romFile, gamenameFromFile, progDialogRCHeader, fileCount):
        """Scrape site for game metadata


			dict for the game result:
				{'SearchKey': ['Chrono Trigger'],
				 'Publisher': ['Squaresoft'],
				 'Description': ["The millennium. A portal is opened. The chain of time is broken...],
				 'Players': ['1'],
				 'Platform': ['Super Nintendo (SNES)'],
				 'Game': ['Chrono Trigger'],
				 'Filetypeboxfront': ['http://thegamesdb.net/banners/boxart/original/front/1255-1.jpg'],
				 'Filetypeboxback': ['http://thegamesdb.net/banners/boxart/original/back/1255-1.jpg'],
				 'Filetypescreenshot': ['http://thegamesdb.net/banners/screenshots/1255-1.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/screenshots/1255-2.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/screenshots/1255-3.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/screenshots/1255-4.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/screenshots/1255-5.jpg'],
				 'Filetypefanart': ['http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-1.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-10.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-11.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-2.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-3.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-4.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-5.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-6.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-7.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-8.jpg', 'http://thegamesdb.net/banners/fanart/original/1255-9.jpg'],
				 'Genre': ['Role-Playing'],
				 'Developer': ['Squaresoft']}
			dict for artwork urls:
				{'Filetypefanart': 'thegamesdb.net', 'Filetypeboxback': 'thegamesdb.net', 'Filetypescreenshot': 'thegamesdb.net', 'Filetypeboxfront': 'thegamesdb.net'}
				Note - this only contains entries for artwork that was found (i.e. is not empty list)
        gameresult = {}
        artScrapers = {}

        scraperSite = romCollection.scraperSites[0]

            #first check if a local nfo file is available
            nfoscraper = NFO_Scraper()
            nfofile = nfoscraper.get_nfo_path(gamenameFromFile, romCollection.name, romFile)
            if xbmcvfs.exists(nfofile) and __addon__.getSetting(util.SETTING_RCB_PREFERLOCALNFO).upper() == 'TRUE':
                log.info("Found local nfo file. Using this to scrape info.")
                newscraper = nfoscraper
                newscraper = AbstractScraper().get_scraper_by_name(scraperSite.name)
                #set path to desc file (only useful for offline scrapers)
                newscraper.path = scraperSite.path

            results = newscraper.search(gamenameFromFile, romCollection.name)
            log.debug(u"Searching for %s - found %s results: %s" % (gamenameFromFile, len(results), results))
        except ScraperExceededAPIQuoteException as ke:
            # API key is invalid - we need to stop scraping
            log.error("Scraper exceeded API key, stopping scraping")
        except Exception as e:
            log.error("Error searching for %s using scraper %s - %s %s" % (
            gamenameFromFile, scraperSite.name, type(e), e))
            return gameresult, artScrapers

        if results == []:
            log.warn("No search results found for %s using scraper %s" % (gamenameFromFile, scraperSite.name))
            return gameresult, artScrapers

        matched = Matcher().getBestResults(results, gamenameFromFile)
        if matched is None:
            log.error("No matches found for %s, skipping" % gamenameFromFile)
            return gameresult, artScrapers
        log.debug("After matching: %s" % matched)

            retrievedresult = newscraper.retrieve(matched['id'], romCollection.name)
            log.debug(u"Retrieving %s - found %s" % (matched['id'], retrievedresult))
        except Exception as e:
            # FIXME TODO Catch exceptions specifically
            log.error("Error retrieving %s - %s %s" % (matched['id'], type(e), e))
            return gameresult, artScrapers

        # Update the gameresult with any new fields
        gameresult = self.addNewElements(gameresult, retrievedresult)

        self._gui.writeMsg(progDialogRCHeader, util.localize(32123) + ": " + gamenameFromFile,
                           scraperSite.name + " - " + util.localize(32131), fileCount)

        # Find Filetypes and Scrapers for Art Download
        # FIXME TODO The following is kept to keep artwork downloading working as it currently is. We already have
        # the URLs and so could handle/download here, rather than deferring
        if len(gameresult) > 0:
            for path in romCollection.mediaPaths:
                thumbKey = 'Filetype' + path.fileType.name
                if len(self.resolveParseResult(gameresult, thumbKey)) > 0:
                    if (thumbKey in artScrapers) == 0:
                        artScrapers[thumbKey] = scraperSite.name

        log.debug(u"After scraping, result = %s, artscrapers = %s" % (gameresult, artScrapers))
        return gameresult, artScrapers