コード例 #1
    def unpackTask(s, packedTask):

        # Unpack the task info into its components.
        unpacked = json.loads(packedTask)

        # Convert the job and app contexts to an instances of the Context class.
        ctx = Context(unpacked['ctx'])
        appCtx = Context(ctx.app)

        # Replace ctx.app as a dict with the appCtx Context class instance.
        ctx.app = appCtx

        return unpacked['operation'], unpacked['parms'], ctx
コード例 #2
def reflectionRequest():
    JSON post example
        dataType : "dataTypePointsToAFileInReflectionConfig"
        layout : "layoutTheToMapWillOpenUpOn"
        toMap : "mapToViewReflection"
        map : "Pancan12/SampleMap",
        nodeIds : [id, id, ...],
        rankCategories: True/False,
        dynamicAttrName : "Kindey Isle"
        email: [email protected]
    JSON response on Success from job queue:
            url : "http://aLong/UrlForTheClient/ToViewReflectionOnAMap"
            dataRetrievalUrl : HUB_URL/reflect/attrId/<string:fileId>,
            nNodes : 123
        dataRetrievalUrl is an enpoint to download the calculated file.
        "url" will open a map viewer with the reflection in your
        nNodes is the number of nodes there was data for when
        calculating reflection.
    logging.info('Reflection requested')

    parms = validatePost()
    ctx = Context({'app': appCtx})

    responseDict = reflect_web.preCalc(parms, ctx)

    raise SuccessResp(responseDict)
コード例 #3
def oneByAllLeesLRequest():
    Post example:
        map : "PancanAtlas/SampleMap",
        focusAttr: opts.dynamicData,
        layoutIndex : 1,
        email : Meteor.user().username,
    focusAttr is in this form:
        {"attrName" : { "sampleId" : value}, ... }

    JSON response on Success from job queue:
                [ attributeId, leesL, Rank, Pearson],
        For all attributes on the requested map.
    logging.info('One By All LeesL requested')

    parms = validatePost()
    ctx = Context({'app': appCtx})

    responseDict = statsLayout_web.preCalc(parms, ctx)

    raise SuccessResp(responseDict)
コード例 #4
def oneByAllStatRequest():
    Post example:
        map : "PancanAtlas/SampleMap",
        focusAttr: opts.dynamicData,
        focusAttrDatatype : dType,
        email : Meteor.user().username,
    focusAttr is in this form:
        {"attrName" : { "sampleId" : value}, ... }
    focus attribute datatype is one of:
        ["bin", "cat", "cont"]

    JSON response on Success from job queue:
                [ attributeId, single-test pvalue, BHFDR, bonefonni],
        For all attributes on the requested map.
    logging.info('One By All Stat requested')

    parms = validatePost()
    ctx = Context({'app': appCtx})

    responseDict = statsNoLayout_web.preCalc(parms, ctx)

    raise SuccessResp(responseDict)
コード例 #5
    def test_single_node_individual_urls_false(s):

        # Test that _postCalc() knows how to compose a bookmark from this data
        # returned from the calc routine.

        # Build the data input to the calc routine.
        dataIn = {
            'map': 'unitTest/layoutBasicExp',
            'layout': 'mRNA',
            'individualUrls': False,
            'nodes': {
                'newNode1': {
                    'TP53': 0.54,
                    'ALK': 0.32,

        # Build the calc result.
        ctx = Context({
            'app': appCtx,
            'dataIn': dataIn,
            'layoutIndex': 0,
        result = {
            'nodes': {
                'newNode1': {
                    'x': 73,
                    'y': 91,
                    'neighbors': {
                        'TCGA-BP-4790': 0.352,
                        'TCGA-AK-3458': 0.742,
        status, result = placeNode_web._postCalc(result, ctx)
        #print 'result:', result
        data = result

        s.assertTrue('newNode1' in data['nodes'])
        s.assertTrue('x' in data['nodes']['newNode1'])
        s.assertTrue(data['nodes']['newNode1']['x'] == 73)
        s.assertTrue('neighbors' in data['nodes']['newNode1'])
        s.assertTrue('TCGA-BP-4790' in data['nodes']['newNode1']['neighbors'])
        s.assertTrue(data['nodes']['newNode1']['neighbors']['TCGA-BP-4790'] == \
        bookmarkParm = '/?bookmark='
        sLen = len(s.viewServer) + len(bookmarkParm)
        s.assertTrue(data['nodes']['newNode1']['url'][:sLen] == \
            s.viewServer + bookmarkParm)
コード例 #6
import datetime
import json, requests, time

import www
import unittest
import testUtil as util
from jobQueue import JobQueue
from util_web import Context

# TODO create a dir: out
testDir = os.getcwd()
quePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'out/jobQueue.db')  # database file name
serverQueuePath = os.path.join(os.environ['HEXCALC'],
serverRoot = 'http://'
appCtx = Context({})
serverRoot += os.environ['WWW_SOCKET']

# Results
result1 = {'myResult': 'result1'}
result1unicode = json.loads(json.dumps(result1))

# Error message
errorMsg1 = {"error": "some error"}
errorMsg1trace = {"error": "some error", "stackTrace": "some stackTrace"}

# Seconds to wait for test job to complete
wait = 0.2

retryLimit = 10
コード例 #7
def queryPlaceNodeRoute():
    raise SuccessResp(
        placeNode_web.preCalc(validatePost(), Context({'app': appCtx})))
コード例 #8
def queryOverlayNodesRoute():
    raise SuccessResp(placeNode_web.preCalc(validatePost(),
        Context({'app': appCtx, 'overlayNodes': True})))
コード例 #9
def queryCreateMapRoute():
    raise SuccessResp(
        createMap_web.preCalc(validatePost(), Context({'app': appCtx })))
コード例 #10
def queryJobTestHelperRoute():
    raise SuccessResp(
        jobTestHelper_web.preCalc(validatePost(), Context({'app': appCtx})))
コード例 #11
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

# This tests the dataset database functionality.

import os
import unittest
from util_web import Context
import cellDbInit
import cellDbDataset

testDir = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HEXCALC'), 'www/cellDb/tests')
appCtxDict = {
    'databasePath': os.path.join(testDir, 'out'),
appCtx = Context(appCtxDict)
dbPath = os.path.join(appCtx.databasePath, 'cell.db')

data = [
        'Immune Bone', 'immune bone', 'human', 378000, 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd',
        'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd'
        'Hemotopoietic', 'blood', 'human', 681, 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd',
        'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd'
        'Tabula Muris droplet',
        'Bladder, Heart_and_Aorta, Kidney, Limb_Muscle, Liver, Lung, Mammary_Gland, Marrow, Spleen, Thymus, Tongue, Trachea',
        'mouse: Tabula Muris', 70118, 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd',
        'd', 'd', 'd'
コード例 #12
quePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'out/jobQueue.db')  # database file name

# Job context
ctx2 = 'ctx2'
ctx3 = 'ctx3'

jobStatusUrl = ''

appCtxDict = {
    'dev': int(os.environ.get('DEV', 0)),
    'jobQueuePath': quePath,
    'jobStatusUrl': jobStatusUrl,
    'unitTest': True,
    'adminEmail': '[email protected]',
appCtx = Context(appCtxDict)
appCtxUnicode = json.loads(json.dumps(appCtxDict))

ctx1NoAppUnicode = json.loads(json.dumps({'email': 'user1', 'prop1': 1}))
ctxdict = {'app': appCtx}
ctx1 = Context(ctxdict)
ctx1.prop1 = 1
ctx2 = Context(ctxdict)
ctx2.prop2 = 2
ctx3 = Context(ctxdict)
ctx3.prop3 = 3

# Tasks to execute as stored in the queue.
task1 = '{"ctx":{"app":{"adminEmail":"[email protected]","dev":' + str(
) + ',"jobQueuePath":"' + quePath + '","jobStatusUrl":"' + jobStatusUrl + '","unitTest":true},"email":"user1","prop1":1},"operation":"jobTestHelper","parms":{"parms1":"parms1"}}'
コード例 #13
 def makeRequest(s, name, size):
     fileObj = Context({ 'filename': name, 'size': size })
     return Context({ 'files': { 'file': fileObj } })
コード例 #14
jobStatusUrl = ''

appCtxDict = {
    'adminEmail': os.environ.get('ADMIN_EMAIL'),
    'dataRoot': 'in/dataRoot',
    'debug': os.environ.get('DEBUG', 0),
    'dev': int(os.environ.get('DEV', 0)),
    'hubPath': os.environ.get('HEXCALC'),
    'jobQueuePath': quePath,
    'jobStatusUrl': jobStatusUrl,
    'unitTest': int(os.environ.get('UNIT_TEST', 0)),
    'viewServer': os.environ.get('VIEWER_URL', 'http://hexdev.sdsc.edu'),
appCtxDict['jobQueuePath'] = os.path.join(quePath)
appCtxDict['viewDir'] = os.path.join(appCtxDict['dataRoot'], 'view')
appCtx = Context(appCtxDict)
appCtxUnicode = json.loads(json.dumps(appCtxDict))
ctx1NoAppUnicode = json.loads(json.dumps({'prop1': 1}))
ctxdict = {'app': appCtx}
ctx1 = Context(ctxdict)
ctx1.prop1 = 1

class Test_placeNode(unittest.TestCase):

    # This view server must be running for these tests.
    viewServer = os.environ['VIEWER_URL']
    unprintable = '09'.decode('hex')  # tab character

    def setUp(self):
        self.app = www.app.test_client()