コード例 #1
def getLayoutList(mapId, appCtx):

    # Get the layout IDs of a map.

    # Read the layouts file to get the layouts.
    mapPath = os.path.join(appCtx.dataRoot, 'view', mapId)
    layoutList = []
        with open(os.path.join(mapPath, 'layouts.tab'), 'r') as f:
            f = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
            for row in f:
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception: ', str(e)
        # There may be a file under the older name of "matrixnames.tab".
            with open(os.path.join(mapPath, 'matrixnames.tab'), 'r') as f:
                f = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
                for row in f:
        except Exception as e:
            raise ErrorResp('With the layout list: ' + str(e), 500)

    # No layouts means we're done.
    if len(layoutList) < 1:
        raise ErrorResp('Layouts for map not found.', 404)

    return layoutList
コード例 #2
def oldApi(dataId, request):

    # If the client does not include a file property in the post
    # there is nothing to upload. So bail.
    if 'file' not in request.files:
        raise ErrorResp('No file property provided for upload', 400)

    file = request.files['file']

    # If a browser user does not select a file, the browser submits an
    # empty file property. So bail.
    if file.filename == '':
        raise ErrorResp('No file provided for upload', 400)

    filename = validate.cleanFileName(file.filename)

    appCtx = getAppCtx()
    path = os.path.join(appCtx.dataRoot, dataId)

    # Make the directories if they are not there.
        os.makedirs(path[:path.rfind('/')], 0770)
    except Exception:

    # Save the file
    except Exception:
        raise ErrorResp('Unable to save file: ' + filename, 500)

    return filename
コード例 #3
def _validateInteger (name, data, required=False):
    if name in data:
            val = int(data[name])
        except ValueError:
            raise ErrorResp(name + ' parameter must be an integer')
    elif required: # name is not in data
        raise ErrorResp(name + ' parameter missing or malformed')
コード例 #4
def validatePost():
    if request.headers['Content-Type'] != 'application/json':
        raise ErrorResp('Content-Type must be application/json')
        dataIn = request.get_json()
        raise ErrorResp('Post content is invalid JSON')

    # Validate an optional email address so we know who a job belongs to.

    return dataIn
コード例 #5
def add(email, token, authGroup, major, minor, request):

    # Add a file to the upload directory and its info to the database.
    print '### uploadFile.add()'

    # Validate parms and clean the file name.
    (fileName, fileObj) = _validateUploadFile(
            'email': email,
            'token': token,
            'authGroup': authGroup,
            'major': major,
            'minor': minor,
        }, request)

    # Authenticate and authorize.
    appCtx = getAppCtx()
    _auth(email, token, appCtx)

    # Add the file info to the database.
    db = UploadDb(appCtx.uploadDbPath)
    id = _addDb(email, authGroup, major, minor, fileName, fileObj.size, db)

    # Save the file.
    (status, msg) = _saveFile(fileObj, major, minor, fileName,

    # Update the database status.
    if status == 'success':
        db.updateStatus(id, db.success)
        db.updateStatus(id, db.error)
        raise ErrorResp('Unable to save file: ' + fileName + ': ' + msg, 500)

    return (id, fileName)  # TODO: do we need the ID here?
コード例 #6
def getAttrById(attrId, mapId, appCtx):

    # Get an attribute's values by ID.
    attrIndex = getAttrFilename(attrId, mapId, appCtx)

    # No attr means we're done.
    if attrIndex == None:
        raise ErrorResp('Attribute not found.', 404)

    mapPath = os.path.join(appCtx.dataRoot, 'view', mapId)

    # Get the dataType.
        path = os.path.join(mapPath, 'Layer_Data_Types.tab')
        dataType = None
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            f = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
            # Convert the tsv to a dictionary arrays.
            types = {
            for row in f:
                type = row[0]
                for attr in row:
                    if attr == attrId and type != 'FirstAttribute':
                        dataType = type
    except Exception as e:
        raise ErrorResp('With finding data type for attribute: ' + str(e), 404)

    # Get the values for this attr.
        path = os.path.join(mapPath, attrIndex)
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            f = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
            # Convert the tsv to a dictionary of two arrays.
            nodes = []
            values = []
            for j, row in enumerate(f.__iter__()):
                values.append(stringToFloatOrInt(row[1], dataType))
    except Exception as e:
        raise ErrorResp('With retrieving the attribute data: ' + str(e), 404)
    return { 'dataType': dataType, 'nodes': nodes, 'values': values }
コード例 #7
def _dataIdOrUrl (dataId, url, data, required=False):
    if dataId in data:
        _validateString(dataId, data)
        _validatePathName(data[dataId], dataId)
    elif url in data:
        _validateString(url, data)
    elif required:
        raise ErrorResp(
            dataId + ' or ' + url + ' parameter missing or malformed')
コード例 #8
def deleteMap(mapId, userEmail=None, userRole=[]):

    # Verify this is from the allowed view server
    if not request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] in appCtx.viewServerAddrs and \
        not request.environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] in appCtx.viewServerAddrs:
        raise ErrorResp('', 404)
    raise SuccessResp(
        projectEdit.delete(mapId, userEmail, _urlParmToList(userRole), appCtx))
コード例 #9
def _highlightAttrNodeInner(data, appCtx):
    # Validate data
    validate.map(data, required=True)
    if not 'attributes' in data and not 'nodes' in data:
        raise ErrorResp('One or both of the parameters, ' + \
            '"attributes" and "nodes" must be provided.', 400)
    # Fill the required state for the bookmark.
    state = { 'page': 'mapPage', 'project': data['map'] + '/' }

    if 'layout' in data:
        state['layoutName'] = data['layout']

    if 'nodes' in data:
        # Create a dynamic attribute of the node list for the state.
        attrData = {}
        for node in data['nodes']:
            attrData[node] = 1
        state['dynamicAttrs'] = {
            'yourNodes': {
                'data': attrData,
                'dataType': 'binary',
        state['shortlist'] = ['yourNodes']

        # Add the filter so the given nodes are highlighted on any attributes.
        state['shortEntry.filter'] = {
            'yourNodes': {
                'by': 'category',
                'value': [1],

    if 'attributes' in data:
        # Add the provided attributes to the shortlist state.
        if 'nodes' in data:
            state['shortlist'] += data['attributes']
            state['shortlist'] = data['attributes']
        # Set the active attr state to the first attribute in the data.
        state['activeAttrs'] = [data['attributes'][0]]
        # Without attrs provided, set the active attr state to the new attr of
        # nodes just created.
        state['activeAttrs'] = [state['shortlist'][0]]

    return state
コード例 #10
def updateColor():

    # Verify this is from the allowed view server.
    # TODO why not use the view server name and certificate here,
    # rather than the IP addr?
    if not request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] in appCtx.viewServerAddrs and \
        not request.environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] in appCtx.viewServerAddrs:
        raise ErrorResp('', 404)
    raise SuccessResp(projectEdit.updateColor(validatePost(), appCtx))
コード例 #11
def map(data, required):
    _validateString('map', data, required)

    # Is the name file-safe?
    val = data['map']
    slashCount = val.count('/')
    if slashCount > 1:
        raise ErrorResp('map IDs may not contain more than one slash')
        _validateFileName(val, 'map', allowSlash=True)
コード例 #12
ファイル: job.py プロジェクト: Stuartlab-UCSC/hexmap-data
def getStatus(id, queuePath):

    # Retrieve the status and result of the given job ID.
    # @param id: the job ID
    # @param queuePath: the job queue path
    # @returns: a dict of the form: {'status': <status>, 'result': <dict>}
    #           where result is None if the job is not found;
    #           only Success and Error may have an optional result; if
    #           there is no result, no result property is returned
    statusResult = JobQueue(queuePath).getStatus(id)
    if statusResult == None:
        raise ErrorResp('unknown job ID of: ' + str(id))
    return statusResult
コード例 #13
def _validateUploadFile(data, request):

    # If the client does not include a file property in the post
    # there is nothing to upload. So bail.
    if 'file' not in request.files:
        raise ErrorResp('No file property provided for upload', 400)

    # If a browser user does not select a file, the browser submits an
    # empty file property. So bail.
    fileObj = request.files['file']
    if fileObj.filename == '':
        raise ErrorResp('No file provided for upload', 400)


    # Remove any strange characters from the fileName
    cleanFileName = validate.cleanFileName(file.filename)
    return (cleanFileName, fileObj)
コード例 #14
def _validateStringChars(val, name):
    Look for any non-printable characters in a string value, non-printables are
    ascii decimal codes 0-31 and 127-255.
    @param  val: the string value
    @param name: the name of the parameter
    @return: nothing or raise an ErrorResp
    regex = r'[\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]'
    search = re.search(regex, val)
    if not search == None:
        raise ErrorResp(name +
            ' parameter should only contain printable characters')
コード例 #15
def getAttrList(mapId, appCtx):

    # Read the layer summary file to find the attr IDs.
    mapPath = os.path.join(appCtx.dataRoot, 'view', mapId)
    attrList = []
        with open(os.path.join(mapPath, 'layers.tab'), 'r') as f:
            f = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
            for row in f:
    except Exception as e:
        raise ErrorResp('Retrieving attribute list: ' + str(e), 500)

    return attrList
コード例 #16
def _validateParms(data):
    Validate the query.
    @param data: data received in the http post request
    @return: nothing
    # Basic checks on required parameters
    validate.map(data, True)
    validate.layout(data, True)
    if 'nodes' not in data:
        raise ErrorResp('nodes parameter missing or malformed')
    if not isinstance(data['nodes'], dict):
        raise ErrorResp('nodes parameter should be a dictionary')
    if len(data['nodes'].keys()) < 1:
        raise ErrorResp('there are no nodes in the nodes dictionary')

    # Basic checks on optional parameters
    if 'neighborCount' in data and \
        (not isinstance(data['neighborCount'], int) or \
        data['neighborCount'] < 1):
        raise ErrorResp('neighborCount parameter should be a positive integer')
コード例 #17
def _validateString(name, data, required=False, arrayAllowed=False):
    Validate a string or an array of strings.
    @param         name: the name of the property in the data
    @param         data: the object in which the property resides
    @param     required: this property is required in the data, optional,
                         defaults to false
    @param arrayAllowed: an array of strings are allowed for this property,
                         optional, defaults to false
    @return: nothing or raise an ErrorResp
    if name in data:
        val = data[name]
        if isinstance(val, types.StringTypes):
            if len(val) < 1:
                raise ErrorResp(name +
                    ' parameter must have a string length greater than one')
            _validateStringChars(val, name)
            # This is not a string, but maybe an array.
            if arrayAllowed:
                if not isinstance(val, list):
                    raise ErrorResp(name +
                        ' parameter should be a string or an array of strings')
                # Check each string in the array
                for value in val:
                    if not isinstance(value, types.StringTypes):
                        raise ErrorResp(name +
                            ' parameter should be a string or an array of strings')
                    _validateStringChars(value, name)
                raise ErrorResp(name + ' parameter should be a string')

    elif required: # name is not in data
        raise ErrorResp(name + ' parameter missing or malformed')
コード例 #18
def getAttrFilename(attrId, mapId, appCtx):

    # Read the layer summary file to find the attr file name.
    mapPath = os.path.join(appCtx.dataRoot, 'view', mapId)
    attrIndex = None
        with open(os.path.join(mapPath, 'layers.tab'), 'r') as f:
            f = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
            for row in f:
                if row[0] == attrId:
                    attrIndex = row[1]
    except Exception as e:
        raise ErrorResp('With the attribute summary: ' + str(e), 500)

    return attrIndex
コード例 #19
def getReflectionMetadata(mapId):
    """Get data needed for client have reflection available."""
    majorId, minorId = getProjMajor(mapId), getProjMinor(mapId)
    reflectJson = getReflectJson()
    dataTypes = getDataTypes(majorId, reflectJson)

    toMapIds = getToMapIds(mapId, reflectJson)
    metadata = {
        "dataTypes": dataTypes,
        "toMapIds": toMapIds
    if toMapIds is None and dataTypes is None:
        raise ErrorResp(
            "Reflection meta data for this map is not found.",

    return metadata
コード例 #20
def getFirstAttr(mapId, appCtx):

    # Get the dataType file which also contains the first attribute.
        mapPath = os.path.join(appCtx.dataRoot, 'view', mapId)
        path = os.path.join(mapPath, 'Layer_Data_Types.tab')
        first = None
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            f = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
            for row in f:
                type = row[0]
                for attr in row:
                    if type == 'FirstAttribute':
                        first = row[1]
    except Exception as e:
        raise ErrorResp('With finding default first attribute: ' + str(e), 404)

    return first
コード例 #21
def _getProjectRoles(project, viewDir):
    roles = None
    jsonStr = ''
        # Look for a meta file containing roles with access to this project.
        with open(os.path.join(viewDir, project, 'meta.json'), 'rU') as f:
            jsonStr = f.read()
        # There is no meta data for this project, so no roles.
        return []
        meta = json.loads(jsonStr)
        roles = meta['role']
        # Bad json in the meta data.
        raise ErrorResp('bad json in meta data for map: ' + project)
        return []

    return _rolesToList(roles)
コード例 #22
def _saveFile(fileObj, major, minor, fileName, uploadPath):

    # Make the full path to save the file.
    path = makeFullPath(major, fileName, minor, uploadPath)

    # Make the directories if they are not there, read/writable by group.
        os.makedirs(path[:path.rfind('/')], 0770)
    except Exception:

    # Save the file.
    except Exception(error):
        return ('error', error)
        db.updateStatus(id, db.error)
        raise ErrorResp('Unable to save file: ' + fileName, 500)

    return ('success', None)
コード例 #23
def _validateFileName (dirty, name, allowSlash=False):
    check to be sure this is a file-safe name without any problem characters
    Valid characters:
        a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), dot (.), underscore (_)
    All other characters are replaced with underscores.
    @param dirty: the string to check
    @param name: the data property name
    @param allowSlash: allow a slash (/) in the string for paths
    @return: nothing or raise an ErrorResp
    msg = name + ' parameter may only contain the characters:' + \
            ' a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), dot (.), underscore (_)'
    if allowSlash:
        regex = fileSlashRegEx
        msg += ', slash (/)'
        regex = fileRegEx

    search = re.search(regex, dirty)
    if not search == None:
        raise ErrorResp(msg)
コード例 #24
def dataRouteInner(dataId, ok404=False):

    # Not using flask's send_file() as it mangles files larger than 32k.
    # Not using flask's GET because we need to capture 404-file-not-found
    # errors in the case that is ok with the client and return success.
        with open(os.path.join(appCtx.dataRoot, dataId)) as f:
            data = f.read()
            result = Response(
                headers={'Content-disposition': 'attachment'})
    except IOError:
        if ok404:
            result = Response(
                headers={'Content-disposition': 'attachment'})
            raise SuccessRespNoJson(result)
            raise ErrorResp('File not found or other IOError', 404)

    raise SuccessRespNoJson(result)
コード例 #25
def neighborCount (data):
    name = 'neighborCount'
    _validateInteger (name, data)
    if name in data:
        if data[name] < 1 or data[name] > 30:
            raise ErrorResp('neighborCount parameter must be within the range, 1-30')
コード例 #26
def authorize(project, userEmail, userRole, viewDir):

    # Check for authorization to edit this map.
    auth = projectList.authorize(project, userEmail, userRole, viewDir)
    if auth['authorized'] != 'edit':
        raise ErrorResp('', 404)
コード例 #27
def byteSize (data):
    name = 'byteSize'
    _validateInteger (name, data)
    if name not in data:
        raise ErrorResp('byteSize parameter is required')