コード例 #1
ファイル: least_squares.py プロジェクト: jjakeman/pyheat
def least_squares_leave_one_out_error( A, b ):
    M, N = A.shape
    assert b.ndim == 1
    assert M == b.shape[0]

    x = ridge_regression( A, b )

    # Compute the residual
    r = b - numpy.dot( A, x )

    # Compute the leave one out cross validation error
    e = numpy.empty( ( M ), numpy.double )

    AtA_inv = numpy.linalg.inv ( numpy.dot( A.T, A ) )
    H = numpy.dot( A, numpy.dot( AtA_inv, A.T ) )

    print e
    print r
    print H
    for i in xrange( M ):
        e[i] = r[i] / ( 1. - H[i,i] )

    return x, r, e
コード例 #2
     def xtest_grid_search_cross_validation( self ):

          f_1d = lambda x: x**10

          build_pts = numpy.linspace(-.85,.9,14)
          build_pts = numpy.atleast_2d( build_pts )
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to Gaussian Process
          num_dims = 1
          func_domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, [[-1,1]] )
          GP = GaussianProcess()
          GP.set_verbosity( 0 )
          GP.function_domain( func_domain )

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, GP )
          CV.run( build_pts, build_vals )         
          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          for i in xrange( build_pts.shape[1] ):
               if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
               elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
               else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
               train_pts = build_pts[:,J]
               train_vals = build_vals[J,:]
               GP.build( train_pts, train_vals )
               pred_vals = GP.evaluate_set( build_pts )
               assert numpy.allclose( build_vals[i,0]-pred_vals[i],
                                      CV.residuals[0][i] )

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to polynomial chaos
          # expansions that are built using ridge regression
          # The vandermonde matrix is built from scratch every time by the pce
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce )
          CV.run( build_pts, build_vals )

          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
          for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
               if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
               elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
               else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
               A =  V[J,:]
               b = build_vals[J,:]
               x = ridge_regression( A, b )
               assert numpy.allclose( (build_vals[i,0]-numpy.dot( V, x ))[i],
                                      CV.residuals[0][i] )

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to polynomial chaos
          # expansions that are built using ridge regression
          # Specifying  parse_cross_validation_data = True will ensure that 
          # the vandermonde matrix is not built from scratch every time by 
          # the pce
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce, 
                                          use_predictor_cross_validation = True)
          CV.run( build_pts, build_vals )

          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
          for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
               if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
               elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
               else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
               A =  V[J,:]
               b = build_vals[J,:]
               x = ridge_regression( A, b )
               assert numpy.allclose( (build_vals[i,0]-numpy.dot( V, x ))[i],
                                      CV.residuals[0][i] )

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to polynomial chaos
          # expansions that are built using ridge regression
          # A closed form for the cross validation residual is used
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce, 
                                     use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                     use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = True )
          CV.run( build_pts, build_vals )

          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
          for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
               if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
               elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
               else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
               A =  V[J,:]
               b = build_vals[J,:]
               x = ridge_regression( A, b )
               assert numpy.allclose( (build_vals[i,0]-numpy.dot( V, x ))[i],
                                      CV.residuals[0][i] )

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to polynomial chaos
          # expansions that are built using ridge regression
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          max_order = build_pts.shape[1]
          orders = numpy.arange( 1, max_order )
          lamda = numpy.array( [0.,1e-3,1e-2,1e-1] )
          # note cartesian product takes type from first array in 1d sets
          # so if I use orders first lamda will be rounded to 0
          cv_params_grid_array = cartesian_product( [lamda,orders] )

          cv_params_grid = []
          for i in xrange( cv_params_grid_array.shape[0] ):
               cv_params = {}
               cv_params['lambda'] = cv_params_grid_array[i,0]
               cv_params['order'] = numpy.int32( cv_params_grid_array[i,1] )
               cv_params_grid.append( cv_params )

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce, 
                                    use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                    use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = False )
          CV.run( build_pts, build_vals, cv_params_grid )

          k = 0
          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          for cv_params in cv_params_grid:
               order = cv_params['order']
               lamda = cv_params['lambda']
               pce.set_order( order )
               V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
               for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
                    if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
                    elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
                    else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
                    A =  V[J,:]
                    b = build_vals[J,:]
                    x = ridge_regression( A, b, lamda = lamda )
                    assert numpy.allclose( ( build_vals[i,0]-
                                             numpy.dot( V, x ) )[i],
                                           CV.residuals[k][i] )
               k += 1

          print 'best',CV.best_cv_params

          # Test grid search cross validation when applied to 
          # expansions that are built using a step based method
          # ( LARS )
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          max_order = build_pts.shape[1]
          orders = numpy.arange( 1, max_order )
          lamda = numpy.array( [0.,1e-3,1e-2,1e-1] )
          # note cartesian product takes type from first array in 1d sets
          # so if I use orders first lamda will be rounded to 0
          cv_params_grid_array = cartesian_product( [lamda,orders] )

          cv_params_grid = []
          for i in xrange( cv_params_grid_array.shape[0] ):
               cv_params = {}
               cv_params['solver'] = 4 # LARS
               cv_params['order'] = numpy.int32( cv_params_grid_array[i,1] )
               cv_params_grid.append( cv_params )

          print cv_params_grid

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          #loo_cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( 3 )
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce, 
                                    use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                    use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = False )
          CV.run( build_pts, build_vals, cv_params_grid )

          k = 0
          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          for cv_params in cv_params_grid:
               order = cv_params['order']
               pce.set_order( order )
               V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
               for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
                    if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
                    elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
                    else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
                    A =  V[J,:]
                    b = build_vals[J,:]
                    b = b.reshape( b.shape[0] )
                    x, metrics = least_angle_regression( A, b, 0., 4, 0., 1000, 
                                                         0 )
                    assert numpy.allclose( ( build_vals[i,0]-
                                             numpy.dot( V, x ) )[i],
                                           CV.residuals[k][i] )
               k += 1

          #for i in xrange( len( CV.cv_params_set ) ):
          #     print CV.cv_params_set[i], CV.scores[i]

          print 'best param', CV.best_cv_params
          print 'best score', CV.best_score
          print build_pts.shape[1]

          # ( OMP )
          num_dims = 1
          order = 3
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          max_order = build_pts.shape[1]
          orders = numpy.arange( 1, max_order )
          lamda = numpy.array( [0.,1e-3,1e-2,1e-1] )
          # note cartesian product takes type from first array in 1d sets
          # so if I use orders first lamda will be rounded to 0
          cv_params_grid_array = cartesian_product( [lamda,orders] )

          cv_params_grid = []
          for i in xrange( cv_params_grid_array.shape[0] ):
               cv_params = {}
               cv_params['solver'] = 2 # OMP
               cv_params['order'] = numpy.int32( cv_params_grid_array[i,1] )
               cv_params_grid.append( cv_params )

          print cv_params_grid

          loo_cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator()
          #loo_cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( 3 )
          CV = GridSearchCrossValidation( loo_cv_iterator, pce, 
                                    use_predictor_cross_validation = True,
                                    use_fast_predictor_cross_validation = False )
          CV.run( build_pts, build_vals, cv_params_grid )

          k = 0
          I = numpy.arange( build_pts.shape[1] )
          for cv_params in cv_params_grid:
               order = cv_params['order']
               pce.set_order( order )
               V = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
               for i in xrange( V.shape[0] ):
                    if i == 0 : J = I[1:]
                    elif i == build_pts.shape[1]-1 : J = I[:-1]
                    else: J = numpy.hstack( ( I[:i], I[i+1:] ) )
                    A =  V[J,:]
                    b = build_vals[J,:]
                    b = b.reshape( b.shape[0] )
                    x, metrics = orthogonal_matching_pursuit( A, b, 0., 1000, 0 )
                    assert numpy.allclose( ( build_vals[i,0]-
                                             numpy.dot( V, x ) )[i],
                                           CV.residuals[k][i] )
               k += 1

          #for i in xrange( len( CV.cv_params_set ) ):
          #     print CV.cv_params_set[i], CV.scores[i]

          print 'best param', CV.best_cv_params
          print 'best score', CV.best_score
          print build_pts.shape[1]
コード例 #3
     def test_omp_choloesky( self ):

          f_1d = lambda x: x**10

          num_dims = 1
          order = 20
          func_domain = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, [[-1,1]] )          
          build_pts = numpy.linspace(-.85,.9,14)
          build_pts = numpy.atleast_2d( build_pts )
          build_vals = f_1d( build_pts ).T
          poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
          basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
          pce = PCE( num_dims, basis, order, func_domain )

          all_train_indices = []
          all_validation_indices = []
          cv_iterator = LeaveOneOutCrossValidationIterator( build_pts.shape[1] )
          for train_indices, validation_indices in cv_iterator:
               all_train_indices.append( train_indices )
               all_validation_indices.append( validation_indices )

          vandermonde = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
          out = orthogonal_matching_pursuit_cholesky( vandermonde, 
                                                      0.0, 1000, 0 )

          num_steps = out[1].shape[1]
          # use num_steps -1 bscause leave one out cross validation is
          # invalid when V is underdterimed which happens when i = num_steps.
          for i in xrange( num_steps-1 ):
               I = numpy.asarray( out[1][1,:i+1], dtype = numpy.int32 )
               V = vandermonde[:,I]
               for j in xrange( len( all_validation_indices ) ):
                    J = all_train_indices[j]
                    K = all_validation_indices[j]
                    A =  V[J,:]
                    b = build_vals[J,:]
                    x = ridge_regression( A, b )
                    assert numpy.allclose( ( build_vals[K,0] - 
                                             numpy.dot( V, x )[K,0 ]), 
                                           out[2][i][j] )

          all_train_indices = []
          all_validation_indices = []
          num_folds = 5
          cv_iterator = KFoldCrossValidationIterator( num_folds,
                                                      build_pts.shape[1] )
          for train_indices, validation_indices in cv_iterator:
               all_train_indices.append( train_indices )
               all_validation_indices.append( validation_indices )

          vandermonde = pce.vandermonde( build_pts ).T
          out = orthogonal_matching_pursuit_cholesky( vandermonde, 
                                                      0.0, 1000, 0 )

          num_steps = out[1].shape[1]
          for i in xrange( num_steps-1 ):
               I = numpy.asarray( out[1][1,:i+1], dtype = numpy.int32 )
               V = vandermonde[:,I]
               for j in xrange( len( all_validation_indices ) ):
                    J = all_train_indices[j]
                    K = all_validation_indices[j]
                    A =  V[J,:]
                    b = build_vals[J,:]
                    x = ridge_regression( A, b )
                    if ( len( I ) <= len( J ) ):
                         assert numpy.allclose( ( build_vals[K,0] - 
                                                  numpy.dot( V, x )[K,0] ),
                                                out[2][i][j] )
コード例 #4
ファイル: compressed_sensing.py プロジェクト: jjakeman/pyheat
 def solve( self, A, b ):
      x = ridge_regression( A, b, self.lamda )
      return x.reshape( x.shape[0], 1 ), None