コード例 #1
        def decorated(*args, **kwargs):

            # Recover the auth object
            auth_type, token = self.get_auth_from_header()
            # Base header for errors
            headers = {HTTPAUTH_AUTH_HEADER: self.authenticate_header()}
            # Internal API 'self' reference
            decorated_self = Meta.get_self_reference_from_args(*args)

            if auth_type is None or auth_type.lower() != self._scheme.lower():
                # Wrong authentication string
                msg = "Valid credentials have to be provided " + \
                      "inside Headers, e.g. %s: '%s %s'" % \
                return decorated_self.send_errors(
                    # label="No authentication schema",

            # Handling OPTIONS forwarded to our application:
            # ignore headers and let go, avoid unwanted interactions with CORS
            if request.method != 'OPTIONS':

                # Check authentication
                token_fn = decorated_self.auth.verify_token
                if not self.authenticate(token_fn, token):
                    # Clear TCP receive buffer of any pending data
                    # Mimic the response from a normal endpoint
                    # To use the same standards
                    return decorated_self.send_errors(
                        message="Invalid token received '%s'" % token,

            # Check roles
            if len(roles) > 0:
                roles_fn = decorated_self.auth.verify_roles
                if not self.authenticate_roles(roles_fn, roles,
                    return decorated_self.send_errors(
                        message="You are not authorized: missing privileges",

            return f(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #2
def test():
    meta = Meta()
    cls_name = "Meta"

    import utilities
    modules = meta.get_submodules_from_package(utilities)
    assert "meta" in modules

    sub_modules = meta.import_submodules_from_package("utilities")
    assert sub_modules is not None
    assert isinstance(sub_modules, list)
    assert len(sub_modules) > 0

    module = meta.get_module_from_string("utilities.meta")
    assert module is not None
    assert hasattr(module, cls_name)

    classes = meta.get_classes_from_module(module)
    assert classes is not None
    assert isinstance(classes, dict)
    assert cls_name in classes
    assert classes[cls_name].__name__ == cls_name

    new_classes = meta.get_new_classes_from_module(module)
    assert new_classes is not None
    assert isinstance(new_classes, dict)
    assert cls_name in new_classes
    assert new_classes[cls_name].__name__ == cls_name

    meta_class = meta.get_class_from_string(cls_name, module)
    assert meta_class is not None
    assert meta_class.__name__ == cls_name

    methods = meta.get_methods_inside_instance(meta, private_methods=True)
    assert methods is not None
    assert isinstance(methods, dict)
    # it is a static method
    assert "get_methods_inside_instance" not in methods
    assert "get_authentication_module" in methods

    metacls = meta.metaclassing(Meta, "Test")
    assert metacls is not None
    assert metacls.__name__ == "Test"

    self_ref = meta.get_self_reference_from_args(meta, "test", 1)
    assert self_ref == meta