コード例 #1
def get_db_structure_infos():
    sqlController = SqlController('MD589')
    db_structures = sqlController.get_structures_dict()
    structures = {}
    for structure, v in db_structures.items():
        if '_' in structure:
            structure = structure[0:-2]
        structures[structure] = v
    return structures
コード例 #2
def create_structures(animal):
    This is the important method called from main. This does all the work.
        animal: string to identify the animal/stack

        Nothing, creates a directory of the precomputed volume. Copy this directory somewhere apache can read it. e.g.,

    sqlController = SqlController(animal)
    fileLocationManager = FileLocationManager(animal)
    # Set all relevant directories
    THUMBNAIL_PATH = os.path.join(fileLocationManager.prep, 'CH1', 'thumbnail')
    CSV_PATH = '/net/birdstore/Active_Atlas_Data/data_root/atlas_data/foundation_brain_annotations'
    CLEANED = os.path.join(fileLocationManager.prep, 'CH1', 'thumbnail_cleaned')
    PRECOMPUTE_PATH = f'/net/birdstore/Active_Atlas_Data/data_root/atlas_data/foundation_brain_annotations/{animal}'

    width = sqlController.scan_run.width
    height = sqlController.scan_run.height
    width = int(width * SCALING_FACTOR)
    height = int(height * SCALING_FACTOR)
    aligned_shape = np.array((width, height))
    THUMBNAILS = sorted(os.listdir(THUMBNAIL_PATH))
    num_section = len(THUMBNAILS)
    structure_dict = sqlController.get_structures_dict()
    csvfile = os.path.join(CSV_PATH, f'{animal}_annotation.csv')

    hand_annotations = pd.read_csv(csvfile)
    hand_annotations['vertices'] = hand_annotations['vertices'] \
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace(' ', ','))\
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace('\n',','))\
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace(',]',']'))\
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace(',,', ','))\
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace(',,', ','))\
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace(',,', ',')).apply(lambda x: x.replace(',,', ','))
    hand_annotations['vertices'] = hand_annotations['vertices'].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x))

    structures = list(hand_annotations['name'].unique())
    section_structure_vertices = defaultdict(dict)
    for structure in tqdm(structures):
        contour_annotations, first_sec, last_sec = get_contours_from_annotations(animal, structure, hand_annotations, densify=4)
        for section in contour_annotations:
            section_structure_vertices[section][structure] = contour_annotations[section][structure][1]

    ##### Reproduce create_clean transform
    section_offset = {}
    for file_name in tqdm(THUMBNAILS):
        filepath = os.path.join(THUMBNAIL_PATH, file_name)
        img = io.imread(filepath)
        section = int(file_name.split('.')[0])
        section_offset[section] = (aligned_shape - img.shape[:2][::-1]) // 2

    ##### Reproduce create_alignment transform

    image_name_list = sorted(os.listdir(CLEANED))
    anchor_idx = len(image_name_list) // 2
    transformation_to_previous_sec = {}

    for i in range(1, len(image_name_list)):
        fixed_fn = os.path.splitext(image_name_list[i - 1])[0]
        moving_fn = os.path.splitext(image_name_list[i])[0]
        transformation_to_previous_sec[i] = load_consecutive_section_transform(animal, moving_fn, fixed_fn)

    transformation_to_anchor_sec = {}
    # Converts every transformation
    for moving_idx in range(len(image_name_list)):
        if moving_idx == anchor_idx:
            transformation_to_anchor_sec[image_name_list[moving_idx]] = np.eye(3)
        elif moving_idx < anchor_idx:
            T_composed = np.eye(3)
            for i in range(anchor_idx, moving_idx, -1):
                T_composed = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(transformation_to_previous_sec[i]), T_composed)
            transformation_to_anchor_sec[image_name_list[moving_idx]] = T_composed
            T_composed = np.eye(3)
            for i in range(anchor_idx + 1, moving_idx + 1):
                T_composed = np.dot(transformation_to_previous_sec[i], T_composed)
            transformation_to_anchor_sec[image_name_list[moving_idx]] = T_composed

    warp_transforms = create_warp_transforms(animal, transformation_to_anchor_sec, 'thumbnail', 'thumbnail')
    ordered_transforms = sorted(warp_transforms.items())
    section_transform = {}

    for section, transform in ordered_transforms:
        section_num = int(section.split('.')[0])
        transform = np.linalg.inv(transform)
        section_transform[section_num] = transform

    ##### Alignment of annotation coordinates
    keys = [k for k in structure_dict.keys()]
    # This missing_sections will need to be manually built up from Beth's spreadsheet
    missing_sections = {k: [117] for k in keys}
    fill_sections = defaultdict(dict)
    pr5_sections = []
    other_structures = set()
    volume = np.zeros((aligned_shape[1], aligned_shape[0], num_section), dtype=np.uint8)
    for section in section_structure_vertices:
        template = np.zeros((aligned_shape[1], aligned_shape[0]), dtype=np.uint8)
        for structure in section_structure_vertices[section]:
            points = np.array(section_structure_vertices[section][structure])
            points = points // 32
            points = points + section_offset[section]  # create_clean offset
            points = transform_create_alignment(points, section_transform[section])  # create_alignment transform
            points = points.astype(np.int32)

                missing_list = missing_sections[structure]
                missing_list = []

            if section in missing_list:
                fill_sections[structure][section] = points

            if 'pr5' in structure.lower():

                # color = colors[structure.upper()]
                color = structure_dict[structure][1]  # structure dict returns a list of [description, color]
                # for each key
                color = 255

            cv2.polylines(template, [points], True, color, 2, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
        volume[:, :, section - 1] = template

    # fill up missing sections
    template = np.zeros((aligned_shape[1], aligned_shape[0]), dtype=np.uint8)
    for structure, v in fill_sections.items():
        color = structure_dict[structure][1]
        for section, points in v.items():
            cv2.polylines(template, [points], True, color, 2, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
            volume[:, :, section] = template
    volume_filepath = os.path.join(CSV_PATH, f'{animal}_annotations.npy')

    volume = np.swapaxes(volume, 0, 1)
    print('Saving:', volume_filepath, 'with shape', volume.shape)
    with open(volume_filepath, 'wb') as file:
        np.save(file, volume)

    # now use 9-1 notebook to convert to a precomputed.
    # Voxel resolution in nanometer (how much nanometer each element in numpy array represent)
    resol = (14464, 14464, 20000)
    # Voxel offset
    offset = (0, 0, 0)
    # Layer type
    layer_type = 'segmentation'
    # number of channels
    num_channels = 1
    # segmentation properties in the format of [(number1, label1), (number2, label2) ...]
    # where number is an integer that is in the volume and label is a string that describes that segmenetation

    segmentation_properties = [(number, f'{structure}: {label}') for structure, (label, number) in structure_dict.items()]
    extra_structures = ['Pr5', 'VTg', 'DRD', 'IF', 'MPB', 'Op', 'RPC', 'LSO', 'MVe', 'CnF',
                        'pc', 'DTgC', 'LPB', 'Pr5DM', 'DTgP', 'RMC', 'VTA', 'IPC', 'DRI', 'LDTg',
                        'IPA', 'PTg', 'DTg', 'IPL', 'SuVe', 'Sol', 'IPR', '8n', 'Dk', 'IO',
                        'Cb', 'Pr5VL', 'APT', 'Gr', 'RR', 'InC', 'X', 'EW']
    segmentation_properties += [(len(structure_dict) + index + 1, structure) for index, structure in enumerate(extra_structures)]

    cloudpath = f'file://{PRECOMPUTE_PATH}'
    info = CloudVolume.create_new_info(
        num_channels = num_channels,
        layer_type = layer_type,
        data_type = str(volume.dtype), # Channel images might be 'uint8'
        encoding = 'raw', # raw, jpeg, compressed_segmentation, fpzip, kempressed
        resolution = resol, # Voxel scaling, units are in nanometers
        voxel_offset = offset, # x,y,z offset in voxels from the origin
        chunk_size = [64, 64, 64], # units are voxels
        volume_size = volume.shape, # e.g. a cubic millimeter dataset
    vol = CloudVolume(cloudpath, mip=0, info=info, compress=False)
    vol[:, :, :] = volume[:, :, :]

    vol.info['segment_properties'] = 'names'

    segment_properties_path = os.path.join(PRECOMPUTE_PATH, 'names')
    os.makedirs(segment_properties_path, exist_ok=True)

    info = {
        "@type": "neuroglancer_segment_properties",
        "inline": {
            "ids": [str(number) for number, label in segmentation_properties],
            "properties": [{
                "id": "label",
                "description": "Name of structures",
                "type": "label",
                "values": [str(label) for number, label in segmentation_properties]
    print('Creating names in', segment_properties_path)
    with open(os.path.join(segment_properties_path, 'info'), 'w') as file:
        json.dump(info, file, indent=2)

    # Setting parallel to a number > 1 hangs the script. It still runs fast with parallel=1
    tq = LocalTaskQueue(parallel=1)
    tasks = tc.create_downsampling_tasks(cloudpath, compress=False) # Downsample the volumes
コード例 #3
def create_volumes(animal, create):

    sqlController = SqlController(animal)
    section_structure_vertices = defaultdict(dict)
    csvfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH,
    hand_annotations = pd.read_csv(csvfile)

    hand_annotations['vertices'] = hand_annotations['vertices'] \
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace(' ', ',')) \
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace('\n', ',')) \
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace(',]', ']')) \
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace(',,', ',')) \
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace(',,', ',')) \
        .apply(lambda x: x.replace(',,', ',')).apply(lambda x: x.replace(',,', ','))

    hand_annotations['vertices'] = hand_annotations['vertices'].apply(
        lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x))
    structures = sqlController.get_structures_dict()
    for structure, values in structures.items():
        contour_annotations, first_sec, last_sec = get_contours_from_annotations(
            animal, structure, hand_annotations, densify=4)
        for section in contour_annotations:
                structure] = contour_annotations[section][structure]

    section_offset = create_clean_transform(animal)

    transforms = parse_elastix(animal)
    warp_transforms = create_warp_transforms(transforms, DOWNSAMPLE_FACTOR)
    ordered_transforms = sorted(warp_transforms.items())

    section_transform = {}
    for section, transform in ordered_transforms:
        section_num = int(section.split('.')[0])
        transform = np.linalg.inv(transform)
        section_transform[section_num] = transform

    aligned_section_structure_polygons = defaultdict(dict)
    for section in section_structure_vertices:
        for structure in section_structure_vertices[section]:
            points = np.array(section_structure_vertices[section]
                              [structure]) // DOWNSAMPLE_FACTOR
            points = points + section_offset[section]  # create_clean offset
            points = transform_create_alignment(
                section_transform[section])  # create_alignment transform
            aligned_section_structure_polygons[section][structure] = points

    structure_section_vertices = defaultdict(dict)

    for section, v in aligned_section_structure_polygons.items():
        for structure, vertices in v.items():
            structure_section_vertices[structure][section] = vertices

    for structure, values in structures.items():
        color = values[1]
            volume, xyz_offsets = create_volume(
                structure_section_vertices[structure], structure, color)
        except Exception as e:
            print(structure, e)
        x, y, z = xyz_offsets
        #x = xy_neuroglancer2atlas(x)
        #y = xy_neuroglancer2atlas(y)
        #z = section_neuroglancer2atlas(z)
        print(animal, structure, volume.shape, x * 32, y * 32, z)
        if create:
            save_volume_origin(ATLAS_NAME, animal, structure, volume,
コード例 #4
CSV_DIR_PATH = '/net/birdstore/Active_Atlas_Data/data_root/atlas_data/foundation_brain_annotations'
IMAGE_DIR_PATH = f'/net/birdstore/Active_Atlas_Data/data_root/pipeline_data/{animal}/preps/CH1/full'

sqlController = SqlController(animal)
resolution = sqlController.scan_run.resolution
aligned_shape = np.array(
    (sqlController.scan_run.width, sqlController.scan_run.height))
num_section = len(os.listdir(IMAGE_DIR_PATH))

downsampled_aligned_shape = np.round(aligned_shape /
scales = np.array([
    resolution * downsample_factor, resolution * downsample_factor, 20
]) * 1000

db_structures = sqlController.get_structures_dict()

##### Get the annotation points

def get_contours_from_annotations(stack, target_structure, hand_annotations):
    MD585_ng_section_min = 83
    num_annotations = len(hand_annotations)
    str_contours_annotation = {}

    for i in range(num_annotations):
        structure = hand_annotations['name'][i]
        section = hand_annotations['section'][i]
        first_sec = 0
        last_sec = 0