コード例 #1
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: nhmc/H2
def parse_config(filename, defaults={}):
    """ Read options for a configuration file.

    filename : str or file object
      The configuration filename or a file object.
    defaults : dict
      A dictionary with default values for options.

    d : dictionary
      The options are returned as a dictionary that can also be
      indexed by attribute.

    Ignores blank lines, lines starting with '#', and anything on a
    line after a '#'. The parser attempts to convert the values to
    int, float or boolean, otherwise they are left as strings.

    Sample format::

     # this is the file with the line list
     lines = lines.dat
     x = 20
     save = True    # save the data
    cfg = adict()


    if isinstance(filename, basestring):
        fh = open(filename)
        fh = filename

    for row in fh:
        if not row.strip() or row.lstrip().startswith('#'):
        option, value = [r.strip() for r in row.split('#')[0].split('=', 1)]
            value = int(value)
        except ValueError:
                value = float(value)
            except ValueError:
                if value == 'True':
                    value = True
                elif value == 'False':
                    value = False
                elif value == 'None':
                    value = None

        cfg[option] = value

    return cfg
コード例 #2
ファイル: absorb.py プロジェクト: nhmc/H2
def calc_Wr(i0, i1, wa, tr, ew=None, ewer=None, fl=None, er=None, co=None,
            cohi=0.02, colo=0.02):
    """ Find the rest equivalent width of a feature, and column
    density assuming optically thin.

    i0, i1 : int
      Start and end indices of feature (inclusive).
    wa : array of floats, shape (N,)
      Observed wavelengths.
    tr : atom.dat entry
      Transition entry from an atom.dat array read by `readatom()`.
    ew : array of floats, shape (N,), optional
      Equivalent width per pixel.
    ewer : array of floats, shape (N,), optional
      Equivalent width 1 sigma error per pixel.
      with attributes wav (rest wavelength) and osc (oscillator strength).
    fl : array of floats, shape (N,), optional
      Observed flux.
    er : array of floats, shape (N,), optional
      Observed flux 1 sigma error.
    co : array of floats, shape (N,), optional
      Observed continuum.
    cohi : float (0.02)
      When calculating one sigma upper error and detection limit,
      increase the continuum by this fractional amount. Only used if
      fl, er and co are also given.
    colo : float (0.02)
      When calculating one sigma lower error decrease the continuum by
      this fractional amount.  Only used if fl, er and co are also
    A dictionary with keys:

    ======== =========================================================
    logN     1 sigma low val, value, 1 sigma upper val
    Ndetlim  log N 5 sigma upper limit
    Wr       Rest equivalent width in same units as wa
    Wre      1 sigma error on rest equivalent width
    zp1      1 + redshift
    ngoodpix number of good pixels contributing to the measurements 
    Nmult    multiplier to get from equivalent width to column density
    ======== =========================================================
    wa1 = wa[i0:i1+1]
    if ew is None:
        wedge = find_wa_edges(wa1)
        dw = wedge[1:] - wedge[:-1]
        ew1 = dw * (1 - fl[i0:i1+1] / co[i0:i1+1]) 
        ewer1 = dw * er[i0:i1+1] / co[i0:i1+1]
        c = (1 + cohi) * co[i0:i1+1]
        ew1hi = dw * (1 - fl[i0:i1+1] / c)
        ewer1hi = dw * er[i0:i1+1] / c
        c = (1 - colo) * co[i0:i1+1]
        ew1lo = dw * (1 - fl[i0:i1+1] / c)
        ewer1lo = dw * er[i0:i1+1] / c
        ew1 = np.array(ew[i0:i1+1])
        ewer1 = np.array(ewer[i0:i1+1])

    # interpolate over bad values
    good = ~np.isnan(ew1) & (ewer1 > 0)
    if not good.all():
        ew1[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ew1[good])
        ewer1[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ewer1[good]) 
        if fl is not None:
            ew1hi[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ew1hi[good])
            ewer1hi[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ewer1hi[good]) 
            ew1lo[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ew1lo[good])
            ewer1lo[~good] = np.interp(wa1[~good], wa1[good], ewer1lo[good]) 

    W = ew1.sum()
    We = sqrt((ewer1**2).sum())
    if fl is not None:
        Whi = ew1hi.sum()
        Wehi = sqrt((ewer1hi**2).sum())
        Wlo = ew1lo.sum()
        Welo = sqrt((ewer1lo**2).sum())

    zp1 = 0.5*(wa1[0] + wa1[-1]) / tr['wa']
    Wr = W / zp1
    Wre = We / zp1
    if fl is not None:
        Wrhi = Whi / zp1
        Wrehi = Wehi / zp1
        Wrlo = Wlo / zp1
        Wrelo = Welo / zp1
    # Assume we are on the linear part of curve of growth (will be an
    # underestimate if saturated)
    Nmult = 1.13e20 / (tr['osc'] * tr['wa']**2)

    # 5 sigma detection limit
    detlim = np.log10( Nmult * 5*Wre )

    c = np.log10(Nmult * Wr)
    if fl is not None:
        chi = np.log10( Nmult * (Wrhi + Wrehi) )
        clo = np.log10( Nmult * (Wrlo - Wrelo) )
        chi = np.log10( Nmult * (Wr + Wre) )
        clo = np.log10( Nmult * (Wr - Wre) )

    return adict(logN=(clo,c,chi), Ndetlim=detlim, Wr=Wr, Wre=Wre, zp1=zp1,
                 ngoodpix=good.sum(), Nmult=Nmult)