def find_specific_spot(image): """ Given thresholded image, have to figure out _where_ the end-effector tip is located. Parameter `image` should be a thresholded image from HSV stuff. To make it easier we should also have a bounding box condition. Note: to detect contours, we need grayscale (monochrome) images. """ image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR) img = image.copy() image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("Grayscale image", image)) # Detect contours *inside* the bounding box heuristic. xx, yy, ww, hh = 650, 25, 800, 825 (cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(image.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contained_cnts = [] print("number of cnts: {}".format(len(cnts))) for c in cnts: try: # Find the centroids of the contours in _pixel_space_. :) M = cv2.moments(c) cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) # Enforce it to be within bounding box. print(xx,cX,yy,cY) if (xx < cX < xx+ww) and (yy < cY < yy+hh): print("appending!") contained_cnts.append(c) except: pass print("number of contained contours: {}".format(len(contained_cnts))) contours = sorted(contained_cnts, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True)[:1] processed = [] for c in contours: try: M = cv2.moments(c) cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) peri = cv2.arcLength(c, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, 0.02*peri, True) processed.append( (cX,cY,approx,peri) ) except: pass print("number of processed contours: {}".format(len(processed))) for i, (cX, cY, approx, peri) in enumerate(processed):, (cX,cY), 50, (0,0,255)) cv2.drawContours(img, [approx], -1, (0,255,0), 3) cv2.putText(img=img, text=str(i), org=(cX,cY), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1, color=(0,0,0), thickness=2) utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("With contours!", img))
def proof_of_concept_part_one(left_im, right_im, left_contours, right_contours, arm): """ See my notes. I'm effectively trying to argue why my DL way with automatic trajectory collection will work. Maybe this will work as a screenshot or picture sequence in an eventual paper? I hope ... """ center_left = get_single_contour_center(left_im, left_contours) center_right = get_single_contour_center(right_im, right_contours) cv2.destroyAllWindows() camera_pt = utils.camera_pixels_to_camera_coords(center_left, center_right) print("(left, right) = ({}, {})".format(center_left, center_right)) print("(cx,cy,cz) = ({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f})".format(*camera_pt)) # Get rotation set to -90 to start. pos, rot = utils.lists_of_pos_rot_from_frame(arm.get_current_cartesian_position()) utils.move(arm, pos, [-90, 10, -170], 'Slow') # Now do some manual movement. arm.open_gripper(90) utils.call_wait_key( cv2.imshow("(left image) move to point keeping angle roughly -90)", left_im) ) pos, rot = utils.lists_of_pos_rot_from_frame(arm.get_current_cartesian_position()) utils.move(arm, pos, [-90, 10, -170], 'Slow') # Because we probably adjusted angle by mistake. pos2, rot2 = utils.lists_of_pos_rot_from_frame(arm.get_current_cartesian_position()) # At this point, pos, rot should be the -90 degree angle version which can grip this. print("pos,rot -90 yaw:\n({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}), ({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f})".format( pos2[0],pos2[1],pos2[2],rot2[0],rot2[1],rot2[2])) # Next, let's MANUALLY move to the reverse angle, +90. This SHOULD use a different position. # This takes some practice to figure out a good location. Also, the reason for manual movement # is that when I told the code to go to +90 yaw, it was going to +180 for some reason ... utils.call_wait_key( cv2.imshow("(left image) move to +90 where it can grip seed)", left_im) ) pos3, rot3 = utils.lists_of_pos_rot_from_frame(arm.get_current_cartesian_position()) print("pos,rot after manual +90 yaw change:\n({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}), ({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f})".format(pos3[0],pos3[1],pos3[2],rot3[0],rot3[1],rot3[2])) # Automatic correction in case we made slight error. utils.move(arm, pos3, [90, 0, -165], 'Slow') pos4, rot4 = utils.lists_of_pos_rot_from_frame(arm.get_current_cartesian_position()) # Now pos, rot should be the +90 degree angle version which can grip this. print("pos,rot +90 yaw:\n({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}), ({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f})".format( pos4[0],pos4[1],pos4[2],rot4[0],rot4[1],rot4[2]))
def detect_color_direct(image): """ These are Adrian's boundaries in BGR format: boundaries = [ ([17, 15, 100], [50, 56, 200]), # Red ([86, 31, 4], [220, 88, 50]), # Blue ([25, 146, 190], [62, 174, 250]), # Yellow ([103, 86, 65], [145, 133, 128]) # Gray ] Unfortunately these are hard to get. These assume BGR format, btw ... but I tried switching the B and R values for the Yellow stuff and that doesn't work either. :-( When OpenCV reads in images from disk (e.g. `cv2.imread(...)`) it's assumed to be BGR, but I don't think that's true if I have `self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "rgb8")`. """ lower = np.array([190, 146, 25], dtype='uint8') upper = np.array([250, 174, 62], dtype='uint8') mask = cv2.inRange(image, lower, upper) output = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=mask) utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("left image", output)) return output
def detect_color_hsv(frame): """ The original image is stored in RGB (not BGR as is usual) because of the way we designed the autolab data collector. Hence, the use of `cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV`. The color ranges are tricky. Use the stuff from: where they recommend having a single target for the hue value and then taking a range of +/- 10 about the center. My heuristics: Yellow tape: lower = np.array([0, 90, 90]) upper = np.array([80, 255, 255]) Red tape: """ # Define the range of the color. TRICKY! Probably can't use these. colors = { 'yellow': 30, 'green': 60, 'blue': 120 } lower = np.array([110, 70, 70]) upper = np.array([180, 255, 255]) # Convert from RGB (not BGR) to hsv and apply our chosen thresholding. frame = cv2.bilateralFilter(frame, 7, 13, 13) utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("After first filter", frame)) #frame = cv2.medianBlur(frame, 9) #utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("After second filter", frame)) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper) utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("Does the mask make sense?", mask)) res = cv2.bitwise_and(frame, frame, mask=mask) # Let's inspect the output and pray it works. utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("Does it detect the desired color?", res)) res = cv2.medianBlur(res, 9) utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("res but with blur on this", res)) return res
print("current arm position: {}".format( arm.get_current_cartesian_position())) arm.close_gripper() ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## This will test calibration! Progressively accumulate 36 (or 35...) values. Do the ## same for the left image. Then, with this data, we redo the entire process but we ## know we no longer have to do the repeated skipping I was doing. ## Note: this used to be its own method, but I got confused about the callback code, ## and I'm in a bit of a rush, so sorry! ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The right image will typically tell us how many contours we can expect (34, 35, 36??). cv2.imwrite("images/right_image.jpg", d.right_image) cv2.imwrite("images/left_image.jpg", d.left_image) utils.call_wait_key( cv2.imshow("RIGHT camera, used for contours", d.right_image_proc)) utils.call_wait_key( cv2.imshow("left camera, used for contours", d.left_image_proc)) # Don't forget to load our trained neural network and rigid bodies! f_network = load_model(PARAMS['modeldir']) net_mean = PARAMS['X_mean'] net_std = PARAMS['X_std'] ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## If we're using the random forest (or whatever) corrector, load it here! For now, ## we assume we know we're using one of our five pre-determined yaw values. Sorry... ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RF_correctors = {} if args.use_rf_correctors: head = 'config/mapping_results/rf_human_guided_yesz_v'
peri = cv2.arcLength(c, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, 0.02*peri, True) processed.append( (cX,cY,approx,peri) ) except: pass print("number of processed contours: {}".format(len(processed))) for i, (cX, cY, approx, peri) in enumerate(processed):, (cX,cY), 50, (0,0,255)) cv2.drawContours(img, [approx], -1, (0,255,0), 3) cv2.putText(img=img, text=str(i), org=(cX,cY), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1, color=(0,0,0), thickness=2) utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("With contours!", img)) if __name__ == "__main__": arm, _, d = utilities.initializeRobots() arm.close_gripper() print("current arm position: {}".format(arm.get_current_cartesian_position())) utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("Bounding Box for Contours (LEFT IMAGE)", d.left_image_bbox)) frame = d.left_image.copy() utilities.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("RIGHT IMAGE", d.right_image_bbox)) frame = d.right_image.copy() res = detect_color_hsv(frame) #detect_color_direct(frame) find_specific_spot(res)
assert not os.path.exists(IMDIR), "IMDIR: {}".format(IMDIR) os.makedirs(IMDIR) PARAMS = pickle.load( open('config/mapping_results/auto_params_matrices_v'+IN_VERSION+'.p', 'r') ) rotation = sample_rotation(args.fixed_yaw) print("Our starting rotation: {}".format(rotation)) # Now get the robot arm initialized and test it out! arm, _, d = utils.initializeRobots() print("current arm position: {}".format(arm.get_current_cartesian_position())) utils.home(arm, rot=rotation) print("current arm position: {}".format(arm.get_current_cartesian_position())) arm.close_gripper() cv2.imwrite("images/left_image.jpg", d.left_image) utils.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("left camera, used for contours", d.left_image_proc)) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## PART ONE: Get the contours. Manual work here to cut down on boredom in the second part. ## Actually ... we don't even need both images, right? I mean, c'mon... ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- left_im = d.left_image.copy() left_c = get_good_contours(left_im, d.left_contours, args.max_num_add) cv2.destroyAllWindows() ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## PART TWO: Explicitly fit the point to the upper left corner of the grid. This is ## definitely cheating, like it is to cheat to have that z-coordinate, but hey, baselines! ## Oh, load the z-plane information here in the `info` dictionary. ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- info = pickle.load( open(args.guidelines_dir,'r') )
def motion_planning(contours_by_size, img, arm, rotations): """ The open loop. Parameters ---------- contours_by_size: [list] A list of contours, arranged from largest area to smallest area. img: [np.array] Image the camera sees, in BGR form (not RGB). arm: [dvrk arm] Represents the arm we're using for the DVRK. rotations: """ print("Identified {} contours but will keep top {}.".format(len(contours_by_size), TOPK_CONTOURS)) img_for_drawing = img.copy() contours = list(contours_by_size) cv2.drawContours(img_for_drawing, contours, -1, (0,255,0), 3) places_to_visit = [] # Iterate and find centers. We'll make the robot move to these centers in a sequence. # Note that duplicate contours should be detected beforehand. for i,cnt in enumerate(contours): M = cv2.moments(cnt) if M["m00"] == 0: continue cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) places_to_visit.append((cX,cY)) # Collect only top K places to visit and insert ordering preferences. I do right to left. places_to_visit = places_to_visit[:TOPK_CONTOURS] places_to_visit = sorted(places_to_visit, key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=True) # Number the places to visit in an image so I see them. for i,(cX,cY) in enumerate(places_to_visit): cv2.putText(img=img_for_drawing, text=str(i), org=(cX,cY), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1, color=(0,0,0), thickness=2), center=(cX,cY), radius=3, color=(0,0,255), thickness=-1) print(i,cX,cY) # Show image with contours + exact centers. Exit if it's not looking good. # If good, SAVE IT!!! This protects me in case of poor perception causing problems. trial = len([fname for fname in os.listdir(IMAGE_DIR) if '.png' in fname]) cv2.imshow("Top-K contours (exit if not looking good), trial index is {}".format(trial), img_for_drawing) utils.call_wait_key() cv2.imwrite(IMAGE_DIR+"/im_"+str(trial).zfill(3)+".png", img_for_drawing) cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Given points in `places_to_visit`, must figure out the robot points for each. robot_points_to_visit = [] print("\nHere's where we'll be visiting (left_pixels, robot_point):") for left_pixels in places_to_visit: robot_points_to_visit.append( utils.left_pixel_to_robot_prediction( left_pt=left_pixels, params=PARAMETERS, better_rf=RF_REGRESSOR, ARM1_XOFFSET=ARM1_XOFFSET, ARM1_YOFFSET=ARM1_YOFFSET, ARM1_ZOFFSET=ARM1_ZOFFSET ) ) print("({}, {})\n".format(left_pixels, robot_points_to_visit[-1])) # With robot points, tell it to _move_ to these points. Apply vertical offsets here, FYI. # Using the `linear_interpolation` is slower and jerkier than just moving directly. arm.open_gripper(degree=90, time_sleep=2) for (robot_pt, rot) in zip(robot_points_to_visit, rotations): # Go to the point. Note: switch rotation **first**? pos = [robot_pt[0], robot_pt[1], robot_pt[2]+ZOFFSET_SAFETY] utils.move(arm, HOME_POS, rot, SPEED_CLASS) utils.move(arm, pos, rot, SPEED_CLASS) # Lower, close, and raise the end-effector. pos[2] -= ZOFFSET_SAFETY utils.move(arm, pos, rot, SPEED_CLASS) arm.open_gripper(degree=CLOSE_ANGLE, time_sleep=2) # Need >=2 seconds! pos[2] += ZOFFSET_SAFETY utils.move(arm, pos, rot, SPEED_CLASS) # Back to the home position. utils.move(arm, HOME_POS, rot, SPEED_CLASS) arm.open_gripper(degree=90, time_sleep=2) # Need >=2 seconds!
def collect_guidelines(arm, d, directory): """ Gather statistics about the workspace on how safe we can set things. Save things in a pickle file specified by the `directory` parameter. Click the ESC key to exit the program and restart. BTW, the four poses we collect will be the four "home" positions that I use later, though with more z-coordinate offset. Some information: `yaw` must be limited in [-180,180] # But actually, [-90,90] is all we need. `pitch` must be limited in [-50,50] # I _think_ ... `roll` must be limited in [-180,180] # I think ... Remember, if I change the numbers, it doesn't impact the code until re-building `guidelines.p`!! """ # First, add stuff that we should already know, particularly the rotation ranges. info = {} info['min_yaw'] = -90 info['max_yaw'] = 90 info['min_pitch'] = -15 info['max_pitch'] = 25 info['roll_neg_ubound'] = -150 # (-180, roll_neg_ubound) info['roll_pos_lbound'] = 150 # (roll_pos_lbound, 180) info['min_roll'] = -180 info['max_roll'] = -150 # Move the arm to positions to determine approximately safe ranges for x,y,z values. # And to be clear, all the `pos_{lr,ll,ul,ur}` are in robot coordinates. utils.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("Left camera (move to lower right corner now!)", d.left_image)) pos_lr = arm.get_current_cartesian_position() utils.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("Left camera (move to lower left corner now!)", d.left_image)) pos_ll = arm.get_current_cartesian_position() utils.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("Left camera (move to upper left corner now!)", d.left_image)) pos_ul = arm.get_current_cartesian_position() utils.call_wait_key(cv2.imshow("Left camera (move to upper right corner now!)", d.left_image)) pos_ur = arm.get_current_cartesian_position() # Save these so that we can use them for `home` positions. info['home_lr'] = pos_lr info['home_ll'] = pos_ll info['home_ul'] = pos_ul info['home_ur'] = pos_ur # So P[:,0] is a vector of the x's, P[:,1] vector of y's, P[:,2] vector of z's. p_lr = np.squeeze(np.array( pos_lr.position[:3] )) p_ll = np.squeeze(np.array( pos_ll.position[:3] )) p_ul = np.squeeze(np.array( pos_ul.position[:3] )) p_ur = np.squeeze(np.array( pos_ur.position[:3] )) P = np.vstack((p_lr, p_ll, p_ul, p_ur)) # Get ranges. This is a bit of a heuristic but generally good I think. info['min_x'] = np.min( [p_lr[0], p_ll[0], p_ul[0], p_ur[0]] ) info['max_x'] = np.max( [p_lr[0], p_ll[0], p_ul[0], p_ur[0]] ) info['min_y'] = np.min( [p_lr[1], p_ll[1], p_ul[1], p_ur[1]] ) info['max_y'] = np.max( [p_lr[1], p_ll[1], p_ul[1], p_ur[1]] ) # For z, we fit a plane. See # Find (alpha, beta, gamma) s.t. f(x,y) = alpha*x + beta*y + gamma = z. A = np.zeros((3,3)) # Must be symmetric! A[0,0] = np.sum(P[:,0] * P[:,0]) A[0,1] = np.sum(P[:,0] * P[:,1]) A[0,2] = np.sum(P[:,0]) A[1,0] = np.sum(P[:,0] * P[:,1]) A[1,1] = np.sum(P[:,1] * P[:,1]) A[1,2] = np.sum(P[:,1]) A[2,0] = np.sum(P[:,0]) A[2,1] = np.sum(P[:,1]) A[2,2] = P.shape[0] b = np.array( [np.sum(P[:,0] * P[:,2]), np.sum(P[:,1] * P[:,2]), np.sum(P[:,2])] ) x = np.linalg.inv(A).dot(b) info['z_alpha'] = x[0] info['z_beta'] = x[1] info['z_gamma'] = x[2] # Sanity checks before saving stuff. assert info['min_x'] < info['max_x'] assert info['min_y'] < info['max_y'] assert P.shape == (4,3) for key in info: print("key,val = {},{}".format(key, info[key])) print("P:\n{}".format(P)) print("A:\n{}".format(A)) print("x:\n{}".format(x)) print("b:\n{}".format(b)) pickle.dump(info, open(directory, 'w'))