def get_recordings(ingest_session_path): params = get_recording_params(ingest_session_path, verbose=False) file_list = find_files(params[0], params[1], params[2], drop_last_file=True, verbose=False) # print("INGEST SESSION PATH: {}".format(ingest_session_path)) # print(file_list) keepers = [item[1].split(".mp4")[0] for item in file_list] # recording_names = [] # last_recording_num = {} # for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(ingest_session_path,"recording")): # recording_names.append(item.split(".mp4")[0]) # # remove all recordings that are currently being written to # keepers = [] # for item in recording_names: # for other_item in recording_names: # camera1 = item.split("_")[1] # camera2 = other_item.split("_")[1] # if camera1 == camera2: # num1 = int(item.split("_")[2].split(".mp4")[0]) # num2 = int(other_item.split("_")[2].split(".mp4")[0]) # if num1 < num2: # keepers.append(item) # there exists a recording with greater number than item for that camera return keepers
def build_dataset(): directories = [x[0] for x in os.walk(INPUT)] directories.reverse() #Clear existing existing_csv = utils.find_files(OUTPUT, filetypes=['csv']) for csv in existing_csv: os.remove(csv) matrix = [] for d in directories: print("Getting features for %s" % d) files = utils.find_files(d, depth=0) #all jpegs within d for f in files: full_image = utils.image_read(f) rois = subimages.extract(full_image, preprocessor.default_ensemble) i = 0 for (cropped, cnt) in rois: vector = features.get(full_image, cropped, cnt) if (vector is False): continue #skip it specific = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(f)) general = os.path.dirname(f).split(os.sep)[1] filename = os.path.normpath( f) #"%s_%d" % ( os.path.basename(f), i ) vector += [specific, general, filename] + list( cv2.boundingRect(cnt)) matrix.append(vector) i += 1 cols = features.get_labels() + [ 'specific_class', 'general_class', 'filename', 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h' ] df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, columns=cols) df.to_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT, 'dataset.csv'))
COMPILER_INCLUDE_DIRS = [ build_globals.from_proj_root('arduino_core', 'include'), build_globals.from_proj_root('arduino_core', 'variants', 'arduino_due_x'), build_globals.from_proj_root('device_libs', 'CMSIS', 'CMSIS', 'Include'), build_globals.from_proj_root('device_libs', 'CMSIS', 'Device', 'ATMEL'), build_globals.from_proj_root('device_libs', 'libsam'), build_globals.from_proj_root('src'), build_globals.from_proj_root('my_static_lib'), build_globals.from_proj_root('test_harness', 'Unity') ] LINKER = 'gcc' SOURCE_DIRS = ['src', 'tests', 'test_harness', 'my_static_lib'] SOURCES = utilities.find_files(SOURCE_DIRS, extensions=['.c']) HEADERS = utilities.find_files(SOURCE_DIRS, extensions=['.h']) # manually add auto-generated sources as they can't be found before building SOURCES += [build_globals.UNIT_TEST_RUNNER_SOURCE] OBJECTS = [utilities.source_to_obj(source, OBJ_DIR) for source in SOURCES] EXE_TARGET_NAME = build_globals.get_exe_target_name(NAME, 'exe') EXE_TARGET = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, EXE_TARGET_NAME) #----------------------------------------------------------- # Functions
def main(argv): usage = """ [-h] [-l] -s <session-directory> # primary behavior mode selection (must indicate one primary or alternate mode) -c/--count: count frames using FFmpeg container query -t/--timestamp: parse timestamps in frames using pixel checksum method (currently very slow, consider) # alternate behavior modes -h/--help: print usage information, then exit -l/--load_plot_output: load results file in session directory (need -s), plot the results, then exit; if non-default frame count results output filename, then specify it with -o/--output_filename= option # required arguments -s/--session_directory= /path/to/session_directory : (required) path of the session directory where files are stored # options with value required (options themselves are not required) -o/--output_filename= /path/to/output_file.csv : override output filename for results -f/--first_file= ### : file segment index at which to start querying -i/--input_filename= : comma-delineated list of file name fragments to narrow down video segment files; uses simple `if 'fragment' in full_file_path:` check, so be specific; e.g., p2c3_00150,p3c1_00004 -a/--append_outputs= /path/to/alt_output1.csv,path/to/alt_output2.csv : comma-delineated list of *absolute* results file paths to append to -o/--output_filename= specified results (used during post-facto plotting option -l/--.) # options with no value to specify -d/--drop_last_file: flag to not query the last file in recording sequence, in case recording is actively occurring -p/--plot_output: flag to plot output of frame counting, grouped by pole (same filename as output, but .pdf) --print_output: flag to print output of frame counting as it is being written to file """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'cthldps:o:f:i:a:', ['count', 'timestamp', 'help', 'load_plot_output', 'drop_last_file', 'plot_output', 'print_output', 'session_directory=', 'output_filename=', 'first_file=', 'input_filename=', 'append_outputs=']) except getopt.GetoptError: print("Usage:", usage) print_exc() sys.exit(2) # defaults for mode choice count_frames = False parse_timestamps = False # defaults for inputs session_directory = None drop_last_file = False results_filename = None input_filename_filters = None append_results = None first_file = 0 print_output = False plot_output = False # flag to plot output and exit (needs to capture session_directory value) plot_and_exit = False # parse inputs for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): print("Usage:", usage) sys.exit() elif opt in ('-c', '--count'): count_frames = True elif opt in ('-t', '--timestamp'): parse_timestamps = True elif opt in ('-l', '--load_plot_output'): plot_and_exit = True elif opt in ('-s', '--session_directory'): session_directory = arg elif opt in ('-d', '--drop_last_file'): drop_last_file = True elif opt in ('-o', '--output_filename'): results_filename = arg elif opt in ('-a', '--append_outputs'): if ',' not in arg: warnings.warn("Only got on results file to append. If that's not right, check comma delineation.") append_results_unfiltered = arg.split(',') append_results = [] for fn in append_results_unfiltered: if os.path.exists(fn): append_results.append(fn) else: warnings.warn("Path to results file in append argument does not exist: {}".format(fn)) if len(append_results) == 0: append_results = None elif opt in ('-i', '--input_filename'): input_filename_filters = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-f', '--first_file',): first_file = int(arg) elif opt in ('--print_output',): print_output = True elif opt in ('-p', '--plot_output',): plot_output = True else: warnings.warn("Got unhandled option/argument. OPTION=[{}] ARGUMENT=[{}]".format(opt, arg)) # this is the only required input if session_directory is None: print("Must supply session directory so we can pull config file and recordings.") print("Usage:", usage) sys.exit(2) session_info_file_path = os.path.join(session_directory, DEFAULT_SESSION_INFO_FILENAME) session_number = utilities.get_session_number(session_info_filename=session_info_file_path) # one of these modes must be selected if plot_and_exit is False: if count_frames is False and parse_timestamps is False: print("Must select a mode: count frames (-c), parse timestamps (-t), or load and plot results (-l).") print("Usage:", usage) sys.exit(2) default_count_filename = 'frame_counts_recording.csv' default_plot_filename = 'frame_counts_recording.pdf' default_timestamp_filename = 'frame_timestamp_recording.csv' # default to files in session directory if not specified if results_filename is None: count_filename = os.path.join(session_directory, default_count_filename) plot_filename = os.path.join(session_directory, default_plot_filename) timestamp_filename = os.path.join(session_directory, default_timestamp_filename) # results filename was specified (custom), so determine how this goes to count, plot, and timestamp filenames else: if count_frames is True and parse_timestamps is True: # both count and timestamp indicated, so differentiate the value for results_filename, then .pdf for plot rfp, rfe = os.path.splitext(results_filename) count_filename = rfp + '-count' + rfe plot_filename = os.path.splitext(count_filename)[0] + '.pdf' timestamp_filename = rfp + '-timestamp' + rfe elif count_frames is True: # count indicated, so define that filename and the plot one count_filename = results_filename plot_filename = os.path.splitext(count_filename)[0] + '.pdf' timestamp_filename = None elif parse_timestamps is True: # timestamp indicated, so define that filename only count_filename = None plot_filename = None timestamp_filename = results_filename else: # for else case, plot_and_exit must = True # so change the extension from the results filename to PDF for the plot count_filename = None timestamp_filename = None plot_filename = os.path.splitext(results_filename)[0] + '.pdf' # if plot and exit requested, then do so if plot_and_exit is True: file_frame_counts = read_frame_count_results(file_path=results_filename) if append_results is not None: for arfn in append_results: file_frame_counts.update(read_frame_count_results(file_path=arfn)) plot_frame_count_results(results_dict=file_frame_counts, filename=plot_filename, session_info_filename=session_info_file_path) sys.exit() # determine the config file path and parse that file config_file_path = os.path.join(session_directory, "_SESSION_CONFIG.config") camera_config, _, _, recording_config = utilities.parse_config_file(config_file=config_file_path) # go get the relevant configuration parameters recording_directories, recording_filenames, camera_names = utilities.get_recording_params( session_root_directory=session_directory, session_number=session_number, camera_configs=camera_config, recording_config=recording_config) # determine the files in the recording directory matching the filename format matching_files = utilities.find_files(recording_directories=recording_directories, file_name_formats=recording_filenames, camera_names=camera_names, drop_last_file=drop_last_file, first_file_index=first_file, filter_filenames=input_filename_filters) if count_frames is True: # run the frame count queries file_frame_counts = get_video_frame_counts(video_file_names=matching_files) # write the frame count results to a CSV file write_frame_count_results(results_dict=file_frame_counts, filename=count_filename, print_results=print_output) # plot frame count results, if indicated if plot_output is True: plot_frame_count_results(results_dict=file_frame_counts, filename=plot_filename, session_info_filename=session_info_file_path) if parse_timestamps is True: # run the parse timestamp queries file_frame_timestamps = get_video_frame_timestamps(video_file_names=matching_files) # write the frame timestamp results to a CSV file write_frame_timestamp_results(results_dict=file_frame_timestamps, filename=timestamp_filename)