コード例 #1
 def profileMapLengths(self):
     cmapLens = []
     nMaps = 0
     totalLen = 0
     for curCmap in self.cmapDB.values():
         cmapLen = curCmap.cmapLen
         totalLen += cmapLen
         nMaps += 1
     if nMaps:
         self.n = nMaps
         self.n50 = util.getn50(cmapLens)
         self.totalLen = totalLen
         self.aveLen = totalLen / nMaps
コード例 #2
    def profileMapLengths(self):
        cmapLens = []
        nMaps = 0
        totalLen = 0
        for curCmap in self.cmapDB.values():
            cmapLen = curCmap.cmapLen
            totalLen += cmapLen
            nMaps += 1

        if nMaps:
            self.n = nMaps
            self.n50 = util.getn50(cmapLens)
            self.totalLen = totalLen
            self.aveLen = totalLen / nMaps
コード例 #3
def characterizeContigs(varsP, xmappath=None):
    """Log simple contigs stats, and optionally align stats from xmappath.
    #print "xmappath:", xmappath
    unitscale = 1e-6
    dorefalign = bool(
    )  #i'm never actually calling refaligner here--this is just using xmappath
    haveref = bool(varsP.ref)

    #refcmap = mapClasses.multiCmap() #not used
    aligndir = varsP.contigAlignTarget

        #refcmap = mapClasses.multiCmap(varsP.ref)
        #reflen = refcmap.totalLength #note: total length of _all_ contigs
        reflen = mapClasses.multiCmap(varsP.ref, lengthonly=True).totalLength
        #in summary table, this is a denominator--make sure it's non-zero, don't bail (still get contig summary)
        if reflen <= 0:
            #print "Warning in CharacterizeModule.characterizeContigs: bad reflen", reflen, "defaulting to 1" #not necessary
            reflen = 1.
        reflen = 1.

    outstr = ""  #Contig Characterization:\n"

    #check for .hmaps in same dir as latestMergedCmap: if any, add a line for haploid genome size
    hmaps = util.getListOfFilesFromDir(os.path.dirname(varsP.latestMergedCmap),
    haplotype = (len(hmaps) > 0)
    haplotypelen = 0
    hapcontiglens = []

    totcontiglen = 0
    totalignlen = 0
    nmapcontigs = 0
    totalignqlen = 0  #defalignlen = 0;
    contiglens = []  #lens of all contigs in bases
    uniqueseg = {
    }  #the argument to util.uniqueRange--stores all the map lengths which go into totalignlen--now each of these is a value, and the keys are the reference contig id or chromosome depending on dorefidchr
    for citr, cpath in enumerate([varsP.latestMergedCmap
                                  ]):  #always use contigpaths
        mapi = mapClasses.multiCmap(cpath)
        totcontiglen += mapi.totalLength
        contiglens += mapi.getAllMapLengths(
        )  #getAllMapLengths is list of all map lengths
        if haplotype:
            haplotypelen += mapi.getHaplotypeTotalMapLength()

        #store a list of the contig ids in this multiCmap, then remove them if they're in the xmap
        # if they're not, print at the end
        mapids = mapi.getAllMapIds(
        )  #this is once per cmap, not once per characterizeModule call--becuase it's keys, it's already a copy, no need to copy explicitly
        ncontigs = len(
            mapids)  #this is ncontigs in this file, ie, in mapi (see below)

        xmapobj = mapClasses.xmap()  #empty map to fix xmapobj scope
        if dorefalign:  #get xmap object
            if util.checkFile(xmappath, ".xmap"):
                xmapobj = mapClasses.xmap(xmappath)

        for xitr, xmapentry in enumerate(xmapobj.xmapLookup.values()):

            #get map length from multicmap.getMapLength--returns 0 for any exception
            contiglen = mapi.getMapLength(xmapentry.contigQry)
            if contiglen <= 0:  #this strikes me as clumsy...but I don't want to return non-zero from multiCmap.getMapLength
                contiglen = 1.
            contigcov = mapi.getMapAvgCoverage(xmapentry.contigQry)

            #don't print lenr for each contig--just total them
            lenr = xmapentry.getMappedRefLen()
            lenq = xmapentry.getMappedQryLen()
            refid = xmapentry.contigRef  #int

            totalignlen += lenr
            totalignqlen += lenq

            #uniqueseg is now a dict to take into account which chromosome the query contig is on
            #note need refid bc need to separate different contigs on the _same_ chromosome
            if not uniqueseg.has_key(
            ):  #if first contig on chromosome, need to init new list
                uniqueseg[refid] = []
            uniqueseg[refid].append([xmapentry.RefStart, xmapentry.RefStop])

            #process mapids--remove contig id (contigQry) from mapids if they're in the xmap so non-aligning contigs can be printed
            if xmapentry.contigQry in mapids:

        #end loop on xmap entries

        #now that all xmap entries are processed, all contigs with an alignment are removed from mapids,
        # so we can get n contigs align using this and ncontigs
        nmapcontigs += ncontigs - len(mapids)  #sum multiple cmaps

    #end loop on contigs

    varsP.totAssemblyLenMb = totcontiglen * unitscale
    ncontigs = len(
        contiglens)  #contigpaths is just files--contiglens is all contigs
    avgcontiglen = (float(totcontiglen) / ncontigs if ncontigs > 0 else 0)

    if unitscale > 1e-6:  #if not megabases
        fstr = "%9.0f"
    else:  #megabases
        fstr = "%8.3f"

    if haplotype:  #new format for haplotype
        #if haplotypelen != sum(hapcontiglens) : #simply print warning in this case (do not log): ignore this bc of floating point rounding
        #print "Warning in characterizeContigs: haplotype lengths are inconsistent:", haplotypelen, sum(hapcontiglens)
        #diploid is same as else below, but names change
        outstr += "Diploid N Genome Maps: %i\n" % ncontigs
        outstr += ("Diploid Genome Map Len        (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (totcontiglen * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Diploid Avg. Genome Map Len   (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (avgcontiglen * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Diploid Median Genome Map Len (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (util.getMedian(contiglens) * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Diploid Genome Map n50        (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (util.getn50(contiglens) * unitscale)
        #haploid : ignore haplotypelen, just use the list hapcontiglens
        outstr += "Haploid N Genome Maps: %i\n" % len(hapcontiglens)
        tot = sum(hapcontiglens)
        avg = (tot / len(hapcontiglens) if len(hapcontiglens) else 0)
        outstr += ("Haploid Genome Map Len        (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (tot * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Haploid Avg. Genome Map Len   (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (avg * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Haploid Median Genome Map Len (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (util.getMedian(hapcontiglens) * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Haploid Genome Map n50        (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (util.getn50(hapcontiglens) * unitscale)
    else:  #default to old format
        outstr += "N Genome Maps: %i\n" % ncontigs
        outstr += ("Total Genome Map Len  (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (totcontiglen * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Avg. Genome Map Len   (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (avgcontiglen * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Median Genome Map Len (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (util.getMedian(contiglens) * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Genome Map n50        (Mb): " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (util.getn50(contiglens) * unitscale)

    if haveref:
        outstr += ("Total Ref Len   (Mb): " + fstr + "\n") % (reflen *
        outstr += ("Total Genome Map Len / Ref Len : " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (totcontiglen / reflen)
    if dorefalign:
        ratio = (float(nmapcontigs) / ncontigs if ncontigs > 0 else 0)
        outstr += ("N Genome Maps total align      : %i (%.2f)\n") % (
            nmapcontigs, ratio)
        outstr += ("Total Aligned Len (Mb)            : " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (totalignlen * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Total Aligned Len / Ref Len       : " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (totalignlen / reflen)
        uniquelen = 0
        for segs in uniqueseg.values():  # need to sum on dict entries
            util.uniqueRange(segs)  #this modifies list in place
            uniquelen += util.totalLengthFromRanges(segs)
        outstr += ("Total Unique Aligned Len (Mb)     : " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (uniquelen * unitscale)
        outstr += ("Total Unique Aligned Len / Ref Len: " + fstr +
                   "\n") % (uniquelen / reflen)

    return outstr
コード例 #4
def characterizeContigs(varsP, xmappath=None, listcontigs=False) :
    """Log simple contigs stats, and optionally align stats from xmappath.
    #print header of table
    unitscale = 1e-6
    dorefalign = bool(xmappath) #i'm never actually calling refaligner here--this is just using xmappath
    #dorefidchr = False
    #dorefcid = False
    printrange = False
    #printsegrms = False
    #dochrstr = False
    iscluster = True
    haveref = bool(varsP.ref)

    #refcmap = mapClasses.multiCmap() #not used
    aligndir = varsP.contigAlignTarget

    try :
        #refcmap = mapClasses.multiCmap(varsP.ref)
        #reflen = refcmap.totalLength #note: total length of _all_ contigs
        reflen = mapClasses.multiCmap(varsP.ref, lengthonly=True).totalLength
        #in summary table, this is a denominator--make sure it's non-zero, don't bail (still get contig summary)
        if reflen <= 0 :
            #print "Warning in CharacterizeModule.characterizeContigs: bad reflen", reflen, "defaulting to 1" #not necessary
            reflen = 1.
        reflen = 1.

    outstr = "" #Contig Characterization:\n"

    if listcontigs and dorefalign :
        outstr += "cID  len"
        outstr += "  Cov"
        #if dorefidchr or dorefcid :
        #    outstr += "  rID" #ref index for either of these
        #if dorefidchr :
        #    outstr += "  rpos"
        outstr += "  alignlen  alignlen/len"
        if printrange :
            outstr += "  Qry1  Qry2  Ref1  Ref2"
        #outstr += ("  segRMS" if printsegrms else "")
        outstr += "  Conf  Conf/lenkb"
        outstr += "  FP  FN  sf  sd  bpp" #"  res" #--ditch res (not bpp)
        #if dochrstr :
        #    outstr += "  Chr"
        outstr += "\n"

    totcontiglen = 0; totalignlen = 0; nmapcontigs = 0; defalignlen = 0; totalignqlen = 0
    contiglens = [] #lens of all contigs in bases
    uniqueseg = {} #the argument to util.uniqueRange--stores all the map lengths which go into totalignlen--now each of these is a value, and the keys are the reference contig id or chromosome depending on dorefidchr
    avgfplist = []; avgfnlist = [] #average FP/FN rates
    #if dorefidchr :
    #    chrsum = refcmap.makeChrSummaryDict() #see mapClasses.multiCmap
    for citr, cpath in enumerate([varsP.latestMergedCmap]) : #always use contigpaths
        mapi = mapClasses.multiCmap(cpath) 
        totcontiglen += mapi.totalLength
        contiglens += mapi.getAllMapLengths() #getAllMapLengths is list of all map lengths

        #store a list of the contig ids in this multiCmap, then remove them if they're in the xmap
        # if they're not, print at the end
        mapids = mapi.getAllMapIds() #this is once per cmap, not once per characterizeModule call--becuase it's keys, it's already a copy, no need to copy explicitly
        ncontigs = len(mapids) #this is ncontigs in this file, ie, in mapi (see below)

        xmapobj = mapClasses.xmap() #empty map to fix xmapobj scope
        if dorefalign : #get xmap object
            #xmappath = aligndir+os.path.split(cpath)[-1].replace(".cmap", ".xmap") #need cmap file name
            #xmappath = self.xmapTarget
            #if xmappath exists isn't a file, nothing will be loaded
            if os.path.isfile( xmappath ) : #was if not isfile : continue
                xmapobj = mapClasses.xmap(xmappath)

        for xitr, xmapentry in enumerate(xmapobj.xmapLookup.values()) :
            #print the contig id from the xmap
            #this is sorted by ref position; could sort the list this loop is over by the contigQry data member,
            # _but_, I think I like reference-oriented better because you can see gap spanning

            #get map length from multicmap.getMapLength--returns 0 for any exception
            contiglen = mapi.getMapLength(xmapentry.contigQry)
            if contiglen <= 0 : #this strikes me as clumsy...but I don't want to return non-zero from multiCmap.getMapLength
                contiglen = 1.
            contigcov = mapi.getMapAvgCoverage(xmapentry.contigQry)

            if listcontigs :
                outstr += "%5i" % xmapentry.contigQry
                outstr += "  %9.1f  %2i" % (contiglen, contigcov)

            #don't print lenr for each contig--just total them
            lenr = xmapentry.getMappedRefLen()
            lenq = xmapentry.getMappedQryLen()
            refid = xmapentry.contigRef #int
            #if dorefidchr : #this is the encoding of ref contig id to chromosome and start position
            #    chrpos = mapClasses.intToChrPos(refid, verbose=False) #this returns a tuple (shouldn't fail, but verbose false)
            #    refidstr = "  %2s  %6i" % chrpos
            #    chrs = chrpos[0] #just for readability
            #    if chrsum.has_key(chrs) : #the method that fills chrsum (makeChrSummaryDict) also uses intToChrPos
            #        chrsum[chrs][0] += lenr #values are list, first ele is total aligned length, second is ref length (fixed)
            #elif dorefcid :
            #    refidstr = "  %3i" % refid #refid is int
            #else : #nothing for neither, but still need empty string
            refidstr = ""

            conf = xmapentry.Confidence #confidence from the xmap, and ratio of it to length in kb
            if listcontigs :
                alignpars = getMappedErrStats(aligndir, cpath) #an empty err file is produced for case of no align
                avgfplist.append( alignpars.fp ) 
                avgfnlist.append( alignpars.fn ) 
                outstr += "%s  %9.1f  %.3f" % (refidstr, lenq, lenq/contiglen) #length for refidstr set above
                if printrange :
                    outstr += "  %5.0f  %5.0f  %5.0f  %5.0f" % (xmapentry.QryStart/pn, xmapentry.QryStop/pn, xmapentry.RefStart/pn, xmapentry.RefStop/pn)
                #outstr += ("  %5.0f" % 0 if printsegrms else "") #don't print anything
                outstr += "  %3.0f  %5.3f" % (conf, conf*1000./lenq) #1000 is for kb
                outstr += "  " + alignpars.getParamString()

            totalignlen  += lenr
            totalignqlen += lenq

            #uniqueseg is now a dict to take into account which chromosome the query contig is on
            #note need refid bc need to separate different contigs on the _same_ chromosome
            if not uniqueseg.has_key(refid) : #if first contig on chromosome, need to init new list
                uniqueseg[refid] = []
            uniqueseg[refid].append( [xmapentry.RefStart, xmapentry.RefStop] )

            #process mapids--remove contig id (contigQry) from mapids if they're in the xmap so non-aligning contigs can be printed
            if xmapentry.contigQry in mapids :

            #note: the feature of multiple alignments (strict vs default) is no longer implemented
            defalignlen  += lenr #currently, just default and strict

            #if listcontigs and dochrstr :
            #    outstr += "  " + refIndexToChrStr( xmapentry.contigRef )
            #    outstr += "\n"
        #end loop on xmap entries

        #now that all xmap entries are processed, all contigs with an alignment are removed from mapids,
        # so we can get n contigs align using this and ncontigs
        nmapcontigs += ncontigs - len(mapids) #sum multiple cmaps

        #and print the data for the contigs which don't align--just id, length, and coverage
        #these lines are kind of redundant, but I guess that's ok
        if listcontigs :
            for ids in mapids :
                outstr += "%5i" % ids
                #get map length from multicmap.getMapLength--returns 0 for any exception
                contiglen = mapi.getMapLength(ids) #it's ok if it's 0 bc it's never a denominator here
                contigcov = mapi.getMapAvgCoverage(ids)
                outstr += "  %9.1f  %2i\n" % (contiglen, contigcov)

    #end loop on contigs

    varsP.totAssemblyLenMb = totcontiglen*unitscale
    ncontigs = len(contiglens) #contigpaths is just files--contiglens is all contigs
    avgcontiglen = (float(totcontiglen)/ncontigs if ncontigs > 0 else 0)

    #print averages
    if listcontigs and not iscluster : #only do avg if not merged, otherwise just one noise parameter
        avgfp    = sum(avgfplist)/len(avgfplist)
        avgfn    = sum(avgfnlist)/len(avgfnlist)
        outstr += "AVG    %9.1f           %9.1f                     %5.3f  %5.3f\n" % (avgcontiglen, totalignqlen/nmapcontigs, avgfp, avgfn)

    if unitscale > 1e-6 : #if not megabases
        fstr = "%9.0f"
    else : #megabases
        fstr = "%8.3f" 

    outstr += "N Genome Maps: %i\n" % ncontigs
    outstr += ("Total Genome Map Len (Mb): "+fstr+"\n") % (totcontiglen*unitscale)
    outstr += ("Avg. Genome Map Len  (Mb): "+fstr+"\n") % (avgcontiglen*unitscale)
    outstr += ("Median Genome Map Len(Mb): "+fstr+"\n") % (util.getMedian(contiglens)*unitscale)
    outstr += ("Genome Map n50       (Mb): "+fstr+"\n") % (util.getn50(contiglens)*unitscale)

    if haveref :
        outstr += ("Total Ref Len   (Mb): "+fstr+"\n") % (reflen*unitscale)
        outstr += ("Total Genome Map Len / Ref Len : "+fstr+"\n") % (totcontiglen/reflen)
    if dorefalign :
        #print the chromosome summary before the strict/default/total align stats
        #if dorefidchr :
        #    outstr += "Chromosome Summary:\n"
        #    outstr += "Chromosome  align len  ref len  (ratio):\n"
        #    for chrs, align in chrsum.iteritems() :
        #        outstr += "%3s  %9.0f  %9.0f  (%5.3f)\n" % (chrs, align[0], align[1], align[0]/align[1])

        ratio = (float(nmapcontigs)/ncontigs if ncontigs > 0 else 0)
        outstr += ("N Genome Maps total align      : %i (%.2f)\n") % (nmapcontigs, ratio)
        outstr += ("Total Aligned Len (Mb)            : "+fstr+"\n") % (totalignlen*unitscale)
        outstr += ("Total Aligned Len / Ref Len       : "+fstr+"\n") % (totalignlen/reflen)
        uniquelen = 0
        for segs in uniqueseg.values() : # need to sum on dict entries
            util.uniqueRange(segs) #this modifies list in place
            uniquelen += util.totalLengthFromRanges( segs )
        outstr += ("Total Unique Aligned Len (Mb)     : "+fstr+"\n") % (uniquelen*unitscale)
        outstr += ("Total Unique Aligned Len / Ref Len: "+fstr+"\n") % (uniquelen/reflen)

    return outstr