コード例 #1
def sanitize_fields(form):
        Display errors for the following:

        1.  Strip whitespaces from all the fields
        2.  Remove @ from the HackerEarth
        3.  Lowercase the handles
        4.  Fill the institute field with "Other" if empty
        5.  Email address entered is from a valid domain
        6.  Email address instead of handles
        7.  Spoj follows a specific convention for handle naming
        8.  stopstalk_handle is alphanumeric
        9.  Country field is compulsory
        10. Only positive ints allowed in Timus field
        11. HackerRank handle should not be containing hr_r=1

        @param form (FORM): Registration / Add Custom friend form

    from re import match

    if form.vars.stopstalk_handle:
        # 8.
        if not utilities.is_valid_stopstalk_handle(form.vars.stopstalk_handle):
            form.errors.stopstalk_handle = T(
                "Expected alphanumeric (Underscore allowed)")

    def _remove_at_symbol(site_name):
        if site_name in current.SITES:
            field = site_name.lower() + "_handle"
            if form.vars[field] and form.vars[field][0] == "@":
                form.errors[field] = T("@ symbol not required")

    def _valid_spoj_handle(handle):
            return match("[a-z]+[0-9a-z_]*", handle).group() == handle
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    handle_fields = ["stopstalk"]
    handle_fields.extend([x.lower() for x in current.SITES.keys()])

    # 1, 6 and 11
    for field in handle_fields:
        field_handle = field + "_handle"
        if form.vars[field_handle]:
            if field != "uva" and form.vars[field_handle].__contains__(" "):
                form.errors[field_handle] = T("White spaces not allowed")
            elif IS_EMAIL(error_message="check")(
                    form.vars[field_handle])[1] != "check":
                form.errors[field_handle] = T(
                    "Email address instead of handle")
            elif field == "hackerrank" and form.vars[
                form.errors[field_handle] = T("Please enter only the handle")

    # 2.

    # 7.
    if "Spoj" in current.SITES:
        if form.vars["spoj_handle"] and \
           not _valid_spoj_handle(form.vars["spoj_handle"]):
            form.errors["spoj_handle"] = T(
                "Handle should only contain lower case letters 'a'-'z', underscores '_', digits '0'-'9', and must start with a letter!"

    # 3.
    for site in handle_fields:
        site_handle = site + "_handle"
        if site in ["hackerrank", "uva", "stopstalk", "atcoder"]:
        if form.vars[site_handle] and \
           form.vars[site_handle] != form.vars[site_handle].lower():
            form.vars[site_handle] = form.vars[site_handle].lower()

    # 4.
    if form.vars.institute == "":
        form.errors.institute = T("Please select an institute or Other")

    # 9.
    if form.vars.country == "":
        form.errors.country = T("Country required")

    # 5.
    if form.vars.email:
        if validate_email(form.vars.email) is False:
            form.errors.email = T("Invalid email address")

    # 10.
    if form.vars.timus_handle:
            timus_id = int(form.vars.timus_handle)
            if timus_id <= 0:
                form.errors.timus_handle = "Timus handle / ID should be a number"
        except ValueError:
            form.errors.timus_handle = "Timus handle / ID should be a number"

    if form.errors:
        response.flash = T("Form has errors")
コード例 #2
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: GSri30/stopstalk-deployment
def add_custom_friend():
        Add an already existing custom user to some other user

    post_vars = request.post_vars
    atable = db.auth_user
    cftable = db.custom_friend

    stopstalk_handle = "cus_" + post_vars["stopstalk_handle"]
    # Modify (Prepare) this dictionary for inserting it again
    current_row = json.loads(post_vars["row"])
    original_handle = current_row["stopstalk_handle"]

    if not utilities.is_valid_stopstalk_handle(original_handle):
        # @ToDo: Change the message when cus_ is the reason of invalid handle
        session.flash = T("Expected alphanumeric (Underscore allowed)")
        redirect(URL("user", "profile", args=original_handle))

    stopstalk_handles = []
    rows = db(atable).select(atable.stopstalk_handle)
    rows = [x.stopstalk_handle for x in rows]

    rows = db(cftable).select(cftable.stopstalk_handle)
    rows = [x.stopstalk_handle for x in rows]

    for temp_handle in stopstalk_handles:
        if stopstalk_handle.lower() == temp_handle.lower():
            session.flash = T("Handle already taken")
            redirect(URL("user", "profile", args=original_handle))

    # The total referrals by the logged-in user
    query = (atable.referrer == session.handle)

    # User should not enter his/her own
    # stopstalk handle as referrer handle
    query &= (atable.stopstalk_handle != session.handle)
    total_referrals = db(query).count()

    # Retrieve the total allowed custom users from auth_user table
    query = (atable.id == session.user_id)
    row = db(query).select(atable.referrer, atable.allowed_cu).first()
    default_allowed = row.allowed_cu
    referrer = 0
    # If a valid referral is applied then award 1 extra CU
    if row.referrer and row.referrer != session.handle:
        referrer = db(atable.stopstalk_handle == row.referrer).count()

    # 3 custom friends allowed plus one for each 3 invites

    allowed_custom_friends = total_referrals / 3 + default_allowed + referrer

    # Custom users already created
    current_count = db(db.custom_friend.user_id == session.user_id).count()

    if current_count >= allowed_custom_friends:
        session.flash = T("Sorry!! All custom users used up!")
        redirect(URL("user", "profile", args=original_handle))

    # ID of the custom user
    original_id = long(current_row["id"])

    # Delete this id as this will be incremented
    # automatically on insert
    del current_row["id"]

    # Set duplicate_cu for this new user
    current_row["duplicate_cu"] = original_id
    # Set the user_id as current logged in user
    current_row["user_id"] = session.user_id
    # Update the stopstalk handle
    current_row["stopstalk_handle"] = stopstalk_handle

    # Insert a new Custom friend for the logged-in user
    custom_user_id = cftable.insert(**current_row)
    current.create_next_retrieval_record(cftable(custom_user_id), True)

    session.flash = T("Custom user added!!")
    redirect(URL("user", "profile", args=stopstalk_handle))