def addrepo(content, name): logid = mongolog(locals()) filename = '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' + name + '.list' repofile = open(filename, 'a') repofile.write(content + '\n') repofile.close() return command_success(logid=logid)
def adddefaultcron(command, cronspath, name): #New cron gets a random name if user did not provide it if not name: name = getcronname() logid = mongolog(locals()) with open(cronspath + name, 'w') as newcron: newcron.write(command + '\n') return command_success(data=cronspath + name, logid=logid)
def aptupdate(): logid = mongolog(locals()) try: command = ['apt-get', 'update'] check_call(command) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def ifacedown(iface): logid = mongolog(locals()) command = ['ifconfig', iface, 'down'] try: check_call(command) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def manageobjs(filename, op): logid = mongolog(locals()) command = [op, filename] try: #Shrinks the output --------. # | # v check_call(command, stdout=DEVNULL) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def adduser(user, password, shell="/bin/bash"): logid = mongolog(locals()) if not shell: return command_error( returncode=200, stderr="String containing new shell name cannot be empty", logid=logid) try: command = ['useradd', '-m', '-p', password, '-s', shell, user] check_output(command, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def ifaceup(iface, address="", netmask="", broadcast=""): logid = mongolog(locals()) command = ['ifconfig', iface] if address: command.append(address) if netmask: command = command + ['netmask', netmask] if broadcast: command = command + ['broadcast', broadcast] command.append('up') try: check_output = check_call(command, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def aptremove(pkgname, purge=False): logid = mongolog(locals(), {'dependencies': aptshow(pkgname, onlydependences=True)}) command = ['apt-get', 'purge' if purge else 'remove', '-y', pkgname] environ = { 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND': 'noninteractive', 'PATH': os.environ.get('PATH') } try: check_call(command, env=environ) #stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), stderr=STDOUT) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def removeuser(user, removehome=False): userinfo = getuser(user) if userinfo['returncode'] is 0: userinfo = userinfo['data'] else: return userinfo logid = mongolog(locals(), userinfo) try: command = ['deluser', user] if removehome: command.append('--remove-home') check_output(command, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def updateuserpass(user, password): #We literally cannot store password in mongo log, #hence here we are removing password from locals() localsvar = locals() del localsvar['password'] logid = mongolog(localsvar) try: command = ['echo', user + ':' + password] p1 = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE) command = ['/usr/sbin/chpasswd'] p2 = Popen(command, stdin=p1.stdout) p1.stdout.close() except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def addusertogroups(user, *groups): #Logging operation to mongo first userinfo = getuser(user) if not userinfo['returncode'] is 0: return userinfo userinfo = userinfo['data'] logid = mongolog(locals(), userinfo) try: for group in groups: command = ['adduser', user, group] check_call(command) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) #ObjectID of mongo return command_success(logid=logid)
def hostname(newhostname=""): command = ['hostname'] if newhostname: logid = mongolog( locals() ) command.append(newhostname) try: hostname = check_output(command, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except CalledProcessError as e: if newhostname: return command_error( e, command, logid ) else: return command_error( e, command ) if newhostname: return command_success( logid=logid ) else: return command_success( data=hostname )
def addcron(command, name="", user="******", minute='*', hour='*', dom='*', month='*', dow='*'): cronspath = '/etc/cron.d/' #New cron gets a random name if user did not provide it if not name: name = getcronname() logid = mongolog(locals()) with open(cronspath + name, 'w') as newcron: newcron.write(minute + ' ' + hour + ' ' + dom + ' ' + month + ' ' + dow + ' ' + user + ' ' + command + '\n') return command_success(data=cronspath + name, logid=logid)
def updateusershell(user, shell): logid = mongolog(locals()) if not shell: return command_error( returncode=200, stderr="String containing new shell name cannot be empty", logid=logid) command = ['chsh', user, '-s', shell] try: check_call(command) # check_output(command, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def delroute(route): logid = mongolog(locals()) if not type(route) is type(dict()): command_error( returncode=202, stderr='delroute function can only accept a dictionary as argument', logid=logid) command = [ 'route', 'del', '-net', route['Destination'], 'netmask', route['Genmask'], 'gw', route['Gateway'] ] try: check_call(command) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def manageapache(op): #Can only accept these parameters acceptedparams = ['stop', 'status', 'reload', 'restart'] if not any(op in param for param in acceptedparams): return command_error(returncode=-1, stderr='Bad parameter: ' + op) else: command = ['systemctl', op, 'apache2', '-q', '-n0', '--no-pager'] toreturn = None try: if op is "status": #Avoid to print journal (log) lines in output command.append('-n0') #We are using Popen here because check_output fails to return stdout and stderr on exit code != 0 toreturn = Popen( command, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()[0].splitlines() #Filtering useless lines linestomantain = ['loaded', 'active', 'memory', 'cpu'] toreturn = list( filter( lambda line: any(s in line.lower() for s in linestomantain), toreturn)) #Formatting output toreturn = dict( map(lambda line: line.lstrip().split(':', maxsplit=1), toreturn)) else: #Logging operation to MongoDB; in this specific case "toreturn" contains mongo logid toreturn = mongolog(locals()) check_call(command) except CalledProcessError: pass return command_success(data=toreturn)
def removeuserfromgroups(user, *groups): #Logging operation to mongo first userinfo = getuser(user) if userinfo['returncode'] is 0: userinfo = userinfo['data'] else: return userinfo logid = mongolog(locals(), userinfo) try: for group in groups: command = ['gpasswd', '-d', user, group] check_call(command) # check_output(command, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) #ObjectID of mongo return command_success(logid=logid)
def aptinstall(pkgname): logid = mongolog(locals(), {'dependencies': aptshow(pkgname, onlydependences=True)}) command = ['apt-get', 'install', '-y', pkgname] environ = { 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND': 'noninteractive', 'PATH': os.environ.get('PATH') } try: check_call( command, env=environ) #, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), stderr=STDOUT) except CalledProcessError: return command_error( returncode=14, stderr='Package installation error. Package name: "' + pkgname + '"', logid=logid) return command_success(logid=logid)
def removerepofile(filename): result = filedel(externalreposdir + filename)['logid'] filedel( externalreposdir + filename + '.save') #Ignores errors if file not exists ignoring return dictionary logid = mongolog(locals()) repospath = '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' try: os.remove(repospath + filename + '.list') os.remove(repospath + filename + '') except FileNotFoundError: return command_error(returncode=10, stderr='File to remove not found: "' + repospath + '"', logid=logid) if result['returncode'] is 0: return command_succes(logid=logid) else: return result
def addroute(gw, net, netmask, default=False): logid = mongolog(locals()) command = ['route', 'add'] #If default is true we just need "gw" parameters if default: command = command + ['default', 'gw', gw] #If default in False "net" and "netmask" must be set elif net is None or netmask is None: command_error( returncode=201, stderr= 'On non-default route you must enter "net" and "netmask" parameters' ) else: command = command + ['-net', net, 'netmask', netmask, 'gw', gw] try: check_call(command) except CalledProcessError as e: return command_error(e, command, logid) return command_success(logid=logid)