def rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, media): Debug('[rating] Sending rating (%s) to trakt' % rating) if media_type == 'movie': params = {'title': media['title'], 'year': media['year'], 'rating': rating} if media['imdbnumber'].startswith('tt'): params['imdb_id'] = media['imdbnumber'] elif media['imdbnumber'].isdigit(): params['tmdb_id'] = media['imdbnumber'] data = globals.traktapi.rateMovie(params) else: params = {'title': media['label'], 'year': media['year'], 'season': media['episode']['season'], 'episode': media['episode']['episode'], 'rating': rating} if media['imdbnumber'].isdigit(): params['tvdb_id'] = media['imdbnumber'] elif media['imdbnumber'].startswith('tt'): params['imdb_id'] = media['imdbnumber'] data = globals.traktapi.rateEpisode(params) if data != None: notification(__language__(1201).encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), __language__(1167).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) # Rating submitted successfully
def scrobbleNotification(self, info): if not self.curVideoInfo: return if utilities.getSettingAsBool("scrobble_notification"): s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(self.curVideo['type'], info) utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1049), s)
def rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, media): Debug("[Rating] Sending rating (%s) to" % rating) if utilities.isMovie(media_type): params = {} params['title'] = media['title'] params['year'] = media['year'] params['rating'] = rating params['tmdb_id'] = media['tmdb_id'] params['imdb_id'] = media['imdb_id'] data = globals.traktapi.rateMovie(params) elif utilities.isEpisode(media_type): params = {} params['title'] = media['show']['title'] params['year'] = media['show']['year'] params['season'] = media['episode']['season'] params['episode'] = media['episode']['number'] params['rating'] = rating params['tvdb_id'] = media['show']['tvdb_id'] params['imdb_id'] = media['show']['imdb_id'] data = globals.traktapi.rateEpisode(params) else: return if data != None: notification(utilities.getString(1201), utilities.getString(1167)) # Rating submitted successfully
def testAccount(self, force=False): if self.__username == "": notification('trakt', getString( 1106)) # please enter your Username and Password in settings setSetting('account_valid', False) return False elif self.__password == "": notification( "trakt", getString(1107)) # please enter your Password in settings setSetting('account_valid', False) return False if not getSettingAsBool('account_valid') or force: Debug("[traktAPI] Testing account '%s'." % self.__username) url = "%s/account/test/%s" % (self.__baseURL, self.__apikey) Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(url: %s)" % url) args = json.dumps({ 'username': self.__username, 'password': self.__password }) response = None try: # get data from response = self.__getData(url, args) except traktError, e: if isinstance(e, traktAuthProblem): Debug( "[traktAPI] testAccount(): Account '%s' failed authentication. (%s)" % (self.__username, e.value)) elif isinstance(e, traktServerBusy): Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(): Server Busy (%s)" % e.value) elif isinstance(e, traktNetworkError): Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(): Network error: %s" % e.value) elif isinstance(e, traktUnknownError): Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(): Other problem (%s)" % e.value) else: pass if response: data = None try: data = json.loads(response) except ValueError: pass if 'status' in data: if data['status'] == 'success': setSetting('account_valid', True) Debug( "[traktAPI] testAccount(): Account '%s' is valid." % self.__username) return True
def rateOnTrakt(self, rating): if self.media_type == 'movie': params = {'title':['title'], 'year':['year'], 'rating': rating} if['imdbnumber'].startswith('tt'): params['imdb_id'] =['imdbnumber'] elif['imdbnumber'].isdigit(): params['tmdb_id'] data = traktJsonRequest('POST', '/rate/movie/%%API_KEY%%', params, passVersions=True) else: params = {'title':['label'], 'year':['year'], 'season':['episode']['season'], 'episode':['episode']['episode'], 'rating': rating} if['imdbnumber'].isdigit(): params['tvdb_id'] =['imdbnumber'] elif['imdbnumber'].startswith('tt'): params['imdb_id'] =['imdbnumber'] data = traktJsonRequest('POST', '/rate/episode/%%API_KEY%%', params, passVersions=True) if data != None: notification(__language__(1201).encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), __language__(1167).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) # Rating submitted successfully
def Run(self): if not self.show_progress and __setting__("sync_on_update") == "true" and self.notify: notification("%s %s" % (__getstring__(1400), __getstring__(1402)), __getstring__(1420)) # Sync started self.GetFromXBMC() if not self.Canceled() and add_movies_to_trakt: self.GetFromTraktCollection() self.AddToTrakt() if trakt_movie_playcount or xbmc_movie_playcount: if not self.Canceled(): self.GetFromTraktSeen() if not self.Canceled() and trakt_movie_playcount: self.UpdatePlaysTrakt() if not self.Canceled() and xbmc_movie_playcount: self.UpdatePlaysXBMC() if not self.Canceled() and clean_trakt_movies: if not add_movies_to_trakt: self.GetFromTraktCollection() if not self.Canceled(): self.RemoveFromTrakt() if not self.Canceled() and self.show_progress: progress.update(100, line1=__getstring__(1431), line2=" ", line3=" ") progress.close() if not self.show_progress and __setting__("sync_on_update") == "true" and self.notify: notification("%s %s" % (__getstring__(1400), __getstring__(1402)), __getstring__(1421)) # Sync complete Debug("[Movies Sync] Complete")
def __scrobbleNotification(self, info): if not self.curVideoInfo: return if utilities.getSettingAsBool("scrobble_notification"): s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(self.curVideo["type"], info[self.curVideo["type"]]) utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32015), s)
def __init__(self, sync, progress): self.sync = sync if not self.sync.show_progress and self.sync.sync_on_update and self.sync.notify and self.sync.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32050)), utilities.getString(32061)) # Sync started if self.sync.show_progress and not self.sync.run_silent: progress.create("%s %s" % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32050)), line1=" ", line2=" ", line3=" ") kodiShowsCollected, kodiShowsWatched = self.__kodiLoadShows() if not isinstance(kodiShowsCollected, list) and not kodiShowsCollected: logger.debug("[Episodes Sync] Kodi collected show list is empty, aborting tv show Sync.") if self.sync.show_progress and not self.sync.run_silent: progress.close() return if not isinstance(kodiShowsWatched, list) and not kodiShowsWatched: logger.debug("[Episodes Sync] Kodi watched show list is empty, aborting tv show Sync.") if self.sync.show_progress and not self.sync.run_silent: progress.close() return traktShowsCollected, traktShowsWatched, traktShowsRated, traktEpisodesRated = self.__traktLoadShows() if not traktShowsCollected: logger.debug("[Episodes Sync] Error getting collected show list, aborting tv show sync.") if self.sync.show_progress and not self.sync.run_silent: progress.close() return if not traktShowsWatched: logger.debug("[Episodes Sync] Error getting watched show list, aborting tv show sync.") if self.sync.show_progress and not self.sync.run_silent: progress.close() return # we need a correct runtime for episodes until we have that this is commented out traktShowsProgress = self.__traktLoadShowsPlaybackProgress(25, 36) self.__addEpisodesToTraktCollection(kodiShowsCollected, traktShowsCollected, 37, 47) self.__deleteEpisodesFromTraktCollection(traktShowsCollected, kodiShowsCollected, 48, 58) self.__addEpisodesToTraktWatched(kodiShowsWatched, traktShowsWatched, 59, 69) self.__addEpisodesToKodiWatched(traktShowsWatched, kodiShowsWatched, kodiShowsCollected, 70, 80) # we need a correct runtime for episodes until we have that this is commented out self.__addEpisodeProgressToKodi(traktShowsProgress, kodiShowsCollected, 81, 91) self.__syncShowsRatings(traktShowsRated, kodiShowsCollected, 92, 95) self.__syncEpisodeRatings(traktEpisodesRated, kodiShowsCollected, 96, 99) if not self.sync.show_progress and self.sync.sync_on_update and self.sync.notify and self.sync.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32050)), utilities.getString(32062)) # Sync complete if self.sync.show_progress and not self.sync.run_silent: self.sync.UpdateProgress(100, line1=" ", line2=utilities.getString(32075), line3=" ") progress.close() logger.debug("[Episodes Sync] Shows on (%d), shows in Kodi (%d)." % (len(traktShowsCollected['shows']), len(kodiShowsCollected['shows']))) logger.debug("[Episodes Sync] Episodes on (%d), episodes in Kodi (%d)." % (self.__countEpisodes(traktShowsCollected), self.__countEpisodes(kodiShowsCollected))) logger.debug("[Episodes Sync] Complete.")
def __syncMovies(self): if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification( '%s %s' % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32046)), utilities.getString(32061)) #Sync started if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.create( "%s %s" % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32046)), line1=" ", line2=" ", line3=" ") kodiMovies = self.__kodiLoadMovies() if not isinstance(kodiMovies, list) and not kodiMovies: logger.debug( "[Movies Sync] Kodi movie list is empty, aborting movie Sync.") if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return try: traktMovies = self.__traktLoadMovies() except Exception: logger.debug( "[Movies Sync] Error getting movie list, aborting movie Sync." ) if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return self.__addMoviesToTraktCollection(kodiMovies, traktMovies) self.__deleteMoviesFromTraktCollection(traktMovies, kodiMovies) self.__addMoviesToTraktWatched(kodiMovies, traktMovies) self.__addMoviesToKodiWatched(traktMovies, kodiMovies) if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: self.__updateProgress(100, line1=utilities.getString(32066), line2=" ", line3=" ") progress.close() if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification( '%s %s' % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32046)), utilities.getString(32062)) #Sync complete logger.debug( "[Movies Sync] Movies on (%d), movies in Kodi (%d)." % (self.__countMovies(traktMovies), len(kodiMovies))) logger.debug("[Movies Sync] Complete.")
def Run(self): if not self.show_progress and __setting__( 'sync_on_update') == 'true' and self.notify: notification('%s %s' % (__getstring__(1400), __getstring__(1406)), __getstring__(1420)) #Sync started self.GetFromXBMC() # sanity check, test for non-empty xbmc movie list if self.xbmc_shows: if not self.Canceled() and add_episodes_to_trakt: self.GetCollectionFromTrakt() if not self.Canceled(): self.AddToTrakt() if trakt_episode_playcount or xbmc_episode_playcount: if not self.Canceled(): self.GetWatchedFromTrakt() if not self.Canceled() and trakt_episode_playcount: self.UpdatePlaysTrakt() if xbmc_episode_playcount: if not self.Canceled(): self.UpdatePlaysXBMC() if clean_trakt_episodes: if not self.Canceled() and not add_episodes_to_trakt: self.GetCollectionFromTrakt() if not self.Canceled(): self.RemoveFromTrakt() else: Debug( "[Episodes Sync] XBMC Show list is empty, aborting Episodes Sync." ) if not self.show_progress and __setting__( 'sync_on_update') == 'true' and self.notify: notification('%s %s' % (__getstring__(1400), __getstring__(1406)), __getstring__(1421)) #Sync complete if not self.Canceled() and self.show_progress: progress.update(100, line1=__getstring__(1442), line2=' ', line3=' ') progress.close() Debug('[Episodes Sync] Complete')
def __syncEpisodes(self): if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1406)), utilities.getString(1420)) #Sync started if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.create("%s %s" % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1406)), line1=" ", line2=" ", line3=" ") kodiShows = self.__kodiLoadShows() if not isinstance(kodiShows, list) and not kodiShows: Debug("[Episodes Sync] Kodi show list is empty, aborting tv show Sync.") if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return traktShows = self.__traktLoadShows() if not isinstance(traktShows['shows'], list): Debug("[Episodes Sync] Error getting show list, aborting tv show sync.") if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return if utilities.getSettingAsBool('clean_trakt_episodes') and not self.__isCanceled(): traktShowsRemove = self.__compareShows(traktShows, kodiShows) self.__traktRemoveEpisodes(traktShowsRemove) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('trakt_episode_playcount') and not self.__isCanceled(): traktShowsUpdate = self.__compareShows(kodiShows, traktShows, watched=True) self.__traktUpdateEpisodes(traktShowsUpdate) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('kodi_episode_playcount') and not self.__isCanceled(): kodiShowsUpadate = self.__compareShows(traktShows, kodiShows, watched=True, restrict=True) self.__kodiUpdateEpisodes(kodiShowsUpadate) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('add_episodes_to_trakt') and not self.__isCanceled(): traktShowsAdd = self.__compareShows(kodiShows, traktShows) self.__traktAddEpisodes(traktShowsAdd) if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1406)), utilities.getString(1421)) #Sync complete if not self.__isCanceled() and self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: self.__updateProgress(100, line1=" ", line2=utilities.getString(1442), line3=" ") progress.close() Debug("[Episodes Sync] Shows on (%d), shows in Kodi (%d)." % (len(traktShows['shows']), len(kodiShows['shows']))) Debug("[Episodes Sync] Episodes on (%d), episodes in Kodi (%d)." % (self.__countEpisodes(traktShows), self.__countEpisodes(kodiShows))) Debug("[Episodes Sync] Complete.")
def testAccount(self, force=False): if self.__username == "": notification('trakt', getString(1106)) # please enter your Username and Password in settings setSetting('account_valid', False) return False elif self.__password == "": notification("trakt", getString(1107)) # please enter your Password in settings setSetting('account_valid', False) return False if not getSettingAsBool('account_valid') or force: Debug("[traktAPI] Testing account '%s'." % self.__username) url = "%s/account/test/%s" % (self.__baseURL, self.__apikey) Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(url: %s)" % url) args = json.dumps({'username': self.__username, 'password': self.__password}) response = None try: # get data from response = self.__getData(url, args) except traktError, e: if isinstance(e, traktAuthProblem): Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(): Account '%s' failed authentication. (%s)" % (self.__username, e.value)) elif isinstance(e, traktServerBusy): Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(): Server Busy (%s)" % e.value) elif isinstance(e, traktNetworkError): Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(): Network error: %s" % e.value) elif isinstance(e, traktUnknownError): Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(): Other problem (%s)" % e.value) else: pass if response: data = None try: data = json.loads(response) except ValueError: pass if 'status' in data: if data['status'] == 'success': setSetting('account_valid', True) Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(): Account '%s' is valid." % self.__username) return True
def syncEpisodes(self): if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1406)), utilities.getString(1420)) #Sync started if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.create("%s %s" % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1406)), line1=" ", line2=" ", line3=" ") xbmcShows = self.xbmcLoadShows() if not isinstance(xbmcShows, list) and not xbmcShows: Debug("[Episodes Sync] XBMC show list is empty, aborting tv show Sync.") if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return traktShows = self.traktLoadShows() if not isinstance(traktShows, list): Debug("[Episodes Sync] Error getting show list, aborting tv show sync.") if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return if utilities.getSettingAsBool('add_episodes_to_trakt') and not self.isCanceled(): traktShowsAdd = self.compareShows(xbmcShows, traktShows) self.traktAddEpisodes(traktShowsAdd) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('trakt_episode_playcount') and not self.isCanceled(): traktShowsUpdate = self.compareShows(xbmcShows, traktShows, watched=True) self.traktUpdateEpisodes(traktShowsUpdate) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('xbmc_episode_playcount') and not self.isCanceled(): xbmcShowsUpadate = self.compareShows(traktShows, xbmcShows, watched=True, restrict=True) self.xbmcUpdateEpisodes(xbmcShowsUpadate) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('clean_trakt_episodes') and not self.isCanceled(): traktShowsRemove = self.compareShows(traktShows, xbmcShows) self.traktRemoveEpisodes(traktShowsRemove) if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1406)), utilities.getString(1421)) #Sync complete if not self.isCanceled() and self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: self.updateProgress(100, line1=" ", line2=utilities.getString(1442), line3=" ") progress.close() Debug("[Episodes Sync] Shows on (%d), shows in XBMC (%d)." % (len(utilities.findAllInList(traktShows, 'in_collection', True)), len(xbmcShows))) Debug("[Episodes Sync] Episodes on (%d), episodes in XBMC (%d)." % (self.countEpisodes(traktShows), self.countEpisodes(xbmcShows))) Debug("[Episodes Sync] Complete.")
def syncMovies(self): if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1402)), utilities.getString(1420)) #Sync started if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.create("%s %s" % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1402)), line1=" ", line2=" ", line3=" ") xbmcMovies = self.xbmcLoadMovies() if not isinstance(xbmcMovies, list) and not xbmcMovies: Debug("[Movies Sync] XBMC movie list is empty, aborting movie Sync.") if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return traktMovies = self.traktLoadMovies() if not isinstance(traktMovies, list): Debug("[Movies Sync] Error getting movie list, aborting movie Sync.") if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return if utilities.getSettingAsBool('add_movies_to_trakt') and not self.isCanceled(): traktMoviesToAdd = self.compareMovies(xbmcMovies, traktMovies) self.traktAddMovies(traktMoviesToAdd) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('trakt_movie_playcount') and not self.isCanceled(): traktMoviesToUpdate = self.compareMovies(xbmcMovies, traktMovies, watched=True) self.traktUpdateMovies(traktMoviesToUpdate) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('xbmc_movie_playcount') and not self.isCanceled(): xbmcMoviesToUpdate = self.compareMovies(traktMovies, xbmcMovies, watched=True, restrict=True) self.xbmcUpdateMovies(xbmcMoviesToUpdate) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('clean_trakt_movies') and not self.isCanceled(): traktMoviesToRemove = self.compareMovies(traktMovies, xbmcMovies) self.traktRemoveMovies(traktMoviesToRemove) if not self.isCanceled() and self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: self.updateProgress(100, line1=utilities.getString(1431), line2=" ", line3=" ") progress.close() if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1402)), utilities.getString(1421)) #Sync complete Debug("[Movies Sync] Movies on (%d), movies in XBMC (%d)." % (len(traktMovies), self.countMovies(xbmcMovies))) Debug("[Movies Sync] Complete.")
def __syncMovies(self): if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1402)), utilities.getString(1420)) #Sync started if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.create("%s %s" % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1402)), line1=" ", line2=" ", line3=" ") kodiMovies = self.__kodiLoadMovies() if not isinstance(kodiMovies, list) and not kodiMovies: Debug("[Movies Sync] Kodi movie list is empty, aborting movie Sync.") if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return traktMovies = self.__traktLoadMovies() if not isinstance(traktMovies, list): Debug("[Movies Sync] Error getting movie list, aborting movie Sync.") if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return if utilities.getSettingAsBool('clean_trakt_movies') and not self.__isCanceled(): Debug("[Movies Sync] Starting to remove.") traktMoviesToRemove = self.__compareMovies(traktMovies, kodiMovies) Debug("[Movies Sync] Compared movies, found %s to remove." % traktMoviesToRemove) self.__traktRemoveMovies(traktMoviesToRemove) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('kodi_movie_playcount') and not self.__isCanceled(): kodiMoviesToUpdate = self.__compareMovies(traktMovies, kodiMovies, watched=True, restrict=True) self.__kodiUpdateMovies(kodiMoviesToUpdate) if utilities.getSettingAsBool('add_movies_to_trakt') and not self.__isCanceled(): traktMoviesToAdd = self.__compareMovies(kodiMovies, traktMovies) Debug("[Movies Sync] Compared movies, found %s to add." % traktMoviesToAdd) self.__traktAddMovies(traktMoviesToAdd) if not self.__isCanceled() and self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: self.__updateProgress(100, line1=utilities.getString(1431), line2=" ", line3=" ") progress.close() if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(1400), utilities.getString(1402)), utilities.getString(1421)) #Sync complete Debug("[Movies Sync] Movies on (%d), movies in Kodi (%d)." % (self.__countMovies(traktMovies), len(kodiMovies))) Debug("[Movies Sync] Complete.")
def __init__(self, sync, progress): self.sync = sync if not self.sync.show_progress and sync.sync_on_update and sync.notify and self.sync.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32046)), utilities.getString(32061)) # Sync started if sync.show_progress and not sync.run_silent: progress.create("%s %s" % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32046)), line1=" ", line2=" ", line3=" ") kodiMovies = self.__kodiLoadMovies() if not isinstance(kodiMovies, list) and not kodiMovies: logger.debug("[Movies Sync] Kodi movie list is empty, aborting movie Sync.") if sync.show_progress and not sync.run_silent: progress.close() return try: traktMovies = self.__traktLoadMovies() except Exception: logger.debug("[Movies Sync] Error getting movie list, aborting movie Sync.") if sync.show_progress and not sync.run_silent: progress.close() return traktMoviesProgress = self.__traktLoadMoviesPlaybackProgress(25, 36) self.__addMoviesToTraktCollection(kodiMovies, traktMovies, 37, 47) self.__deleteMoviesFromTraktCollection(traktMovies, kodiMovies, 48, 58) self.__addMoviesToTraktWatched(kodiMovies, traktMovies, 59, 69) self.__addMoviesToKodiWatched(traktMovies, kodiMovies, 70, 80) self.__addMovieProgressToKodi(traktMoviesProgress, kodiMovies, 81, 91) self.__syncMovieRatings(traktMovies, kodiMovies, 92, 99) if sync.show_progress and not sync.run_silent: self.sync.UpdateProgress(100, line1=utilities.getString(32066), line2=" ", line3=" ") progress.close() if not sync.show_progress and sync.sync_on_update and sync.notify and sync.notify_during_playback: notification('%s %s' % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32046)), utilities.getString(32062)) # Sync complete logger.debug("[Movies Sync] Movies on (%d), movies in Kodi (%d)." % (len(traktMovies), len(kodiMovies))) logger.debug("[Movies Sync] Complete.")
def authenticate(self, pin=None): # Attempt authentication (retrieve new token) with Trakt.configuration.http(retry=True): try: # Exchange `code` for `access_token` logger.debug("Exchanging pin for access token") self.authorization = Trakt['oauth'].token_exchange(pin, 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob') if not self.authorization: logger.debug("Authentication Failure") return False else: setSetting('authorization', dumps(self.authorization)) return True except Exception as ex: message = createError(ex) logger.fatal(message) logger.debug("Cannot connect to server") notification('Trakt', getString(32023))
def rate(rating, media): import kp, kinopoisk cookie=utils.get_string_setting('cookie') if cookie=='': cookie=None if not cookie: login=utils.get_string_setting('login') password=utils.get_string_setting('password') kpLogin=kp.Login(login,password,cookie) cookie=kpLogin.get_cookie() utils.set_string_setting('cookie', cookie) k=kinopoisk.KinoPoiskRuAgent() kpId,title,year=None,None,None if 'kinopoiskId' not in media: if 'titleAlt' in media: titles=(media['title'], media['titleAlt']) else: titles=(media['title'],) for i in titles:[],{'name':i,'year':media['year']},'English') if len(movies)>0: if movies[0][4]>90: ret=0 else: items=[] for i in movies: items.append('%s (%s)'%(i[1],str(i[2]))) ret=xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Movies:',items) if ret>-1: kpId=movies[ret][0] title=movies[ret][1].encode('utf-8') year=str(movies[ret][2]) break else: kpId=str(media['kinopoiskId']) title=media['title'].encode('utf-8') year=str(media['year']) if kpId and kpId!='None': r_class=kp.Rate(str(rating),str(kpId), cookie) r=r_class.rateit() if r: utils.notification('Rated %s OK!' % (str(kpId)),'%s to %s (%s)!' %(str(rating), title, year)) folderid=utils.get_string_setting('folderid') if folderid!="" and folderid>-1 and isinstance(int(folderid),int): r_class.moveit(int(folderid)) return 1
def Run(self): if not self.show_progress and __setting__('sync_on_update') == 'true' and self.notify: notification('%s %s' % (__getstring__(1400), __getstring__(1406)), __getstring__(1420)) #Sync started self.GetFromXBMC() # sanity check, test for non-empty xbmc movie list if self.xbmc_shows: if not self.Canceled() and add_episodes_to_trakt: self.GetCollectionFromTrakt() if not self.Canceled(): self.AddToTrakt() if trakt_episode_playcount or xbmc_episode_playcount: if not self.Canceled(): self.GetWatchedFromTrakt() if not self.Canceled() and trakt_episode_playcount: self.UpdatePlaysTrakt() if xbmc_episode_playcount: if not self.Canceled(): self.UpdatePlaysXBMC() if clean_trakt_episodes: if not self.Canceled() and not add_episodes_to_trakt: self.GetCollectionFromTrakt() if not self.Canceled(): self.RemoveFromTrakt() else: Debug("[Episodes Sync] XBMC Show list is empty, aborting Episodes Sync.") if not self.show_progress and __setting__('sync_on_update') == 'true' and self.notify: notification('%s %s' % (__getstring__(1400), __getstring__(1406)), __getstring__(1421)) #Sync complete if not self.Canceled() and self.show_progress: progress.update(100, line1=__getstring__(1442), line2=' ', line3=' ') progress.close() Debug('[Episodes Sync] Complete')
def authenticate(self, pin=None): # Attempt authentication (retrieve new token) with Trakt.configuration.http(retry=True): try: # Exchange `code` for `access_token` logger.debug("Exchanging pin for access token") self.authorization = Trakt['oauth'].token_exchange( pin, 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob') if not self.authorization: logger.debug("Authentication Failure") return False else: setSetting('authorization', dumps(self.authorization)) return True except Exception as ex: message = createError(ex) logger.fatal(message) logger.debug("Cannot connect to server") notification('Trakt', getString(32023))
def __rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, media, unrate=False): logger.debug("Sending rating (%s) to" % rating) params = media if utils.isMovie(media_type): key = 'movies' params['rating'] = rating elif utils.isShow(media_type): key = 'shows' params['rating'] = rating elif utils.isSeason(media_type): key = 'shows' params['seasons'] = [{'rating': rating, 'number': media['season']}] elif utils.isEpisode(media_type): key = 'episodes' params['rating'] = rating else: return root = {key: [params]} if not unrate: data = globals.traktapi.addRating(root) else: data = globals.traktapi.removeRating(root) if data: s = utils.getFormattedItemName(media_type, media) if 'not_found' in data and not data['not_found']['movies'] and not data['not_found']['episodes'] and not data['not_found']['shows']: if not unrate: utils.notification(utils.getString(32040), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(32042), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(32044), s)
def showContextMenu(self): show = self.tvshows[self.getControl(TVSHOW_LIST).getSelectedPosition()] li = self.getControl(TVSHOW_LIST).getSelectedItem() options = [] actions = [] if self.type != 'watchlist': if 'watchlist' in show: if show['watchlist']: options.append(__language__(137).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) actions.append('unwatchlist') else: options.append(__language__(136).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) actions.append('watchlist') else: options.append(__language__(136).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) actions.append('watchlist') else: options.append(__language__(137).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) actions.append('unwatchlist') options.append(__language__(138).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) actions.append('rate') select = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(show['title'], options) if select != -1: Debug("Select: " + actions[select]) if select == -1: Debug ("menu quit by user") return elif actions[select] == 'play': xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(__language__(200).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ), __language__(152).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) elif actions[select] == 'unwatchlist': if utilities.removeTVShowsFromWatchlist([show]) == None: utilities.notification(__language__(200).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ), __language__(132).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) # Failed to remove from watch-list else: utilities.notification(__language__(200).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ), __language__(133).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) # Successfully removed from watch-list li.setProperty('Watchlist','false') show['watchlist'] = False elif actions[select] == 'watchlist': if utilities.addTVShowsToWatchlist([show]) == None: utilities.notification(__language__(200).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ), __language__(130).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) # Failed to added to watch-list else: utilities.notification(__language__(200).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ), __language__(131).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) # Successfully added to watch-list li.setProperty('Watchlist','true') show['watchlist'] = True elif actions[select] == 'rate': rateShow = RateShowDialog("rate.xml", __settings__.getAddonInfo('path'), "Default") rateShow.initDialog(show['tvdb_id'], show['title'], show['year'], utilities.getShowRatingFromTrakt(show['tvdb_id'], show['title'], show['year'])) rateShow.doModal() del rateShow
def showContextMenu(self): movie = self.movies[self.getControl(MOVIE_LIST).getSelectedPosition()] li = self.getControl(MOVIE_LIST).getSelectedItem() options = [] actions = [] if movie['idMovie'] != -1: options.append("Play") actions.append('play') if self.type != 'watchlist': if 'watchlist' in movie: if movie['watchlist']: options.append(__language__(137).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) actions.append('unwatchlist') else: options.append(__language__(136).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) actions.append('watchlist') else: options.append(__language__(137).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) actions.append('unwatchlist') options.append(__language__(138).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) actions.append('rate') select = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(movie['title']+" - "+str(movie['year']), options) if select != -1: Debug("Select: " + actions[select]) if select == -1: Debug ("menu quit by user") return elif actions[select] == 'play': utilities.playMovieById(movie['idMovie']) elif actions[select] == 'unwatchlist': if utilities.removeMoviesFromWatchlist([movie]) == None: utilities.notification(__language__(200).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ), __language__(132).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) # Failed to remove from watch-list else: utilities.notification(__language__(200).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ), __language__(133).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) # Successfully removed from watch-list li.setProperty('Watchlist','false') movie['watchlist'] = False elif actions[select] == 'watchlist': if utilities.addMoviesToWatchlist([movie]) == None: utilities.notification(__language__(200).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ), __language__(130).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) # Failed to added to watch-list else: utilities.notification(__language__(200).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ), __language__(131).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" )) # Successfully added to watch-list li.setProperty('Watchlist','true') movie['watchlist'] = True elif actions[select] == 'rate': rating.rate_movie(imdbid=movie['imdb_id'], title=movie['title'], year=movie['year'])
def __rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, media, unrate=False): utils.Debug("[Rating] Sending rating (%s) to" % rating) params = {} if utils.isMovie(media_type): params = media params['rating'] = rating root = {} listing = [params] root['movies'] = listing elif utils.isShow(media_type): params['rating'] = rating params['title'] = media['title'] params['year'] = media['year'] params['ids'] = {} params['ids']['tmdb'] = media['ids']['tmdb'] params['ids']['imdb'] = media['ids']['imdb'] params['ids']['tvdb'] = media['ids']['tvdb'] root = {} listing = [params] root['shows'] = listing elif utils.isEpisode(media_type): params = media params['rating'] = rating root = {} listing = [params] root['episodes'] = listing else: return if not unrate: data = globals.traktapi.addRating(root) else: data = globals.traktapi.removeRating(root) if data: utils.Debug("data rate: %s" % data) s = utils.getFormattedItemName(media_type, media) if 'not_found' in data and not data['not_found']['movies'] and not data[ 'not_found']['episodes'] and not data['not_found']['shows']: if not unrate: utils.notification(utils.getString(1350), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(1352), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(1354), s)
def getToken(self): if not self.__username and not self.__password: notification('Trakt', getString(32021)) #Username and password error elif not self.__password: notification('Trakt', getString(32022)) #Password error else: # Attempt authentication (retrieve new token) with Trakt.configuration.http(retry=True): try: auth = Trakt['auth'].login(getSetting('username'), getSetting('password')) if auth: self.__token = auth else: logger.debug("Authentication Failure") notification('Trakt', getString(32025)) except Exception as ex: message = createError(ex) logger.fatal(message) logger.debug("Cannot connect to server") notification('Trakt', getString(32023))
def __rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, media, unrate=False): logger.debug("Sending rating (%s) to" % rating) params = {} if utils.isMovie(media_type): params = media params['rating'] = rating root = {} listing = [params] root['movies'] = listing elif utils.isShow(media_type): params['rating'] = rating params['title'] = media['title'] params['year'] = media['year'] params['ids'] = {} params['ids']['tmdb'] = media['ids']['tmdb'] params['ids']['imdb'] = media['ids']['imdb'] params['ids']['tvdb'] = media['ids']['tvdb'] root = {} listing = [params] root['shows'] = listing elif utils.isEpisode(media_type): params = media params['rating'] = rating root = {} listing = [params] root['episodes'] = listing else: return if not unrate: data = globals.traktapi.addRating(root) else: data = globals.traktapi.removeRating(root) if data: s = utils.getFormattedItemName(media_type, media) if 'not_found' in data and not data['not_found']['movies'] and not data['not_found']['episodes'] and not data['not_found']['shows']: if not unrate: utils.notification(utils.getString(32040), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(32042), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(32044), s)
def getToken(self): if not self.__username and not self.__password: notification('trakt', getString(32021)) #Username and password error elif not self.__password: notification('trakt', getString(32022)) #Password error else: # Attempt authentication (retrieve new token) with Trakt.configuration.http(retry=True): try: auth = Trakt['auth'].login(getSetting('username'), getSetting('password')) if auth: self.__token = auth else: logger.debug("Authentication Failure") notification('trakt', getString(32025)) except Exception as ex: message = createError(ex) logger.fatal(message) logger.debug("Cannot connect to server") notification('trakt', getString(32023))
def rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, media, unrate=False): utils.Debug("[Rating] Sending rating (%s) to" % rating) params = {} params["rating"] = rating if utils.isMovie(media_type): params["title"] = media["title"] params["year"] = media["year"] params["tmdb_id"] = media["tmdb_id"] params["imdb_id"] = media["imdb_id"] data = globals.traktapi.rateMovie(params) elif utils.isShow(media_type): params["title"] = media["title"] params["year"] = media["year"] params["tvdb_id"] = media["tvdb_id"] params["imdb_id"] = media["imdb_id"] data = globals.traktapi.rateShow(params) elif utils.isEpisode(media_type): params["title"] = media["show"]["title"] params["year"] = media["show"]["year"] params["season"] = media["episode"]["season"] params["episode"] = media["episode"]["number"] params["tvdb_id"] = media["show"]["tvdb_id"] params["imdb_id"] = media["show"]["imdb_id"] data = globals.traktapi.rateEpisode(params) else: return if data: s = utils.getFormattedItemName(media_type, media) if "status" in data and data["status"] == "success": if not unrate: utils.notification(utils.getString(1350), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(1352), s) elif "status" in data and data["status"] == "failure": utils.notification(utils.getString(1354), s) else: # status not in data, different problem, do nothing for now pass
def onClick(self, control): #print 'onClick: %s' % (control) logger.debug('onClick: %s' % (control)) if control == AUTH_BUTTON: if not self.__get_token(): logger.debug("Authentification error") notification(getString(32157), getString(32147), 5000) return self.auth = True if control == LATER_BUTTON: notification(getString(32157), getString(32150), 5000) setSetting('last_reminder', str(int(time.time()))) if control == NEVER_BUTTON: notification(getString(32157), getString(32151), 5000) setSetting('last_reminder', '-1') if control in [AUTH_BUTTON, LATER_BUTTON, NEVER_BUTTON]: self.close()
def __rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, media, unrate=False): logger.debug("Sending rating (%s) to" % rating) params = media if utils.isMovie(media_type): key = 'movies' params['rating'] = rating if 'movieid' in media: utils.kodiJsonRequest({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails", "params": {"movieid": media['movieid'], "userrating": rating}}) elif utils.isShow(media_type): key = 'shows' params['rating'] = rating if 'tvshowid' in media: utils.kodiJsonRequest({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "VideoLibrary.SetTVShowDetails", "params": {"tvshowid": media['tvshowid'], "userrating": rating}}) elif utils.isSeason(media_type): key = 'shows' params['seasons'] = [{'rating': rating, 'number': media['season']}] elif utils.isEpisode(media_type): key = 'episodes' params['rating'] = rating if 'episodeid' in media: utils.kodiJsonRequest({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "VideoLibrary.SetEpisodeDetails", "params": {"episodeid": media['episodeid'], "userrating": rating}}) else: return root = {key: [params]} if not unrate: data = globals.traktapi.addRating(root) else: data = globals.traktapi.removeRating(root) if data: s = utils.getFormattedItemName(media_type, media) if 'not_found' in data and not data['not_found']['movies'] and not data['not_found']['episodes'] and not data['not_found']['shows']: if not unrate: utils.notification(utils.getString(32040), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(32042), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(32044), s)
def autostart(): """Run when xbmc stars up, runs tv or movie sync and cleans based on user settings""" if utilities.checkSettings(True): notification_thread = ns.NotificationService() notification_thread.start() autosync_movies = __settings__.getSetting("autosync_movies") autosync_tv = __settings__.getSetting("autosync_tv") autosync_cleanmoviecollection = __settings__.getSetting("autosync_cleanmovies") autosync_cleantvshowcollection = __settings__.getSetting("autosync_cleantv") try: if autosync_movies == "true": utilities.notification(_(200), _(110)) # start sync movies su.sync_movies(daemon=True) if autosync_cleanmoviecollection == "true": su.clean_movies(daemon=True) if xbmc.abortRequested: raise SystemExit() if autosync_tv == "true": utilities.notification(_(200), _(111)) # start tvshow collection update su.sync_tv(daemon=True) if autosync_cleantvshowcollection: su.clean_tv(daemon=True) if xbmc.abortRequested: raise SystemExit() if autosync_tv == "true" or autosync_movies == "true": utilities.notification(_(200), _(112)) # update / sync done except SystemExit: notification_thread.abort_requested = True Debug("[Service] Auto sync processes aborted due to shutdown request") notification_thread.join()
def testAccount(self, force=False, daemon=True): if self.__username == "": notification("trakt", __language__(1106).encode("utf-8", "ignore")) # please enter your Username and Password in settings return False elif self.__password == "": notification("trakt", __language__(1107).encode("utf-8", "ignore")) # please enter your Password in settings return False if not self.validUser or force: url = "%s/account/test/%s" % (self.__baseURL, self.__apikey) Debug("[traktAPI] testAccount(url: %s)" % url) response = self.traktRequest("POST", url) if response: if response.has_key("status"): if response["status"] == "success": self.validUser = True return True else: return True notification("trakt", __language__(1110).encode("utf-8", "ignore")) # please enter your Password in settings return False
def __rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, media, unrate=False): logger.debug("Sending rating (%s) to" % rating) params = media if utils.isMovie(media_type): key = 'movies' params['rating'] = rating elif utils.isShow(media_type): key = 'shows' params['rating'] = rating elif utils.isSeason(media_type): key = 'shows' params['seasons'] = [{'rating': rating, 'number': media['season']}] elif utils.isEpisode(media_type): key = 'episodes' params['rating'] = rating else: return root = {key: [params]} if not unrate: data = globals.traktapi.addRating(root) else: data = globals.traktapi.removeRating(root) if data: s = utils.getFormattedItemName(media_type, media) if 'not_found' in data and not data['not_found']['movies'] and not data[ 'not_found']['episodes'] and not data['not_found']['shows']: if not unrate: utils.notification(utils.getString(32040), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(32042), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(32044), s)
def doMarkWatched(self, data): media_type = data['media_type'] if utilities.isMovie(media_type): summaryInfo = globals.traktapi.getMovieSummary( data['id']).to_dict() if summaryInfo: if not summaryInfo['watched']: s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, summaryInfo) logger.debug( "doMarkWatched(): '%s' is not watched on Trakt, marking it as watched." % s) params = {'movies': [summaryInfo]} logger.debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(params)) result = globals.traktapi.addToHistory(params) if result: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32113), s) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32114), s) elif utilities.isEpisode(media_type): summaryInfo = { 'shows': [{ 'ids': utilities.parseIdToTraktIds(data['id'], media_type)[0], 'seasons': [{ 'number': data['season'], 'episodes': [{ 'number': data['number'] }] }] }] } logger.debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(summaryInfo)) s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, data) result = globals.traktapi.addToHistory(summaryInfo) if result: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32113), s) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32114), s) elif utilities.isSeason(media_type): summaryInfo = { 'shows': [{ 'ids': utilities.parseIdToTraktIds(data['id'], media_type)[0], 'seasons': [{ 'number': data['season'], 'episodes': [] }] }] } s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, data) for ep in data['episodes']: summaryInfo['shows'][0]['seasons'][0]['episodes'].append( {'number': ep}) logger.debug( "doMarkWatched(): '%s - Season %d' has %d episode(s) that are going to be marked as watched." % (data['id'], data['season'], len(summaryInfo['shows'][0]['seasons'][0]['episodes']))) if len(summaryInfo['shows'][0]['seasons'][0]['episodes']) > 0: logger.debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(summaryInfo)) result = globals.traktapi.addToHistory(summaryInfo) if result: utilities.notification( utilities.getString(32113), utilities.getString(32115) % (result['added']['episodes'], s)) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32114), s) elif utilities.isShow(media_type): summaryInfo = { 'shows': [{ 'ids': utilities.parseIdToTraktIds(data['id'], media_type)[0], 'seasons': [] }] } if summaryInfo: s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, data) logger.debug('data: %s' % data) for season in data['seasons']: episodeJson = [] for episode in data['seasons'][season]: episodeJson.append({'number': episode}) summaryInfo['shows'][0]['seasons'].append({ 'number': season, 'episodes': episodeJson }) if len(summaryInfo['shows'][0]['seasons'][0]['episodes']) > 0: logger.debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(summaryInfo)) result = globals.traktapi.addToHistory(summaryInfo) if result: utilities.notification( utilities.getString(32113), utilities.getString(32115) % (result['added']['episodes'], s)) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32114), s)
def doAddToWatchlist(self, data): media_type = data['media_type'] if utilities.isMovie(media_type): summaryInfo = globals.traktapi.getMovieSummary( data['id']).to_dict() if summaryInfo: s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, summaryInfo) logger.debug( "doAddToWatchlist(): '%s' trying to add to users watchlist." % s) params = {'movies': [summaryInfo]} logger.debug("doAddToWatchlist(): %s" % str(params)) result = globals.traktapi.addToWatchlist(params) if result: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32165), s) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32166), s) elif utilities.isEpisode(media_type): summaryInfo = { 'shows': [{ 'ids': utilities.parseIdToTraktIds(data['id'], media_type)[0], 'seasons': [{ 'number': data['season'], 'episodes': [{ 'number': data['number'] }] }] }] } logger.debug("doAddToWatchlist(): %s" % str(summaryInfo)) s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, data) result = globals.traktapi.addToWatchlist(summaryInfo) if result: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32165), s) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32166), s) elif utilities.isSeason(media_type): summaryInfo = { 'shows': [{ 'ids': utilities.parseIdToTraktIds(data['id'], media_type)[0], 'seasons': [{ 'number': data['season'] }] }] } s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, data) logger.debug( "doAddToWatchlist(): '%s - Season %d' trying to add to users watchlist." % (data['id'], data['season'])) result = globals.traktapi.addToWatchlist(summaryInfo) if result: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32165), s) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32166), s) elif utilities.isShow(media_type): summaryInfo = { 'shows': [{ 'ids': utilities.parseIdToTraktIds(data['id'], media_type)[0] }] } s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, data) logger.debug("doAddToWatchlist(): %s" % str(summaryInfo)) result = globals.traktapi.addToWatchlist(summaryInfo) if result: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32165), s) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(32166), s)
def __getData(self, url, args): data = None try: Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(%s)" % url) if args == None: req = Request(url) else: req = Request(url, args) Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()") t1 = time.time() response = urlopen(req, timeout=self.__timeout) t2 = time.time() Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData():") data = Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): Response Code: %i" % response.getcode()) Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): Response Time: %0.2f ms" % ((t2 - t1) * 1000)) Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): Response Headers: %s" % str( except IOError, e: if hasattr(e, "code"): # error 401 or 503, possibly others Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): Error Code: %s" % str(e.code)) error = {} # read the error document, strip newlines, this will make an html page 1 line error_data ="\n", "").replace("\r", "") # try to parse the data as json try: error = json.loads(error_data) except ValueError: Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): Error data is not JSON format - %s" % error_data) # manually add status, and the page data returned. error["status"] = "failure" error["error"] = error_data # add error code, and string type to error dictionary error["code"] = e.code error["type"] = "protocol" if e.code == 401: # authentication problem # {"status":"failure","error":"failed authentication"} Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): Authentication Failure (%s)" % error_data) # reset internal valid user self.validUser = False elif e.code == 503: # server busy problem # {"status":"failure","error":"server is over capacity"} Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): Server Busy (%s)" % error_data) else: Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): Other problem (%s)" % error_data) return json.dumps(error) elif hasattr(e, "reason"): # usually a read timeout, or unable to reach host Debug("[myshowsAPI] __getData(): Network error: %s" % str(e.reason)) if isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout): notification("myshows", __language__(1108).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ) + " (timeout)") # can't connect to myshows return '{"status":"failure","error":"%s","type":"network"}' % e.reason else: return '{"status":"failure","error":"%s"}' % e.message
def traktRequest(self, method, url, args=None, returnStatus=False, returnOnFailure=False, silent=True, passVersions=False, hideResponse=False): raw = None data = None jdata = {} retries = getSettingAsInt('retries') if args is None: args = {} if not (method == 'POST' or method == 'GET'): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Unknown method '%s'." % method) return None if method == 'POST': # debug log before username and sha1hash are injected Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Request data: '%s'." % str(json.dumps(args))) # inject username/pass into json data args['username'] = self.__username args['password'] = self.__password # check if plugin version needs to be passed if passVersions: args['plugin_version'] = __addonversion__ args['media_center_version'] = xbmc.getInfoLabel( 'system.buildversion') args['media_center_date'] = xbmc.getInfoLabel( 'system.builddate') # convert to json data jdata = json.dumps(args) Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Starting retry loop, maximum %i retries." % retries) # start retry loop for i in range(retries): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Request URL '%s'" % (i, url)) # check if we are closing if xbmc.abortRequested: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) xbmc.abortRequested" % i) break try: # get data from raw = self.__getData(url, jdata) except traktError, e: if isinstance(e, traktServerBusy): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Server Busy (%s)" % (i, e.value)) xbmc.sleep(5000) elif isinstance(e, traktAuthProblem): Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Authentication Failure (%s)" % (i, e.value)) setSetting('account_valid', False) notification('trakt', getString(1110)) return elif isinstance(e, traktNetworkError): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Network error: %s" % (i, e.value)) if e.timeout: notification('trakt', getString(1108) + " (timeout)") # can't connect to trakt xbmc.sleep(5000) elif isinstance(e, traktUnknownError): Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Other problem (%s)" % (i, e.value)) else: pass xbmc.sleep(1000) continue # check if we are closing if xbmc.abortRequested: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) xbmc.abortRequested" % i) break # check that returned data is not empty if not raw: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON Response empty" % i) xbmc.sleep(1000) continue try: # get json formatted data data = json.loads(raw) if hideResponse: Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON response recieved, response not logged" % i) else: Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON response: '%s'" % (i, str(data))) except ValueError: # malformed json response Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Bad JSON response: '%s'" % (i, raw)) if not silent: notification('trakt', getString(1109) + ": Bad response from trakt") # Error # check for the status variable in JSON data if data and 'status' in data: if data['status'] == 'success': break elif returnOnFailure and data['status'] == 'failure': Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Return on error set, breaking retry." ) break elif 'error' in data and data['status'] == 'failure': Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON Error '%s' -> '%s'" % (i, data['status'], data['error'])) xbmc.sleep(1000) continue else: pass # check to see if we have data, an empty array is still valid data, so check for None only if not data is None: Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Have JSON data, breaking retry." ) break xbmc.sleep(500)
# handle scenario where all retries fail if data is None: Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): JSON Request failed, data is still empty after retries." ) return None if 'status' in data: if data['status'] == 'failure': Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Error: %s" % str(data['error'])) if returnStatus or returnOnFailure: return data if not silent: notification('trakt', getString(1109) + ": " + str(data['error'])) # Error return None elif data['status'] == 'success': Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): JSON request was successful.") return data # helper for onSettingsChanged def updateSettings(self): _username = getSetting('username') _password = sha1(getSetting('password')).hexdigest() if not ((self.__username == _username) and
def rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, media, unrate=False): utils.Debug("[Rating] Sending rating (%s) to" % rating) params = {} params['rating'] = rating if utils.isMovie(media_type): params['title'] = media['title'] params['year'] = media['year'] params['tmdb_id'] = media['tmdb_id'] params['imdb_id'] = media['imdb_id'] data = globals.traktapi.rateMovie(params) elif utils.isShow(media_type): params['title'] = media['title'] params['year'] = media['year'] params['tvdb_id'] = media['tvdb_id'] params['imdb_id'] = media['imdb_id'] data = globals.traktapi.rateShow(params) elif utils.isEpisode(media_type): params['title'] = media['show']['title'] params['year'] = media['show']['year'] params['season'] = media['episode']['season'] params['episode'] = media['episode']['number'] params['tvdb_id'] = media['show']['tvdb_id'] params['imdb_id'] = media['show']['imdb_id'] data = globals.traktapi.rateEpisode(params) else: return if data: s = utils.getFormattedItemName(media_type, media) if 'status' in data and data['status'] == "success": if tagging.isTaggingEnabled() and tagging.isRatingsEnabled(): if utils.isMovie(media_type) or utils.isShow(media_type): id = media['xbmc_id'] f = utils.getMovieDetailsFromXbmc if utils.isMovie(media_type) else utils.getShowDetailsFromXBMC result = f(id, ['tag']) if result: tags = result['tag'] new_rating = rating if new_rating == "love": new_rating = 10 elif new_rating == "hate": new_rating = 1 new_rating_tag = tagging.ratingToTag(new_rating) if unrate: new_rating_tag = "" update = False if tagging.hasTraktRatingTag(tags): old_rating_tag = tagging.getTraktRatingTag(tags) if not old_rating_tag == new_rating_tag: tags.remove(old_rating_tag) update = True if not unrate and new_rating >= tagging.getMinRating(): tags.append(new_rating_tag) update = True if update: tagging.xbmcSetTags(id, media_type, s, tags) else: utils.Debug("No data was returned from XBMC, aborting tag udpate.") if not unrate: utils.notification(utils.getString(1350), s) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(1352), s) elif 'status' in data and data['status'] == "failure": utils.notification(utils.getString(1354), s) else: # status not in data, different problem, do nothing for now pass
def get_pin(): AUTH_BUTTON = 200 LATER_BUTTON = 201 NEVER_BUTTON = 202 ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU = 10 ACTION_BACK = 92 CENTER_Y = 6 CENTER_X = 2 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PinAuthDialog(xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog): auth = False def onInit(self): self.pin_edit_control = self.__add_editcontrol(30, 240, 40, 450) self.setFocus(self.pin_edit_control) auth = self.getControl(AUTH_BUTTON) never = self.getControl(NEVER_BUTTON) self.pin_edit_control.controlUp(never) self.pin_edit_control.controlLeft(never) self.pin_edit_control.controlDown(auth) self.pin_edit_control.controlRight(auth) auth.controlUp(self.pin_edit_control) auth.controlLeft(self.pin_edit_control) never.controlDown(self.pin_edit_control) never.controlRight(self.pin_edit_control) def onAction(self, action): #print 'Action: %s' % (action.getId()) if action == ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU or action == ACTION_BACK: self.close() def onControl(self, control): #print 'onControl: %s' % (control) pass def onFocus(self, control): #print 'onFocus: %s' % (control) pass def onClick(self, control): #print 'onClick: %s' % (control) logger.debug('onClick: %s' % (control)) if control == AUTH_BUTTON: if not self.__get_token(): logger.debug("Authentification error") notification(getString(32157), getString(32147), 5000) return self.auth = True if control == LATER_BUTTON: notification(getString(32157), getString(32150), 5000) setSetting('last_reminder', str(int(time.time()))) if control == NEVER_BUTTON: notification(getString(32157), getString(32151), 5000) setSetting('last_reminder', '-1') if control in [AUTH_BUTTON, LATER_BUTTON, NEVER_BUTTON]: self.close() def __get_token(self): pin = self.pin_edit_control.getText().strip() if pin: try: if traktapi.traktAPI().authenticate(pin): return True except: return False return False # have to add edit controls programatically because getControl() (hard) crashes XBMC on them def __add_editcontrol(self, x, y, height, width): media_path = os.path.join(__addon__.getAddonInfo('path'), 'resources', 'skins', 'Default', 'media') temp = xbmcgui.ControlEdit(0, 0, 0, 0, '', font='font12', textColor='0xFFFFFFFF', focusTexture=os.path.join(media_path, 'button-focus2.png'), noFocusTexture=os.path.join(media_path, 'button-nofocus.png'), _alignment=CENTER_Y | CENTER_X) temp.setPosition(x, y) temp.setHeight(height) temp.setWidth(width) self.addControl(temp) return temp dialog = PinAuthDialog('TraktPinAuthDialog.xml', __addon__.getAddonInfo('path')) dialog.doModal() if dialog.auth: notification(getString(32157), getString(32152), 3000) del dialog
def traktRequest(self, method, url, args=None, returnStatus=False, returnOnFailure=False, silent=True, hideResponse=False): data = None retries = getSettingAsInt('retries') if args is None: args = {} if not (method == 'POST' or method == 'GET' or method == 'PUT' or method == 'DELETE'): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Unknown method '%s'." % method) return None # debug log before username and token are injected Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Request data: '%s'." % str(json.dumps(args))) # convert to json data jdata = json.dumps(args) Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Starting retry loop, maximum %i retries." % retries) # start retry loop for i in range(retries): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Request URL '%s'" % (i, url)) # check if we are closing if xbmc.abortRequested: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) xbmc.abortRequested" % i) break try: # get data from data = None try: Debug("[traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(%s)" % url) headers = { 'trakt-user-login': self.__username, 'trakt-user-token': self.__token, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'trakt-api-key': self.__apikey, 'trakt-api-version': '2' } if jdata is None: req = Request(url, headers) else: req = Request(url, jdata, headers) req.get_method = lambda: method Debug("[traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()") t1 = time.time() response = urlopen(req, timeout=self.__timeout) t2 = time.time() Debug("[traktAPI] __getData():") data = Debug("[traktAPI] __getData(): Response Code: %i" % response.getcode()) Debug("[traktAPI] __getData(): Response Time: %0.2f ms" % ((t2 - t1) * 1000)) Debug("[traktAPI] __getData(): Response Headers: %s" % str( except BadStatusLine as e: raise traktUnknownError( "BadStatusLine: '%s' from URL: '%s'" % (e.line, url)) except IOError as e: if hasattr(e, 'code'): # error 401 or 503, possibly others # read the error document, strip newlines, this will make an html page 1 line error_data ="\n", "").replace("\r", "") if e.code == 401: # authentication problem raise traktAuthProblem(error_data) elif e.code == 503: # server busy problem raise traktServerBusy(error_data) else: try: _data = json.loads(error_data) if 'status' in _data: data = error_data except ValueError: raise traktUnknownError(error_data, e.code) elif hasattr( e, 'reason' ): # usually a read timeout, or unable to reach host raise traktNetworkError( str(e.reason), isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout)) else: raise traktUnknownError(e.message) raw = data except traktError as e: if isinstance(e, traktServerBusy): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Server Busy (%s)" % (i, e.value)) xbmc.sleep(5000) elif isinstance(e, traktAuthProblem): Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Authentication Failure (%s)" % (i, e.value)) notification('trakt', getString(1110)) return elif isinstance(e, traktNetworkError): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Network error: %s" % (i, e.value)) if e.timeout: notification('trakt', getString(1108) + " (timeout)") # can't connect to trakt xbmc.sleep(5000) elif isinstance(e, traktUnknownError): Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Other problem (%s)" % (i, e.value)) else: pass xbmc.sleep(1000) continue # check if we are closing if xbmc.abortRequested: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) xbmc.abortRequested" % i) break # check that returned data is not empty if not raw: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON Response empty" % i) xbmc.sleep(1000) continue try: # get json formatted data data = json.loads(raw) if hideResponse: Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON response recieved, response not logged" % i) else: Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON response: '%s'" % (i, str(data))) except ValueError: # malformed json response Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Bad JSON response: '%s'" % (i, raw)) if not silent: notification('trakt', getString(1109) + ": Bad response from trakt") # Error # check for the status variable in JSON data if data and 'status' in data: if data['status'] == 'success': break elif returnOnFailure and data['status'] == 'failure': Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Return on error set, breaking retry." ) break elif 'error' in data and data['status'] == 'failure': Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON Error '%s' -> '%s'" % (i, data['status'], data['error'])) xbmc.sleep(1000) continue else: pass # check to see if we have data, an empty array is still valid data, so check for None only if not data is None: Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Have JSON data, breaking retry." ) break xbmc.sleep(500) # handle scenario where all retries fail if data is None: Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): JSON Request failed, data is still empty after retries." ) return None if 'status' in data: if data['status'] == 'failure': Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Error: %s" % str(data['error'])) if returnStatus or returnOnFailure: return data if not silent: notification('trakt', getString(1109) + ": " + str(data['error'])) # Error return None elif data['status'] == 'success': Debug( "[traktAPI] traktRequest(): JSON request was successful.") return data
def __syncEpisodes(self): if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification( '%s %s' % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32050)), utilities.getString(32061)) #Sync started if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.create( "%s %s" % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32050)), line1=" ", line2=" ", line3=" ") kodiShowsCollected, kodiShowsWatched = self.__kodiLoadShows() if not isinstance(kodiShowsCollected, list) and not kodiShowsCollected: logger.debug( "[Episodes Sync] Kodi collected show list is empty, aborting tv show Sync." ) if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return if not isinstance(kodiShowsWatched, list) and not kodiShowsWatched: logger.debug( "[Episodes Sync] Kodi watched show list is empty, aborting tv show Sync." ) if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return traktShowsCollected, traktShowsWatched = self.__traktLoadShows() if not traktShowsCollected: logger.debug( "[Episodes Sync] Error getting collected show list, aborting tv show sync." ) if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return if not traktShowsWatched: logger.debug( "[Episodes Sync] Error getting watched show list, aborting tv show sync." ) if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: progress.close() return self.__addEpisodesToTraktCollection(kodiShowsCollected, traktShowsCollected) self.__deleteEpisodesFromTraktCollection(traktShowsCollected, kodiShowsCollected) self.__addEpisodesToTraktWatched(kodiShowsWatched, traktShowsWatched) self.__addEpisodesToKodiWatched(traktShowsWatched, kodiShowsWatched, kodiShowsCollected) if not self.show_progress and self.sync_on_update and self.notify and self.notify_during_playback: notification( '%s %s' % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32050)), utilities.getString(32062)) #Sync complete if self.show_progress and not self.run_silent: self.__updateProgress(100, line1=" ", line2=utilities.getString(32075), line3=" ") progress.close() logger.debug( "[Episodes Sync] Shows on (%d), shows in Kodi (%d)." % (len(traktShowsCollected['shows']), len( kodiShowsCollected['shows']))) logger.debug( "[Episodes Sync] Episodes on (%d), episodes in Kodi (%d)." % (self.__countEpisodes(traktShowsCollected), self.__countEpisodes(kodiShowsCollected))) logger.debug("[Episodes Sync] Complete.")
break xbmc.sleep(500) # handle scenario where all retries fail if data is None: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): JSON Request failed, data is still empty after retries.") return None if 'status' in data: if data['status'] == 'failure': Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Error: %s" % str(data['error'])) if returnStatus or returnOnFailure: return data if not silent: notification('trakt', getString(1109) + ": " + str(data['error'])) # Error return None elif data['status'] == 'success': Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): JSON request was successful.") return data # helper for onSettingsChanged def updateSettings(self): _username = getSetting('username') _password = sha1(getSetting('password')).hexdigest() if not ((self.__username == _username) and (self.__password == _password)): self.__username = _username self.__password = _password
def __init__(self, sync, progress): self.sync = sync if not self.sync.show_progress and sync.sync_on_update and sync.notify and self.sync.notify_during_playback: notification( '%s %s' % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32046)), utilities.getString(32061)) # Sync started if sync.show_progress and not sync.run_silent: progress.create( "%s %s" % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32046)), line1=" ", line2=" ", line3=" ") kodiMovies = self.__kodiLoadMovies() if not isinstance(kodiMovies, list) and not kodiMovies: logger.debug( "[Movies Sync] Kodi movie list is empty, aborting movie Sync.") if sync.show_progress and not sync.run_silent: progress.close() return try: traktMovies = self.__traktLoadMovies() except Exception: logger.debug( "[Movies Sync] Error getting movie list, aborting movie Sync." ) if sync.show_progress and not sync.run_silent: progress.close() return traktMoviesProgress = self.__traktLoadMoviesPlaybackProgress(25, 36) self.__addMoviesToTraktCollection(kodiMovies, traktMovies, 37, 47) self.__deleteMoviesFromTraktCollection(traktMovies, kodiMovies, 48, 58) self.__addMoviesToTraktWatched(kodiMovies, traktMovies, 59, 69) self.__addMoviesToKodiWatched(traktMovies, kodiMovies, 70, 80) self.__addMovieProgressToKodi(traktMoviesProgress, kodiMovies, 81, 91) self.__syncMovieRatings(traktMovies, kodiMovies, 92, 99) if sync.show_progress and not sync.run_silent: self.sync.UpdateProgress(100, line1=utilities.getString(32066), line2=" ", line3=" ") progress.close() if not sync.show_progress and sync.sync_on_update and sync.notify and sync.notify_during_playback: notification( '%s %s' % (utilities.getString(32045), utilities.getString(32046)), utilities.getString(32062)) # Sync complete logger.debug( "[Movies Sync] Movies on (%d), movies in Kodi (%d)." % (len(traktMovies), len(kodiMovies))) logger.debug("[Movies Sync] Complete.")
def rateMedia(media_type, summary_info, unrate=False, rating=None): """Launches the rating dialog""" if not utils.isValidMediaType(media_type): return if utils.isEpisode(media_type): if 'rating' in summary_info['episode']: summary_info['rating'] = summary_info['episode']['rating'] if 'rating_advanced' in summary_info['episode']: summary_info['rating_advanced'] = summary_info['episode']['rating_advanced'] s = utils.getFormattedItemName(media_type, summary_info) if not globals.traktapi.settings: globals.traktapi.getAccountSettings() rating_type = globals.traktapi.settings['viewing']['ratings']['mode'] if unrate: rating = None if rating_type == "simple": if not summary_info['rating'] == "false": rating = "unrate" else: if summary_info['rating_advanced'] > 0: rating = 0 if not rating is None: utils.Debug("[Rating] '%s' is being unrated." % s) rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, summary_info, unrate=True) else: utils.Debug("[Rating] '%s' has not been rated, so not unrating." % s) return rerate = utils.getSettingAsBool('rate_rerate') if not rating is None: if summary_info['rating_advanced'] == 0: utils.Debug("[Rating] Rating for '%s' is being set to '%d' manually." % (s, rating)) rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, summary_info) else: if rerate: if not summary_info['rating_advanced'] == rating: utils.Debug("[Rating] Rating for '%s' is being set to '%d' manually." % (s, rating)) rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, summary_info) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(1353), s) utils.Debug("[Rating] '%s' already has a rating of '%d'." % (s, rating)) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(1351), s) utils.Debug("[Rating] '%s' is already rated." % s) return if summary_info['rating'] or summary_info['rating_advanced']: if not rerate: utils.Debug("[Rating] '%s' has already been rated." % s) utils.notification(utils.getString(1351), s) return else: utils.Debug("[Rating] '%s' is being re-rated." % s) xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(all, true)') gui = RatingDialog( "RatingDialog.xml", __addon__.getAddonInfo('path'), media_type=media_type, media=summary_info, rating_type=rating_type, rerate=rerate ) gui.doModal() if gui.rating: rating = gui.rating if rerate: rating = gui.rating if rating_type == "simple": if not summary_info['rating'] == "false" and rating == summary_info['rating']: rating = "unrate" else: if summary_info['rating_advanced'] > 0 and rating == summary_info['rating_advanced']: rating = 0 if rating == 0 or rating == "unrate": rateOnTrakt(rating, gui.media_type,, unrate=True) else: rateOnTrakt(rating, gui.media_type, else: utils.Debug("[Rating] Rating dialog was closed with no rating.") del gui
def myshowsRequest(self, method, url, args=None, returnStatus=False, silent=True, passVersions=False, hideResponse=False): raw = None data = None jdata = {} retries = get_int_setting("retries") if args is None: args = {} if not (method == 'POST' or method == 'GET'): Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): Unknown method '%s'" % method) return None if method == 'POST': # debug log before username and sha1hash are injected Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): Request data: '%s'" % str(json.dumps(args))) # inject username/pass into json data args["username"] = self.__username args["password"] = self.__password # check if plugin version needs to be passed if passVersions: args['plugin_version'] = __addonversion__ args['media_center_version'] = xbmc.getInfoLabel("system.buildversion") args['media_center_date'] = xbmc.getInfoLabel("system.builddate") # convert to json data jdata = json.dumps(args) Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): Starting retry loop, maximum %i retries." % retries) # start retry loop for i in range(retries): Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): (%i) Request URL '%s'" % (i, url)) # get data from raw = self.__getData(url, jdata) # check if we are closing if xbmc.abortRequested: Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): (%i) xbmc.abortRequested" % i) break # check that returned data is not empty if not raw: Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): (%i) JSON Response empty" % i) xbmc.sleep(1000) continue try: # get json formatted data data = json.loads(raw) if hideResponse: Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): (%i) JSON response recieved, response not logged" % i) else: Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): (%i) JSON response: '%s'" % (i, str(data))) except ValueError: # malformed json response Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): (%i) Bad JSON response: '%s'", (i, raw)) if not silent: notification("myshows", __language__(1109).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ) + ": Bad response from myshows") # Error # check for the status variable in JSON data if 'status' in data: if data['status'] == 'success': break else: Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): (%i) JSON Error '%s' -> '%s'" % (i, data['status'], data['error'])) if data.has_key("type"): if data["type"] == "protocol": # protocol error, so a 4xx or 5xx if data["code"] == 401: # auth error, no point retrying self.validUser = False return None else: pass elif data["type"] == "network": # network communication error, sleep for a # bit longer before continuing xbmc.sleep(5000) continue else: #should never get here pass xbmc.sleep(1000) continue # check to see if we have data if data: Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): Have JSON data, breaking retry.") break xbmc.sleep(500) # handle scenario where all retries fail if not data: Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): JSON Request failed, data is still empty after retries.") return None if 'status' in data: if data['status'] == 'failure': Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): Error: %s" % str(data['error'])) if returnStatus: return data if not silent: notification("myshows", __language__(1109).encode( "utf-8", "ignore" ) + ": " + str(data['error'])) # Error return None elif data['status'] == 'success': Debug("[myshowsAPI] myshowsRequest(): JSON request was successful.") return data
def rateMedia(media_type, itemsToRate, unrate=False, rating=None): """Launches the rating dialog""" for summary_info in itemsToRate: if not utils.isValidMediaType(media_type): logger.debug("Not a valid media type") return elif 'user' not in summary_info: logger.debug("No user data") return s = utils.getFormattedItemName(media_type, summary_info) logger.debug("Summary Info %s" % summary_info) if unrate: rating = None if summary_info['user']['ratings']['rating'] > 0: rating = 0 if not rating is None: logger.debug("'%s' is being unrated." % s) __rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, summary_info, unrate=True) else: logger.debug("'%s' has not been rated, so not unrating." % s) return rerate = utils.getSettingAsBool('rate_rerate') if rating is not None: if summary_info['user']['ratings']['rating'] == 0: logger.debug("Rating for '%s' is being set to '%d' manually." % (s, rating)) __rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, summary_info) else: if rerate: if not summary_info['user']['ratings']['rating'] == rating: logger.debug( "Rating for '%s' is being set to '%d' manually." % (s, rating)) __rateOnTrakt(rating, media_type, summary_info) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(32043), s) logger.debug("'%s' already has a rating of '%d'." % (s, rating)) else: utils.notification(utils.getString(32041), s) logger.debug("'%s' is already rated." % s) return if summary_info['user']['ratings'] and summary_info['user']['ratings'][ 'rating']: if not rerate: logger.debug("'%s' has already been rated." % s) utils.notification(utils.getString(32041), s) return else: logger.debug("'%s' is being re-rated." % s) xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(all, true)') gui = RatingDialog("script-trakt-RatingDialog.xml", __addon__.getAddonInfo('path'), media_type=media_type, media=summary_info, rerate=rerate) gui.doModal() if gui.rating: rating = gui.rating if rerate: rating = gui.rating if summary_info['user']['ratings'] and summary_info['user'][ 'ratings']['rating'] > 0 and rating == summary_info[ 'user']['ratings']['rating']: rating = 0 if rating == 0 or rating == "unrate": __rateOnTrakt(rating, gui.media_type,, unrate=True) else: __rateOnTrakt(rating, gui.media_type, else: logger.debug("Rating dialog was closed with no rating.") del gui #Reset rating and unrate for multi part episodes unrate = False rating = None
def Main(): args = getArguments() data = {} if args['action'] == 'contextmenu': buttons = [] media_type = getMediaType() if utils.getSettingAsBool('tagging_enable'): if utils.isMovie(media_type): buttons.append("itemlists") dbid = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBID')) result = utils.getMovieDetailsFromXbmc(dbid, ['tag']) if tagging.hasTraktWatchlistTag(result['tag']): buttons.append("removefromlist") else: buttons.append("addtolist") elif utils.isShow(media_type): buttons.append("itemlists") dbid = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBID')) result = utils.getShowDetailsFromXBMC(dbid, ['tag']) if tagging.hasTraktWatchlistTag(result['tag']): buttons.append("removefromlist") else: buttons.append("addtolist") if media_type in ['movie', 'show', 'episode']: buttons.append("rate") if media_type in ['movie', 'show', 'season', 'episode']: buttons.append("togglewatched") if utils.getSettingAsBool('tagging_enable'): buttons.append("managelists") buttons.append("updatetags") buttons.append("sync") contextMenu = traktContextMenu(media_type=media_type, buttons=buttons) contextMenu.doModal() _action = contextMenu.action del contextMenu if _action is None: return utils.Debug("'%s' selected from action menu" % _action) args['action'] = _action if _action in ['addtolist', 'removefromlist']: args['list'] = "watchlist" if args['action'] == 'sync': data = {'action': 'manualSync'} data['silent'] = False if 'silent' in args: data['silent'] = (args['silent'].lower() == 'true') data['library'] = "all" if 'library' in args and args['library'] in ['episodes', 'movies']: data['library'] = args['library'] elif args['action'] == 'loadsettings': data = {'action': 'loadsettings', 'force': True} utils.notification(utils.getString(1201), utils.getString(1111)) elif args['action'] == 'settings': data = {'action': 'settings'} elif args['action'] in ['rate', 'unrate']: data = {} data['action'] = args['action'] media_type = None if 'media_type' in args and 'dbid' in args: media_type = args['media_type'] try: data['dbid'] = int(args['dbid']) except ValueError: utils.Debug( "Manual %s triggered for library item, but DBID is invalid." % args['action']) return elif 'media_type' in args and 'remoteid' in args: media_type = args['media_type'] data['remoteid'] = args['remoteid'] if 'season' in args: if not 'episode' in args: utils.Debug( "Manual %s triggered for non-library episode, but missing episode number." % args['action']) return try: data['season'] = int(args['season']) data['episode'] = int(args['episode']) except ValueError: utilities.Debug( "Error parsing season or episode for manual %s" % args['action']) return else: media_type = getMediaType() if not utils.isValidMediaType(media_type): utils.Debug("Error, not in video library.") return data['dbid'] = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBID')) if media_type is None: utils.Debug( "Manual %s triggered on an unsupported content container." % args['action']) elif utils.isValidMediaType(media_type): data['media_type'] = media_type if 'dbid' in data: utils.Debug("Manual %s of library '%s' with an ID of '%s'." % (args['action'], media_type, data['dbid'])) if utils.isMovie(media_type): result = utils.getMovieDetailsFromXbmc( data['dbid'], ['imdbnumber', 'title', 'year']) if not result: utils.Debug( "No data was returned from XBMC, aborting manual %s." % args['action']) return data['imdbnumber'] = result['imdbnumber'] elif utils.isShow(media_type): result = utils.getShowDetailsFromXBMC( data['dbid'], ['imdbnumber', 'tag']) if not result: utils.Debug( "No data was returned from XBMC, aborting manual %s." % args['action']) return data['imdbnumber'] = result['imdbnumber'] data['tag'] = result['tag'] elif utils.isEpisode(media_type): result = utils.getEpisodeDetailsFromXbmc( data['dbid'], ['showtitle', 'season', 'episode', 'tvshowid']) if not result: utils.Debug( "No data was returned from XBMC, aborting manual %s." % args['action']) return data['tvdb_id'] = result['tvdb_id'] data['season'] = result['season'] data['episode'] = result['episode'] else: if 'season' in data: utils.Debug( "Manual %s of non-library '%s' S%02dE%02d, with an ID of '%s'." % (args['action'], media_type, data['season'], data['episode'], data['remoteid'])) data['tvdb_id'] = data['remoteid'] else: utils.Debug( "Manual %s of non-library '%s' with an ID of '%s'." % (args['action'], media_type, data['remoteid'])) data['imdbnumber'] = data['remoteid'] if args['action'] == 'rate' and 'rating' in args: if args['rating'] in [ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10' ]: data['rating'] = int(args['rating']) data = {'action': 'manualRating', 'ratingData': data} else: utils.Debug("Manual %s of '%s' is unsupported." % (args['action'], media_type)) elif args['action'] == 'togglewatched': media_type = getMediaType() if media_type in ['movie', 'show', 'season', 'episode']: data = {} data['media_type'] = media_type if utils.isMovie(media_type): dbid = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBID')) result = utils.getMovieDetailsFromXbmc( dbid, ['imdbnumber', 'title', 'year', 'playcount']) if result: if result['playcount'] == 0: data['id'] = result['imdbnumber'] else: utils.Debug("Movie alread marked as watched in XBMC.") else: utils.Debug("Error getting movie details from XBMC.") return elif utils.isEpisode(media_type): dbid = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBID')) result = utils.getEpisodeDetailsFromXbmc( dbid, [ 'showtitle', 'season', 'episode', 'tvshowid', 'playcount' ]) if result: if result['playcount'] == 0: data['id'] = result['tvdb_id'] data['season'] = result['season'] data['episode'] = result['episode'] else: utils.Debug( "Episode already marked as watched in XBMC.") else: utils.Debug("Error getting episode details from XBMC.") return elif utils.isSeason(media_type): showID = None showTitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.TVShowTitle') result = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetTVShows', 'params': { 'properties': ['title', 'imdbnumber', 'year'] }, 'id': 0 }) if result and 'tvshows' in result: for show in result['tvshows']: if show['title'] == showTitle: showID = show['tvshowid'] data['id'] = show['imdbnumber'] break else: utils.Debug("Error getting TV shows from XBMC.") return season = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.Season') if season == "": season = 0 else: season = int(season) result = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes', 'params': { 'tvshowid': showID, 'season': season, 'properties': ['season', 'episode', 'playcount'] }, 'id': 0 }) if result and 'episodes' in result: episodes = [] for episode in result['episodes']: if episode['playcount'] == 0: episodes.append(episode['episode']) if len(episodes) == 0: utils.Debug( "'%s - Season %d' is already marked as watched." % (showTitle, season)) return data['season'] = season data['episodes'] = episodes else: utils.Debug( "Error getting episodes from '%s' for Season %d" % (showTitle, season)) return elif utils.isShow(media_type): dbid = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBID')) result = utils.getShowDetailsFromXBMC(dbid, ['year', 'imdbnumber']) if not result: utils.Debug("Error getting show details from XBMC.") return showTitle = result['label'] data['id'] = result['imdbnumber'] result = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes', 'params': { 'tvshowid': dbid, 'properties': ['season', 'episode', 'playcount'] }, 'id': 0 }) if result and 'episodes' in result: i = 0 s = {} for e in result['episodes']: season = str(e['season']) if not season in s: s[season] = [] if e['playcount'] == 0: s[season].append(e['episode']) i = i + 1 if i == 0: utils.Debug("'%s' is already marked as watched." % showTitle) return data['seasons'] = dict( (k, v) for k, v in s.iteritems() if v) else: utils.Debug( "Error getting episode details for '%s' from XBMC." % showTitle) return if len(data) > 1: utils.Debug( "Marking '%s' with the following data '%s' as watched on" % (media_type, str(data))) data['action'] = 'markWatched' # execute toggle watched action xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(ToggleWatched)") elif args['action'] == 'updatetags': data = {'action': 'updatetags'} elif args['action'] == 'managelists': data = {'action': 'managelists'} elif args['action'] == 'timertest': utils.Debug("Timing JSON requests.") import time t = time.time() data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetTVShowDetails', 'params': { 'tvshowid': 254, 'properties': ['tag'] }, 'id': 1 }) #data = utils.getShowDetailsFromXBMC(254, ['tag', 'imdbnumber']) e = time.time() - t utils.Debug("VideoLibrary.GetTVShowDetails with tags: %0.3f seconds." % e) t = time.time() data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails', 'params': { 'movieid': 634, 'properties': ['tag'] }, 'id': 1 }) #data = utils.getMovieDetailsFromXbmc(634, ['tag', 'imdbnumber', 'title', 'year']) e = time.time() - t utils.Debug("VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails with tags: %0.3f seconds." % e) t = time.time() data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetTVShows', 'params': { 'properties': ['tag', 'title', 'imdbnumber', 'year'] }, 'id': 0 }) e = time.time() - t utils.Debug( "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows with tags: %0.3f seconds, %d items at %0.5f seconds per item" % (e, len(data['tvshows']), e / len(data['tvshows']))) t = time.time() data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 0, 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetMovies', 'params': { 'properties': ['tag', 'title', 'imdbnumber', 'year'] } }) e = time.time() - t utils.Debug( "VideoLibrary.GetMovies with tags: %0.3f seconds, %d items at %0.5f seconds per item" % (e, len(data['movies']), e / len(data['movies']))) t = time.time() data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetTVShows', 'params': { 'properties': ['title', 'imdbnumber', 'year'] }, 'id': 0 }) e = time.time() - t utils.Debug( "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows without tags: %0.3f seconds, %d items at %0.5f seconds per item" % (e, len(data['tvshows']), e / len(data['tvshows']))) t = time.time() data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 0, 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetMovies', 'params': { 'properties': ['title', 'imdbnumber', 'year'] } }) e = time.time() - t utils.Debug( "VideoLibrary.GetMovies without tags: %0.3f seconds, %d items at %0.5f seconds per item" % (e, len(data['movies']), e / len(data['movies']))) t = time.time() data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetTVShowDetails', 'params': { 'tvshowid': 254, 'properties': ['imdbnumber'] }, 'id': 1 }) #data = utils.getShowDetailsFromXBMC(254, ['imdbnumber']) e = time.time() - t utils.Debug( "VideoLibrary.GetTVShowDetails without tags: %0.3f seconds." % e) t = time.time() data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails', 'params': { 'movieid': 634, 'properties': ['imdbnumber', 'title', 'year'] }, 'id': 1 }) #data = utils.getMovieDetailsFromXbmc(634, ['imdbnumber', 'title', 'year']) e = time.time() - t utils.Debug( "VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails without tags: %0.3f seconds." % e) t = time.time() data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetTVShows', 'params': { 'properties': ['title', 'imdbnumber', 'year'] }, 'id': 0 }) data = data['tvshows'] for item in data: item_data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetTVShowDetails', 'params': { 'tvshowid': item['tvshowid'], 'properties': ['tag'] }, 'id': 1 }) item['tag'] = item_data['tvshowdetails']['tag'] e = time.time() - t utils.Debug( "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows with tags from loop: %0.3f seconds, %d items at %0.5f seconds per item" % (e, len(data), e / len(data))) t = time.time() data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetMovies', 'params': { 'properties': ['title', 'imdbnumber', 'year'] }, 'id': 0 }) data = data['movies'] for item in data: item_data = utils.xbmcJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails', 'params': { 'movieid': item['movieid'], 'properties': ['tag'] }, 'id': 1 }) item['tag'] = item_data['moviedetails']['tag'] e = time.time() - t utils.Debug( "VideoLibrary.GetMovies with tags from: %0.3f seconds, %d items at %0.5f seconds per item." % (e, len(data), e / len(data))) elif args['action'] in ['itemlists', 'addtolist', 'removefromlist']: data = {} data['action'] = args['action'] media_type = None dbid = None if 'media_type' in args and 'dbid' in args: media_type = args['media_type'] try: dbid = int(args['dbid']) except ValueError: utils.Debug( "'%s' triggered for library item, but DBID is invalid." % args['action']) return else: media_type = getMediaType() if not media_type in ['movie', 'show']: utils.Debug("Error, not in video library.") return try: dbid = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBID')) except ValueError: utils.Debug( "'%s' triggered for library item, but there is a problem with ListItem.DBID." % args['action']) return if not media_type in ['movie', 'show']: utils.Debug("'%s' is not a valid media type for '%s'." % (media_type, args['action'])) return if args['action'] in ['addtolist', 'removefromlist']: if 'list' in args: data['list'] = args['list'] else: utils.Debug("'%s' requires a list parameter." % data['action']) data['type'] = media_type if utils.isMovie(media_type): result = utils.getMovieDetailsFromXbmc( dbid, ['imdbnumber', 'title', 'year', 'tag']) if not result: utils.Debug("Error getting movie details from XBMC.") return data['tag'] = result['tag'] data['movieid'] = result['movieid'] data['title'] = result['title'] data['year'] = result['year'] if result['imdbnumber'].startswith("tt"): data['imdb_id'] = result['imdbnumber'] elif result['imdbnumber'].isdigit(): data['tmdb_id'] = result['imdbnumber'] elif utils.isShow(media_type): result = utils.getShowDetailsFromXBMC( dbid, ['imdbnumber', 'title', 'tag']) if not result: utils.Debug("Error getting show details from XBMC.") return data['tag'] = result['tag'] data['tvshowid'] = result['tvshowid'] data['title'] = result['title'] if result['imdbnumber'].startswith("tt"): data['imdb_id'] = result['imdbnumber'] elif result['imdbnumber'].isdigit(): data['tvdb_id'] = result['imdbnumber'] q = queue.SqliteQueue() if 'action' in data: utils.Debug("Queuing for dispatch: %s" % data) q.append(data)
def doMarkWatched(self, data): media_type = data['media_type'] simulate = utilities.getSettingAsBool('simulate_sync') markedNotification = utilities.getSettingAsBool('show_marked_notification') if utilities.isMovie(media_type): summaryInfo = globals.traktapi.getMovieSummary(data['id']) if summaryInfo: if not summaryInfo['watched']: s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, summaryInfo) utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): '%s' is not watched on trakt, marking it as watched." % s) movie = {} movie['imdb_id'] = data['id'] movie['title'] = summaryInfo['title'] movie['year'] = summaryInfo['year'] movie['plays'] = 1 movie['last_played'] = int(time()) params = {'movies': [movie]} utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(params)) if not simulate: result = globals.traktapi.updateSeenMovie(params) if result: if markedNotification: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1550), s) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1551), s) else: if markedNotification: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1550), s) elif utilities.isEpisode(media_type): summaryInfo = globals.traktapi.getEpisodeSummary(data['id'], data['season'], data['episode']) if summaryInfo: if not summaryInfo['episode']['watched']: s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, summaryInfo) utilities.Debug("doMarkWathced(): '%s' is not watched on trakt, marking it as watched." % s) params = {} params['imdb_id'] = summaryInfo['show']['imdb_id'] params['tvdb_id'] = summaryInfo['show']['tvdb_id'] params['title'] = summaryInfo['show']['title'] params['year'] = summaryInfo['show']['year'] params['episodes'] = [{'season': data['season'], 'episode': data['episode']}] utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(params)) if not simulate: result = globals.traktapi.updateSeenEpisode(params) if result: if markedNotification: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1550), s) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1551), s) else: if markedNotification: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1550), s) elif utilities.isSeason(media_type): showInfo = globals.traktapi.getShowSummary(data['id']) if not showInfo: return summaryInfo = globals.traktapi.getSeasonInfo(data['id'], data['season']) if summaryInfo: showInfo['season'] = data['season'] s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, showInfo) params = {} params['imdb_id'] = showInfo['imdb_id'] params['tvdb_id'] = showInfo['tvdb_id'] params['title'] = showInfo['title'] params['year'] = showInfo['year'] params['episodes'] = [] for ep in summaryInfo: if ep['episode'] in data['episodes']: if not ep['watched']: params['episodes'].append({'season': ep['season'], 'episode': ep['episode']}) utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): '%s - Season %d' has %d episode(s) that are going to be marked as watched." % (showInfo['title'], data['season'], len(params['episodes']))) if len(params['episodes']) > 0: utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(params)) if not simulate: result = globals.traktapi.updateSeenEpisode(params) if result: if markedNotification: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1550), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s)) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1551), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s)) else: if markedNotification: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1550), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s)) elif utilities.isShow(media_type): summaryInfo = globals.traktapi.getShowSummary(data['id'], extended=True) if summaryInfo: s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, summaryInfo) params = {} params['imdb_id'] = summaryInfo['imdb_id'] params['tvdb_id'] = summaryInfo['tvdb_id'] params['title'] = summaryInfo['title'] params['year'] = summaryInfo['year'] params['episodes'] = [] for season in summaryInfo['seasons']: for ep in season['episodes']: if str(season['season']) in data['seasons']: if ep['episode'] in data['seasons'][str(season['season'])]: if not ep['watched']: params['episodes'].append({'season': ep['season'], 'episode': ep['episode']}) utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): '%s' has %d episode(s) that are going to be marked as watched." % (summaryInfo['title'], len(params['episodes']))) if len(params['episodes']) > 0: utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(params)) if not simulate: result = globals.traktapi.updateSeenEpisode(params) if result: if markedNotification: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1550), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s)) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1551), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s)) else: if markedNotification: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1550), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s))
def traktRequest(self, method, url, args=None, returnStatus=False, returnOnFailure=False, silent=True, passVersions=False, hideResponse=False): raw = None data = None jdata = {} retries = getSettingAsInt('retries') if args is None: args = {} if not (method == 'POST' or method == 'GET'): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Unknown method '%s'." % method) return None if method == 'POST': # debug log before username and sha1hash are injected Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Request data: '%s'." % str(json.dumps(args))) # inject username/pass into json data args['username'] = self.__username args['password'] = self.__password # check if plugin version needs to be passed if passVersions: args['plugin_version'] = __addonversion__ args['media_center_version'] = xbmc.getInfoLabel('system.buildversion') args['media_center_date'] = xbmc.getInfoLabel('system.builddate') # convert to json data jdata = json.dumps(args) Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Starting retry loop, maximum %i retries." % retries) # start retry loop for i in range(retries): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Request URL '%s'" % (i, url)) # check if we are closing if xbmc.abortRequested: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) xbmc.abortRequested" % i) break try: # get data from raw = self.__getData(url, jdata) except traktError, e: if isinstance(e, traktServerBusy): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Server Busy (%s)" % (i, e.value)) elif isinstance(e, traktAuthProblem): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Authentication Failure (%s)" % (i, e.value)) setSetting('account_valid', False) notification('trakt', getString(1110)) return elif isinstance(e, traktNetworkError): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Network error: %s" % (i, e.value)) if e.timeout: notification('trakt', getString(1108) + " (timeout)") # can't connect to trakt xbmc.sleep(5000) elif isinstance(e, traktUnknownError): Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Other problem (%s)" % (i, e.value)) else: pass xbmc.sleep(1000) continue # check if we are closing if xbmc.abortRequested: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) xbmc.abortRequested" % i) break # check that returned data is not empty if not raw: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON Response empty" % i) xbmc.sleep(1000) continue try: # get json formatted data data = json.loads(raw) if hideResponse: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON response recieved, response not logged" % i) else: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON response: '%s'" % (i, str(data))) except ValueError: # malformed json response Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) Bad JSON response: '%s'", (i, raw)) if not silent: notification('trakt', getString(1109) + ": Bad response from trakt") # Error # check for the status variable in JSON data if 'status' in data: if data['status'] == 'success': break elif returnOnFailure and data['status'] == 'failure': Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Return on error set, breaking retry.") break else: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): (%i) JSON Error '%s' -> '%s'" % (i, data['status'], data['error'])) xbmc.sleep(1000) continue # check to see if we have data, an empty array is still valid data, so check for None only if not data is None: Debug("[traktAPI] traktRequest(): Have JSON data, breaking retry.") break xbmc.sleep(500)
def doMarkWatched(self, data): media_type = data['media_type'] simulate = utilities.getSettingAsBool('simulate_sync') markedNotification = utilities.getSettingAsBool( 'show_marked_notification') if utilities.isMovie(media_type): summaryInfo = globals.traktapi.getMovieSummary(data['id']) if summaryInfo: if not summaryInfo['watched']: s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, summaryInfo) utilities.Debug( "doMarkWatched(): '%s' is not watched on trakt, marking it as watched." % s) movie = {} movie['imdb_id'] = data['id'] movie['title'] = summaryInfo['title'] movie['year'] = summaryInfo['year'] movie['plays'] = 1 movie['last_played'] = int(time()) params = {'movies': [movie]} utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(params)) if not simulate: result = globals.traktapi.updateSeenMovie(params) if result: if markedNotification: utilities.notification( utilities.getString(1550), s) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1551), s) else: if markedNotification: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1550), s) elif utilities.isEpisode(media_type): summaryInfo = globals.traktapi.getEpisodeSummary( data['id'], data['season'], data['episode']) if summaryInfo: if not summaryInfo['episode']['watched']: s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, summaryInfo) utilities.Debug( "doMarkWathced(): '%s' is not watched on trakt, marking it as watched." % s) params = {} params['imdb_id'] = summaryInfo['show']['imdb_id'] params['tvdb_id'] = summaryInfo['show']['tvdb_id'] params['title'] = summaryInfo['show']['title'] params['year'] = summaryInfo['show']['year'] params['episodes'] = [{ 'season': data['season'], 'episode': data['episode'] }] utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(params)) if not simulate: result = globals.traktapi.updateSeenEpisode(params) if result: if markedNotification: utilities.notification( utilities.getString(1550), s) else: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1551), s) else: if markedNotification: utilities.notification(utilities.getString(1550), s) elif utilities.isSeason(media_type): showInfo = globals.traktapi.getShowSummary(data['id']) if not showInfo: return summaryInfo = globals.traktapi.getSeasonInfo( data['id'], data['season']) if summaryInfo: showInfo['season'] = data['season'] s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, showInfo) params = {} params['imdb_id'] = showInfo['imdb_id'] params['tvdb_id'] = showInfo['tvdb_id'] params['title'] = showInfo['title'] params['year'] = showInfo['year'] params['episodes'] = [] for ep in summaryInfo: if ep['episode'] in data['episodes']: if not ep['watched']: params['episodes'].append({ 'season': ep['season'], 'episode': ep['episode'] }) utilities.Debug( "doMarkWatched(): '%s - Season %d' has %d episode(s) that are going to be marked as watched." % (showInfo['title'], data['season'], len(params['episodes']))) if len(params['episodes']) > 0: utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(params)) if not simulate: result = globals.traktapi.updateSeenEpisode(params) if result: if markedNotification: utilities.notification( utilities.getString(1550), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s)) else: utilities.notification( utilities.getString(1551), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s)) else: if markedNotification: utilities.notification( utilities.getString(1550), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s)) elif utilities.isShow(media_type): summaryInfo = globals.traktapi.getShowSummary(data['id'], extended=True) if summaryInfo: s = utilities.getFormattedItemName(media_type, summaryInfo) params = {} params['imdb_id'] = summaryInfo['imdb_id'] params['tvdb_id'] = summaryInfo['tvdb_id'] params['title'] = summaryInfo['title'] params['year'] = summaryInfo['year'] params['episodes'] = [] for season in summaryInfo['seasons']: for ep in season['episodes']: if str(season['season']) in data['seasons']: if ep['episode'] in data['seasons'][str( season['season'])]: if not ep['watched']: params['episodes'].append({ 'season': ep['season'], 'episode': ep['episode'] }) utilities.Debug( "doMarkWatched(): '%s' has %d episode(s) that are going to be marked as watched." % (summaryInfo['title'], len(params['episodes']))) if len(params['episodes']) > 0: utilities.Debug("doMarkWatched(): %s" % str(params)) if not simulate: result = globals.traktapi.updateSeenEpisode(params) if result: if markedNotification: utilities.notification( utilities.getString(1550), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s)) else: utilities.notification( utilities.getString(1551), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s)) else: if markedNotification: utilities.notification( utilities.getString(1550), utilities.getString(1552) % (len(params['episodes']), s))