def predict(image_path, model, gpu, topk): ''' Predict the class (or classes) of an image using a trained deep learning model. ''' device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() and gpu else "cpu") model.eval() image = process_image(image_path) inputs = image.unsqueeze_(0).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): output = model.forward(inputs) tensor_probs, tensor_labels = torch.topk(output, topk) top_probs = tensor_probs.exp() idx_to_class = {model.class_to_idx[key]: key for key in model.class_to_idx} classes = list() probs = top_probs.tolist()[0] labels = tensor_labels.tolist()[0] for label in labels: classes.append(idx_to_class[label]) return probs, classes
def predict(image_path, model, topk, gpu_f): ''' Predict the class (or classes) of an image using a trained deep learning model. Arguments --------- image_path: Pathh to image model: the pretrained model topk: integer, number of class probabilities to be displayed ''' # Prepare image Tensor_image = process_image(image_path) Tensor_image, device = hw_control(Tensor_image, gpu_f) Tensor_image.unsqueeze_(0) Tensor_image = Tensor_image.float() with torch.no_grad(): # Put the model in evaluation mode model.eval() # Forward propagation through the model output = model.forward(Tensor_image) ps = torch.exp(output) print(ps) print(ps.max()) top_k_prob = ps.topk(topk) #Make sure the module is back to training mode model.train() # Return the results as numpy arrays probablities = top_k_prob[0][0].cpu().numpy() classes = top_k_prob[1][0].cpu().numpy() return probablities, classes
def main(): in_arg = get_input_args() # Creates and returns command line arguments print('\nPath To Image:\n', in_arg.path_to_image, '\n', '\nCheckpoint:\n', in_arg.checkpoint, '\n') print('Optional Command Line Arguments:\n', 'Top K [--top_k]: ', in_arg.top_k, '\n', 'Category Names [--category_names]: ', in_arg.category_names, '\n', 'GPU [--gpu]: ', in_arg.gpu, '\n') label_count, hidden_units, arch, class_to_idx, classifier_state_dict, epochs = mod.load_checkpoint( in_arg.checkpoint, in_arg.gpu) # Load checkpoint model = mod.build_model(label_count, hidden_units, arch, class_to_idx) # Build model model.classifier.load_state_dict(classifier_state_dict) criterion = nn.NLLLoss() image = util.process_image(in_arg.path_to_image) # Pre-process image labels = util.get_labels( in_arg.category_names) # Get dict of categories mapped to real names mod.predict(image, model, labels, in_arg.top_k, in_arg.gpu) # Prints Top K Labels and Probabilities
def predict(image_path, saved_model, top_k, category_names): im = test_image = np.asarray(im) processed_test_image = process_image(test_image) processed_test_image = np.expand_dims(processed_test_image, axis=0) load_model = tf.keras.models.load_model( saved_model, custom_objects={'KerasLayer': hub.KerasLayer}) ps = load_model.predict(processed_test_image) # top flower prediction val, ind = tf.math.top_k(ps[0], k=1) probs = list(val.numpy()) classes = list(ind.numpy()) print('top prediction class is :\n', classes) print('top prediction label is :\n', [category_names[str(n + 1)] for n in classes]) print('probability of it is :\n', probs) # top k flower predictions val, ind = tf.math.top_k(ps[0], k=top_k) probs = list(val.numpy()) classes = list(ind.numpy()) print('classes of top k are:\n', classes) print('labels of top k are:\n', [category_names[str(n + 1)] for n in classes]) print('probabilities of top k are :\n', probs)
def model_prediction(image_path, model, topk, device): if torch.cuda.is_available() and device == 'gpu':'cuda') img = process_image(image_path) img = img.unsqueeze_(0) img = img.float() if device == 'gpu': with torch.no_grad(): output = model.forward(img.cuda()) else: with torch.no_grad(): output = model.forward(img) prob = torch.exp(output) top_p, top_class = prob.topk(topk) idx_to_class = {val: key for key, val in model.class_to_idx.items()} mapped_classes = list() # print('TOP CLASS', top_class.cpu().numpy()) for label in top_class.cpu().numpy()[0]: mapped_classes.append(idx_to_class[label]) return top_p, mapped_classes
def main(): parser.add_argument( 'image_dir', action="store", default= "/home/workspace/ImageClassifier/flowers/test/10/image_07090.jpg") parser.add_argument( 'checkpoint', action="store", default="/home/workspace/ImageClassifier/checkpoint.pth") parser.add_argument('--top_k', action="store", dest="top_k", type=int, default=5) parser.add_argument( '--category_names', action="store", dest="classes_names", default="/home/workspace/ImageClassifier/cat_to_name.json") parser.add_argument('--gpu', action="store", dest="device", default="gpu") p_args = parser.parse_args() #gpu or cpu device = torch.device("cpu") if torch.cuda.is_available() and p_args.device == 'gpu': device = torch.device("cuda:0") #load the categories names cat_names = ut.load_categories(p_args.classes_names) #load the checkpoint chkpoint = ut.load_checkpoint(p_args.checkpoint) #configure the model model = chkpoint['model'] model.load_state_dict(chkpoint['model_state']) #process the image image = ut.process_image(p_args.image_dir) #predict probs, classes = brain.predict(image, model, p_args.top_k, device) #configure the probabilities and class names probs = probs.cpu().numpy().flatten().tolist() classes = classes.cpu().numpy().flatten().tolist() index_to_class = {value: key for key, value in model.class_to_idx.items()} print("\n\n\n\n{:30s}{:20s}".format("Class Name", " Probability")) for i in range(len(classes)): name = [cat_names[index_to_class[classes[i]]]][0] probability = probs[i] * 100 print("{:30s}{:0.3f}".format(name, probability))
def main(args): model = baseModel.Xception_Model(input_shape=(299, 299, 3), batch_size=128, num_classes=103, trainable=False) model.sumary() model.load_model(args.model) res_file = open(args.out, 'w') res_file.write('id,predicted\n') img_files, f_ids = util.list_imgs( nb_sample = len(f_ids) print("Number of test image: ", nb_sample) nb_steps = int(np.ceil(len(f_ids) / args.batch_size)) error_ids = [] for step in range(nb_steps): t_imgs, t_ids = [], [] print("Process with batch ", step) for idx in range(args.batch_size): if ((step * args.batch_size + idx) > nb_sample - 1): break # print("image: ", f_ids[step*args.batch_size + idx]) try: t_img = util.process_image(img_files[step * args.batch_size + idx]) # if (np.asarray(t_img).shape == (299,299,3)): t_imgs.append(t_img) t_ids.append(f_ids[step * args.batch_size + idx]) except: print("Error: ", f_ids[step * args.batch_size + idx]) error_ids.append(f_ids[step * args.batch_size + idx]) continue # res_file.write(f_ids[step*args.batch_size + idx]+'\n') predicted_res = util.get_top_k_(model, np.squeeze(t_imgs)) for j, idn in enumerate(t_ids): res_file.write( str(idn) + ', ' + class_mapping[predicted_res[j][-1]] + ' ' + class_mapping[predicted_res[j][-2]] + ' ' + class_mapping[predicted_res[j][-3]] + '\n') for err in error_ids: res_file.write( str(err) + ', ' + str(0) + ' ' + str(0) + ' ' + str(0) + '\n') res_file.close() print("Done....")
def main(): # Function to retrieve command line arguments entered by the user in_arg = get_input_args() #Load pre-trained model from checkpoint model = load_checkpoint(in_arg.saved_checkpoint, in_arg.gpu) #print(in_arg.saved_checkpoint) #print(model) # Process Image processed_image = process_image(in_arg.image_path) # Classify Prediction top_probs, top_labels, top_flowers = predict(in_arg.image_path, model, in_arg.category_names, in_arg.top_k)
def predict(image_path, model_path, top_k=5, category_names=None): """ Returns a set prediction of what flower the given input image is, ordered descending on predicted probability. INPUTS image_path: path to image file model_path: path to saved prediction model. Assumes tensorflow model top_k: top K predictions to return category_names: Path to json mapping class numbers to flower names. If not specified, the returned output only includes class numbers. RETURNS classes: Classes of predicted flowers in descending order based on probabilities. Will be of integers if `category_names`is unspecified. Else, includes names of predicted flowers. probs: Proabilities of predicted classes in descending order. """ #process image from image_path image = process_image(image_path) #load the model from model_path model = load_model(model_path) #make predictions on the image with the model ps = model.predict(image) #sort indices from predictions descending based on probabilities psi = np.argsort(-ps) #get top K probabilities from classes classes = psi[0][:top_k] #use classes as indices to find the top K predictions probs = np.take(ps, classes) #adding 1 to index to get correct class values classes += 1 #check if category names are specified and translate classes to class_names. if (category_names): class_names = open_json(category_names) class_str = [str(x) for x in classes] classes = [class_names.get(x) for x in class_str] return classes, probs
def predict(image_path, model, category_names, topk): #Predict the class (or classes) of an image using a trained deep learning model # Code to predict the class from an image file processed_image = process_image(image_path) processed_image.unsqueeze_(0) probs = torch.exp(model.forward(processed_image)) top_probs, top_labs = probs.topk(topk) with open(category_names, 'r') as f: cat_to_name = json.load(f) idx_to_class = {} for key, value in model.class_to_idx.items(): idx_to_class[value] = key np_top_labs = top_labs[0].numpy() top_labels = [] for label in np_top_labs: top_labels.append(int(idx_to_class[label])) top_flowers = [cat_to_name[str(lab)] for lab in top_labels] top_probs = top_probs[0].detach().numpy() #converts from tensor to nparray #print(top_flowers) #print(top_probs) #print(top_labels) #print(topk) #print('top flowers length') #print(len(top_flowers)) #print(len(top_probs)) #printing out the top K classes along with associated probabilities i = 0 # this prints out top k classes and probs as according to user while i < topk: print("{} with a probability of {}".format(top_flowers[i], top_probs[i])) #print("{} with a probability of {}".format(top_flowers[i])) #print('top_probs: ', top_probs[i]) i += 1 # cycle through return top_probs, top_labels, top_flowers
def predict(image_path, model, topk=args.top_k, device='cuda'): ''' Predict the class (or classes) of an image using a trained deep learning model. ''' # TODO: Implement the code to predict the class from an image file processed = utilities.process_image(image_path) processed = torch.from_numpy(processed).type(torch.FloatTensor) processed.unsqueeze_(0) # send to cuda if selected if args.gpu: processed = log_output = model.forward(processed) probs = torch.exp(log_output) top_probs, top_labs = probs.topk(topk)[0].detach().cpu().numpy().tolist( )[0], probs.topk(topk)[1].detach().cpu().numpy().tolist()[0] inv_map = {v: k for k, v in model.class_to_idx.items()} top_labs = [inv_map[top_labs[x]] for x in range(len(top_labs))] print("Image Class: {}".format(top_labs)) print("Probability: {}".format(top_probs)) return top_probs, top_labs
def predict(image_path, model, topk): """ Predict the class (or classes) of an image using a trained deep learning model. :param image_path: :param model: :param topk: :return: """ image = image = process_image(image) image_tensor = torch.from_numpy(image) # refactor tensor shape to cope with model specification image_tensor = image_tensor.view(1, *image_tensor.shape) image_tensor = image_tensor.type(torch.FloatTensor) with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() output = model.forward(image_tensor) probs = torch.exp(output) class_probs, class_idx = probs.topk(topk, dim=1) return class_probs, class_idx
def predict(image_path, model, topk): ''' Predict the class (or classes) of an image using a trained deep learning model. ''' #Implement the code to predict the class from an image file #turn off dropout model.eval() topk = in_arg.kclass image = process_image(in_arg.imagefile) image = torch.from_numpy(np.array([image])).float() cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() if in_arg.gpu == 'gpu' and cuda: device = torch.device('cuda') model.cuda() FloatTensor = torch.cude.FloatTensor else: device = torch.device('cpu') model.cpu() FloatTensor = torch.FloatTensor #feed forward output = model.forward(image) ps = torch.exp(output) probs = torch.topk(ps, topk)[0].tolist() index_k = torch.topk(ps, topk)[1].tolist() idx_to_class = {value: key for key, value in model.class_to_idx.items()} print('top {} probabilities:'.format(topk), probs) #print('index-k:', index_k) #correlate the top 5 indices with their categories classes = [] for i in index_k[0]: classes.append(idx_to_class[i]) return probs, classes
def predict(image_path, model, topk=top_k_var): ''' Predict the class (or classes) of an image using a trained deep learning model. ''' # Preprocess image image = process_image(image_path) # Convert to Torch Tensor image = torch.from_numpy(image) # Move tensor onto device image = # Convert input image to float to avoid RuntimeError: expected Double Tensor image = image.float() # Add batch dimension PyTorch is expecting image.unsqueeze_(0) # model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): output = model.forward(image) # Our output is log_softmax, so we take the inverse (exp) to get back softmax distribution all_probs = torch.exp(output) # topk returns a tuple of (values, indices) topk_tuple = torch.topk(all_probs, topk) probs = topk_tuple[0] classes = topk_tuple[1] return probs, classes
def main(): in_arg = get_input_args() # initiate the variables passed through command line image_path = in_arg.image_path checkpoint_path = in_arg.checkpoint_path top_k = in_arg.top_k category_names = in_arg.category_names gpu = in_arg.gpu # Correct the variables if necessary to avoid incorrect calculations # Collect error messages what variables have been changed to what values error_messages = [] if (top_k <= 0): top_k = 1 error_messages.append("top_k was corrected to 1") elif (top_k > 5): top_k = 5 error_messages.append("top_k was corrected to 5") if path.isfile(image_path) and path.isfile( checkpoint_path) and path.isfile( category_names): # check if all files are existing # load the categoy names file which connects category indices with indices predicted by the model with open(category_names, 'r') as f: cat_to_name = json.load(f) # use the folder of the specified file as category index title_idx = image_path.split("/")[-2] # find the name by matching the category index with the indices in the category names file img_label = [v for k, v in cat_to_name.items() if k == title_idx] img_label = img_label[0] print(f"Image label: {img_label}") # use GPU power if available for prediction if gpu: device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") else: device = "cpu" # load the model from the specified classifier path model = load_model(checkpoint_path) model = # freeze all model parameters to save speed and put model for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False # switch to evaluation mode model.eval() # prepare the specified image so that it can be used by the model img = process_image(image_path) img = img[None, :, :, :] img = img.float() img = # deactive all gradients to further speed up the performance and calculate the log prob outputs with torch.no_grad(): logps = model.forward(img) # convert to probability values ps = torch.exp(logps) # save the top probabilities and their category indices top_p, top_class = ps.topk(top_k, dim=1) top_p = np.array(top_p).reshape(top_k) top_class = np.array(top_class) # find the the category indices for the predicted top indices top_classes = [ k for k, v in model.class_to_idx.items() if v in top_class ] # match the top category indices with their category names names = [cat_to_name[v] for v in top_classes if v in cat_to_name] for i, name in enumerate(names): print(f"{name}: ..... {format(top_p[i],'.2f')}") else: print("Incorrect paths to files - please check!") # print out error messages if any if (len(error_messages)): for v in error_messages: print(v)
from network import Network device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") parser_sec = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser_sec.add_argument('b_img_path', action='store') # image path parser_sec.add_argument('checkpoint', action='store') # checkpoint file parser_sec.add_argument('--top_k', nargs='?', type=int) parser_sec.add_argument('--category_names', nargs='?') parser_sec.add_argument('--gpu', action='store_true') args = parser_sec.parse_args() args = vars(args) arg_sec_inputs = [] for key, value in args.items(): arg_sec_inputs.append(value) if arg_sec_inputs[3] is None: arg_sec_inputs[3] = 'cat_to_name.json' with open(arg_sec_inputs[3], 'r') as f: cat_to_name = json.load(f) Network.model = utilities.load_checkpoint('saves/mycheckpoint.pth') image = utilities.process_image(arg_sec_inputs[0]) utilities.predict_image(image, Network.model, True, cat_to_name, arg_sec_inputs[2])