コード例 #1
    async def collect_category(self, ctx):
        """Presents an Embed and finds the category from the Reaction the user provided"""
        embed = discord.Embed(type="rich", colour=utils.generate_random_colour())
        embed.set_author(name="Role Categories")
        embed.description = "Click on an emoji at the bottom of this panel that corresponds with the category of roles you want to assign yourself. Another panel will pop up that will ask you for the specific roles."

        current_emoji_index = 0
        for cat, roles_array in ROLE_CATEGORIES.items():
            embed.add_field(name="{} {}".format(utils.resolve_emoji_from_alphabet(utils.ALPHABET[current_emoji_index]), cat), value="`{}`".format("`\n`".join(roles_array)))
            current_emoji_index += 1

        reaction_message = await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, embed=embed)
        for i, cat in enumerate(list(ROLE_CATEGORIES)):
            await self.bot.add_reaction(reaction_message, utils.resolve_emoji_from_alphabet(utils.ALPHABET[i]))

        def check(reaction, user):
            if user.id != ctx.message.author.id:
                return False

            letter = utils.resolve_letter_from_emoji(reaction.emoji)
            for i in range(0, len(ROLE_CATEGORIES)):
                if letter == utils.ALPHABET[i]:
                    return True

            return False

        res = await self.bot.wait_for_reaction(message=reaction_message, check=check, timeout=30)

        index = utils.ALPHABET.index(utils.resolve_letter_from_emoji(res.reaction.emoji))
        return {
            "category": list(ROLE_CATEGORIES)[index],
            "message": reaction_message
コード例 #2
        def check(reaction, user):
            if user.id != ctx.message.author.id:
                return False

            letter = utils.resolve_letter_from_emoji(reaction.emoji)
            for i in range(0, len(ROLE_CATEGORIES)):
                if letter == utils.ALPHABET[i]:
                    return True

            return False
コード例 #3
async def on_reaction_remove(reaction, user):
	"""The 'on_reaction_remove' event"""

	if user.id == BOT.user.id:

	if reaction.message.id in BOT.ongoing_polls:
		current_poll = BOT.ongoing_polls[reaction.message.id]
		# If the reaction is the same as any of the existing reactions
		if any(utils.resolve_emoji_from_alphabet(option) == reaction.emoji for option in current_poll.results.keys()):
			# Remove the user from the respective result object
			deselected_option = utils.resolve_letter_from_emoji(reaction.emoji)
			if user.id in current_poll.results[deselected_option]:
				current_poll.remove_vote(deselected_option, user)

			# Update the original poll message
			return await BOT.edit_message(current_poll.question_message, embed=current_poll.embed)
コード例 #4
    async def collect_roles(self, category, reaction_message, ctx):
        """Presents another Embed and gives the user the roles they selected"""
        embed = discord.Embed(type="rich", colour=utils.generate_random_colour())
        embed.set_author(name="Select roles from {}".format(category))
        embed.description = "Click on the emojis at the bottom of this panel that correspond with the roles you want added to your profile. The panel will close itself in 30 seconds, allowing you to select as many roles as you want."
        if category is list(ROLE_CATEGORIES)[0]:
            embed.set_footer(text="Please select one role.")
            embed.set_footer(text="You have 30 seconds to choose your roles")

        roles_list = []
        for i, r in enumerate(ROLE_CATEGORIES[category]):
            roles_list.append("{} {}".format(utils.resolve_emoji_from_alphabet(utils.ALPHABET[i]), r))

        embed.add_field(name="Available Roles", value="\n".join(roles_list))

        await self.bot.clear_reactions(reaction_message)
        await self.bot.edit_message(reaction_message, embed=embed)

        for i, r in enumerate(ROLE_CATEGORIES[category]):
            await self.bot.add_reaction(reaction_message, utils.resolve_emoji_from_alphabet(utils.ALPHABET[i]))

        # Allow only one role for Years / Course Levels
        if category is list(ROLE_CATEGORIES)[0]:
            def check(reaction, user):
                if user.id != ctx.message.author.id:
                    return False

                letter = utils.resolve_letter_from_emoji(reaction.emoji)
                for i in range(0, len(ROLE_CATEGORIES[list(ROLE_CATEGORIES)[0]])):
                    if letter == utils.ALPHABET[i]:
                        return True

                return False

            res = await self.bot.wait_for_reaction(message=reaction_message, check=check, timeout=30)

            index = utils.ALPHABET.index(utils.resolve_letter_from_emoji(res.reaction.emoji))
            role_to_add = ROLE_CATEGORIES[list(ROLE_CATEGORIES)[0]][index]
            role_to_add = next((r for r in ctx.message.server.roles if r.name == role_to_add), None)

            await self.handle_years(role_to_add, ctx.message.author)
            return [role_to_add]
            await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
            await asyncio.sleep(30)

            # Update the message that collects the reactions so we can access `.reactions`
            reaction_message = await self.bot.get_message(reaction_message.channel, reaction_message.id)

            selected_emojis = reaction_message.reactions.copy()
            reaction_users = []
            for i, reaction in enumerate(reaction_message.reactions):
                reaction_users.append(await self.bot.get_reaction_users(reaction))

            for i, reaction in enumerate(reaction_message.reactions):
                id_list = list(map(lambda x: x.id, reaction_users[i]))

                if ctx.message.author.id not in id_list:

            roles_selected = list(map(lambda r: utils.ALPHABET.index(utils.resolve_letter_from_emoji(r.emoji)), selected_emojis))
            roles_to_add = list(map(lambda i: ROLE_CATEGORIES[category][i], roles_selected))
            for i, role_string in enumerate(roles_to_add):
                roles_to_add[i] = next((r for r in ctx.message.server.roles if r.name == role_string), None)

            # Remove all potential `None` from the list
            roles_to_add = [x for x in roles_to_add if x is not None]
            return roles_to_add