def generate_training_set(self, model='+'): if model == '+': model_path = 'models/training_data_positive.clf' else: model_path = 'models/training_data_negative.clf' if self.paths is None or len(self.paths) < 10: error = QErrorMessage() error.setWindowTitle('Error') error.showMessage('Select atleast 10 images') error.exec_() else: utils = IU() self.status.setText('Generating training data...') encodings = list() for image_path in self.paths: image = cv2.imread(image_path) locs = utils.get_face_locations(image=image) for (sX, sY, eX, eY) in locs: face = cv2.resize(image[sY:eY, sX:eX], (200, 200)) encoding = utils.face_encodings(face, model='128D', jitters=10) if len(encoding) == 0: print('Bad image') continue else: encodings.append(encoding[0]) with open(model_path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(encodings, file) self.status.setText('Done!')
def predict(self, image_path, threshold=0.85): utils = IU() model = load_model('models/predictor_NN_model.h5') image = cv2.imread(image_path) locs = utils.get_face_locations(image=image, model=self.face_model, scaleup=self.upsample) encodings = list() for (sX, sY, eX, eY) in locs: face = cv2.resize(image[sY:eY, sX:eX], (160, 160)) encoding = utils.face_encodings(face, model=self.encoding_model, jitters=self.jitters) if len(encoding) == 0: continue else: encodings.append(encoding[0]) if len(encodings) == 0: return False data = np.vstack(encodings) predictions = model.predict(data) for prediction in predictions: if prediction[0] > threshold: return True return False
class SVMSorter(object): def __init__(self): self.folder = None self.utils = IU() self.face_model = 'hog' self.encoding_model = '128D' self.jitters = 3 self.upsample = 1 def set_folder(self, folder): self.folder = folder def set_params(self, model, encoding, jitters, upsample): self.face_model = model self.encoding_model = encoding self.jitters = jitters self.upsample = upsample def train(self): X = [] y = [] model_save_path = "models/predictor_svm_model.clf" with open('models/training_data.clf', 'rb') as file: X = pickle.load(file) for i in range(len(X)): y.append('search_face') svm_clf = svm.OneClassSVM(), y) if model_save_path is not None: with open(model_save_path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(svm_clf, file) return svm_clf def predict(self, image_path, svm_clf=None, threshold=0.006): model_path = "models/predictor_svm_model.clf" if threshold > 0: threshold *= -1 if not os.path.isfile(image_path): raise Exception("Invalid image path: {}".format(X_img_path)) if svm_clf is None and model_path is None: raise Exception("Must supply svm classifier either through svm_clf or model_path") if svm_clf is None: with open(model_path, 'rb') as f: svm_clf = pickle.load(f) X_img = cv2.imread(image_path) X_face_locations = self.utils.get_face_locations(image=X_img, model=self.face_model, scaleup=self.upsample) if len(X_face_locations) == 0: return False faces_encodings = list() for (x, y, a, b) in X_face_locations: face = X_img[y:b, x:a] encode = self.utils.face_encodings(face, model=self.encoding_model, jitters=self.jitters) faces_encodings.append(encode[0]) distances = svm_clf.decision_function(faces_encodings) for distance in distances: if distance < threshold or distance > 0: return True return False def get_image_list(self): images_list = list() try: for path in os.listdir(self.folder): if re.match('.*\.(jpg|png)', path.lower()): images_list.append(os.path.join(self.folder, path)) except: print("Error - folder or file path is invalid") sys.exit(0) images_list.sort() return images_list
class EuclideanSorter(object): def __init__(self): self.utils = IU() self.folder = None self.face_model = 'hog' self.encoding_model = '128D' self.jitters = 3 self.upsample = 1 def set_folder(self, folder): self.folder = folder def set_params(self, model, encoding, jitters, upsample): self.face_model = model self.encoding_model = encoding self.jitters = jitters self.upsample = upsample def train(self): model_save_path = "models/predictor_euclidean_model.clf" with open('models/training_data.clf', 'rb') as file: encodings = pickle.load(file) encodings = np.array(encodings) mean_encoding = encodings.mean(axis=0) if model_save_path is not None: with open(model_save_path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(mean_encoding, file) return mean_encoding def predict(self, image_path, threshold=1.2): model_path = "models/predictor_euclidean_model.clf" model_encoding = None if not os.path.isfile(image_path): raise Exception("Invalid image path: {}".format(image_path)) if model_encoding is None and model_path is None: raise Exception("Must supply svm classifier either through svm_clf or model_path") if model_encoding is None: with open(model_path, 'rb') as f: model_encoding = pickle.load(f) image = cv2.imread(image_path) locs = self.utils.get_face_locations(image=image, model=self.face_model, scaleup=self.upsample) if len(locs) == 0: return False faces_encodings = list() for (x, y, a, b) in locs: face = image[y:b, x:a] encode = self.utils.face_encodings(face, model=self.encoding_model, jitters=self.jitters) faces_encodings.append(encode[0]) results = self.utils.compare_faces(faces_encodings, model_encoding, tolerance=threshold) if True in results: return True else: return False def get_image_list(self): images_list = list() try: for path in os.listdir(self.folder): if re.match('.*\.(jpg|png)', path.lower()): images_list.append(os.path.join(self.folder, path)) except: print("Error - folder or file path is invalid") sys.exit(0) images_list.sort() return images_list
class KNNSorter(object): def __init__(self): self.folder = None self.utils = IU() self.face_model = 'hog' self.encoding_model = '128D' self.jitters = 3 self.upsample = 1 def set_folder(self, folder): self.folder = folder def set_params(self, model, encoding, jitters, upsample): self.face_model = model self.encoding_model = encoding self.jitters = jitters self.upsample = upsample def train(self, n_neighbors=None, knn_algo='ball_tree'): X = [] y = [] model_save_path = "models/predictor_knn_model.clf" with open('models/training_data.clf', 'rb') as file: X = pickle.load(file) for i in range(len(X)): y.append('search_face') if n_neighbors is None: n_neighbors = int(round(math.sqrt(len(X)))) knn_clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm=knn_algo, weights='distance'), y) if model_save_path is not None: with open(model_save_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(knn_clf, f) return knn_clf def predict(self, image_path, knn_clf=None, threshold=0.6): model_path = "models/predictor_knn_model.clf" if not os.path.isfile(image_path): raise Exception("Invalid image path: {}".format(X_img_path)) if knn_clf is None and model_path is None: raise Exception("Must supply knn classifier either through knn_clf or model_path") if knn_clf is None: with open(model_path, 'rb') as f: knn_clf = pickle.load(f) X_img = cv2.imread(image_path) X_face_locations = self.utils.get_face_locations(image=X_img, model=self.face_model, scaleup=self.upsample) if len(X_face_locations) == 0: return [] faces_encodings = list() for (x, y, a, b) in X_face_locations: face = X_img[y:b, x:a] encode = self.utils.face_encodings(face, model=self.encoding_model, jitters=self.jitters) faces_encodings.append(encode[0]) closest_distances = knn_clf.kneighbors(faces_encodings, n_neighbors=1) are_matches = [closest_distances[0][i][0] <= threshold for i in range(len(X_face_locations))] return [(pred, loc) if rec else ("unknown", loc) for pred, loc, rec in zip(knn_clf.predict(faces_encodings), X_face_locations, are_matches)] def get_image_list(self): images_list = list() try: for path in os.listdir(self.folder): if re.match('.*\.(jpg|png)', path.lower()): images_list.append(os.path.join(self.folder, path)) except: print("Error - folder or file path is invalid") sys.exit(0) images_list.sort() return images_list