コード例 #1
ファイル: Proposal.py プロジェクト: mmccarty/nell
 def remainingTime(self):
     "From this proposal's project's time accounting."
     if self.dss_project is not None:
         ta = TimeAccounting()
         return ta.getTimeLeft(self.dss_project)
         return None
コード例 #2
ファイル: Session.py プロジェクト: nrao/nell
 def remainingTime(self):
     "From this session's dss sessions's time accounting."
     if self.dss_session is not None:
         ta = TimeAccounting()
         return ta.getTimeLeft(self.dss_session)
         return None
コード例 #3
ファイル: DBHealthReport.py プロジェクト: mmccarty/nell
def GenerateReport():

    ta = TimeAccounting()
    ui = UserInfoTools()

    outfile = open("./DssDbHealthReport.txt",'w')

    projects = sorted(Project.objects.all(), lambda x, y: cmp(x.pcode, y.pcode))
    sessions = sorted(Sesshun.objects.all(), lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))
    periods  = Period.objects.exclude(state__name = 'Deleted').order_by('start')
    rcvrs    = Receiver.objects.order_by("freq_low")
    deleted  = Period_State.get_state('D')

    outfile.write("Projects without sessions:")
    values = [p.pcode for p in projects if len(p.sesshun_set.all()) == 0]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions without a project:")
    values = [s.name for s in sessions if not s.project]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nOpen sessions (not completed) with alloted time < min duration:")
    values = [s.name for s in sessions \
              if s.session_type.type == "open" and \
                 not s.status.complete and \
                 s.allotment.total_time < s.min_duration]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nOpen sessions (not completed) with time left < min duration:")
    values = [s.name for s in sessions \
              if s.session_type.type == "open" and \
                 not s.status.complete and \
                 ta.getTimeLeft(s) < s.min_duration]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nOpen sessions with max duration < min duration:")
    values = [s.name for s in sessions \
              if s.session_type.type == "open" and \
                 s.min_duration > s.max_duration]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions with min duration too small:")
    ss1 = [s for s in sessions if s.min_duration <= 0.25]
    ss = sorted(ss1, lambda x, y: cmp(x.min_duration, y.min_duration))
    values = ["%s, %f" % (s.name, s.min_duration) for s in ss]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions with negative observed time:")
    values = ["%s; obs: %s, total: %s" % \
        (s.name, str(ta.getTime("observed", s)), str(s.allotment.total_time)) \
        for s in sessions if ta.getTime("observed", s) < 0.0]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions without receivers:")
    values = [s.name for s in sessions \
              if len(s.receiver_list()) == 0 and \
                 s.project.pcode not in ("Maintenance", "Shutdown")]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nOpen sessions with default frequency 0:")
    values = [s.name for s in sessions \
              if s.session_type.type == "open" and s.frequency == 0.0]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions with invalid LST Exclusion/Inclusion parameters:")
    values = invalidLSTParameters(sessions)
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions with repeated observing parameters:")
    values = repeatedObservingParameters(sessions)
    print_values(outfile, values)

    #outfile.write("\n\nSessions with unmatched observer parameter pairs:")
    #values = [s.name for s in missing_observer_parameter_pairs(sessions)]
    #print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions with RA and Dec equal to zero:")
    values = [s.name for s in sessions \
                     if s.getTarget() is not None and s.target.vertical == 0.0 \
                        and s.target.horizontal == 0.0]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions with frequency (GHz) out of all Rcvr bands")
    values = []
    for s in sessions:
        out_of_band = False
        # freq. must be out of band for ALL rcvrs to be reported
        rcvrs = [Receiver.objects.get(abbreviation = rname) \
            for rname in s.rcvrs_specified()]
        in_bands = [r for r in rcvrs if r.in_band(s.frequency)]
        # don't report sessions w/ out rcvrs: we do that above
        if len(in_bands) == 0 and len(rcvrs) != 0:
            values.append("%s %s %5.4f" % (s.name
                                         , s.receiver_list_simple()
                                         , s.frequency))
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nUpcoming Windowed, Elective, and Fixed Sessions that are not enabled:")
    sa = SessionInActiveAlerts()
               , ["%s session %s which runs %s" % (u.session.session_type.type
                                                 , u.session.id
                                                 , sa.getRange(u))
                   for u in sa.findDisabledSessionAlerts()]

    outfile.write("\n\nUpcoming Windowed, Elective, and Fixed Sessions that are not authorized:")
    sa = SessionInActiveAlerts()
               , ["%s session %s which runs %s" % (u.session.session_type.type
                                                 , u.session.id
                                                 , sa.getRange(u))
                   for u in sa.findUnauthorizedSessionAlerts()]

    outfile.write("\n\nProjects without a friend:")
    values = [p.pcode for p in projects if not p.complete and len(p.friend_set.all()) == 0]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nProjects without any schedulable sessions:")
    values = [p.pcode for p in projects \
              if not p.complete and \
              not any([s.schedulable() for s in p.sesshun_set.all()])]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nProjects without any observers:")
    values = [p.pcode for p in projects \
              if not p.complete and len(p.get_observers()) == 0]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nProjects whose project type is inconsistent with its sessions' observing types:")
    values = [p.pcode for p in projects \
                      if p.is_science() and \
                         not all([s.isScience() for s in p.sesshun_set.all()])]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nProjects whose category is inconsistent with its sessions' categories:")
    badCats = []
    for p in projects:
        cats = list(set([s.getCategory() for s in p.sesshun_set.all()]))
        if len(cats) > 1:
        elif len(cats) == 1 and cats[0] != p.get_category():
    print_values(outfile, badCats)
    outfile.write("\n\nReceiver changes happening on days other than maintenance days:")
    values = [str(s) for s in check_maintenance_and_rcvrs()]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nPeriods longer then 24 hours:")
    values = Period.objects.filter(duration__gt = 24.0)
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nPeriods in the future whose receivers are different then their sessions.")
    fps = Period.objects.filter(start__gt = datetime.now()).order_by('start')
    # Here we compare what the period currently has, with the function that
    # the period was initialized with 
    bps = [p for p in fps if p.receiver_list_simple() != ", ".join(p.session.rcvrs_specified())] 
    values = ["%s at %s; %s vs. %s" % (p.session.name
                                     , p.start
                                     , p.receiver_list_simple()
                                     , ", ".join(p.session.rcvrs_specified())) \
               for p in bps]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nPeriods which have been observed when none of their receivers were up:")
    start = datetime(2009, 10, 10) # don't bother looking before this
    end = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1) # leave a day buffer
    obs_ps = [p for p in periods if p.start > start and p.start < end \
        and p.session.name not in ['Shutdown', 'Maintenance'] \
        and p.state != deleted]
    bad_ps = [p for p in obs_ps if not p.has_observed_rcvrs_in_schedule()]
    values = ["%s, %s" % (p.__str__(), p.receiver_list()) for p in bad_ps]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions for which periods are scheduled when none of their receivers are up:")
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    future_ps = [p for p in periods if p.start > now \
        and p.session.project.pcode not in ['Shutdown', 'Maintenance']]
    bad_ps = [p for p in future_ps if not p.has_required_receivers()]
    values = ["%s, %s" % (p.__str__(), p.session.receiver_list_simple()) \
        for p in bad_ps]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    # note that here we use the session's rcvrs, *not* the periods'
    # rcvrs because we are looking into the future.
    outfile.write("\n\nPeriods in the future that are using retired hardware:")
    values = [p for p in periods if p.state != deleted and p.start > now and p.session.usesDeletedReceiver()] 
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nProjects that contain non-unique session names:")
    names  = [(p.pcode, [s.name for s in p.sesshun_set.all()])
                                    for p in projects]
    values = [p for p, n in names if len(set(n)) != len(n)]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nUsers with duplicate accounts by name:")
    values = ui.findUsersWithSameNames()
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nUsers with shared PST accounts:\n")
    sharedPstIds = ui.findUsersWithSamePstId(quiet = True)
    # print out useful format
    if len(sharedPstIds) > 0:
        for pst_id, us in sharedPstIds:
            outfile.write("PST ID: %s\n" % pst_id)
            for u in us:
                outfile.write("    %s, %d\n" % (u, u.id))
                outfile.write("    Projects: %s\n" % u.getProjects())
                outfile.write("    Blackouts: %s\n" % u.blackout_set.all())
        outfile.write("    None\n")

    outfile.write("\n\nUsers with no PST ID:")
    users  = list(User.objects.order_by("last_name"))
    values = [u for u in users if u.pst_id is None]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nPeriods Scheduled on blackout dates:")
    values = []
    for s in sessions:
        for p in [p for p in s.period_set.all() if p.start >= datetime.today() \
                                                   and not p.isDeleted()]:
            blackouts = s.project.get_blackout_times(p.start, p.end())
            if blackouts:
                values.append("%s on %s" % (s.name
                                          , p.start.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")))
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nElective and Fixed pending periods scheduled on blackout dates:")
    values = []
    opened = Session_Type.objects.get(type="open")
    windowed = Session_Type.objects.get(type="windowed")
    pending = Period_State.objects.get(name="Pending")
    for p in Period.objects \
                   .exclude(session__session_type=opened) \
                   .exclude(session__session_type=windowed) \
                   .filter(start__gte=now) \
        blackouts = p.session.project.get_blackout_times(p.start, p.end())
        if blackouts:
            values.append("%s" % p)
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nOverlapping periods:")
    values = report_overlaps(periods, now = now)
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nGaps in historical schedule:")
    ps = Period.objects.filter(start__lt = now)\
             .filter(~Q(state__abbreviation = 'D')).order_by("start")
    values = []
    previous = ps[0]
    for p in ps[1:]:
        # periods should be head to tail 
        if p.start != previous.end() and p.start > previous.end():
            values.append("Gap between: %s and %s" % (previous, p))
        previous = p
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nPeriods with time billed exceeding duration:")
    values  = [p.__str__() for p in periods if p.duration < p.accounting.time_billed()]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nPeriods with non-positive durations:")
    values  = [p for p in periods if p.duration <= 0.]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nPeriods with negative observed times:")
    values  = [str(p) for p in periods if p.accounting.observed() < 0.]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nDeleted Periods with positive observed times:")
    ps = [p for p in periods if p.state.abbreviation == 'D']
    values  = [str(p) for p in ps if p.accounting.observed() > 0.]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nDeleted and Scheduled Periods for non-Windowed Sessions with non-positive scheduled time:")
    ps = [p for p in periods if p.state.abbreviation in ['D', 'S'] and p.session.session_type.type != 'windowed']
    values  = [p for p in ps if p.accounting.scheduled <= 0.0]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nPending Periods (non-windowed, non-elective):")
    values  = [str(p) for p in periods if p.isPending() and not p.is_windowed() and not p.is_elective()]
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nCompleted projects with non-complete sessions:")
    print_values(outfile, get_closed_projets_with_open_sessions())

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions with wrong number of targets (!= 1):")
    values = sessions_with_null_or_multiple_targets()
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions with frequency == NULL:")
    print_values(outfile, Sesshun.objects.filter(frequency = None))

    outfile.write("\n\nSessions with NULL RA and/or DEC:")
    values = sessions_with_bad_target()
    print_values(outfile, values)

    #    * (new) Incomplete electives with insufficient opportunities:
    #* Electives:
    #      o Elective sessions with no electives:
    #      o Electives with no opportunities:
    #      o Non-elective sessions with electives assigned: 

    outfile.write("\n\nElective Sessions with no Electives:")
    values = elective_sessions_no_electives()
    print_values(outfile, values)
    outfile.write("\n\nNon-Elective Sessions with Electives:")
    values = non_elective_sessions_electives()
    print_values(outfile, values)
    outfile.write("\n\nElectives with no Opportunities (Periods):")
    values = electives_no_periods()
    print_values(outfile, values)

    outfile.write("\n\nPeriods from Elective Session not in an Elective:")
    ps = periods_no_elective()
    print_values(outfile, [str(p) for p in ps])
