コード例 #1
def gbt_schedule(request, *args, **kws):
    Serves up a GBT schedule page tailored for Operations.

    Note: This view is in either ET or UTC, database is in UTC.
    def cleanSD(startDate):
            return datetime.strptime(startDate, '%m/%d/%Y') if startDate else datetime.now() 
        except: # Bad input?
            return datetime.now()

    timezones = ['ET', 'UTC']

    # Note: we probably should have better error handling here,
    # but since the forms are Date Pickers and drop downs, it seems
    # difficult for the user to send us malformed params.

    # Default date, days, and timezone.  Loaded from the values
    # saved below, or from defaults if no values were saved.
    if request.method == 'POST':
        startDate, days, timezone = (None, 5, 'ET')
        startDate, days, timezone, _ = _get_calendar_defaults(request)
    data      = request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else request.GET
    timezone  = data.get('tz', timezone)
    days      = int(data.get('days', days))
    startDate = cleanSD(data.get('start', startDate))

    start   = TimeAgent.truncateDt(startDate)
    end     = start + timedelta(days = days)

    # save these values for use in 'GET' above.
    _save_calendar_defaults(request, start, days, timezone)
    requestor = get_requestor(request)
    supervisor_mode = True if (requestor in get_rescal_supervisors()) else False

    schedule = get_gbt_schedule_events(start, end, timezone)

        tzutc = Schedule_Notification.objects.latest('date').date.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        pubdate = tzutc.astimezone(EST)
        pubdate = None

    printerFriendly = data.get('printerFriendly', None)
    template = 'users/schedules/schedule_friendly.html' if printerFriendly == '1' \
                   else 'users/schedule.html'
    return render_to_response(
        {'calendar'        : schedule,
         'day_list'        : range(1, 32),
         'tz_list'         : timezones,
         'timezone'        : timezone,
         'today'           : datetime.now(EST),
         'start'           : start,
         'startFmt'        : start.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), 
         'days'            : days,
         'rschedule'       : Receiver_Schedule.extract_schedule(start, days),
         'requestor'       : requestor,
         'supervisor_mode' : supervisor_mode,
         'pubdate'         : pubdate,