コード例 #1
class CompoundHets(object):
    def __init__(self, input, ped, frequency_cutoff=None, consequence=None, output=None, prefix=None, transcript=False, debug=False,
                 gene_lookback=5, force=False):
        self.frequency_cutoff = frequency_cutoff
        self.consequence = consequence
        self.transcript = transcript
        self.output = output
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.force = force
        self.aggregate_file = os.path.join(output, 'compound_hets.aggregate.tsv')
        if self.prefix:
            self.aggregate_file = os.path.join(output, self.prefix + '.compound_hets.aggregate.tsv')
        self.debug = debug
        self.Utils = Utilities(self.frequency_cutoff, self.consequence, self.transcript, self.debug)
        self.families = self.Utils.read_ped_file(ped)
        self.lookback = gene_lookback
        self.setup_output(output, self.families)

    # Print each compound het pair for each sample to a sample file
    # Input:
    #   samples: dictionary of lists of tuples of Variants
    #   output: output prefix
    def print_samples(self, samples, output):
        if not samples:
        for s in samples:
            filename = "%s.compound_het_pairs.txt" % s
            if self.prefix:
                filename = self.prefix + "." + filename
            if output:
                filename = "%s.%s.compound_het_pairs.txt" % (output, s)
            f = open(filename, 'w')
            count = 1
            for pair in samples[s]:
                v1 = pair[0]
                v2 = pair[1]
                f.write(v1.for_sample_file(count) + "\n")
                f.write(v2.for_sample_file(count) + "\n")
                count += 1

    # Print all pairs of compound hets to file
    # Input:
    #   positions: A list of tuples of variants
    #   output: output file prefix
    def print_positions(self, positions, output):
        if not positions:
        filename = "all_compound_het_pairs.txt"
        if output:
            filename = "%s.all_compound_het_pairs.txt" % output
        f = open(filename, 'w')
        count = 1
        for p in positions:
            v1 = p[0]
            v2 = p[1]
            f.write(v1.for_variant_file(count) + "\n")
            f.write(v2.for_variant_file(count) + "\n")
            count += 1

    # Parse each line in the input file, convert it to a Variant object, and assign it to a gene within the gene
    #  dictionary
    # Input:
    #   input: input filename
    # Return:
    #   genes: dictionary of lists of Variants
    def process_file(self, input):
        current_genes = defaultdict(list)
        gene_list = []
        checked_genes = []
        with open(input) as f:
            for line in f:
                if line.startswith('#'):
                variant = self.Utils.parse_line(line)
                if variant is None:
                if variant.gene not in current_genes:
                    if variant.gene in checked_genes:
                        print("%s ALREADY CHECKED! File may be out of order!" % variant.gene)
                    # Keep a lookback of 5 genes to account for gene overlaps
                    if len(current_genes) > self.lookback:
                        to_process = gene_list.pop(0)
                        del current_genes[to_process]
        for gene in current_genes:

    # Get any het calls for a gene and print the results
    # Input:
    #   gene: A list of variants (Variant objects) within a gene
    # Return:
    #   Nothing
    def process_gene(self, gene):
        if self.debug:
            print("Processing gene")
        hets = self.check_gene(gene)
        if hets:

    # For each gene in the gene list, check whether each sample has a compound het pair within the gene
    # Input:
    #   genes: dictionary of lists of Variants
    # Return:
    #   samples: dictionary of lists of tuples of Variants
    #   positions: A list of tuples of variants
    def check_gene(self, gene):
        hets = []
        identified_pairs = []
        for v1 in gene:
            for patient_id in v1.from_father_affected + v1.from_father_unaffected:
                family_id = self.Utils.patient_id_to_family(patient_id)
                if not self.families[family_id].members[patient_id].has_disease():
                for v2 in gene:
                    if v1.pos == v2.pos:
                    if v2.has_maternal(patient_id):
                        key = "-".join(sorted([v1.pos, v2.pos, self.Utils.patient_id_to_family(patient_id)]))
                        het = CompoundHet(patient_id, v2, v1, self.families)
                        if not key in identified_pairs:
                            if self.transcript:
                                if v1.transcript == v2.transcript:
        return hets

    # Print out the hets - debugging function
    # input:
    #   hets: a CompoundHet object
    def print_hets(self, hets):
        for h in hets:
            h.print_family(self.output, self.prefix)

    # Create output folder and initialize all output files with headers
    # input:
    #   output: the output directory
    #   families: A dictionary of Family objects.  Family IDs are the keys of the dictionary.
    def setup_output(self, output, families):
        # Due to popular demand this has been removed.
        #if os.path.exists(output) and not self.force:
        #    print("Output folder found!  Please choose a different output path.")
        #    exit(0)
        #elif os.path.exists(output) and self.force:
        #    print("Existing output folder being moved to %s" % output + ".old")
        #    if os.path.exists(output + ".old"):
        #        print("Removing existing old output: %s" % output + ".old")
        #        #os.remove(output + ".old")
        #        shutil.rmtree(output + ".old")
        #    os.rename(output, output + ".old")
        if not os.path.exists(output):

        file = open(self.aggregate_file,'w')
        print('Gene	Maternal_VarID	Maternal_Var_CSQ	Paternal_VarID	Paternal_Var_CSQ	'
              'Maternal_Var_CSQ-Paternal_Var_CSQ	family	fam_n_children	fam_n_aff	fam_n_unaff	fam_n_missing_aff'
              '	fam_n_missing_unaff	n_uncertain_aff	n_uncertain_unaff	n_aff_carriers	n_unaff_carriers	'
              'n_noncarrier_aff	n_noncarrier_unaff	frac_of_aff frac_of_unaff	frac_of_aff_missing_adjusted	'
              'frac_of_unaff_missing_adjusted	frac_of_aff_uncertain_adjusted	frac_of_unaff_uncertain_adjusted	'
              'frac_of_aff_carriers_missing_uncertain_adj	frac_of_unaff_carriers_missing_uncertain_adj	'
              'Info_Variant1	Info_Variant2', file=file)

        for f in families:
            filename = f + '.family_file.tsv'
            if self.prefix:
                filename = self.prefix + "." + filename
            family_file = os.path.join(output, filename)
            file = open(family_file,'w')
            print('Gene	Maternal_Var_CSQ-Paternal_Var_CSQ	family	child_id	is_aff	Inheritance_Variant1	Chr	'
                  'Position	Ref	Alt	VariantID	esp6500siv2_all	ExAC_ALL	ThousandGenomes_2014oct_all	cg46	CADD'
                  '	CADD_Phred	Polyphen2_HDIV_score	Polyphen2_HDIV_pred	Polyphen2_HVAR_score	Polyphen2_HVAR_pred'
                  '	consequence	Inheritance_Variant2	Chr	Position	Ref	Alt	VariantID	esp6500siv2_all	ExAC_ALL'
                  '	ThousandGenomes_2014oct_all	cg46	CADD	CADD_Phred	Polyphen2_HDIV_score	Polyphen2_HDIV_pred'
                  '	Polyphen2_HVAR_score	Polyphen2_HVAR_pred	consequence	Info_Variant1', file=file)