コード例 #1
def standardised_euclidean_distance(data,data_instance1, data_instance2):
    """Returns the euclidean distance of two clusters in the n-dimensional space, which is defined by the number of their attributes, 
       weighted by the inverse of the corresponding attribute's variance.
    if len(data_instance1.feature_vector) != len(data_instance2.feature_vector):
        print("The two points must be defined in the same dimensional space.")
    column_list = pick_up_all_data_columns(data)
    std_list = []
    for i,column in enumerate(column_list):
        if i != 0:         #because the first column is always the data labels
    sum_of_squares = 0.0
    for i in range(0, len(data_instance1.feature_vector)):
        sum_of_squares += 1/pow(std_list[i],2) * pow(data_instance1.feature_vector[i] - data_instance2.feature_vector[i], 2) #the weight here is the variance not the std
    return sqrt(sum_of_squares)
def standardisation(data_list):
    m = mean(data_list)
    sd = standard_deviation(data_list)
    return [((row-m)/sd) for row in data_list]