コード例 #1
def install(robustus, requirement_specifier, rob_file, ignore_index):
    # check if already installed
    pocketsphinx = os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/pocketsphinx.so')
    if os.path.isfile(pocketsphinx):

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    archive = None
        build_dir = os.path.join(robustus.cache, 'pocketsphinx-%s' % requirement_specifier.version)
        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(build_dir, 'configure')):
            archive = robustus.download('pocketsphinx', requirement_specifier.version)

        # unfortunately we can't cache pocketsphinx, it has to be rebuild after reconfigure
        logging.info('Building pocketsphinx')

        sphinxbase_dir = os.path.join(robustus.cache, 'sphinxbase-%s/' % requirement_specifier.version)
        retcode = run_shell('./configure'
                            + (' --prefix=%s' % robustus.env)
                            + (' --with-python=%s' % os.path.join(robustus.env, 'bin/python'))
                            + (' --with-sphinxbase=%s' % sphinxbase_dir)
                            + (' --with-sphinxbase-build=%s' % sphinxbase_dir),
                            verbose=robustus.settings['verbosity'] >= 1)
        if retcode != 0:
            raise RequirementException('pocketsphinx configure failed')

        retcode = run_shell('make clean && make', shell=True, verbose=robustus.settings['verbosity'] >= 1)
        if retcode != 0:
            raise RequirementException('pocketsphinx build failed')

        logging.info('Installing pocketsphinx into virtualenv')
        retcode = run_shell('make install', shell=True, verbose=robustus.settings['verbosity'] >= 1)
        if retcode != 0:
            raise RequirementException('pocketsphinx install failed')

        fix_rpath(robustus, robustus.env, pocketsphinx, os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib'))
        # there is a super weird bug, first import of pocketsphinx fails http://sourceforge.net/p/cmusphinx/bugs/284/
        write_file(os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/wrap_pocketsphinx.py'),
                   + '    from pocketsphinx import *\n'
                   + 'except:\n'
                   + '    pass\n'
                   + 'from pocketsphinx import *\n')
    except RequirementException:
        if archive is not None:
コード例 #2
ファイル: install_pygtk.py プロジェクト: bossjones/robustus
def install(robustus, requirement_specifier, rob_file, ignore_index):
    # Softlinking to existing PyGtk. TODO: install via configure
    if os.path.isfile('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pygtk.py'):
        logging.info('Linking pygtk')
        site_packages_dir = os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib/python2.7/site-packages')
        files = ['pygtk.py', 'pygtk.pyc', 'gtk-2.0', 'glib', 'gobject', 'cairo']
        for f in files:
            src = os.path.join('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', f)
            if not os.path.exists(src):
                raise RequirementException('Required packages for system-wide PyGtk missing, %s not found' % f)
            ln(src, os.path.join(site_packages_dir, f), force=True)
        pygtk_pth = os.path.join(site_packages_dir, 'pygtk.pth')
        if not os.path.exists(pygtk_pth):
                       os.path.join(site_packages_dir, 'gtk-2.0'))
        raise RequirementException('System-wide PyGtk is missing')   
コード例 #3
ファイル: install_pygst.py プロジェクト: bossjones/robustus
def install(robustus, requirement_specifier, rob_file, ignore_index):
    if requirement_specifier.version != '0.10':
        raise RequirementException('Only 0.10 version of pygst is supported')

    # Softlinking to existing gst
    if os.path.isfile('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pygst.py'):
        logging.info('Linking pygst')
        site_packages_dir = os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib/python2.7/site-packages')
        files = ['pygst.py', 'gst-0.10', 'gstoption.so', 'glib', 'gobject']
        for f in files:
            src = os.path.join('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', f)
            if not os.path.exists(src):
                raise RequirementException('Required packages for system-wide pygst missing, %s not found' % f)
            ln(src, os.path.join(site_packages_dir, f), force=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(site_packages_dir, 'pygst.pth'),
                   os.path.join(site_packages_dir, 'gst-0.10'))
        raise RequirementException('System-wide pygst is missing')   
コード例 #4
def install(robustus, requirement_specifier, rob_file, ignore_index):
    if requirement_specifier.version != '0.10':
        raise RequirementException('Only 0.10 version of pygst is supported')

    # Softlinking to existing gst
    if os.path.isfile('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pygst.py'):
        logging.info('Linking pygst')
        site_packages_dir = os.path.join(robustus.env,
        files = ['pygst.py', 'gst-0.10', 'gstoption.so', 'glib', 'gobject']
        for f in files:
            src = os.path.join('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', f)
            if not os.path.exists(src):
                raise RequirementException(
                    'Required packages for system-wide pygst missing, %s not found'
                    % f)
            ln(src, os.path.join(site_packages_dir, f), force=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(site_packages_dir, 'pygst.pth'), 'w',
                   os.path.join(site_packages_dir, 'gst-0.10'))
        raise RequirementException('System-wide pygst is missing')
コード例 #5
def install(robustus, requirement_specifier, rob_file, ignore_index):
    # Softlinking to existing PyGtk. TODO: install via configure
    if os.path.isfile('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pygtk.py'):
        logging.info('Linking pygtk')
        site_packages_dir = os.path.join(robustus.env,
        files = [
            'pygtk.py', 'pygtk.pyc', 'gtk-2.0', 'glib', 'gobject', 'cairo'
        for f in files:
            src = os.path.join('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', f)
            if not os.path.exists(src):
                raise RequirementException(
                    'Required packages for system-wide PyGtk missing, %s not found'
                    % f)
            ln(src, os.path.join(site_packages_dir, f), force=True)
        pygtk_pth = os.path.join(site_packages_dir, 'pygtk.pth')
        if not os.path.exists(pygtk_pth):
            write_file(os.path.join(pygtk_pth), 'w',
                       os.path.join(site_packages_dir, 'gtk-2.0'))
        raise RequirementException('System-wide PyGtk is missing')
コード例 #6
def run_cluster(all_files, param_dict, out_file, verbose_level):
    interfaces with the second model 
    if out_file is not None:
        write_file(out_file + "_cluster.txt",
                   "\n\n\n" + time.ctime() + "\n===\n")

    total = 0
    for i in range(0, param_dict['num_runs']):
        total += sermons_cluster(all_files, param_dict, out_file,

    overall_avg = total / param_dict['num_runs']

    if verbose_level > 0:
        if out_file is None:
            print("overall average: {}".format(overall_avg))
            write_file(out_file + "_cluster.txt",
                       "overall average: {}".format(overall_avg))

    return (overall_avg)
コード例 #7
def generate(traces_path, comb1_path, comb2_path, comb3_path):
    comb1, comb2, comb3 = extract_dict(traces_path)
    traces = read_file(traces_path).split('\n')
    ret1 = []
    ret2 = []
    ret3 = []
    ret1.append("combination " + " ".join(comb1))
    ret2.append("combination " + " ".join(comb2))
    ret3.append("combination " + " ".join(comb3))
    for line in traces:
        if line is not '':
            dict1, dict2, dict3 = extract_feature(comb1, comb2, comb3, line)
            line1 = line.split(":")[0] + " " + convert_to_line(comb1, dict1)
            line2 = line.split(":")[0] + " " + convert_to_line(comb2, dict2)
            line3 = line.split(":")[0] + " " + convert_to_line(comb3, dict3)
    text1 = "\n".join(ret1)
    text2 = "\n".join(ret2)
    text3 = "\n".join(ret3)
    write_file(text1, comb1_path)
    write_file(text2, comb2_path)
    write_file(text3, comb3_path)
def main():
	job_id = sys.argv[1]
	# Read Sample Blob from RemoteR DB into XLSX file

	tmp_xlsx_filename = 'temp_excel.xlsx'
	sample_ws_name = 'sample_batch_upload_example'
		print('Read Excel blob from remote r db')
		excel = getXLSXBlobInDB(job_id = job_id,tag = '1',data_type = 'sample')
		print('Write Excel blob to file in the disk')
		write_file(excel, tmp_xlsx_filename)
	except Error as error:
		print('Finish writing excel file')

	# Read Sample Data from XLSX file into Memory
	wb = load_workbook(tmp_xlsx_filename)
	# print wb.sheetnames
	ws = wb[sample_ws_name]
	rowNum = 1
	existedUUIDs = ""
	warnMsg = ""
	isError = False
	errorMsg = ""
	# for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=1, max_col=31, max_row=2):
	for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=2):
		result_sam = None
		isError = False

		# A sample dictionary which stores the validated and converted cell values of each sample row
		sample_data = {}

		# required cells
		study_name = row[0].value
		local_sample_id = row[3].value
		local_patient_id = row[4].value

		if((study_name != None) and (local_sample_id != None) and (local_patient_id != None)):
			existed_sam_uuid = getSampleUUIDInDBbyLocalSamID(local_sample_id = local_sample_id)
			if(existed_sam_uuid != None):
				warnMsg = warnMsg.join("Row number: %i, local sample id %s has already existed in database.\n" %(rowNum, local_sample_id))
				if(existedUUIDs == ""):
					existedUUIDs += existed_sam_uuid
					existedUUIDs += "," + existed_sam_uuid

			colNum = 0
			for cell in row:
				unic = u"%s" %(cell.value)
				w = unic.encode('utf-8', errors='replace')
				if(isValidDataFormat(colNum, w)):
					if(colNum in codeDic):

					if(finalW == "None"):
						finalW = None

					sample_data[sampleVariableDic[colNum]] = finalW
					colNum += 1
					errorMsg = errorMsg.join("Row number: %i, Col number: %i, wrong data format.\n" %(rowNum, colNum))

			result_sam = processSample(rowNum, sample_data)
			warn_sam = result_sam["Warn_Msg"]
			if(warn_sam != None):
				warnMsg = warnMsg.join(warn_sam)
				if(existedUUIDs == ""):
					existedUUIDs += result_sam["Existed_Sam_UUID"]
					existedUUIDs += "," + result_sam["Existed_Sam_UUID"]

			error_sam = result_sam["Error_Msg"]
			if(error_sam != None):
				isError = True
				errorMsg = errorMsg.join(error_sam)


		# Update or Insert Patient, Sample, EnrollStudy data into DB
		# process Patient record
		initial result_pat = {"Error_Msg": None, "Patient_ID": None, "Pat_Ops": None, "EnrollStudy_Ops": None}
		result_pat = processPatient(rowNum, sample_data)
		error_pat = result_pat["Error_Msg"]
		if(error_pat != None):
			isError = True
			errorMsg = errorMsg.join(error_pat)

		is_new_patient = False
		pat_ops = result_pat["Pat_Ops"]
		pat_id = result_pat["Patient_ID"]
		if(pat_ops == "insert"):
			is_new_patient = True
			addPatientInDB(pat_id, local_patient_id)

		if(pat_ops == "update"):
			is_success = updateLocalPatientIDInDB(local_patient_id, pat_id)
			if(not is_success):
				isError = True
				errorMsg = errorMsg.join("Please contact developer. Fail to update local_patient_id into database based on your input.")

		# process Sample record
		initial result_sam = {"Error_Msg": None, "Warn_Msg": None, "Existed_Sam_UUID": None, "Sam_Ops": None, "EnrollStudy_Ops": None}
		sam_ops = result_sam["Sam_Ops"]
		if(sam_ops == "insert"):
			sample_data["UUID"] = generate36CharUUID()
			sample_data["Patient_ID"] = pat_id
			if(sample_data["Pathological_Status"] == None):
				sample_data["Pathological_Status"] = 99			
			if(sample_data["Sample_Class"] == None):
				sample_data["Sample_Class"] = 99
			sample_data["Sample_ID"] = generateSampleID(pat_id, sample_data["Pathological_Status"], sample_data["Sample_Class"])

		# process Enroll Study record
		pat_enrollstudy_ops = result_pat["EnrollStudy_Ops"]
		# no_action
		# update pat_id, src_sam_id, UUID where src_id,src_pat_id
		# insert src_id, src_pat_id, pat_id, src_sam_id, UUID

		sam_enrollstudy_ops = result_sam["EnrollStudy_Ops"] 
		# update src_pat_id, pat_id, UUID where src_id, src_sam_id
		# insert src_id, src_pat_id, pat_id, src_sam_id, UUID

		enroll_study_data = {'Study_ID': sample_data['Study_ID'], \
							'Patient_ID': pat_id, \
							'Within_Study_Patient_ID': sample_data['Within_Study_Patient_ID'] , \
							'Sample_UUID': sample_data["UUID"], \
							'Within_Study_Sample_ID': sample_data['Within_Study_Sample_ID']}

		is_new_enroll_study = False
		last_enroll_study_id = None
		if((pat_enrollstudy_ops == "insert") and (sam_enrollstudy_ops == "insert")):
			is_new_enroll_study= True
			last_enroll_study_id = addEnrollStudyInDB(enroll_study_data)
		elif(sam_enrollstudy_ops == "update"):
			is_success = updateEnrollStudyInDB(enroll_study_data, by_variable = "Within_Study_Sample_ID")
			if(not is_success):
				isError = True
				errorMsg = errorMsg.join("Please contact developer. Fail to update new enroll study into database based on your input.")
			#(sam_erollstudy_ops = "insert" and (pat_erollstudy_ops == "update" or pat_erollstudy_ops == "no_action")):
			is_success =  updateEnrollStudyInDB(enroll_study_data, by_variable = "Within_Study_Patient_ID")
			if(not is_success):
				isError = True
				errorMsg = errorMsg.join("Please contact developer. Fail to update new enroll study into database based on your input.")

		addSucessResultIntoRemoteRDB(job_id = job_id, sample_uuid = sample_data["UUID"] , is_new_patient = is_new_patient, patient_id = pat_id, is_new_enroll_study = is_new_enroll_study, enroll_study_id = last_enroll_study_id)

		rowNum += 1

	# 10/15/2018 - Currently results are stored in RemoteR database (for Python code - handle XLSX). 
	# 			   previously stored in SMS database (for previous version PHP code - handle CSV).	 
		addErrorResultIntoRemoteRDB(job_id = job_id, msg = errorMsg)	

	if(warnMsg != ""):
		addWarnResultIntoRemoteRDB(job_id = job_id, msg = warnMsg, existed_sam_uuids = existedUUIDs)

	#10/16/2018 - generate an empty success.txt output file and let perl script to detect it
	# p.s. Which one is faster? 1) Let perl script to detect output file OR 2) to query remoter db for result multiple times until ~ 10 sec?	
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: AVukovic/ExpressTruthNow
main.py is the main script for running and interacting with the ETS twitter.

import utility

tweets = utility.get_tweets(utility.login(), num=100)
print "NEW TWEETS\n\n\n"
print "MARKOV"
コード例 #10
def format_output(all_files, cluster_list, num_k, kmeans_out, out_file,

    # dictionary of dictionaries
    # ex: 'pure in heart': {0: [0, []], 1: [1, [10, 15]], ...}
    doc_to_clusters = {}
    # dictionary with key sermon to value theme
    doc_to_theme = {}
    out = ""

    if verbose_level > 0:
        if out_file is None:
            write_file(out_file + "_cluster.txt", kmeans_out)

    for i in range(0, len(all_files.filenames)):
        # get document name with path removed, e.g. true_saints_part_3
        doc_name = all_files.filenames[i]
        doc_name = doc_name[doc_name.rfind("/") + 1:doc_name.rfind(".")]
        # "whole" document without any subdivison, e.g. true_saints
        doc_name_whole = doc_name[:doc_name.rfind("_part")]
        # find the part of this document, e.g. part 3 of true saints
        doc_part_num = int(doc_name[doc_name.rfind("_") + 1:])
        # we have visited this sermon before. that means this must be another
        # part of the document, e.g. part 3 or part 8
        if doc_name_whole in doc_to_clusters:
            cluster_to_freq_list = doc_to_clusters[doc_name_whole]
            # add 1 to the frequency
            cluster_to_freq_list[cluster_list[i]][0] += 1
            # also append this part number to the list
        # we have not yet seen this sermon before
            # initialize a dictionary entry for this sermon where the key
            # is the cluster number and the value is an array of size 2
            # where the first element is the number of parts found in the
            # cluster and the second element is a list of the exact parts
            # that are in the cluster
            # ex: 1: [1, [10]] --> in cluster 1, 1 document from this sermon
            #                      has been found with name part 10
            cluster_to_freq_list = {}
            for j in range(0, num_k):
                cluster_to_freq_list[j] = [0, []]
            cluster_to_freq_list[cluster_list[i]] = [1, [doc_part_num]]
            doc_to_clusters[doc_name_whole] = cluster_to_freq_list
            # we also want to get a handle on the theme for each full sermon
            # for reporting
            doc_to_theme[doc_name_whole] = all_files.target_names[

    cluster_dictionary = {}
    doc_to_best_len = {}
    doc_to_total_len = {}

    for i in range(0, num_k):
        cluster_dictionary[i] = []
    # go through each (full) document
    for doc, clusters in doc_to_clusters.items():
        # rank the clusters by their frequency, using the first value in the
        # clusters dictionary, i.e., the frequency
        sorted_list = sorted(clusters.items(),
                             key=lambda freq: freq[1][0],
        # get the number of parts in the best cluster for this document
        doc_to_best_len[doc] = sorted_list[0][1][0]
        # get the total number of parts for this document
        doc_to_total_len[doc] = sorted_list[0][1][0]
        for i in range(1, num_k):
            doc_to_total_len[doc] += sorted_list[i][1][0]
        cluster_dictionary[sorted_list[0][0]].append([doc, sorted_list])

    # get a list of clusters that definitely have documents in it. this is to
    # compensate for a rare case where some cluster does not have any full
    # documents in it, because the majority vote left this cluster empty
    valid_k_list = []
    for i in range(0, num_k):
        # list is not empty
        if cluster_dictionary[i]:

    # calculate the average
    average_list = []

    for i in range(0, num_k):
        overall_total = 0
        num_in_cluster = 0
        for doc_list in cluster_dictionary[i]:
            num_in_cluster += 1
            overall_total += (doc_to_best_len[doc_list[0]] /
                              doc_to_total_len[doc_list[0]]) * 100
        if i in valid_k_list:
            average_list.append(overall_total / num_in_cluster)
            # compensate for rare case mentioned above by marking it

    true_average_list = list(filter(lambda a: a != -1, average_list))

    overall_average = sum(true_average_list) / float(len(true_average_list))
    out += ">> total average: {0:.2f}%\n".format(overall_average)

    # print the results
    for i in range(0, num_k):
        out += '[Cluster {}]\n'.format(i)
        for doc_list in cluster_dictionary[i]:
            out += '\t' + doc_list[0] + ' (' + doc_to_theme[doc_list[0]] + ')'
            out += "({0:.2f}%)\n".format(
                (doc_to_best_len[doc_list[0]] / doc_to_total_len[doc_list[0]])
                * 100)
            for partial_cluster_list in doc_list[1]:
                out += '\t  - Cluster {}: ['.format(partial_cluster_list[0])
                sorted_parts = sorted(partial_cluster_list[1][1])
                for parts in sorted_parts:
                    out += 'part {} '.format(parts)
                out += ']\n'
        out += "\n"
        average = average_list[i]
        if average != -1:
            out += " > average: {0:.2f}%\n\n".format(average)
            out += " > average: N/A\n\n"

    if out_file is None:
        write_file(out_file + "_cluster.txt", out)

    return overall_average
コード例 #11
def install(robustus, requirement_specifier, rob_file, ignore_index):
    if requirement_specifier.version != '1.8.1' and not requirement_specifier.version.startswith('bc'):
        raise RequirementException('can only install panda3d 1.8.1/bc1/bc2')

    panda_install_dir = os.path.join(robustus.cache, 'panda3d-%s' % requirement_specifier.version)

    def in_cache():
        return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(panda_install_dir, 'lib/panda3d.py'))

    if not in_cache() and not ignore_index:
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        panda3d_tgz = None
        panda3d_archive_name = None
            panda3d_tgz = robustus.download('panda3d', requirement_specifier.version)
            panda3d_archive_name = unpack(panda3d_tgz)

            logging.info('Builduing panda3d')

            # link bullet into panda dependencies dir
            bullet_installations = glob.glob(os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib/bullet-*'))
            if len(bullet_installations) > 0:
                bullet_dir = bullet_installations[0]
                if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
                    panda_thirdparty_dir = 'thirdparty/darwin-libs-a'
                elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
                    panda_thirdparty_dir = 'thirdparty/linux-libs-x64'
                    raise RequirementException('unsupported platform ' + sys.platform)
                os.mkdir(os.path.join(panda_thirdparty_dir, 'bullet'))
                ln(os.path.join(bullet_dir, 'include/bullet'),
                   os.path.join(panda_thirdparty_dir, 'bullet/include'))
                ln(os.path.join(bullet_dir, 'lib'),
                   os.path.join(panda_thirdparty_dir, 'bullet/lib'))

            make_panda_options = ['--nothing',
                                  '--threads', '4']
            if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
                make_panda_options += ['--use-cocoa']
                os.environ['CC'] = 'gcc'
                os.environ['CXX'] = 'g++'

            makepanda_cmd = [robustus.python_executable, 'makepanda/makepanda.py'] + make_panda_options
            # command takes much time and output very long, so run_shell isn't used
            retcode = subprocess.call(makepanda_cmd)
            if retcode != 0:
                raise RequirementException('panda3d build failed')

            # copy panda3d files to cache
            shutil.rmtree(panda_install_dir, ignore_errors=True)
            subprocess.call('cp -R built/lib %s' % panda_install_dir, shell=True)
            subprocess.call('cp -R built/bin %s' % panda_install_dir, shell=True)
            subprocess.call('cp -R built/include %s' % panda_install_dir, shell=True)
            subprocess.call('cp -R built/direct %s' % panda_install_dir, shell=True)
            subprocess.call('cp -R built/pandac %s' % panda_install_dir, shell=True)
            subprocess.call('cp -R built/models %s' % panda_install_dir, shell=True)
            subprocess.call('cp -R built/etc %s' % panda_install_dir, shell=True)

    if in_cache():
        # install panda3d to virtualenv
        libdir = os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib/panda3d')
        shutil.rmtree(libdir, ignore_errors=True)

        env_etcdir = os.path.join(robustus.env, 'etc')
        if not os.path.isdir(env_etcdir):
        etcdir = os.path.join(env_etcdir, 'panda3d')
        shutil.rmtree(etcdir, ignore_errors=True)

        run_shell('cp -r -p %s/lib/* %s/' % (panda_install_dir, libdir), shell=True)
        run_shell('cp -r -p %s/direct %s/' % (panda_install_dir, libdir), shell=True)
        run_shell('cp -r -p %s/pandac %s/' % (panda_install_dir, libdir), shell=True)
        run_shell('cp -r -p %s/etc/* %s/' % (panda_install_dir, etcdir), shell=True)

        # modify rpath of libs
        libdir = os.path.abspath(libdir)
        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
            libs = glob.glob(os.path.join(libdir, '*.dylib'))
            libs = glob.glob(os.path.join(libdir, '*.so'))
        for lib in libs:
            fix_rpath(robustus, robustus.env, lib, libdir)

        prc_dir_setup = "import os; os.environ['PANDA_PRC_DIR'] = '%s'" % etcdir
        write_file(os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/panda3d.pth'),
                   '%s\n%s\n' % (libdir, prc_dir_setup))

        # patch panda prc file
        with open(os.path.join(etcdir, 'Config.prc'), 'a') as f:
            extra_options = []
            extra_options.append("# enable antialiasing\n"
                                 "framebuffer-multisample 1\n"
                                 "multisamples 4\n")
            extra_options.append("# disable panda3d transform caching to avoid memory leak in bullet bindings\n"
                                 "garbage-collect-states 0\n")

            extra_options.append("# enable software rendering as fallback\n"
                                 "aux-display p3tinydisplay\n")


        raise RequirementException('can\'t find panda3d-%s in robustus cache' % requirement_specifier.version)