def imshow_lwps(amsr_lwp, cpp_lwp, time_diff, sea, title=None, lwp_max=None): """ Show *amsr_lwp* and *cpp_lwp* side by side. *sea* is used to draw a background, and mask out any pixels which are not sea. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utility_functions import broken_cmap_r from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap #Comment: utility_functions is a separate package, created by J.Malm, #but which we can not find. If we want to run this part of the code, it #might be changed to something from matplotlib instead. #By calling amsr_avhrr_match without '-p', this part of the code is not #executed. #Sara Hornquist 2015-03-12 # Use average of all AVHRR pixels in AMSR footprint if len(cpp_lwp) == 3: cpp_lwp = cpp_lwp.mean(axis=-1) fig = plt.figure() vmin, vmax, break_value = limits([amsr_lwp, cpp_lwp], lwp_max) cmap = broken_cmap_r(np.array([vmin, vmax]), break_value=break_value) ground_sea_cmap = ListedColormap(['g', 'b'], name="ground/sea map") sea_map =, mask=sea.mask + sea) ax = fig.add_subplot(131) ax.imshow(sea_map, cmap=ground_sea_cmap) im = ax.imshow(, mask=~sea), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) cbar = fig.colorbar(im) cbar.set_label('g m**-2') ax.set_title('AMSR-E lwp') ax = fig.add_subplot(132, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) ax.imshow(sea_map, cmap=ground_sea_cmap) im = ax.imshow(, mask=~sea), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) cbar = fig.colorbar(im) cbar.set_label('g m**-2') ax.set_title('PPS CPP cwp') ax = fig.add_subplot(133, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) im = ax.imshow(time_diff) cbar = fig.colorbar(im) cbar.set_label('s') ax.set_title('Time difference') if title: fig.suptitle(title) return fig
def plot_fields(fields, break_value=None): """ Plot *fields*. Each element in *fields* should be a `Field` instance. Plots on orthogonal projection, with lon_0, lat_0 taken from mean of lon, lat of first element in *fields*. """ from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap from matplotlib import pyplot as pl from utility_functions import broken_cmap_r #Comment: utility_functions is a separate package, created by J.Malm, #but which we can not find. If we want to run this part of the code, it #might be changed to something from matplotlib instead. #broken_cmap_r is supposed to create a colormap with a gradient on one side #of a threshold, and another gradient on the other side, and a unique #colour on the theshold it self. #Sara Hornquist 2015-03-12 lon_0 = fields[0].lon.mean() lat_0 = fields[0].lat.mean() vmin, vmax, break_value = limits([ for f in fields], break_value) cmap = broken_cmap_r(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, break_value=break_value) fig = pl.figure() ax = None for ix, f in enumerate(fields): ax = fig.add_subplot(len(fields) % 2 + 1, len(fields) // 2 + 1, ix + 1, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) m = Basemap(projection='ortho', lon_0=lon_0, lat_0=lat_0, lat_ts=0, resolution='c', ax=ax) m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=.5, color='g') step = ([1] // 256) or 1 # don't use full gigantic arrays _slice = (slice(None, None, step),) * 2 x, y = m(f.lon[_slice],[_slice]) # Mask out pixels outside projection limb #on_map = (x < 1e20) | (y < 1e20) #data =[_slice], mask=~on_map) data =[_slice] logger.debug("data.shape = %r" % (data.shape,)) #mesh = m.pcolor(x, y, data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) # pcolormesh is much faster, but I can't get rid of off-projection drawing mesh = m.pcolormesh(x, y, data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) fig.colorbar(mesh) ax.set_title(f.desc) m.drawmeridians(range(0, 360, 20), linewidth=.5) m.drawparallels(range(-80, 90, 10), linewidth=.5) # Mark 70 deg latitudes (cut off for validation) m.drawparallels([-70, 70], color='r', dashes=[1, 0], latmax=70) return fig