def createApplication(name): if not ApplicationService.appNameExists(name): app = Application.create(name) DBUtil.insert(app) appDto = ApplicationDto.createFromEntity(app) return GenericResponseDto.createResponse(ResponseMessage.CREATED, ResponseCode.CREATED, appDto.getJson()) else: return GenericResponseDto.createResponse(ResponseMessage.CONFLICT, ResponseCode.CONFLICT, None)
def create(userJson): userSerialized = JSONSerializator().serialize(userJson, ignoreProperties=True) print(userSerialized.dumpModel()) user = DBUtil.findByUsername(User, userSerialized.username) if user is not None: return GenericResponseDto.createResponse( ResponseMessage.FORBIDDEN, ResponseCode.FORBIDDEN, "Username already exists!") app = ApplicationService.findAppById(userSerialized.appId) if app is None: return GenericResponseDto.createResponse( ResponseMessage.NOT_FOUND, ResponseCode.NOT_FOUND, "Application with ID=[{}] not found!".format( userSerialized.appId)) user = UserService.mapUser(userSerialized) status, data = DBUtil.insert(user) if not status: return GenericResponseDto.createResponse( ResponseMessage.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ResponseCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, data) else: userDto = UserDto.createFromEntity(data) return GenericResponseDto.createResponse(ResponseMessage.OK, ResponseCode.OK, userDto.getJson())
def handleMethod(clazz, method, model, id=None): result = None status = False message = None code = None entityById = None if id is not None: entityById = DBUtil.findById(clazz, id) if method == 'POST': s, model = DBUtil.insert(model) status = s result = model code = 201 if not status: code = 500 message = "Entity not created [{}]".format(model) elif method == 'PUT': if entityById is not None: GenericHelperService.compareWithCurrent(entityById, model) status = True result = entityById else: status = False result = None if id is None: message = "PUT method [PATH param ID is missing]" code = 500 else: message = "Entity not found" code = 404 elif method == 'GET': if id is not None: result = DBUtil.findById(clazz, id) else: result = DBUtil.findAll(clazz) if result is None: status = False code = 404 message = "Entity not found" else: status = True elif method == 'DELETE': if entityById is not None: = False DBUtil.commit() status = False code = 200 message = "Successfully deleted" else: status = False code = 404 message = "Entity not found" result = None return status, result, message, code
def execute(id, args, header): try: token = header.get(AUTH_TOKEN) status = TaskExecutionService.checkToken(token) if status is not None: return status except: return Utils.JsonMessage("Internal server error", 500) task = DBUtil.findById(Task, id) if task is None: return Utils.JsonMessage("Task ID[{}] does not exists!".format(id), 404) robotID = args.get(ROBOT_ID) simulatedTime = args.get(SIMULATED_TIME) simulatedStatus = args.get(SIMULATED_STATUS) if robotID is None: Utils.JsonMessage("robot_id parameter is missing", 500) else: robot = DBUtil.findById(Robot, robotID) if robot is None: return Utils.JsonMessage("Robot ID[{}] does not exists!".format(robotID), 404) startTime = d = t = startTime.time() ts = startTime.timestamp() execution = TaskExecution.create(int(id), int(robotID), d, t, str(int(ts))) if simulatedTime is not None: endTime = startTime + timedelta(seconds=int(simulatedTime)) else: endTime = startTime + timedelta(seconds=30) duration = endTime - startTime s = True if simulatedStatus is not None: s = bool(int(simulatedStatus)) execution.setEnd(endTime.time(), duration.seconds, s) status, model = DBUtil.insert(execution) if status: print(model) return Utils.JsonMessage("Task ID[{}] executed by robot ID[{}]!".format(id, robotID), 200) else: return Utils.JsonMessage("Task ID[{}] not executed!", 500)
def createConfiguration(name, schema, username, password, environment): entity = Configuration.create(name, schema, username, password, environment) status, data = DBUtil.insert(entity) if status: response = { 'code': 200, 'message': 'OK', 'data': { 'info': 'Configuration created!', 'model': ConfigurationDto.fromEntity(data).getJson() } } return json.dumps(response) else: response = { 'code': 500, 'message': 'Internal server error', 'data': { 'info': 'Configuration not created due to error!', 'model': data } } return json.dumps(response)