コード例 #1
    def smoothBtn(self):
        Smooth button clicked!
        print("Smooth button clicked")
        if self.scene.points is None or len(self.scene.points) == 0:
        # max Error
        max_error = int(self.maxerror_ledit.text())

        # new contour image
        contour_img = np.array(np.ones_like(self.contour_gray) * 255,

        # smooth the contour segmentations.
        contour_sorted = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(self.contour_gray.copy())

        feature_points = []
        for pt in self.scene.points:
            nearest_pt = None
            max_dist = 1000000
            for cpt in contour_sorted:
                dist_ = math.sqrt((pt[0] - cpt[0])**2 + (pt[1] - cpt[1])**2)
                if dist_ < max_dist:
                    max_dist = dist_
                    nearest_pt = cpt
            # select feature points
        # add first point as the last end point

        self.feature_points = feature_points.copy()

        # extract segmentations based on the feature points
        contour_segmentations = []
        for id in range(len(feature_points) - 1):
            start_pt = feature_points[id]
            end_pt = feature_points[id + 1]

            start_index = contour_sorted.index(start_pt)
            end_index = contour_sorted.index(end_pt)

            if start_index < end_index:
                segmentation = contour_sorted[start_index:end_index]
                if end_index == len(contour_sorted) - 1:
                    segmentation.append(contour_sorted[end_index + 1])
            elif start_index >= end_index:
                segmentation = contour_sorted[start_index:len(
                    contour_sorted)] + contour_sorted[0:end_index + 1]

        print("contour segmentation len: %d" % len(contour_segmentations))
        self.contour_segmentations = contour_segmentations.copy()

        # smooth contour segmentations
        smoothed_contour_points = []
        for id in range(len(self.contour_segmentations)):
            print("Line index: %d" % id)

            # smooth contour segmentation
            li_seg = np.array(self.contour_segmentations[id])

            beziers = fitCurve(li_seg, maxError=max_error)

            for bez in beziers:
                bezier_points = draw_cubic_bezier(bez[0], bez[1], bez[2],

                for id in range(len(bezier_points) - 1):
                    start_pt = bezier_points[id]
                    end_pt = bezier_points[id + 1]
                smoothed_contour_points += bezier_points

        qimg = QImage(contour_img.data, contour_img.shape[1], contour_img.shape[0], contour_img.shape[1], \

        contour_pix = QPixmap.fromImage(qimg)


        # clean data
        self.scene.points = []
        self.contour_gray = contour_img.copy()
        self.smoothed_contour_points = smoothed_contour_points.copy()

        # update status bar
        self.statusbar.showMessage("Smooth successed!")
        del contour_img, contour_pix, contour_segmentations, contour_sorted, smoothed_contour_points, \
            qimg, feature_points
コード例 #2
def autoSmoothContoursOfComponent(component, blockSize=3, ksize=3, k=0.04):

    :param component:
    if component is None:
    # 5. Using corner detection to get corner regions
    corner_component = np.float32(component)
    dst = cv2.cornerHarris(corner_component,
    dst = cv2.dilate(dst, None)

    corners_area_points = []
    for y in range(dst.shape[0]):
        for x in range(dst.shape[1]):
            if dst[y][x] > 0.1 * dst.max():
                corners_area_points.append((x, y))
    print("corner area points num: %d" % len(corners_area_points))

    # 6. Determine center points of corner areas
    blank_gray = createBlankGrayscaleImage(component)
    for pt in corners_area_points:
        blank_gray[pt[1]][pt[0]] = 0.0

    rectangles = getAllMiniBoundingBoxesOfImage(blank_gray)

    corners_area_center_points = []
    for rect in rectangles:
            (rect[0] + int(rect[2] / 2.), rect[1] + int(rect[3] / 2.)))
    print("corner area center points num: %d" %

    # based the distance to end points and cross points, remove extra corners area center points

    component_skeleton = getSkeletonOfImage(component)
    end_points = getEndPointsOfSkeletonLine(component_skeleton)
    cross_points = getCrossPointsOfSkeletonLine(component_skeleton)

    # remove extra branches
    # img_skeleton = removeBranchOfSkeletonLine(img_skeleton, end_points, cross_points)
    # end_points = getEndPointsOfSkeletonLine(img_skeleton)
    # cross_points = getEndPointsOfSkeletonLine(img_skeleton)

    # detect valid corner region center points closed to end points and cross points
    valid_corners_area_center_points = []
    dist_threshold = 40
    for pt in corners_area_center_points:
        is_valid = False
        for ept in end_points:
            dist = math.sqrt((pt[0] - ept[0])**2 + (pt[1] + ept[1])**2)
            if dist <= dist_threshold:
                is_valid = True
        if is_valid:
        for cpt in cross_points:
            dist = math.sqrt((pt[0] - cpt[0])**2 + (pt[1] - cpt[1])**2)
            if dist <= dist_threshold:
                is_valid = True
        if is_valid:

    print("valid corner area center points num: %d" %

    del blank_gray

    # 7. Get all contours of component
    component_contours = getContourOfImage(component)
    contours = getConnectedComponents(component_contours, connectivity=8)
    print("contours num: %d" % len(contours))

    # 8. Process contours to get closed and 1-pixel width contours
    contours_processed = []
    for cont in contours:
        cont = removeBreakPointsOfContour(cont)
    print("contours processed num: %d" % len(contours_processed))

    # 9. Find corner points of conthours closed to corner region center points. For each contour, there is a coner points list.
    contours_corner_points = []
    for i in range(len(contours_processed)):
        corner_points = []
        contour = contours_processed[i]

        for pt in valid_corners_area_center_points:
            x0 = target_x = pt[0]
            y0 = target_y = pt[1]
            min_dist = 10000
            # search target point in region: 20 * 20 of center is (x0, y0)
            for y in range(y0 - 10, y0 + 10):
                for x in range(x0 - 10, x0 + 10):
                    if contour[y][x] == 255:
                    dist = math.sqrt((x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2)
                    if dist < min_dist:
                        min_dist = dist
                        target_x = x
                        target_y = y
            if min_dist < 5:
                corner_points.append((target_x, target_y))

    total_num = 0
    for cont in contours_corner_points:
        total_num += len(cont)
    if total_num == len(valid_corners_area_center_points):
        print("corner points not ignored")
        print("corner points be ignored")

    # 10. Separate contours into sub-contours based on the corner points on different contours
    sub_contours = []
    for i in range(len(contours_processed)):
        contour = contours_processed[i]
        corner_points = contours_corner_points[i]
        # sorted the contour
        contour_points_sorted = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(contour)
        # sorted the corner points
        corner_points_sorted = []
        for pt in contour_points_sorted:
            if pt in corner_points:
        # sepate the contour into sub-contour
        for j in range(len(corner_points_sorted)):
            start_pt = corner_points_sorted[j]
            end_pt = None
            if j == len(corner_points_sorted) - 1:
                end_pt = corner_points_sorted[0]
                end_pt = corner_points_sorted[j + 1]
            # find indexes of start point and end point in contour_points_sorted
            start_index = contour_points_sorted.index(start_pt)
            end_index = contour_points_sorted.index(end_pt)

            # separate
            sub_contour = None
            if start_index <= end_index:
                if end_index == len(contour_points_sorted) - 1:
                    sub_contour = contour_points_sorted[
                    sub_contour = contour_points_sorted[start_index:end_index +
                sub_contour = contour_points_sorted[
                                    )] + contour_points_sorted[0:end_index + 1]

    print("sub contours num: %d" % len(sub_contours))

    # 11. Beizer curve fit all sub-contours under maximal error
    max_error = 100
    sub_contours_smoothed = []

    for id in range(len(sub_contours)):
        # single sub-contour
        sub_contour = np.array(sub_contours[id])

        if len(sub_contour) < 2:
        beziers = fitCurve(sub_contour, maxError=max_error)
        sub_contour_smoothed = []

        for bez in beziers:
            bezier_points = draw_cubic_bezier(bez[0], bez[1], bez[2], bez[3])
            sub_contour_smoothed += bezier_points


    # 12. Merge sub-contours together
    img_smoothed_gray = createBlankGrayscaleImage(component)

    # merge all smoothed sub-contours
    for sub in sub_contours_smoothed:
        for pt in sub:
            img_smoothed_gray[pt[1]][pt[0]] = 0.0
    # process smoothed contours to get closed and 1-pixel width
    img_smoothed_gray = getSkeletonOfImage(img_smoothed_gray)

    # remove single points that 8

    cv2.imshow("img_smoothed_gray", img_smoothed_gray)

    contours_smoothed = getConnectedComponents(img_smoothed_gray)

    if len(contours_smoothed) == 1:
        # no hole exist, directly fill black in the contour
        cont = contours_smoothed[0]
        cont_points = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(cont)
        cont_points = np.array([cont_points], "int32")

        fill_contour_smooth = np.ones_like(component) * 255
        fill_contour_smooth = np.array(fill_contour_smooth, dtype=np.uint8)
        fill_contour_smooth = cv2.fillPoly(fill_contour_smooth, cont_points, 0)

        return fill_contour_smooth
        # exist hole, should processed
        print("there are holes!")
        fill_img_list = []
        hole_points = []
        for cont in contours_smoothed:
            cont_points = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(cont)
            cont_points = np.array([cont_points], "int32")

            fill_contour_smooth = np.ones_like(component) * 255
            fill_contour_smooth = np.array(fill_contour_smooth, dtype=np.uint8)
            fill_contour_smooth = cv2.fillPoly(fill_contour_smooth,
                                               cont_points, 0)

            valid_num = same_num = 0
            for y in range(component.shape[0]):
                for x in range(component.shape[1]):
                    if component[y][x] == 0.0:
                        valid_num += 1
                        if fill_contour_smooth[y][x] == 0.0:
                            same_num += 1

            if 1.0 * same_num / valid_num > 0.8:
                print("ratio: %f" % (1.0 * same_num / valid_num))
                print("ratio: %f" % (1.0 * same_num / valid_num))
                for y in range(fill_contour_smooth.shape[0]):
                    for x in range(fill_contour_smooth.shape[1]):
                        if fill_contour_smooth[y][x] == 0.0:
                            hole_points.append((x, y))

        # merge filled images
        blank_temp = np.ones_like(component) * 255
        for fl in fill_img_list:
            for y in range(fl.shape[0]):
                for x in range(fl.shape[1]):
                    if fl[y][x] == 0.0:
                        blank_temp[y][x] = fl[y][x]
        # hole points
        for pt in hole_points:
            blank_temp[pt[1]][pt[0]] = 255

        return blank_temp
コード例 #3
def autoStrokeExtractFromComponent(component):
    Automatically strokes extract from the component.
    :param component:
    strokes = []
    if component is None:
        return strokes

    # 6. Get skeletons of component.
    comp_skeleton = getSkeletonOfImage(component.copy())
    # cv2.imshow("skeleton_original", comp_skeleton)

    # 7. Process the skeleton by remove extra branches.
    comp_skeleton = removeShortBranchesOfSkeleton(comp_skeleton, length_threshold=30)
    # cv2.imshow("skeleton_smoothed", comp_skeleton)

    # 8. Get the end points and cross points after skeleton processed
    end_points = getEndPointsOfSkeletonLine(comp_skeleton)
    cross_points = getCrossPointsOfSkeletonLine(comp_skeleton)
    print("end points num: %d ,and cross points num: %d" % (len(end_points), len(cross_points)))

    # 9. Get contour image of component
    comp_contours_img = getContourImage(component.copy())

    # 10. Detect the number of contours and return all contours
    comp_contours = getConnectedComponents(comp_contours_img, connectivity=8)
    print("contours num: %d" % len(comp_contours))

    # 11. Get points on contours
    corners_points = []
    for cont in comp_contours:
        cont = removeBreakPointsOfContour(cont)
        cont_sorted = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(cont)
        cont_points = rdp(cont_sorted, 5)
        corners_points += cont_points
    print("corner points num:", len(corners_points))

    corners_points_merged = []
    for pt in corners_points:
        for cpt in cross_points:
            dist = math.sqrt((pt[0] - cpt[0]) ** 2 + (pt[1] - cpt[1]) ** 2)
            if dist < CORNER_CROSS_DIST_THRESHOLD:
    corners_points = corners_points_merged
    print("merged corner points num:", len(corners_points))

    # # 11. Detect the corner regions of component
    # #       Harris corner detector
    # corner_region_img = np.float32(component.copy())
    # dst = cv2.cornerHarris(corner_region_img, blockSize=3, ksize=3, k=0.04)
    # dst = cv2.dilate(dst, None)
    # # get all points in corners area
    # corners_area_points = []
    # for y in range(dst.shape[0]):
    #     for x in range(dst.shape[1]):
    #         if dst[y][x] > 0.1 * dst.max():
    #             corners_area_points.append((x, y))
    # # get all center points of corner area
    # corners_img = createBlankGrayscaleImage(component)
    # for pt in corners_area_points:
    #     corners_img[pt[1]][pt[0]] = 0.0
    # rectangles = getAllMiniBoundingBoxesOfImage(corners_img)
    # corners_area_center_points = []
    # for rect in rectangles:
    #     corners_area_center_points.append((rect[0] + int(rect[2] / 2.), rect[1] + int(rect[3] / 2.)))
    # # get all corner points in coutour image.
    # corners_points = []
    # for pt in corners_area_center_points:
    #     if comp_contours_img[pt[1]][pt[0]] == 0.0:
    #         corners_points.append(pt)
    #     else:
    #         min_dist = 100000
    #         min_x = min_y = 0
    #         for y in range(comp_contours_img.shape[0]):
    #             for x in range(comp_contours_img.shape[1]):
    #                 cpt = comp_contours_img[y][x]
    #                 if cpt == 0.0:
    #                     dist = math.sqrt((x - pt[0]) ** 2 + (y - pt[1]) ** 2)
    #                     if dist < min_dist:
    #                         min_dist = dist
    #                         min_x = x
    #                         min_y = y
    #         # points on contour
    #         corners_points.append((min_x, min_y))
    print("corners points num: %d" % len(corners_points))

    # 12. Get valid corner points based on the end points and cross points
    corners_points = getValidCornersPoints(corners_points, cross_points, end_points, distance_threshold=30)
    print("corners points num: %d" % len(corners_points))

    if len(corners_points) == 0:
        print("no corner points")
        return strokes

    # 13. Cluster these corner points based on the distance between them and cross points
    corners_points_cluster = getClusterOfCornerPoints(corners_points, cross_points, threshold_distance=70)
    print("corner points cluster num: %d" % len(corners_points_cluster))

    # 14. Generate cropping lines between two corner points
    crop_lines = getCropLines(corners_points_cluster, comp_contours)
    print("cropping lines num: %d" % len(crop_lines))

    # 15. Separate the components based on the cropping lines
    component_ = component.copy()

    # add white and 1-pixel width line in component to separate it.
    for line in crop_lines:
        cv2.line(component_, line[0], line[1], 255, 1)

    # 16. Get parts of component.
    comp_parts = []
    # invert color !!!
    component_ = 255 - component_
    ret, labels = cv2.connectedComponents(component_, connectivity=4)
    for r in range(1, ret):
        img_ = createBlankGrayscaleImage(component_)
        for y in range(component_.shape[0]):
            for x in range(component_.shape[1]):
                if labels[y][x] == r:
                    img_[y][x] = 0.0
        if img_[0][0] != 0.0 and isValidComponent(img_, component):
    print("parts of component num: %d" % len(comp_parts))

    # 17. Add cropping lines to corresponding parts of component
    # add lines to parts of component.
    for i in range(len(comp_parts)):
        part = comp_parts[i]

        for line in crop_lines:
            start_dist = getDistanceBetweenPointAndComponent(line[0], part)
            end_dist = getDistanceBetweenPointAndComponent(line[1], part)

            if start_dist <= 3 and end_dist <= 3:
                cv2.line(part, line[0], line[1], 0, 1)

    # 18. Find intersection parts of component
    used_index = []
    intersect_parts_index = []
    for i in range(len(comp_parts)):
        part = comp_parts[i]
        num = 0  # number of lines in part
        for line in crop_lines:
            if part[line[0][1]][line[0][0]] == 0.0 and part[line[1][1]][line[1][0]] == 0.0:
                num += 1
        if num == 4:   # 4 lines in one part, this part is the intersection part
    print("intersection parts num: %d" % len(intersect_parts_index))

    # 19. Find the relation part and crop lines - one line -> one part or three part (part1 + intersect_part + part2)
    intersect_parts_crop_lines_index = []
    for i in range(len(crop_lines)):
        line = crop_lines[i]
        for index in intersect_parts_index:
            intersect_part = comp_parts[index]
            if intersect_part[line[0][1]][line[0][0]] == 0.0 and intersect_part[line[1][1]][line[1][0]] == 0.0:
                # this line in intersection part
    print("crop lines in intersection part num: %d" % len(intersect_parts_crop_lines_index))

    # Cropping lines are divided into two types: in intersect part and not in this part.
    line_parts_relation = []
    for index in intersect_parts_crop_lines_index:
        line = crop_lines[index]

        # line and parts that are connected by this crop line: A - intersect_part - B
        line_connected_parts = []
        # find intersection part contains this line
        for i in intersect_parts_index:
            intersect_part = comp_parts[i]
            if intersect_part[line[0][1]][line[0][0]] == 0.0 and intersect_part[line[1][1]][line[1][0]] == 0.0:
                # line in this intersect part
        # find two parts connectd by this crop line
        for i in range(len(comp_parts)):

            # part should not be the intersect part
            if i in intersect_parts_index:

            # check only end point of line in part.
            part = comp_parts[i]
            if part[line[0][1]][line[0][0]] == 0.0 and part[line[1][1]][line[1][0]] != 0.0 or \
                    part[line[0][1]][line[0][0]] != 0.0 and part[line[1][1]][line[1][0]] == 0.0:

        # add line connected parts to relation list.
        if line_connected_parts not in line_parts_relation:

    # add independent parts to relation of line and parts
    for i in range(len(comp_parts)):
        line_connected_parts = []
        is_independent = True
        for relation in line_parts_relation:
            if i in relation:
                is_independent = False
        # check this part is independent or not
        if is_independent:

        if line_connected_parts != []:

    # 20. Merge parts based on the line parts relation
    for i in range(len(line_parts_relation)):
        # blank image
        blank_ = createBlankGrayscaleImage(component)
        # parts relation list
        relation = line_parts_relation[i]

        for rel in relation:
            part = comp_parts[rel]
            if part is None:
            # merge part and blank image
            for y in range(part.shape[0]):
                for x in range(part.shape[1]):
                    if part[y][x] == 0.0:
                        blank_[y][x] = 0.0

        # add to strokes list
    return strokes
コード例 #4
def autoStrokeExtracting(index, image, threshold_value=200):
    Automatic strokes extracting
    :param image: grayscale image
    :return: strokes images with same size
    strokes = []
    if image is None:
        return strokes

    # get connected components from the grayscale image, not for the binary image.
    contour_img = getContourImage(image)
    contours = getConnectedComponents(contour_img)  # no holes, num=1, holes exist, num >= 2
    print("contours num: %d" % len(contours))

    corners_points_sorted = []
    for ct in contours:
        points = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(ct)
    if len(corners_points_sorted) == 1:
        print("No holes exist!")
    elif len(corners_points_sorted) >= 2:
        print("Holes exist!")

    # grayscale image to binary image
    _, img_bit = cv2.threshold(image, threshold_value, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    # skeleton image of width 1 pixel of binray image
    skeleton_img = getSkeletonOfImage(img_bit)
    skeleton_img = removeExtraBranchesOfSkeleton(skeleton_img)
    end_points = getEndPointsOfSkeletonLine(skeleton_img)   # end points
    cross_points = getCrossPointsOfSkeletonLine(skeleton_img)   # croiss points

    print("end points num: %d" % len(end_points))
    print("cross points num: %d" % len(cross_points))

    if len(cross_points) == 0:
        print("no cross points!")
        return strokes

    # corner area points
    corners_all_points = getCornersPoints(image.copy(), contour_img, blockSize=3, ksize=3, k=0.04)
    corners_points = getValidCornersPoints(corners_all_points, cross_points, end_points, distance_threshold=30)
    print("corners points num: %d" % len(corners_points))

    if len(corners_points) == 0:
        print("no corner point")
        return strokes

    contour_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(contour_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    contour_gray = cv2.cvtColor(contour_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    _, contour_gray = cv2.threshold(contour_gray, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    for pt in corners_points:
        contour_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 255)

    # cluster corners points based on the cross point
    corner_points_cluster = getClusterOfCornerPoints(corners_points, cross_points)

    # cropping lines based on the corner points
    crop_lines = getCropLines(corner_points_cluster, None)

    for line in crop_lines:
        cv2.line(contour_rgb, line[0], line[1], (0, 255, 0), 1)
        cv2.line(contour_gray, line[0], line[1], 0, 1)

    # split contour to components
    ret, labels = cv2.connectedComponents(contour_gray, connectivity=4)
    components = []
    for r in range(1, ret):
        img_ = createBlankGrayscaleImage(contour_gray)
        for y in range(contour_gray.shape[0]):
            for x in range(contour_gray.shape[1]):
                if labels[y][x] == r:
                    img_[y][x] = 0.0
        if img_[0][0] != 0.0 and isValidComponent(img_, img_bit):

    print("components num : %d" % len(components))
    used_components = []
    component_line_relation = {}  # {component_id: [line_id1, line_id2]}

    # merge contour to components
    for i in range(len(components)):
        merge_points = []
        for y in range(1, contour_gray.shape[0]-1):
            for x in range(1, contour_gray.shape[1]-1):
                if contour_gray[y][x] == 0.0:
                    # 4 nearby pixels should be black in components
                    if components[i][y-1][x] == 0.0 or components[i][y][x+1] == 0.0 or components[i][y+1][x] == 0.0 or \
                            components[i][y][x-1] == 0.0:
                        merge_points.append((x, y))
        for pt in merge_points:
            components[i][pt[1]][pt[0]] = 0.0
    # merge cropping lines on the components
    for i in range(len(crop_lines)):
        components_id = []
        line = crop_lines[i]
        for j in range(len(components)):
            dist_startpt = getDistanceBetweenPointAndComponent(line[0], components[j])
            # print("dist startpt:%f" % dist_startpt)
            dist_endpt = getDistanceBetweenPointAndComponent(line[1], components[j])
            # print("dist end pt: %f" % dist_endpt)

            if dist_startpt < 3 and dist_endpt < 3:
                cv2.line(components[j], line[0], line[1], 0, 1)

            if len(components_id) >= 2:

    # find overlap region components
    overlap_components = []
    for i in range(len(components)):
        part = components[i]
        part_lines = []
        part_lines_id = []
        for j in range(len(crop_lines)):
            line = crop_lines[j]
            if part[line[0][1]][line[0][0]] == 0.0 and part[line[1][1]][line[1][0]] == 0.0:

        # check number of lines == 4 and cross each other
        if len(part_lines) == 4:
            points_set = set()
            for line in part_lines:
            if len(points_set) == 4:
                # only 4 points
                component_line_relation[i] = part_lines_id

    print("overlap components num: %d" % len(overlap_components))

    # cluster components based on the cropping lines
    for i in range(len(components)):
        part = components[i]
        part_lines = [] # used to detect overlap region components.

        # find single part is stroke
        is_single = True
        for line in crop_lines:
            x1 = line[0][0]; y1 = line[0][1]
            x2 = line[1][0]; y2 = line[1][1]
            if part[y1][x1] == 0.0 and part[y2][x2] != 0.0 or part[y1][x1] != 0.0 and part[y2][x2] == 0.0:
                is_single = False
            if part[y1][x1] == 0.0 and part[y2][x2] == 0.0:

        if is_single and isIndependentCropLines(part_lines):

    print("single stroke num: %d" % len(strokes))
    print("used components num: %d" % len(used_components))

    # cluster components based on the cropping lines
    for i in range(len(components)):
        if i in used_components:
        # find corresponding crop lines
        lines_id = []
        for j in range(len(crop_lines)):
            line = crop_lines[j]
            if components[i][line[0][1]][line[0][0]] == 0.0 and components[i][line[1][1]][line[1][0]] != 0.0:
            if components[i][line[0][1]][line[0][0]] != 0.0 and components[i][line[1][1]][line[1][0]] == 0.0:

        if len(lines_id) == 0:
        component_line_relation[i] = lines_id

    # cluster components based on the relations and merge those related components
    clusters = []
    for k1, v1 in component_line_relation.items():

        cluster = [k1]; value_sets = [set(v1)]

        for k2, v2 in component_line_relation.items():
            is_related = True
            for value in value_sets:
                if not value.intersection(set(v2)):
                    is_related = False
            if is_related and k2 not in cluster:
        cluster = sorted(cluster)
        if cluster not in clusters:


    # merge components based on the cluster
    for i in range(len(clusters)):
        cluster = clusters[i]
        bk = createBlankGrayscaleImage(image)

        for clt in cluster:
            bk = mergeBkAndComponent(bk, components[clt])

        # add to strokes

    # check the stroke is valid
    for i in range(len(strokes)):
        stroke = strokes[i]

    cv2.imshow("radical_%d" % index, contour_rgb)
    cv2.imshow("radical_gray_%d" % index, contour_gray)

    return strokes
コード例 #5
def main():

    # 0107亻  1133壬  0554十 0427凹
    path = "0554十.jpg"

    # open image
    img = cv2.imread(path, 0)
    _, img = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    # contour without break points
    contour = getContourOfImage(img.copy())
    contour = removeBreakPointsOfContour(contour)
    contour_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(contour, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    contours = splitConnectedComponents(contour)
    print("contours num: %d" % len(contours))

    contours_sorted = []
    for cont in contours:
        points = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(cont)
        print("points num: %d" % len(points))

    contour_points = []
    for y in range(contour.shape[0]):
        for x in range(contour.shape[1]):
            if contour[y][x] == 0.0:
                # black points
                contour_points.append((x, y))
    print("contour points num:%d" % len(contour_points))

    # skeleton without extra branches
    skeleton = getSkeletonOfImage(img.copy())
    # remove extra branches
    end_points = getEndPointsOfSkeletonLine(skeleton)
    cross_points = getCrossPointsOfSkeletonLine(skeleton)
    print("originale end: %d and cross: %d" %
          (len(end_points), len(cross_points)))
    skeleton_nobranches = removeBranchOfSkeletonLine(skeleton.copy(),
                                                     end_points, cross_points)
    skeleton = skeleton_nobranches
    # new end points and cross points
    end_points = getEndPointsOfSkeletonLine(skeleton)
    cross_points = getCrossPointsOfSkeletonLine(skeleton)
    cross_points_bk = cross_points.copy()

    # merge the close points
    cross_points_merged = []
    cross_distance_threshold = 10
    used_index = []
    for i in range(len(cross_points)):
        if i in used_index:
        pt1 = cross_points[i]
        midd_pt = None
        for j in range(len(cross_points)):
            if i == j or j in used_index:
            pt2 = cross_points[j]

            dist = math.sqrt((pt2[0] - pt1[0])**2 + (pt2[1] - pt1[1])**2)
            if dist < cross_distance_threshold:
                offset = (pt1[0] - pt2[0], pt1[1] - pt2[1])
                midd_pt = (pt2[0] + int(offset[0] / 2.),
                           pt2[1] + int(offset[1] / 2.0))
                if skeleton[midd_pt[1]][midd_pt[0]] == 0.0:
                    min_distance = 100000000
                    current_pt = None
                    for y in range(skeleton.shape[0]):
                        for x in range(skeleton.shape[1]):
                            if skeleton[y][x] == 0:
                                dist = math.sqrt((midd_pt[0] - x)**2 +
                                                 (midd_pt[1] - y)**2)
                                if dist < min_distance:
                                    min_distance = dist
                                    current_pt = (x, y)
                    if current_pt:

    print("After merge cross points num: %d" % len(cross_points_merged))
    cross_points = cross_points_merged

    print("After end: %d and cross: %d" % (len(end_points), len(cross_points)))
    skeleton_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(skeleton, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    # display all end points
    for pt in end_points:
        skeleton_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 255)
    for pt in cross_points:
        skeleton_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 255, 0)
    for pt in cross_points_bk:
        skeleton_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 255)

    # all corner points on contour
    img = np.float32(img.copy())
    dst = cv2.cornerHarris(img, 3, 3, 0.03)
    dst = cv2.dilate(dst, None)

    corners_area_points = []
    for y in range(dst.shape[0]):
        for x in range(dst.shape[1]):
            if dst[y][x] > 0.1 * dst.max():
                corners_area_points.append((x, y))
    # show the corner points
    for pt in corners_area_points:
        if img[pt[1]][pt[0]] == 0:
            img_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 255, 0)
            img_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 255)
    # all corner area points on the contour
    corners_lines_points = []
    for pt in corners_area_points:
        if pt in contour_points:

    for pt in corners_lines_points:
        contour_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 255, 0)

    # merge points of corner points
    corners_merged_points = []
    for contour_sorted in contours_sorted:
        i = 0
        while True:
            midd_index = -1
            pt = contour_sorted[i]
            if pt in corners_lines_points:
                # red point
                start = i
                end = start
                while True:
                    end += 1
                    if end >= len(contour_sorted):
                    # next point
                    next_pt = contour_sorted[end]
                    if next_pt in corners_lines_points:
                        # red point
                        # black point
                end -= 1
                midd_index = start + int((end - start) / 2.0)
                i = end
            i += 1
            if i >= len(contour_sorted):
            if midd_index != -1:
    print("After merged, corner points num: %d" % len(corners_merged_points))
    for pt in corners_merged_points:
        contour_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 255)

    # remove the no-corner points
    corners_points = []
    threshold_distance = 30
    for pt in corners_merged_points:
        dist_cross = min_distance_point2pointlist(pt, cross_points)
        dist_end = min_distance_point2pointlist(pt, end_points)
        if dist_cross < threshold_distance and dist_end > threshold_distance / 3.:
    print("corner pints num: %d" % len(corners_points))
    for pt in corners_points:
        contour_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (255, 0, 0)

    # segment contour to sub-contours based on the corner points
    def segmentContourBasedOnCornerPoints(contour_sorted, corner_points):
        Segment contour to sub-contours based on the corner points
        :param contour_sorted:
        :param corner_points:
        if contour_sorted is None or corner_points is None:
        # sub conotour index
        sub_contour_index = []
        for pt in corner_points:
            index = contour_sorted.index(pt)
        print("sub contour index num: %d" % len(sub_contour_index))
        sub_contours = []
        for i in range(len(sub_contour_index)):
            if i == len(sub_contour_index) - 1:
                sub_contour = contour_sorted[sub_contour_index[i]:len(
                    contour_sorted)] + contour_sorted[0:sub_contour_index[0] +
                sub_contour = contour_sorted[
                    sub_contour_index[i]:sub_contour_index[i + 1] + 1]
        print("sub contours num: %d" % len(sub_contours))

        return sub_contours

    # segment contour to sub-contours
    for contour in contours:
        cont_sorted = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(contour)
        sub_contours = segmentContourBasedOnCornerPoints(
            cont_sorted, corners_points)

    # cluster corner points
    corner_points_cluster = []
    used_index = []
    colinear_couple = []
    for i in range(len(corners_points)):
        if i in used_index:
        for j in range(len(corners_points)):
            if i == j or j in used_index:
            min_offset = min(abs(corners_points[i][0] - corners_points[j][0]),
                             abs(corners_points[i][1] - corners_points[j][1]))
            if min_offset < 20:
                couple = [corners_points[i], corners_points[j]]
    print("co linear num: %d" % len(colinear_couple))

    print("sub contours num: %d" % len(sub_contours))

    stroke1_img = np.ones_like(contour) * 255
    stroke1_img = np.array(stroke1_img, dtype=np.uint8)
    stroke1_img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(stroke1_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    for pt in sub_contours[0]:
        stroke1_img_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 0)
        stroke1_img[pt[1]][pt[0]] = 0
    for pt in sub_contours[2]:
        stroke1_img_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 0)
        stroke1_img[pt[1]][pt[0]] = 0

    cv2.line(stroke1_img_rgb, sub_contours[0][0], sub_contours[2][-1],
             (0, 0, 255), 1)
    cv2.line(stroke1_img_rgb, sub_contours[0][-1], sub_contours[2][0],
             (0, 0, 255), 1)
    cv2.line(stroke1_img, sub_contours[0][0], sub_contours[2][-1], 0, 1)
    cv2.line(stroke1_img, sub_contours[0][-1], sub_contours[2][0], 0, 1)

    stroke2_img = np.ones_like(contour) * 255
    stroke2_img = np.array(stroke2_img, dtype=np.uint8)
    stroke2_img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(stroke2_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    for pt in sub_contours[1]:
        stroke2_img_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 0)
        stroke2_img[pt[1]][pt[0]] = 0
    for pt in sub_contours[3]:
        stroke2_img_rgb[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 0)
        stroke2_img[pt[1]][pt[0]] = 0

    cv2.line(stroke2_img_rgb, sub_contours[1][0], sub_contours[3][-1],
             (0, 0, 255), 1)
    cv2.line(stroke2_img_rgb, sub_contours[1][-1], sub_contours[3][0],
             (0, 0, 255), 1)
    cv2.line(stroke2_img, sub_contours[1][0], sub_contours[3][-1], 0, 1)
    cv2.line(stroke2_img, sub_contours[1][-1], sub_contours[3][0], 0, 1)

    storke1_points = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(stroke1_img)
    stroke2_points = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(stroke2_img)

    stroke1_img = np.ones_like(stroke1_img) * 255
    stroke1_img = np.array(stroke1_img, dtype=np.uint8)

    storke1_points = np.array([storke1_points], "int32")
    cv2.fillPoly(stroke1_img, storke1_points, 0)

    stroke2_img = np.ones_like(stroke2_img) * 255
    stroke2_img = np.array(stroke2_img, dtype=np.uint8)

    storke2_points = np.array([stroke2_points], "int32")
    cv2.fillPoly(stroke2_img, storke2_points, 0)

    # find corresponding sub-contours based on the co-linear couple
    # for sub in sub_contours:
    #     pt1 = sub[0]
    #     pt2 = sub[-1]
    #     couples = []
    #     for coup in colinear_couple:
    #         if pt1 in coup or pt2 in coup:
    #             # if 4 points, 2 points should be in same sub-contour
    #             if pt1 in coup and pt2 in coup:
    #                 continue
    #             couples.append(coup)
    #     print("sub couples num: %d" % len(couples))

    # cv2.imshow("img rgb", img_rgb)
    # cv2.imshow("skeleton", skeleton)
    # cv2.imshow("skeleton no branches", skeleton_nobranches )
    cv2.imshow("skeleton rgb", skeleton_rgb)
    cv2.imshow("contour rgb", contour_rgb)
    cv2.imshow("stroke 1", stroke1_img)
    cv2.imshow("stroke 2", stroke2_img)
    cv2.imshow("stroke1rgb", stroke1_img_rgb)
    cv2.imshow("stroke2rgb", stroke2_img_rgb)

    # for i in range(len(contours)):
    #     cv2.imshow("contour %d" % i, contours[i])

コード例 #6
print("end points num: %d ,and cross points num: %d" %
      (len(end_points), len(cross_points)))

# 9. Get contour image of component
comp_contours_img = getContourImage(components[2])
comp_contours_img_rbg = cv2.cvtColor(comp_contours_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

# 10. Detect the number of contours and return all contours
comp_contours = getConnectedComponents(comp_contours_img, connectivity=8)
print("contours num: %d" % len(comp_contours))

# 11. Get points on contours
corners_points = []
for cont in comp_contours:
    cont = removeBreakPointsOfContour(cont)
    cont_sorted = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(cont)
    cont_points = rdp(cont_sorted, 5)
    corners_points += cont_points

corners_points_merged = []
for pt in corners_points:
    for cpt in cross_points:
        dist = math.sqrt((pt[0] - cpt[0])**2 + (pt[1] - cpt[1])**2)

# for pt in cross_points_:
#     cv2.circle(comp_skeleton_rgb, pt, 2, (0,255,0), 3)
for pt in cross_points:
コード例 #7
def main():

    # load image
    img_path = "../templates/stroke_dan.png"

    img = cv2.imread(img_path, 0)
    _, img = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    # get contour of image
    contour = getContourOfImage(img)
    contour_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(contour, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    # fix breaking points on the contour
    break_points = []
    for y in range(1, contour.shape[0] - 1):
        for x in range(1, contour.shape[1] - 1):
            if contour[y][x] == 0.0:
                num_ = getNumberOfValidPixels(contour, x, y)
                if num_ == 1:
                    print((x, y))
                    break_points.append((x, y))
    if len(break_points) != 0:
        contour = cv2.line(contour,
    cv2.imshow("c", contour)

    # order the contour points
    contour_points_ordered = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(contour)
    # contour_points_counter_clockwise = order_points(contour, isClockwise=False)
    print("number of points in ordered contour: %d" %
    # print("counter clock: %d" % len(contour_points_counter_clockwise))

    contour_rgb_clock = contour_rgb.copy()
    contour_smooth_rgb_clock = contour_rgb.copy()
    # contour_rgb_counter_clock = contour_rgb.copy()

    # get key points on contour
    corners = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(contour, 6, 0.01, 10)
    corners = np.int0(corners)
    print("number of key points on contour: %d" % len(corners))

    index = 0
    corner_points_ = []
    for i in corners:
        MAX_DIST = 10000
        x, y = i.ravel()
        pt_ = None
        if (x, y - 1) in contour_points_ordered:
            pt_ = (x, y - 1)
        elif (x + 1, y - 1) in contour_points_ordered:
            pt_ = (x + 1, y - 1)
        elif (x + 1, y) in contour_points_ordered:
            pt_ = (x + 1, y)
        elif (x + 1, y + 1) in contour_points_ordered:
            pt_ = (x + 1, y + 1)
        elif (x, y + 1) in contour_points_ordered:
            pt_ = (x, y + 1)
        elif (x - 1, y + 1) in contour_points_ordered:
            pt_ = (x - 1, y + 1)
        elif (x - 1, y) in contour_points_ordered:
            pt_ = (x - 1, y)
        elif (x - 1, y - 1) in contour_points_ordered:
            pt_ = (x - 1, y - 1)
            # find the nearest point on the contour
            minx = 0
            miny = 0
            for cp in contour_points_ordered:
                dist = math.sqrt((x - cp[0])**2 + (y - cp[1])**2)
                if dist < MAX_DIST:
                    MAX_DIST = dist
                    minx = cp[0]
                    miny = cp[1]
            pt_ = (minx, miny)
        cv2.circle(contour_rgb, (pt_[0], pt_[1]), 1, (0, 0, 255), -1)
        cv2.putText(contour_rgb, str(index), (pt_[0], pt_[1]),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
        index += 1
    print("orignal corner points number: %d" % len(corner_points_))
    # order the corner points in the clockwise direction
    corner_points = []
    index = 0
    for pt in contour_points_ordered:
        if pt in corner_points_:
            cv2.circle(contour_rgb_clock, (pt[0], pt[1]), 3, (255, 0, 0), -1)
            cv2.putText(contour_rgb_clock, str(index), (pt[0], pt[1]),
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
            index += 1
    print("corner points len: %d" % len(corner_points))
    # contour segmentation based on the corner points
    contour_lines = []
    for id in range(len(corner_points)):
        start_point = corner_points[id]
        end_point = start_point
        if id == len(corner_points) - 1:
            end_point = corner_points[0]
            end_point = corner_points[id + 1]
        # contour segmentation
        contour_segmentation = []
        start_index = contour_points_ordered.index(start_point)
        end_index = contour_points_ordered.index(end_point)

        if start_index <= end_index:
            # normal index
            contour_segmentation = contour_points_ordered[
                start_index:end_index + 1]
            # end is at
            contour_segmentation = contour_points_ordered[start_index: len(contour_points_ordered)] + \
                                    contour_points_ordered[0: end_index+1]

    print("number of contour segmentation: %d" % len(contour_lines))

    # use different color to show the contour segmentation
    for id in range(len(contour_lines)):
        if id % 3 == 0:
            # red lines
            for pt in contour_lines[id]:
                contour_rgb_clock[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 255)
        elif id % 3 == 1:
            # blue line
            for pt in contour_lines[id]:
                contour_rgb_clock[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (255, 0, 0)
        elif id % 3 == 2:
            # green line
            for pt in contour_lines[id]:
                contour_rgb_clock[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 255, 0)

    # original and smooth contour
    smoothed_contour_points = []
    for id in range(len(contour_lines)):
        print("line index: %d" % id)

        # original contour
        for pt in contour_lines[id]:
            contour_smooth_rgb_clock[pt[1]][pt[0]] = (0, 0, 255)

        # smooth contour
        li_points = np.array(contour_lines[id])

        beziers = fitCurve(li_points, maxError=30)
        print("len bezier: %d" % len(beziers))
        # # print(beziers)
        for bez in beziers:
            bezier_points = draw_cubic_bezier(bez[0], bez[1], bez[2], bez[3])
            for id in range(len(bezier_points) - 1):
                start_pt = bezier_points[id]
                end_pt = bezier_points[id + 1]
                cv2.line(contour_smooth_rgb_clock, start_pt, end_pt,
                         (255, 0, 0))
            smoothed_contour_points += bezier_points

    # fill color in contour with sorted smooth contour points
    smoothed_contour_points = np.array([smoothed_contour_points], "int32")
    fill_contour_smooth = np.ones(img.shape) * 255
    fill_contour_smooth = np.array(fill_contour_smooth, dtype=np.uint8)
    fill_contour_smooth = cv2.fillPoly(fill_contour_smooth,
                                       smoothed_contour_points, 0)

    cv2.imshow("src", img)
    cv2.imshow("contour", contour)
    # cv2.imshow("corners", contour_rgb)
    cv2.imshow("contour clock", contour_rgb_clock)
    cv2.imshow("smooth contour clock", contour_smooth_rgb_clock)
    # cv2.imshow("contour counter clock", contour_rgb_counter_clock)
    cv2.imshow("fill contour", fill_contour_smooth)

コード例 #8
from utils.Functions import getContourOfImage, sortPointsOnContourOfImage, removeBreakPointsOfContour, \
                            getSkeletonOfImage, removeBranchOfSkeletonLine, getEndPointsOfSkeletonLine, \
                            getCrossPointsOfSkeletonLine, getNumberOfValidPixels

# 0107亻  1133壬  0554十
path = "0107亻.jpg"

img = cv2.imread(path, 0)
_, img = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
img_copy = img.copy()

contour = getContourOfImage(img)
contour = removeBreakPointsOfContour(contour)

contour_sorted = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(contour)

img = np.float32(img)
dst = cv2.cornerHarris(img, 3, 3, 0.05)
dst = cv2.dilate(dst, None)

img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
contour_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(contour, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
contour_rgb1 = contour_rgb.copy()

corner_points = []
for y in range(dst.shape[0]):
コード例 #9
def autoSmoothContoursOfComponent(component, eplison=10, max_error=200):
    Automatically smooth the contours of component.
    :param component:
    if component is None:

    # 5. Get contours of this component
    component_contours = getContourOfImage(component)
    contours = getConnectedComponents(component_contours, connectivity=8)
    print("contours num: ", len(contours))

    # 6. Process contours to get closed and 1-pixel width contours by removing break points
    contours_processed = []
    for cont in contours:
        cont = removeBreakPointsOfContour(cont)
    print("contours processed num: %d" % len(contours_processed))

    # 7. Smooth contours with RDP and cubic bezeir fit curve
    contours_smoothed = []
    for cont in contours_processed:
        cont_smoothed = []
        # sorted points on contour
        cont_sorted = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(cont)

        # simplify contour with RDP
        cont_simp = rdp(cont_sorted, eplison)
        print("cont simp num: ", len(cont_simp))

        # split contour into sub-contours
        for i in range(len(cont_simp) - 1):
            start_pt = cont_simp[i]
            end_pt = cont_simp[i + 1]

            start_index = cont_sorted.index(start_pt)
            end_index = cont_sorted.index(end_pt)

            sub_cont_points = np.array(cont_sorted[start_index:end_index + 1])
            beziers = fitCurve(sub_cont_points, maxError=max_error)

            for bez in beziers:
                bezier_points = draw_cubic_bezier(bez[0], bez[1], bez[2],
                cont_smoothed += bezier_points
    print("contours smoothed num: ", len(contours_smoothed))

    # fill black color in contour area
    if len(contours_smoothed) == 1:
        # no hole exist, directly fill black in the contour
        cont = contours_smoothed[0]
        # cont_points = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(cont)
        cont_points = np.array([cont], "int32")

        fill_contour_smooth = np.ones_like(component) * 255
        fill_contour_smooth = np.array(fill_contour_smooth, dtype=np.uint8)
        fill_contour_smooth = cv2.fillPoly(fill_contour_smooth, cont_points, 0)

        return fill_contour_smooth
        # exist hole, should processed
        print("there are holes!")
        fill_img_list = []
        hole_points = []
        for cont in contours_smoothed:
            # cont_points = sortPointsOnContourOfImage(cont)
            cont_points = np.array([cont], "int32")

            fill_contour_smooth = np.ones_like(component) * 255
            fill_contour_smooth = np.array(fill_contour_smooth, dtype=np.uint8)
            fill_contour_smooth = cv2.fillPoly(fill_contour_smooth,
                                               cont_points, 0)

            valid_num = same_num = 0
            for y in range(component.shape[0]):
                for x in range(component.shape[1]):
                    if component[y][x] == 0.0:
                        valid_num += 1
                        if fill_contour_smooth[y][x] == 0.0:
                            same_num += 1

            if 1.0 * same_num / valid_num > 0.8:
                print("ratio: %f" % (1.0 * same_num / valid_num))
                print("ratio: %f" % (1.0 * same_num / valid_num))
                for y in range(fill_contour_smooth.shape[0]):
                    for x in range(fill_contour_smooth.shape[1]):
                        if fill_contour_smooth[y][x] == 0.0:
                            hole_points.append((x, y))

        # merge filled images
        blank_temp = np.ones_like(component) * 255
        for fl in fill_img_list:
            for y in range(fl.shape[0]):
                for x in range(fl.shape[1]):
                    if fl[y][x] == 0.0:
                        blank_temp[y][x] = fl[y][x]
        # hole points
        for pt in hole_points:
            blank_temp[pt[1]][pt[0]] = 255

        return blank_temp