コード例 #1
 async def create_match_debug(self, ctx, amount: int, active: bool,
                              challenger: discord.Member,
                              recipient: discord.Member, accepted: bool,
                              count: int):
         f'create_match_debug: {amount}, {active}, {challenger}, {recipient}, {accepted}, {count}'
     x = 0
     while x < count:
             ctx, None, amount,
             accounts.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, challenger),
             accounts.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, recipient), active,
         x += 1
コード例 #2
    async def accept(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """Accepts a match you were challenged to

            - `$accept`


        - `<ctx>` The context used to send confirmations.

        logger.debug(f'accept: {ctx}, {ctx.author}')
        # Get player from database for user, then get a match_id
        player = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, ctx.author)
        match_id = database_operation.find_match_by_player_id(DbHandler.db_cnc, player.id)
        logger.debug(f'player: {player}, match_id: {match_id}')

        # Checks if match id is 0/None, gives user message and returns to exit
        if not match_id:
            logger.debug(f'match_id is zero')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'You don\'t have a match to accept')

        # Get match_info to get marble amount
        match = ma.get_match(ctx, match_id)  # database_operation.get_match_info_by_id(DbHandler.db_cnc, match_id)

        # Checks if match_info is valid
        if not match:
            logger.debug('match_info is zero')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Unable to get match info')

        # Check if user accepting is participant2
        if player.id != match.recipient.id:
            logger.debug(f'{ctx.author} tried to accept a match they aren\'t the recipient of')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'You\'re not the recipient of a match')

        # Updates match accepted flag in database, checks if write was successful and gives message
            match.accepted = True  # database_operation.update_match_accepted(DbHandler.db_cnc, match_id):
        except commands.CommandError as e:
            logger.debug(f'Unable to update match accepted flag')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Was unable to accept match', 3)

        # Subtracts marbles from user
        player.marbles -= match.amount

        await du.code_message(ctx, f'Match {match.id} accepted, now open for betting.'
                                   f'\nType \'$start\' to close the betting and start the match')
コード例 #3
    async def wins(self,
                   ctx: commands.Context,
                   member: Union[discord.Member, str] = None):
        """Prints a users wins, loses, and winrate

            - `$wins @Sophia`
            - `$wins`


        - `<ctx>` The context used to send confirmations.
        - `<member>` The user who's data you want to print. If omitted will defaults to your own data.

        logging.debug(f'wins: {member}')

        # Check if member is None, use ctx.author if None
        if member is None:
            account = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, ctx.author)
            account = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, member)
        logger.debug(f'account: {account}')

        # Set winrate to 0 if wins is zero, otherwise calculate winrate
        if account.wins == 0:
            player_winrate = 0
            player_winrate = 100 * (account.wins /
                                    (account.wins + account.loses))

        await du.code_message(
            ctx, f'{account.nickname}\n'
            f'Wins: {account.wins}'
            f'\nLoses: {account.loses}'
            f'\nWinrate: {player_winrate:.2f}%')
コード例 #4
    async def nick(self, ctx: commands.Context, nickname: str):
        logger.debug(f'nick: {nickname}')

        # Check if nickname is empty
        if not nickname.strip():
            await ctx.send('Nickname cannot be empty')
        # Check if nickname contains whitespace
        if " " in nickname:
            await ctx.send('Nickname cannot contain whitespace')

        account = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, ctx.author)

        account.nickname = nickname
        await ctx.send(f'New nickname: "{account.nickname}"')
コード例 #5
    async def leaderboard(self,
                          ctx: commands.Context,
                          stat: str,
                          members: Union[discord.Member, str] = None):
        """Lists top 10 players by winrate, or a specific users position on leaderboard

            - `$leaderboard winrate @Sophia`
            - `$leaderboard`
            - `$leaderboard wins`


        - `<ctx>` The context used to send confirmations.
        - `<stat>` String of stat to get
        - `<members>` The member who's position on leaderboard you'd like to receive.

        logger.debug(f'leaderboard: {members}')
        member_account = None

        # Get member account
        if members:
            member_account = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, members)
        logger.debug(f'member_account: {member_account}')

        # Get accounts of all users on server
        player_info = acc.get_account_server_all(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc,

        # Creation function to get stats based on string
        stat_get = operator.attrgetter(stat)

        players = []
        players = sorted(player_info, key=stat_get, reverse=True)

        if members is not None:
            for player in players:
                if player.id == member_account.id:
                    if stat == 'winrate':
                        await du.code_message(
                            f'{member_account.nickname} is rank #{players.index(player) + 1}, '
                            f'with a win-rate of {stat_get(player):.2f}%')
                        await du.code_message(
                            f'{member_account.nickname} is rank #{players.index(player) + 1}, '
                            f'with {stat_get(player)}')


        text = f"Leaderboard top 10 {stat}\n\n"

        for player in players[0:10]:
            if stat == 'winrate':
                text += f'#{players.index(player) + 1} {player.nickname}: {stat_get(player):.2f}%\n'
                text += f'#{players.index(player) + 1} {player.nickname}: {stat_get(player)}\n'

        await du.code_message(ctx, text)
コード例 #6
    async def match_history(self,
                            ctx: commands.Context,
                            member: Union[discord.Member, str] = None,
                            vs: Union[discord.Member, str] = None):
        """Show match history of user.

             - `$match_history @Sophia'
             - `$match_history @Ness'
             - `$match_history @Sophia @Ness'


        - `<member>` The user to show the match history of. If omitted, defaults to your own history.
        - `<vs>` The user to limit the match history to only games with them

        logger.debug(f'match_history: {member}, {vs}')

        # Declare player2 as none for failsafe with ma.get_matches_all
        player2 = None

        # Check if member is None, if it is, set member to ctx.author
        if not member:
            member = ctx.author
        # Check if vs exists, get player2 if it does
        if vs:
            player2 = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, vs)

        # Get player1 and their match history
        player1 = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, member)
        match_history = ma.get_matches_all(ctx, player1, player2, True)

        # Check if match_history is not 0
        if not match_history:
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'No match history')

        # Instantiate text and match_list to be appended later
        text = ''
        match_list = match_history

        # Set pages to amount of match_list/10 in an even amount, cur_page to last page, and active to true
        text = ''
        pages = math.ceil(len(match_list) / 10)
        cur_page = pages - 1
        # Used to loop waiting for a react
        active = True

        # Generate page from match_list
        for i in range(cur_page * 10, (cur_page * 10) + 10):
            if i < len(match_list):
                text += self.generate_match_text(
                    match_list[i])  # text += str(match_list[i])

        # If pages is greater than one, add a page counter, if not set active to False
        if pages > 1:
            text += f'Page {cur_page+1} of {pages}\n'
            active = False

        # Create message with return of du.code_message
        message = await du.code_message(ctx, text)

        # If pages greater than one, add reaction controls
        if pages > 1:
            await message.add_reaction('\U00002B05')  # ⬅️
            await message.add_reaction('\U000027A1')  # ➡️

        # Method to check if react is the correction with the correct user
        def check(reaction, user):
            return user == ctx.author and str(
                reaction.emoji) in ['\U00002B05', '\U000027A1']

        # While loop
        while active:
                # page set to start of codeblock
                page = '```\n'
                # wait till we get a reaction, fill reaction, user with output of 'reaction_add'
                reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add',
                # If reaction is left and cur_page is greater than 0
                if str(reaction.emoji) == '\U00002B05' and cur_page > 0:  # ⬅️️
                    # Set current page to one less than current
                    cur_page -= 1

                    # For range of pages for current list append match_list to page
                    for i in range(cur_page * 10, cur_page * 10 + 10):
                        page += self.generate_match_text(
                            match_list[i])  # match_list[i]

                    # Add page counter and edit message with page
                    page += f'Page {cur_page+1} of {pages}\n```'
                    await message.edit(content=page)

                    # Remove users reaction
                    await message.remove_reaction(reaction, user)

                # If reaction is right and cur_page is less than pages-1
                elif str(reaction.emoji
                         ) == '\U000027A1' and cur_page < pages - 1:  # ➡️
                    # Set current page to one more than current
                    cur_page += 1

                    # For range of pages for current list append match_list to page
                    for i in range(cur_page * 10, cur_page * 10 + 10):
                        if i < len(match_list):
                            page += self.generate_match_text(
                                match_list[i])  # match_list[i]

                    # Add page counter and edit message with page
                    page += f'Page {cur_page+1} of {pages}\n```'
                    await message.edit(content=page)

                    # Remove users reaction
                    await message.remove_reaction(reaction, user)
                    # Remove reaction if it's anything else
                    await message.remove_reaction(reaction, user)
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                # When 'reaction_add' throws exception, set active to False to end loop
                active = False
                # Get cached message to remove reactions
                cached_msg = discord.utils.get(self.bot.cached_messages,
                for reactions in cached_msg.reactions:
                    await reactions.remove(self.bot.user)
コード例 #7
    async def bet_history(self,
                          member: Union[discord.Member, str] = None,
                          bet_target: Union[discord.Member, str] = None):
        """Prints bet history of user

             - `$bet_history @Sophia'
             - `$bet_history @Ness'
             - `$bet_history @Sophia @Ness'


        - `<member>` The user to who's bet history you want to print. If omitted defaults to your own history.
        - '<bet_target>' The user you want to limit bets on to.

        logger.debug(f'bet_history: {member}, {bet_target}')

        # Declare bet_target_acc as failsafe for bets.get_bet_all
        bet_target_acc = None
        # If member is None set member to ctx.author
        if not member:
            member = ctx.author
        # If bet_target is not None, get bet_target info for specific search
        if bet_target:
            bet_target_acc = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, bet_target)

        # Get bettor info and bet_history
        bettor = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, member)
        bet_history = bets.get_bet_all(ctx, bettor, bet_target_acc, True)

        # Check if bet_history is filled
        if not bet_history:
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'No bet history')

        # Create variables to be appended
        text = ''
        bet_list = bet_history
        # Set pages to bet_list/10 even, cur_page to pages-1 and active to True
        pages = math.ceil(len(bet_list) / 10)
        cur_page = pages - 1
        active = True

        # Generate first page to be displayed with cur_page
        for i in range(cur_page * 10, (cur_page * 10) + 10):
            if i < len(bet_list):
                text += self.generate_bet_text(bet_list[i])

        # If pages is greater than one, append a page counter
        if pages > 1:
            text += f'Page {cur_page+1} of {pages}\n'
            active = False

        # Send message
        message = await du.code_message(ctx, text)

        # If pages is greater than one add reactions for control
        if pages > 1:
            await message.add_reaction('\U00002B05')
            await message.add_reaction('\U000027A1')

        # Function to check if reaction = ctx.author
        def check(reaction, user):
            return user == ctx.author and str(
                reaction.emoji) in ['\U00002B05', '\U000027A1']

        # loop for reaction controls
        while active:
                # Set page to start of codeblock
                page = '```\n'
                # wait till we get a reaction, fill reaction, user with output of 'reaction_add'
                reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add',
                # Check if reaction is left, and cur_page greater than zero
                if str(reaction.emoji) == '\U00002B05' and cur_page > 0:  # ⬅️
                    # Set cur_page to current value minus one
                    cur_page -= 1

                    # Generate current page with cur_page
                    for i in range(cur_page * 10, cur_page * 10 + 10):
                        page += self.generate_bet_text(
                            bet_list[i])  # bet_list[i]

                    # Append page counter and edit message with page
                    page += f'Page {cur_page+1} of {pages}\n```'
                    await message.edit(content=page)
                    # Remove user reaction
                    await message.remove_reaction(reaction, user)
                # Check if reaction is right, and cur_page less than pages-1
                elif str(reaction.emoji
                         ) == '\U000027A1' and cur_page < pages - 1:  # ➡️
                    # Set cur_page to current value plus one
                    cur_page += 1

                    # Generate current page with cur_page
                    for i in range(cur_page * 10, cur_page * 10 + 10):
                        if i < len(bet_list):
                            page += self.generate_bet_text(
                                bet_list[i])  # bet_list[i]

                    # Append page counter and edit message with page
                    page += f'Page {cur_page+1} of {pages}\n```'
                    await message.edit(content=page)
                    # Remove user reaction
                    await message.remove_reaction(reaction, user)
                    await message.remove_reaction(reaction, user)
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                # When 'reaction_add' gets a timeout, set active to false to end loop
                active = False
                # Get cached message to remove all reactions
                cached_msg = discord.utils.get(self.bot.cached_messages,
                for reactions in cached_msg.reactions:
                    await reactions.remove(self.bot.user)
コード例 #8
    async def friendlies(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: Union[discord.Member, str]):
        logger.debug(f'friendlies: {member}')

        # Get players Accounts
        player1 = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, ctx.author)
        if not player1:
            logger.error('No player1_id found')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Unable to get player info', 3)
        player2 = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, member)
        if not player2:
            logger.error('No player1_id found')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Unable to get player info', 3)

        # Check if player1 is player2
        if player1.id == player2.id:
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'No self friendlies', 3)

        # Function to check if reaction and user
        def check_member(reaction, user):
            return user == player2.member and str(reaction.emoji) == '\U00002705'   # ✅️

        # Set needed variables
        active = True
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        hardcoded_time = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, 4, 0, 0, 0)

        # Get players last used time
        player1_last_used = player1.friendly_last_used
        player2_last_used = player2.friendly_last_used

        # Check if both players have access to the command
        if not player1_last_used or player1_last_used < hardcoded_time:
            if not player2_last_used or player2_last_used < hardcoded_time:
                await self.send_error(ctx, hardcoded_time, player2)
            await self.send_error(ctx, hardcoded_time, player1)

        # Send message to have users react to
        message = await du.code_message(ctx, f'Please react to this message with ✅ to accept the friendly')
        # Add reaction to message
        await message.add_reaction('\U00002705')

        while active:
                reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=60, check=check_member)
                if str(reaction) == '\U00002705':
                    player1.marbles += 1
                    player1.friendly_last_used = datetime.utcnow()
                    player2.marbles += 1
                    player2.friendly_last_used = datetime.utcnow()
                    await du.code_message(ctx, f"We've added a marble to your accounts for playing friendlies today.\n"
                                               f"{player1.nickname}: {player1.marbles}\n"
                                               f"{player2.nickname}: {player2.marbles}")
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                # When 'reaction_add' gets a timeout, set active to false to end loop
                active = False
                # Get cached message to remove all reactions
                cached_msg = discord.utils.get(self.bot.cached_messages, id=message.id)
                for reactions in cached_msg.reactions:
                    await reactions.remove(self.bot.user)
コード例 #9
    async def match(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: Union[discord.Member, str], marbles: int,
                    game: str = 'melee', form: str = 'Bo3'):
        """Challenge a user to a marble match

            - `$match @Sophia 10`
            - `$match @Ness 1`


        - `<ctx>` The context used to send confirmations.
        - `<member>` The user you want to challenge to a marble match
        - `<marbles>` The amount of marbles for the match

        logging.debug(f'match: {member}, {marbles}')

        # Check if marbles is less than one, gives a message to user and returns to exit
        if marbles < 1:
            logger.debug(f'{ctx.author} attempted to create a match with < 1 marbles')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'You\'re a terrible person who made Soph have to program this.'
                                       '\n No negatives or zero', 3)

        # Get and check if Account exists, gives a message to user and returns if no Account
        challenger = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, ctx.author)
        if not challenger:
            logger.debug(f'Unable to get Account for {ctx.author}')
            await du.code_message(ctx, f'Unable to get {ctx.author.display_name}\'s account info', 3)
        recipient = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, member)
        if not recipient:
            logger.debug(f'Unable to get Account for {member}')
            await du.code_message(ctx, f'Unable to get {member.display_name}\'s account info', 3)

        # Check if challenger and recipient are the same, gives a message to user and returns to exit
        if challenger.id == recipient.id:
            logger.debug(f'{ctx.author} passed themselves as member in match command')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'You cannot challenge yourself to a match', 3)

        # Checks if challenger has a match already going
        if database_operation.find_match_by_player_id(DbHandler.db_cnc, challenger.id):
            logger.debug(f'{ctx.author} attempted to start a match with one already made')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'You already have an match going', 3)
        # Checks if recipient has a match already going
        if database_operation.find_match_by_player_id(DbHandler.db_cnc, recipient.id):
            logger.debug(f'{ctx.author}attempted to start a match while {recipient} has a match already')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'They already have a match going')

        # Checks if challenger/recipient has enough marbles to create a match
        if challenger.marbles < marbles:
            logger.debug(f'{ctx.author} does not have enough marbles for this match')
            await du.code_message(ctx, f'You do not have enough marbles for this match,'
                                       f' you have {challenger.marbles}', 3)
        if recipient.marbles < marbles:
            logger.debug(f'{member} does not have enough marbles for this match')
            await du.code_message(ctx, f'They do not have enough marbles for this match,'
                                       f' they have {recipient.marbles}', 3)

        # Creates the match with the players
        match = ma.create_match(ctx, None, marbles, challenger, recipient, game=game, format=form)
        logger.debug(f'match: {match}')
        # Checks if match_id is valid, to verify match was created
        if not match:
            logger.debug('match is zero, failed to create match')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Failed to create match', 3)

        # Subtracts marbles from challenger
        challenger.marbles -= marbles

        await du.code_message(ctx, f'{challenger.nickname} challenged {recipient.nickname} '
                                   f'to a marble match for {marbles} '
                                   f'\nType \'$accept\' to accept their challenge.'
                                   f'\nType \'$close\' to decline the challenge.'
                                   f'\nMatch ID: {match.id}')
コード例 #10
    async def match_win(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: Union[discord.Member, str] = None):
        """Sets the winner of a marble match

            - `$winner @Sophia`
            - `$winner @Ness`


        - `<ctx>` The context used to send confirmations.
        - `<member>' Member to select as the winner.

        logger.debug(f'match_win: {member}')
        # Checks if member is None, then sets member to ctx.author if true
        if member is None:
            member = ctx.author
        # Gets winner/match_id to process match and do integrity checks
        winner = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, member)
        match_id = database_operation.find_match_by_player_id(DbHandler.db_cnc, winner.id)
        logger.debug(f'winner: {winner}, match_id: {match_id}')

        # Checks if they have an active match
        if not match_id:
            logger.debug('match_id is zero')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'They have no active match', 3)
        # Get match info from match_id
            match = ma.get_match(ctx, match_id)
            logger.debug(f'match: {match}')
        except commands.CommandError as e:
            logger.error(f'Unable to get match: {e}')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Unable to process match', 3)

        # Set loser to other participant
        # Checks if participant1 is winner if true sets loser to participant2, or participant1 otherwise
        if winner == match.challenger:
            loser = match.recipient
            loser = match.challenger
        logger.debug(f'loser: {loser}')

            # Set match winner
            match.winner = winner
            # Add marbles to winner
            winner.marbles += match.amount * 2
            # Adds win/lose to winner/loser
            winner.wins += 1
            loser.loses += 1
        except commands.CommandError as e:
            logger.error(f'Unable to update player stats: {e}')
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Was unable to update player stats please try again', 3)

        logger.debug('Processed bets')
        # Creates a entry of match in match_history table, deletes from matches
            match.is_history = True
            match.match_time = datetime.utcnow()
            logger.debug('Updated match info')
            logger.debug('Created match_history for match')
            if bets.process_bets(ctx, match):
                logger.debug('Processed bets')
        except commands.CommandError as e:
            logger.error(f'Unable to create matches_history entry')
            await du.code_message(ctx, f'Failed to add match to history or to delete from matches: {match.id}', 3)

        await du.code_message(ctx, f'{winner.nickname} is the winner, gaining a total of {match.amount} marbles!')
コード例 #11
    async def bet(self, ctx: commands.Context,
                  bet_target: Union[discord.Member,
                                    str], match_id: int, marbles: int):
        """Places a bet on a active and not started match

            - `$bet @Sophia 12 5`
            - `$bet @Ness 12 0`


        - `<winner>` The player you think will win the match.
        - `<match_id>` The id of the match you'd like to bet on
        - `<marbles>` Amount of marbles you'd like to bet on the match.
        logger.debug(f'bet: {bet_target}, {match_id}, {marbles}')

        # Check if marbles is less than 0, return if not
        if marbles < 0:
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Marbles cannot be negative')

        # Get bettor/bet_target_id accounts
        bettor_acc = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, ctx.author)
        bet_target_acc = acc.get_account(ctx, DbHandler.db_cnc, bet_target)
        logger.debug(f'bettor: {bettor_acc}, bet_target: {bet_target_acc}')

        # Check if marble count for bettor is greater than marbles
        if bettor_acc.marbles < marbles:
            await du.code_message(
                ctx, f'You do not have enough marbles for this bet\n'
                f'You have {bettor_acc.marbles} and need {marbles}')

        # Get match_info and validate
        match_info = ma.get_match(
            ctx, match_id
        )  # database_operation.get_match_info_by_id(DbHandler.db_cnc, match_id)
        if not match_info:
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Invalid match id')

        # Check if match is started
        if match_info.active:
            await du.code_message(ctx,
                                  'Match has started and betting is closed')

        # Check if match is accepted
        if not match_info.accepted:
            await du.code_message(
                'You can only bet on matches that both players have accepted')

        # Check to make sure person placing bet is not in the match
        if match_info.challenger == bettor_acc or match_info.recipient == bettor_acc:
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'You cannot bet on matches you are in')

        # Check to make sure bet_target_id is in match
        if match_info.challenger.id != bet_target_acc.id:
            if match_info.recipient.id != bet_target_acc.id:
                await du.code_message(ctx, 'Player is not in this match')

        # Get bet_id if exists,
        bet_id = database_operation.find_bet(DbHandler.db_cnc, match_id,

        # If bet exists, and marbles is zero delete bet
        if bet_id != 0:
            # Get bet with bet_id if it's not zero
            bet_info = bets.get_bet(ctx, bet_id)

            if marbles == 0:
                # Delete bet, and return marbles to bettor
                bettor_acc.marbles += bet_info.amount
                await du.code_message(ctx, 'Bet deleted')

            # Update bet
            # Add marbles back to user, then subtract the new amount
            bettor_acc.marbles += bet_info.amount
            bettor_acc.marbles -= marbles
            bet_info.bet_target = bet_target_acc
            bet_info.amount = marbles
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Bet updated')

        # Return if marbles is less than 1
        if marbles < 1:
            await du.code_message(ctx, 'Cannot be zero')

        # Create bet
        bets.create_bet(ctx, None, marbles, match_info, bettor_acc,
        # Take marbles
        bettor_acc.marbles = bettor_acc.marbles - marbles
        await du.code_message(ctx, 'Bet submitted')