def undo_image_transformation(img, w, h): """ Takes a transformed image tensor and returns a numpy ndarray that is untransformed. Arguments w and h are the original height and width of the image. """ img_numpy = img.permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy() img_numpy = img_numpy[:, :, (2, 1, 0)] # To BRG if cfg.backbone.transform.normalize: img_numpy = (img_numpy * np.array(STD) + np.array(MEANS)) / 255.0 elif cfg.backbone.transform.subtract_means: img_numpy = (img_numpy / 255.0 + np.array(MEANS) / 255.0).astype( np.float32) img_numpy = img_numpy[:, :, (2, 1, 0)] # To RGB img_numpy = np.clip(img_numpy, 0, 1) if cfg.preserve_aspect_ratio: # Undo padding r_w, r_h = Resize.faster_rcnn_scale(w, h, cfg.min_size, cfg.max_size) img_numpy = img_numpy[:r_h, :r_w] # Undo resizing img_numpy = cv2.resize(img_numpy, (w, h)) else: return cv2.resize(img_numpy, (w, h))
def postprocess(det_output, w, h, batch_idx=0, interpolation_mode='bilinear', visualize_lincomb=False, crop_masks=True, score_threshold=0, mask_score=True): """ Postprocesses the output of EPSNet on testing mode into a format that makes sense, accounting for all the possible configuration settings. Args: - det_output: The lost of dicts that Detect outputs. - w: The real with of the image. - h: The real height of the image. - batch_idx: If you have multiple images for this batch, the image's index in the batch. - interpolation_mode: Can be 'nearest' | 'area' | 'bilinear' (see torch.nn.functional.interpolate) Returns 4 torch Tensors (in the following order): - classes [num_det]: The class idx for each detection. - scores [num_det]: The confidence score for each detection. - boxes [num_det, 4]: The bounding box for each detection in absolute point form. - masks [num_det, h, w]: Full image masks for each detection. """ dets = det_output[batch_idx] if not 'score' in dets: return [torch.Tensor() ] * 4 # Warning, this is 4 copies of the same thing if score_threshold > 0: keep = dets['score'] > score_threshold for k in dets: if k != 'proto' and k != 'segm': dets[k] = dets[k][keep] if dets['score'].size(0) == 0: return [torch.Tensor()] * 4 # im_w and im_h when it concerns bboxes. This is a workaround hack for preserve_aspect_ratio b_w, b_h = (w, h) # Undo the padding introduced with preserve_aspect_ratio if cfg.preserve_aspect_ratio: r_w, r_h = Resize.faster_rcnn_scale(w, h, cfg.min_size, cfg.max_size) # Get rid of any detections whose centers are outside the image boxes = dets['box'] boxes = center_size(boxes) s_w, s_h = (r_w / cfg.max_size, r_h / cfg.max_size) not_outside = ((boxes[:, 0] > s_w) + (boxes[:, 1] > s_h)) < 1 # not (a or b) for k in dets: if k != 'proto': dets[k] = dets[k][not_outside] # A hack to scale the bboxes to the right size b_w, b_h = (cfg.max_size / r_w * w, cfg.max_size / r_h * h) # Actually extract everything from dets now classes = dets['class'] boxes = dets['box'] scores = dets['score'] masks = dets['mask'] if cfg.mask_type == mask_type.lincomb and cfg.eval_mask_branch: # At this points masks is only the coefficients proto_data = dets['proto'] # Test flag, do not upvote if cfg.mask_proto_debug:'scripts/proto.npy', proto_data.cpu().numpy()) if visualize_lincomb: display_lincomb(proto_data, masks) masks = torch.matmul(proto_data, masks.t()) if mask_score: masks = cfg.mask_proto_mask_activation(masks) # Crop masks before upsampling because you know why if crop_masks: masks = crop(masks, boxes) # Permute into the correct output shape [num_dets, proto_h, proto_w] masks = masks.permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous() # Scale masks up to the full image if cfg.preserve_aspect_ratio: # Undo padding masks = masks[:, :int(r_h / cfg.max_size * proto_data.size(1) ), :int(r_w / cfg.max_size * proto_data.size(2))] masks = F.interpolate(masks.unsqueeze(0), (h, w), mode=interpolation_mode, align_corners=False).squeeze(0) # Binarize the masks if mask_score: masks.gt_(0.5) if mask_score is True: boxes[:, 0], boxes[:, 2] = sanitize_coordinates(boxes[:, 0], boxes[:, 2], b_w, cast=False) boxes[:, 1], boxes[:, 3] = sanitize_coordinates(boxes[:, 1], boxes[:, 3], b_h, cast=False) boxes = boxes.long() if cfg.mask_type == and cfg.eval_mask_branch: # Upscale masks full_masks = torch.zeros(masks.size(0), h, w) for jdx in range(masks.size(0)): x1, y1, x2, y2 = boxes[jdx, :] mask_w = x2 - x1 mask_h = y2 - y1 # Just in case if mask_w * mask_h <= 0 or mask_w < 0: continue mask = masks[jdx, :].view(1, 1, cfg.mask_size, cfg.mask_size) mask = F.interpolate(mask, (mask_h, mask_w), mode=interpolation_mode, align_corners=False) if mask_score: mask = full_masks[jdx, y1:y2, x1:x2] = mask masks = full_masks return classes, scores, boxes, masks