def __init__(self, gpu=-1, data_root='../Data/FMNIST', save_dir='./classifiers'): if torch.cuda.is_available(): os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(gpu) self.device = torch.device('cuda') else: self.device = torch.device('cpu') print('Device detected: {}'.format(self.device)) self.model = Classifier(num_of_class=10).to(self.device) self.data_root = data_root self.transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()]) self.save_dir = lib.create_dir(save_dir) self.ckpt_file = os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'fmnist_clf.pth')
def plot_generation(self, base_dir, scaler, n_col=16, n_row=8, n_bs=3): save_dir = create_dir(os.path.join(base_dir, 'gener')) x_gener_norm, z = self.sample(512) x_gener = data_fn.denorm(x_gener_norm, scaler) z_recons, x_recons_norm = self.recons(x_gener_norm) x_recons = data_fn.denorm(x_recons_norm, scaler) h, w = x_gener.shape[1:3] n_imgs = n_col * n_row for i in range(n_bs): x = x_gener[i * n_imgs:(i + 1) * n_imgs] f, _ = pvi.plot_image(pvi.merge_images(x, n_row, n_col, direction=0, dtype=int), title='') pva.save_fig(f, os.path.join(save_dir, 'x_gener_{}'.format(i))) ze_mean = np.mean(z_recons) ze_var = np.var(z_recons)
def plot_loglikelihod(self, base_dir, scaler, x_norm, T=40): """ :param base_dir: i.e. experiments/fm/6/trbiganp_256z_bces_fm_60r_0n_08p16d/test/ :param scaler: :param x_norm: :return: """ save_dir = create_dir(os.path.join(base_dir, 'loglikelihood', str(T), 'images')) n_imgs, h, w, c = x_norm.shape try: event_acc = utb.load_event_accumulator(os.path.join(base_dir, 'loglikelihood', str(T))) ll_list, sigma_list = utb.load_loglikelihood(event_acc) except: print('No loglikelihood data at: {} '.format(os.path.join(base_dir, 'loglikelihood', str(T)))) return x_norm = x_norm[:len(ll_list)] z_list, x_recons_norm = self.recons(x_norm) x_recons = data_fn.denorm(x_recons_norm, scaler) x = data_fn.denorm(x_norm, scaler) psnr = loss.PSNR(x, x_recons, axis=(1, 2, 3)) pvg.hist_plot(save_dir, ll_list, density=False, name='ll', alpha=0.8, xlabel=r'$\log_{10} p(G(E(x)))$', fontsize=32, ylabel=r'$\#$ of images', close='all') pvg.scater_plot_with_images(save_dir, x_data=psnr, y_data=ll_list, images=x, name='psnr_ll', alpha=0.8, xlabel=r'PSNR', ylabel=r'$\log_{10} p(G(E(x)))$') model = LinearRegression() psnr = np.array(psnr).reshape((-1, 1)) ll_list = np.array(ll_list), ll_list) r_sq = model.score(psnr, ll_list) print('coefficient of determination: {} %'.format(r_sq * 100)) print('intercept:', model.intercept_) print('slope:', model.coef_)
def plot_reconstruction_fig(self, base_dir, scaler, x_norm, im_idx=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]): n_imgs, c, h, w = x_norm.shape z_list, x_recons_norm = self.recons(x_norm) x_recons = data_fn.denorm(x_recons_norm, scaler) x = data_fn.denorm(x_norm, scaler) ze_mean = np.mean(z_list, axis=0) ze_var = np.var(z_list, axis=0) z_norm = np.linalg.norm(z_list, axis=-1) z_norm_prior = np.linalg.norm(np.random.normal(0, 1, [n_imgs, self.z_dim]), axis=1) n_bs = n_imgs // 64 psnr = loss.PSNR(x, x_recons, axis=(1, 2, 3)) idx_sorted = np.argsort(psnr) # From smaller to larger # psnr_sorted = psnr[idx_sorted] x_sorted = x[idx_sorted] n_bs = n_imgs // 64 # Save images save_dir = create_dir(os.path.join(base_dir, 'recons', 'images')) pvg.mean_var_plot(save_dir, z_list, name='z', xlabel=r'Dimension', ylabel='') pvg.var_plot(save_dir, z_list, name='z', xlabel=r'Dimension') binwidth = (np.max(z_norm_prior) - np.min(z_norm_prior)) / 100 x_min = min(np.min(z_norm_prior), np.min(z_norm)) - 1 x_max = max(np.percentile(z_norm, q=90), np.max(z_norm_prior)) + 1 pvg.multi_hist_plot(save_dir, [z_norm_prior, z_norm], [r'$||z||$', r'$||z_e||$'], name='ze', xlabel=r'Norm', density=False, alpha=0.7, fontsize=38, binwidth=binwidth, x_lim=[x_min, x_max]) mean = np.mean(z_list, axis=0) var = np.var(z_list, axis=0) pvg.multi_hist_plot(save_dir, [mean, var], [r'$\mu$', r'$\sigma^2$'], name='z_mean_var', xlabel=r'value', ylabel=r'$\#$ of dimensions', density=False, alpha=0.7, fontsize=32, color_list=['black', 'green']) save_dir = create_dir(os.path.join(base_dir, 'recons', 'images', 'batch')) n_imgs = 64 for i in range(5): x_i = x_recons[i * n_imgs:(i + 1) * n_imgs] f, _ = pvi.plot_image(pvi.merge_images(x_i, 8, 8, direction=0, dtype=int), title='') pva.save_fig(f, os.path.join(save_dir, 'x_{}_recons'.format(i))) x_i = x[i * n_imgs:(i + 1) * n_imgs] f, _ = pvi.plot_image(pvi.merge_images(x_i, 8, 8, direction=0, dtype=int), title='') pva.save_fig(f, os.path.join(save_dir, 'x_{}_real'.format(i))) x_i = np.zeros((2 * len(im_idx), h, w, c)) half = len(im_idx) x_i[:half] = x[im_idx] x_i[half:] = x_recons[im_idx] f, _ = pvi.plot_image(pvi.merge_images(x_i, 2, half, direction=1, dtype=int), title='') pva.save_fig(f, os.path.join(save_dir, 'x_rec_real'))
def plot_reconstruction(self, base_dir, scaler, x_norm): save_dir = create_dir(os.path.join(base_dir, 'recons', 'tb')) shutil.rmtree(save_dir) writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=save_dir) n_imgs, h, w, c = x_norm.shape z_list, x_recons_norm = self.recons(x_norm) x_recons = data_fn.denorm(x_recons_norm, scaler) x = data_fn.denorm(x_norm, scaler) writer.add_embedding(mat=z_list, label_img=torch.from_numpy(x.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) / 255.), tag='latent_space') ze_mean = np.mean(z_list, axis=0) ze_var = np.var(z_list, axis=0) z_norm = np.linalg.norm(z_list, axis=-1) z_norm_prior = np.linalg.norm(np.random.normal(0, 1, [n_imgs, self.z_dim]), axis=1) writer.add_histogram(tag='latent_space/norm', values=z_norm, global_step=1) writer.add_histogram(tag='latent_space/norm', values=z_norm_prior, global_step=2) for i in range(self.z_dim): writer.add_scalar(tag='latent_space/mean', scalar_value=ze_mean[i], global_step=i) writer.add_scalar(tag='latent_space/var', scalar_value=ze_var[i], global_step=i) n_bs = n_imgs // 64 for i in range(n_bs): # x = np.concatenate([x_data[i * n_imgs:(i + 1) * n_imgs], x_recons[i * n_imgs:(i + 1) * n_imgs]], axis=0) x_i = tbu.images_to_tensor_grid(x_recons[i * 64: (i + 1) * 64]) writer.add_image('x/reconstruction', x_i, i, dataformats='CHW') x_i = tbu.images_to_tensor_grid(x[i * 64: (i + 1) * 64]) writer.add_image('x/original', x_i, i, dataformats='CHW') psnr = loss.PSNR(x, x_recons, axis=(1, 2, 3)) writer.add_histogram(tag='psnr/histogram', values=psnr) idx_sorted = np.argsort(psnr) # From smaller to larger # psnr_sorted = psnr[idx_sorted] for i in range(len(psnr)): writer.add_scalar(tag='psnr/original', scalar_value=psnr[i], global_step=i) writer.add_scalar(tag='psnr/idx', scalar_value=idx_sorted[i], global_step=i) writer.add_scalar(tag='psnr/sorted', scalar_value=psnr[idx_sorted[i]], global_step=i) x_sorted = x[idx_sorted] n_bs = n_imgs // 64 for i in range(n_bs): # x = np.concatenate([x_data[i * n_imgs:(i + 1) * n_imgs], x_recons[i * n_imgs:(i + 1) * n_imgs]], axis=0) x_i = tbu.images_to_tensor_grid(x_sorted[i * 64: (i + 1) * 64]) writer.add_image('x/psnr_sorted', x_i, i, dataformats='CHW') # Save images save_dir = create_dir(os.path.join(base_dir, 'recons', 'images')) pvg.mean_var_plot(save_dir, z_list, name='z', xlabel=r'Dimension', ylabel='') pvg.multi_hist_plot(save_dir, [z_norm_prior, z_norm], [r'$||z||$', r'$||z_e||$'], name='ze', xlabel=r'Norm', density=True, alpha=0.7, fontsize=32)
def init_folders(self): create_dir(self.save_dir) create_dir(self.samples_dir)