def mnist_adamax_showdown(hidden_size = 300, n_epochs = 10, n_tests = 20): dataset = get_mnist_dataset() if is_test_mode(): dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 0.1 n_tests = 3 make_mlp = lambda optimizer: GradientBasedPredictor( function = MultiLayerPerceptron( layer_sizes=[hidden_size, dataset.n_categories], input_size = dataset.input_size, hidden_activation='sig', output_activation='lin', w_init = normal_w_init(mag = 0.01, seed = 5) ), cost_function = softmax_negative_log_likelihood, optimizer = optimizer, ).compile() return compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors = { 'sgd': make_mlp(SimpleGradientDescent(eta = 0.1)), 'adamax': make_mlp(AdaMax(alpha = 1e-3)), }, minibatch_size = 20, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct )
def test_compare_predictors(hang_plot=False): dataset = get_synthetic_clusters_dataset() w_constructor = lambda rng=np.random.RandomState(45): .1 * rng.randn( dataset.input_shape[0], dataset.n_categories) records = compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, offline_predictors={'SVM': SVC()}, online_predictors={ 'fast-perceptron': Perceptron(alpha=0.1, w=w_constructor()).to_categorical(), 'slow-perceptron': Perceptron(alpha=0.001, w=w_constructor()).to_categorical() }, minibatch_size=10, test_epochs=sqrtspace(0, 10, 20), evaluation_function='percent_correct') assert 99 < records['SVM'].get_scores('Test') <= 100 assert 20 < records['slow-perceptron'].get_scores( 'Test')[0] < 40 and 95 < records['slow-perceptron'].get_scores( 'Test')[-1] <= 100 assert 20 < records['fast-perceptron'].get_scores( 'Test')[0] < 40 and 98 < records['fast-perceptron'].get_scores( 'Test')[-1] <= 100 plot_learning_curves(records, hang=hang_plot)
def demo_compare_dtp_methods(predictor_constructors, n_epochs=10, minibatch_size=20, n_tests=20, onehot=True, accumulator=None): dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat=True, binarize=False) n_categories = dataset.n_categories if onehot: dataset = dataset.to_onehot() if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 1 n_tests = 2 learning_curves = compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors={ name: p(dataset.input_size, n_categories) for name, p in predictor_constructors.iteritems() if name in predictor_constructors }, minibatch_size=minibatch_size, test_epochs=sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function=percent_argmax_correct, # online_test_callbacks={'perceptron': lambda p: dbplot(p.symbolic_predictor.layers[0].w.get_value().T.reshape(-1, 28, 28))}, accumulators=accumulator) plot_learning_curves(learning_curves)
def mnist_adamax_showdown(hidden_size = 300, n_epochs = 10, n_tests = 20): dataset = get_mnist_dataset() if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 0.1 n_tests = 3 make_mlp = lambda optimizer: GradientBasedPredictor( function = MultiLayerPerceptron.from_init( layer_sizes=[dataset.input_size, hidden_size, dataset.n_categories], hidden_activation='sig', output_activation='lin', w_init = 0.01, rng = 5 ), cost_function = softmax_negative_log_likelihood, optimizer = optimizer, ).compile() return compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors = { 'sgd': make_mlp(SimpleGradientDescent(eta = 0.1)), 'adamax': make_mlp(AdaMax(alpha = 1e-3)), }, minibatch_size = 20, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct )
def demo_dtp_varieties(hidden_sizes=[240], n_epochs=10, minibatch_size=20, n_tests=20, hidden_activation='tanh', output_activation='sigm', optimizer='adamax', learning_rate=0.01, noise=1, predictors=['MLP', 'DTP', 'PreAct-DTP', 'Linear-DTP'], rng=1234, use_bias=True, live_plot=False, plot=False): """ ; :param hidden_sizes: :param n_epochs: :param minibatch_size: :param n_tests: :return: """ if isinstance(predictors, str): predictors = [predictors] dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat=True) dataset = dataset.process_with( targets_processor=lambda (x, ): (OneHotEncoding(10)(x).astype(int), )) if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 0.1 n_tests = 3 set_default_figure_size(12, 9) predictors = OrderedDict( (name, get_predictor(name, input_size=dataset.input_size, target_size=dataset.target_size, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes, hidden_activation=hidden_activation, output_activation=output_activation, optimizer=optimizer, learning_rate=learning_rate, noise=noise, use_bias=use_bias, rng=rng)) for name in predictors) learning_curves = compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors=predictors, minibatch_size=minibatch_size, test_epochs=sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function=percent_argmax_correct, ) if plot: plot_learning_curves(learning_curves)
def demo_compare_dtp_methods( predictor_constructors, n_epochs = 10, minibatch_size = 20, n_tests = 20, onehot = True, accumulator = None ): dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat = True, binarize = False) n_categories = dataset.n_categories if onehot: dataset = dataset.to_onehot() if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 1 n_tests = 2 learning_curves = compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors = {name: p(dataset.input_size, n_categories) for name, p in predictor_constructors.iteritems() if name in predictor_constructors}, minibatch_size = minibatch_size, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct, # online_test_callbacks={'perceptron': lambda p: dbplot(p.symbolic_predictor.layers[0].w.get_value().T.reshape(-1, 28, 28))}, accumulators=accumulator ) plot_learning_curves(learning_curves)
def compare_example_predictors( n_epochs=5, n_tests=20, minibatch_size=10, ): """ This demo shows how we can compare different online predictors. The demo trains both predictors on the dataset, returning an object that contains the results. :param test_mode: Set this to True to just run the demo quicky (but not to completion) to see that it doesn't break. """ dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat=True) # "Flatten" the 28x28 inputs to a 784-d vector if is_test_mode(): # Shorten the dataset so we run through it quickly in test mode. dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 1 n_tests = 3 # Here we compare three predictors on MNIST - an MLP, a Perceptron, and a Random Forest. # - The MLP is defined using Plato's interfaces - we create a Symbolic Predictor (GradientBasedPredictor) and # then compile it into an IPredictor object # - The Perceptron directly implements the IPredictor interface. # - The Random Forest implements SciKit learn's predictor interface - that is, it has a fit(x, y) and a predict(x) method. learning_curve_data = compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors={ 'Perceptron': Perceptron(w=np.zeros((dataset.input_size, dataset.n_categories)), alpha=0.001). to_categorical( n_categories=dataset.n_categories ), # .to_categorical allows the perceptron to be trained on integer labels. 'MLP': GradientBasedPredictor( function=MultiLayerPerceptron.from_init( layer_sizes=[ dataset.input_size, 500, dataset.n_categories ], hidden_activation='sig', # Sigmoidal hidden units output_activation= 'softmax', # Softmax output unit, since we're doing multinomial classification w_init=0.01, rng=5), cost_function= negative_log_likelihood_dangerous, # "Dangerous" because it doesn't check to see that output is normalized, but we know it is because it comes from softmax. optimizer=SimpleGradientDescent(eta=0.1), ).compile(), # .compile() returns an IPredictor }, offline_predictors={'RF': RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=40)}, minibatch_size=minibatch_size, test_epochs=sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function=percent_argmax_correct # Compares one-hot ) # Results is a LearningCurveData object return learning_curve_data
def compare_example_predictors( n_epochs = 5, n_tests = 20, minibatch_size = 10, ): """ This demo shows how we can compare different online predictors. The demo trains both predictors on the dataset, returning an object that contains the results. :param test_mode: Set this to True to just run the demo quicky (but not to completion) to see that it doesn't break. """ dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat = True) # "Flatten" the 28x28 inputs to a 784-d vector if is_test_mode(): # Shorten the dataset so we run through it quickly in test mode. dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 1 n_tests = 3 # Here we compare three predictors on MNIST - an MLP, a Perceptron, and a Random Forest. # - The MLP is defined using Plato's interfaces - we create a Symbolic Predictor (GradientBasedPredictor) and # then compile it into an IPredictor object # - The Perceptron directly implements the IPredictor interface. # - The Random Forest implements SciKit learn's predictor interface - that is, it has a fit(x, y) and a predict(x) method. learning_curve_data = compare_predictors( dataset = dataset, online_predictors = { 'Perceptron': Perceptron( w = np.zeros((dataset.input_size, dataset.n_categories)), alpha = 0.001 ).to_categorical(n_categories = dataset.n_categories), # .to_categorical allows the perceptron to be trained on integer labels. 'MLP': GradientBasedPredictor( function = MultiLayerPerceptron.from_init( layer_sizes=[dataset.input_size, 500, dataset.n_categories], hidden_activation='sig', # Sigmoidal hidden units output_activation='softmax', # Softmax output unit, since we're doing multinomial classification w_init = 0.01, rng = 5 ), cost_function = negative_log_likelihood_dangerous, # "Dangerous" because it doesn't check to see that output is normalized, but we know it is because it comes from softmax. optimizer = SimpleGradientDescent(eta = 0.1), ).compile(), # .compile() returns an IPredictor }, offline_predictors={ 'RF': RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 40) }, minibatch_size = minibatch_size, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct # Compares one-hot ) # Results is a LearningCurveData object return learning_curve_data
def demo_compare_dtp_optimizers( hidden_sizes=[240], n_epochs=10, minibatch_size=20, n_tests=20, hidden_activation='tanh', ): dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat=True).to_onehot() if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 1 n_tests = 2 def make_dtp_net(optimizer_constructor, output_fcn): return DifferenceTargetMLP.from_initializer( input_size=dataset.input_size, output_size=dataset.target_size, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes, optimizer_constructor=optimizer_constructor, input_activation='sigm', hidden_activation=hidden_activation, output_activation=output_fcn, w_init_mag=0.01, noise=1, ).compile() learning_curves = compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors={ 'SGD-0.001-softmax': make_dtp_net(lambda: SimpleGradientDescent(0.001), output_fcn='softmax'), 'AdaMax-0.001-softmax': make_dtp_net(lambda: AdaMax(0.001), output_fcn='softmax'), 'RMSProp-0.001-softmax': make_dtp_net(lambda: RMSProp(0.001), output_fcn='softmax'), 'SGD-0.001-sigm': make_dtp_net(lambda: SimpleGradientDescent(0.001), output_fcn='sigm'), 'AdaMax-0.001-sigm': make_dtp_net(lambda: AdaMax(0.001), output_fcn='sigm'), 'RMSProp-0.001-sigm': make_dtp_net(lambda: RMSProp(0.001), output_fcn='sigm'), }, minibatch_size=minibatch_size, test_epochs=sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function=percent_argmax_correct, ) plot_learning_curves(learning_curves)
def demo_dtp_varieties( hidden_sizes = [240], n_epochs = 10, minibatch_size = 20, n_tests = 20, hidden_activation = 'tanh', output_activation = 'sigm', optimizer = 'adamax', learning_rate = 0.01, noise = 1, predictors = ['MLP', 'DTP', 'PreAct-DTP', 'Linear-DTP'], rng = 1234, live_plot = False, plot = False ): """ ; :param hidden_sizes: :param n_epochs: :param minibatch_size: :param n_tests: :return: """ if isinstance(predictors, str): predictors = [predictors] dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat = True) dataset = dataset.process_with(targets_processor=lambda (x, ): (OneHotEncoding(10)(x).astype(int), )) if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 0.1 n_tests = 3 set_default_figure_size(12, 9) predictors = OrderedDict((name, get_predictor(name, input_size = dataset.input_size, target_size=dataset.target_size, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes, hidden_activation=hidden_activation, output_activation = output_activation, optimizer=optimizer, learning_rate=learning_rate, noise = noise, rng = rng)) for name in predictors) learning_curves = compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors = predictors, minibatch_size = minibatch_size, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct, ) if plot: plot_learning_curves(learning_curves)
def mlp_normalization(hidden_size=300, n_epochs=30, n_tests=50, minibatch_size=20): """ Compare mlp with different schemes for normalizing input. regular: Regular vanilla MLP normalize: Mean-subtract/normalize over minibatch normalize and scale: Mean-subtract/normalize over minibatch AND multiply by a trainable (per-unit) scale parameter. Conclusions: No significant benefit to scale parameter. Normalizing gives a head start but incurs a small cost later on. But really all classifiers are quite similar. :param hidden_size: Size of hidden layer """ dataset = get_mnist_dataset() if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 0.1 n_tests = 3 make_mlp = lambda normalize, scale: GradientBasedPredictor( function=MultiLayerPerceptron.from_init(layer_sizes=[ dataset.input_size, hidden_size, dataset.n_categories ], hidden_activation='sig', output_activation='lin', normalize_minibatch=normalize, scale_param=scale, w_init=0.01, rng=5), cost_function=softmax_negative_log_likelihood, optimizer=SimpleGradientDescent(eta=0.1), ).compile() return compare_predictors(dataset=dataset, online_predictors={ 'regular': make_mlp(normalize=False, scale=False), 'normalize': make_mlp(normalize=True, scale=False), 'normalize and scale': make_mlp(normalize=True, scale=True), }, minibatch_size=minibatch_size, test_epochs=sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function=percent_argmax_correct)
def mlp_normalization(hidden_size = 300, n_epochs = 30, n_tests = 50, minibatch_size=20): """ Compare mlp with different schemes for normalizing input. regular: Regular vanilla MLP normalize: Mean-subtract/normalize over minibatch normalize and scale: Mean-subtract/normalize over minibatch AND multiply by a trainable (per-unit) scale parameter. Conclusions: No significant benefit to scale parameter. Normalizing gives a head start but incurs a small cost later on. But really all classifiers are quite similar. :param hidden_size: Size of hidden layer """ dataset = get_mnist_dataset() if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 0.1 n_tests = 3 make_mlp = lambda normalize, scale: GradientBasedPredictor( function = MultiLayerPerceptron.from_init( layer_sizes=[dataset.input_size, hidden_size, dataset.n_categories], hidden_activation='sig', output_activation='lin', normalize_minibatch=normalize, scale_param=scale, w_init = 0.01, rng = 5 ), cost_function = softmax_negative_log_likelihood, optimizer = SimpleGradientDescent(eta = 0.1), ).compile() return compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors = { 'regular': make_mlp(normalize = False, scale = False), 'normalize': make_mlp(normalize=True, scale = False), 'normalize and scale': make_mlp(normalize=True, scale = True), }, minibatch_size = minibatch_size, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct )
def backprop_vs_difference_target_prop(hidden_sizes=[240], n_epochs=10, minibatch_size=20, n_tests=20): dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat=True) dataset = dataset.process_with( targets_processor=lambda (x, ): (OneHotEncoding(10)(x).astype(int), )) if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 0.1 n_tests = 3 set_default_figure_size(12, 9) return compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors={ 'backprop-mlp': GradientBasedPredictor( function=MultiLayerPerceptron.from_init( layer_sizes=[dataset.input_size] + hidden_sizes + [dataset.n_categories], hidden_activation='tanh', output_activation='sig', w_init=0.01, rng=5), cost_function=mean_squared_error, optimizer=AdaMax(0.01), ).compile(), 'difference-target-prop-mlp': DifferenceTargetMLP.from_initializer( input_size=dataset.input_size, output_size=dataset.target_size, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes, optimizer_constructor=lambda: AdaMax(0.01), w_init=0.01, noise=1, ).compile() }, minibatch_size=minibatch_size, test_epochs=sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function=percent_argmax_correct, )
def backprop_vs_difference_target_prop( hidden_sizes = [240], n_epochs = 10, minibatch_size = 20, n_tests = 20 ): dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat = True) dataset = dataset.process_with(targets_processor=lambda (x, ): (OneHotEncoding(10)(x).astype(int), )) if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 0.1 n_tests = 3 set_default_figure_size(12, 9) return compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors = { 'backprop-mlp': GradientBasedPredictor( function = MultiLayerPerceptron.from_init( layer_sizes=[dataset.input_size]+hidden_sizes+[dataset.n_categories], hidden_activation='tanh', output_activation='sig', w_init = 0.01, rng = 5 ), cost_function = mean_squared_error, optimizer = AdaMax(0.01), ).compile(), 'difference-target-prop-mlp': DifferenceTargetMLP.from_initializer( input_size = dataset.input_size, output_size = dataset.target_size, hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes, optimizer_constructor = lambda: AdaMax(0.01), w_init=0.01, noise = 1, ).compile() }, minibatch_size = minibatch_size, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct, )
def demo_compare_dtp_optimizers( hidden_sizes = [240], n_epochs = 10, minibatch_size = 20, n_tests = 20, hidden_activation = 'tanh', ): dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat = True).to_onehot() if is_test_mode(): dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 1 n_tests = 2 def make_dtp_net(optimizer_constructor, output_fcn): return DifferenceTargetMLP.from_initializer( input_size = dataset.input_size, output_size = dataset.target_size, hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes, optimizer_constructor = optimizer_constructor, input_activation='sigm', hidden_activation=hidden_activation, output_activation=output_fcn, w_init_mag=0.01, noise = 1, ).compile() learning_curves = compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors = { 'SGD-0.001-softmax': make_dtp_net(lambda: SimpleGradientDescent(0.001), output_fcn = 'softmax'), 'AdaMax-0.001-softmax': make_dtp_net(lambda: AdaMax(0.001), output_fcn = 'softmax'), 'RMSProp-0.001-softmax': make_dtp_net(lambda: RMSProp(0.001), output_fcn = 'softmax'), 'SGD-0.001-sigm': make_dtp_net(lambda: SimpleGradientDescent(0.001), output_fcn = 'sigm'), 'AdaMax-0.001-sigm': make_dtp_net(lambda: AdaMax(0.001), output_fcn = 'sigm'), 'RMSProp-0.001-sigm': make_dtp_net(lambda: RMSProp(0.001), output_fcn = 'sigm'), }, minibatch_size = minibatch_size, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct, ) plot_learning_curves(learning_curves)
def test_compare_predictors(hang_plot = False): dataset = get_synthetic_clusters_dataset() w_constructor = lambda rng = np.random.RandomState(45): .1*rng.randn(dataset.input_shape[0], dataset.n_categories) records = compare_predictors( dataset = dataset, offline_predictors={ 'SVM': SVC() }, online_predictors={ 'fast-perceptron': Perceptron(alpha = 0.1, w = w_constructor()).to_categorical(), 'slow-perceptron': Perceptron(alpha = 0.001, w = w_constructor()).to_categorical() }, minibatch_size = 10, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, 10, 20), evaluation_function='percent_correct' ) assert 99 < records['SVM'].get_scores('Test') <= 100 assert 20 < records['slow-perceptron'].get_scores('Test')[0] < 40 and 95 < records['slow-perceptron'].get_scores('Test')[-1] <= 100 assert 20 < records['fast-perceptron'].get_scores('Test')[0] < 40 and 98 < records['fast-perceptron'].get_scores('Test')[-1] <= 100 plot_learning_curves(records, hang = hang_plot)
def compare_spiking_to_nonspiking(hidden_sizes = [300, 300], eta=0.01, w_init=0.01, fractional = False, n_epochs = 20, forward_discretize = 'rect-herding', back_discretize = 'noreset-herding', test_discretize='rect-herding', save_results = False): mnist = get_mnist_dataset(flat=True).to_onehot() test_epochs=[0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5]+range(1, n_epochs+1) if is_test_mode(): mnist = mnist.shorten(500) eta = 0.01 w_init=0.01 test_epochs = [0.0, 0.05, 0.1] spiking_net = JavaSpikingNetWrapper.from_init( fractional = fractional, depth_first=False, smooth_grads = False, forward_discretize = forward_discretize, back_discretize = back_discretize, test_discretize = test_discretize, w_init=w_init, hold_error=True, rng = 1234, n_steps = 10, eta=eta, layer_sizes=[784]+hidden_sizes+[10], ) relu_net = GradientBasedPredictor( MultiLayerPerceptron.from_init( hidden_activation = 'relu', output_activation = 'relu', layer_sizes=[784]+hidden_sizes+[10], use_bias=False, w_init=w_init, rng=1234, ), cost_function = 'mse', optimizer=GradientDescent(eta) ).compile() # Listen for spikes forward_eavesdropper = jp.JClass('nl.uva.deepspike.eavesdroppers.SpikeCountingEavesdropper')() backward_eavesdropper = jp.JClass('nl.uva.deepspike.eavesdroppers.SpikeCountingEavesdropper')() for lay in spiking_net.jnet.layers: lay.forward_herder.add_eavesdropper(forward_eavesdropper) for lay in spiking_net.jnet.layers[1:]: lay.backward_herder.add_eavesdropper(backward_eavesdropper) spiking_net.jnet.error_counter.add_eavesdropper(backward_eavesdropper) forward_counts = [] backward_counts = [] def register_counts(): forward_counts.append(forward_eavesdropper.get_count()) backward_counts.append(backward_eavesdropper.get_count()) results = compare_predictors( dataset=mnist, online_predictors={ 'Spiking-MLP': spiking_net, 'ReLU-MLP': relu_net, }, test_epochs=test_epochs, online_test_callbacks=lambda p: register_counts() if p is spiking_net else None, minibatch_size = 1, test_on = 'training+test', evaluation_function=percent_argmax_incorrect, ) spiking_params = [np.array(lay.forward_weights.w.asFloat()).copy() for lay in spiking_net.jnet.layers] relu_params = [param.get_value().astype(np.float64) for param in relu_net.parameters] # See what the score is when we apply the final spiking weights to the offline_trained_spiking_net = JavaSpikingNetWrapper( ws=relu_params, fractional = fractional, depth_first=False, smooth_grads = False, forward_discretize = forward_discretize, back_discretize = back_discretize, test_discretize = test_discretize, hold_error=True, n_steps = 10, eta=eta, ) # for spiking_layer, p in zip(spiking_net.jnet.layers, relu_params): # spiking_layer.w = p.astype(np.float64) error = [ ('Test', percent_argmax_incorrect(offline_trained_spiking_net.predict(mnist.test_set.input),, ('Training', percent_argmax_incorrect(offline_trained_spiking_net.predict(mnist.training_set.input), ] results['Spiking-MLP with ReLU weights'] = LearningCurveData() results['Spiking-MLP with ReLU weights'].add(None, error) print 'Spiking-MLP with ReLU weights: %s' % error # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See what the score is when we plug the spiking weights into the ReLU net. for param, sval in zip(relu_net.parameters, spiking_params): param.set_value(sval) error = [ ('Test', percent_argmax_incorrect(relu_net.predict(mnist.test_set.input),, ('Training', percent_argmax_incorrect(relu_net.predict(mnist.training_set.input), ] results['ReLU-MLP with Spiking weights'] = LearningCurveData() results['ReLU-MLP with Spiking weights'].add(None, error) print 'ReLU-MLP with Spiking weights: %s' % error # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if save_results: with open("mnist_relu_vs_spiking_results-%s.pkl" %, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(results, f) # Problem: this currently includes test forward_rates = np.diff(forward_counts) / (np.diff(test_epochs)*60000) backward_rates = np.diff(backward_counts) / (np.diff(test_epochs)*60000) plt.figure('ReLU vs Spikes') plt.subplot(211) plot_learning_curves(results, title = "MNIST Learning Curves", hang=False, figure_name='ReLU vs Spikes', xscale='linear', yscale='log', y_title='Percent Error') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(test_epochs[1:], forward_rates) plt.plot(test_epochs[1:], backward_rates) plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('n_spikes') plt.legend(['Mean Forward Spikes', 'Mean Backward Spikes'], loc='best') plt.interactive(is_test_mode())
smooth_grads = False, back_discretize = 'noreset-herding', n_steps = 10, hidden_sizes = [200, 200], hold_error = True, : compare_predictors( dataset=(get_mnist_dataset(flat=True).shorten(100) if is_test_mode() else get_mnist_dataset(flat=True)).to_onehot(), online_predictors={'Spiking MLP': JavaSpikingNetWrapper.from_init( fractional = fractional, depth_first = depth_first, smooth_grads = smooth_grads, back_discretize = back_discretize, w_init=0.01, rng = 1234, eta=0.01, n_steps = n_steps, hold_error=hold_error, layer_sizes=[784]+hidden_sizes+[10], )}, test_epochs=[0.0, 0.05] if is_test_mode() else [0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4], minibatch_size = 1, report_test_scores=True, test_on = 'test', evaluation_function='percent_argmax_incorrect' )), versions={ 'Baseline': dict(), 'Fractional-Updates': dict(fractional = True), 'Depth-First': dict(depth_first = True), 'Smooth-Grads': dict(smooth_grads = True), 'BackQuant-Zero-Reset': dict(back_discretize='herding'),