def clear_ROIs(subs=cfg.subs, bands=cfg.bands): """ """ print( f"\n======== Clear ROIs =============================================\n" ) # ITERATE SUBJECT LIST AND BAND LIST =============================================== TimeStart = time.time() iterator = list(product(enumerate(subs), enumerate(bands))) for i, ((iSub, sub), (iBand, band)) in enumerate(iterator): # load subject paths SP = cf.sub_params(sub) # load raw fname = os.path.join(SP['DerivativesPath'], f"{sub}_band-{band['name']}_raw.fif") raw =, preload=True) # get list non ROI channels only ChNames = [ChName for ChName in raw.ch_names if ChName[:3] == 'ROI'] raw.drop_channels(ChNames), picks='all', overwrite=True) cf.display_progress( f"{sub} {band['name']}, {len(ChNames)} ROIs removed", i, len(iterator), TimeStart)
def electrode_positions(subs=cfg.subs): """ Make one figure per channel with the position of the channel Concatenate for each subject """ print("\n======== electrode positions ======================================\n") FiguresPath =cf.check_path(['..','Figures' , 'overview' + cfg.out ]) # iterate over subjects for sub in subs: cf.print_d(f'Electrode positions for {sub}') # load subject params SP = cf.sub_params(sub) for iCh, ChName in enumerate(SP['ChNames']): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,2)) pl.clear_axes(np.array([ax])) fig.suptitle(f"{sub} {ChName}") pl.channel_position_plot(ax,SP['coords'],iCh) fig_name = os.path.join(FiguresPath,f"elec_positions_{sub}_{ChName}_temp.pdf") fig.savefig(fig_name, format='pdf') plt.close() cf.concatenate_pdfs(FiguresPath,'temp',f"elec_positions_{sub}.pdf", remove=True)
def referencing_wrap(subs=cfg.subs, RefMethod=cfg.RefMethod): print( f"\n======== Applying reference ======================================\n" ) # ITERATE SUBJECT LIST ============================================================================= TimeStart = time.time() for iSub, sub in enumerate(subs): cf.display_progress(f"{sub}", iSub, len(subs), TimeStart) # add paths to parameters SP = cf.sub_params(sub) # load raw raw =['RawFile'], preload=True) raw.drop_channels(SP['ChInfo']['bad']) RefRaw, bads = referencing(raw, RefMethod) # update bad channel list and save referenced epochs SP['ChInfo']['bad'] += bads json.dump(SP['ChInfo'], open(SP['ChInfoFile'], 'w')) FileName = os.path.join(SP['DerivativesPath'], f"{sub}_raw.fif"), overwrite=True) # move to next subject =============================================== cf.print_d(f"{cfg.RefMethod} reference done!") print(f"\n")
def rejection_wrap(subs=cfg.subs, figures=True): """ Identify bad channels early in the processing and discard them completely from raw files. Rejection based on std of V and dVdt """ print( "\n======== rejection ================================================\n" ) print(f"SUB\tTOTAL\tKEPT\tREJECTED") for iSub, sub in enumerate(subs): SP = cf.sub_params(sub) raw =['RawFile'], preload=True) kept, stats, thresholds = rejection(raw) if figures: rejection_figure(SP, kept, stats, thresholds) # mark bad channels in ChInfo and save SP['ChInfo']['bad'] = [ ch for iCh, ch in enumerate(raw.ch_names) if ~kept[iCh] ] json.dump(SP['ChInfo'], open(SP['ChInfoFile'], 'w')) print( f"{SP['sub'][4:]}\t{len(kept)}\t{np.sum(kept)}\t{np.sum(~kept)}\t{int(100*np.sum(~kept)/len(kept))}%" )
def add_ROI_from_atlas(subs=cfg.subs, bands=cfg.bands): """ Add a virtual channels with the average of channels inside ROIs from atlas Parameters ---------- ROI : list of str or int list of channels to include by name or index optionally ROI can be 'all' ROIname : str name of the virtual channel """ print( f"\n======== Add ROIs from atlas =====================================\n" ) # ITERATE SUBJECT LIST AND BAND LIST =============================================== TimeStart = time.time() iterator = list(product(enumerate(subs), enumerate(bands))) for i, ((iSub, sub), (iBand, band)) in enumerate(iterator): # load subject paths SP = cf.sub_params(sub) # load raw fname = os.path.join(SP['DerivativesPath'], f"{sub}_band-{band['name']}_raw.fif") raw =, preload=True) # get list non ROI channels only ChNames = [ChName for ChName in raw.ch_names if 'ROI' not in ChName] coords = cf.get_coords(SP, picks=ChNames) labels = cf.get_ROI_labels(coords) for label in list(set(labels)): ROI = [ChNames[j] for j, l in enumerate(labels) if l == label] if len(ROI) > 0: # avoid adding empoty sets # ROI center of mass ROIcoords = cf.get_coords(SP, picks=ROI).mean(axis=0) ROIname = f"{str(len(SP['ChInfo']['ChNames'])+1).zfill(3)}-ROI-{label}" # add virtual channel to raw raw = add_ROI(raw, ROI, ROIname, ROIcoords) # update subject info SP['ChInfo']['ChNames'] += [ROIname] SP['ChInfo']['coords'] += [ROIcoords.tolist()] cf.display_progress( f"{raw.ch_names[-1]} ({len(ROI)} channels) added to {sub} {band['name']}", i, len(iterator), TimeStart) # save json.dump(SP['ChInfo'], open(SP['ChInfoFile'], 'w')), picks='all', overwrite=True)
def subject_overview(subs = cfg.subs, bands = cfg.bands, EpochsSetups = cfg.EpochsSetups, avg = True, TrialWise = True, key = None, picks = 'good'): """ Make one figure per channel with channel position and one evoked plot per band Parameters ---------- key : str metadata key to plot separate traces by metadata value """ print("\n======== subject overview =========================================\n") # iterate over subjects for sub in subs: # load subject params SP = cf.sub_params(sub) # preload raw data for all bands epochs = [] iterator = product(enumerate(bands),enumerate(EpochsSetups)) for i, ((iBand, band),(iEp, EpochsSetup)) in enumerate(iterator): cf.print_d(f"{sub}, loading {band['name']} epochs...") # get list of channels PicksList = cf.get_picks(SP, picks, band = band) if PicksList == []: continue # epochs (phase epochs are complex and cannot be resampled) try: epochs += [cf.load_epochs(sub, band, EpochsSetup, picks = PicksList).resample(100)] except: epochs += [cf.load_epochs(sub, band, EpochsSetup, picks = PicksList)] # iterate over channels, one figure per channel TimeStart = time.time() for iCh, ChName in enumerate(PicksList): cf.display_progress(f"{sub}, {ChName}", iCh, len(PicksList),TimeStart) channel_overview(sub, ChName, bands, EpochsSetups, EpochsList=epochs, key=key, plot = False, save = True, temp=True) # concatenate figures subject wise FileName = f"{sub}_band-{band['name']}_{picks}_overview.pdf" FiguresPath = cf.check_path(['..', 'Figures', 'overview' + cfg.out]) cf.concatenate_pdfs(FiguresPath, 'temp', FileName, remove = True) # concatenate for all subjects FileName = f"band-{band['name']}_{picks}_overview.pdf" FiguresPath = cf.check_path(['..', 'Figures', 'overview' + cfg.out]) cf.concatenate_pdfs(FiguresPath, 'sub', FileName, remove = False)
def regression_wrap(model, subs=cfg.subs, bands=cfg.bands, alpha=cfg.alpha): print( "\n======== regressions ===================================================\n" ) # ITERATE SUBJECT LIST AND BAND LIST =============================================== time_start = time.time() iterator = list(product(enumerate(subs), enumerate(bands))) for i, ((i_sub, sub), (i_band, band)) in enumerate(iterator): dp = cf.sub_params(sub) cf.display_progress(f"{sub} {band['name']}", i, len(iterator), time_start) # load epochs epochs = cf.load_epochs(sub, band, model['ep_setup'])[model['query']] scores, ps = stepwise_regression(epochs, model['predictors'], model['predictors_stepwise']) # save data into dataframe l = len(epochs.ch_names) coords = cf.get_coords(epochs) data = np.array([ l * [sub], epochs.ch_names, coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2], l * [band['name']] ]).T df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['sub', 'ch_name', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'band']) #.astype('object') # for each sw_predictor save time point with max significant score for i_p, p in enumerate([''] + model['predictors_stepwise']): idx = np.squeeze((scores * (ps < alpha))[i_p].argmax(axis=-1)) df['r2' + p] = [scores[i_p, i_ch, idx[i_ch]] for i_ch in range(l)] df['p' + p] = [ps[i_p, i_ch, idx[i_ch]] for i_ch in range(l)] df['t' + p] = [epochs.times[idx[i_ch]] for i_ch in range(l)] file_name = os.path.join( dp['derivatives_path'], f"{sub}_band-{band['name']}_reg-{model['tag']}.csv") df.to_csv(file_name)
def epochs2TFR_wrap(subs=cfg.subs, bands=cfg.bands, EpochsSetups=cfg.EpochsSetups): """ Loop over subjects and bands and make and save mne epochs objects with band power. """ print( f"\n======== mne.epochs 2 mne.epochsTFR ==============================\n" ) # ITERATE SUBJECT LIST AND BAND LIST =============================================== TimeStart = time.time() iterator = list( product(enumerate(subs), enumerate(EpochsSetups), enumerate(bands))) for i, ((iSub, sub), (iEp, EpochsSetup), (iBand, band)) in enumerate(iterator): cf.display_progress(f"{sub}, {band['name']} power", i, len(iterator), TimeStart) # load subject data and raw file only once per subject if iBand == 0: # add paths to parameters SP = cf.sub_params(sub) # load epochs EpochsFile = os.path.join( SP['DerivativesPath'], f"{sub}_epochs-{EpochsSetup['name']}-epo.fif") epochs = mne.read_epochs(EpochsFile) EpochsBand = raw2TFR(epochs, band) # save fname = os.path.join( SP['DerivativesPath'], f"{sub}_band-{band['name']}_epochs-{EpochsSetup['name']}-epo.fif"), overwrite=True) cf.print_d(f"done! elapsed time {int((time.time() - TimeStart)/60.)} min") print(f"\n")
def ch_info(subs=cfg.subs): print( "\n======== Subject info =============================================\n" ) for sub in subs: SP = cf.sub_params(sub) # load raw to extract ch info raw =['RawFile']) ChInfo = {} ChInfo['ChNames'] = raw.ch_names PositionsDict = raw.get_montage().get_positions()['ch_pos'] ChInfo['coords'] = [ PositionsDict[ChName].tolist() for ChName in raw.ch_names ] #'ROIalbels' : cf.get_ROI_labels(raw.get_montage().get_positions()['ch_pos']) json.dump(ChInfo, open(SP['ChInfoFile'], 'w'))
def rejection_epochs(subs=cfg.subs, EpochsSetups=cfg.EpochsSetups): """ Identify bad channels early in the processing and discard them completely from epochs files. Rejection based on std of V and dVdt """ print( "\n======== rejection ==============================================\n" ) for iSub, sub in enumerate(subs): for iEp, EpochsSetup in enumerate(EpochsSetups): SP = cf.sub_params(sub) # load epochs EpochsFile = os.path.join( SP['DerivativesPath'], f"{sub}_epochs-{EpochsSetup['name']}-epo.fif") epochs = mne.read_epochs(EpochsFile) data = np.swapaxes(epochs.get_data(), 0, 1).reshape(len(epochs.ch_names), -1) # std of voltage and voltage increments s_v = np.std(data, axis=-1) s_dv = np.std(np.diff(data, axis=-1), axis=-1) # use robust scaler to get relative values x = np.squeeze(RobustScaler().fit_transform(s_v.reshape(-1, 1))) y = np.squeeze(RobustScaler().fit_transform(s_dv.reshape(-1, 1))) # identify good channels (those within the thresholds) kept = (x > cfg.V_low) * (x < cfg.V_high) * (y > cfg.dV_low) * ( y < cfg.dV_high) print(f"CH\tKEPT\tstd(V)\tstd(dVdt)") for iCh, k in enumerate(kept): print( f"{iCh}\t{k}\t{np.around(s_v[iCh],decimals=2)}\t{np.around(s_dv[iCh],decimals=2)}" )
def raw2TFR_wrap(subs=cfg.subs, bands=cfg.bands, skip=cfg.skip): """ Loop over subjects and bands and make and save mne raw objects with band power. """ print( f"\n======== mne.raw 2 mne.rawTFR ====================================\n" ) # ITERATE SUBJECT LIST AND BAND LIST =============================================== TimeStart = time.time() iterator = list(product(enumerate(subs), enumerate(bands))) for i, ((iSub, sub), (iBand, band)) in enumerate(iterator): cf.display_progress(f"{sub}, {band['name']} power", i, len(iterator), TimeStart) # load subject data and raw file only once per subject if iBand == 0: # add paths to parameters SP = cf.sub_params(sub) # load raw fname = os.path.join(SP['DerivativesPath'], f"{sub}_raw.fif") raw =, preload=True) # skip if file already exists fname = os.path.join(SP['DerivativesPath'], f"{sub}_band-{band['name']}_raw.fif") if os.path.isfile(fname) and skip: continue RawBand = raw2TFR(raw, band) # save, picks='all', overwrite=True) cf.print_d(f"done! elapsed time {int((time.time() - TimeStart)/60.)} min") print(f"\n")
def reg_statistics(model, predictors=[''], subs=cfg.subs, bands=cfg.bands, alpha=cfg.alpha, filter_tag='', plot=True, save=True): # load data df = cf.load_df(f"reg_{model['tag']}", bands=bands, subs=subs) L = len(df) # filter out regressions with negative score df = df.query(f'r2>0 and p<{alpha}') if predictors == 'all': predictors = [''] + model['predictors'] keys = ['p' + p for p in predictors] conditions = ['r2' + p for p in predictors] fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(keys), 3, figsize=(12, 3 * len(keys)), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 2, 0.5]}) if len(keys) == 1: ax = np.array([ax]) fig.suptitle(f"Regression stats summary", fontsize=15) colors = plt.get_cmap('viridis')(np.linspace(0, 1, len(bands))) for i, (k, c) in enumerate(zip(keys, conditions)): # scatter r2 vs p ------------------------------------------------------------- for i_band, band in enumerate(bands): ax[i, 0].scatter(df[df['band'] == band['name']][k], df[df['band'] == band['name']][c], c=[colors[i_band]], alpha=0.3) ax[i, 0].set_xlabel(k) ax[i, 0].set_ylabel(c) ax[i, 0].axvline(alpha, color='k', linewidth=0.5) ax[i, 0].axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=0.5) ax[i, 0].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax[i, 0].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax[i, 0].tick_params(axis='both', which='both', size=0, labelsize=9) # number of significant channels ---------------------------------------------- n = [] for sub in subs: # load subject params dp = cf.sub_params(sub) # significant channels for subjec-band pair n_sub = [] # iterate over bands ----------------------------------------------- for i_band, band in enumerate(bands): n_sub += [ np.sum( np.array(df[(df['sub'] == sub) & (df['band'] == band['name'])][k]) < alpha) ] # go to next band -------------------------------------------------- n += [n_sub] # go to next subject ====================================================== n = np.array(n).T # width and positions of bars width = 0.8 / len(bands) x = np.arange(len(subs)) colors = plt.get_cmap('viridis')(np.linspace(0, 1, len(bands))) for i_band, band in enumerate(bands): ax[i, 1].bar(x + i_band * width, n[i_band], width, color=colors[i_band]) ax[i, 2].bar(i_band * width, np.sum(n[i_band]), width, label=band['name'], color=colors[i_band]) ax[i, 1].set_ylabel("# significant channels") ax[i, 1].set_xticks(np.arange(len(subs)) + 0.4) ax[i, 1].set_xticklabels(subs, rotation=45) ax[i, 1].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax[i, 1].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax[i, 1].tick_params(axis='both', which='both', size=0, labelsize=9) ax[i, 2].set_xticks([0.4]) ax[i, 2].set_xlim([-0.2, 1]) ax[i, 2].set_xticklabels(['Total']) ax[i, 2].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax[i, 2].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax[i, 2].tick_params(axis='both', which='both', size=0, labelsize=9) if i > 0: L = len(df) ax[i, 2].set_title(f"{np.sum(n)}/{L} {int(100*np.sum(n)/L)}%") ax[0, 2].legend(frameon=False, loc=(1, 0.2), fontsize=9) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.5) # save figure fig_name = os.path.join( cf.check_path(['..', 'Figures' + cfg.out, f"reg_{model['tag']}"]), f"stats_reg_{model['tag']}.pdf") if save: fig.savefig(fig_name, format='pdf', dpi=100) if plot: else: plt.close()
def metadata_overview(features, query=None, subs=cfg.subs, key=None, plot_subs = True, plot = True, save = True): print("\n======== metadata overview ========================================\n") # colect metadata metadata_list = [] for sub in cfg.subs: SP = cf.sub_params(sub) sub_metadata = pd.read_csv(SP['metadata_file']) if query!=None: sub_metadata=sub_metadata.query(query) metadata_list += [sub_metadata] # make figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1+len(subs)*plot_subs,len(features),figsize=(2*len(features),2*(1+len(subs)*plot_subs))) # add extra dimension if missing if not plot_subs: ax = np.array([ax]) fig.suptitle(f"Metadata") metadata_list = [pd.concat(metadata_list)] + metadata_list*plot_subs labels = ['All subjects'] + subs*plot_subs iterator = product(enumerate(metadata_list),enumerate(features)) for (i_m, metadata),(i_f, feature) in iterator: # OPTION 1: plot all epochs together if key == None: # plot all subs together data = metadata[feature].values x = np.arange(data.min()-1.5,data.max()+2) h, _ = np.histogram(data,x,density=True) pl.trace_plot(ax[i_m,i_f], x[:-1]+0.5, h, ylabel = '' + labels[i_m]*(i_f==0), title = '' + feature*(i_m==len(metadata_list)-1)) ax[i_m,i_f].set_xticks(np.arange(data.min(),data.max()+2)) # OPTION 2: separate epochs by condition else: conditions=list(set(metadata[key])) conditions.sort() queries = [f"{key} =='{c}'" for c in conditions] colors = plt.get_cmap('viridis')(np.linspace(0, 1, len(conditions))) for i_q, query in enumerate(queries): data = metadata[feature].values x = np.arange(data.min()-1.5,data.max()+2) data_query = metadata.query(query)[feature].values h, _ = np.histogram(data_query,x,density=True) pl.trace_plot(ax[i_m,i_f], x[:-1]+0.5, h, ylabel = '' + labels[i_m]*(i_f==0), xlabel = '' + feature*(i_m==len(metadata_list)-1) ,color=colors[i_q],label = conditions[i_q]) ax[i_m,i_f].set_xticks(np.arange(data.min(),data.max()+2)) ax[0,-1].legend(frameon=False,loc=(0.5,0.5)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8,bottom=0.2,wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3) if save: FiguresPath =cf.check_path(['..','Figures' , 'overview'+ cfg.out]) fig_name = os.path.join(FiguresPath,f"metadata.pdf") fig.savefig(fig_name, format='pdf') if plot: else: plt.close()
def spike_detection(sub, ch_name, tw): dp = cf.sub_params(sub) # load epochs filename = os.path.join(dp['derivatives_path'], f'{sub}_raw.fif') raw =, preload=True).crop(tmin=tw[0], tmax=tw[1]) amp = np.array([raw.get_data(picks=ch_name)]) t = np.linspace(tw[0], tw[1], amp.shape[-1]) # compute wavelets f = np.arange(5, 150, 2) power = np.squeeze( mne.time_frequency.tfr_array_morlet(amp, sp.srate, f, n_cycles=f / 2., output='power')[0]) power = power / power.std(axis=-1)[:, np.newaxis] #*f[:,np.newaxis] amp = np.squeeze(amp) timewindowsize = 0.1 # s d = int(timewindowsize * sp.srate) C = [] for i in range(len(t) - d): cf.print_d(f"{i/(len(t) - d)}") corr = np.corrcoef(power[:, i:i + d]) corr = corr[np.triu_indices_from(corr, k=1)] C += [corr] C = np.array(C).T fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(6, 6)) fig.suptitle(f'{sub} {ch_name}') coords = dp['coords'][dp['ch_names'].index(ch_name)] pl.channel_position_plot(ax[0], [coords], 0) pl.trace_plot(ax[1], t, amp, xlims=[tw[0] + 0.5, tw[1] - 0.5], ylabel='V (uV)') pl.imshow_plot(ax[2], power, title='', ylabel='f (Hz)', xlims=[tw[0] + 0.5, tw[1] - 0.5], ylims=f, colorbar='power (std)') pl.trace_plot(ax[3], t[:-d], C, xlims=[tw[0] + 0.5, tw[1] - 0.5], ylabel='correlation', xlabel='t (s)', plot_std=True, plot_p595=True, mode='avg') fig_name = os.path.join(cf.check_path(['..', 'Figures', 'spikes']), f'{sub}_{ch_name}_{int(tw[0])}.pdf') fig.savefig(fig_name, format='pdf') plt.close()
def num_significant_channels(key, test, tag, split=None, alpha=sp.alpha, subs=sp.subject_list, bands=sp.bands): """ Make a bar plot with number of significant channels per subject per band for some test or regression Parameters ---------- key : str name of the column to extract test : str name of the test/regression that works as a label for files queries : dict generated with cf.compose_queries, contains mne queries, file tag, queries list split : int or str if int divide the time window into 'split' chunks and run one test in each if string separate epochs by values of metadata column 'split', f.ex. split = 'w_position' run the test for each word position alpha : float level of significance (leave out p>alpha) subs : list of str list of subjects to include f.e. [sub-01, sub-02] bands : list of dict list of bands to include """ print(f"\n{test} {tag} summary figure") df = cf.load_df(test + '_' + tag) if split == None: labels = [''] # no split elif isinstance(split, int): labels = list(np.unique(df['tw'].to_numpy())) # split by time windows elif isinstance(split, str): labels = list(np.unique(df[split].to_numpy())) # split by conditions num_plots = len(labels) fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_plots, 1, figsize=(len(subs), 3 * num_plots), sharex=True) fig.suptitle(fr"{test} {tag}, {key} $\leq {alpha}$") if split == None: ax = np.array([ax]) # loop over plots for i_plot, label in enumerate(labels): # number of significant channels n = [] for sub in subs: # load subject params dp = cf.sub_params(sub) # significant channels for subjec-band pair n_sub = [] # iterate over bands ----------------------------------------------- for i_band, band in enumerate(bands): if split == None: n_sub += [ np.sum( np.array(df[(df['sub'] == sub) & ( df['band'] == band['name'])][key]) < alpha) ] title = '' elif isinstance(split, int): n_sub += [ np.sum( np.array(df[ (df['sub'] == sub) & (df['band'] == band['name']) & ([x == label for x in df['tw'].to_numpy()])] [key]) < alpha) ] title = str(label) + ' s' elif isinstance(split, str): n_sub += [ np.sum( np.array(df[(df['sub'] == sub) & (df['band'] == band['name']) & (df[split] == label)][key]) < alpha) ] title = f"{split} = {label}" # go to next band -------------------------------------------------- n += [n_sub] # go to next subject ====================================================== n = np.array(n).T # width and positions of bars width = 0.8 / len(bands) x = np.arange(len(subs)) colors = plt.get_cmap('viridis')(np.linspace(0, 1, len(bands))) for i_band, band in enumerate(bands): ax[i_plot].bar(x + i_band * width, n[i_band], width, label=band['name'], color=colors[i_band]) ax[i_plot].set_ylabel("# significant channels") ax[i_plot].set_title(title) ax[i_plot].set_xticks(np.arange(len(subs)) + 0.4) ax[i_plot].set_xticklabels(subs) ax[i_plot].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax[i_plot].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax[i_plot].tick_params(axis='both', which='both', size=0, labelsize=9) ax[i_plot].legend(frameon=False, loc=(1, 0.2), fontsize=9) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) # save figure fig_name = os.path.join(cf.check_path(['..', 'Figures', test + sp.out]), f"summary_{test}_{tag}_{key}.pdf") fig.savefig(fig_name, format='pdf', dpi=100) if sp.plot: plt.close()
def source2raw(subs=cfg.subs): from import BlackrockIO TimeStart = time.time() # ITERATE SUBJECT LIST ============================================================================= for iSub, sub in enumerate(subs): print( f"\n--- {sub} ----------------------------------------------------\n" ) # add paths to parameters SP = cf.sub_params(sub) cf.display_progress(f"Loading source data, {sub}", iSub, len(subs), TimeStart) ieeg = [] ttl = [] # 2 files per session for i, source_file in enumerate(SP['source_files']): reader = BlackrockIO(filename=source_file) blks = ttl_ = np.squeeze(1. * (np.diff(1. * (np.array( blks[0].segments[-1].analogsignals[0]).T[0, :] > 4000.)) > 0)).astype(np.int8) ieeg_ = np.array(blks[0].segments[-1].analogsignals[1], dtype=np.int16).T # start five seconds before first fixation t0 = np.argmax(ttl_ > 0.5) - int(5 * cfg.source_srate) ttl += [ttl_[t0:]] ieeg += [ieeg_[:, t0:]] # loop over sessions ieeg_full = [] ttl_full = [] for i in range(0, len(ttl), 2): m = min(len(ttl[i]), len(ttl[i + 1])) ieeg_session = np.vstack((ieeg[i][:, :m], ieeg[i + 1][:, :m])) ieeg_full += [ieeg_session] ttl_full += [ttl[i][:m]] # concatenate sessions ieeg = np.concatenate(ieeg_full, axis=-1) ttl = np.concatenate(ttl_full) print( f"\n{ieeg.shape[0]} channels, {int(len(ttl)/cfg.source_srate)} seconds, {np.sum(ttl)} events, {round(ieeg.nbytes/1e9,2)} GB of data loaded" ) cf.print_d("saving...") # save one ieeg, one ttl file per subject fname = os.path.join(SP['RawPath'], f"{sub}_ttl.csv") ttl.tofile(fname, sep=',') if len(SP['ChNames']) != ieeg.shape[0]: dp = fix_channels(dp, len(ieeg)) cf.display_progress(f"Making MNE Raw, {sub} ", iSub, len(subs), TimeStart) # Create MNE info info = mne.create_info(SP['ChNames'], sfreq=cfg.source_srate, ch_types='eeg') # Finally, create the Raw object raw =, info) montage = mne.channels.make_dig_montage( dict(zip(SP['ChNames'], SP['coords']))) raw.set_montage(montage) #print(raw.get_montage().get_positions()['ch_pos']['001-AH1']) # downsample for memory if cfg.srate >=['sfreq']: print( f"Error: Original sampling freq smaller than or equal to target sampling freq ({['sfreq']} Hz <={cfg.srate} Hz)" ) else: # resample raw cf.display_progress( f"Resampling from {cfg.source_srate} to {cfg.srate}, {sub}", iSub, len(subs), TimeStart) raw.resample(cfg.srate) cf.display_progress( f"Applying notch filtering at {cfg.landline_noise} Hz, and 4 harmonics, {sub}", iSub, len(subs), TimeStart) raw.notch_filter(cfg.landline_noise * np.arange(1, 5), filter_length='auto', phase='zero', picks='all') cf.print_d(f"Saving mne raw files for {sub}") fname = os.path.join(SP['RawPath'], f"{sub}_raw.fif"), picks='all', overwrite=True) print(' ')
def channel_overview(sub, ChName, bands, EpochsSetups, EpochsList=None, key=None, plot = True, save = False, temp=False): """ Same as subject overview but for one single channel Parameters ---------- key : str metadata key to plot separate traces by metadata value """ # load subject params SP = cf.sub_params(sub) #if ChName not in SP['ChNames']: sys.exit(f"{sub} {ChName} not found (o_0) ") # make figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,len(EpochsSetups),figsize=(5*len(EpochsSetups),4.5)) # add extra dimension if missing if len(EpochsSetups) == 1: ax = np.array([ax]).T title = f"{sub} {ChName}" if 'sample' in EpochsSetups[0].keys(): title += f"\nsample: {EpochsSetups[0]['sample']}" fig.suptitle(title) # plot channel cosition pl.channel_position_plot(ax[0,0],cf.get_coords(SP,picks=[ChName])) pl.clear_axes(ax[0,:]) # LOOP OVER BANDS AND EPOCH SETUPS ----------------------------------------- iterator = product(enumerate(bands),enumerate(EpochsSetups)) for i, ((iBand, band),(iEp, EpochsSetup)) in enumerate(iterator): if EpochsList == None: epochs = cf.load_epochs(sub,band,EpochsSetup) else: epochs = EpochsList[iEp].copy() epochs = epochs.pick_channels([ChName]) xticks = [x*SP['soa'] for x in EpochsSetup['xticks']] # avg PLOT ----------------------------------------------------------- if band['method'] in [None,'filter']: ylabel = f"{band['name']} band\n"*(iEp==0) + f"\nV (z-scored)" elif band['method'] in ['complex']: ylabel = f"{band['name']} band\n"*(iEp==0) + f"\nITC" else: ylabel = f"{band['name']} power\n"*(iEp==0) + f"\ndB (z-scored)" # OPTION 1: plot all epochs together ---------------------------------- if key == None: x = np.squeeze(epochs.get_data(picks=ChName)) # plot avg trace pl.trace_plot(ax[2,iEp], epochs.times, x, ylabel = ylabel, vlines = [SP['soa']*x for x in EpochsSetup['xticks']], plot_sem = True) # OPTION 2: separate epochs by condition ------------------------------- else: conditions=list(set(epochs.metadata[key])) conditions.sort() if isinstance(conditions[0],str): queries = [f"{key} =='{c}'" for c in conditions] elif len(conditions)>10: conditions = np.linspace(min(conditions),max(conditions),5) queries = [f"{key} >={conditions[i]} and {key} <{conditions[i+1]}" for i in range(len(conditions)-1)] else: queries = [f"{key} =={c}" for c in conditions] colors = plt.get_cmap('viridis')(np.linspace(0, 1, len(conditions))) for i_q, query in enumerate(queries): x = np.squeeze(epochs.copy()[query].get_data(picks=ChName)) # plot avg trace per condition pl.trace_plot(ax[2,iEp], epochs.times, x, ylabel = '' + band['name']*(iEp==0), vlines = xticks, plot_sem = True, color=colors[i_q],label = conditions[i_q]) # make legend if iEp==len(EpochsSetups)-1 and key!=None: ax[-1,-1].legend(frameon=False,title=key,loc=(1,0.2),fontsize = 7) # # TrialWise PLOT ----------------------------------------------------------- if band['method'] in [None,'filter']: ylabel, cb = f"{band['name']} band", f"V (z-scored)" elif band['method'] in ['complex']: ylabel, cb =f"{band['name']} band", r"$\theta$" else: ylabel, cb = f"{band['name']} power", f"dB (z-scored)" try: order = EpochsSetup['order'] except: order = key if order!=None: values = epochs.metadata[order].values idx =np.argsort(values) yticks = [j for j, x in enumerate(np.diff(values[idx])!=0) if x] yticklabels = [str(values[idx][y]) for y in yticks] ylabel=(iEp==0)*ylabel + f"\n\n{order}" else: idx = [] yticks = [] yticklabels = [] ylabel=(iEp==0)*ylabel + f"\n\nepoch" m = np.squeeze(epochs.copy().get_data(picks=ChName)) if isinstance(m[0,0],complex): m = np.angle(m) vmin, vmax = -np.pi, np.pi else: m = (m-m.mean())/m.std() vmin = np.percentile(m,15) vmax = np.percentile(m,85) pl.imshow_plot(ax[1,iEp], m,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax, ylabel = ylabel, xlims = epochs.times, title = EpochsSetup['name'], yticks = yticks, yticklabels = yticklabels, vlines = xticks, colorbar = cb,cmap='jet',order=idx) ax[-1,0].set_xlabel('t (s)') fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3) if save: FiguresPath = cf.check_path(['..','Figures' , 'overview' + cfg.out ]) fig_name = os.path.join(FiguresPath,f"{sub}_{ChName}{'_temp'*temp}.pdf") fig.savefig(fig_name, format='pdf') if plot: else: plt.close()
def reg_single_channel(sub, ch_name, band, model, alpha=cfg.alpha, plot=True, save=True, temp=True, n=4): # load subject params dp = cf.sub_params(sub) # load epochs all_epochs = cf.load_epochs(sub, band, model['ep_setup'], picks=[ch_name]).decimate(5) epochs = all_epochs[model['query']] # regression scores, ps = stepwise_regression(epochs, model['predictors'], model['predictors_stepwise']) predictors = model['predictors_stepwise'] # FIGURE -------------------------------------------------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(predictors) + 1, 3, figsize=(15, 3 * (len(predictors) + 1))) fig.suptitle(f"{sub} {ch_name} {band['name']}\n{model['query']}", fontsize=15) # ch_position pl.channel_position_plot(ax[0, 2], cf.get_coords(epochs, picks=[ch_name])) # channel summary pl.channel_summary_plot(ax[0, 1], sub, ch_name, model['tag'], model['predictors']) t_sig = pl.score_plot( ax[0, 0], scores, ps, epochs.times, model['predictors_stepwise'], vlines=[dp['soa'] * x for x in model['ep_setup']['xticks']], xlims=[model['ep_setup']['tmin'], model['ep_setup']['tmax']]) ax[1, 0].set_title(model['query']) if np.sum(np.array([len(t_sig[pr]) == 2 for pr in predictors])) == 0: plt.close() return for i_p, predictor in enumerate(predictors): predictor_values = epochs.metadata[predictor].values N = min(n, len(set(predictor_values))) predictor_thresholds = np.linspace(np.nanmin(predictor_values), np.nanmax(predictor_values), N + 1) #predictor_thresholds = np.percentile(predictor_values, np.linspace(0,100,N+1)) colors = plt.get_cmap('autumn')(np.linspace(0., 1., N)) for i in range(N): y = np.squeeze(epochs[ f'{predictor}>={predictor_thresholds[i]} and {predictor}<={predictor_thresholds[i+1]}'] .get_data(picks=ch_name)) label = f"({round(predictor_thresholds[i])},{round(predictor_thresholds[i+1])})" pl.trace_plot( ax[i_p + 1, 0], epochs.times, y, ylabel='zscored power', title=predictor, xlims=[model['ep_setup']['tmin'], model['ep_setup']['tmax']], vlines=[dp['soa'] * x for x in model['ep_setup']['xticks']], color=colors[i], label=label, legend=True, plot_sem=True, xlabel='t (s)') if len(t_sig[predictor]) == 2: ax[i_p + 1, 0].axvspan(t_sig[predictor][0] - cfg.smooth * 0.5, t_sig[predictor][1] + cfg.smooth * 0.5, color='gray', alpha=0.3, lw=0) pl.response_plot(ax[i_p + 1, 1], ch_name, all_epochs.copy(), predictor, tmin=t_sig[predictor][0] - cfg.smooth * 0.5, tmax=t_sig[predictor][1] + cfg.smooth * 0.5) else: pl.clear_axes(np.array([ax[i_p + 1, 1]])) values = all_epochs.metadata[predictor].values order = np.argsort(values) yticks = [j for j, x in enumerate(np.diff(values[order]) != 0) if x] yticklabels = [str(values[order][idx]) for idx in yticks] m = np.squeeze(all_epochs.copy().get_data(picks=ch_name)) m = (m - m.mean()) / m.std() vmin = np.percentile(m, 15) vmax = np.percentile(m, 85) pl.imshow_plot(ax[i_p + 1, 2], m, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ylabel=predictor, xlims=all_epochs.times, yticks=yticks, yticklabels=yticklabels, colorbar='z-score', cmap='RdBu_r', order=order) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) if save: fig_name = os.path.join( cf.check_path(['..', 'Figures' + cfg.out, f"reg_{model['tag']}"]), f"{sub}_{ch_name}_{band['name']}_temp.pdf") fig.savefig(fig_name, format='pdf', dpi=100) if plot: else: plt.close()
def reg_single_channel2(sub, ch_name, band_name, model, extra_band, predictor2, predictors='all', alpha=cfg.alpha, plot=True, save=False, temp=False, n=4, twsize=cfg.tws): # load subject params dp = cf.sub_params(sub) if predictors == 'all': predictors = model['predictors'] ep_setup = model['ep_setup'] # raw file mneraw_file = os.path.join(dp['derivatives_path'], f"{sub}_band-{band_name}_raw.fif") raw =, preload=True) all_epochs = cf.load_epochs(dp, raw.copy().pick_channels([ch_name]), model['ep_setup']) epochs = all_epochs[model['query']] # get predictor values X = np.array(epochs.metadata[model['predictors']]) X[np.isinf(X)] = -15.5 # get responses averaged over time windows tmin, tmax = model['ep_setup']['tmin'], model['ep_setup']['tmax'] - twsize tws = [[t, t + cfg.tws] for t in np.arange(tmin, tmax, (tmax - tmin) / 100.)] y = [] t = [] for t1, t2 in tws: # epoch average e = epochs.copy() y += [np.squeeze(e.crop(t1, t2).get_data(picks=ch_name).mean(axis=-1))] t += [0.5 * (t1 + t2)] y = np.swapaxes(np.array([y]).T, -1, -2) # compute regressions R = regression(X, y, t) # FIGURE -------------------------------------------------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(predictors) + 2, 3, figsize=(15, 3 * (len(predictors) + 2))) fig.suptitle( f"{sub} {ch_name} {band_name}\n{model['predictors']}\n{model['query']}", fontsize=15) # ch_position #pl.clear_axes(ax[0,:]) pl.channel_position_plot(ax[0, 0], [dp['coords'][dp['ch_names'].index(ch_name)]], 0) # channel summary pl.channel_summary_plot(ax[0, 1], sub, ch_name, model['tag'], model['predictors']) # raster plot y = cf.load_epochs(dp, raw.copy().pick_channels([ch_name]), model['ep_setup']).get_data(picks=ch_name) #y = (y - np.median(y))/np.subtract(*np.percentile(y, [75, 25])) y = (y - np.median(y)) / y.std() pl.imshow_plot( ax[1, 1], y[:, 0, :], title='All trials', xlims=[model['ep_setup']['tmin'], model['ep_setup']['tmax']], vlines=[dp['soa'] * x for x in ep_setup['xticks']], ylabel='epoch', colorbar='zscore', vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap='RdBu_r') # score plot t_sig = pl.score_plot( ax[1, 0], R, model['predictors'], vlines=[dp['soa'] * x for x in ep_setup['xticks']], xlims=[model['ep_setup']['tmin'], model['ep_setup']['tmax']]) ax[1, 0].set_title(model['query']) if np.sum(np.array([len(t_sig[pr]) == 2 for pr in predictors])) == 0: plt.close() return for i_p, predictor in enumerate(predictors): predictor_values = epochs.metadata[predictor].values predictor_values[np.isinf(predictor_values)] = -15.5 N = min(n, len(set(predictor_values))) predictor_thresholds = np.linspace(np.nanmin(predictor_values), np.nanmax(predictor_values), N + 1) colors = plt.get_cmap('autumn')(np.linspace(0., 1., N)) for i in range(N): y = np.squeeze(epochs[ f'{predictor}>={predictor_thresholds[i]} and {predictor}<={predictor_thresholds[i+1]}'] .get_data(picks=ch_name)) label = f"({round(predictor_thresholds[i])},{round(predictor_thresholds[i+1])})" pl.trace_plot( ax[i_p + 2, 0], epochs.times, y, ylabel='zscored power', title=predictor, xlims=[model['ep_setup']['tmin'], model['ep_setup']['tmax']], vlines=[dp['soa'] * x for x in ep_setup['xticks']], color=colors[i], label=label, legend=True, plot_sem=True, xlabel='t (s)') if len(t_sig[predictor]) == 2: ax[i_p + 2, 0].axvspan(t_sig[predictor][0], t_sig[predictor][1], color='gray', alpha=0.3, lw=0) pl.response_plot(ax[i_p + 2, 1], ch_name, all_epochs.copy(), predictor, tmin=t_sig[predictor][0], tmax=t_sig[predictor][1]) else: pl.clear_axes(np.array([ax[i_p + 2, 1]])) # Third column order = np.argsort( np.squeeze(epochs.copy().crop( t_sig[predictor2][0], t_sig[predictor2][1]).get_data(picks=ch_name).mean(axis=-1))) # raster plot y = epochs.get_data(picks=ch_name) y = (y - np.median(y)) / y.std() pl.imshow_plot( ax[1, 2], y[order, 0, :], title=f"{band_name} {predictor2} ordered", xlims=[model['ep_setup']['tmin'], model['ep_setup']['tmax']], vlines=[dp['soa'] * x for x in ep_setup['xticks']], ylabel='epoch', colorbar='zscore', vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap='RdBu_r') for i in range(len(extra_band)): # raw file mneraw_file = os.path.join(dp['derivatives_path'], f"{sub}_band-{extra_band[i]}_raw.fif") raw =, preload=True) all_epochs = cf.load_epochs(dp, raw.copy().pick_channels([ch_name]), model['ep_setup']) epochs = all_epochs[model['query']] # raster plot y = epochs.get_data(picks=ch_name) y = (y - np.median(y)) / y.std() pl.imshow_plot( ax[2 + i, 2], y[order, 0, :], title=f"{extra_band[i]}", xlims=[model['ep_setup']['tmin'], model['ep_setup']['tmax']], vlines=[dp['soa'] * x for x in ep_setup['xticks']], ylabel='epoch', colorbar='zscore', vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap='RdBu_r') pl.clear_axes(np.array(ax[0, 2])) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) if save: #i_band = [band['name'] for band in cfg.bands].index(band_name) fig_name = os.path.join( cf.check_path(['..', 'Figures' + cfg.out, f"reg_{model['tag']}"]), f"{sub}_{ch_name}_{band_name}_temp.pdf") fig.savefig(fig_name, format='pdf', dpi=100) if plot: else: plt.close()
def ttest(EpochsSetups, EOIlabel, split=None, subs=cfg.subs, bands=cfg.bands, picks='good', alpha=cfg.alpha, paired=False, PopMean=0, alternative='greater', Bonferroni=False, fdr=True, figure=True): """ Run ttest on epochs looping over subjects and bands Use split to run tests on different subsets of the data Parameters ---------- EpochsSetups : list of dict split : str or None separate epochs by values of metadata column 'split', f.ex. split = 'w_position' run the test independently for each word position subs : list of str subject list bands : list of dict Outputs ------- """ print( f"\n======== t-test ==================================================\n {EOIlabel}\n" ) from scipy.stats import ttest_ind, ttest_1samp # ITERATE SUBJECT LIST AND BAND LIST ======================================= TimeStart = time.time() iterator = list(product(enumerate(bands), enumerate(subs))) for i, ((iBand, band), (iSub, sub)) in enumerate(iterator): cf.display_progress(f"{sub} {band['name']}", i, len(iterator), TimeStart) # load subject params SP = cf.sub_params(sub) if 'EOI' in picks and SP['ChInfo'][f"{picks}-{band['name']}"] == []: continue # colect data samples, values = get_samples(sub, band, EpochsSetups, split=split, picks=picks, paired=paired, avg=True) # perform tests pValues = [] # ---- 2 sample test -------- if len(samples[0]) == 2: for s1, s2 in samples: # s1 = [n_observations (i.e. n_epochs), n_channels] pValues += [ ttest_ind(s1 - PopMean, s2, equal_var=False, alternative=alternative)[1] ] # ---- 1 sample test -------- if len(samples[0]) == 1: for s1 in samples: pValues += [ ttest_1samp(s1[0], PopMean, axis=0, alternative=alternative)[1] ] pValues = np.array(pValues) # Bonferroni correction if split != None and Bonferroni: pValues *= len(samples) # fdr correction if fdr: pValues = mne.stats.fdr_correction( pValues[:], cfg.alpha)[1].reshape(pValues.shape) RejectedNull = np.sum(pValues < alpha, axis=0) # boolean with True for significant chs SignificantMask = (RejectedNull > 0) # List of significant ch names SignificantList = [ ch for j, ch in enumerate(cf.get_picks(SP, picks=picks, band=band)) if SignificantMask[j] ] # save to ChInfoFile SP['ChInfo'][f"{EOIlabel}-{band['name']}"] = SignificantList json.dump(SP['ChInfo'], open(SP['ChInfoFile'], 'w')) print( f"\r{sub} {band['name']} {len(SignificantList)}/{len(SignificantMask)} significant channels" ) if figure: ttest_figure_signle_sub(SP, band, EpochsSetups, split, samples, values, SignificantMask, SignificantList, PopMean, pValues, picks, alpha) # concatenate for each band if figure and iSub == len(subs) - 1: #ttest_figure_all_subs() # concatenate figures FiguresPath = cf.check_path(['..', 'Figures', 'ttest' + cfg.out]) FigureName = f"ttest-{EOIlabel}_band-{band['name']}.pdf" cf.concatenate_pdfs(FiguresPath, f'sub*temp', FigureName, remove=True)