def process_slice(kspace, args): nkx, nky, nphases, ncoils = kspace.shape if 0 < args.crop_size < nkx: # crop along readout dimension images = fftc.ifftc(kspace, axis=0) images = center_crop(images, [args.crop_size, nky, nphases, ncoils]) kspace = fftc.fftc(images, axis=0).astype(np.complex64) nkx = args.crop_size # simulate reduced FOV #kspace = reduce_fov(kspace, ...) # compute time-average for ESPIRiT calibration kspace_avg = time_average(kspace, axis=-2) # ESPIRiT - compute sensitivity maps cmd = f'ecalib -d 0 -S -m {args.nmaps} -c {args.crop_value} -r {args.calib_size}' maps = bart.bart(1, cmd, kspace_avg[:, :, None, :]) maps = np.reshape(maps, (nkx, nky, 1, ncoils, args.nmaps)) # Convert everything to tensors kspace_tensor = cplx.to_tensor(kspace).unsqueeze(0) maps_tensor = cplx.to_tensor(maps).unsqueeze(0) # Do coil combination using sensitivity maps (PyTorch) A = T.SenseModel(maps_tensor) im_tensor = A(kspace_tensor, adjoint=True) # Convert tensor back to numpy array target = cplx.to_numpy(im_tensor.squeeze(0)) return kspace, maps, target
def process_slice(kspace, args, calib_method='jsense'): # get data dimensions nky, nkz, nechoes, ncoils = kspace.shape # ESPIRiT parameters nmaps = args.num_emaps calib_size = args.ncalib crop_value = args.crop_value if args.device is -1: device = sp.cpu_device else: device = sp.Device(args.device) # compute sensitivity maps (BART) #cmd = f'ecalib -d 0 -S -m {nmaps} -c {crop_value} -r {calib_size}' #maps = bart.bart(1, cmd, kspace[:,:,0,None,:]) #maps = np.reshape(maps, (nky, nkz, 1, ncoils, nmaps)) # compute sensitivity maps (SigPy) ksp = np.transpose(kspace[:, :, 0, :], [2, 1, 0]) if calib_method is 'espirit': maps = app.EspiritCalib(ksp, calib_width=calib_size, crop=crop_value, device=device, show_pbar=False).run() elif calib_method is 'jsense': maps = app.JsenseRecon(ksp, mps_ker_width=6, ksp_calib_width=calib_size, device=device, show_pbar=False).run() else: raise ValueError('%s calibration method not implemented...' % calib_method) maps = np.reshape(np.transpose(maps, [2, 1, 0]), (nky, nkz, 1, ncoils, nmaps)) # Convert everything to tensors kspace_tensor = cplx.to_tensor(kspace).unsqueeze(0) maps_tensor = cplx.to_tensor(maps).unsqueeze(0) # Do coil combination using sensitivity maps (PyTorch) A = T.SenseModel(maps_tensor) im_tensor = A(kspace_tensor, adjoint=True) # Convert tensor back to numpy array image = cplx.to_numpy(im_tensor.squeeze(0)) return image, maps
def main(args): start = time.time() if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # Figure out multi-GPU stuff if args.device > -1:'Using GPU device(s) {args.device}...') os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(args.device) device = f'cuda:{args.device}' else:'Using CPU...') os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '' device = 'cpu''Loading DL Cine model...') model, model_args = load_model_and_args(args.checkpoint, args.device) # get filenames file_kspace = os.path.join(, args.kspace) file_maps = os.path.join(, args.maps) file_output = os.path.join(, args.output)'Reading input data...') kspace =, order='F') maps =, order='F') # get data dimensions nx, ny, nslices, ncoils, _, nechoes, _, nphases = kspace.shape nmaps = maps.shape[4] # data summary'Detected data dimensions...')' X (readout): %d' % nx)' Y (PE): %d' % ny)' Z (slices): %d' % nslices)' T (phases): %d' % nphases)' E (echoes): %d' % nechoes)' C (coils): %d' % ncoils)' M (ESPIRiT): %d' % nmaps) # re-shape kspace = np.reshape(kspace, [nx, ny, nslices, ncoils, nechoes, nphases]) kspace = np.transpose(kspace, [2, 4, 0, 1, 5, 3]) # [sl, ec, x, y, t, coils] maps = np.reshape(maps, [nx, ny, nslices, ncoils, nmaps, 1, 1]) maps = np.transpose(maps, [2, 5, 0, 1, 6, 3, 4]) # [sl, 1, x, y, 1, coils, maps] # for now, just repeat maps across the echo dimension maps = np.tile(maps, [1, nechoes, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) # flatten slice/echo dimension into a batch dimension kspace = np.reshape(kspace, [nslices * nechoes, nx, ny, nphases, ncoils]) maps = np.reshape(maps, [nslices * nechoes, nx, ny, 1, ncoils, nmaps])'Pre-processing data...') kspace, maps, init = preprocess(kspace, maps, model_args) # Put all arrays on GPU. kspace = maps = init = # Allocate memory for output array. images = torch.zeros((nslices * nechoes, nx, ny, nphases, nmaps, 2), dtype=torch.float32) # Keep track of recon time recon_time = 0.0'Begin reconstruction.') with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(nslices * nechoes):' slice %d/%d' % (i + 1, nslices * nechoes)) # Reconstruct on GPU. slice_start = time.time() images[i] = model(kspace[i], maps[i], init[i]) slice_end = time.time() # Move image data to CPU. images[i] = images[i].squeeze(0).to('cpu') # Add to recon timer. recon_time += (slice_end - slice_start) images = cplx.to_numpy(images) images = np.reshape(images, [nslices, nechoes, nx, ny, nphases, nmaps]) images = np.transpose(images, [2, 3, 0, 5, 1, 4]) cfl.write(file_output, images[:, :, :, None, :, :, :], order='F') # Print summary.'Reconstruction time: %0.2f' % (recon_time))"Total elapsed time: %0.2f" % (time.time() - start))
os.environ["TOOLBOX_PATH"] = toolbox_path sys.path.append(os.path.join(toolbox_path, 'python')) import bart, cfl # blocking params block_size = 16 block_stride = 16 # test dataset filename = '/data/sandino/Cine/validate/Exam2200_Series5_Phases20.h5' slice = 0 # pick slice with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as data: orig_images = data['target'][slice] # Convert numpy array to tensor images = cplx.to_tensor(orig_images).unsqueeze(0) _, nx, ny, nt, nmaps, _ = images.shape # Initialize blocking operator block_op = T.ArrayToBlocks(block_size, images.shape, overlapping=True) blocks = block_op(images) images = block_op(blocks, adjoint=True) images = images.squeeze(0) # Write out images images = cplx.to_numpy(images) cfl.writecfl('block_input', orig_images) cfl.writecfl('block_output', images) cfl.writecfl('block_error', orig_images - images)
torch_start_time = time.time() U_torch, S_torch, V_torch = cplx.svd2(X_torch, compute_uv=True) torch_end_time = time.time() print('PyTorch (CPU) time: %f' % (torch_end_time - torch_start_time)) X_torch = X_torch.cuda() gpu_start_time = time.time() U_gtorch, S_gtorch, V_gtorch = cplx.svd2(X_torch, compute_uv=True) gpu_end_time = time.time() print('PyTorch (GPU) time: %f' % (gpu_end_time - gpu_start_time)) #print('CPU time: %f' % (cpu_end_time - cpu_start_time)) #print('GPU time: %f' % (gpu_end_time - gpu_start_time)) # convert to numpy arrays U_torch = cplx.to_numpy(U_torch) S_torch = S_torch.numpy() # real-valued V_torch = cplx.to_numpy(V_torch) if 1: print('numpy') print(U.shape) print(S.shape) print(Vh.shape) print('\npytorch') print(U_torch.shape) print(S_torch.shape) print(V_torch.shape) # re-compose for i in range(batch_size):
def main(): # ARGS input_data_path = '/mnt/dense/data_public/fastMRI/multicoil_val' output_data_path = '/mnt/raid3/sandino/fastMRI/validate_full' center_fraction = 0.04 # number of k-space lines used to do ESPIRiT calib num_emaps = 1 dbwrite = False input_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(input_data_path, '*.h5')) for file in input_files: # Load HDF5 file hf = h5py.File(file, 'r') # existing keys: ['ismrmrd_header', 'kspace', 'reconstruction_rss'] # load k-space and image data from HDF5 file kspace_orig = hf['kspace'][()] im_rss = hf['reconstruction_rss'][()] # (33, 320, 320) # get data dimensions num_slices, num_coils, num_kx, num_ky = kspace_orig.shape xres, yres = im_rss.shape[1:3] # matrix size num_low_freqs = int(round(center_fraction * yres)) # allocate memory for new arrays im_shape = (xres, yres) kspace = np.zeros((num_slices, xres, yres, num_coils), dtype=np.complex64) maps = np.zeros((num_slices, xres, yres, num_coils, num_emaps), dtype=np.complex64) im_truth = np.zeros((num_slices, xres, yres, num_emaps), dtype=np.complex64) for sl in range(num_slices): kspace_slice = np.transpose(kspace_orig[sl], axes=[1, 2, 0]) kspace_slice = kspace_slice[:, :, None, :] # Data dimensions for BART: # kspace - (kx, ky, 1, coils) # maps - (kx, ky, 1, coils, emaps) # Data dimensions for PyTorch: # kspace - (1, kx, ky, coils, real/imag) # maps - (1, kx, ky, coils, emaps, real/imag) # Pre-process k-space data (PyTorch) kspace_tensor = cplx.to_tensor( np.transpose(kspace_slice, axes=[2, 0, 1, 3])) # (1, 640, 372, 15, 2) image_tensor = T.ifft2(kspace_tensor) print(image_tensor.size()) image_tensor = cplx.center_crop(image_tensor, im_shape) kspace_tensor = T.fft2(image_tensor) kspace_slice = np.transpose(cplx.to_numpy(kspace_tensor), axes=[1, 2, 0, 3]) # Compute sensitivity maps (BART) maps_slice = bart.bart( 1, f'ecalib -d 0 -m {num_emaps} -c 0.1 -r {num_low_freqs}', kspace_slice) maps_slice = np.reshape(maps_slice, (xres, yres, 1, num_coils, num_emaps)) maps_tensor = cplx.to_tensor( np.transpose(maps_slice, axes=[2, 0, 1, 3, 4])) # Do coil combination using sensitivity maps (PyTorch) A = T.SenseModel(maps_tensor) im_tensor = A(kspace_tensor, adjoint=True) # Convert image tensor to numpy array im_slice = cplx.to_numpy(im_tensor) # Re-shape and save everything kspace[sl] = np.reshape(kspace_slice, (xres, yres, num_coils)) maps[sl] = np.reshape(maps_slice, (xres, yres, num_coils, num_emaps)) im_truth[sl] = np.reshape(im_slice, (xres, yres, num_emaps)) # write out new hdf5 file_new = os.path.join(output_data_path, os.path.split(file)[-1]) with h5py.File(file_new, 'w') as hf_new: # create datasets within HDF5 hf_new.create_dataset('kspace', data=kspace) hf_new.create_dataset('maps', data=maps) hf_new.create_dataset('reconstruction_espirit', data=im_truth) hf_new.create_dataset('reconstruction_rss', data=im_rss) # provided by fastMRI hf_new.create_dataset('ismrmrd_header', data=hf['ismrmrd_header']) # create attributes (metadata) for key in hf.attrs.keys(): hf_new.attrs[key] = hf.attrs[key] if dbwrite: hf_new = h5py.File(file_new, 'r') print('Keys:', list(hf_new.keys())) print('Attrs:', dict(hf_new.attrs)) cfl.writecfl('/home/sandino/maps', hf_new['maps'][()]) cfl.writecfl('/home/sandino/kspace', hf_new['kspace'][()]) cfl.writecfl('/home/sandino/im_truth', hf_new['reconstruction_rss'][()]) cfl.writecfl('/home/sandino/im_recon', hf_new['reconstruction_espirit'][()])
# Extract spatial patches across images patches = block_op(images) np = patches.shape[0] # Reshape into batch of 2D matrices patches = patches.permute(0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5) patches = patches.reshape((np, ne * blk_size**2, nt, 2)) # Perform SVD to get left and right singular vectors U, S, V = cplx.svd(patches, compute_uv=True) # Truncate singular values and corresponding singular vectors U = U[:, :, :nb, :] # [N, Px*Py*E, B, 2] S = S[:, :nb] # [N, B] V = V[:, :, :nb, :] # [N, T, B, 2] # Combine and reshape matrices S_sqrt = S.reshape((np, 1, 1, 1, 1, nb, 1)).sqrt() L = U.reshape((np, blk_size, blk_size, 1, ne, nb, 2)) * S_sqrt R = V.reshape((np, 1, 1, nt, 1, nb, 2)) * S_sqrt blocks = torch.sum(cplx.mul(L, cplx.conj(R)), dim=-2) images = block_op(blocks, adjoint=True) # Write out images images = cplx.to_numpy(images.squeeze(0)) cfl.writecfl('svdinit_input', orig_images) cfl.writecfl('svdinit_output', images) cfl.writecfl('svdinit_error', orig_images - images)
def main(args): start = time.time() if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # Figure out multi-GPU stuff if args.device > -1:'Using GPU device(s) {args.device}...') os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(args.device) device = f'cuda:{args.device}' else:'Using CPU...') os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '' device = 'cpu''Loading DL Cine model...') model, model_args = load_model_and_args(args.checkpoint, args.device) print(model_args) # get params for LR decomposition decom_params = dict(num_basis=model_args.num_basis, block_size=model_args.block_size, overlapping=model_args.overlapping) # get filenames file_kspace = os.path.join(, args.kspace) file_maps = os.path.join(, args.maps) file_images = os.path.join(, args.output)'Reading input data...') kspace =, order='F') if args.maps is not None: maps =, order='F') else:'Warning! Sensitivity maps not provided.')'Estimating ESPIRiT maps...') raise ValueError('ESPIRiT calibration not supported yet!') # get data dimensions nx = kspace.shape[0] ny = kspace.shape[1] nslices = kspace.shape[2] ncoils = kspace.shape[3] nechoes = kspace.shape[5] nphases = kspace.shape[7] nmaps = maps.shape[4] # data summary'Detected data dimensions...')' X (readout): %d' % nx)' Y (PE): %d' % ny)' Z (slices): %d' % nslices)' T (phases): %d' % nphases)' E (echoes): %d' % nechoes)' C (coils): %d' % ncoils)' M (ESPIRiT): %d' % nmaps) # re-shape kspace = np.reshape(kspace, [nx, ny, nslices, ncoils, nechoes, nphases]) kspace = np.transpose(kspace, [2,4,0,1,5,3]) # [sl, ec, x, y, t, coils] maps = np.reshape(maps, [nx, ny, nslices, ncoils, nmaps, 1, 1]) maps = np.transpose(maps, [2,5,0,1,6,3,4]) # [sl, 1, x, y, 1, coils, maps] # squash slice and echo dimensions down into one kspace = np.reshape(kspace, [nslices*nechoes, nx, ny, nphases, ncoils]) maps = np.tile(maps, [1,nechoes,1,1,1,1,1]) maps = np.reshape(maps, [nslices*nechoes, nx, ny, 1, ncoils, nmaps])'Pre-processing data...') kspace, maps, init = preprocess(kspace, maps, model_args) # Allocate memory for output array. images = torch.zeros((nslices*nechoes, nx, ny, nphases, nmaps, 2), dtype=torch.float32) # Put all arrays on GPU. kspace = maps = #init = # initialization is faster on CPU! # Keep track of recon time recon_time = 0.0'Begin reconstruction.') with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(nslices*nechoes):' slice %d/%d' % (i+1, nslices*nechoes)) # Compute initialization on CPU. L, R = T.decompose_LR(init[i], **decom_params) initial_guess = (, # Reconstruct on GPU. slice_start = time.time() images[i], _ = model(kspace[i], maps[i], initial_guess=initial_guess) slice_end = time.time() images[i] = images[i].squeeze(0).to('cpu') # Add to recon timer. recon_time += (slice_end - slice_start) images = cplx.to_numpy(images) images = np.reshape(images, [nslices, nechoes, nx, ny, nphases, nmaps]) images = np.transpose(images, [2,3,0,5,1,4]) cfl.write(file_images, images[:,:,:,None,:,:,:], order='F') # Print summary.'Reconstruction time: %0.2f' % (recon_time))"Total elapsed time: %0.2f" % (time.time()-start))
# Convert numpy array to tensor images = cplx.to_tensor(orig_images).unsqueeze(0) _, nx, ny, nt, ne, _ = images.shape # Initialize lists glr_images = [None] * len(num_basis) glr_error = [None] * len(num_basis) llr_images = [None] * len(num_basis) llr_error = [None] * len(num_basis) for i in range(len(num_basis)): # Use globally low-rank model to compress images glr_images[i] = glr_compress(images, num_basis[i]) glr_error[i] = images - glr_images[i] # Use locally low-rank model to compress images llr_images[i] = llr_compress(images, num_basis[i], blk_size, overlapping) llr_error[i] = images - llr_images[i] glr_images =, axis=2).squeeze(0) glr_error =, axis=2).squeeze(0) llr_images =, axis=2).squeeze(0) llr_error =, axis=2).squeeze(0) # Write out images cfl.writecfl('svd_glr_images', cplx.to_numpy(glr_images).swapaxes(0,1)) cfl.writecfl('svd_glr_error', cplx.to_numpy(glr_error).swapaxes(0,1)) cfl.writecfl('svd_llr_images', cplx.to_numpy(llr_images).swapaxes(0,1)) cfl.writecfl('svd_llr_error', cplx.to_numpy(llr_error).swapaxes(0,1))