コード例 #1
def test(epoch, config, model, loss_func, tokenizer):
    if isinstance(model, torch.nn.DataParallel):
        model = model.module
    # data
    test_loader = data_load(config.filename_trimmed_test, config.batch_size,
    all_loss = 0
    num = 0

    r = []
    for step, batch in enumerate(tqdm(test_loader)):
        x_w, x_c, y = batch
        word = y.ne(config.pad).sum().item()
        num += word
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            x_w = x_w.cuda()
            x_c = x_c.cuda()
            y = y.cuda()
        with torch.no_grad():
            output, out = model.sample(x_w, x_c)
            loss = loss_func(output, y)
        all_loss += loss.item()

        # idx2word
        for i in range(out.shape[0]):
            sen = index2sentence(list(out[i]), tokenizer)
            r.append(' '.join(sen))

    print('epoch:', epoch, '|test_loss: %.4f' % (all_loss / num))
    # write result
    filename_data = config.filename_data + 'summary_' + str(epoch) + '.txt'
    with open(filename_data, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:

    # rouge
    score = rouge_score(config.filename_gold, filename_data)

    # write rouge
    write_rouge(config.filename_rouge, score, epoch)

    # print rouge
    print('epoch:', epoch, '|ROUGE-1 f: %.4f' % score['rouge-1']['f'],
          ' p: %.4f' % score['rouge-1']['p'],
          ' r: %.4f' % score['rouge-1']['r'])
    print('epoch:', epoch, '|ROUGE-2 f: %.4f' % score['rouge-2']['f'],
          ' p: %.4f' % score['rouge-2']['p'],
          ' r: %.4f' % score['rouge-2']['r'])
    print('epoch:', epoch, '|ROUGE-L f: %.4f' % score['rouge-l']['f'],
          ' p: %.4f' % score['rouge-l']['p'],
          ' r: %.4f' % score['rouge-l']['r'])

    return score['rouge-2']['f']
コード例 #2
def valid(epoch, config, model, loss_func):
    if isinstance(model, torch.nn.DataParallel):
        model = model.module
    # data
    valid_loader = data_load(config.filename_trimmed_valid, config.batch_size,
    all_loss = 0
    num = 0
    for step, batch in enumerate(tqdm(valid_loader)):
        x, y = batch
        word = y.ne(config.pad).sum().item()
        num += word
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            x = x.cuda()
            y = y.cuda()
        with torch.no_grad():
            output, out = model.sample(x)
            loss = loss_func(output, y)
        all_loss += loss.item()
    print('epoch:', epoch, '|valid_loss: %.4f' % (all_loss / num))
    return all_loss / num
コード例 #3
def train(args, config, model):
    tokenizer = pickle.load(open(config.filename_idx2word, 'rb'))
    max_sorce = 0.0
    # optim
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),
                                 betas=(0.9, 0.999),
    optim = Optim(optimizer, config)
    # KLDivLoss
    loss_func = LabelSmothingLoss(config)

    # data
    train_loader = data_load(config.filename_trimmed_train, config.batch_size,

    # # display the result
    # f = open('data/clean/data_char/src_index2word.pkl', 'rb')
    # idx2word = pickle.load(f)

    for e in range(args.checkpoint, args.epoch):
        all_loss = 0
        num = 0
        for step, batch in enumerate(tqdm(train_loader)):
            x, y = batch
            word = y.ne(config.pad).sum().item()
            num += word
            if torch.cuda.is_available():
                x = x.cuda()
                y = y.cuda()
            out = model(x, y)
            loss = loss_func(out, y)
            all_loss += loss.item()
            if step % 200 == 0:
                print('epoch:', e, '|step:', step,
                      '|train_loss: %.4f' % (loss.item() / word))

            # loss regularization
            loss = loss / config.accumulation_steps
            if ((step + 1) % config.accumulation_steps) == 0:

            # ###########################
            # if step == 2:
            #     break
            # ###########################

            # if step % 500 == 0:
            #     test(e, config, model, loss_func)

            if step != 0 and step % 5000 == 0:
                filename = config.filename_model + 'model_' + str(
                    step) + '.pkl'
                save_model(model, filename)
                # test(e, config, model, loss_func)
        # train loss
        loss = all_loss / num
        print('epoch:', e, '|train_loss: %.4f' % loss)

        # test
        sorce = test(e, config, model, loss_func, tokenizer)
        if sorce > max_sorce:
            max_sorce = sorce
            filename = config.filename_model + 'model.pkl'
            save_model(model, filename)