コード例 #1
 async def check_if_clubs_exist(self, ctx, clubs):
     path = 'data/clubs.json'
     dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
     clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
     for c in clubs:
         if c not in clubs_data:
             suggestion = self.findMostSimilar(c, [*clubs_data])
             emote_test = utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="HestiaNo")
             emote = "💢" if not emote_test else str(emote_test)
             await ctx.send(
                 f'{emote} A club in your list is invalid, did you perhaps mean `{suggestion}`'
                 f' for that one? (invalid club: '
                 f'`{dutils.cleanUpBannedWords(["@everyone", "@here"], c)}`)'
             return False
         club = clubs_data[c]
         mems = [
             ctx.guild.get_member(u) for u in club['members']
             if ctx.guild.get_member(u)
         if ctx.author not in mems and not ctx.author.guild_permissions.administrator:
             await ctx.send(
                 f"{self.get_emote_if_exists_else(ctx.guild, 'HestiaNo', '💢')} "
                 f"You can't ping a club you're not a part of (`{c}`)")
             return False
     return True
コード例 #2
    async def leaveclub(self, ctx, club_name):
        """Leave a club"""
        club_name = club_name.lower()

        path = 'data/clubs.json'
        dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
        clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
        if club_name in clubs_data:
            club = clubs_data[club_name]
            mems = [
                ctx.guild.get_member(u) for u in club['members']
                if ctx.guild.get_member(u)
            if ctx.author in mems:
                dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data)
                await ctx.send(
                    f"{ctx.author.mention} has left the club {club_name}")
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"{self.get_emote_if_exists_else(ctx.guild, 'HestiaNo', '💢')} "
                    f"You are not even in this club")
            suggestion = self.findMostSimilar(club_name, [*clubs_data])
            emote_test = utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="HestiaNo")
            emote = "💢" if not emote_test else str(emote_test)
            await ctx.send(
                f'{emote} No such club found, did you perhaps mean `{suggestion}`'
コード例 #3
    async def clubinfo(self, ctx, club_name):
        """Display info for a club if it exists"""
        club_name = club_name.lower()

        path = 'data/clubs.json'
        dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
        clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
        if club_name in clubs_data:
            club = clubs_data[club_name]
            creator = ctx.guild.get_member(int(club['creator']))
            mems = [(str(ctx.guild.get_member(u))) for u in club['members']
                    if ctx.guild.get_member(u)]
            em = Embed(
                title=f'Club: {club_name}',
                description=f'**Creator:** {creator.mention} ({creator.name})\n'
                f'**Description:** {club["desc"]}\n'
                f'**Ping count:** {club["pings"]}\n\n'
                f'**Members:** {", ".join(mems)}')
            await ctx.send(embed=em)
            suggestion = self.findMostSimilar(club_name, [*clubs_data])
            emote_test = utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="HestiaNo")
            emote = "💢" if not emote_test else str(emote_test)
            await ctx.send(
                f'{emote} No such club found, did you perhaps mean `{suggestion}`'
コード例 #4
    async def createclubs(self, ctx, *, clubs):
        """Multiple clubs"""
        path = 'data/clubs.json'
        dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
        clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
        clubs = clubs.split()
        for c in clubs:
            c = c.lower()
            if c in clubs_data:
                c = c.replace('@', '@\u200b')
                return await ctx.send(f'💢 `{c}` already exists')

        ret = ""
        for c in clubs:
            c = c.lower()
            clubs_data[c] = {
                'creator': ctx.message.author.id,
                'desc': f"[create clubs command]"
                'members': [ctx.message.author.id],
                'pings': 0
            ret += f"✅ {c}\n"
        clbs = '\n'.join([f'`{c.lower()}`' for c in clubs])
        confirm = await dutils.prompt(
            f"This will create the club(s):\n{clbs}".replace('@', '@\u200b'))
        if confirm:
            dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data)
            await ctx.send(ret)
            await ctx.send("Cancelling.")
コード例 #5
    async def pingclubs(self, ctx, *, clubs_and_rest_text):
        """Ping multiple clubs, please see detailed usage
        `[p]ping2 club1 club2 club3; any other content you wish`
        `[p]ping2 club1 club2`
        Club Yuri: ['user1', 'user2']
        Club Fate: ['user1', 'user3']
        This command works with the **OR** or **UNION** operator.
        When doing `[p]ping2 yuri fate; cool Eresh x Ishtar pics`
        The bot will ping the users: @user1 @user2 @user3
        clubs = clubs_and_rest_text.rsplit(';', 1)[:1][0].split(' ')
        clubs = [c.lower() for c in clubs]
        clubs = list(set(clubs))
        if len(clubs) < 2:
            return await ctx.send("Need at least 2 clubs for this command")

        all_ok = await self.check_if_clubs_exist(ctx, clubs)

        if all_ok:
            path = 'data/clubs.json'
            dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
            clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
            mems_all = []
            clubs_all = ""
            for club_name in clubs:
                club = clubs_data[club_name]
                mems = [
                    ctx.guild.get_member(u) for u in club['members']
                    if ctx.guild.get_member(u)
                clubs_data[club_name]['pings'] += 1
                mems_all = list(set([*mems_all, *mems]))
                clubs_all += club_name + ', '
            dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data)

            pings = ['']
            cur_idx = 0
            for m in mems_all:
                pings[cur_idx] += m.mention + ' '
                if len(pings[cur_idx]) + len(clubs_all) > 1900:
                    cur_idx += 1

            for p in pings:
                if p: await ctx.send(f'Clubs: {clubs_all[:-2]} {p}')
コード例 #6
    async def createclub(self, ctx, club_name, *, description):
        """Create a new club
        `[p]createclub yuri A club for the greatest form of love`
        `[p]createclub pokemon Only true nerds allowed`
        `[p]createclub pits Thanks Appu.`
        After you have created a club it will be active once
        a server staff member will verify the club.
        return await ctx.send(
            "Currently disabled here. Just use -createclubs. ALSO NO DESC, just club names!"
        club_name = club_name.lower()
        if '*' in club_name or '*' in description:
            return await ctx.send(
                "The club name can not include the character `*`, please try again."

        path = 'data/clubs.json'
        dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
        clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)

        if club_name in clubs_data:
            return await ctx.send('💢 A club with this name already exists')

        ver_ch = ctx.guild.get_channel(self.verification_channel_id)
        if not ver_ch:
            return await ctx.send(
                "Can't find verification channel (check the id for that)")
        await ctx.send(
            "The club has been created, waiting for server staff aproval, you will be notified in dms"
            " once the club has been verified or denied.")
        em = Embed(
            title='A new club has been created',
            description=f'**Club Name:** {club_name}\n'
            f'**Creator:** {ctx.author.mention} ({ctx.author.name}) id: {ctx.author.id}\n'
            f'**Description:** {description}')
        em.set_footer(text='Press the appropriate emote to verify or deny it')
        m = await ver_ch.send(embed=em)
        await m.add_reaction('✅')
        await m.add_reaction('❌')
コード例 #7
    async def pingclub(self,
                       rest="Anything else that you'd like to add"):
        """Ping a club"""
        club_name = club_name.lower()

        path = 'data/clubs.json'
        dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
        clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
        if club_name in clubs_data:
            club = clubs_data[club_name]
            # creator = ctx.guild.get_member(int(club['creator']))
            mems = [
                ctx.guild.get_member(u) for u in club['members']
                if ctx.guild.get_member(u)
            if ctx.author not in mems and not ctx.author.guild_permissions.administrator:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"{self.get_emote_if_exists_else(ctx.guild, 'HestiaNo', '💢')} "
                    f"You can't ping a club you're not a part of")
            pings = ['']
            clubs_data[club_name]['pings'] += 1
            dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data)
            cur_idx = 0
            for m in mems:
                pings[cur_idx] += m.mention + ' '
                if len(pings[cur_idx]) + len(club_name) > 1900:
                    cur_idx += 1

            for p in pings:
                if p: await ctx.send(f'Club: {club_name} {p}')

            suggestion = self.findMostSimilar(club_name, [*clubs_data])
            emote_test = utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="HestiaNo")
            emote = "💢" if not emote_test else str(emote_test)
            await ctx.send(
                f'{emote} No such club found, did you perhaps mean `{suggestion}`'
コード例 #8
    async def deleteclubs(self, ctx, *, clubs_to_delete):
        """Delete clubs, seperate with a space if deleting many"""
        path = 'data/clubs.json'
        dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
        clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
        notIn = ""
        wasIn = ""
        for c in clubs_to_delete.split(' '):
            if c in clubs_data:
                del clubs_data[c]
                wasIn += f"{c} "
                notIn += f"{c} "

        # clbs = '\n'.join([f'`{c.lower()}`' for c in clubs_to_delete])
        confirm = await dutils.prompt(
            ctx, "https://tenor.com/view/are-you-sure"
        if confirm:
            await ctx.send(f"Deleted: {wasIn}\nFailed to delete: {notIn}")
            dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data)
            await ctx.send("Cancelling.")
コード例 #9
    async def listclubsraw(self, ctx, *includes: discord.Member):
        """Display all clubs TITLES
        Optional parameter for checking which clubs members are a part of it, ex:
        `[p]listclubsraw Kiki`
        `[p]listclubsraw @Kiki`
        `[p]listclubsraw 174406433603846145`
        `[p]listclubsraw A B`
        `[p]listclubsraw Kiki Neil Snky`
        `[p]listclubsraw 174406433603846145 Neil @Rollin_Styles`
        For multiple members the command works with **and**
        meaning that in the first example it will
        find clubs where A and B are both in."""

        path = 'data/clubs.json'
        dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
        clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
        embeds = []
        if not includes:
            embeds = self.createEmbedsFromAllClubs2(clubs_data, 'All clubs')
            includes = list(includes)
            d_clubs = {}
            for k, v in clubs_data.items():
                mems = [
                    ctx.guild.get_member(u) for u in v['members']
                    if ctx.guild.get_member(u)
                intersection = list(set(includes) & set(mems))
                if len(intersection) == len(includes):
                    d_clubs[k] = v
            if not d_clubs:
                return await ctx.send("No clubs found for this querry.")
            embeds = self.createEmbedsFromAllClubs2(
                d_clubs, f'Clubs with: '
                f'{" and ".join([m.name for m in includes])}')

        await SimplePaginator(extras=embeds).paginate(ctx)
コード例 #10
    async def recc(self, event):
        # event.guild_id event.user_id event.message_id event.channel_id
        if event.channel_id == self.verification_channel_id:
            g = self.bot.get_guild(int(event.guild_id))
            ch = g.get_channel(int(event.channel_id))
            msg = await ch.fetch_message(event.message_id)
            if event.user_id == self.bot.config["CLIENT_ID"]:
                return  # in case the bot is adding reactions
            if msg.author.id == self.bot.config["CLIENT_ID"] and str(
                    event.emoji) in ['✅', '❌']:
                await msg.clear_reactions()
                    split = msg.embeds[0].description.split('\n')
                    club_title = split[0].split(' ')[-1]
                    club_creator = g.get_member(int(split[1].split(' ')[-1]))
                    club_desc = ' '.join(split[2].split(' ')[1:])
                    if str(event.emoji) == '✅':
                        path = 'data/clubs.json'
                        dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
                        clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
                        clubs_data[club_title] = {
                            'creator': club_creator.id,
                            'desc': club_desc,
                            'members': [club_creator.id],
                            'pings': 0
                        dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data)

                        await club_creator.send(
                            f'The club **{club_title}** has been approved ✅')
                        await ch.send(
                            f'The club **{club_title}** has been '
                            f'approved by {g.get_member(event.user_id)} ✅')
                    if str(event.emoji) == '❌':
                        await club_creator.send(
                            f'The club **{club_title}** has been denied ❌')
                        await ch.send(
                            f'The club **{club_title}** has been '
                            f'denied by {g.get_member(event.user_id)} ❌')
                await msg.add_reaction('🔖')
        if event.channel_id == 795720249462882354:
            if event.user_id == self.bot.config["CLIENT_ID"]:
                return  # in case the bot is adding reactions
            g = self.bot.get_guild(int(event.guild_id))
            ch = g.get_channel(int(event.channel_id))
            msg = await ch.fetch_message(event.message_id)
            dic = {(ll.split(' ')[0]).replace('<a:', '<:'):
                   (' '.join(ll.split(' ')[1:])).strip()
                   for ll in msg.content.split('\n')}
            d = 0
            add = event.event_type == 'REACTION_ADD'
            e = str(event.emoji).replace('<a:', '<:')
            if e in dic:
                club_name = dic[e]
                club_name = club_name.lower()
                path = 'data/clubs.json'
                dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
                clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
                club = clubs_data[club_name]
                mems = [(g.get_member(u)).id for u in club['members']
                        if g.get_member(u)]
                # rch = g.get_channel(470822975676088350)
                if event.user_id not in mems and add:
                    dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data)
                    await ch.send(
                        f"<@{event.user_id}> has joined the club **{club_name}** ✅",
                if event.user_id in mems and not add:
                    dataIOa.save_json(path, clubs_data)
                    await ch.send(
                        f"<@{event.user_id}> has left the club **{club_name}** ❌",
コード例 #11
    async def get_groups(self, ctx, max_gaps: int, *, clubs_and_rest_text):
        """Get groups so there is no gaps use | to ignore people (more than 100 (-100) for just clubs)"""
        just_club = False
        if max_gaps > 99:
            just_club = True
            max_gaps -= 100
        ignore_mems = []
        if ' | ' in clubs_and_rest_text:
            spl = clubs_and_rest_text.split(' | ')
            c1 = spl[0]
            c2 = spl[1]
            for cc in c2.split(' '):
                im = await commands.MemberConverter().convert(ctx, cc)
                if im:
            c1 = clubs_and_rest_text
            c2 = ""

        clubs = c1.rsplit(';', 1)[:1][0].split(' ')
        clubs = [c.lower() for c in clubs]
        clubs = list(set(clubs))
        if len(clubs) < 2:
            return await ctx.send("Need at least 2 clubs for this command")
        if len(clubs) > 8:
            return await ctx.send("No more than 8 clubs!")

        all_ok = await self.check_if_clubs_exist(ctx, clubs)

        if all_ok:
            path = 'data/clubs.json'
            dataIOa.create_file_if_doesnt_exist(path, '{}')
            clubs_data = dataIOa.load_json(path)
            mems_all = []
            all_ids = []
            for club_name in clubs:
                club = clubs_data[club_name]
                #mems = [ctx.guild.get_member(u) for u in club['members'] if ctx.guild.get_member(u)]
                mems = [u for u in club['members'] if ctx.guild.get_member(u)]
                mems_all.append({"clb": club_name, "membs": sorted(mems)})
                all_ids = list({*all_ids, *mems})
            permutations = [t for t in itertools.permutations(mems_all)]
            # permutations = permutations[:len(permutations)//2]

            ok_permutations = []
            for p in permutations:
                if self.check_if_is_ok_for_all(p, all_ids, max_gaps,

            res = []
            for cbs in ok_permutations:
                rs = []
                for c in cbs:
                    m = ""
                    if not just_club:
                        m = ", ".join([
                            f'{"~~" if u in ignore_mems else "**"}{str(ctx.guild.get_member(u))}{"~~" if u in ignore_mems else "**"}'
                            for u in c['membs'] if ctx.guild.get_member(u)
                    rs.append(f'**__{c["clb"]}__** {m}')

            if not res:
                return await ctx.send(f"No order for **{max_gaps}** max gaps")
            res = res[:len(res) // 2]
            if len(res) > 100:
                return await ctx.send(
                    "There's more than 100 different permutations. Too much!")
            await dutils.print_hastebin_or_file(ctx,