# > You might want to learn more about what data is stored and how it is stored. # # In[3]: list_of_products = dc.list_products() netCDF_products = list_of_products[list_of_products['format'] == 'NetCDF'] netCDF_products # >### Pick a product # >Use the platform names from the previous block to select a small Data Cube. The data_access_api utility will give you lat, lon, and time bounds of your Data Cube. # In[4]: import utils.data_cube_utilities.data_access_api as dc_api api = dc_api.DataAccessApi(config='/home/localuser/.datacube.conf') platform = "LANDSAT_7" product = "ls7_ledaps_bangladesh" product = "ls7_ledaps_colombia" # Get Coordinates coordinates = api.get_full_dataset_extent(platform=platform, product=product) # > #### Display Lat-Lon and Time Bounds # In[5]: latitude_extents = (min(coordinates['latitude'].values), max(coordinates['latitude'].values))
from utils.data_cube_utilities import data_access_api dc = data_access_api.DataAccessApi() a = dc.get_datacube_metadata('sentinel_2_l2a', 'SENTINEL_2') print(a)